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Abstract:Objective To investigate common clinical manifestations and imaging features of posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome.Methods A retrospective analysis was conducted on the clinical manifestations and imaging data of 15 cases of patients with posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome admitted in our hospital from February 2012 to March 2015.Results Among 15 patients,there were 3 cases of male patients and 12 cases of female patients;12 cases of patients with acute onset (80%)and 3 cases of patients with sub-acute onset(20%);14 cases of patients with hypertension(93.33%);10 cases of patients with pregnant eclampsia or pre-eclampsia (66.67%);4 cases of patients with uremia(26.67%);one case of patient with leukemia after chemotherapy(6.67%);8 cases of patients with headache,blurred vision,and epileptic seizure(53.33%);7 cases of patients with altered mental status,accompanied by nausea and vomiting(46.67%),of which one case was accompanied by symptoms of local neurological damage including urinary incontinence and numbness of limb.According to imaging tests,11 cases of patients were involved with occipital and parietal lobes(78.57%);10 cases were involved with frontal lobe (66.67%);8 cases were involved with basal ganglia region(53.33%);7 cases were involved with temporal lobe(46.67%);in addition,the centrum semiovale,cerebellum,corpus callosum,and brainstem were all involved.Conclusion This disease often attacks after acute or sub-acute onset,mainly in adult female patients,with common clinical manifestations of intracranial hypertensive symptoms including headache,nausea and vomiting,blurred vision,and epileptic seizure,accompanied by disturbance of consciousness in severe cases.The head imaging test indicated involvement of intracranial gray matter and white matter,mainly in occipital and parietal lobes.Therefore,the head imaging examination should be timely conducted

on patients with acute onset,hyperpiesia,eclampsia or pre-eclampsia,renal insufficiency,patients received chemotherapy drugs,or those with clinical manifestations of headache,blurred vision,epileptic seizure in order to identify the possibility of posterior reversible encephalopathy syndromeKey words:Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome;Clinical manifestations;Imaging

可逆性后部脑病综合征(posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome,PRES),由Hinchey等[1]于1996年报道,近年逐渐受到关注,该病是由多种病因引起的神经功能异常表现和可逆性后部白质损害为主要神经影像学表现的临床综合征。本文收集2012年2月~2015年3月贵阳医学院附属医院经治的临床及影像淡确诊的15例PRES患者的临床及影像学检查资料进行分析。

1 资料与方法




1.2.2 15例患者的临床表现见表1。

1.2.3 15例患者的影像学病灶分布见表2。


2 讨论

可逆性后部脑病综合征(posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome,PRES),由Hinchey等[1]于1996年报道,是一种国外新提出的中枢神经影像学病名,该病是由多种病因引起的以头痛、恶心、痫性发作、视觉异常、昏迷或意识改变,轻偏瘫、偏盲、精神障碍或局灶性神经功能缺陷为主要临床表现[2]和可逆性后部白质损害为主要神经影像学表现的临床综合征,最初命名为可逆性后部白质脑病综合征(reversible posterior leuko-encephalopathy syndrome,RPLS);后Casey等[3]研究了本病影像后指出,本病累及白质同时也累及灰质,因此命名为PRES。


