NASA's Kepler Mission
• • • • • • • • 宇宙的奥秘》(1596) 《天文学的光学需知》1604) 《蛇夫座脚部的新星》(1606) 《新天文学》(1609) 《折光学》(1611) 《世界的和谐》(1618) 《哥白尼天文学概要》(1618-1621) 《鲁道夫星表》(1627)
对人类科学的 巨大贡献
• 美国东部时间2009年3月6日22时50分(北 京时间7日11时50分),世界首个用于探测 太阳系外类地行星的飞行器——“开普勒” 太空望远镜在美国卡纳维拉尔角空军基地 发射升空。
• 他在1609年发表的伟大著作《新天文学》中提出 了他的前两个行星运动定律。行星运动第一定律 认为每个行星都在一个椭圆形的轨道上绕太阳运 转,而太阳位于这个椭圆轨道的一个焦点上。行 星运动第二定律认为行星运行离太阳越近则运行 就越快,行星的速度以这样的方式变化:行星与 太阳之间的连线在等时间内扫过的面积相等。十 年后开普勒发表了他的行星运动第三定律:行星 距离太阳越远,它的运转周期越长;运转周期的 平方与到太阳之间距离的立方成正比。
• 开普勒在他早期所著的《神秘的宇宙》 (1597年)一书里设计一个有趣的、 由许多有规则的几何形体构成的宇宙 模型。开普勒试图解释为什么行星的 数目恰好是六颗,并用数学描述所观 测到的各个行星轨道大小之间的关系。 他发现六个行星的轨道恰好同五种有 规则的正多面体相联系。这些不同的 几何形体,一个套一个,每个都按照 某种神圣的和深奥的原则确定一个轨 道的大小。
伟大的天文学家 ◎开 ◎普◎ 勒
开普勒 简介
• 约翰尼斯· 开普勒(Johannes Kepler,1571—1630),杰出的德国 天文学家,他发现了行星运动的 三大定律,分别是轨道定律、面 积定律和周期定律,这三大定律 可分别描述为:所有行星分别是 在大小不同的椭圆轨道上运行; 在同样的时间里行星向径在轨道 平面上所扫过的面积相等;行星 公转周期的平方与它同太阳距离 的立方成正比。这三大定律最终 使他赢得了“天空立法者”的美 名。同时他对光学、数学也做出 了重要的贡献,他是现代实验光 学的奠基人
为此,NASA制定了多个太空探索计划,包括以下几个:1. 阿波罗计划阿波罗计划是NASA的最著名和最成功的计划之一,旨在将人类送往月球。
2. 旅行者计划旅行者计划是NASA的另一个著名计划,旨在探索太阳系中的外行星和行星。
3. 国际空间站国际空间站是NASA和其他国家合作建造的一个空间站,它在地球轨道上运行,提供了科学研究、技术开发和太空探索的平台。
二、成就NASA的太空探索计划取得了众多成就,其中一些最具代表性的成就如下:1. 登陆月球1969年,阿波罗计划的航天飞船阿波罗11号成功在月球上着陆。
2. 发现金星和火星的环境旅行者计划发现了金星和火星的环境,为我们更深入地了解这两个行星提供了信息。
3. 发现太阳系外行星2009年,NASA的“开普勒”太空望远镜发现了第一个太阳系外行星,真正将人类视野拓展到了太阳系之外。
4. 国际空间站国际空间站是人类太空探索的重要成就之一,它是多个国家合作的结果,为我们提供了逐步探索太空的平台。
宇宙那么大,你不想去看看吗?北京时间7月24日凌晨零点,美国航空航天局(NASA)举办媒体电话会议,宣布开普勒空间望远镜最的新发现——外行星Kepler-452b,是地球直径的 1.6倍,位于距离地球1400光年的天鹅座。
这颗行星跟地球的相似指数为98%,是至今为止发现的最接近地球的的系外行星!让我们跟随Leon来了解一下这“另一个地球吧”! let's go ~~银河系约有3000亿颗恒星,可繁衍生命的行星约有6.5亿颗,几乎遍布银河系各个角落。
The wind sent sparks and cinders flying.有些火星把乾草给引著了。
The sparks kindled the dry grass.火星沿著烟囱向上飘。
Sparks from the fire were flying up the chimney.火星上有生物吗?Is there life on Mars?一大串火星四处飞溅。
Showers of sparks flew in all directions.一盼便是一粒火星。
A glance is a spark.排气管中射出了火星。
The exhaust pipe shot sparks.火星是太阳系的第四颗行星。
Mars is the fourth planet in order from the sun.检查您的火星塞积碳和检查火星塞白金间隙。
Check your spark plug for carbon and check the spark plug gap.焊条火星四溅。
The welding rod threw off a shower of sparks.一个橡皮轮旋转火轮打出火星。
A rubber wheel spins the flint and sparks flame.火星与地球的运行轨道随着时间而变化。
Mars and Earth have orbits which change with time.我们太阳系的行星有水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星和海王星。
The planets of our solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.就把我的话语,像是灰烬和火星!从还未熄灭的炉火向人间播散!让预言的喇叭通过我的嘴唇。
马斯克火星移民计划英语阅读理解全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Elon Musk's Martian AdventureDo you dream of exploring new worlds? Elon Musk, the famous inventor and businessman, has a bold plan to send humans to live on Mars! It may sound like something from a science fiction movie, but Musk is serious about making it happen.Who is Elon Musk?Elon Musk is the founder of several companies, including Tesla, which makes electric cars, and SpaceX, a company that builds rockets and spacecraft. He's also known for his big ideas and dreams of making the world a better place.Why Mars?Mars is often篇2Elon Musk's Awesome Plan to Live on MarsHave you ever dreamed of going to space? What about living on another planet? Elon Musk, the famous inventor and CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, has an amazing plan to help humans travel to Mars and live there!Who is Elon Musk?Elon Musk was born in South Africa in 1971. As a kid, he loved reading comic books and dreaming about inventions that could change the world. When he grew up, he became an engineer and started companies that make cool things like electric cars and rockets.Musk's biggest dream is for humans to become amulti-planet species. He wants people to live on Mars as well as Earth! Why Mars? Mars is the planet that is most like Earth in our solar system. It has land, mountains, and even ice!The Challenges of MarsLiving on Mars won't be easy. Here are some of the biggest challenges:Getting ThereMars is very far away - around 140 million miles from Earth on average! Using current technology, it takes around 9 months to travel from Earth to Mars. That's a really long trip.No Air to BreatheThe atmosphere on Mars is very thin and doesn't have much oxygen for humans to breathe. We would need to bring lots of oxygen tanks or find ways to produce oxygen from Mars' soil.Freezing ColdMars is really cold, with an average temperature of -80°F (-60°C)! Any humans living there would need heated habitats to survive.Radiation DangerMars doesn't have a magnetic field to protect against radiation from the Sun and cosmic rays. Too much radiation exposure can make people very sick.Elon Musk's PlanSo how does Elon Musk plan to overcome these challenges and get humans living on Mars? Here are the key parts of his plan:Reusable RocketsUsing reusable rockets like SpaceX's Starship, Musk wants to make space travel cheaper and more frequent. Starship is designed to carry cargo and people to Mars.Mars Base CampThe first explorers would set up a "base camp" on Mars by sending cargo missions ahead of the humans. This would include habitats to live in, power systems, and equipment to extract resources from Mars like water and oxygen.Mars ColonyOver time, Musk wants to build up a full colony on Mars where humans can live, work and one day be born there! The colony would be self-sustaining, producing its own food, water, energy and other resources.TerraformingIn the really long-term future, Musk hopes that Mars could potentially be "terraformed" or engineered to have an atmosphere more like Earth's so that humans could one day walk around outside without spacesuits!It's an incredibly ambitious plan with lots of challenges. But Elon Musk believes that becoming an multi-planet species is crucial for humanity's future survival and growth. Who knows, maybe you'll get the chance to be one of the first kids born on Mars one day! What an awesome adventure that would be.篇3Elon Musk's Big Dreams for MarsElon Musk is a very smart businessman and inventor. He started companies like Tesla that make electric cars and SpaceX that builds rockets. Elon has big dreams for the future of humanity that go far beyond Earth. His biggest dream is to establish a permanent human colony on the planet Mars!Why Does Elon Want to Go to Mars?Elon thinks it's important for humans to become amulti-planet species. That means having people living on more than just Earth. He wants to send people to Mars as a backup plan in case something bad ever happens on Earth. Asteroids, nuclear war, or climate change causing problems are a few of the potential disasters Elon worries about.If we had a colony on Mars, it would ensure humans could survive even if Earth became unsafe to live on. The Mars colony could keep our species alive no matter what happens here. It would be an "insurance policy" for humanity's future.Mars was likely habitable billions of years ago, with lakes, rivers, and a thicker atmosphere according to NASA scientists.It's possible that tiny microbes of alien life once existed on the red planet before it turned into the frozen desert it is today. Finding fossilized evidence of that would be a major scientific discovery.What Would It Take to Live on Mars?Living on Mars would not be easy or comfortable at all compared to life on Earth. The air is unbreathable and too thin, so we'd need sealed habitats with artificial air pumped in. Mars has about 38% of Earth's gravity which would feel very weird and lightweight at first. The extreme cold of down to -195°F would require heated living spaces.Water ice has been found on Mars which could potentially be processed into air and drinking water for the colonists. But water, air, food, power, and shelter would all have to be prepared and built from scratch. Solar panels, mining equipment, life support systems, greenhouses to grow crops, and more would be crucial.The first colonies would likely be underground, using the soil and rock as radiation shielding from cosmic rays and solar particles. Or they might build out of hard concrete-like materials made from the Martian dirt. Either way, the habitats need to be heavily protected.How Would We Get to Mars?Getting the first humans to Mars would require a truly massive rocket - the biggest ever built. SpaceX is currently working on developing the Starship, a staggeringly huge and powerful launch vehicle. The Starship would carry both crew and cargo in reusable fashion for Mars trips.The trip from Earth to Mars using current rocket technology would take around 9 months each way. More advanced propulsion like nuclear thermal rockets could eventually get that transit time down to as little as 3-4 months.During the journey, the astronauts would need to grow some of their own food hydroponically, recycle air and water, and exercise a lot so their muscles and bones don't deteriorate too much in the low Martian gravity.Settling MarsThe absolute minimum for the first toeholds on Mars would be at least a dozen pioneers in the first crews. But for a real, sustainable colony you'd want to build up to populations of hundreds or even thousands quite quickly after establishing the initial habitats.Children would be born on Mars, becoming the first true Martians who never saw Earth in person. Construction rovers could start 3D printing more shelters, landing pads, power systems, etc using the iron-rich Martian soil as primary building material.Once the colony expands to hundreds or thousands of people, Martians could live for extended periods in pressurized greenhouses and surface habitats, venturing out occasionally in spacesuits to do maintenance, exploration, or resource extraction.Elon's vision includes establishing industrial plants on Mars for processing raw materials extracted from the soil into rocket propellant, steel, water, and other supplies. This would support further growth and expansion with locally-sourced resources instead of carrying everything from Earth at great expense.The eventual goal for Mars colonization according to Musk is to "terraformin" the planet. This means gradually transforming the atmosphere and climate using giant NASA-designed Plant factories and climate control systems to make the surface more Earth-like over centuries篇4Elon Musk's Incredible Mars PlanElon Musk is a very smart businessman and inventor who wants to send people to live on Mars! Mars is thereddish-colored planet that you can sometimes see in the night sky. It's the fourth planet from the Sun in our Solar System. While Earth is the perfect place for humans to live, Mars could potentially become another home for us in the future.Why does Elon Musk want to send people to Mars? Well, he has a few main reasons. First, he thinks humans need to become a multi-planet species. That means we should have people living on more than just Earth, in case something catastrophic happens here someday. Earth could get hit by a giant asteroid, or World War 3 could make Earth unlivable. If we have a colony on Mars, the human species would survive even if Earth got ruined.Musk's second big reason is that he believes exploring and living on Mars would inspire humans to achieve amazing things, just like the Apollo Moon missions did in the 1960s and 70s. Having an exciting goal like Mars colonization could revolutionize our rocket technology and space exploration capabilities.The third reason is that Musk thinks sending explorers and settlers to Mars is simply the next logical step for humanexpansion across the Solar System, after first visiting the Moon. He believes it's important for our long-term survival and growth as a species.So how exactly does Musk plan to establish a human colony on Mars? It all starts with his company SpaceX, which builds advanced rockets and spacecraft. SpaceX's gigantic new Starship rocket will be used to transport equipment and supplies to Mars. Then groups of volunteer settlers will make the 6-9 month journey to the Red Planet.Once on Mars, the settlers will use the supplies and equipment to start building habitats to live in. They will construct airtight domes or underground caves to protect themselves from the cold Mars environment where the average temperature is -81°F! The settlers will also need to learn how to extract water from the Martian soil and generate oxygen to breathe from Mars' carbon dioxide atmosphere.Another key challenge is providing energy for the Mars colony. Musk plans to have settlers install arrays of solar panels and nuclear reactors to generate electricity. He also wants to try making fuel from the Martian soil itself, which future rockets could use to launch off the planet.Over many years, the small early colony could slowly expand into towns and cities under artificial Mars domes. New groups of settlers would keep arriving every couple years on fresh Starship missions. Farms and even small industrial factories could be built to make the Mars colonies self-sustaining and able to produce their own food, water, energy, and supplies.Children born on Mars would be the first true Martians! They would need special training to be able to survive on the lower gravity world. Someday in the future, if Mars was terraformed with an oxygen atmosphere, the domes could come down and Martians could walk freely on the surface without spacesuits, just like on Earth.Elon Musk's vision of a human colony on Mars may sound like science fiction today. But with hard work, new inventions, and bold explorers, it could become reality within the next 50 to 100 years. Maybe someday you could visit the first city on Mars! What an incredible adventure that would be.篇5Elon Musk's Wild Plan to Move Humans to MarsDo you dream of exploring other planets? Elon Musk has a crazy plan to make that dream come true - by moving humans toMars! Musk is the founder of SpaceX, a company that builds rockets and spacecraft. His ultimate goal is to establish a permanent human colony on the Red Planet.Why does Musk want篇6Elon Musk's Crazy Plan to Move People to MarsElon Musk is a very smart businessman who wants to send people to live on Mars someday. Mars is the next planet from the Sun after Earth. It's a long way away - about 140 million miles! Mars looks kind of like a red desert from the pictures we have. It's smaller than Earth and doesn't have air we can breathe or liquid water on the surface.So why would anyone want to go live there? Elon Musk has a few reasons. First, he thinks if something bad ever happened on Earth like a giant asteroid hitting us, having people living elsewhere could save the human species. Second, he believes exploring and living on other planets is an exciting adventure for brave volunteers. And third, Musk loves doing things that seem impossible because of how challenging and fun they are.Musk's company SpaceX has already launched lots of rockets into space. But getting to Mars is much harder than just going into orbit around Earth. The rocket has to go over 30 times further and carry everything the Mars pioneers would need to survive there for a very long time.The Plan for MarsSo what is Elon Musk's plan exactly? He wants to build a giant reusable rocket called Starship that is over 390 feet tall. It would have two parts - the rocket booster at the bottom to provide the power to escape Earth's gravity, and the Starship spacecraft on top carrying people, cargo, and fuel.After launching from Earth, the booster would return for a vertical landing so it can be used again on the next launch. This reusability could make Mars travel much more affordable over time. The Starship part would continue on to Mars, using its fuel to slow down and land gently with its retro-rocket engines.To make a self-sustaining Mars colony, SpaceX would need to launch many Starship missions carrying everything from life support systems to power generators to construction materials and equipment. Early missions without people would go first to setup the basics. Then the volunteer crew would make the 6-9month journey when there was enough infrastructure for them to live off of the land on Mars.Once there, they would have to get to work setting up large systems for generating oxygen, water, fuel, and food from the limited resources on Mars. They would also construct underground habitats using the water ice and carbon dioxide in the Martian soil to provide protection from cosmic radiation. Basically they have to build everything they need to breathe, grow food, recycle used resources, and withstand the hostile Red Planet environment.How Many People Would Go?Elon Musk estimates it will take around 1 million tons of cargo to build a self-sustaining city on Mars that could support somewhere between 100,000 to 1 million people. His goal is to launch 3 Starship rockets to Mars during each window when Earth and Mars are properly aligned, which happens once every 26 months.At first the Mars settlers would all have to be brave volunteer explorers who don't mind risking their lives on another planet for the dream of being among the first Martians. There would be no way to return to Earth for a very long time after arriving. But eventually, if the city grows large enough, families could join andchildren could be born as Martians who have never even been to Earth.Musk believes that in the future, having a backup civilization living permanently on Mars could ensure the survival and advancement of human culture and knowledge even if something catastrophic happened to make Earth uninhabitable. Whether millions of people would ever really want to move to such a dry, cold, airless world is hard to know for certain. But Elon keeps working on making his Mars dream possible just in case!Challenges of Getting to MarsThere are still plenty of huge challenges Elon Musk and SpaceX have to overcome before they can put people on Mars for real. The Starship rocket has had some successful test flights but still needs more development and testing first. Any small mistakes could end up stranding the Mars crew in space or causing them to crash land, which would be a tragedy.The distances are also incredibly vast. The journey to Mars would take somewhere between 6 and 9 months each way using conventional rocket engines. That's a very long time for the crew to be traveling through the unprotected radiation of deep space. They would need special shelters or water shielding to avoid getting too much exposure.Another major issue is that we don't have all the technology ready yet to take advantage of the limited resources on Mars and turn them into everything a human settlement would need. Things like extracting oxygen from the carbon dioxide in the air, converting the frozen water ice into drinking water, and manufacturing fuel and construction materials will all be extremely challenging to do reliably for the first Mars settlers.So while it's an exciting dream, getting humans to Mars and keeping them alive there for years at a time won't be easy at all. Elon Musk has plenty of critics who think his timelines and cost estimates are way too optimistic. Only time will tell if he really can pull off the "sci-fi movie scenario" as he calls it of establishing a thriving Mars colony.Still, even if Musk's current Mars plans turn out to be too ambitious for now, his work could pave the way for future explorers. Trying and failing to go to Mars sooner could still lead to important discoveries that make the journey easier down the road when more advanced technology is developed. After all, it was a long series of small steps over decades that finally allowed human explorers to set foot on the Moon. Maybe one day kids on Mars will read about the early pioneers like Elon Musk whofirst dared to dream of spreading human civilization across the solar system!。
6. 美国的大学、科研机构、医院、政府机构、 商业机构,都有专门的部门,负责协调高中 生的课外社会实践和科研活动。因此,美国 的高中生可以到大学上课,拿大学的学分; 可以到科研机构,跟科学家一起做研究;可 以到各级政府机构去当官员的助理、议员的 秘书、民选官员的竞选团队义工;在教育董 事会,州或者县市的教育局的决策机构里面, 也有学生委员,可以参与公立教育的最高决 策。这样的事情,在中国是不可想象的:中 国有哪一位省长或者市长可以让一个高中生 当办公室秘书?中国有哪一家科研机构可以 让高中生参与一个项目的研究?
7. 因为美国的高中可以开出很多高程度的课 程,而且很多是得到资金雄厚的科研机构、 政府机构或者商业机构支持的,因此,美国 高中的配置跟设备,很可能是连中国的大学 都望尘莫及的。比如我们学校的生物技术课 的设备,学生们可以检测市场上有哪些食物 是用转基因生物做原料的。我的学生就成功 的在一包中国出产的,声称不用转基因大豆 生产的零食豆干中发现了专门用于转基因的 基因表达的启动子,从而证明了这包豆干所 用的大豆是转基因的。这样的实验,在中国 的大学都未必能做,更不要说高中了。
5. 美 国 有 重 点 高 中 , 甚 至 有 “ 全 国 重 点 高 中”:按照成绩高低,甚至根据入学成绩高 低来录取学生;在每一所高中里面,美国是 按照学生的程度来分班,有专门给能力最高 的学生读的“荣誉”班(Honors class),天才 学生读的“大学预修班”(AP class),有全球 承认的“国际班”(IB class)等等。这跟中国 取消“重点中学”,不按照学生的程度分班 教学,全部混合在一起教的错误做法,完全 不可同日而语。
这是开普勒太空望远镜确认发现首个与地球大小相近的“宜居”行星,即地球 2.0 。 Kepler-452b 围绕一颗类似太阳的恒星运行, Kepler-452b 上的一年大约 385 天,和地球 上的 365天很接近。天文学家称,这是至今为止发现的最接近地球的“孪生星球”,有 可能拥有大气层和流动水。天文学家表示,这个跟地球的相似指数为0.98。 Kepler-452b 从恒星上接受的光和太阳光类似,理论上可以供植物进行光合作用,从而 奠定生命存在的基础。但目前没有证据证明 Kepler-452b 上面有生命,因为开普勒望远 镜只负责照相,没有办法近距离观测行星,这需要后期技术手段跟进,可能需要把工具 送入轨道内。
The Death Star of the movie Star Wars may be fictional, but planetary destruction is real. Astronomers announced today that they have spotted a large, rocky object disintegrating in its death spiral around a distant white dwarf star. The discovery alsoconfirms a long-standing theory behind the source of white dwarf "pollution" by metals. "This is something no human has seen before," says lead author Andrew Vanderburg of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA). "We're watching a solar system get destroyed."The evidence for this unique system came from NASA's Kepler K2 mission, which monitors stars for a dip in brightness that occurs when an orbiting body crosses the star. The data revealed a regular dip every 4.5 hours, which places the object in an orbit about 520,000 miles from the white dwarf (about twice the distance from the Earth to the Moon). It is the first planetary object to be seen transiting a white dwarf.Vanderburg and his colleagues made additional observations using a number of ground-based facilities: the 1.2-meter and MINERVA telescopes at Whipple Observatory, the MMT, MEarth-South, and Keck.Combining all the data, they found signs of several additional chunks of material, all in orbits between 4.5 and 5 hours. The main transit was particularly prominent, dimming the star by 40 percent. The transit signal also showed a comet-like pattern. Both features suggest the presence of an extended cloud of dust surrounding the fragment. The total amount of material is estimated to be about the mass of Ceres, a Texas-sized object that is the largest main-belt asteroid in our solar system.The white dwarf star is located about 570 light-years from Earth in the constellation Virgo. When a Sun-like star reaches the end of its life, it swells into a red giant and sloughs off its outer layers. The hot, Earth-sized core that remains is a white dwarf star, and generally consists of carbon and oxygen with a thin hydrogen or helium shell.Sometimes, though, astronomers find a white dwarf that shows signs of heavier elements like silicon and iron in its light spectrum. This is a mystery because a white dwarf's strong gravity should quickly submerge these metals."It's like panning for gold - the heavy stuff sinks to the bottom. These metals should sink into the white dwarf's interior where we can't see them," explains Harvard co-author John Johnson (CfA).企业英语培训/。
2014年2月26日美国航天局宣布,其开普勒太空望远镜任务团队新确认715颗太阳系外行星的存在。这次 “批量”确认如此多的行星使得人类已知行星的数目几乎一下子翻了一番。
美国航天局介绍,至此获得确认的系外行星总数接近1700颗。研究人员表示,过去科学家寻找系外行星通常 是“一个一个分析的艰苦过程”,一次只能发现一颗或少数几颗,而他们利用一颗恒星通常有多颗行星绕转的特 点,开发出一种“多重确认”统计学技术,使得一次性“大批量”确认系外行星成为可能。
开普勒是NASA低成本的发现计划聚焦在科学上的任务。NASA的艾美斯研究中心是这个任务的主管机关,提供 主要的研究人员并负责地面系统的开发、任务的执行和科学资料的分析。开普勒任务进度的处理是由喷射推进实 验室执行,贝尔太空科技公司负责开普勒任务飞行系统的开发。
开普勒太空船于2009年3月6日22:49:57UTC-5发射,已确认了130多个系外行星和发现了超过2700颗候选行 星。
2006年3月,又由于财政上的问题再被延迟了4个月。这段时间,高增益天线从使用万向接头的平衡架被换 成固定在太空船上的框架,减少了费用和复杂性,每个月可以省下一天的观测成本费用。
2009年3月7日03:49:57(美东标准时间3月6日10:49:57)太空船在三角洲二号运载火箭从佛罗里达的卡纳 维尔角空军基地发射升空。这次的发射完全成功,在04:55 UTC完成发射的3个阶段,太空船在进行科学观测之前 花费约60天的时间进行测试和校准。传送回来的读数都很良好,光度计的校准工作也已经开始。望远镜的遮蔽物 在4月7日已经移除,首拍的影像在第二天传送下来。
太空旅行利与弊雅思作文Space travel has always been a topic of fascination for humans. With the advancement of technology, space travel has become a reality, and there has been a significant increase in space exploration in recent years. While space travel has its benefits, there are also some drawbacks that we need to consider. In this essay, I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of space travel. One of the primary benefits of space travel is the advancement of technology. Space exploration requires the development of new technologies, which can then be used in other fields. For example, NASA's research on space suits and life support systems has led to the development of new medical technologies. In addition, space exploration has led to the development of new materials, such as heat-resistant materials used in the aerospace industry. Another advantage of space travel is the potential for scientific discoveries. Space exploration can help us understand the universe better and can lead to new discoveries that can benefit humanity. For example, NASA's Kepler mission has discovered thousands of new planets, which can help us understand the origins of the universe and the possibility of life on other planets. Space travel can also have economic benefits. The space industry can create jobs and boost the economy. For example, the development of the space industry in the United States has created thousands of jobs and has contributed billions of dollars to the economy. However, space travel also has its drawbacks. One of the main disadvantages is the cost. Space exploration is expensive, and the cost of sending a spacecraft into space can be astronomical. The cost of space exploration can be a burden on government budgets, and there is a debate about whether the money spent on space exploration could be better used elsewhere. Another disadvantage of space travel is the potential dangers involved. Space travel can be dangerous, and astronauts face many risks, including exposure to radiation and the possibility of equipment failure. There is also the risk of accidents, such as the Challenger and Columbia disasters, which resulted in the loss of life. Space travel can also have environmental impacts. The launch of spacecraft can have a significant impact on the environment, including air pollution and noise pollution. In addition, the debris from space missions can pollute the environment and pose a risk to wildlife. In conclusion, space travelhas both advantages and disadvantages. The benefits of space exploration include the advancement of technology, scientific discoveries, and economic benefits. However, the drawbacks of space travel include the cost, potential dangers, and environmental impacts. It is essential to weigh the pros and cons of space travel carefully and to consider the long-term effects of our actions. Space exploration is a fascinating field, and we need to continue exploring the universe while being mindful of its impact on our planet and society.。
关于nasa的英语作文NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, is a United States government agency responsible for the nation's civilian space program and for aeronautics and aerospace research. NASA was established in 1958, succeeding the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA).NASA's mission is to drive advances in science, technology, aeronautics, and space exploration to enhance knowledge, education, innovation, economic vitality, and stewardship of Earth. NASA's work covers a wide range of areas, from studying Earth's climate to exploring the solar system and beyond.One of NASA's most well-known achievements is theApollo program, which landed humans on the moon for thefirst time in 1969. Since then, NASA has continued to explore the moon, Mars, and other planets with a series of robotic missions. NASA's Mars Exploration Program has sentseveral rovers to the red planet to study its geology, climate, and potential for supporting life.NASA also plays a critical role in monitoring Earth's climate and weather patterns. Its Earth Observing System (EOS) satellites provide data on everything from sea level rise to atmospheric composition, helping scientists better understand the impacts of climate change.In addition to its scientific research, NASA has also contributed to advances in aeronautics and aviation. Its research has led to the development of new aircraft designs, safer and more efficient air traffic control systems, and advances in materials science.Overall, NASA's work has had a profound impact on our understanding of the universe and our place in it. Its ongoing research and exploration continue to push the boundaries of human knowledge and inspire futuregenerations of scientists and explorers.。
2024年航天火箭发射新闻英语作文英文回答:2024 Space Rocket Launches Mark a New Era in Space Exploration.2024 promises to be a pivotal year for space exploration, with several high-profile rocket launches scheduled that will set the stage for future missions to the Moon, Mars, and beyond. Here are some of the most anticipated launches of the year:SpaceX Starship: SpaceX, the private space company founded by Elon Musk, is targeting 2024 for the first orbital test flight of its Starship spacecraft. Starship is a reusable spacecraft designed to transport humans and cargo to the Moon, Mars, and beyond. If successful, thetest flight will mark a major milestone in SpaceX's ambitious plans to establish a permanent human presence on Mars.NASA Artemis III: NASA's Artemis program aims to return humans to the Moon by 2025. Artemis III, the third missionin the program, is scheduled to launch in 2024 and will be the first crewed lunar landing since 1972. The mission will see two astronauts land on the Moon's South Pole, wherethey will conduct experiments and collect samples.ESA Hera Mission: The European Space Agency (ESA) is preparing to launch its Hera mission in 2024. Hera is a spacecraft that will orbit the Didymos binary asteroid system, which was the target of NASA's DART mission in 2022. Hera will study the effects of the DART impact and provide valuable data for future planetary defense efforts.China's Chang'e-7 Lunar Mission: China's Chang'e-7lunar mission is scheduled to launch in 2024 and will bethe country's fourth lunar exploration mission. Chang'e-7 will land on the Moon's South Pole and conduct a range of scientific experiments, including drilling for samples of lunar soil.United Launch Alliance Vulcan Centaur: United Launch Alliance (ULA) is developing the Vulcan Centaur, a newheavy-lift rocket that is scheduled to make its maidenflight in 2024. The Vulcan Centaur will be capable of launching a variety of payloads, including satellites,space probes, and crewed spacecraft.These are just a few of the many exciting rocket launches planned for 2024. These missions will not only advance our understanding of the universe but also lay the groundwork for future space exploration endeavours.中文回答:2024 年航天火箭发射开启太空探索新纪元。
关于马斯克航天的英文作文English:Elon Musk's space exploration company, SpaceX, has revolutionized the aerospace industry with its ambitious goals and innovative technology. Musk's vision to colonize Mars and make space travel more accessible has captured the imagination of people around the world. The company has achieved several significant milestones, including successfully launching and landing reusable rockets, and securing contracts with NASA to transport astronauts to the International Space Station. Musk's bold and unconventional approach to space exploration has redefined the possibilities of what humans can achieve in outer space, and has inspired a new generation of scientists and space enthusiasts.中文翻译:埃隆·马斯克的太空探索公司SpaceX以其雄心勃勃的目标和创新技术彻底改变了航天工业。
介绍nasa英文作文英文:NASA, also known as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, is a United States government agency responsible for the country's civilian space program andfor aeronautics and aerospace research. It was established in 1958, succeeding the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), and has since been at the forefront of space exploration and scientific discovery.One of NASA's most notable achievements was the Apollo program, which successfully landed astronauts on the moon in 1969. This was a major milestone in human history and demonstrated the incredible capabilities of NASA's technology and expertise. Since then, NASA has continued to push the boundaries of space exploration, launching numerous missions to study our solar system and beyond.In addition to space exploration, NASA also conductsresearch and development in aeronautics, studying ways to improve aircraft efficiency and safety. This includes developing new technologies such as supersonic flight and electric propulsion systems.Overall, NASA plays a crucial role in advancing scientific knowledge and technological innovation. Its work has inspired countless individuals and helped to shape our understanding of the universe around us.中文:NASA,全称为美国国家航空航天局,是美国政府负责国家民用航天计划以及航空航天研究的机构。
开普勒太空望远镜(Kepler Mission)是美国国家航空航天局设计来发现环绕着其他恒星之类地行星的太空望远镜。
开普勒太空望远镜(KEPLER)又译为开普勒空间望远镜,是世界首个用于探测太阳系外类地行星的飞行器,于美国东部时间2009年3月6日22时49分57秒465毫秒(北京时间7日11时49分57秒465毫秒),从佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角空军基地17-B 发射台发射升空,它将是美国宇航局发射的首颗探测类地行星的探测器。
关于NASA的英文作文英文:As a big fan of space exploration, I am always fascinated by NASA's missions and achievements. NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, is a U.S. government agency responsible for the nation's civilian space program and for aeronautics and aerospace research.NASA's contributions to space exploration are numerous. They have sent humans to the moon, launched numerous satellites to study Earth and the universe, and explored other planets in our solar system. One of their most recent and exciting missions is the Mars 2020 mission, which includes the Perseverance rover and the Ingenuity helicopter. This mission aims to search for signs of ancient microbial life on Mars and pave the way for future human exploration of the planet.In addition to their impressive missions, NASA alsoconducts research and development in aeronautics and aerospace technology. They work on developing new aircraft and spacecraft designs, improving air traffic control systems, and advancing the field of aviation.However, NASA's work is not without challenges. One of the biggest challenges they face is funding. NASA's budget has been cut in recent years, which has led to delays and cancellations of some missions. Another challenge is the risk involved in space exploration. Sending humans and machines into space is a risky endeavor, and NASA takes great care to ensure the safety of their astronauts and equipment.Despite these challenges, NASA continues to push the boundaries of space exploration and inspire people around the world. As a space enthusiast, I am grateful for their contributions to our understanding of the universe and our place in it.中文:作为一个太空探索的忠实粉丝,我一直被NASA的任务和成就所吸引。
天文学的英语作文Title: Exploring the Vast Universe: An Insight into Astronomy。
Astronomy, often referred to as the study of celestial objects and phenomena, has captivated human curiosity since ancient times. From early observations of stars and planets to modern space exploration, the field of astronomy has undergone remarkable advancements, expanding our understanding of the vast universe we inhabit.One of the fundamental aspects of astronomy is the study of stars. Stars, born from vast clouds of gas and dust, serve as the primary sources of light and energy in the universe. They come in various sizes, colors, and stages of evolution, each contributing uniquely to the cosmic tapestry. Through telescopic observations and spectroscopic analysis, astronomers have classified stars into different types based on their spectral characteristics, temperature, and luminosity.In addition to stars, planets play a crucial role inour exploration of the cosmos. Our solar system, consisting of the Sun, eight planets, numerous moons, asteroids, and comets, offers a microcosm for studying planetary formation and dynamics. The study of exoplanets, planets orbitingstars outside our solar system, has also become a focalpoint in modern astronomy, with the discovery ofpotentially habitable worlds sparking intense scientific interest.Furthermore, astronomy extends beyond our immediate celestial neighborhood to explore galaxies, nebulae, and other extragalactic phenomena. Galaxies, vast collectionsof stars, gas, and dust bound together by gravity, come in diverse shapes and sizes, from spiral and elliptical galaxies to irregular ones. The study of galaxies provides insights into the large-scale structure of the universe, including its expansion and evolution over billions of years.Nebulae, often described as interstellar clouds of dust,hydrogen, helium, and other ionized gases, serve as stellar nurseries where new stars are born. These cosmic clouds exhibit breathtaking colors and shapes, making them a favorite target for astronomers and astrophotographers alike. Studying nebulae not only enhances our understanding of star formation but also sheds light on the chemical composition of the universe.Astronomy also encompasses the study of cosmology, which seeks to understand the origin, structure, and evolution of the universe as a whole. The Big Bang theory, supported by extensive observational evidence such as the cosmic microwave background radiation, remains the prevailing model for the universe's early history. Cosmological studies delve into topics like dark matter, dark energy, and the ultimate fate of the cosmos, pushing the boundaries of human knowledge and imagination.Advancements in technology have revolutionized thefield of astronomy, enabling scientists to peer deeper into space and unravel the mysteries of the universe. Ground-based observatories equipped with sophisticated telescopesand detectors, along with space-based missions like the Hubble Space Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope, continue to provide unprecedented insights into distant galaxies, exoplanets, and cosmic phenomena.Moreover, international collaborations and initiatives, such as the European Southern Observatory (ESO), NASA's Kepler mission, and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), demonstrate the global effort to advance astronomical research and exploration. These collaborative endeavors not only foster scientific progress but also promote cross-cultural exchange and cooperation in the pursuit of knowledge.In conclusion, astronomy stands as a testament to human curiosity and ingenuity, offering a glimpse into the awe-inspiring wonders of the cosmos. From the birth of stars in nebulae to the formation of galaxies and the vast expanses of the universe, each discovery in astronomy deepens our appreciation of the interconnectedness of all cosmic phenomena. As we continue to explore and unravel the mysteries of the universe, astronomy remains a beacon ofscientific exploration and discovery, inspiring generations to reach for the stars and expand the boundaries of human understanding.。
NASA - The Pioneers of Space ExplorationNASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, is the preeminent space exploration agency in the world. Founded in 1958, NASA's mission is to pioneer the future of space exploration, scientific discovery, and aeronautics research.NASA has a rich history of accomplishments, from the first man in space to the landing of a rover on Mars. The agency's programs have not only advanced our understanding of the universe, but have also sparked the imaginations of future generations.One of NASA's main focuses is the exploration of Mars. The Mars rover missions, such as Curiosity and Opportunity, have provided us with a wealth of information about the Red Planet. These missions have discovered evidence of water, potential habitats for life, and have given us a better understanding of Mars' geology and climate.NASA is also responsible for the International Space Station (ISS). The ISS is a orbiting laboratory that has been continuously occupied by astronauts since 2000. It has been used to conduct experiments in microgravity, study the effects of long-term spaceflight on the human body, and prepare for future missions to Mars and beyond.NASA's commitment to science and technology doesn't stop in space. The agency also funds research in aeronautics, which includes developing newaircraft technologies and studying the environmental impact of aviation. NASA's research has led to advancements in commercial aviation, such as more fuel-efficient engines and lighter materials for planes.In addition to its research and exploration efforts, NASA also educates and inspires the next generation of scientists, engineers, and explorers. The agency partners with schools and community organizations to provide hands-on learning experiences and engage students in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) fields. NASA also uses social media and citizen science projects to connect with the public and share the excitement of space exploration.With its continued dedication to science, technology, and exploration, NASA remains a global leader in space exploration. The agency's missions not only push the boundaries of human knowledge, but also serve as a source of inspiration for all humanity. NASA's legacy is one of innovation, exploration, and a commitment to understanding our universe and beyond.。
nasa's apollo missions and语篇填空
Since last century,a series of missions(1)______(perform)to explore the moon-Earth's only natural satellite. Among them,NASA's Apollo 11 mission was groundbreaking as it succeeded in landing the first humans on the moon on July 20,1969. Several decades later,NASA announced its Artemis program. (2)______ (name)after the Greek goddess of the moon and twin sister of Apollo,the Artemis program will send humans to the moon by the year 2024. And this time,the moon will welcome its first female astronaut. Up until now,only 12 people,all male,have ever walked on the moon. No woman has ever walked on the lunar surface,(3)______ the Artemis program will change this. Women,of course,have been involved in space projects and made valuable(4)______(contribute). In 1963,astronaut Valentina Tereshkova from the Soviet Union became the first woman(5)______(get)into space. However,the progress toward women's access(6)______ space flight programs has been slow. Women have been held back by various requirements and security concerns. For example,astronauts had to be test pilots with a certain amount of experience,(7)______was a problem as the field (8)______(control)by males at the time. Women have(9)______(remarkable)made progress in this particular area,and arguably have advantages over their male colleagues. Women tend to be______(small),which means they use less oxygen and take up less space in small spacecrafts.答案:(1)have been performed.考查时态。
D It can create smells and give them off to any scene.
A. It helps shoppers locate the right brand of perfume.
Now, we're one step closer to______22______(find) an answer. According to the Kepler space telescope, about half the stars similar in temperature______23______our Sun could have a rocky planet capable of supporting liquid water on its surface.
D. The device has recreated thesmells of fish and gasoline.
A. Because he didn’t have her number.
B. Because he thought it was unnecessary.
A. The man misunderstood what the sign said.
B. Theman bought the cigarette for free.
C. The sign allows people to smoke in the room.
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NASA’s Kepler missions
has discovered the first
system of mutable planets,
orbiting a pair of stars or as
the astronauts call it a
binary system. Located in constellations of Cygnus of four thousand and nine hundred light years from Earth, the discovery of Kepler-47 proves that more than one planet can
form and persist while orbiting
two stars. One star is similar to
the Sun in size, but only eighty
four percent of its bright. The
second star is only one third the size of the Sun and less than one percent of its bright.
The inner planet, Kepler-47b, is the smallest known orbit around two stars. The outer planet, Kepler-47c, is a gases giant, more than four times the size of Earth. As the
physicists believe it might have
an atmosphere with thick bright
water clouds, it orbits its whole
star every 303 days pacing in the
so-called habitable zone. This is the region system where liquid water could exist on the surface of the orbiting planet. While not a word thought to be hospitable for life, Kepler-47c is the first known binary
planet found in the
habitable zone of its stars
and demonstrates the
diversity planetary systems
in our galaxy. The discovery represents an important step for the Kepler mission in the ever defined Earth size planet in the habitable zone of their host stars.。