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经欧盟法令 2005/33/EC修正的 1999/32/EC的 4b 章(Directive 2005/33/EC Article 4b关于在欧盟港口停泊船舶使用燃油的最大硫含量的规定于 2010年 1月 1日起生效。
Directive 2005/33/EC Article 4b的主要内容:2010年 1月 1日起,在欧盟港口停泊(包括系泊和锚泊超过 2小时的船舶不得使用硫含量超过 0.1% m/m 的燃油 (该要求不适用于停掉所有机器而使用岸电的船舶 ; 船舶靠泊后应尽早转换为低硫燃油(硫含量不超过 0.1% m/m ,船舶开航前尽量晚切换成高硫燃油;燃油转换操作应记录在船舶日志上。
我社于 2009 年 12月 3日发布了通函 (技术处 (2009通函第 032号总第 361号“关于欧盟法令对在欧盟港口停泊船舶使用低硫燃油要求的通知” ,该通函提醒各船公司注意自 2010年 1月 1日起,在欧盟港口停泊超过 2小时的船舶不得使用硫含量超过 0.1% m/m 的燃油,同时介绍了低硫燃油的特性,分析了使用低硫燃油对不是设计为使用低硫燃油的船舶设备(锅炉、柴油机等的可能危害和不利之处,提醒船公司为满足使用低硫燃油的要求而需联系设备制造商对相关设备进行风险识别和评估、改造,涉及到的船级社审图、检验和审核要求,以及相关改造设备的文件资料配备和
CCS Classification Information No.141 Jan.1,2010
近日,欧盟发布了关于在欧盟港口停泊船舶安全实施使用低硫燃油的建议案“ COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION of 21 Dece mber 2009 on the safe implementation of the use of low sulphur fuel by ships at berth in Community ports” ,其主要内容有:
2010年 1月 1日以后,作为就所述欧盟低硫法令的执法手段之一,欧盟成员国在对适用船舶检查发现船舶未能满足使用低硫燃油的要求时,可要求船舶提供有关详
“ COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION of 21 December 2009 on the safe implementation of the use of low sulphur fuel by ships at berth in Community ports” 。
此外,我社还收到一份欧盟关于在欧盟港口停泊船舶使用低硫燃油有关问题的问答资料“ Questions and Answer On the use of fuel containing not more than 0.1% sulphur in ships while at berth” , 该问答资料中有几个问题应予关注:1、使用低硫燃油的要求仅适用于在欧盟港口停泊 (包括系泊和锚泊的船舶, 对在港口外抛锚的船舶 (A ship is anchored outside the port 不适用。
欧盟法令 1999/32/EC中对港口区域未做定义,由各成员国对“港口”的区域进行界定。
2、对在欧盟港口停泊船舶使用低硫燃油的免除, 该“ Questions and Answer” 适用的船舶为“ Only ships operating on a published timetable AND staying in a port for less than two hours are exempt. Other ships, regardless of total time foreseen to stay at berth, shall comply with the fuel obligation and start fuel-changeover when at berth, meaning as soon as possible after being securely moored at berth or at anchor in the port. ” ,而欧盟法令 2005/33/EC中适用的船舶为“ whenever, according to published timetables, ships are due to be at berth f or less than two hours” ,请注意两者不同的表述。
3、对 LNG 船,如果能使硫氧化物的排放结果等效于使用含硫量不超过 0.1% m/m的低硫燃油, 欧盟成员国可允许船舶使用 LNG 和 HFO 作为混合燃料或其它等效的减排措施。
详情请参见附件“ Questions and Answers On the use of fuel containing not more than 0.1% sulphur in ships while at berth” 。
CCS Classification Information No.141 Jan.1,2010
“ COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION of 21 December 2009 on the safe implementation of the use of low sulphur fuel by ships at berth in Community ports” (共2页“ Questions and Answers On the use of fuel containing not more than
0.1% sulphur in ships while at berth” (共 3页
中国船级社营运入级处 2010年 1月 1日
Official Journal of the European Union L 348/73
COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION of 21 December 2009 on the safe implementation of the use of low sulphur fuel by
ships at berth in Community ports (Text with EEA relevance
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article 292 thereof,
(1 Article 4b of Council Directive 1999/32/EC of 26 April 1999 relating to a reduction in the sulphur content of certain liquid fuels (1 as amended provides for the
maximum sulphur content of marine fuels used by ships at berth in Community ports, including, as of 1 January 2010, the obligations for Member States to ensure that vessels do not use marine fuels with a sulphur content exceeding 0,1 % by mass and that marine gas oils are not placed on the market in their territory if the sulphur content of those marine gas oils exceeds 0,1 % by mass.
(2 Article 6 of the Directive also provides that Member States shall check by sampling that the sulphur content of marine fuels complies with the relevant provision of Article 4b and that sampling commence from the date of entry into force of the requirement.
(3 As indicated in the Commission Communication on notifications of postponements of attainment deadlines and exemptions from the obligation to apply certain limit values pursuant to Article 22 of Directive 2008/50/EC on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe (2, concentrations in more than 40 % of the zones and agglomerations in the Community currently exceed the daily PM10 limit value. Implementation of low sulphur limit on fuel by ships while they are at berth in Community ports is essential to improve ambient air quality, as highlighted in the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and to the Council on an EU strategy to reduce atmospheric emissions from seagoing ships (3 and the Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution adopted in 2005 (4.
(1 OJ L 121, 11.5.1999, p. 13.
(2 COM(2008 403.
(3 COM(2002 595.
(4 COM(2005 446.
(4 Requirements were adopted in October 2008 by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO in the context of the revision of the International Convention for the
Prevention of Pollution from Ships (Marpol Convention, to be implemented from 1 January 2015 for ships sailing within emission control areas as defined by Article 2(3e of Directive 1999/32/EC. (5 The Commission, considering the safety risks at stake, deems is necessary to issue appropriate guidance to Member States in order to ensure a high level of safety and effective prevention of pollution from ships in the enforcement of the provisions of that Directive throughout the Community.
(6 From 1 January 2010, ships using heavy fuel oil while at sea are to switch to lighter marine fuels such as marine diesel or gas oil when at berth in Community ports as heavy fuel oil with a sufficiently low sulphur content is not generally available.
(7 There may be operational problems and safety risks associated with the use of marine diesel and gas oil in ships that have not been designed to use such fuels or have not undergone the necessary technical adaptation. The Commission has considered the risks associated with the change of fuels and concluded that the main safety risk relates to use in ships’ boilers which have not yet been assessed and certified for use with the required type of fuel. While boilers can use heavy fuel oil or distillate fuels, a risk arises because marine diesel and gas oils are less viscous and more volatile and heating of the fuel system, which is required for heavy fuel oil, is not necessary for distillate fuels. The numbers of affected ships and the probability of such occurrences are difficult to assess precisely.
(8 Directive 1999/32/EC allowed sufficient time for the shipping industry to bring about the technical adaptation to a maximum limit of 0,1 % sulphur by mass for marine fuels used by ships at berth in Community ports. Technical solutions to limit the risks are available. However, to date, there are still ships that have not gone through the necessary modifications and very few ships have undergone the necessary verification and certification process.。