



复变函数总结完整版第一章 复数12i =-11-=i 欧拉公式z=x+iy实部Re z 虚部Im z2运算①2121Re Re z z z z =⇔≡21Im Im z z =②()()()()()2121212121Im Im Re Re Im Re z z z z z z z z z z++±=±+±=±③()()()()1221212121122121221121y x y x i y y x x y y y ix yix x x iy x iy x z z ++-=-++=++=⋅④()()()()222221212222212122222211222121y x y x x y iy x y y x x iy x iy x iy x iy x z z z z zz+-+++=-+-+==⑤iy x z -= 共轭复数()()22y x iy x iy x z z +=-+=⋅ 共轭技巧运算律 P1页3代数,几何表示iyx z += z 与平面点()y x ,一一对应,与向量一一对应辐角 当z ≠0时,向量z 和x 轴正向之间的夹角θ,记作θ=Arg z=πθk 20+ k=±1±2±3…把位于-π<0θ≤π的0θ叫做Arg z 辐角主值 记作0θ=0arg z4如何寻找arg z例:z=1-i4π-z=i 2π z=1+i 4π z=-1 π5极坐标: θcos r x =, θsin r y =()θθsin cos i r iy x z +=+=利用欧拉公式 θθθsin cos i e i += 可得到θi re z =()21212121212121θθθθθθ+=⋅=⋅=⋅i i i i i e r r e e r r e r e r z z6 高次幂及n 次方()θθθn i n r e r z z z z z n in n n sin cos +==⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅=凡是满足方程zn=ω的ω值称为z 的n 次方根,记作 nz=ω ()nk i re z ωπθ==+2即nr ω=nr1=ωϕπθn k =+2nk πθϕ2+=第二章解析函数1极限 2函数极限① 复变函数对于任一D Z ∈都有E ∈W 与其对应()z f =ω 注:与实际情况相比,定义域,值域变化 例 ()z z f = ②()A =→z f z z 0limz z → 称()z f 当0z z →时以A 为极限 ☆当()0z f =A 时,连续例1 证明()z z f =在每一点都连续 证:()()00→-=-=-z z z z z f z f 0z z →所以()z z f =在每一点都连续3导数()()()()000limz z z z z z df z z z f z f z f =→=--='例2()Cz f = 时有 ()0'=C证:对z ∀有()()0lim lim 0=∆-=∆-∆+→∆→∆zCC z z f z z f z z 所以()0'=C例3证明()z z f =不可导 解:令0z z -=ω()()iyx iyx z z z z z z z z z z z f z f +-==--=--=--ωω000000当0→ω时,不存在,所以不可导。



《复变函数》 复习资料1一、判断题1. 把角形域映射为角形域用指数函数映射( ) 分式线性映射在复平面上具有共形性、保圆性、保对称性。

( )8.9.10.二、解答题1.设)1()(2z z e z f z +=,求()f z 在1||0<<z 的洛朗展式(只写出含1z 到2z 各项).2.利用留数定理计算复积分I =21az z e dz =⎰+1()()n n z dzz a z b =--⎰ (01,01a b <<<<且,a b n ≠为自然数).3.利用留数定理计算实积分θθθπd ⎰-20cos 452cos 4.三、解答与证明题1.如果在1z <内,函数()f z 解析,且1()1f z z≤-,求()(0)n f 的最优估计值. 2.(1)函数211x +当x 为实数时,都有确定的值且在全实轴上有任意阶导数,但它的泰勒展开式: -+-=+422111x x x却只当1<x 时成立,试说明其原因; (2)利用惟一性定理证明:210(1)sin ,(21)!n n n z z n ++∞=-=+∑1z <. 3.设)(z ϕ在:1C z =内解析且连续到C,在C 上()1z ϕ<试证 在C内部2()3z z z ϕ=+只有一个根0z .4. 设D 为单连通区域,()f z 在D 内解析,C 在D 内一条周线,0D 为C 的内部.若对于任意的0z D ∈都有1()Re 12C f d i z ξξπξ⎧⎫=⎨⎬-⎩⎭⎰,则在D 内恒有()f z 1ic =+,其中c 为实常数.答案一、1-5 FFTTF 6-10 TFFTF二、解答题1、设)1()(2z z e z f z+=,求()f z 在1||0<<z 的洛朗展式(只写出含1z 到2z 各项) 解:)1()(2z z e z f z+=211z e z z=+ =21(1)2!3!z z z ++++(2421(1)n n z z z -+-+-+)=215126z z z +--+(1||0<<z ).2、利用留数定理计算复积分I =21az z e dz =⎰+1()()n n z dzz a z b =--⎰ (01,01a b <<<<且,a b n ≠为自然数)解:因为 ||1a <,||1b <且a b ≠ 所以1||1()()n n z dzI z a z a ==--⎰=2i π[Re ()z a s f z =+Re ()z bs f z =] =12121(1)...(22)112(1)()0(1)!()()n n n n n n i n b a a b π---⎡⎤---+=⎢⎥---⎣⎦设2I =21az z e dz =⎰,因为在单位圆周1z =内2az e 只有一个本质奇点0z =,在该点的去心领域内有洛朗展式:2az e =22412!a az z+++所以2Re 0az z s e ==,故20I =,因此原积分值为零。



(3) 0 z 1 i 2, 以 (1 i) 为圆心, 2为半径 的去心圆盘, 是多连通域. (4) arg( z i) ,
4 以 i 为端点, 斜率为1的半射线 (不包括端点i ), 不是区域.
4. 复变函数与自变量之间的关系: 复变函数 w 与自变量 z 之间的关系w f (z) 相当于两个关系式:
当 z 沿直线 y kx 趋于零时,
lim u( x, y) lim x lim
x0 ykx
x0 ykx
x2 y2
x0 x2 (kx)2
1 ,
x0 x2(1 k 2 )
1 k2
随 k 值的变化而变化,
所以 lim u( x, y) 不存在, lim v( x, y) 0,
例1 在映射 w z2 下求下列平面点集在w 平面
(1) 线段 0 r 2, π;
解 设 z rei ,
w ei ,
则 r2, 2 , o
故线段 0 r 2, π 映射为 0 4, π ,
例1 在映射 w z2 下求下列平面点集在w 平面
显然 r z 1,
3 10
cos 5
sin 3 , 10
故三角表示式为 z cos 3 i sin 3 ,



复变函数Complex Function⚫第一章复数与复变函数⚫第二章解析函数⚫第三章复变函数积分⚫第四章复变函数项级数⚫第五章留数及其应用主要内容复数形如 z = x+iy , 其中x 和y 是任意两个实数.=x z Re(), =y z Im()z 的共轭复数记作: ,z =+⇒z x iy =−z x iy共轭复数的性质:+=−=z z z z z i z 2Re(); 2Im()⎝⎭+ ⎪⎛⎫−i i 1117)(()()+−=−i i i 1117714)(=⎣⎦−⎡⎤i 21727)(=−i 2277)(=i .−+−i i i i 121)(()()−+⋅=++−i i i ii i i i 1111)()(−=+−+i i 2111=−−i 2231复数的四则运算: 和 差 积 商复数的几何表示向量的长度==+z r x y22复数的模=z rei θ指数表示式三角表示式=+z r i cos sin θθ)(其中r = |z |, = Arg zθ复数的表示方法幅角的主值:满足−<≤πθπ的复数z 的幅角称为辐角的主值.θ=z arg 0)Arg arg 2 0,1,2,.π=+=±±z z k k (复数的幅角θθθθθθ⋅=⋅+++=⋅+ez z r r i r r i [cos()sin()](12212)1212112θθθπ=⎝⎭ ⎪==+⎛⎫+++r e n n w z r i k k n ni k k nncos sin 22121ππ)(复数的方根=θ−θ+θ−θ=θ−θe z r r i z r r i [cos()sin()]21)22121211(12复数乘积和商θθθ=+=r e z r n i n n n n i n [cos()sin()]()θθθ=+=ei r z r i (cos sin )+=z 1604例1: 解方程ππ⎝⎭⎪=+⎛⎫++i k k 4416cos sin 2241ππππ⎝⎭⎪=+⎛⎫++i k k 442cos sin22ππ=k (0,1,2,3)复数的乘幂=−z 164解:幅角的主值).=+=±±πz z k k ,Arg arg 2 0,1,2(满足−<≤πθπ的复数z 的幅角称为辐角的主值.记做:=z arg 0θ例2: 的幅角主值=−+z i 13ππππ−−+=+=−+=i 133arg 13arctan 32)(的幅角主值=−z 3π−=arg(3)例3: 证明+=++z z z z z z 2Re ,121212222)(并由此证明+≤+z z z z .1212证明:+=++z z z z z z ()1212122)(=+++z z z z z z z z 11221212+=++z z z z z z 2Re 121212222)(≤++z z z z 2121222=++=+z z z z z z 2121212222)(+=z z z z z z ()2Re 121212)(≤x z=z zz2⇒+≤+z z z z .1212例4: 映射 ,求圆周的象.=+z w z 1=z 2令=+=+z x iy w u iv ,,映射=+1w z z⇒+=++−+u iv x iy x iyx y22,解:于是=++u x x x y 22 ,=−+v y y x y 22,=z 2⇒==u x v y 44,53⇒==x u y v53,44+=u v 25914422+=x y 422映射=w f z (), w 称为z 的象,z 称为w 的原象两个特殊的映射==w zw z (2)(1)2复变函数的极限与连续性定理2: 设 =+f z u x y iv x y ()(,)(,),则 f (z )在处连续 =+z x iy 000的充分必要条件是 u x y (,),v x y (,)都在x y (,)00点连续.结论:arg z 在原点与负实轴上不连续.=→f z f z z z lim ()()00复变函数连续复变函数的极限=→f z A z z lim ()0定理1:=+=+=+f z u x y iv x y A u iv z x iy ,(,),,00000)()(设函数=⇔==→→→→→f z A u x y u v x y v y y y y z z x x x x lim lim ,,lim ,000)()()(−+=+x yi x y f z x x x yi ()= ()22++==x y x y u v x xy , 22222=y kx方法1: 沿++==→→→→x k x k u x y x y y x x 1lim ,lim 1000022222 )(依赖于k ,故极限不存在。



(一)复数的概念1.复数的概念:z x iy =+,,x y 是实数, ()()Re ,Im x z y z ==.21i =-. 注:一般两个复数不比较大小,但其模(为实数)有大小. ①两个复数相等,当且仅当它们的实部与虚部分别相等。


③称复数x+iy 和x-iy 互为共轭复数。

2.复数的表示1)模:z=2)幅角:在0z ≠时,矢量与x 轴正向的夹角,记为()Arg z (多值函数);主值()arg z 是位于[)π2,0中的幅角。

(()Arg z 有无穷个值,()arg z 是复数z 的辐角的主值()Arg z =()arg z +2k π3)()arg z 与arctan y x之间的关系如下: 当0,x > arg arctanyz x=;当0,arg arctan 0,0,arg arctan yy z x x y y z xππ⎧≥=+⎪⎪<⎨⎪<=-⎪⎩; 4)三角表示:)sin (cos z θθi r +=,其中)(r z g A =θ;注:中间一定是“+”号。

(r=|z|)5)指数表示:θi re =z ,其中)(r z g A =θ。

(二) 复数的运算 1.加减法:若111222,z x iy z x iy =+=+,则()()121212z z x x i y y ±=±+±··2.乘除法:1)若111222,z x iy z x iy =+=+,则()()1212122112z z x x y y i x y x y =-++;()()()()112211112121221222222222222222x iy x iy z x iy x x y y y x y x i z x iy x iy x iy x y x y +-++-===+++-++。



导数与微分在解决实际问题中具有广泛的应 用。
导数与微分的应用包括求函数的极值、判断 函数的单调性、求函数的拐点、近似计算等 。这些应用在物理学、工程学、经济学等领 域都有广泛的应用,如波动方程、热传导方 程、弹性力学等领域的研究都需要用到复变
解析性是实变函数的导数的定义基础,因此解析性在实变函数中有 着广泛的应用。
解析性是复变函数的导数的定义基础,因此解析性在复变函数中有 着广泛的应用。
解析性在物理中也有着广泛的应用,例如在电磁学、光学等领域中, 解析性可以帮助我们更好地理解物理现象。
复数与复变函数在物理、工程等领域有广泛的应用。例如,在电路分析中,电压和电流可以用复数表示,方便计 算;在信号处理中,复数可以用于表示和处理信号;在量子力学中,波函数通常用复数表示。此外,许多数学问 题也可以通过复数和复变函数得
复变函数是定义在复数域上的函数,具有连续性、可微性等 性质。
复变函数是定义在复数域上的函数,其定义与实数域上的函 数类似,但具有更丰富的性质。复变函数可以具有连续性、 可微性、解析性等性质,这些性质在研究复变函数的积分、 微分、级数等数学问题中具有重要作用。
幂级数是无穷多个形如$a_n x^n$的项按照一定的顺 序排列的数列,其中$a_n$是常数,$x$是变量。



复变函数复习重点(一)复数的概念1.复数的概念:z x iy =+,,x y 是实数, ()()Re ,Im x z y z ==.21i =-. 注:一般两个复数不比较大小,但其模(为实数)有大小.2.复数的表示1)模:22zx y =+;2)幅角:在0z ≠时,矢量与x 轴正向的夹角,记为()Arg z (多值函数);主值()arg z 是位于(,]ππ-中的幅角。

3)()arg z 与arctan y x之间的关系如下:当0,x > arg arctanyz x=;当0,arg arctan 0,0,arg arctan yy z x x y y z xππ⎧≥=+⎪⎪<⎨⎪<=-⎪⎩;4)三角表示:()cos sin z z i θθ=+,其中arg z θ=;注:中间一定是“+”号。

5)指数表示:i z z e θ=,其中arg z θ=。

(二) 复数的运算1.加减法:若111222,z x iy z x iy =+=+,则()()121212z z x x i y y ±=±+±2.乘除法:1)若111222,z x iy z x iy =+=+,则()()1212122112z z x x y y i x y x y =-++;()()()()112211112121221222222222222222x iy x iy z x iy x x y y y x y x i z x iy x iy x iy x y x y +-++-===+++-++。

2)若121122,i i z z e z z e θθ==, 则()121212i z z z z e θθ+=;()121122i z z e z z θθ-=3.乘幂与方根1) 若(cos sin )i z z i z e θθθ=+=,则(cos sin )nnn in z z n i n z e θθθ=+=。



复变函数的积分方程与 微分方程
复变函数积分方程是描述函数在某个路 径上的积分值的等式。
通过适当的变换和代数运算,将积分方程 转化为更易于解决的形式,如转化为微分 方程或代数方程。

解析函数在复平面上的积分可以 用实部和虚部来表示,也可以用 极坐标形式表示。
柯西积分公式是复变函数中一个重要的公式,它可 以用来计算复变函数沿着曲线的积分。
柯西积分公式由三个部分组成:被积函数、被积函 数的导数和被积函数的二阶导数。
柯西积分公式的应用范围很广,可以用于解决很多 复变函数的问题。
复数可以表示为三角形式 r(cosθ + i sinθ),其中 r 是模长,θ 是辐角。
cosθ = x/r, sinθ = y/r,其中 x 和 y 是复数的实部和虚部。
函数自变量 x 的取值范围。
函数因变量 y 的取值范围。
通过求解微分方程,可以得到函数的表达式或找到函数的 特定性质。
如果一个复变函数在某个区域内的导数存在 且连续,则称该函数在该区域内解析。
解析函数在复变函数理论中具有重要地位, 它们具有许多良好的性质,如柯西定理、泰 勒级数展开等。这些性质在解决各种数学问 题中具有广泛的应用,如求解积分方程、微 分方程等。



复变函数论(A )Ⅰ. Cloze Tests (20102=⨯ Points )1. If nn n n i i z ⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛++⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-=1173,thenlim =+∞→n n z .2. If C denotes the circle centered at 0z positively oriented and n is apositive integer ,then)(10=-⎰Cn dz z z . 3. The radius of convergence of∑∞=++13)123(n n z n nis .4. The singular points of the function )3(cos )(22+=z z zz f are . 5. 0 ,)ex p(s Re 2=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛n z z , where n is a positive integer.6.=)sin (3z e dzd z. 7. The main argument and the modulus of the number i -1 are . 8. The square roots of i -1 are . 9. The definition of z e is . 10. Log )1(i -= .Ⅱ. True or False Questions (1553=⨯ Points)1. If a function f is analytic at a point 0z ,then it is differentiable at 0z .( )2. If a point 0z is a pole of order k of f ,then 0z is a zero of order k off /1.( )3. A bounded entire function must be a constant.( )4. A function f is analytic a point 000iy x z += if and only if whose real andimaginary parts are differentiable at ),(00y x .( )5. If f is continuous on the plane and =+⎰Cdz z f z ))((cos 0 for every simpleclosed path C , then z e z f z 4sin )(+ is an entire function. ( )Ⅲ. Computations (3557=⨯ Points)1. Find⎰=-+1||)2)(12(5z z z zdz.2. Find the value of ⎰⎰==-+228122)1(sin z z z z dzz dz z ze . 3. Let )2)(1()(--=z z zz f ,find the Laurent expansion off on the annulus{}1||0:<<=z z D .4. Given λλλλd z z f C⎰-++=345)(2,where {}3|:|==z z C ,find )1(i f +-'.5. Given )1)(1(sin 1)(2+-+=z z zz f ,find )1),(Res()1),(Res(-+z f z f .Ⅳ. Verifications (30310=⨯ Points)1. Show that if )(0)()(C z z f k ∈∀≡, then )(z f is a polynomial of order k <.2. Show that 012797lim 242=+++⎰+∞→R C R dz z z z , where R C is the circle centered at 0 with radius R .3. Show that the equation 012524=-+-z z z has just two roots in the unite disk复变函数论(B )Ⅰ. Cloze Tests (20102=⨯ Points )1. If nn n n i i z ⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛++⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-=1162,thenlim =+∞→n n z .2. If C denotes the circle centered at 0z positively oriented and n is apositive integer ,then)(10=-⎰Cn dz z z . 3. The radius of the power series∑∞=+12)1(n n z nis .4. The singular points of the function )1(sin )(2+=z z zz f are . 5. 0 ,)ex p(s Re 2=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛n z z , where n is a positive integer.6.=z e dzd z2cos . 7. The main argument and the modulus of the number i -1 are . 8. The square roots of 1+i are . 9. The definition of z cos is . 10. Log )1(i += .Ⅱ. True or False Questions (1553=⨯ Points)1. If a function f is differentiable at a point 0z ,then it is continuous at 0z .( )2. If a point 0z is a pole of order m of f ,then 0z is a zero of order m off /1.( )3. An entire function which maps the plane into the unite disk must be aconstant.( )4. A function f is differentiable at a point 000iy x z += if and only if whosereal and imaginary parts are differentiable at ),(00y x and the CauchyRiemann conditions hold there.( )5. If a function f is continuous on the plane and=⎰Cdz z f )(0 for everysimple closed contour C , then z z f sin )( is an entire function. ( )Ⅲ. Computations (3557=⨯ Points)1. Find⎰=-+1||)2)(12(z z z zdz.2. Find the value of ⎰⎰==-+223122)1(sin z z z z dzz dz z ze . 3. Let )2)(1()(--=z z zz f ,find the Laurent expansion off on the annulus{}1||0:<<=z z D .4. Given λλλλd z z f C⎰-++=142)(2,where {}3|:|==z z C ,find )1(i f +-'.5. Given )1)(1(sin )(2+-=z z zz f ,find )1),(Res()1),(Res(-+z f z f .Ⅳ. Verifications (30310=⨯ Points)1. Show that the function iy x e e z z f ---=)2()(2is an entire function.2. Show that if )(0)()(C z z f m ∈∀≡, then )(z f is a polynomial of orderm <.3. Show that 0651lim 242=+++⎰+∞→R C R dz z z z , where R C is the circle centered at 0 with radius R .复变函数论(C )Ⅰ. Cloze Tests (20102=⨯ Points )1. If nnn n i i z ⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛++⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+=3131,thenlim =+∞→n n z .2. If C denotes any simple closed contour and 0z is a point inside C , then)(sin 0=-⎰Cn dz z z z, where n is an integer. 3. The radius of convergence of the power series∑∞=-12)63(n n z nis .4. The singular points of the function )2(cos )(244-+=z z z z z f are .5. 0 ,)ex p(s Re =⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛m z z , where m is a positive integer.6. The main argument and the modulus of the number iie 45π are . 7. The integral of the function )(sin )(2ti t t t w += on ]1,1[- is . 8. The definition of z sin is . 9. Log )1(i -= .10. The solutions of the equation 013=-zi e are .Ⅱ. True or False Questions (1553=⨯ Points)1. If a function f is continuous at a point 0z ,thenit is differentiable at 0z .( )2. If a point 0z is a pole of order m of f ,then there is a function ϕ that isanalytic at 0z with 0)(0≠z ϕ such that mz z z z f )()()(0-=ϕ on somedeleted neighborhood of 0z .( )3. An entire function which is identically zero on a line segment must beidentically zero.( )4. A function f is differentiable on open set D if and only if whose real andimaginary parts are differentiable on D and the Cauchy Riemann conditions hold on D .( )5. If a function f is continuous on the plane and=⎰Cdz z f )(0 for everysimple closed path C , then 0)(=z f for all z . ( )Ⅲ. Computations (3557=⨯ Points)1. Find⎰=++1||)23)(13(9z z z zdz.2. Find the value of ⎰⎰==-+-222142)1(sin z z z dzz dz z zz . 3. Let )2)(1(3)(2++=z z z z f ,find the Laurent expansion of f on the annulus{}1||0:<<=z z D .4. Given ξξξξd z z f C ⎰-++=543)(2,where {}4|:|==z z C ,find )2(i f +'.5. Find ⎪⎪⎭⎫⎛+i z z ,)1(4Res 222. Ⅳ. Verifications (30310=⨯ Points)1. Show that 0233lim 242=+++⎰+∞→RC R dz z z z , where R C is the circle centered at 0 with radius R .2. Suppose that f is analytic and ||f is a constant on a domain a domainD , prove that a z f =)( for some constant a and all D z ∈.3. Show that the equation z z z z -=+-127234 has just three roots in the unite disk.《复变函数论》试题(D )Ⅰ. Cloze Tests (20102=⨯ Points )1. If nnn n i i z ⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛++⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-=1153,then lim =+∞→n n z . 2. If C denotes the circle centered at 0z positively oriented and n is apositive integer ,then)(10=-⎰C n dz z z . 3. The radius of the power series∑∞=++13)12(n n z n nis .4. The singular points of the function )3(cos )(2+=z z zz f are .5. 0 ,)ex p(s Re 2=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛n z z , where n is a positive integer.6.=)sin (5z e dzd z. 7. The main argument and the modulus of the number i -1 are . 8. The square roots of 1+i are . 9. The definition of z e is . 10. Log )1(i += .Ⅱ. True or False Questions (1553=⨯ Points)1. If a function f is differentiable at a point 0z ,then it is analytic at 0z .( )2. If a point 0z is a pole of order k of f ,then 0z is a zero of order k off /1.( )3. A bounded entire function must be a constant.( )4. A function f is analytic a point 000iy x z += if and only if whose real andimaginary parts are differentiable and the Cauchy Riemann conditions hold in a neighborhood of ),(00y x .( )5. If a function f is continuous on the plane and=⎰Cdz z f )(0 for everysimple closed contour C , then z e z f z sin )(+ is an entire function. ( )Ⅲ. Computations (3557=⨯ Points)1. Find⎰=-+1||)2)(12(z z z zdz.2. Find the value of ⎰⎰==-+223122)1(sin z z z z dzz dz z ze . 3. Let )2)(1()(--=z z zz f ,find the Laurent expansion off on the annulus{}1||0:<<=z z D .4. Given λλλλd z z f C⎰-++=142)(2,where {}3|:|==z z C ,find )1(i f +-'.5. Given )1)(1(sin )(2+-=z z zz f ,find )1),(Res()1),(Res(-+z f z f .Ⅳ. Proving (30310=⨯ Points)1. Show that if )(0)()(C z z f m ∈∀≡, then )(z f is a polynomial of order m <.2. Show that 012783lim 242=+++⎰+∞→R C R dz z z z , where R C is the circle centered at 0 with radius R .3. Show that the equation 012524=-+-z z z has just two roots in the unitedisk.《复变函数论》试题(E )Ⅰ. Cloze Tests (20102=⨯ Points )1. If nn n i n n z ⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛++-=211,thenlim =+∞→n n z . 2. If C denotes the circle centered at 0z and n is an integer ,then)(1210=-⎰C n dz z z i π. 3. The radius of the power series∑∞=+12)1(n n z nis .4. The singular points of the function 1cos )(2+=z zz f are . 5. 0 ,sin s Re 2=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛n z z , where n is a positive integer.6.=z e dzd z2sin . 7. The main argument and the modulus of the number i +1 are . 8. The square roots of )0(>A Ai are . 9. The definition of z cos is . 10. Log )22(i += .Ⅱ. True or False Questions (1553=⨯ Points)1. If a function f is differentiable at a point 0z ,then it is continuous at 0z .( )2. If a point 0z is a zero of order n of f ,then 0z is a pole of order n off /1.( )3. There is a non-constant entire function which maps the plane into the disk1000||<z .( )4. A function f is differentiable at a point 000iy x z += if and only if whosereal and imaginary parts are differentiable at ),(00y x and the Cauchy Riemann conditions hold there.( )5. If a function f is continuous on the plane and=⎰Cdz z f )(0 for everysimple closed contour C , then it is an entire function. ( )Ⅲ. Computations (3557=⨯ Points)1. Find the integral ⎰+C zdz z e 12, where C is the circle 7||=z .2. Find the value of ⎰⎰==+-+235121)1(sin z z z z dzz dz z ze . 3. Let )2)(1(1)(--=z z z f ,find the Laurent expansion off on the annulus{}1||0:<<=z z D .4. Given λλλλd z z f C⎰-++=765)(2,where {}4|:|==z z C ,find )1(i f +'.5. Given )0(2:,2)(πθθ≤≤=+=i e z C zz z f ,find dz z f C⎰)(.Ⅳ. Proving (30310=⨯ Points)1. Show that 020914lim 242=++-⎰+∞→RC R dz z z z , where R C is the circle centered at 0 with radius R .2. Suppose that f is an entire function and there is a constant M and apositive integer m such that )(|||)(|C ∈∀≤z z M z f m . Prove thatm m z a z a z a z f +++= 221)(for some constants 1a , m a a ,,2 and all z in the plane.3·Show that the equation 01438=-+-z z z has just three roots in the unite disk2005-2006学年第一学期期末考试2003级数学与应用数学专业《复变函数论》试题(C )Ⅰ. Cloze Tests (20102=⨯ Points )1. If nnn n i i z ⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛++⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+=2121,then lim =+∞→n n z . 2. If C denotes any simple closed contour and 0z is a point inside C , then)(10=-⎰Cn dz z z , where n is an integer. 3. The radius of the power series∑∞=123n n z nis .4. The singular points of the function )2(cos )(24-=z z zz f are .5. 0 ,)ex p(s Re =⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛nz z , where n is a positive integer. 6. The main argument and the modulus of the number iie 42π are . 7. The integral of the function )(sin )(4i t t t w += on ]1,1[- is .8. The definition of z cos is .9. Log )1(i -= .10. The solutions of the equation 012=-zi e are .Ⅱ. True or False Questions (1553=⨯ Points)1. If a function f is continuous at a point 0z ,then it is differentiable at 0z .( )2. If a point 0z is a pole of order m of f ,then there is analytic function ϕat 0z with 0)(0≠z ϕ such that m z z z z f )()()(0-=ϕ on some deleted neighborhood of 0z .( )3. An entire function which is identically zero on the real axis must be zero.( )4. A function f is differentiable on a domain D if and only if whose realand imaginary parts are differentiable on D and the Cauchy Riemann conditions hold on D .( )5. If a function f is continuous on the plane and=⎰C dz z f )(0 for everysimple closed contour C , then 0)(=z f for all z . ( )Ⅲ. Computations (3557=⨯ Points)1. Find ⎰=++1||)23)(13(z z z zdz .2. Find the value of ⎰⎰==-+-22216)1(sin z z z dz z dz z z z . 3. Let )2)(1()(2++=z z z z f ,find the Laurent expansion of f on the annulus {}1||0:<<=z z D .4. Given ξξξξd z z f C⎰-++=143)(2,where {}4|:|==z z C ,find )2(i f +'. 5. Evaluate ),)1((Res 222i z z +.Ⅳ. Proving (30310=⨯ Points)1. Show that 02316lim 242=+++⎰+∞→R C R dz z z z , where R C is the circle centered at 0 with radius R .2. Suppose that f is differentiable and ||f is a constant on a domain D , prove that A z f =)( for some constant A and all D z ∈.3. Show that the equation 0127234=-++-z z z z has just three roots in the unite disk.复变函数考试试题(G )1. 求通过1z 和2z 的线段的参数方程(用复数形式表示)。



(4) arg z 2 ,且2 z 3
解 不是区域,因为图中
arg z , arg z 2
o 2 3x
例 函数 w 1 z将 z平面上的下列曲线变成 w平
(1) x2 y2 9, (2) x 2.
解 (1) 因为 x2 y2 z 2 9
设 f (z) u(x, y) iv(x, y), A a bi, z0 x0 iy0
lim f (z) A lim u(x, y) a, lim v(x, y) b
z z0
xx0 y y0
xx0 y y0
❖ 复变函数的极限和连续
例 满足下列条件的点组成何种图形?是不是区 域?若是区域请指出是单连通区域还是多连通区域.
复变函数可导与解析的判别方法 (1)利用可导与解析的定义及运算法则 (2)利用可导与解析的充要条件
❖ 初等函数
1、指数函数 ez ex yi ex (cos y i sin y)
性质: (1) ez e x , Argez y 2k (k 0, 1, 2, ) (2)对任意的 z1 , z2 ,有加法定理 ez1 • ez2 ez1z2
e e i
1 2
i 4
1 2Leabharlann ln2e4
1 2
1 2
其中k 0,1,2,. 故 (1 i)i 的辐角的主值为 1 ln2.



























一、单选题1.设f(z)=sin z,则下列命题中,不正确的是( )。

A、f(z)在复平面上处处解析B、f(z)以2T为周期C、D、丨f(z)丨是无界的答案: C2.A、iB、-iC、1D、-1答案: B3.下列命题中,不正确的是()。

A、B、C、若在区域D内有f '(z)=g(z),则在D内g'(z)存在且解析D、答案: D4.设f(z)在区域D内解析,c为D内任一条正向简单闭曲线,它的内部全属于D.如果f(z)在c上的值为2,那么对c内任一点z0,f(z0)( )A、等于0B、等于1C、等于2D、不能确定答案: C5.下列函数中,为解析函数的是()。

A、x²-y²-2xyB、x²+xyiC、2(x-1)y+i(y²-x²+2x)D、x³+iy³答案: C6.下列方程所表示的曲线中,不是圆周的为( ).A、B、C、D、答案: B7.函数f(z)在点z可导是f(z)在点z解析的( )A、充分不必要条件B、必要不充分条件C、充分必要条件D、既非充分条件也非必要条件答案: B8.A、2B、2iC、1+iD、2+2i答案: A9.A、不存在的B、唯一的C、纯虚数D、实数答案: D10.A、有界区域B、无界区域C、有界闭区域D、无界闭区域答案: D11.设v(x,y)在区域D内为u(x,y)的共辄调和函数,则下列函数中为D内解析函数的是()。

A、v(x,y)+iu(x,y)B、v(x,y)-iu(x, y)二、 判断题C 、u(x,y)-iv(x,y)D 、答案: B12.下列数中,为实数的是( )。

A 、B 、cos iC 、In iD 、答案: B1.若f (z )在z 0解析,则f (z )在z 0处满足柯西-黎曼条件.A 、正确B 、错误答案: 正确2.若a 是f(z)和g(z)的一个奇点,则a 也是f(z)+g(z)的奇点。



复变函数复习资料一、填空题1.若函数f(z)在整个平面上处处解析,则称它是__________.2.若ξ=∞→n n z lim ,则=+++∞→n z z z n n (i)21______________. 3.=)0,(Re n zz e s ________,其中n 为自然数. 4. zz sin 的孤立奇点为________ .5.若0z 是)(z f 的极点,则___)(lim 0=→z f z z6. i 3= 7. 0z =0是函数51cos )(z z z f -=的 (说出类型,如果是极点,则要说明阶数) 8. i y xy yi x x z f 322333)(--+=,则()f z '= 9. =]0,sin 1[Re z z s10. 函数sin w z =在4z π=处的转动角为 11.=-⎰=-1||00)(z z n z z dz __________.(n 为自然数)12.=+z z 22cos sin _________. 13.函数z sin 的周期为___________.14.设11)(2+=z z f ,则)(z f 的孤立奇点有__________. 15.幂级数0n n nz∞=∑的收敛半径为__________.16. 幂级数∑∞=0)(cos n n zin 的收敛半径为R =____________17. =⎰dz z z 10sin18.设C 为包围原点在内的任一条简单正向封闭曲线,则=⎰dz z e C z21 19.函数()14-=z z z f 在复平面上的所有有限奇点处留数的和为___________ 20. =++⎰=23||22)4)(1(z z z dz1. 整函数;2. ξ;3.1(1)!n -; 4. 0; 5. ∞. 6.3ln 2i k e+-π ;7. 三级极点 ;8. 23z ; 9. 0 ;10. 011. 2101i n n π=⎧⎨≠⎩; 12. 1; 13. 2k π,()k z ∈; 1 4. z i =±; 15. 1 16. e1 ;17. 1cos 1sin - ;18. 0 ;19. 0 ; 20. 0。



q 2k
, (n 1)
n 得到n个不同的根。
i sin
q 2k
注意根的多 值性! 5
区域:平面点集D称为区域, 必须满足下列两个条件:
1)D是一个开集。 2)D是连通的。 单连通域:区域B中任做一条简单闭曲线,曲线内
部总属于B,称B为单连通区域。 多连通域:不满足单连通域条件的区域。
3、 复数运算
加法、减法: 乘法:
z1 x1 iy1
z2 x2 iy2
z1 z2 ( x1 x2 ) i( y1 y2 )
z1 z2 ( x1 i y1 )( x2 i y2 ) ( x1 x2 y1 y2 ) i( x1 y2 x2 y1 )
7、f ( z )
w g ( z)
1 , w f ( z )与z ( w)是两个互为反函数的单值函数, 且 ( w) 0. 10 ( w)
4、解析 f ( z)在z0及z0的邻域内处处可导,则w f ( z)在点z0解析
f ( z )在z0不解析 z0为奇点。
单连通域 多连通域
复变函数 w=f(z), z=x+iy, w=u(x,y)+iv(x,y)
单值函数:z 的一个值对应一个w值。 多值函数:z的一个值对应两个或以上w值。
复变函数的讨论 两个实变函数的讨论
f ( z) A 1、极限 zlim z
有理多项式 w P( z ) a0 a1 z P( z ) 有理分式 w (两个多项式的商)除分母不为0的点外, Q( z ) 处处解析, 使分母为零的点是它的奇点。



不考内容《复变函数》第一章:§复球面§区域§5 第二部分:映射的概念§6 复变函数的极限与连续性第四章§1 复数项级数第五章§3 留数在定积分上的应用、《积分变换》第一章:傅立叶变换第二章:§4 卷积注意:第二章一般不算积分,除了周期函数的公式以外。

复变函数复习第一章 复数与复变函数1.复数的表示(1)复数的代数表示:复数z = x + i y ,其中x,y 为实数.(2)复数的几何表示:复数z = x + i y 可以用xy 平面上的点P(x,y)来表示,因而也能用原点指向P 点的平面向量来表示.(3)复数的三角表示:复数()θθsin cos i r z += 复数的模 22y x r z +==复数的辐角Argz=θ, ()xyArgz tg = , 复数的辐角的主值argzArgz=argz+2k π(k 为整数). 规定-π<argz ≤π当0=z 时,|z|=0,辐角没有意义.当∞=z 时,|z|=+∞,没有实部,虚部和辐角. argz(0≠z )与反正切xy Arctg 的主值x y arctg ⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛<<-22ππx y arctg 的关系:第一、四象限 xy arctg z =arg x ﹥0第二象限 π+=xyarctg z arg x ﹤0,y ﹥0第三象限 π-=xy arctg z arg x ﹤0,y ﹤0 正虚轴 2arg π=z x=0,y ﹥0 负虚轴 2arg π-=z x=0,y ﹤0负实轴 π=z arg x ﹤0,y=0(4)复数的指数表示:θi re z z =≠,0时2.复数的运算设z 1= x 1+iy 1=()111sin cos θθi r +, z 2 = x 2+iy 2()222sin cos θθi r +=(1)相等 z 1= z 2 ⇔ x 1=x 2 y 1=y 2 (2)加(减)法 z 1±z 2=(x 1±x 2)+i(y 1±y 2) (3)乘法 z 1z 2=(x 1x 2-y 1y 2)+i(x 2y 1+x 1y 2)()()[]212121)(21sin cos 21θθθθθθ+++==+i r r e r r i(4)除法222121z z z z z z ⋅⋅==22222121y x y y x x +++i 22222112y x y x y x +-()2121θθ-=i e r r )]sin()[cos(212121θθθθ-+-=i r r (z 2≠0)(5)乘幂 )sin (cos θθθn i n r e r z n in n n +==特别 |z|=1时, (cos θ+isin θ)n =cosn θ+isinn θ (棣莫弗公式) (6)方根,2sin 2cos1⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛+++=n k i n k r z n nπθπθ ()1,,2,1,0-=n k (7)共轭 z = x-iy=re -i θ , 21z z ±=1z 2z ±, 121z z z =2z , 2121z z z z =⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛ ;z z = ; 22y x z z += ; x z z 2=+, iy z z 2=- .注意:(1)在复数的运算中,除加减法用代数表示较方便外,其它运算宜采用三角表示,特别是用指数表示最方便.(2)关于复数的模与辐角有以下计算公式:2121z z z z ⋅= ,()2121Argz Argz z z Arg +=2121z z z z = , Arg ⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛21z z =21Argz Argz - (z 2≠0) 3.复变函数的概念复变函数的定义,极限,连续以及导数等概念在形式上几乎与实变函数完全相同.但需注意的是,复变函数的定义域是复平面上的点集,因此在讨论有关概念时,应注意复变量z 变化方式的任意性,即z →z 0可以以任意方式(直线,曲线…),而一元实变函数中实变量x →x 0只能沿x 轴.4.简单曲线是研究复变量的变化范围时经常用到的重要概念之一,特别是简单闭曲线经常作为区域的边界出现.在复变函数的积分运算中,常常需要把曲线表示为复参量的形式,通常用得最多的是一元实参量t 的复值函数 z=z(t)=x(t)+iy(t) (α≤t ≤β) 其中 x=x(t), y=y(t) (α≤t ≤β) 是该曲线在直角坐标系中的参数方程.第二章 解析函数1. 复变函数的导数(1)定义 函数w = f (z)在其定义域D 内一点z 0处(可导)的导数()()()()()000000000limlim lim z z z f z f z z f z z f z wdzdwz f z z z z z z --=∆-∆+=∆∆=='→→∆→∆= 若函数w = f (z)在区域D 内处处可导,称 f (z)在D 内可导. (2) f(z)在z 0可导连续(3)求导法则 若f(z),g(z)在点z 可导,则()1-='b bbzz(b 为复数);()()[]()()z g z f z g z f '±'='±; ()()[]()()()()z g z f z g z f z g z f '+'=';()()()()()()()[]z g z f z g z f z g z g z f '-'='⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡21,()0≠z g .()[]{}()()z g w f zg f ''=',其中 ()z g w = . ()()w z f ϕ'='1,其中()z f w =与()w z ϕ=是两个互为反函数的单值函数,且 ()0≠'w ϕ. 2.解析函数(1)定义 如果函数f(z)在z 0及z 0的邻域内处处可导,那末称f(z)在z 0解析.如果f(z)在z 0不解析,则称z 0为f(z)的奇点. 如果f(z)在区域D 内每一点解析,那末称f(z)在D 内解析,或称f(z)是D 内的一个解析函数.(2)性质 两个解析函数的和,差,积,商(分母不为零)及复合函数仍然解析 有理分式函数)()(z Q z P 在复平面内除了使分母为零的点外处处解析 (3)柯西-黎曼方程 (C-R 方程)函数()()()y x iv y x u z f ,,+=在定义域D 内(解析)一点iy x z +=可导⇔u(x,y)与v(x,y)在(D 内)点(x,y)可微,并且满足C-R 方程 yv x u ∂∂=∂∂,x v y u ∂∂-=∂∂.推论 若f (z)在z 处可导, 则 ()yui y v x v i x u z f ∂∂-∂∂=∂∂+∂∂=' . 3.初等函数 定义 定义区域 单值多值性 解析区域 (1) 对数函数Lnz=lnz+2 kπi 整个复平面 多值 整个复平面iArgz z Lnz +=ln (z0) (除原点和负实轴)(k=0,±1,±2,…) 主值分支z i z z arg ln ln +=(2)乘幂 a b = e bL n a =e blna+2bki多值(k=0,±1,±2,…) 主值分支e b l n ab 为正整数n 单值 整个复平面nb 1= n 个分支 (除原点和负实轴)定义 定义区域 解析区域 单值多值性 基本周期 奇偶性(3)指数函数 e z(4)双曲函数2zz e e chz -+=2i 偶2zz e e shz --=整个复平面 单值 奇(5)三角函数2cos iziz e e z -+=2偶ie e z iziz 2sin --= 奇第三章 复变函数的积分1.积分的计算 ()()[]()t d t z t z f z d z f C '=⎰⎰βα光滑曲线C 参数方程: ()()()βα≥≤+==t t iy t x t z z ,, 正向t 增加()⎰+-Cn z z dz10⎩⎨⎧≠==0002n n i πC 是包围z 0的任何一条正向简单闭曲线2.积分的性质 f(z),g(z)沿曲线C连续(1) ()()dz z f dz z f C C ⎰⎰-=- ; (2) ()()dz z f k dz z kf C C ⎰⎰=;(k 为常数) (3) ()[()]()()dz z g dz z f dz z g z f C C C ⎰⎰⎰±=±(4)设曲线C 的长度为L,函数f(z)在C 上满足()M z f ≤,那末()()ML ds z f dz z f C C ≤≤⎰⎰.3.柯西-古萨基本定理 如果函数f(z)在单连域B 内处处解析,那末函数f(z)沿B 内任何一条封闭曲线C 的积分为零: ()0=⎰dz z f C.推广:(1)闭路变形原理 在区域内的—个解析函数f(z)沿闭曲线的积分,不因闭曲线在区域内作连续变形而改变其值,只要在变形过程中曲线不经过f(z)的奇点.(2)复合闭路定理 设C 为多连域D 内的一条简单闭曲线,C 1,C 2,…,C n 是在C 内部的简单闭曲线,它们互不包含也互不相交,并且以 C ,C 1,C 2,…,C n 为边界的区域全含于D.如果f(z)在D 内解析,那末1) ()()dz z f dz z f nk C CK∑⎰⎰==1 ,其中C 及C k 均取正向.2) 0)(=⎰Γdz z f ,这里г为由C 及C k ―(k=1,2,…,n )所组成的复合闭路,其方向是:C 逆时针,C k ―顺时针. 推论:(1) ()()dz z f dz z f Z Z C ⎰⎰=10,C是连结z 0与z 1的任一曲线.(2)函数()()ςςd f z F ZZ ⎰=0必为B 内的—个解析函数,并且()()z f z F ='.5.原函数 如果在区域B 内φ/(z)=f(z),那末φ(z)称为f(z)在区域B 内的原函数不定积分 ()()c z dz z f +=⎰ϕ ,其中c为任意复常数.()()()0110z z dz z f Z Z ϕϕ-=⎰,其中z 0 ,z 1是B 内任意两点6.柯西积分公式 如果f(z)在区域D 内处处解析,C 为D 内的任何一条正向简单闭曲线,它的内部完全含于D,z 0为C 内的任一点,那末()()dz z z z f i z f C ⎰-=0021π 解析函数f(z)的导数仍为解析函数,上式两边形式上对z 0求n 阶导数得到高阶导数公式 ()()()()dz z z z f i n z fC n n ⎰+-=1002!π . 7.调和函数 如果二元实变函数φ(x,y)在区域D 内具有二阶连续偏导数并且满足拉普拉斯方程02222=∂∂+∂∂yxϕϕ,那末称φ(x,y)为区域D 内的调和函数任何在区域D 内解析的函数f(z)=u(x,y)+iv(x,y)的实部和虚部都是D 内的调和函数,并且其虚部v(x,y)为实部u(x,y)的共轭调和函数. 8.已知实部或虚部求解析函数(1)偏积分法 如已知u(x,y),可利用柯西一黎曼方程 x u y v ∂∂=∂∂,将x 当成常数,对y 积分得 ()()x g dy xuy x v +∂∂=⎰,,再利用 x v y u ∂∂-=∂∂ 确定g(x). 也可以利用 yux v ∂∂-=∂∂ ,将y 当成常数,对x 积分得()()y h dx yu y x v +∂∂-=⎰, ,再利用 y v x u ∂∂=∂∂ 确定h(y).(2)不定积分法 由于 ()xvi x u z f ∂∂+∂∂=', 利用柯西一黎曼方程得到 ()()z U yui x u z f =∂∂-∂∂=' ,则 ()()c dz z U z f +=⎰ .或 ()()z V xv i y v z f =∂∂+∂∂=' ,则 ()()c dz z V z f +=⎰ . 第四章 级数1.幂级数 形为()()()() +-++-+-+=-∑∞=n n n n n a z c a z c a z c c a z c 22100或 +++++=∑∞=n n n n n z c z c z c c z c 22100的级数称为幂级数.(1)阿贝尔定理 如果级数∑∞=0n n n z c 在()00≠=z z 收敛,那末对满足0z z <的z,级数必绝对收敛. 如果在0z z =级数发散,那末对满足0z z >的z,级数必发散.(2)对于幂级数()nn n a z c -∑∞=0或 ∑∞=0n n n z c ,存在以a 或0为中心,R 为半径的圆周C R .在C R 的内部,级数绝对收敛;在C R 的外部,级数发散.圆周C R 称为幂级数的收敛圆,收敛圆的半径R 称为收敛半径. 特别1)R=0,级数在复平面内除原点外处处发散2)R=∞,级数在复平面内处处收敛(3)对于幂级数∑∞=0n nn z c ,如果λ=+∞→nn n c c 1lim或λ=∞→n n n c lim 那末收敛半径 λ1=R .(包括R=0或R=)(4)在收敛圆内幂级数()n n n a z c -∑∞=0的和函数f(z)是解析函数.在收敛圆R a z <-内,式()()nn n a z c z f -=∑∞=0,可进行有理(加,减.乘法)运算,代换(复合)运算和微积分运算.2.泰勒级数 函数f(z)可在以展开中心z 0为圆心,z 0到f(z)的最近的一个奇点的距离为半径R=-z 0的解析圆域z-z 0<R 内展开为泰勒级数.()()()()n n n z z n z f z f 000!-=∑∞= 泰勒展开式具有唯一性,因此可以借助于一些已知函数的展开式,利用幂级数的有理(加,减.乘法)运算,代换(复合)运算和微积分运算来得出一个函数的泰勒展开式. 常用的已知函数的展开式为+++++=-nz z z z2111 , 1<z . ++++++=!!3!2132n z z z z e n z 3.洛朗级数 函数f(z)可在以展开中心z 0为圆心的解析的圆环域 R 1<z-z 0<R 2内展开为洛朗级数 ()()n n n z z c z f 0-=∑∞-∞=,其中 ()()() ,2,1,0.2110±±=-=⎰+n d z f i c C n n ςςςπ 这里C 为在圆环域内绕z 0的任何一条正向简单闭曲线.洛朗展开式具有唯一性,因此也可以借助于已知函数的展开式,利用幂级数的有理(加,减.乘法)运算,代换(复合)运算和微积分运算来得出一个函数的洛朗展开式.第五章 留数1.孤立奇点的概念和分类(1)定义 如果函数f(z)虽在z 0不解析,但在z 0的某一个去心邻域δ<-<00z z 内处处解析,则将z 0称为f(z)的孤立奇点.(2)孤立奇点的分类和判定z 0为f(z)的 ()z f z z 0lim → f(z)在z 0的去心邻域内的洛朗级数 可去奇点 存在且有限 没有负幂项 极点 ∞有限多个负幂项本性奇点不存在且不为∞ 无穷多个负幂项z 0是f(z)的m 级极点()()()z g z z z f m01-=⇔ ,其中g(z)是在δ<-0z z 内解析的函数,且 ()00≠z g .(3)函数的零点及其与极点的关系不恒等于零的解析函数f(z)如果能表示成 ()()()z z z z f m ϕ0-= 其中()z ϕ在z 0解析并且()00≠z ϕ,m 为某一正整数,那末z 0称为f(z)的m 级零点.如果f(z)在z 0解析,那末z 0为f(z)的m 级零点 ⇔ ()()()()()0,1,,2,1,0,000≠-==z f m n z f m nz 0是f(z)的m 级极点⇔z 0是()z f 1的m 级零点.如果()()()z h z g z f =,而z 0是g(z)的m 级零点,h(z)的n 级零点,那末z 0为()z f 1的(n-m)级零点,为f(z)的(n-m)级极点.(4)函数在无穷远点的性态如果函数f(z)在无穷远点∞=z 的去心邻域+∞<<z R 内解析,那末称点∞为f(z)的孤立奇点.f(z)在+∞<<z R 内的洛朗展开式 ()n n n nn n z c c zc z f ∑∑∞=-∞=-++=101其中 ()() ,2,1,0,211±±==⎰+n d f ic C n n ςςςπ,C 为+∞<<z R 内绕原点的任一正向简单闭曲线.洛朗级数 z=∞是f(z)的 ()z f z ∞→lim没有正幂项 → 可去奇点 ← 存在且有限 有限正幂项(最高m 次) → 极点(m 级) ← ∞ 无限正幂项 → 本性奇点 ← 不存在且不为∞ 2.留数与留数的计算(1)留数定义 如果z 0为f(z)的一个孤立奇点,C 是z 0的去心邻域R z z <-<00 内包围z 0的任意一条正向简单闭曲线,函数f(z)在此邻域内展开成洛朗级数 ()()n n n z z c z f 0-=∑∞-∞=, 则f(z)在z 0处的留数 ()[]()dz z f ic z z f s C⎰==-π21,Re 10 (2)留数定理 设函数f(z)在区域D 内除有限个孤立奇点n z z z ,,,21 外处处解析.C 是D 内包围诸奇点的一条正向简单闭曲线,那末()()[]∑⎰==nk k Cz z f s i dz z f 1,Re 2π(3)留数的计算1)可用洛朗级数计算 ()[]10,Re -=c z z f s当z 0为可去奇点时, ()[]0,Re 0=z z f s ;当z 0为本性奇点时,只能用此法, 2)当z 0为一级极点时, ()[])]()[(lim ,Re 000z f z z z z f s z z -=→若()()()z Q z P z f =,P(z)及Q(z)在z 0都解析,如果()(),0,000=≠z Q z P()00≠'z Q ,那末z 0为f(z)的一级极点,而 ()[]()()000,Re z Q z P z z f s '=. 3)如果z 0为f(z)的m 级极点,那末()[]()()(){}z f z z dzd m z z f s mm m z z 01100lim !11,Re --=--→4.无穷远点处的留数函数f(z)在圆环域+∞<<z R 内解析,C 为这圆环域内绕原点的任何一条正向简单闭曲线, f(z)在∞点的留数 ()[]()dz z f i z f s C ⎰-=∞π21,Re . 如果函数f(z)在扩充复平面内只有有限个孤立奇点,那末f(z)在所有各奇点(包括∞点)的留数的总和必等于零.()[]⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⋅⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-=∞0,11Re ,Re 2z z f s z f s ])。

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复变函数论(A )Ⅰ. Cloze Tests (20102=⨯ Points )1. If nn n n i i z ⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛++⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-=1173,thenlim =+∞→n n z .2. If C denotes the circle centered at 0z positively oriented and n is apositive integer ,then)(10=-⎰Cn dz z z . 3. The radius of convergence of∑∞=++13)123(n n z n nis .4. The singular points of the function )3(cos )(22+=z z zz f are . 5. 0 ,)exp(s Re 2=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛n z z , where n is a positive integer.6.=)sin (3z e dzd z. 7. The main argument and the modulus of the number i -1 are . 8. The square roots of i -1 are . 9. The definition of z e is . 10. Log )1(i -= .Ⅱ. True or False Questions (1553=⨯ Points)1. If a function f is analytic at a point 0z ,then it is differentiable at 0z .( )2. If a point 0z is a pole of order k of f ,then 0z is a zero of order k off /1.( )3. A bounded entire function must be a constant.( )4. A function f is analytic a point 000iy x z += if and only if whose real andimaginary parts are differentiable at ),(00y x .( )5. If f is continuous on the plane and =+⎰Cdz z f z ))((cos 0 for every simpleclosed path C , then z e z f z 4sin )(+ is an entire function. ( )Ⅲ. Computations (3557=⨯ Points)1. Find⎰=-+1||)2)(12(5z z z zdz.2. Find the value of ⎰⎰==-+228122)1(sin z z z z dzz dz z ze . 3. Let )2)(1()(--=z z zz f ,find the Laurent expansion of f on the annulus{}1||0:<<=z z D .4. Given λλλλd z z f C⎰-++=345)(2,where {}3|:|==z z C ,find )1(i f +-'.5. Given )1)(1(sin 1)(2+-+=z z zz f ,find )1),(Res()1),(Res(-+z f z f .Ⅳ. Verifications (30310=⨯ Points)1. Show that if )(0)()(C z z f k ∈∀≡, then )(z f is a polynomial of order k <.2. Show that 012797lim 242=+++⎰+∞→R C R dz z z z , where R C is the circle centered at 0 with radius R .3. Show that the equation 012524=-+-z z z has just two roots in the unite disk复变函数论(B )Ⅰ. Cloze Tests (20102=⨯ Points )1. If nn n n i i z ⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛++⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-=1162,thenlim =+∞→n n z . 2. If C denotes the circle centered at 0z positively oriented and n is apositive integer ,then)(10=-⎰Cn dz z z . 3. The radius of the power series∑∞=+12)1(n n z nis .4. The singular points of the function )1(sin )(2+=z z zz f are . 5. 0 ,)exp(s Re 2=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛n z z , where n is a positive integer.6.=z e dzd z2cos . 7. The main argument and the modulus of the number i -1 are . 8. The square roots of 1+i are . 9. The definition of z cos is . 10. Log )1(i += .Ⅱ. True or False Questions (1553=⨯ Points)1. If a function f is differentiable at a point 0z ,then it is continuous at 0z .( )2. If a point 0z is a pole of order m of f ,then 0z is a zero of order m off /1.( )3. An entire function which maps the plane into the unite disk must be aconstant.( )4. A function f is differentiable at a point 000iy x z += if and only if whosereal and imaginary parts are differentiable at ),(00y x and the Cauchy得分评卷人Riemann conditions hold there.( )5. If a function f is continuous on the plane and=⎰Cdz z f )(0 for everysimple closed contour C , then z z f sin )( is an entire function. ( )Ⅲ. Computations (3557=⨯ Points)1. Find⎰=-+1||)2)(12(z z z zdz. 2. Find the value of ⎰⎰==-+223122)1(sin z z z z dzz dz z ze . 3. Let )2)(1()(--=z z zz f ,find the Laurent expansion of f on the annulus{}1||0:<<=z z D .4. Given λλλλd z z f C⎰-++=142)(2,where {}3|:|==z z C ,find )1(i f +-'.5. Given )1)(1(sin )(2+-=z z zz f ,find )1),(Res()1),(Res(-+z f z f .Ⅳ. Verifications (30310=⨯ Points)1. Show that the function iy x e e z z f ---=)2()(2is an entire function.2. Show that if )(0)()(C z z f m ∈∀≡, then )(z f is a polynomial of orderm <.3. Show that 0651lim 242=+++⎰+∞→R C R dz z z z , where R C is the circle centered at 0 with radius R .复变函数论(C )Ⅰ. Cloze Tests (20102=⨯ Points )1. If nnn n i i z ⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛++⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+=3131,then得分评卷人得分评卷人lim =+∞→n n z . 2. If C denotes any simple closed contour and 0z is a point inside C , then)(sin 0=-⎰Cn dz z z z, where n is an integer. 3. The radius of convergence of the power series∑∞=-12)63(n n z nis .4. The singular points of the function )2(cos )(244-+=z z z z z f are .5. 0 ,)exp(s Re =⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛m z z , where m is a positive integer.6. The main argument and the modulus of the number iie 45πare . 7. The integral of the function )(sin )(2ti t t t w += on ]1,1[- is . 8. The definition of z sin is . 9. Log )1(i -= .10. The solutions of the equation 013=-zi e are .Ⅱ. True or False Questions (1553=⨯ Points)1. If a function f is continuous at a point 0z ,thenit is differentiable at 0z .( )2. If a point 0z is a pole of order m of f ,then there is a function ϕ that isanalytic at 0z with 0)(0≠z ϕ such that mz z z z f )()()(0-=ϕ on somedeleted neighborhood of 0z .( )3. An entire function which is identically zero on a line segment must beidentically zero.( )4. A function f is differentiable on open set D if and only if whose real andimaginary parts are differentiable on D and the Cauchy Riemann conditions hold on D .( )得分评卷人5. If a function f is continuous on the plane and=⎰Cdz z f )(0 for everysimple closed path C , then 0)(=z f for all z . ( )Ⅲ. Computations (3557=⨯ Points)1. Find⎰=++1||)23)(13(9z z z zdz. 2. Find the value of ⎰⎰==-+-222142)1(sin z z z dzz dz z zz . 3. Let )2)(1(3)(2++=z z z z f ,find the Laurent expansion of f on the annulus{}1||0:<<=z z D .4. Given ξξξξd z z f C⎰-++=543)(2,where {}4|:|==z z C ,find )2(i f +'.5. Find ⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛+i z z ,)1(4Res 222.Ⅳ. Verifications (30310=⨯ Points)1. Show that 0233lim 242=+++⎰+∞→RC R dz z z z , where R C is the circle centered at 0 with radius R .2. Suppose that f is analytic and ||f is a constant on a domain a domainD , prove that a z f =)( for some constant a and all D z ∈.3. Show that the equation z z z z -=+-127234 has just three roots in the unite disk.《复变函数论》试题(D )Ⅰ. Cloze Tests (20102=⨯ Points )1. If nnn n i i z ⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛++⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-=1153,then lim =+∞→n n z . 2. If C denotes the circle centered at 0z positively oriented and n is a得分评卷人得分评卷人positive integer ,then)(10=-⎰Cn dz z z . 3. The radius of the power series∑∞=++13)12(n n z n nis .4. The singular points of the function )3(cos )(2+=z z zz f are . 5. 0 ,)exp(s Re 2=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛n z z , where n is a positive integer.6.=)sin (5z e dzd z. 7. The main argument and the modulus of the number i -1 are . 8. The square roots of 1+i are . 9. The definition of z e is . 10. Log )1(i += .Ⅱ. True or False Questions (1553=⨯ Points)1. If a function f is differentiable at a point 0z ,then it is analytic at 0z .( )2. If a point 0z is a pole of order k of f ,then 0z is a zero of order k off /1.( )3. A bounded entire function must be a constant.( )4. A function f is analytic a point 000iy x z += if and only if whose real andimaginary parts are differentiable and the Cauchy Riemann conditions hold in a neighborhood of ),(00y x .( )5. If a function f is continuous on the plane and=⎰Cdz z f )(0 for everysimple closed contour C , then z e z f z sin )(+ is an entire function. ( )Ⅲ. Computations (3557=⨯ Points)1. Find⎰=-+1||)2)(12(z z z zdz.2. Find the value of ⎰⎰==-+223122)1(sin z z z z dzz dz z ze . 3. Let )2)(1()(--=z z zz f ,find the Laurent expansion of f on the annulus{}1||0:<<=z z D .4. Given λλλλd z z f C ⎰-++=142)(2,where {}3|:|==z z C ,find )1(i f +-'.5. Given )1)(1(sin )(2+-=z z zz f ,find )1),(Res()1),(Res(-+z f z f .Ⅳ. Proving (30310=⨯ Points)1. Show that if )(0)()(C z z f m ∈∀≡, then )(z f is a polynomial of order m <.2. Show that 012783lim 242=+++⎰+∞→R C R dz z z z , where R C is the circle centered at 0 with radius R .3. Show that the equation 012524=-+-z z z has just two roots in the unitedisk.《复变函数论》试题(E )Ⅰ. Cloze Tests (20102=⨯ Points )1. If nn n i n n z ⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛++-=211,thenlim =+∞→n n z . 2. If C denotes the circle centered at 0z and n is an integer ,then)(1210=-⎰Cn dz z z i π. 3. The radius of the power series∑∞=+12)1(n n z nis .4. The singular points of the function 1cos )(2+=z zz f are . 5. 0 ,sin s Re 2=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛n z z , where n is a positive integer.6.=z e dzd z2sin . 7. The main argument and the modulus of the number i +1 are . 8. The square roots of )0(>A Ai are . 9. The definition of z cos is . 10. Log )22(i += .Ⅱ. True or False Questions (1553=⨯ Points)1. If a function f is differentiable at a point 0z ,then it is continuous at 0z .( )2. If a point 0z is a zero of order n of f ,then 0z is a pole of order n off /1.( )3. There is a non-constant entire function which maps the plane into the disk1000||<z .( )4. A function f is differentiable at a point 000iy x z += if and only if whosereal and imaginary parts are differentiable at ),(00y x and the Cauchy Riemann conditions hold there.( )5. If a function f is continuous on the plane and=⎰Cdz z f )(0 for everysimple closed contour C , then it is an entire function. ( )Ⅲ. Computations (3557=⨯ Points)1. Find the integral ⎰+C zdz z e 12, where C is the circle 7||=z .2. Find the value of ⎰⎰==+-+235121)1(sin z z z z dzz dz z ze . 3. Let )2)(1(1)(--=z z z f ,find the Laurent expansion of f on the annulus{}1||0:<<=z z D .4. Given λλλλd z z f C⎰-++=765)(2,where {}4|:|==z z C ,find )1(i f +'.5. Given )0(2:,2)(πθθ≤≤=+=i e z C zz z f ,find dz z f C⎰)(.Ⅳ. Proving (30310=⨯ Points)1. Show that 020914lim 242=++-⎰+∞→R C R dz z z z , where R C is the circle centered at 0 with radius R .2. Suppose that f is an entire function and there is a constant M and apositive integer m such that )(|||)(|C ∈∀≤z z M z f m . Prove thatm m z a z a z a z f +++= 221)(for some constants 1a , m a a ,,2 and all z in the plane.3·Show that the equation 01438=-+-z z z has just three roots in the unite disk2005-2006学年第一学期期末考试2003级数学与应用数学专业《复变函数论》试题(C )Ⅰ. Cloze Tests (20102=⨯ Points )1. If nnn n i i z ⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛++⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+=2121,then lim =+∞→n n z . 2. If C denotes any simple closed contour and 0z is a point inside C , then)(10=-⎰Cn dz z z , where n is an integer. 3. The radius of the power series∑∞=123n n z nis .4. The singular points of the function )2(cos )(24-=z z zz f are .5. 0 ,)exp(s Re =⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛nz z , where n is a positive integer. 6. The main argument and the modulus of the number iie 42πare . 7. The integral of the function )(sin )(4i t t t w += on ]1,1[- is .8. The definition of z cos is .9. Log )1(i -= .10. The solutions of the equation 012=-zi e are .Ⅱ. True or False Questions (1553=⨯ Points)1. If a function f is continuous at a point 0z ,then it is differentiable at 0z .( )2. If a point 0z is a pole of order m of f ,then there is analytic function ϕat 0z with 0)(0≠z ϕ such that m z z z z f )()()(0-=ϕ on some deleted neighborhood of 0z .( )3. An entire function which is identically zero on the real axis must be zero.( )4. A function f is differentiable on a domain D if and only if whose realand imaginary parts are differentiable on D and the Cauchy Riemann conditions hold on D .( )5. If a function f is continuous on the plane and=⎰C dz z f )(0 for everysimple closed contour C , then 0)(=z f for all z . ( )Ⅲ. Computations (3557=⨯ Points)1. Find ⎰=++1||)23)(13(z z z zdz .2. Find the value of ⎰⎰==-+-22216)1(sin z z z dz z dz z z z . 3. Let )2)(1()(2++=z z z z f ,find the Laurent expansion of f on the annulus {}1||0:<<=z z D .4. Given ξξξξd z z f C⎰-++=143)(2,where {}4|:|==z z C ,find )2(i f +'. 5. Evaluate ),)1((Res 222i z z +.Ⅳ. Proving (30310=⨯ Points)1. Show that 02316lim 242=+++⎰+∞→R C R dz z z z , where R C is the circle centered at 0 with radius R .2. Suppose that f is differentiable and ||f is a constant on a domain D , prove that A z f =)( for some constant A and all D z ∈.3. Show that the equation 0127234=-++-z z z z has just three roots in the unite disk.复变函数考试试题(G )1. 求通过1z 和2z 的线段的参数方程(用复数形式表示)。
