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ocean, wherein the thought secures its own conditions- changes,
perhaps, from salt to fresh, becomes a sweet sea, dead sea, or a
marsh. At the advent of each individual into this life, may we not
eyes, if possible, yet rarer colors, like flowers and precious stones,
as if they were the pearls, the animalized nuclei or crystals of the
Walden water.
is a subsidence of the waters, so that it reaches to the surface, that
which was at first but an inclination in the shore in which a
thought was harbored becomes an individual lake, cut off from the
• 梭罗认为,人是上帝的选民,人的生活中必须得 有某种“超灵”的东西存在。“超灵”在这里就 是自然审美精神,即自然所能馈赠的一切。在梭 罗看来,自然就是野性,野性是自然的生命,它 的原始、荒凉、清新和纯朴,预示着勃勃生机。 野性与善良的冲突反映在野性与心灵的追求之间 的激烈冲突,反映在野性与文明之间的冲突,它 们之间的张力恰恰构成了梭罗的自然审美情趣中 对机械工业文明批判的维度。
• 虽然自然对人具有净化和宽赦的功用,但 是生活在其中的人们却不懂得自然的这种 好处,反而肆无忌惮地对自然进行无尽的 榨取,为了自身片面的高速发展往往以损 害大自然为代价,工业文明与生态自然形 成了尖锐的矛盾。
• 梭罗喜爱的自然万事万物,都在他的笔下都显得 生动细致起来。打开《瓦尔登湖》,人们甚至可 以听得见蛙声和鸟啼,看得见湖水的波纹和林中 的雾霭。春夏秋冬,阴晴雨雪;野鸭与老鼠,青 蛙与乌龟;菖蒲与芦苇,河蓼草与眼子草;垂钓 与种豆,泛舟与悠淡等等,这些在梭罗的审美中 都显得是那样的细致,那样的真实,自然的一切 细微都逃不过梭罗一双敏锐的眼睛和一支生花的 妙笔,自然万物都带上了人的感情和个性。
Ah, the pickerel of Walden! when I see them lying on the ice, or
in the well which the fisherman cuts in the ice, making a little
hole to admit the water, I am always surprised by their rare beauty,
• 字里行间透着欣喜之情,赞美之情,我们 能深切的感受到作者进入了大自然的灵魂。
• 写鱼的美,未用任何华丽的词藻,朴实的 文风再次显露了作者的真诚。
When this
bar is gradually increased by storms, tides, or currents, or there
with the bights of the bays of poesy, or steer for the public ports of
《瓦尔登湖》赏析 ——亨利•大卫•梭罗
一次美妙的冬日林间旅程, 献给爱自然的你们。
• 梭罗是自然之子,他热爱大自然,向往大自然,并切实亲 身地去体验、去感悟,并用他那神奇的妙笔唤醒大众。梭 罗用艺术家的敏感、作家的天赋、诗人的灵魂来展现自然 审美的净化与宽赦。
• 因此他的文字轻灵洒脱,文章充满了诗意的情趣,没有华 丽的语言,一切都只是平平道来,就像瓦尔登湖那样,淡、 感性和透明,给人视觉神经的冲击和心灵感受。
梭罗的精神骨子里边是向往大自然的,因为只有 在那里,他的心灵才能获得启迪和升华,在现实 生活中遭受的创伤才能得以弥补和消弭。梭罗在 大自然的怀抱中生活,创造自己,超越自己,还 生活以一种本真、无拘无束、自由自在,那段瓦 尔登湖生活正是他这种独特的生活风格的真实体 现,超越生命中所建构起来的客观对象世界,进 而获得一种审美的愉悦情感。
suppose that such a bar has risen to the surface somewhere? It is
true, we are such poor navigators that our thoughts, for the most
part, stand off and on upon a harborless coast, are conversant only
as if they were fabulous fiபைடு நூலகம்hes, they are so foreign to the streets,
even to the woods, foreign as Arabia to our Concord life. They possess
a quite dazzling and transcendent beauty which separates them by a
wide interval from the cadaverous cod and haddock whose fame is
trumpeted in our streets. They are not green like the pines, nor
gray like the stones, nor blue like the sky; but they have, to my
perhaps, from salt to fresh, becomes a sweet sea, dead sea, or a
marsh. At the advent of each individual into this life, may we not
eyes, if possible, yet rarer colors, like flowers and precious stones,
as if they were the pearls, the animalized nuclei or crystals of the
Walden water.
is a subsidence of the waters, so that it reaches to the surface, that
which was at first but an inclination in the shore in which a
thought was harbored becomes an individual lake, cut off from the
• 梭罗认为,人是上帝的选民,人的生活中必须得 有某种“超灵”的东西存在。“超灵”在这里就 是自然审美精神,即自然所能馈赠的一切。在梭 罗看来,自然就是野性,野性是自然的生命,它 的原始、荒凉、清新和纯朴,预示着勃勃生机。 野性与善良的冲突反映在野性与心灵的追求之间 的激烈冲突,反映在野性与文明之间的冲突,它 们之间的张力恰恰构成了梭罗的自然审美情趣中 对机械工业文明批判的维度。
• 虽然自然对人具有净化和宽赦的功用,但 是生活在其中的人们却不懂得自然的这种 好处,反而肆无忌惮地对自然进行无尽的 榨取,为了自身片面的高速发展往往以损 害大自然为代价,工业文明与生态自然形 成了尖锐的矛盾。
• 梭罗喜爱的自然万事万物,都在他的笔下都显得 生动细致起来。打开《瓦尔登湖》,人们甚至可 以听得见蛙声和鸟啼,看得见湖水的波纹和林中 的雾霭。春夏秋冬,阴晴雨雪;野鸭与老鼠,青 蛙与乌龟;菖蒲与芦苇,河蓼草与眼子草;垂钓 与种豆,泛舟与悠淡等等,这些在梭罗的审美中 都显得是那样的细致,那样的真实,自然的一切 细微都逃不过梭罗一双敏锐的眼睛和一支生花的 妙笔,自然万物都带上了人的感情和个性。
Ah, the pickerel of Walden! when I see them lying on the ice, or
in the well which the fisherman cuts in the ice, making a little
hole to admit the water, I am always surprised by their rare beauty,
• 字里行间透着欣喜之情,赞美之情,我们 能深切的感受到作者进入了大自然的灵魂。
• 写鱼的美,未用任何华丽的词藻,朴实的 文风再次显露了作者的真诚。
When this
bar is gradually increased by storms, tides, or currents, or there
with the bights of the bays of poesy, or steer for the public ports of
《瓦尔登湖》赏析 ——亨利•大卫•梭罗
一次美妙的冬日林间旅程, 献给爱自然的你们。
• 梭罗是自然之子,他热爱大自然,向往大自然,并切实亲 身地去体验、去感悟,并用他那神奇的妙笔唤醒大众。梭 罗用艺术家的敏感、作家的天赋、诗人的灵魂来展现自然 审美的净化与宽赦。
• 因此他的文字轻灵洒脱,文章充满了诗意的情趣,没有华 丽的语言,一切都只是平平道来,就像瓦尔登湖那样,淡、 感性和透明,给人视觉神经的冲击和心灵感受。
梭罗的精神骨子里边是向往大自然的,因为只有 在那里,他的心灵才能获得启迪和升华,在现实 生活中遭受的创伤才能得以弥补和消弭。梭罗在 大自然的怀抱中生活,创造自己,超越自己,还 生活以一种本真、无拘无束、自由自在,那段瓦 尔登湖生活正是他这种独特的生活风格的真实体 现,超越生命中所建构起来的客观对象世界,进 而获得一种审美的愉悦情感。
suppose that such a bar has risen to the surface somewhere? It is
true, we are such poor navigators that our thoughts, for the most
part, stand off and on upon a harborless coast, are conversant only
as if they were fabulous fiபைடு நூலகம்hes, they are so foreign to the streets,
even to the woods, foreign as Arabia to our Concord life. They possess
a quite dazzling and transcendent beauty which separates them by a
wide interval from the cadaverous cod and haddock whose fame is
trumpeted in our streets. They are not green like the pines, nor
gray like the stones, nor blue like the sky; but they have, to my