必修四 英语 Unit1 林巧稚教材

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Achievements She got a ⑤_m__e_d_i_ca__l training for her
She made sure about ⑥_5_0_,_0_0_0_ babies were ⑦s_a__fe_l_y__d_e_li_v_e_r_e_d__
3. Who was her small book intended for? (Para.2)
It was intended for women in the countryside. 4. Translate the following sentence: What made
her succeed later on was the kindness and consideration she showed to all her patients.
That meant she won
other women to
people’s__re_s_p_e_c_t_(尊敬). become doctors.
Women of Achievements
“万婴之母” 林巧稚
“I am the doctor on duty(值班) whenever and wherever. No matter when and no matter where, saving women and children is always my responsibility.”
——Lin Qiaozhi
Fast reading & fill in the blanks2’
Lin Qiaozhi
Lived from ①_1_9__0_1__to②_1_9_8__3__
She became a ④__sp__e_c_ia__li_s_t_ in
Occupation(职业) women’s diseases.
Women of Achievements
“万婴之母” 林巧稚
Fra Baidu bibliotek
“我随时随地都是值班医生, 无论是什么时候,无论在什么 地方,救治危重的孕妇,都是 我的职责。” ——林巧稚
• 通过阅读获取细节信息; • 句型仿写及写作; • 学习伟大的女性——林巧稚的高贵品质;
She was a _sp_e_c_i_a_li_s_t (专家)in medical work. She was kind and c_o_n_s_i_d_e_ra_t_e_(体贴周到的)and she safely _d_e_li_v_e_re_d_(接生)many children.
Lin Qiaozhi
She became a ①_s_p_e_c_i_a_li_s_t__ in
women’s diseases.
She got a ②_m__e_d_i_ca__l training for her
She made sure about ③_5_0_,_0_0_0_ babies were ④_s_a_f_e_l_y_d__e_li_v_e_r_e_d_ hard work, ⑤d_e__te__rm__i_n_a_t_io__n, gentle nature, ⑥k_i_n_d_n__e_s_s,and ⑦_c_o_n_s_i_d_e_r_a_tion
hard work, ⑧_d_e_t_e_r_m_i_n_a_t_i_o_n, gentle nature, ⑨_k_in_d__n_e_s_s,and ⑩c_o_n__s_id_e_r_a_t_ion
Retell what you have learnt
Occupation(职 业) and
She was even greeted(欢 Shed_e_v_o_t_e_d(致力于)all
迎) by Chairman Mao, one her life to medical work
of the top _l_e_a_d_e_rs(领袖)in and her work
modern Chinese history. _e_n_c_o_u_r_a_g_e_d(鼓励) many
Answer questions 2’
1.What was the writer’s problem? (Para.1)
She didn’t knoww__h_ic_h__su_b__je_c_t_t_o_s_t_u_d_y_a_t_u_n__iv_e_r_si.ty
2. What does her small book explain? (Para.2) It explains how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies.
Test yourself
The writer did some _re_s_e_a_r_c_h on Lin Qiaozhi--a _sp_e_c_i_a_li_stin women’s diseases. By chance She c_a_m__e_a_c_r_o_s_san article and found something about this great woman: she did her best to study medical and write a book for the women in the c_o_u_n_t_r_y_s_id_eandd_e_v_o_t_e_dall her life to her patients and medical career. //She won _re_s_p_e_c_t from people. After getting this information, the writer decided to study at a m__e_d_ic_a_l school and get medical _t_ra_i_n_in_g_(培训) to _c_a_rr_y_o_n_ her good work.