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例如: 1、你这是在班门弄斧。
You’re showing off your proficiency with an axe before Lu Ban the master carpenter.
2、 周学道坐在堂上,见那些童生纷纷进来;也有小的,也有老的, 仪表端正的,獐头鼠目的,衣冠楚楚的,褴褛破烂的。
定义:成语是人们长期沿袭使用的,结构基本固定的短语 或短句。 特色:汉语成语的语言特色,即形象鲜明、常用典故、音 韵和谐,翻译时应尽可能地保留这些特色。 英译策略:直译法、意译法、套译法、加注法、增译法。
汉语成语中常用具体的描述来比喻抽象的概念,是形象思维在 语言上的集中体现,在不违背译文语言规范、不引起错误联想的前 提下,译者在英译汉语成语时可以采用直译法。例如:
(二)意象重叠,对于此类结构,只需直接传 递其指称意义就行。
花园里面是人间的乐园,有的是吃不了的大米白面, 穿不完的绫罗绸缎,花不完的金银财宝。 The garden was a paradise on earth, with more food and cloths than could be consumed and more money than could be spent. 源远流长 have a long history 画龙点睛 bring out the crucial point
歇后语直译︰ 十五个吊桶—七上八下 like fifteen buckets being hurriedly lowered into a well for water—eight going down while seven are coming up 山中无老虎—猴子称霸王 When the tiger is away from the mountain, the money calls himself the king. (In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed is king.)
• 冰冻三尺——非一日之寒 Rome was not built in a day. • 脱裤子放屁——多此一举 To carry coals to Newcastle • 老王卖瓜——自卖自夸 No man cries “stinky fish”
• 谚语的意译︰ • 独木不成林 One person can’t accomplish much • 歇后语的意译︰ • 丈二和尚——摸不着头脑 What you said at the meeting made me completely at loss.
汉语成语具有的民族文化特色在很多情况下在译语中难以用直 译法再现。为了确保译文读者准确理解成语的意义,就常采用意译 法,能简洁明快地反映出成语的喻义。例如:
手忙脚乱、立竿见影 in a frantic rush,get instant results 明火执仗、牵肠挂肚 do evil things openly,be full of anxiety and worry 藕断丝连、单枪匹马 have not cut off relations completely,all by oneself
套译法是指套用译语中某个与汉语成语喻义相近的成语来进行 翻译的方法。 套译法可分为三种情况: ⑴ 两个成语的字面意义和蕴涵意义基本一致。 如: 肉中刺、混水摸鱼
a thorn in the flesh,fish in troubled water
strike while the iron is hot,seeing is believing
空中楼阁、 孰能生巧
castles in the air,practice makes perfect
⑵ 两个成语的比喻形象有所差异,但比喻意义基本一致。 如: 笑掉大牙、乱七八糟 laugh off one’s head,at sixes and sevens 东张西望 、挥金如土 look right and left,to spend money like water 新官上任三把火;己所不欲,勿施于人 new brooms sweep clean,do as you would be done by
例如: “难道这也是个痴丫头,又像颦儿来葬花不成?”因又自 笑道:“若真也葬花,可谓东施效颦了;不但不为新奇, 而且更是可厌。” “Can this be another absurd maid come to bury flowers like Daiyu?”he wondered in some amusement.”If so, Dongshi imitating Xishi,(Xishi was a famous beauty in the ancient kingdom of Yue. Dongxi was an ugly girl who tried to imitate her way)which isn’t original but rather tiresome.
习语一词的含义甚广,一般指那些常用在一 起,具有特定形式的词组,其蕴含的意义往 往不能从词组中单个词的意思推测而得。
• • • • • 直译法 意译法 借用法(套用法) 直译兼意译法 省略法
• 俗语谚语直译︰ • 有钱能使鬼推磨 make the devil turn your mill (英语习语 Money makes the mares go与之相似) • 不入虎穴 焉得虎子 how can one each catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger’s lair? (英 语习语Nothing ventured, nothing gained) • 路遥知马力,日久见人心 A long road tests a horse’s strength and a long task proves a man’s heart.
⑶汉语成语原本是翻译的产物,可直接以英语回译之。 如: 以眼还眼 An eye for an eye 君子协定 A gentleman’s agreement 武装到牙齿 Armed to the teeth
加注法是在译文中添加读者理解成语所需的文化信息 和背景知识,既能保留成语的比喻形象和文化蕴涵,又能 确保译文容易为译语读者所理解接受。
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
Thank You !
如鱼得水 feel just like fish in water 雨后春笋 like bamboo shoots after a spring shower 一寸光阴一寸金 an inch of time is an inch gold 谋事在人,成事在天 man proposes, God disposes
• 定义:四子结构。顾名思义,四字格就是由四个 汉字组成的词语。 • 特色:字数统一,音节固定,具有工整、音韵和 谐、简洁明快。
• 从语法关系看,词组中前后两个部分可以是主谓、动宾、 偏正或者并列关系。 • 从结构上看,四字格由自由词组和固定词组组成。自由词 组是临时组成的,可以随意拆散,重新组合,例如:“品 种齐全”,“做工精细” 等。而固定词组是一个整体, 四个语素不能拆开、随意更换,如:“死里逃生”“沧海 一粟”等。
Commissioner Chou sat in the hall and watched the candidates crowding in. There were young and old, handsome and homely, smart and shabby men among them.
• 各人自扫门前雪——休管他人瓦上霜 Sweep the snow from your own front door, leave the frost on the other man’s roof to thaw.
• 兔子尾巴——长不了 The tail of a rabbit can’t be long(won’t last long)
(一)语意重叠,对于此类结构,只需翻译其中一项语义就 行。 他决心洗心革面,脱胎换骨。 He is determined to turn over a new leaf. 广袤无垠的中华大地 the boundless expanse of the Chinese territory 高瞻远瞩的决策 a visionary/far-sighted decision
• 薛蟠连连打躬作揖赔不是… Hsueh Pan bowed in apology… 只译出“打躬”,省略“作揖” • 九溪八涧则以“曲曲环环路,叮叮咚咚泉”著称 The place called Nine Creeks and Eighteen Gullies is well known for its twisting paths and murmuring streams. “曲曲环环”,“叮叮咚咚” 所产生的音韵美令人叫绝,相比之下,英译文倒 有点逊色了。