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Oedipal stage: while we are passing through this Order, one great consuming passion dominates our existence: the desire for our mother.
The Symbolic Order
"Freud of France"
Mirror Phase
Three-part Model of the Human Psyche
• Like Freud, Lacan believes that all individuals are fragmented: no one is whole. The ideal concept of a wholly unified and psychologically complete individual is just that, an abstraction that is simply not attainable.
• Though the Mother dominates the Imaginary Order, the Father dominates the Symbolic Order • Our father comes to represent cultural norms and laws.
• Lacan maintains that entering the Symbolic Order is a form of castration(阉割), which is symbolic, not literal, and represents each person's loss of wholeness and his or her acceptance of society's rules. • The female must not only accept the father figure as dominant but also accept her lack of a phallus. • Males are superior to females.
• From our birth until somewhere around 6 months (premirror phase) • united as one with our mother
• our image of ourselves is always in flux. • 6~18 months (mirror stage): we literally see ourselves in a mirror while metaphorically seeing ourselves in our mother's image
蔡喆 程雁 杨晓蓓
Daisy Lily Poppy
拉康的《欲望及对〈哈姆雷特〉中欲望的阐释》 拉康的《欲望及对〈哈姆雷特〉中欲望的阐释》 ( Desire and Interpretation of Desire in Hamlet )
拉康指出, 在戏中戏一场, 国 王作贼心虚, 不愿再看到自己 的罪行重演, 匆匆退席。哈姆 雷特嘲笑了国王的慌乱后, 去 和母亲见面, 不料刚好遇上国 王在为自已的罪行忏悔祷告, 这时正是杀死他的好时机, 但 哈姆雷特却停止不前, 不能立 即行动。这是因为现在不是 这是因为现在不是 他者” 时机” 哈姆雷 “他者”的“时机”,哈姆雷 特没有自己行动的可能, 特没有自己行动的可能 他只 能按他者的时间来行动
返回Leabharlann The Real Order
• The most remote and unreachable part.
Lacan's Model of the Human Psyche
• Lacan devises a three-part model of the human psyche.
• The Imaginary Order • The Symbolic Order • The Real Order
The Imaginary Order