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铜绿假单胞菌 XJ601 产鼠李糖脂的优化培养及其稳定性
罗㊀ 娜1 ,董㊀ 文1 ,何春秋1 ,薛姝雯2 ,李㊀ 晶2 ,陈富林1,2 ,马艳玲1
2. 西安市油田微生物工程实验室,陕西 西安 710069)
摘㊀ 要:以 1 株从原油污染样品中分离获得的铜绿假单胞菌 XJ601 为研究对象 , 采用蒽酮比色法定量分析鼠李 糖脂 ,优化其产鼠李糖脂的培养基组成 ㊂ 研究表明 :疏水性底物优于亲水性底物 , 具有更高的鼠李糖脂产量 , 尤 以菜籽油最佳 ;氮源中 ,硝酸盐 ㊁NH 4 Cl 能促进鼠李糖脂的合成 , 以菜籽油为碳源时 , 最佳氮源为 NaNO 3 ;C / N 比 值在 20 时 ,鼠李糖脂产量最高 ;P 元素的微量添加会影响鼠李糖脂的合成 ㊂ 摇瓶培养获得的鼠李糖脂对不同温 度 ㊁pH 及 NaCl 浓度都具有较好的稳定性 ,表明其在三次采油及原油污染生物治理等领域具有较好的应用前景 ㊂ 关键词:铜绿假单胞菌;鼠李糖脂;优化培养基;稳定性;定量分析 中图分类号:Q93㊀ ㊀ ㊀ ㊀ 文献标志码:A㊀ ㊀ ㊀ ㊀ 文章编号:1672-3678(2016)03-0075-06
2016 年 5 月
第 14 卷第 3 期
Chinese Journal of Bioprocess Engineering
生㊀ 物㊀ 加㊀ 工㊀ 过㊀ 程
Vol������ 14 No������ 3 May 2016
doi:10������ 3969 / j������ issn������ 1672-3678������ 2016������ 03������ 014
基金项目:国家高技术研究发展计划(863 计划) (2013AA064402) ;陕西省教育厅产业化培育项目(15JF032) 作者简介:罗㊀ 娜(1990
) ,女,甘肃张掖人,研究方向:环境微生物;马艳玲( 联系人) ,副教授,E⁃mail:mayanling@ nwu.edu.cn
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
(1. 西北大学 生命科学学院,陕西 西安 710069;
Effects of medium components on rhamnolipid production and its stability by Pseudomonas aeruginosa XJ601
LUO Na1 ,DONG Wen1 ,HE Chunqiu1 ,XUE Shuwen2 ,LI Jing2 ,CHEN Fulin1,2 ,MA Yanling1
(1. College of Life Science,Northwest University,Xiᶄan 710069,China; 2.Oil Field Microbial Engineering Laboratory,Xiᶄan 710069,China)
Abstract:The present work aims to investigate the effects of different medium components on rhamnolipid production by anthrone colorimetry quantitative analysis with Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain XJ601,which insoluble carbon sources had been utilized forwere used to productione of rhamnolipids, while carbon rhamnolipids.Not only the type of carbon and nitrogen source but also the C / N ratio strongly influenced 20.The addition of P was also effective on the biosynthesis of rhamnolipids.The product of rhamnolipids by as well as for oil spill bioremediation������ quantitative analysis
was isolated from crude oil⁃contaminated sample. The results showed that water⁃soluble and water⁃ sources such as vegetable oils were especially effective to produce rhamnolipid. With rapeseed oil as corbon source,nitrate was better than ammonium chloride as nitrogen source to enhance the production of total rhamnolipid productivity,the highest final rhamnolipid concentration was observed at a C / N ratio of shake flask culture had good stability at different temperature and pH and different concentration of NaCl, which suggested that rhamnolipids produced by this strain hold much promise for oil recovery operations Keywords: Pseudomonas aeruginosa; rhamnolipid; optimization of medium components; stability;