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Did he pop the question? 他求婚了吗?
He did it. He popped the question! 他终于跟我求婚了!
We're engaged: 我们订婚了。
My dream is to have a Tiffany engagement ring:我的梦想就是有一个Tiffany订婚戒指。
Engagement ring: 订婚钻戒、求婚钻戒
Wedding band: 结婚戒指(男女都有、朴素型的)
除了"get married", 更口语的2种说法是:
Hitched: 套住、锁住。
Rupert Murdoch is getting hitched again: 默多克又要结婚了。
当然"getting hitched"不限于再婚,第一次结婚不要用“again”就可以了。
Tie the knot: 字面意思是打结。
We are tying the knot: 我们要结婚了。
They just tied the knot: 他们刚结婚。
*美国很多结婚请帖上都会写某人与某人" are tying the knot", 请大家"save the date", 来参加婚礼。
英文里的“走红毯”,只形容明星走红毯,"walk the red carpet".
结婚,是“walk down the aisle".
注意aisle的"s" 不发音,这个词的读音是[ aɪl ]
最后,白头偕老: to live happily ever after
Hammered by: 被袭击、被击溃
Cold snap: 寒潮
U.S. East Coast paralyzed by blizzards: 暴雪使美国东部陷入瘫痪
Paralyze: 瘫痪
Dairy Queen (DQ): 冰雪皇后冰淇淋
Freeze: 冷冻;冷死了
Freezer: 冷冻柜
I'm freezing my butt off: 冷得屁屁都掉下来了
美国人超爱用“I'm verb+ing my ass off/butt off"这个比喻,例如:
I'm working my butt off; I'm laughing my butt off.
For example, 零下10度,你可以说:
It's 10 below zero.
It's 10 below.
It's minus 10.
Snuggle up/cuddle up: 蜷缩起来、抱起来取暖;不管是抱着被子、还是抱着爱人,都可以这么说
Facebook founder: FB创始人
Someone faked Zuckerberg's identity and wrote an article: 有人冒名,以扎克伯格名义写了一篇文章
Why did I marry an ugly woman? 我为什么娶丑女?
Ideals of marriage, beauty: 婚姻观、审美观
When I heard this, my reaction was "Is she ugly?": 我看到这篇文章后的第一反应是“她丑吗?”
Zuckerberg isn't the most stunning man in the world: 扎克伯格长的也不帅啊
They're both normal-looking people:他们俩就是长相很平常的人啊
Ugly: 丑、难看的。
Normal-looking: 长相平凡
Bad-looking: 难看
注意,不要说someone looks bad.
Looks bad的意思是看起来不舒服、好像病了
She's not hot: 不那么热辣
Very plain-looking: 长相平常的
"A Plain Jane": 长相平凡的女生
No one came out to defend Priscilla Chan: 没人为Priscilla Chan辩护,说她不丑
Many people think although she's ugly, she's very intelligent: 很多人觉得虽然她丑,但她很聪明,很有智慧
She's got substance: 她很有内涵
Ideals of beauty:审美观
Oriental-looking: 很传统的东方美(如吕燕)
You know a foreigner has just came to China if he's got an 'ugly' girlfriend: 找丑女的老外是初来乍到
You know a foreigner has been in China for a while if his girlfriend is what Chinese consider beautiful: 找美女的老外来中国有段时间了
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder": 美是仁者见仁,智者见智
Beauty is up to you and your taste: 每个人有自己对美的定义和品味
The ideal woman: 完美的女性
Americans like more natural, healthy, athletic beauty:美国人比较喜欢自然、健康、运动型的美The Chinese ideal of beauty seems quite skewed: 中国人的审美比较不实际
Expect a woman to be skinny overall, but still have breasts: 觉得女生要瘦才美,但同时也要前凸后翘
Unrealistic standards of beauty: 不现实、不实际的审美标准
Cosmetic surgery:整形
They all follow the same template: 现在整形模版都一样,整出来都一个样子
Spouse: 配偶
The relationship is much more than just beauty and looks: 夫妻关系远不止外表的美丽"Beauty is only skin deep": 美只浅及皮毛
Beauty vs. substance: 外在美vs. 内在美
Money can't buy you happiness or true love: 金钱买不来快乐或真爱
Maybe it can for a short period of time. But after a while, it's not gonna get you anywhere: 也许短暂可以,但是长远而言,你不会得到真爱
"Wife bragger": 炫妻狂魔
To brag about something: 炫耀
Zuckerberg is very proud of his wife and her achievements: 扎克伯格对妻子的为人和成就深感自豪
His wife inspired him to donate their money: 他太太鼓励他做出捐款的决定
"Behind every great man stands a great woman": 每个成功男人背后都有一个伟大的女人
A man needs his wife to be his confidante: 男人需要太太是知己
"Trophy wife": “奖杯老婆”。
"Gold digger": 钓金龟婿的女生
Marry a beautiful woman to show her off: 娶漂亮老婆,可以带出去炫耀
"Arm candy": 漂亮女生,男人挽着出去很有面子
Power couple: 权力夫妻,两个人一样有能力,一样强大
Soulmate: 灵魂伴侣
Name brands: 名牌
Luxury brands: 奢侈品牌
Luxury products/luxury goods: 奢侈品
Are Americans as into luxury brands as the Chinese? 美国人也像中国人一样迷名牌吗?
Statistics released by Bain & Co. show that America is still the world's largest luxury market: 贝恩咨询的统计数据显示美国仍然是全球最大的奢侈品市场
I thought China had overtaken America as the world's largest luxury market: 我还以为中国已经超过美国成为全球最大的奢侈品市场
The stats include luxury cars, jewelry and fashion: 数据包括汽车、珠宝和时尚Accessories: 配件、配饰
Clothing: 服饰
The data also includes tourists who buy luxury products when they travel to the US: 数据也包括海外游客在美国的奢侈品消费
Name brands: 名牌, 有名,但不一定贵
Luxury brands: 名牌、奢侈品
Designer label: 设计师品牌,大牌(Chanel, Gucci, Prada这些一线品牌都算designer label) “爱买名牌”英语怎么说?
Someone is very into/obsessed with luxury brands
Someone is very label-conscious
中国人存钱买名牌vs 美国有钱人才买名牌
The pursuit of luxury: 对奢侈品的追求
Many Chinese see luxury brands as something aspirational: 很多中国人追名牌,因为把名牌看做一种地位、身份的象征
Some would save in order to buy a luxury product: 很多人会存钱买名牌
While in the US, not as many do. Most people who buy luxury brands are wealthy: 而美国人不太一样,不太会存钱买名牌。
Living from pay check to pay check: 月光族
中国年轻人爱买名牌vs 美国中老年买名牌
Many Chinese start buying luxury goods at a young age: 很多中国人很年轻就开始买名牌Luxury product consumers are much older in America since they earn higher incomes: 但美国人通常年纪比较大才买名牌,因为有足够收入支撑
Baby boomers are a key luxury segment in America as they have more disposable income: 比如,美国婴儿潮一代(50-60岁)是奢侈品消费主力人群,因为他们可支配收入比较高
When you see an American carrying a $5000 handbag, they are often wearing a pair of $1000 shoes: 通常,用很贵牌子包包的美国人也会穿很贵的鞋子
It's a complete look from head to toe: 是从头到脚完整一身的名牌打扮
You don't really see someone carrying an expensive bag but wearing cheap clothes and shoes: 不太看到背很贵的包,但穿便宜衣服和鞋的人
Most middle-class Americans don't think about buying luxury goods: 大部分美国中产阶级觉得自己和奢侈品没什么关系,不会特别去追
中国富二代开豪车vs 美国退休老大爷开豪车
Luxury cars: 豪车
Many young Chinese with rich parents drive luxury cars: 在中国,很多富二代开豪车
When you see a car like BMW X5 in America, often it's a grey-haired retiree behind the wheels: 在美国,很多豪车,比如宝马X5, 开的都是退休的、满头银发的老爷爷
Many well-to-do American retirees are willing to spend money on expensive cars:很多经济状况不错的美国老人退休后愿意花钱买豪车,享受生活
Accessible luxury 或affordable luxury都可以
美国的轻奢品牌好多啊,如Coach, Michael Kors, Kate Spade, Tory Burch......
Accessible: 容易得到的
Affordable: 负担得起的
奢侈品除了自己的独立专卖店,也会在Barneys, Bergdorf Goodman或Saksfifthavenue里开设专柜。
Bizarre Chinese habits incomprehensible to foreigners: 让老外费解的中国怪习惯
Bizarre/weird: 古怪
Use chopsticks for everything: 一双筷子、万种可能
Use chopsticks to beat eggs: 用筷子打蛋
Egg beater: 打蛋器
But it's so practical to use chopsticks. You don't need another piece of equipment: 可是用筷子很方便啊,不需要再买一个专门打蛋的工具。
Beat eggs: 打蛋
Beat someone up: 打人
Can't live without hot water: 生活离不开热水
Use boiling water to clean bowls and chopsticks: 用热水烫碗筷
Love to drink hot water: 爱喝热水
I'm half and half with you on this: 我一半一半
It depends on the weather: 看天气
I'll drink hot water in winter, cold water in summer: 冬天喝热水、夏天喝冷水
But most foreigners only drink cold water: 不过大多数外国人只喝冷水
You got local: 你已经本土化了
Kettle: 烧水壶
Love to sterilize:热爱消毒
Many kitchens have something that looks like an oven, but is a sterilizer: 很多人厨房里有个像烤箱的东西,其实是消毒柜
Foreigners think dish soap is good enough: 老外觉得洗洁精就可以了
You need to sterilize utensils with boiling water or sterilizer before using them: 洗好的碗筷用之前还是要烫一下消毒
Wash sneakers in washing machines: 美国人把球鞋丢到洗衣机里洗
跑题了, 说回我们中国人的习惯
Lots of plastic bags at home: 家里都是塑料袋
Stock up on plastic bags: 囤积塑料袋
But you can use them as garbage bags: 但是可以当垃圾袋啊
Obsessed with keeping home clean: 绝对注重家里卫生
Take off your shoes when visiting other people's homes: 去别人家做客时,要脱鞋
I think that makes a lot of sense. It keeps the house clean: 我觉得这很正常,这样脏东西不会踩到房间里
Switch clothes after getting home: 回到自己家也要先换衣服
Outside clothes are dirty, full of germs. You need to switch them after getting home: 穿出去的衣服很脏,都是细菌。
When Americans swicth clothes at home, it's either because they've been working outside or
they want to be comfortable, not because of germs: 美国人回家如果换衣服,基本是因为在外面劳作、衣服都是泥土;或者他们想换舒服的居家服,不是怕把细菌带回家
Weird exercise habits: 奇怪的保健运动
Walk backwards while clapping hands: 边倒走边拍手
It promotes health: 这是养生
My take on this is...: 我对这件事的理解是
I get it: 噢,我明白了
Playgrounds for old people: 社区有老年人健身的小花园
We do it to work our joints: 要活动关节
So many Americans don't exercise and have to use electronic wheelchairs: 好多美国人不走路、不运动,需要用下面这种电动轮椅车
Chinese New Year: 最一目了然、最普及的说法
Spring Festival: 对中国文化有些认知的老外才懂
Lunar calendar: 阴历("春节"也叫Lunar New Year, 但不常用)
Solar calendar: 阳历
Celebrate Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year's Eve: 年三十
New Year's Day: 年初一
15 days of Chinese New Year celebration: 初一到十五
The Year of the Monkey
The Year of the ____: 填上特定的动物,就是那个生肖年
Chinese zodiac
Chinese animal signs
What's your Chinese zodiac?
What's your animal sign?
The Chinese New Year spirit: 年味儿
The holiday spirit is weakening in big cities: 大城市年味儿越来越淡了
Chinese scrolls: 春联
Homemade specialty: 家常拿手菜
There's so much food. I'm stuffed: 菜太多了,吃撑了
Chinese dumplings: 饺子
You have to have a fish dish at New Year's dinner: 年夜饭,一定要有鱼
Fish symbolizes abundance: 鱼象征"余"
The pronunciations are the same: 读音一样
Chinese idiom: 成语
More to come in the new year: 年年有余
Visiting/seeing family and friends: 走亲访友
Spend quality time with my parents/my folks: 好好陪陪父母
Chinese New Year travel season: 春运
之前有用户留言问,红包能说"lucky money","New Year's cash"吗?
Spencer表示听着很奇怪,最常用的还是Hongbao和red envelope.
Fireworks: 烟花
Firecrackers: 鞭炮
Really? You said it like that? 是吗?你这样说?
Sounds kind of weird: 听着有点儿怪
Native language/mother tongue: 母语
You try speak to Chinese, buddy: 你试试说中文啊
Just ignore them. They are the ignorant ones: 别理他们,他们自己才无知呢
Long time no see: 好久不见
1.You have a rest
两边对"have a rest"的理解不一样。
美国人听到“have a rest", 想的是你觉得我很累,需要take a nap (睡一下)。
Just relax
Take it easy
Take a load off
2.You have a try
热情好客的中国人民经常让老外have a try,不论在饭桌上,还是其它新体验。
Here, try this
Try it out
Take a bite (只适用于吃)
直到正确使用he/she变成你的reflex, instinct (本能)
你的嘴唇也会有muscle memory(肌肉记忆)
This is my wife. She's very beautiful.
This is my son. He's 5 years old.
I might giggle a bit, but I'm not ridiculing you:会小小笑一点,不是嘲笑
It's not a big deal:真的没那么严重
美国人要表达”已经“,经常直接用过去时, 不会都用完成时或句句都加"already"。
Q: Have you eaten?
A: I ate.
Q: Have you seen the new Star Wards movie?
A: I saw it或者I've seen it. 不需要说I've seen it already.
5."How to say...?"
"How do you say..."
6."I have something to do."
I'm a little busy.
I can't make it.
I've made other plans.
Pay: 是动词也是名词。
Is the pay good? 工资高吗?
How much do you get paid? 工资多少?
Pay package: 总体薪资福利
Wage: 比较多用于描述时薪;如hourly wage; 还有宏观数据, 如:
Wage has continued to rise in China (中国的薪酬水平不断上涨)
Salary: 用于描述固定的薪水; 如monthly salary (月薪), annual salary (年薪);
Income: 用于宏观数据; 如average household income (平均家庭收入水平)
Too private: 太隐私了
Awkward: 很尴尬
I'd like a raise: 我希望能加薪。
Pay increase/wage increase:这两个词比较书面、也更客观;
如新闻媒体报道薪酬水平、加薪水平,就会用这两个词, 而不是raise。
3% pay increases have become the new norm in corporate America: 3%的加薪幅度已经成为美国企业新常态
Financial crisis: 金融危机
Laid off: 失业
Hold on to one's job: 保住饭碗
Pay cut: 减薪
Wage stagnation: 薪资水平停滞
Labor market was very tough: 就业形势严峻
Tightening of the belt: 勒紧裤腰带
Economic boom: 经济繁荣
China has seen drastic wage increases over recent years: 中国近年来薪资大幅增长
3% does not even keep up with inflation: 3%还跑不赢通货膨胀
Do What You Love, Love What You Do
Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow.
The harder you work, the luckier you get.
Dreams don't work unless you do.
Work hard and be proud of what you achieve
Lantern: 灯笼
Lantern Festival: 元宵节
Dumplings: 汤圆(没错,和饺子一样,汤圆也叫dumplings)
Snacks: 小吃、零食
Street food: 街头小吃
Foreigners' Favourite Chinese Snacks
A genius way to cook eggs: 天才的煮蛋方法
Tea eggs are much more flavorful than hard boild eggs: 茶叶蛋比白煮蛋有味道多了肉夹馍
基本上他们都直接说"Rou jia mo"; 硬要翻译,可以叫:
Chinese burger: 中式汉堡;或者
Shannxi style sandwich: 陕西三明治
Crunchy bread: 脆脆的饼
Cilantro: 香菜
Chive: 韭菜
Cold dumplings: 冷馄饨
Peanut butter sauce: 花生酱
Crepe: 薄饼、煎饼
Breakfast wrap: 早餐卷饼
Fried dough: 油条
法国居然也有煎饼!而且是他们的传统美食;只是里面包的不是油条、脆饼,而是火腿、cheese, 或者巧克力酱、香蕉......
老外一般都直接说"Mala tang";
Skewers: 串儿
Broth: 汤汁
Pepper corn: 花椒
Numbing: 麻麻的
Food on your own terms: 自由选择的美食
Dim sum: 点心、指广式饮茶点心,取粤语发音
Cantonese food: 广东菜
Chinese tapas: 中国的tapas (tapas是西班牙小食)
Lamb skewer: 羊肉串儿
Cumin: 孜然
Bubble tea: 珍珠奶茶
Tapioca: 珍珠、西米
Stinky tofu: 臭豆腐
Chicken feet: 鸡爪子(老外吃广东点心都不点凤爪)
Duck necks: 鸭脖子
Duck heads: 鸭头
Duck tongues: 鸭舌头
Handbag, purse: 女士包
American women won't ask their boyfriends or husbands to carry their handbags:美国女生不会让男朋友、老公拎包
American guys will help you with your luggage or heavy bags, but not your purse:美国男人会帮
American men find it shocking that Chinese men carry their girlfriend's handbags: 中国男人如此体贴拎包,美国男人表示很震惊!
“You're cute enough. I'll hold your purse”: 好吧,谁叫你那么可爱。
Act cutesy: 发嗲、撒娇
Chinese women use carrying handbag as a test to see if their boyfriends care about them: 中国女生把拎包看成男友是否爱自己的测试
You date someone in order to find out whether you love them or not: 谈了恋爱,才知道你爱不爱那个人
You don't date someone because you love them: 不是因为你爱一个人,才谈恋爱
American men have different definition of love and dating: 美国男人对爱、对恋爱的诠释跟我们不同
Going on dates doesn't have to be exclusive: 谈恋爱不一定是一对一、专属的
It's only exclusive after the two of you have made the decision to do so: 双方都同意、才开始专属的关系
"I love you" comes much later: 所以美国人说“我爱你”通常比较晚
Personal space: 个人空间
Privacy: 隐私
Check on each other's privacy: 互查隐私、互相管
Check your cellphone: 看你的手机
Dating doesn't mean I have the right to know the details of your life: 虽然我们在谈恋爱,但不代表我们有权利了解彼此生活的细节
Coddle: 哄、溺爱
Whether emotionally or financially: 不论精神上或金钱上
Foot the bill: 买单
Maybe it's because American women don't like to be coddled:可能因为美国女生不爱撒娇
So American men don't have the skills to coddle women: 所以美国男人没有哄女人的意识
Why are you still single: 你怎么还是单身?
Nosy aunties and uncles: 爱管闲事的七大姑八大姨
The pressure to get married: 逼婚、催婚的压力
The pressure to get married is universal:这种压力地球人都有
Single: 单身
Relationship: 恋爱、婚姻关系
To be in a relationship: 有伴儿的,在恋爱或婚姻中
Don't be a man that needs a woman...
Be a man that a woman needs!
Taken: 名花有主、名草有主
On reserve: 被预定
Deserve: 值得
Someone who deserves my love: 值得我爱的人
Endless: 不断的
Creative: 有创意的
Someone that truly loves me: 真正爱我的人
It's your life. Be the best you can be!
Level of seriousness, level of commitment: 认真程度
“Seeing”, “dating”, “going out”三个说法的认真程度从低到高排列;
Going steady: 我们很稳定(50年前美国人的说法)
Player: 花心大萝卜
In a relationship: 有稳定的恋爱关系、交往对象
Exclusive: 专一的、专属的
美国人不轻易以男女朋友相称,所以当她/他说:I have a boyfriend 证明关系进入了认真、稳定的新阶段
It's ambiguous: 暧昧阶段
It's unofficial: 同上,没挑明
It's casual/it's open: 同上,但感觉比较随便,没有上面两个浪漫
Flirting: 打情骂俏、搞暧昧
To have a crush on someone: 暗恋某人
I have a huge crush on her/him: 深深暗恋某人
Bae: babe的缩写
Boo: 女友用来称呼男友
Oh, no! 我胖了
Gain weight: 胖了
Put on weight: 胖了
Pack on the pounds: 胖了(是这三个说法中最口语的)
Lose weight: 减肥
Get in shape: 减肥、塑造好身形
Get fit: 减肥、变得更健美、更健康
Fitness: 健康、健美
Go on a diet:节食、开始有节制、健康的饮食
High protein, low carb: 高蛋白质、低碳水化合物
Detox: 排毒
Cleanse: 清洁、排毒
The Paleo diet: 远古饮食法
Palaeolithic: 远古的、旧石器时期
Cavemen: 远古时代、住在洞穴里的人
Avoid processed food, dairy and cereal: 不吃加工食品、奶制品、谷物
The Mediterranean diet: 地中海饮食法
Lots of freash vegetable, fruit and seafood: 大量蔬果、海鲜
Lots of olive oil: 用橄榄油['ɑlɪv]
Work out/exercise: 健身、运动
Work out更口语,更常形容在gym(健身房)里的运动
Cardio: 有氧运动
Non-cardio: 无氧运动
Hardcore: 厉害的、激烈的
Boutique fitness: 精品、小型健身会所
SoulCycle: "灵魂单车",是美国近年来最红的健身法。
"The Oscars"和“The Academy Awards”这两种说法都很常用;
例句:Did you watch the Oscars/Academy Awards?
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences: 美国电影艺术与科学学会
Host/MC: 主持人
Comedian: 喜剧演员、笑星
Chris Rock hosted this year's ceremony: 黑人喜剧明星Chris Rock是这届奥斯卡的主持人White-washed Oscars: 这届奥斯卡太白了(连续第二年没有任何黑人、有色人种得到表演奖项提名)
All the nominees were white: 所有表演奖项提名人都是白人[,nɑmɪ'ni]
Are the Oscars racist? 奥斯卡奖种族歧视吗?
我们选的Chris Rock开场白, 笑点你get了吗?
他说: "Welcome to the White People's Choice Awards": 笑点是美国还有一个奖,叫“The People's Choice Awards"
Nominees: 提名者
Winners: 获奖者
Best Picture: 最佳影片
Best Actor: 最佳男主角
Best Actress: 最佳女主角
Best Supporting Actor: 最佳男配角
Best Supporting Actress: 最佳女配角
Best Director: 最佳导演
Best picture nominees: 最佳影片提名
Spotlight won Best Picture: 《聚焦》”获得最佳影片奖, 影片根据《波士顿环球报》中一篇
This movie is about man's relationship to the natural world: 这部电影说的是人类和大自然的关系
Climate change is real - it is happening right now: 气候变化是真实的,它此刻就在发生
Let us not take this planet for granted. I do not take tonight for granted:让我们珍惜我们的地球,我也很珍惜这个夜晚
Take something for granted: 不珍惜、认为理所当然
Professional development: 职业发展
Vice-president of human resources: 人力资源副总裁
Why do some teams perform better than others? 为什么有些团队表现比其它出色?
Best performing teams: 最高效的团队
Commonality: 共同点
Cut to the chase: 直接进入主题
Nitty-gritty: 细节
1. One Rhodes Scholar:一位罗氏奖学金研究生
Fellowship: 学术奖金
Highly educated: 受过高等教育的
除了Rhodes Scholar, 美国还有一个非常著名的Fullbright Scholar: 富布莱特奖学金学生
2. Extrovert: 性格外向的人
Sociable: 善于交际的、合群的
Introvert: 性格内向的人
3. Computer science major: 计算机专业
4. PhD: 博士生
Determined: 非常有决心的
A players/top performers: 牛人
Kick-ass: 很牛(俚语,但是工作场合千万不要用这个词啊)
To excel at something: 表现超群
1. Psychological safety: 心理安全感
Team members feel safe to take risks and be vulnerable in front of each other:
团队成员感到足够的安全感,能放下顾虑冒险,不怕在同事面前表现自己的弱点Shrink: 心理医生(俚语)
Be vulnerable: 脆弱的
2. Dependability: 可靠性、靠谱
Team members get things done on time and meet Google's high bar for excellence:
High bar: 高要求
To set the bar high: 提出高要求、高标准
3. Structure and clarity: 结构和清晰性
Team members have clear roles, plans and goals: 团队成员都有清晰的角色、计划和目标What are we trying to achieve and why: 我们要做什么?为什么要这样做?
4. Meaning: 意义
Work is personally important to team members: 团队成员感受到工作对自身的意义
Work for a greater cause: 为了一个更伟大的理想工作
A sense of purpose: 有目的、有意义的
5. Impact: 影响
Team members think their work matters and creates change: 团队成员感到工作的重要性、自己的工作能创造变革
Rule#1: 不要用水果当名字
Don't use fruit names: 不要用水果的名字
Native speakers don't use them as names: 英语母语者不会把水果当名字用
前几年,好莱坞明星Gwyneth Paltrow给自己女儿取名Apple,结果被美国网友吐槽、嘲笑
Rule#2: 不要用牛奶、饼干当名字
Avoid food or drink names: 避免食物、饮料当名字
They sound even more weird than fruit names: 比水果名字更奇怪
Rule#3: 避免脱衣舞女名字
Names like Coco, Candy, Angel sound like stripper names: 这3个是美国脱衣舞女郎爱用的艺名They don't sound very classy: 这些名字听起来不优雅
Rule#4: 不要自己瞎创造名字
English names are not like Chinese names. You can't just make up names: 英文名和中文名不一样,不能自己随心所欲创造
If you do, in most cases, they just sound really weird: 如果你自己造,那基本上会感觉非常奇怪
Rule#5: 不要用日语名字
Americans find Chinese using Japanese names very confusing: 美国人对中国人用日语名感到非常困惑
You might as well just use your Chinese name: 干嘛不直接用中文名