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2016年他在白宫召开了最后一次记者招待会晚宴,他称之为correspondents’ dinner,但我们知道正确的表达应该是news conference。之后他也有提到一个词叫press core也就是记者团。其实我们可以看出奥巴马本人也有一些感慨,他说明年这个时候站在这里讲话的就是别人了。”Next year at this time,someone else will be standing here in this very spot,and it’s anyone’s guess who she will be.” Anyone的用法其实很多变,它很容易和everyone混淆。


▍“Eight years ago,I said it was time to change the tone of our politics.” The tone of our politics 也就是我们政界的风气。The tone of sth. 是一个非常地道的表达,也就是…的风气。奥巴马在提到加拿大总理的时候,他说”In fact, sb. recently said to me, Mr. President, you’re so yesterday, Justin Trudeau has completely replaced you. He’s so handsome, he’s so charming, he’s the future.And I said, Justin, just give it a rest. You’re so yesterday 也就是你太过气了。Yesterday在这里是副词作形容词。Give it a rest也就是你够了。之后,奥巴马在展现家庭温馨时也用了词性转换。”Meanwhile,Michelle has not aged a day. The only way you can date her in photos is by looking at me. Age和date都是名词作动词。

◎关于age的用法,我们可以看到青浦区的翻译第1题,如今生态旅游已受到不同年龄旅游者的青睐。这里的难点主要在于不同年龄和生态旅游。不同年龄可以译为of all/different ages。Of+n.的结构可以看做形容词用来修饰前面的travellers。很多人会把生态旅游去和biology和biography联系起来,但其实他们是非常比一样的,生态旅游应该是ecotourism。

▍作为记者招待会,当然有几个部分是必不可少的,包括对过去一年的展望。与其说展望,不如说是奥巴马通过幽默感表现出的委婉的控。他说”In a short six months,I’ll be officially a lame duck,which means congress now will flat-out reject my authority. And this is going to take some getting used to. It’s really going to——It’s a curve ball. I don’t know what to do with it.Take some getting used to 是一个习语,原句应该是take some time to get used to。Flat是平坦的,flat-out 也就是直接地。如果我们把当中的—去掉,它就解释为全力地。

◎同样的,这样的复合形容词有很多,我们可以看到黄浦的30题。The matter,then,is far from clear-cut,though experience are available evidence indicate early care is reasonable for infants.它的空是划在了indicate,分析句子结构我们可以发现它that,这句话主要是一个让步的关系。Clear-cut这里的意思很好猜,也就是清晰地,明确地,那上半句就解释为原因不明细。

▍除了来自国内的压力,奥巴马也表现了对国外的态度的不满。”Even some foreign leaders,they’ve been looking ahead,anticipating my departure. Last week,Prince George showed up to our meeting in his bathro be. That was a slap in the face. “A slap in the face指的是打脸般的羞辱。Anticipating是一个分词作状语的结构,它和动名词,动词不定式都是非常重要的考点。之

后他说在英国参加了一系列白人的活动,”just in case anybody is still debating whether I’m black enough. I think that settles the debate. In case和in case of我们都知道是以防。

◎那么在徐汇卷的73题就出现了这个词:每月她都会留出一部分钱以备不时之需。我们可以把它翻成she sets aside some money monthly in case of need.我们也可以用in case+句子的

用法,比如in case there’s a rainy day.

▍settles the debate 我们知道是解决争议,之后奥巴马也有提到一个词叫settle down,这里的settle有安定的意思,也就是冷静。

◎在黄浦区的26题它写道:But tests that/which have been used measure this development are not widely enough accepted to settle the issue.这里的settle the issue就是解决问题,解决争端。

▍记者招待会自然少不了政治类话题,他说:”Also,I would be remiss,let’s give it up to our host——Larry Willmore.”这句话其实非常难懂,为什么呢?一个是would be remiss。他的原

话应该是”I thought I would be remiss if I forget him. “

◎这是一个虚拟语气,我们可以看到徐汇卷的72题:我以为你会和我一起乘地铁去北京。这句话看上去简单,但很容易翻成I think…you will的结构。但其实他以为是已经是过去了,所以应该是一个虚拟语态。I thought you would go to Beijing with me by high-speed rail.才是正确的。那么回到原话,它应该怎么翻呢?那就是不能忘了他,让我们为我们的主持人鼓掌喝彩。

▍奥共和党主席Reince Priebus 也来到了现场:”GOP chairman Reince Priebus is here as well,glad to see that you feel that you've earned a night off.“ earn a night off按照字面意思是挣

了一个晚上的休息时间。奥巴马还提到了共和党的另外一个竞选人叫Ted.他说:”He called a basketball hoop a basketball ring. Wh at else is in his lexicon? Baseball sticks? Football hats?”当然对于我们来说,这个翻译可能很通顺,棒球棍、橄榄球帽似乎并没有什么不对。但是棒球棍地道的表达应该是baseball bat,橄榄球帽就不用说了,应该是helmet,如果是棒球帽的话

也应该是basebdall cap,而不是baseball hat。当然对于川普的嘲讽也是必不可少的。在提到川普拒绝来晚宴的时候,他说:”Is this dinner too tacky for the Donald?”tacky这个词其实非常

实用,它完整的表达应该是tacky and corny,指的是俗气。奥巴马也模仿了当年共和党员工作时的场景,他说:”Security,bar the doors!”这里的bar the doors我们都知道是关门。但其


我起了个非洲名字。“ ”They would give me an African name,Barack,or blessed,believing that
