不良消费行为的现状及对策研究 学位论文

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Research on Students Bad consumer behavior research and Countermeasures


With the continuous development of social economy and peoples living standards improve, people's consumer attitudes and consumption structure has a great change. College students ,as a special consumer groups, the mainstream of their consumption is scientific and reasonable. But it is undeniable that there are many irrational consumer behavior in students daily consumption, which have a tremendous negative effect on physical and mental health of college students. Therefore, it has important practical significance to concern on the consumer status, grasp students' consumer psychology, enhance education and guidance targeted to cultivate the health of consumer psychology.

In this paper, we select Tangshan College undergraduates as research object. Through the issuance of questionnaires, interviews and other methods to analyze the consumption of Tangshan college students, we master consumer characteristics of students and understand their bad performance of the consumer behavior, finally analyzing the generated reasons. We put forward strategies which are in the combination of internal and external performance. When we are improving self-cultivation of college students, the school, family, community are being to help students develop a healthy and rational consumption habits at the same time.

Keywords: college students; bad performance; measures; causes; strategy


1 引言 (1)

2 调查方案设计 (2)

2.1调查问卷设计 (2)

2.2调查对象 (2)

2.3调查方法 (3)

2.4数据处理方法 (3)

3 大学生消费行为调查情况及数据分析 (4)

3.1xxx市大学生消费水平分析 (4)

3.2xxx市大学生消费结构分析 (5)

4 大学生不良消费行为的具体表现 (8)

4.1消费无计划 (8)

4.2盲目追求新时尚 (8)

4.3炫耀消费 (9)

4.4盲目从众,奢侈浪费 (9)

5 大学生不良消费行为的原因分析 (11)

5.1大学生自身错误的价值观和消费观 (11)

5.2社会不良消费环境的影响 (11)

5.3家庭消费教育缺乏理性指导 (12)

5.4学校缺乏适当的教育与引导 (12)

6 大学生不良消费行为的对策研究 (14)

6.1大学生应加强自身修养和树立正确的消费观 (14)

6.2家庭加强引导大学生科学理财和适度消费 (14)

6.3提高校园文化建设水平,培养学生良好的消费习惯 (15)

6.4全社会共同努力促进大学生的合理消费 (15)

7 结论 (16)

谢辞 (17)

参考文献 (18)

附录 (19)

外文资料 (21)
