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【摘要】 青光眼是世界上主要的致盲眼病ꎮ 青光眼的发病机制与许多因素有关ꎬ高眼压是主要的危险 因素ꎮ 近年来ꎬ许多研究开始关注青光眼其他潜在的危险因素ꎬ如非压力依赖因素ꎬ包括血管因素、中央角膜 厚度等ꎬ其中角膜生物力学特性与青光眼的关系受到越来越多的关注ꎮ 临床上常用的角膜生物力学测量仪器 主要有眼反应分析仪( ORA) 和可视化角膜力学分析仪( Corvis ̄ST) ꎮ 有研究显示ꎬ应用角膜生物力学测量仪 发现青光眼患者的角膜更易形变ꎮ 角膜生物力学特性在一定程度上可以反映眼球解剖结构的特点ꎬ比如角膜 越易形变ꎬ巩膜和筛板对眼压等的耐受程度越小ꎬ视盘更易受损ꎬ这可能是造成青光眼性视神经损伤的原因之 一ꎮ 角膜力学参数与青光眼的严重程度之间存在一定的关系ꎮ 本文就角膜生物力学特性、角膜生物力学特性 测量仪器在临床中的应用、角膜生物力学特性与青光眼发生和发展及青光眼治疗效果的关系等进行综述ꎬ从 而深入探讨青光眼的发病机制ꎮ
[ Abstract] Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness worldwide. Various factors are related to the development and progression of glaucoma. High intraocular pressure is an important risk factor. In recent yearsꎬmany studies have focused on other potential risk factors for glaucomaꎬsuch as intraocular pressure ̄independent factorsꎬ including vascular factorsꎬcentral corneal thicknessꎬetc. The relationship between corneal biomechanical parameters and glaucoma has been attracting more and more attentions. The corneal biomechanics measurement instruments include ocular response analyzer ( ORA) and corneal visualization scheimpflug technology ( Corvis ̄ST) ꎬwhich are all commonly used in clinical practice. Some studies showed that the corneas in glaucoma patients were more easily to deform. Corneal biomechanical characteristics may reflect the anatomic structure weakness of the eyeball. For exampleꎬmore easily deforming of cornea results in smaller tolerance of sclera and lamina cribros to intraocular pressureꎬwhich makes the optic disc more vulnerable. This may be one of the causes of glaucomatous optic nerve damage. Corneal biomechanical parameters have a certain extent relationship with the severity of glaucoma. In order to probe into the pathogenesis of glaucoma deeplyꎬ we reviewed corneal biomechanics characteristicsꎬ application of corneal biomechanical properties measuring instruments in clinical practice and the relationships between corneal biomechanics characteristics and the development and progression of glaucomaꎬas well as the therapeutic effectiveness of glaucoma.
中华实验眼科杂志 2019 年 2 月第 37 卷第 2 期 Chin J Exp OphthalmolꎬFebruary 2019ꎬVol. 37ꎬNo. 2
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李白冰 综述 才瑜 审校 北京大学第一医院眼科 视觉损伤与修复教育部重点实验室 100034 通信作者:才瑜ꎬEmail:cai̠yuu@ hotmail. com
【关键词】 青光眼ꎻ 角膜生物力学特性ꎻ 眼反应分析仪ꎻ 可视化角膜力学分析仪 DOI:10. 3760 / cma. j. issn. 2095 ̄0160. 2019. 02. 013
The associations between corneal biomechanical parameters and glaucoma Li BaibingꎬCai Yu Department of OphthalmologyꎬPeking University First HospitalꎬKey Laboratory of Vision Loss and RestorationꎬMinistry of EducationꎬBeijing 100034ꎬChina Corresponding author:Cai YuꎬEmail:cai_yuu@hotmail. com