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① FT & literal translation FT mainly deals with cultural translation. LT is a strategy of translation ② DT / free translation ③ Omission ,amplification & inversion sometimes are considered as strategies of DT or FT
参考译文: The glory of Vancouver has been achieved through the wisdom and the industry of the Vancouver people, including the contributions of many ethnic groups. Canada, sparsely populated, has a territory larger than that of China, but its population is only less than 30 million. Consequently, to attracting immigrants from other countries has become a national policy long practiced/followed/cherished by Canada.
e.g. individualism 个人主义 (DT) 东风压倒西风. The revolutionary force prevails over the reactionary force. ④文化翻译策略上的归化/异化 e.g. the Sign of Four 《四签名》(译者为福尔摩斯注 射吗啡杜撰有病的借口) 文化词语的直译-FT 文化词语的意译-DT e.g.: DT E to C 以汉语为准 lead a dog’s life 过着牛马不如的生活 Jack of all trades 三脚猫 ,万金油 Every dog has his day. 风水轮流转。
①语言层次上的归化 assimilation /adaptation ②语言层次上的异化 alienation e.g.: lie on one’s back close the door behind you ① 调整语序, 以TL来调整行文 ② 保留本来面目 ③ 文化层面上的归化/异化 British scholar Mona Backer: 原文的文化价值 观念是否发生变化, 变化了的是DT , 没变的 FT.
The result of the act is a literal translation. The translator who advocates it is a literalist. Their thought or perception of translation is literalism. Its opposite is free translation. A literal translation is a foreignizing translation in cases where source and target language and culture systems conflict with each other.
All Canadians except the American Indians, so to speak, are foreign immigrants, differing only in the length of time they have settled in Canada. Vancouver, in particular, is one of the few most celebrated multi-ethnic cities in the world. Among the 1.8 million Vancouver residents, half of them are non-natives and one out of every four residents is from Asia. The 250,000 Chinese there have played a decisive role in the transformation of Vancouver's economy. Half of them have come to settle in Vancouver over the past five years only, rendering Vancouver the largest area outside Asia where the Chinese inhabit.
Definition • DT is a translation strategy in which a transparent, fluent style is adopted in order to minimize the strangeness of the foreign texts for target language readers. • FT is a type of translation in which a target text “deliberately ” breaks target conventions by retaining something of the foreignness of the original.
温哥华(Vancouver)的辉煌是温哥华 人智慧和勤奋的结晶,其中包括多民族 的贡献。加拿大地广人稀,国土面积比 中国还大,人口却不足3000万。吸收外 来移民,是加拿大长期奉行的国策。可 以说,加拿大除了印第安人外,
无一不是外来移民,不同的只是时间长 短而已。温哥华则更是世界上屈指可数 的多民族城市。现今180万温哥华居民中, 有一半不是在本地出生的,每4个居民中 就有一个是亚洲人。而25万华人对温哥 华的经济转型起着决定性的作用。他们 其中有一半是近5年才来到温哥华地区的, 使温哥华成为亚洲以外最大的中国人聚 居地。
Its opposite is literal translation. A free translation can be either a domesticating translation, or a foreignizing translation or neither of them. If it retains the foreign flavor, it is a foreignizing translation. If it loses the exotic flavor and is biased toward the target language-culture, it is a domesticating translation. If it loses the original flavor and is not biased toward the target side, it is neither of them.
2、“可以说,加拿大除了印第安人外,无 一不是外来移民,不同的只是时间长短 而已 ” 参考译文:All Canadians except the American Indians, so to speak, are foreign immigrants, differing only in the length of time they have settled in Canada
1、“加拿大地广人稀,国土面积比中国还 大,人口却不足3000万 ” 参考译文:Canada, sparsely populated, has a territory larger than that of China, but its population is only less than 30 million
DT and free translation • Free translation, also called liberal translation, refers to either a strategy or a product. It focuses on the reproduction of the ST meaning rather than its form. The corresponding act is labeled “free-translate” or “free-hand”. The result of the act is a free translation. The translator who advocates it is a liberalist or a free-hander. Their thought or perception of translation is liberalism.
• Schleiermacher claimed : Translations from different languages into German should read and sound different :the reader should be able to ,guess the Spanish behind a translation from Spanish ,and the Greek behind a translation from Greek
C to E 以英语为准 the four tigers of Asia 亚洲四小龙 like a donkey in a lion’s hide 狐假虎威 like a hot knife cutting through the butter 势如 破竹 FT E to C e.g. black horse 黑马 ivory tower 象牙塔 • C to E 馄饨 wonton; be like splitting bamboo 势如破竹 Henry Fok 霍英东
Italian-origined American scholar Lawrence Venuti “The Translator’s Invisibility ”
FT and literal translation • Literal translation refers to either a strategy or a product. It focuses on the reproduction of both the form and meaning of the ST although the form sometimes does not conform to the target language usage. Word-for-word, or verbatim translation, is a special case of literal translation. The corresponding act is labeled “translate literally or directly or verbatim”.
Foreignizing Translation and DomesticatinBiblioteka Baidu Translation 异化翻译与归化翻译
History of FT & DT • German scholar Friedrick Schleiermacher The translator can either leave the writer in peace as much as possible and bring the reader to him ,or he can leave the reader in peace as much as possible and bring the writer to hime. (1813)