动名词 现在分词与过去分词的区别.ppt

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the b宾ig 语tree. 3. Her job ista_k__in_g__c_a_r_e__o_f_t_h_e__b_a_b_i_e_s_表__语(照
顾婴儿) interesting表语 4. The story is _______w__a_it_i(n有g宾趣语的)补。足语 5. How canstyaonudkienegpohveerr__th__e_re__ (等待) in the
rain. 定语
6. The man ___________________ (站在那里)is
(1) I stood there, taking a book in hand .表伴随
(2) Know表in让g w步here I live, he never comes to
1. The _______ girl sat in the corner, _______.
A.frighten, crying
B. frightened, crying
C. frightened, cried
D. frightening, crying
2.The building _to__b_e__bu_i_lt__ next year will be a restaurant .(build)
2. We got excited when we saw this photo.
3. I found my apple eaten by a worm.
4. Seeing the present, the girl is very happy.
Read and compare
Seeing from the top of the hill, we can get a beautiful view of the city.
This is a new washing machine.
⑵现在分词作定语表示动作。如果是单词,放在被 修饰的名词前;如果是短语,放就放在被修饰的名 词之后。
•a developing country = a country which is developing
•a sleeping boy= a boy who is sleeping
5. _G__iv_e_n__ (give) a present, the girl is very happy. 6. _S_e_e_i_n_g__ (see) the present, the girl is very happy.
1. I found my apple eaten by a worm.
在遇到困难时,我 们必须设法克服。 _F_a_c_e_d_ with difficulties, we must try to overcome them.(face)
过去分词(-ed)表示 __被__动____完__成_____ 现在分词(-ing)表示_主__动_____进__行_____
4. 过W马he路n 的you时a候re要cr小os心sin些g 。the road, please be careful.
crossing the When-ri_no_ga_分d__词__作__时__间__状_语_____, please be careful.
2. I found--awwhoircmh weaatisngwmasyhaepdplbe.y the girl
3. The blouse washed by the girl looks very clean.
4. The girl washing the blouse is very
pretty. 5. Given
It’s useless taking this kind of medicine.
My job is teaching. The play is exciting.
= Teaching is my job. ≠ Exciting is the play.
Her full-time job is The story he told us
3.The building __b_e_in_g_b_u_i_lt___ now will be a restaurant .(build)
4. The building _b_u_il_t__last year is a restaurant. (build)
1.He stood there__w_a_it_in_g (等待) for his mother . (wait) 2.__H_a_vi_n_g_w_a_i_te_d_ (等待) for two hours , he went away. (wait)
Revision: V-ing form VS V-ed form
1. I found my apple _e_a_te_n__ by a worm. 2. I found a worm _e_a_t_in__g_ my apple. (eat)
3. The blouse _w_a_s__h_e_d_ (wash) by the girl looks very clean. 4. The girl _w__a_s_h_i_n_g_ (wash) the blouse is very pretty.
(6) The child 表fel结l o果ff the tree, hitting his head
against the ground. (
1. 尽管知道我住在哪里,但他从没来看过 我K。nowin
g_____T_h_o_u__ghwhheerkenIowlivsew, hheerneeIvelirvec,ohmees to see me .
6.从山上看, 我们发现这湖泊更加漂亮了。
If we see from the hill, we find the lake looks more beautiful.
S__e_e_i_n_g_ _fr_o__m_ _t_h_e_h__il_l___, we find that the lake looks more beau-itnifgu分l. 词作条件状语
see me. (
(3) Turni表ng条to件the left, you will find the
school. (
(4) Being tired, I stopped to take a rest. (
(5) Walking along the street, I met Mary.(
Seen from the top of the hill, the city looks more beautiful.
过去分词作状语表完成、被动, 与句子主语之间是被动关系.
现在分词表进行、主动,与句子 主语之间是主动关系。
因为沉浸在思考之中, 所以他没听到那个声 音。 _A_b_s_o_rb_e_d_ in deep thought, he didn’t hear the sound. (Absorb)
1.The students went out of the classroom, _ta_l_k_in_g_a_n_d__la_u_g_h_in_g_(说说笑笑)(talk,laugh)
2.He entered the room, _fo_l_lo_w_e_d__by__h_is__g_ir_lf_r_iend (后面跟着女朋友).(follow)
They sat in the garden and talked about the days they spent together. They sat in the gardetna,l_k_i_n_g___a_b_o_u__t_t_h_e__d_ays _____ they spe-nint gto分ge词th作er.伴随状语
及物 动 词
主动 被 动
一般式 doing
being done
完成式 having done having been having done done
Teaching is my full-time job.
Writing an English composition is not easy.
•The man talking with my father is Mr. Wang.
•China is a developing country.
Finish the sentences and tell the functions
1. S_e_e_i_n_g__ is believing. 眼见为实主。语 2. In the summer we enjosyitt_i_n_g____(坐) under
a--pwrehseontis, twheagsihrilnisgvtehrye
6. Seeing the present, the girl is very happy.
Find out the rules 过去分词(-ed)表示__被完__动成___(主进动行\被完动成) 现在分词(-ing)表示_主_进_行动___(主 进动行\被完动成)
与情感有关的单词 过去分词(-ed)修饰___人___(人/ 物), 现在分词(-ing)修饰___物___(人/ 物)。
7. We get e_x_c_i_te_d_ when we see this _e_x_c_it_i_ng photo. (excite)
1. The girl washing the blouse is very pretty.
3.We saw the teacher__d_o_in_g_t_h_e__e_xp_e_r_im__e_nt__. (做实验)(do)
4.The trees _b_lo_w_n__d_o_w_n_ (被吹倒的) in the storm have been moved off the road. (blow down)
never comes to see me. 让步状语从句
2. 因B为ec我au不se知I d道id她n’t的kn电ow话h号er码tel,eph所on以e 不能 打给n她um。ber, I didn’t phone her.
Not _k_n_o_w__in__g_____ h-eirntge分lep词ho作ne原nu因mb状er语, I didn’t
His parents died in the war and leftΒιβλιοθήκη Baiduhim alone in the world.
His parents died in the walera, v__in_g__h_i_m__a_l_on__e___ the -ing分词作结果状语
laying eggs.
was very interesting.
=Laying eggs is her ≠Interesting was
full-time job.
the story he told us.
⑴动名词作定语表示性质或用途。 a washing machine = a machine for washing a swimming pool = a pool for swimming
3. The question _b_e_i_ng__d_is_c_u_s_se_d(正在被讨论的) (discuss) now is important.
与情感有关的单词 2 过去分词(-ed)修饰 __人____
分词在句中可做 定语 表语 宾补 状语 3
4 特殊过分,源于系表;不___表____被____动___,___而___表___主____动