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B. Movement of the mandible: (C) 侧方运动:
1. 从正中到一侧: 由对侧的翼外肌收缩 完成. 2. 从一侧到正中: 由对侧的颞肌收缩完 成.
颞下颌关节紊乱病 Tempoaomandibular Disorder ( TMD )
以前叫颞下颌关节紊乱综合征 . 1999年改为 颞下颌关节紊乱病. It is the general name of a group diseases that includes masticatory muscle disorders , structural disorders ( internal derangement ), inflammatory disorders and osteoarthrosis.
颞下颌关节脱位 Dislocation of the TMJ
A. Etiology 开口过大 , 外伤 , 关节囊和 韧带松弛。
Dislocation of the TMJ
B. 临床表现:
开合,无法闭口. 下颌三分之一变长. 关节头位于关节结节前下方.
Dislocation of the TMJ
( TMD )
A. 病理: (A) 精神因素 (B) 咬合因素 (C) 免疫因素 (D) 关节过负荷 (E) 解剖因素 (F) 其他: 外伤 , 冷刺激 , etc.
( TMD )
B. 临床表现: (A) 下颌运动紊乱: 开口度和开口型改变 (B) 疼痛 (C) 弹响和杂音
Ankylosis of TMJ
D. Treatment : operative treatment.
B. 下颌运动 (A) 开口和闭口运动:
1. 开口运动: 由二腹肌 , 舌骨舌肌 和颏舌骨肌收缩完成。
Anatomy and Physiological Functions
B. Movement of the mandible
(A) Jaw opening and closing movement: 2. 闭口运动: 由咬肌 , 颞肌和翼内 肌收缩完成.
(C) mixed ankylosis
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidunkylosis of the TMJ
B. Etiology :
infection : any of the suppurative conditions of the joint.
traumatism : scar :
Ankylosis of the TMJ
C.临床表现 Manifestation : (A) 关节内强直True ankylosis : 1. 开口受限 2. 下颌发育障碍: 小下颌 3. 咬合紊乱Occlusal disturbance; 4. 髁突动度减少. 关节结构受损.
Ankylosis of the TMJ
C. Manifestation : (B) 颌间挛缩intermaxillary contractipn: 1. Limitation of mouth opening ; 2. Scar or tissue defect ; 3. The mobility of the condyle reduce. 4. The structure of the joint may be normal of be damaged.
C. 治疗 急性前脱位Acute anterior dislocation: manual reposition. 复发性脱位 Recurrent dislocation: sclerosing injection or operation. 陈旧性脱位Old dislocation: operation.
( TMD )
C. 诊断: 病史 , 临床检查 , X-线 检查.
tumor , tetanus , hysterical trismus , etc.
( TMD )
D. 治疗:
尽量保守治疗. 侵入性的治疗不常用. The treatments include treatment guiding , Chinese medicine , hot or cold compress , physicotherapy, medicine therapy , occlusal pad , block therapy , arthroscope treatment , operation , etc.
Anatomy and Physiological Functions
B. Movement of the mandible: (B) 前伸和后退运动:
1. 前伸运动: 由翼外肌完成 2. 后退运动: 由颞肌后束和二腹肌前腹 完成.
Anatomy and Physiological Functions
颞下颌关节强直Ankylosis of the TMJ
A. Categories :
(A) internal ankylosis ( true ankylosis )
(B) external ankylosis ( false ankylosis or intermaxillary contraction )
A. 解剖:
(A) 关节窝与关节结节 (B) 关节头 (C) 关节盘 (D) 关节囊 (E) 韧带: temporomandibular L,
sphenommandibular L, pterygomandibular L, stylomandibular L