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seem+介词短语 Tom seems ___li_k_e__h_e_r_o_w__n_s.on 汤姆好像是她的亲生儿子一样。 seem+不定式 He seemed ___t_o__h_a_v_e__h_e_a_r_d_o__f _th__e_n_a_m. e 他似乎听说过那个名字。
Every area of the park is modelled after life in the days of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.园内所有景区 都是按照亚瑟王和圆桌骑士生活的时代复制的。
11.be modelled after 根据……模仿;仿造 典例 The new church is modelled after St.Peter's in Rome. 这座新教堂是仿照罗马圣彼德教堂建造的。 运用 完成句子 The two buildings __a_re_/_w_e_r_e_m__o_d_e_l_le_d__a_ft_e_r ( 仿造) the same pattern.
Beijing. 我们非常乐意带你到北京到处看看。
4. There are various kinds of theme parks,
various adj.各种各样的,不同的;好几个,很多 There arev_a_ri_o_u_s__w_a_y_s__o_f_c_o_o_k_i_n_g__a_n__e.gg 鸡蛋有各种各样的做法。
do wonders 创造奇迹 The ivory work is a wonder of delivate workmanship. 这件象牙雕刻是手艺精巧的珍品。
wherever (conj. & adv.): 无论哪里;无 论什么情况下
She is followed by that person wherever she goes. 无论她去哪里, 那个人都跟着她。 You can sit wherever you want. 你想坐哪里就坐哪里。
no wonder: 难怪;不足为奇(特别用于口语中) No wonder you’ve got a headache – you drank so much wine. 你喝了那么多酒,难怪你头疼。 (1)wonder n. 惊异;惊奇;惊叹。 a look of wonder 惊异的神情
(2)wonder n. 奇迹;奇观;奇才;奇事;
5.Some parks are famous for having the biggest or longest roller coasters, others for showing the famous sights and sounds of a culture.
有的主题公园以有最大或最长的过山车而出名,有 的则展示了文化中那些著名的声音和视觉景象。
3. more than 在本句意为“不仅仅是……;不 只是……”
This book is more than a grammar book. 这不只是本语法书。 另外, more than happy/glad/willing, etc (to do sth)表示“非常乐意(做某事)”。
We are more than happy to show you around
9 preserve
1 . preserve为及物动词,意为“保存;保 留”保护;防护;维护。
Salt helps to preserve meat . 盐有助保存肉类。
He always preserves the style of hard struggle . 他始终保持艰苦奋斗的作风。
2 . preserve 为名词,意为“保护区”。 This is the world's largest narural preserve . 这是世界上最大的自然保护区。
类似用法的还有whichever, whatever,
whenever, whomever等。
Take whichever you want.

Whatever I have also belongs to you. 我所有的一切也属于你的。 Whatever happens, I’ll always be on your side. 不管发生什么事, 我总会站在你一边的。
Unit 5 Language study
Language points
1. theme: a main subject or idea 主题 e.g. The theme for tonight’s talk is education.
They played the theme song of the famous film.
and-seek games. 翻译:她读侦探(detective)小说消遣。 She amused herself by reading detective stories
v. 娱乐;消遣
__H_i_s_s_t_o_r_y_a_m__u_s_e_s__m_e. 他的故事使我发笑。 The children __a_m__u_s_e_d__t_h_e_m__se__lv_e_s__b_y_
2. fun: enjoyment; pleasure (U)
have fun: enjoy oneself 尽情地玩 for fun: for pleasure 为了娱乐 a lot of / much / no fun 有趣/没趣 (be) in fun 在开玩笑
The little cat is full of fun.
He is well--known as writer.
Hangzhou is well--known / famous for the West Lake.
注意: well--known 的比较是better -- known, 同义词是famous.
1) wander (v.): 漫步;徘徊
We wandered around the shopping area
for two hours. 我们在这个购物区逛了两小时。
She doesn’t like wandering the streets

variation n. 变化,变更 variety n. 品种,种类,多样性 vary v. 改变,变更
固定搭配: a (considerable / great /wide) variety of 各 种各样的,种类繁多的;=various variety of form 各种形式; for a variety of reasons 因种种理由; in a variety of ways 用种种方法。 (2)vary v. 变化;改变。 例如:
2) amusement (n.) n. 消遣,娱乐(活动) China’s Cultural Theme Park offers its visitors all kinds of amusement.
amuse oneself 消遣 自我娱乐 The children amused themselves by playing hide-
unique为形容词,意为“独一无二的;仅有 的例” 如。 : an unique experience一次独特的经历
The problem is by no means unique to
this region
拓展: unique adj. 珍奇的;罕有的;不平凡的;极 好的。 例如: unique ability 罕见的才能
attraction 为名词,意为”有吸引力的事物;吸引”. 例如: The attraction of the moon for the earth causes the sides.
拓展: (1) attract v. 吸引.
例如: Like attracts like . 物以类聚.
6. As you wander around the fantasy amusement park, you may see Snow White or Mickey Mouse in a parade or on the street. 当你在梦幻乐园漫步时,你可能会在 游行队伍中或者街上看到白雪公主或 米老鼠。
__p_l_a_y_in__g_g_a_m__e_s__. 孩子们做游戏取乐。 The girls _w_e_r_e__a_m_u__s_e_d_w__it_h__ the dolls. 那些女孩玩那些娃娃玩得很开心。
7. With all these attractions, no wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland. 有这么多引人入胜的东西,难怪哪 里有迪斯尼乐园,哪里的旅游业就 会发展。
Habits and hobbies vary from person to
person. 习惯与爱好因人而异。
variety n. 变化,多样性,种类 The shopping center sells a variety of goods.
在学校里我们学习各种东西。 At school we learn a variety of things. She made the children glad _in__a_v_a_r_i_e_ty__o_f_w__a_y_s (用各种方法).
length 为名词,意为“长度;长”。
a house 15 metres in length and 5 metres in width 一个长15米宽5米的房子
拓展: at length 最后,终于;详细地。
They debated this subject at length. 他们对这一题目进行了详细的辩论。
• ①The ________ of every paragraph is carefully introduced in its first sentence.
②We all like the ________ of the music in the film. ③What is the ________ of Feng Xiaogang's new play?
theme 一般指论文、演讲、音乐的主题,也可指一 组作品的主题。
topic 常意为“话题”,可指文章、谈话的题目或 内容,也可指提纲中的标题甚至段落及句子的 中心思想。
subject 意为“题目;主题”,可与 topic 互换,但范 围 比 topic 更广。若干个 topic 可组成较全面的 subject。
(2) attract v. 引起(注意,兴趣,赞赏等);诱惑.
attract one’s attention 引起某人的注意 attract moths with lamps 点灯诱蛾
(3) attractive adj. 有吸引力的;引人主义的.
an attractive woman 一个动人的女人
be famous for
be famous for 意为“以...而闻名”。 例如:
Austria is famous for its music.
奥地利以音乐而闻名 拓展: well--known adj. 众所周知;著名的;闻 名的。be well--known / famous as 表示“作 为…而闻名”,后接表示人的身份,职业的词 语;be well--known / famous for 意为“因 为......而闻名”,其后多接表示某个人或物的 特点,特长,技能等方面的词语。