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1. 蒙我驻伦敦商务参赞处介绍,我们得知你方正在中国寻找业务伙伴推销你们的软件产品。

2. 如果你方价格有竞争力,交货日期合适,我们打算大量订购。

3. 所报盘有效期为7天之内。

4. 我们愿再次向贵公司保证,我方提供的货物品质优越、价格合理。

5. 已获悉贵方1月15日的来信,如能及早发送以下货物不胜感激。

6. 我们希望你们照顾,允许给我们3%的佣金。

7. 烦请修改信用证:“允许分批装运和转船”。

8. 请在外包装上注明“易碎”和“小心轻放”的字样。

9. 请贵方装运下列货物,交货期不晚于5月31日。

10. 我方因你方发货短缺400公斤而提出索赔。

1. We owe your name and address to our Commercial Counselor’s Office in

London, through which we learnt that you were seeking partners in China

for selling your software products.

2.Should your price be found competitive and delivery date acceptable, we

intend to place a large order with you.

3. The offer made is subject to the acceptance within a week.

4. We would like to assure you again that the goods we offer are of superb

quality at a reasonable price.

5. Referring to your letter of January 15th, we shall be obliged if you will

forward to us the following at an early date.

6. We hope you will accommodate us by allowing 3% commission.

7. We have to request you to amend the L/C to read “Partial shipment and transshipment are allowed”.

8. Please mark “Fragile” and “Handle with Care” on the outer packing.

9. Would you please ship the under-mentioned goods for delivery not later t

than May 31st.

10. We have to lodge a claim against you for a short delivery of 400kg.

1. 我方愿与贵方在平等互利、互通有无的基础上建立业务关系。

2. 你将会发现,我们给贵公司的报价是相同产品中最低的。

3. 如果贵公司不能让步,我们只好转向别的公司订购。

4. 凡在五月底前试订货的顾客,均可享受特别优惠条件。

5. 非常抱歉我们不能按6个月前的报价接受贵方的订单。

6. 由于金额很小,我们同意向你们开出即期跟单汇票。

7. 由于装船日期临近,应该尽可能早地开立有关信用证。

8. 请用防水材料做容器里衬,以免货物受潮。

9. 我们已将一集装箱中国大米装“维多利亚号”发运,运费已付,特此通知。

10. 我们即刻发货更换那些受损茶具。

1. We are willing to enter into business relations with you on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and

exchanging needed goods.

2.You will find that we have given you the most favored quotation for the

same products.

3. If you can not be prepared to meet us halfway, we have to place our order


4. Special terms will be allowed to customers who place trial orders before the

end of May.

5. We are regretful that we are unable to book your order at the prices we quoted six months ago.

6. As the amount involved is rather small, we agreed to draw on you by documentary sight draft.

7. As the date of shipment is approaching, it is advisable for you to open the relevant L/C as early as you


8. Please line the containers with waterproof material so that the goods can be protected against moisture.

9. We inform you of having forwarded a container of Chinese rice by

“Victoria”, freight paid.

10. We are immediately sending replacements of those damaged tea sets.
