高三英语一轮复习---过去分词作状语在写作中的运用教学PPT课件 (29张)

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问题归 纳
• 了解: with +n. +p.p.
• 窗子碎了,这个教室看起来很可怕。 With windows broken, the classroom seemed terrible .
注意: with+ n.+ p.p. 是with复合结构的一种,其作用是作
状语。有时with可以省略,称为独立主格。 请思考: 该结构有什么特点?
Seen from the top, the National Stadium looks like a bird nest. Given another chance by God, I will say “I love you” to the girl.
Chosen to act as one of the four judges on it, Na ying is more famous than ever before.
Although she saved the prince, he doesn't know she is his savior.
Although __s__a_v_e_d___by the little mermaid, the prince doesn't know she is his savior.
_I_f l_oc_k_ed_i_n _a_bu_r_ni_ng_b_u_ild_in_g_, _yo_u_m_u_st_c_al_l f_or_h_e_lp_. _______
反馈练 习
• 3.例句:
Having been bitten twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our dog.
1.例句: Beaten black and blue, the lady couldn’t move. • 模仿: 1)从教室的窗户看出去,我们的学校很美丽。
Seen from the windows of the classroom, our school is beautiful.
—————————————————————— 2)被问及名字的时候,男孩保持沉默。 _As_k_ed_a_b_o_ut_h_is_n_am_e__, t_he_b_o_y_ke_p_t _sil_en_t_. __________
• The professor went into the courtyard, followed by his wife.
• Defeated again, he didn’t lose heart.
• Seen from space, the earth looks like a big blue ball.
What is the name of this movie?
It is the Voice of China.
It is a TV program, which is a surprisingly popular singing talent show broadcast on Zhejiang SatelliteTV since July 13, 2012 . Chosen to act as one of the four judges on it, Na ying is much more famous than ever before.
famous British novelist, received little school education.
合作探 究
1.老师走进教室,身后跟着学生。 2.这扇门锁上3个小时之后,终于被打开了。 3.如果多浇点水,这花会更加鲜艳(fresh)。 4.被老师的话鼓励,孩子们决定好好学习。 5.窗子碎了,这个教室看起来很可怕。
√• 2. Defeated again, he didn’t lose heart.
Although he was Because he was
ו 3to.uMchoivnegd. by the film, the film is
• Moved by the film, he started crying.
反馈练 习
2.例句: When heated, the ice changed into water. 模仿: 1)Although __sh_ot_in the leg, he went on firing
at the enemy. 虽然被射中了腿部,他仍然向敌人开火。
2)如果被锁在燃烧的建筑物中,你一定要呼 救。
Using The Past Participle as Adverbial in Writing
It is a building.
NSaeteionnfraolm the top, it looks like Stadium/a bird’s nest. Bird’s Nest
What is the name of the building?
blue ball.
Because he was
• 2. Moved by the film, he started crying.
If it is
• 3. Heated, water changes into steam.
• A4l.tDhoeufegahtehdeawgaasin, he didn’t lose heart. 让步
• If given time, he’ll become a top student . 连词+过去分词做状语
• Having been told many times, he wrote a letter to his father at last. Having been+过去分词做状语
反馈练 习
• 5. The professor went into the courtyard,
followed by his wife.
and he was
• 1. Seen from space, the earth looks like a big blue ball.
• 2. Moved by the film, he started crying. • 3. Heated, water changes into steam. • 4. Defeated again, he didn’t lose heart. • 5. The professor went into the
• Moved by the film, he started crying. Find the rules
• 1. 除了做定语、表语和宾补,过去分词 还可以作__状__语__,修饰_谓__语__动__词__(谓语 动词/宾语),表示动作发生的_时__间__、 原__因__、条__件__、 让__步__、伴__随__情___况__等。
Beaten by the sheep, again Mr. Wolf went to the village where the sheep lived.
WOhebnsiet irsveasadenvndetertbunircanel st状he语m into
• 1. Seen from space, the earth looks like a big
Which program is it?
灰太狼 He is a character of a cartoon film made in China. He said, “Beaten by the sheep, again I
Mwern. tWto othlefvillage where the sheep lived.” Who is he?
Lines of a Chinese movie:
《G大ive话n 西an游oth》er chance by God, I will
say to the girl, “I love you.” If
AtheCrehihnaedstoebe a limit of time, I hope Oditywsosueldybe ten thousand years…
连 句成 段
查尔斯 . 狄更斯 (Charles Dickens) (1). 英国著名小说家 (2). 出生于一个贫困的家庭 (3). 几乎没有接受学校教育 Charles Dickens is a famous British novelist. He was born into a poor family. He received little school education. Born into a poor family, Charles Dickens, a
Although __s_a__v_in__g_the prince, the mermaid doesn't let him know she is his savior.
结 构总结
• Encouraged by his mother, he worked harder and harder. 过去分词直接做状语
连 句成 段
城市:汕尾市 位置:广东东部 类型:沿海城市 面积:5271平方公里
Shanwei is located in the east of Guangdong Province. It is a coastal city. It covers an area of 5,271 square kilometers. Located in the east of Guangdong Province, Shanwei is a coastal city which covers an area of 5,271 square kilometers.
Having been followed for many days ,she disappeared suddenly .
——————————————————— 2)被寻找了多年,那个男孩终于回到了家里

Having been looked for for many years ,the boy came back home at last .
After she has drunk the poison, the little mermaid has two beautiful legs but loses her beautiful voice.
__H__a_v_in__g_d__r_u_n_k__ the poison, the little mermaid has two beautiful legs but loses her beautiful voice.
with+ n.+ p.p.结构中,过去分词是与前面的名词 构成被动关系,而与句子的主语无任何关系。
写作练 习

• 一天,天气很好。我走着上学去。到学 校时,我发现我的同学们正站在教室外面 ,面色忧郁。我想知道为什么。窗子坏了 ,那个教室看起来很可怕。没有人能进入 教室。被锁上3个小时之后,教室的门终 于被打开了。老师走进教室,学生跟在后 面。教室里有一盆漂亮的花。如果人们给 这盆花多浇点水的话,她会更鲜艳。“没 什么大不了的,班长把钥匙丢了。某人不 小心打碎了玻璃。抓紧每一分钟去学习, 你们会成功的!”老师说。被老师的话所 鼓励,我们决定努力学习。
• 2.过去分词做状语,从句的逻辑主语与主 句的_主__语__一致,表示__被__动__ (主动/被动) 含义。
Find the wrong sentences
When the earth is
ו 1b.luSeeebnalflr.om space, We will see a big
• Seen from space, the earth looks like…
courtyard, followed by his wife.
• Seen from space, the earth looks like a big blue ball.
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
• Moved by the film, he started crying.
• Heated, water changes into steam.