

致谢Abstract...................................................................................................................................... I 摘要...................................................................................................................................... III 英语原文 (1)

汉语译文 (21)

翻译报告 (35)

前言 (35)

1 翻译任务描述 (35)

1.1 翻译任务来源 (35)

1.2 翻译文本简述 (35)

1.3 翻译项目意义 (36)

2 翻译过程 (36)

2.1 译前准备 (36)

2.1.1理论准备 (36)

2.1.2文本分析 (37)

2.1.3 理论指导 (38)

2.2 翻译过程 (39)

2.2.1翻译初稿 (39)

2.2.2修改稿 (39)

2.2.3定稿 (40)

3案例分析 (40)

3.1翻译过程中出现的问题类型 (40)

3.1.1英汉语言的巨大差异 (40)

3.1.2美国名人翻译 (43)

3.1.3美国社会保障方面的翻译 (44)

3.2理论指导下对翻译问题的解决 (45)


3.2.1翻译方法的使用 (45)

3.2.2文化因素的处理 (49)

3.2.3翻译过程中的错译 (51)

4翻译实践总结 (52)

参考文献 (53)




Chapter 1 It’s all about attitude

You don?t like the thought of growing older? Well, guess what? You don?t have to. Sure, the calender may remind you that another year has passed, but that doesn?t mean that you have to act, feel or look like you are old.

Getting older is a choice, not a sentence. You can just as easily make up your mind—and tell your body—to remain at age 50 the rest of your life, as you can accept the physical and mental declines associated with passage into your 60s, 70s, 80s and beyond.

The truth is, aging isn?t a roll of the dice. You don?t have to get old,if you don?t want to. That is because getting older doesn?t inevitably lead to disease, decline and dependence, as so many people believe. No matter what your chronological age, you can continue to enjoy good health, happiness and an active lifestyle.

Think about it. The years ahead can truly be a time of growth, creativity and renewal. Now that your children are grown up and out of the house and with more time on your hands, you finally can take the time to do things you always wanted to do. For many people, these years present an opportunity to explore and discover new things, pursue long-awaited goals, nurture relationships and live with a keener sense of purpose and meaning. The “golden years” can be rich, indeed. If you haven?t yet reached retirement, it will come sooner that you think—and it is never too early to start thinking ahead. To truly enjoy the years that await you, it?s important to make good choices now that will lead you down to the right path.

This book explores many aspects of what you need to do and need to know to live stronger, longer and healthier at any age! The chapters that follow will provide you with tips,

