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Affective considerations
attitudes empathy self-esteem inhibition imitation anxety peer pressure
Negative attitudes can affect success in learning a language from school age on up. Very young children, however, who are not developed enough cognitively to possess “attitudes” towards races, cultures, ethnic groups, classes of people, and lnguage, are unaffected.
01 03
Cognitive explanations
Jean Piaget: intellectual development
1. sensorimotor stage (from ages 0 to 2)——感觉运动阶段 2. preoperational stage (from ages 2 to 7)——前运算阶段 3. concrete operational stage (from ages 7 to 11)——具体运算阶段 4. formal operational stage (from ages 12 to 16)——形式运算阶段
2. The critical period hypothesis states that there is a period when language acquisition takes place naturally and effortlessly.
The critical period hypothesis
01 02
Explaining the effects of age
The critical period hypothesis
1. Critical period is a biological determined period of when language can be acquired more easily and beyond which time language is increasingly difficult to acquire.
Peer pressure
If adults can understand a second language speaker, for example, they will usually provide positive cognitive and affective feedback, a level of tolerance that might encourage some adult learners to “get by”. Children are harsher critics of one anothers's actions and words and may thus provide a necessary and sufficient degree of pressure to learn the second language.
• For example, adult secondlanguage learners nearly always retain an immediately identifiable foreign accent, including some who display perfect grammar. Some writers have suggested a younger critical age for learning phnology than for syntax.
• One obvious differences between the young child and the adolescent or adult is the ability of the latter to comprehend language as a formal system. • In contrast, younger children, while not totally lacking in metaawareness, are not so prone to respond to language as form.
The origin of CPH
In 1967, Lenneberg, a pscho-biologist, suggested that there is a period during the human life span from infancy to puberty (age 12 to 13) that is critical to language
Age factor
第2组: 高婧 曹立秋 鲍世颖 张智敏 王敏 灵灵
The effects of age
Explaining the effects of age
Teaching enlightenment
Affective explanations
The most critical stage for a consideration of first and second language acquisition appears to occur, in Piaget's outline, at puberty.
Cognitive explanations
learning is successful and after which it is
The critical period hypothesis
The 'classic' argument is that a critical point for second language acquisition occurs around puberty, beyond which people seem to be relatively incaple of acquiring a nativelike accent of the second language.
Another possibility that has been explored is that differences in that affective states of young and older learners account for age differences in SLA.
• Older learners can learn about language by consciously studying linguistic rules.
• For them language is a tool for expressing meaning.
01 04 Affective explanations
01 05
Teaching enlightenment
1.1Age factor and phonetic acquisition
If children and adolescents were given equal time in the same target language contxt as adults, young learners had more advantages in speech acquisition in the second language. This has a lot to do with their physiological differences. Adults have mastered their mother tongue before acquiring a second language, and they are more likely to be affected by the pronunciations of their mother tongue than children.
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01 01
the effects of age
Effects of age
• Children have a neurological advantage in learning languages, and that puberty correlates with a turning point in ability.