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读书的习惯是人类 学得知识的最重要 的方法之一;我们 在阅读属于自己的 书时所得到的乐趣, 远远大于阅读借来 的书时所得的乐趣。 一本借来的书就像 是家里的一位客人, 必须小心翼翼地, 以一种十分周到的 态度来对待。
You must see that it sustains no damage; it must not suffer while under your roof. You cannot leave it carelessly, you cannot mark it, you cannot turn down the pages, you cannot use it familiarly. And then, some day, although this is seldom done, you really ought to return it
他们为你而写作。 他们“展示了他们 自己”,他们尽力 以最好的东西款待 你,给你一个好印 象。就像观众对演 员是必要的一样, 你对这些作家是必 要的;只不过你不 是看见他们戴着面 具,而是洞察到了 他们内心的最深处。
Owning Books William Phelps
论 藏 书 威廉· 菲尔普斯
The habit of reading is one of the greatest resources of mankind; we enjoy reading books that belong to us much more than if they are borrowed. A borrowed book is like a guest in the house; it must be treated with punctiliousness, with a certain considerate formality.
你务必使它完好无 损,使它在家里不 遭破坏。你不能漫 不经心地随手乱放, 你不能在书里做记 号,你不能折书页, 你不能随便使用它。 而且,有一天你得 将它归还原处,尽 管你很少做到这一 点。
But your own books belong to you; you treat them with that affectionate intimacy that annihilates formality. Books are for use, not for show; you should own no book that you are afraid to mark up, or afraid to place on the table, wide open and face down.
书籍朋友较之有生命的 朋友有着这样的长处: 任何时候只要你愿意, 你可以接触到世界上最 真正高贵的人们,从他 们那儿获得乐趣。已故 的伟人是我们无法亲身 接触的,而活着的伟人 通常几乎也是同样地无 法接近的,至于我们个 人的朋友和熟人,我们 也不能经常看见他们, 他们或许已经就寝,或 许已经出门旅行去了。
最好的墙壁饰物是书, 它们的颜色和外观丰 富多彩,胜过任何墙 纸,它们的图样设计 也更有吸引力。它们 还有一个最大的好处: 集中了许多各不相同 的名人,当你独自坐 在室内炉火旁时,你 会觉得身边围聚着不 少知心朋友。你知道 一眼就能看到他们, 这是令人既激动又振 奋的。
You do not have to read them all. Most of my indoor life is spent in a room containing six thousand books; and I have a stock answer to the invariable question that comes from strangers. “Have you read all of these books?” “Some of them twice.” This reply is both true and unexpected.
你不必读遍全部藏 书。我的室内生活 多半是在一间存放 着6000册书的房间 里度过的;对于陌 生人提出的那个千 篇一律的问题,我 有一个常备的答案。 “这些书你全都读 过了吗?”“有些 书读过两遍。”这 个回答既真实,又 出乎他们的意料。
There are of course no friends like living, breathing, corporeal men and women; my devotion to reading has never made me a recluse. How could it ? Books are of the people, by the people , for the people. Literature is the immortal part of history; it is the best and most enduring part of personality.
但是你自己的书是 属于你的,你可以 毫无拘束地用一种 深情的亲昵态度来 对待它们。藏书是 为了使用,不是为 了炫耀;你害怕做 上记号的书,或者 不敢摊开翻转过来 放在桌上的书,你 就不应该拥有它们。
A good reason for marking favorite passages in books is that this practice enables you to remember more easily the significant sayings, to refer to them quickly, and then in later years, it is like visiting a forest where you once blazed a trail. You have the pleasure of going over the old ground, and recalling both the intellectual scenery and your own earlier self.
每一个人都应在青年 时期就始搜集和收藏 书籍;人占有私有财 产的这种基本的本能, 在这里可得以有百利 而无一弊地加以培养。 人们应该有自己的书 柜,书柜应该没有门、 玻璃窗或锁;它们应 该是开放的、方便的, 眼一见到即可伸手取 得。
The best of mural decorations are books; they are more varied in color and appearance than any wall-paper , they are more attractive in design , and they have the prime advantage of being separate personalities so that if you sit alone in the room in the fire light, you are surrounded with intimate friends. The knowledge that they are there in plain view is both stimulating and refreshing.
在书内你所喜欢的段 落标上记号的一个重 要原因是,这种做法 可以使你更容易地记 住那些重要的话,很 快地查阅它们,若干 年后再读到时,就像 来到一座你曾在树皮 上刻过印痕的森林。 你会享受一种重游故 地的乐趣,回忆起寓 意深邃的景色和你本 人早期的自我。
Everyone should begin collecting a private library in youth; the instinct of private property, which is fundamental in human beings, can here be cultivated with every advantage and no evils. One should have one’s own bookshelves, which should not have doors, glass windows, or keys; they should be free and accessible to the hand as well as to the eye.
可是,在你的私人 图书馆内,你可以 在任何时候同苏格 拉底,或莎士比亚, 或卡莱尔,或大小 仲马,或狄更斯, 或萧伯纳,或巴里, 或高尔斯华绥交谈。 而且毫无疑问,在 这些书里,你可以 看到这些人正处于 他们的最佳状态。
They wrote for you. They “laid themselves out”, they did their ultimate best to entertain you, to make a favorable impression. You are necessary to them as an audience is to an actor; only instead of seeing them masked, you look into their inmost heart of heart.
But in a private library, you can at any moment converse with Socrates or Shakespeare or Carlyle or Dumas or Dickens or Shaw or Barrie or Galsworthy. And there is no doubt that in these books you see these men at their best.
最好的朋友当然是 活生生的,能喘气 的,有血有肉的男 男女女;我对读书 的挚爱从未使我成 为遁世的隐士。这 是怎么做到的?书 籍是人所拥有的, 由人使用的,为人 服务的。文学是历 史的永存部分;它 是人的品格中最好 的、最持久的部分。
Book-friends have this advantage over living friends; you can enjoy the most truly aristocratic society in the world whenever you want it. The great dead are beyond our physical reach, and the great living are usually almost as inaccessible; as for our personal friends and acquaintances, we cannot always see them. Perchance they are asleep, or away on a journey.