第二章 旅游文本的翻译策略总论

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• 南苑树木葱笼,绿草如茵;北苑林路蔓蔓, 曲径通幽;东苑依山面海,景色宜人,均 是不可多得的休闲游览胜境。 • All three are beautiful gardens with avenues of green trees and patches of lush grass, providing pleasant environments for relaxation.
• 例6: • 湖南省位于长江中游南部,东经108°至114°, 北纬24°至30°。因地处洞庭湖之南,所以叫 做湖南。 • Hunan Province is located just south of the middle reaches of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River between 108°and 114°E longitude and 24°and 30°N latitude. Since it lies to the south of the Dongting Lake, it has its name Hunan, which means “south of the lake”.
• 平遥素有龟城之称。城市布局巧妙,大街小巷 组成一幅庞大的八卦图案,如同龟背上的花纹。 • Pingyao has long been called “tortoise city”, symbolizing its longevity. With its avenues, streets and lanes, the pattern of the whole town resembles a Bagua (a combination of eight of the 64 Trigrams of the Book of Changes, traditionally used in divination), which is similar to the pattern on a tortoise shell.
• 夏季,因特拉肯的文化活动和体育活动一 样精彩纷呈。有些活动历史悠久,成为少 女峰地区一道不容错过的美丽风景。
• More ambitious ‘high-flyers’ can book a skydiving session and admire a bird’s-eye view of the spectacular scenery. The rivers in the region offer cool experiencห้องสมุดไป่ตู้s, with river rafting, canyoning and hydrospeeding.
• 例8: • 路左有一巨石, 石上有苏东坡手书“云外流 春”四个大字。 • To the left is another rock engraved with four big Chinese characters Yun Wai Liu Chun (Beyond clouds flows spring) written by Su Dongpo (1037 - 1101), the most versatile poet of the North Song Dynasty (960- 1127).
第二模块:旅游文本的翻译策 略总论
• 例1: • In the afternoon, you can explore the city by bicycle – and the fact that bikes for both adults and children can be rented for free makes this method of transportation more fun! Bicycles are available all year round from Velogate by the Swiss National Museum and, from May to October, from outside Globus City, the Opera House and Swissôtel Oerlikon. • 下午可以骑自行车游览整个城市——可免费租用适合成 人及儿童的自行车,从而使这种游览方式更加有趣!瑞 士国家博物馆附近的富勒门(Velogate)全年提供自行 车租赁服务,5月至10月期间,游客还能在格劳博城 (Globus City)、歌剧院以及欧瑞康瑞士酒店 (Swissôtel Oerlikon)外租到自行车。
• 例7: • 当时在城西南的锡山开采出了锡矿,锡矿发现 后,人们就把这个地方称为“有锡”。天长日 久,锡矿挖完了,“有锡”便改成了“无锡”。 • Then on the Xishan Hill to the southwest of the city, a tin mine was discovered. After that, the city was named “Youxi”(which means “having tin”). As time went by, the tin mine was exhausted, and the city was renamed “Wuxi”(which means “having no tin”).
• 例2: • On November 5, 2009 the city of Lucerne received the “European Energy Award Gold” for the progressive efforts for its energy policy. The European Energy Award supports communities that want to contribute to a sustainable energy policy and urban development through the rational use of energy and an increased use of renewable energies. • 2009年11月5日,卢塞恩市凭借在能源政策方面的不懈 努力赢得了“欧洲能源金奖”。欧洲能源奖的评选对象 是在支持能源可持续发展政策、合理利用能源以促进城 市发展、提高可再生能源的利用效率等方面做出贡献的 社区。
第二章 旅游文本的翻译策略总 论
• In the summer months, Interlaken sets the scene for culture as well as sport. Several events already enjoy a long tradition and are as much a part of Interlaken as the acclaimed view of the Jungfrau massif.
• 更多雄心勃勃的“高飞者”可以预订参加跳伞 活动,从高空俯瞰大地,欣赏一幅独特的美丽 画卷。该地区的河流也为游客准备了各种清凉 的活动,包括乘筏漂流、蹦谷和水上竞速等。
• A famous American John Muir said in 1898: “The Grand Canyon… as unearthly in the color and grandeur and quantity of its architecture as if you had found it after death on some other star. ” • 著名的美国人约翰· 缪尔(美国早期环保运动 的领袖)曾在1898年说过:“(科罗拉多河的) 大峡谷……它的色彩、宏伟和构造都是世上独 一无二的,仿佛是人消亡以后在其他星球上所 发现的东西。”
• 例3: • 桂林位于广西壮族自治区的北部, 面积565 平方公里, 人口100 多万, 是国内外旅游胜地 之一。 • Located in the north of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Guilin is one of the tourist attractions famous both at home and abroad, with an area of 565 square kilometres and a population of more than 1 million.
• 例5: • Friedrich Nietzsche, Richard Wagner, Hermann Hesse, Thomas Mann, Arturo Toscanini, Richard Strauss, Herbert von Karajan and many other famous personalities from the worlds of the arts and culture have contributed to the myth and nimbus of this valley. ‘Schlittedas-Chalandamarz’, an own architectural style (the ‘Engadine house’), and the famous Engadine nut tart are also a part of it all. • 弗里德里希· 尼采(哲学家)、理查德· 瓦格纳(音乐家)、赫尔 曼· 黑塞(作家,曾获诺贝尔文学奖)、托马斯· 曼(作家,曾获 诺贝尔文学奖)、阿尔图洛· 托斯卡尼尼(指挥家)、理查· 施特 劳斯(作曲家)、赫伯特· 冯· 卡拉扬(指挥家)以及其他众多著 名的艺术和文化名人为这一山谷增添了神秘和灵气。独特的建 筑风格Schlittedas-Chalandamarz (恩嘎丁之屋)以及著名的恩 嘎丁坚果甜饼也是其文化的一部分。
• 昔日的九龙城寨全面清拆,并于1995 年于原址建成 今日的九龙寨公园。九龙寨公园曾获颁荣誉奖状,它 具有江南园林风格,并刻意保留了现今难得一见的南 中国“衙门”建筑,以及历史遗迹如南门古迹、石匾、 大炮、柱基、清朝官府的碑铭等。 • The Kowloon Walled City, with its former walls removed, was transformed into the present Park in 1995, which has been honored awards for its fascinating scenes featuring South China gardening art as well as relics characteristic of yamen(the government office in feudal China) architecture of the Qing Dynasty, the Old South Gate, stone plaques, cannons, plinths, feudal official inscriptions, etc.
• 例4: • 紫禁城分成两部分,前面部分有三大殿。皇帝 在这里处理朝政,主持重要仪式。紫禁城内所 有建筑物的屋顶都是黄瓦,黄色只有皇帝才能 使用。 • The Forbidden City is divided into two sections. The front part has three large halls, where the emperor dealt with the state affairs and conducted important ceremonies. All buildings in the Forbidden City have roofs of yellow tiles, for yellow was the colour for the emperor.