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Passage 4
• 上海海事大学拥有交通行业航运技术与控 制工程专业重点实验室,一批科研教学基 地,设有水上训练基地,万吨级“育锋” 教学实习船,两艘无限航区远洋训练船及 29艘水上训练艇。同时,学校还拥有世界 级先进水平的航海模拟器——木兰航运仿 真纪念中心。
Passage 5
• The university has cooperative and exchange projects with nearly 30 overseas universities, international organizations, shipping and port enterprises in America, Canada, Chile, Holland, Britain, France, Germany, Poland, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Italy, Turkey, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Indonesia, Egypt, Vietnam, China Taiwan and Hong Kong, in such areas as educational programs, research collaborations and student exchanges. SMU is steadily expanding its enrolment of foreign students.
• cardiovascular disease heart disease stroke
• Alzheimer's disease
Shanghai Maritime University
Passage 1
• Shanghai Maritime University (SMU) is a multi-disciplinary university that encompasses such areas as engineering, management, economics, law, liberal arts, and science, with special emphasis on shipping technology, economics and management.
• Early in 1909 in the late Qing Dynasty, the Shipping Section of the Shanghai Industrial College under the Ministry of Post and Communications was launched, signaling the inception of tertiary maritime education.
Passage 5
• 学校先后与近30个分布在美国、加拿大、智利、 荷兰、英国、法国、德国、波兰、瑞士、瑞典、 丹麦、挪威、意大利、土耳其、澳大利亚、新西 兰、日本、韩国、新加坡、印度尼西亚、埃及、 越南以及中国台湾和香港地区的高校、国际组织、 港航企业等建立了合作与交流关系,内容涵盖了 合作办学、合作研究及学生交换等领域。留学生 的招生规模不断扩大。
Passage 6
• 学校组织开展形式多样的学生素质教育活 动,注重大学生心理健康教育。学校建立 了各种学生期中实践教育基地、毕业实习 基地,积极开拓学生就业市场,在就业竞 争日益激烈的情况下,近年来我校毕业生 的就业率一直保持在95%以上。
Passage 3
• SMU, consisting of 12 colleges, has 15,000 full-time students, of whom 11,000 are undergraduates and 2,000 are postgraduate students. Of the 800 full-time teachers, 110 are professors and 30 percent hold a doctorate. Deservedly, SMU has been honored as a “cradle of international shipping specialists.”
Passage 3
• 上海海事大学目前设有2个博士后科研流动 站,1个一级学科博士点,7个二级学科博 士点,28个硕士点,2个专业硕士点,41 个本科专业,12个高职专业。学校现设有 12个学院。
Passage 3
• 在15000余名全日制学生中,有本科生 11000余人,各类在校研究生2000余人。 在800余名专任教师中,有教授110余名, 具有博士学位的教师比例近30%。学校被 誉为是“高级航运人才的摇篮”。
Passage 1
• 学校将立足航运,依托上海,服务全国, 面向世界,充分发挥自身的专业特色和学 科优势,为建成世界高水平的海事大学而 努力奋斗。
Passage 2
• China’s maritime higher education started in Shanghai.
Passage 2
• 1909年晚清邮传部上海高等实业学堂船政科 开创了我国高等航海教育的先河。
Passage 2
• In 1912 Wusong Merchant Marine School was established; it was renamed Wusong Merchant Marine College in 1928.
Passage 6
• Shanghai Maritime University organizes many activities to cultivate well-rounded students, paying particular attention to their psychological wellbeing. It has set up a number of bases for students’ practice within the semesters and final field practice, continually explores job markets for the students. In spite of the increasingly intense competition for jobs, the employment rate for SMU graduates has maintained a level above 95 percent.
Passage 2
• China’s maritime higher education started in Shanghai.
• 中国高等航海教育发轫于上海
Passage 2
• Early in 1909 in the late Qing Dynasty, the Shipping Section of the Shanghai Industrial College under the Ministry of Post and Communications was launched, signaling the inception of tertiary maritime education.
• 1959年交通部在沪组建上海海运学院。 2004年经教育部批准更名为上海海事大学。
Passage 3
• At present, Shanghai Maritime University runs two post-doctoral research stations, one first-leveldiscipline doctoral program, seven second-level-discipline doctoral programs, 28 master’s degree programs, two specialized master's degree programs, 41 bachelor’s degree programs, and 12 associatedegree programs.
Passage 1
• 上海海事大学是一所以航运技术、经济与 管理为特色的具有工学、管理学、经济学、 法学、文学和理学等学科门类的多科性大 学。
Passage 1
• By relying on shipping, utilizing Shanghai’s resources, serving the whole country and reaching out to the world, SMU will give full play to the special features and advantages of its disciplines and aim at becoming a world-class maritime university.
• 1912年成立吴淞商船学校,1928年更名 为吴淞商船专科学校。
Passage 2
• Then in 1959, the Ministry of Transport created Shanghai Maritime Institute, renamed Shanghai Maritime University in 2004 under the approval of the Ministry of Education.
Passage 2
• In 1912 Wusong Merchant Marine School was established; it was renamed Wusong Merchant Marine College in 1928.
Passage 2
• Then in 1959, the Ministry of Transport created 源自文库hanghai Maritime Institute, renamed Shanghai Maritime University in 2004 under the approval of the Ministry of Education.
Interpreting Introduction
April 8-9, 2010
International News
Word preparation
• Physical examination VS
• Psychological examination
Word preparation
• chronic res’piratory disease ’asthma 哮喘 bron’chitis 支气管炎 emphy’sema 肺气肿
Passage 4
• Shanghai Maritime University has the Transport Sector Key Laboratory of the Shipping Technology and Control Engineering, a group of scientific research bases, a seamanship-training base, a 10,000-ton-class ship for teaching practice, two ocean training ships with unrestricted sailing zones, and 29 training boats. Meanwhile, SMU owns a state-of-the-art shipping simulator, the Mulan Shipping Simulation Memorial Center.