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Remarks at the Tourism Promotion Conference of the 2005 Guangdong International Tourism and Culture Festival

by Sandra Carvo, Special Ambassador of the Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization

November 26, 2005




Mr. Tang Bingquan, Executive Vice Governor of the Guangdong Province,

Distinguished guests, Ladies and gentlemen,


I would like to begin by expressing, on behalf of the World Tourism Organization, our congratulations to the grand inauguration of the festival and promotion conference. It is also a great pleasure for me to take the privilege of participating in the Guangdong International Tourism and Culture Festival, and in particular in today’s Tourism Promotion Conference.


This event is a proof of the dynamism and importance of China, and Guangdong in particular, in today’s world tourism. In 2004, Guangdong Province was No.1 in comprehensive economic strength in China. Driven by its dynamic economic growth, the tourism industry in Guangdong has enjoyed substantial development in the last few years. For example, in 2004 Guangdong received 18 million international travellers. Both its tourism revenues and foreign currency take up one fourth of the national tourism revenues and of the national currency revenues.


By the end of 2004, the province had 1120 star hotels, including 40 five star hotels and 136 four star hotels, the highest number of star hotels among all cities of China. 777 travel agencies,

including 187 international travel agencies and 590 domestic travel agencies. 20 cities of Guangdong Province have been rated China’s best tourism city.



We all know that the significant number of obstacles have been taken part in tourism industry between 2001 and 2003, from military conflicts to SARS, passing through terrorism and a sluggish economic situation, all negative factors have come together to damage tourism results. The impact was significant and rather global. For the first time since 1982, in 2003, there was a drop in international tourist arrivals. However, the period 2004 to 2005 was not much calmer,from the devastating tsunami to the more recent hurricanes distressing the coasts of the U.S. and Mexico, without forgetting several terrorist attacks and the surge of oil prices.




The good news though was that the world economy resiled in spite of all these negative factors, and it grew by 5% in 2004 and is set to increase by 4% this year. And the other good news is that notwithstanding all these threats, world tourism has showed again its resilience, and such events had only a limited and geographical impact. International tourist arrivals grew in 2004 by an exceptional 10.7% to almost 763 million. This result was much due to the unprecedented recovery of Asian tourism with a growth of 28% over the troubled year of SARS. Likewise, international tourism receipts grew by 9% after having dropped 3% in 2003, while in Asia the growth of tourism receipts went to an almost 25% rate, and growth continues this year.


增长4% 。另一个好消息是,纵使有这些威胁,世界观光事业再一次显示了它的韧性,这些事件只是有限地和对部分地域造成冲击。出境游旅客在2004年前所未有地增长了10.7%



According to the latest data of the WTO World Tourism Barometer, international tourist arrivals grew this year up to July by almost 6%, which represents an increase of 25 million new tourist arrivals worldwide. Such growth trend was particularly strong in Asia, where after 28% increase in 2004; arrivals still went up by 9%. Again Asia’s tourism is growing above the world average, and above the long term forecast growth of around 6%. 2005 is estimated to yield to end with 5 to 6% growth, while in Asia the growth estimates to the end of the year are projected at 10%. This growth is much driven by China’s exceptional performance where tourist arrivals grew by 14%
