六人行(老友记)全十季带中英文切换字幕下载地址mkv第一季:81/ysdh/rmvedio/Friends2/1_01ItAllBegan.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/1_02TheSonogramAtTheEnd.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/1_03TheThumb.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/1_04GeorgeStephanopoulos.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/1_05TheEastGermanLaundryDetergent.mkv :81 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:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/6_05TOWJoey%27sPorsche.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/6_06TOOnTheLastNight.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/6_07TOWPhoebeRuns.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/6_08TOWRoss%27sTeeth.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/6_09TOWRossGetsHigh.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/6_10TOWTheRoutine.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/6_11TOWTheApothecaryTable.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/6_12TOWTheJoke.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/6_13TOWRachel%27sSister.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/6_14TOWChandlerCan%27tCry.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/6_15TOThatCouldHaveBeenPart1.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/6_16TOThatCouldHaveBeenPart2.mkv :81/ysdh /rmvedio/friends2/6_17TOWTheUnagi.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/6_18TOWRossDatesAStudent.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/6_19TOWJoey%27sFridge.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/6_20TOWTheMACAndC.H.E.E.S.E.mkv :81/ysdh/ rmvedio/friends2/6_21TOWRossMeetsElizabeth%27sDad.mkv :81/ysdh/rmvedio/f 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mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/3_12AlltheJealousy.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/3_13MonicaandRichardare.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/3_14Phoebe%27sExPartner.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/3_15Ross&RachelTakeABreak.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/3_16TheMorningAfter.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/3_17TheSkiTrip.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/3_18TheHypnosisTape.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/3_19TheTinyTShirt.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/3_20TheDollhouse.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/3_21AChickandaDuck.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/3_22TheScreamer.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/3_23Ross%27sThing.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/3_24TheUltimateFightingChampion.mkv :81/y sdh/rmvedio/friends2/3_25TheBeach.mkv第十季:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/10_01TheOneAfterJoeyandRachelKiss.mkv :81 /ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/10_02RossIsFine.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/10_03Ross%27sTan.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/10_04TheCake.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/10_05Rachel%27sOtherSisterBabysits.mkv :8 1/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/10_06Ross%27sGrant.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/10_07TheHomeStudy.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/10_08TheLateThanksgiving.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/10_09TheBirthMother.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/10_10ChandlerGetsCaught.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/10_11TheStripperCries.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/10_12Phoebe%27sWedding.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/10_13JoeySpeaksFrench.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/10_14PrincessConsuela.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/10_15EstelleDies.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/10_16Rachel%27sGoingAwayParty.mkv :81/ysd h/rmvedio/friends2/10_1718AllTheOther.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/10_1920final.mkv第四季:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/4_01TheJellyfish.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/4_02TheCat.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/4_03The%27Cuffs.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/4_04TheBallroomDancing.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/4_05Joey%27sNewGirlfriend.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/4_06TheDirtyGirl.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/4_07ChandlerCrossesTheLine.mkv :81/ysdh/r mvedio/friends2/4_08ChandlerInABox.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/4_09They%27reGonnaPARTY.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/4_10TheGirlFromPoughkeepsie.mkv :81/ysdh/ rmvedio/friends2/4_11Phoebe%27sUterus.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/4_12TheEmbryos.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/4_13Rachel%27sCrush.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/4_14Joey%27sDirtyDay.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/4_15AllTheRugby.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/4_16TheFakeParty.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/4_17TheFreePorn.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/4_18Rachel%27sNewDress.mkv :81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/4_19AllTheHaste.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/4_20AllTheWeddingDresses.mkv :81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/4_21TheInvitation.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/4_22TheWorstBestManEver.mkv :81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/4_2324Ross%27sWedding.mkv第五季:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/5_01AfterRossSaysRachel.mkv :81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/5_02AllTheKissing.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/5_03Hundredth.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/5_04TOWPhoebeHatesPBS.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/5_05TOWAllTheKips.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/5_06TOWTheYeti.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/5_07TOWRossMovesIn.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/5_08TOWTheThanksgivingFlashbacks.mkv :81/ ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/5_09TOWRoss%27sSandwich.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/5_10TOWTheInappropriateSister.mkv :81/ysd h/rmvedio/friends2/5_11TOWAllTheResolutions.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/5_12TOWChandler%27sWorkLaugh.mkv :81/ysdh /rmvedio/friends2/5_13TOWJoey%27sBag.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/5_14TOWEveryoneFindsOut.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/5_15TOWTheGirlWhoHitsJoey.mkv :81/ysdh/rm vedio/friends2/5_16TOWACop.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/5_17TOWRachel%27sInadvertentKiss.mkv :81/ ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/5_18TOWRachelSmokes.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/5_19TOWRossCan%27tFlirt.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/5_20TOWTheRideAlong.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/5_21TOWTheBall.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/5_22TOWJoey%27sBigBreak.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/5_2324TheOneInVegas.mkv第七季:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/7_01TOWMonica%27sThunder.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/7_02TOWRachel%27sBook.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/7_03TOWPhoebe%27sCookies.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/7_04TOWRachel%27sAssistant.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/7_05TOWTheEngagementPicture.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/7_06TOWTheNapPartners.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/7_07TOWRoss%27LibraryBook.mkv:81/ysdh/rmvedio/friends2/7_08TOWChandlerDoesn%27tLikeDogs.mkv :81/ 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- Hey. - Hi. - 嘿... - 嘿!Phoebe, what's wrong? 菲比,出了什么事吗?I'm just so exhausted from dragging around this huge engagement ring.戴着这个超大订婚戒指快要把我累死了!- Oh, my God. - Congratulations. -噢!天啊! -恭喜你啊!哇!So did he get on one knee? Did he have a speech prepared?他有没有跪下来?他有准备求婚词吗?Oh, did he cry? 噢!他有哭吗?Yeah, big surprise, I like proposals. 没错,我喜欢求婚,很奇怪吗?Well, it was really sweet, and, like, the most romantic thing ever.实在是很温馨,是我人生中最浪漫的一刻。
Here's to Phoebe, who's found the greatest guy in the world. 嘿,我们来敬菲比为了她找到世界上最好的男人干一杯。
To Phoebe and.. 敬菲比和...I want to say "Mike"? 应该是麦克吧?- To Phoebe and Mike. - Hey. -敬菲比和麦克! -喔!Thank you. Oh, and I have something for you. 谢谢大家!噢,我有点东西要给你!It's my little black book. It's got the numbers of all the guys I've dated. 这是我的小记事本里面有我约会过的男生的电话Oh, Phoebe, that's nice, but you know what? I think I'm okay.噢,菲比。
130>>We'll be good.
131>>Chandler,do you promise to be good?
132>>You can come in,but your filter-tip buddy stays outside!
1>>- Hi,guys. - Hey,Phoebe.
更多字幕www.52en.me qq3550672899
2>>- How did it go? - Not so good.
3>>He walked me home and said, "Let's do this again."
4>>He said,"Let's do this again." That's good,right?
124>>- if they never get to meet the guy. - I know.
125>>- Can't I whimper a little bit? - Whimper.
126>>Okay,I'm done.
127>>Let it go,Ross.
128>>You didn't know Chi-Chi.
28>>Warden,in five minutes my pain will be over.
29>>But you'll live with the knowledge that you sent an honest man to die.
《⽼友记(六⼈⾏)》 I ll be there for you 歌词翻译送给我的朋友们!I 'll be there for youSo no one told you life was gonna be this way [four claps]没⼈告诉你⽣活会是这样Your job's a joke, you're broke, your love life's D.O.A. (dead on arrival)你滑稽的⼯作,你的差劲,你半途⽽废的爱情It's like you're always stuck in second gear就像开车的时候卡在⼆档,⽆法迅速前⾏When it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year当这⼀天、这⼀周、这⼀个⽉,甚⾄是这⼀年你都是这样的背兴!------------CHORUS:(合唱)----------but I'll be there for you但我会在你的⾝边陪着你(When the rain starts to pour)(当⼤⾬倾泻的时候)I'll be there for you我会在你的⾝边⽀持你(Like I've been there before)(就像我⼀直做的那样)I'll be there for you我会在你的⾝边陪伴你('Cause you're there for me too)(因为你也在我的⾝边陪着我)You're still in bed at ten and work began at eight⼯作本该在早上8点开始,但10点了你还在睡~You've burned your breakfast; so far, things are going great除了烧焦了你的早餐,⼀切都还很完美Your mother warned you there'd be days like these你妈妈警告过你,⽣活有时候会像这样不如意But she didn't tell you when the world has brought you down to your knees但她没告诉你当你⼼灰意冷的时候,我会在你的⾝边陪着你!CHORUS(合唱)No one could ever know me, no one could ever see me没有⼈可以了解我,没有⼈可以看透我Seems you're the only one who knows what it's like to be me似乎只有你知道我该是什么样的⼈Someone to face the day with, make it through all the rest with你是和我⼀起⾯对明天,⼀起打发时间Someone I'll always laugh with⼀起纵情欢笑的⼈。
52en.me提醒:版权归原字幕组所有,仅供学习交流使用,严禁用于商业用途1>Bye-bye.2>I just got reservations at Michelle's...3>and tickets to The Music Man to celebrate...4>our first holiday as a betrothed couple.5>-"Betrothed." -Betrothed couple.6>-Hi. -Hi.7>Phoebe?8>Skull?9>Yeah, it's my mom's.10>Oh, my God!11>No, no, no. It's not my mom.12>It belonged to my mom.13>She used to put it out every Christmas...14>to remind us that even though it's Christmas, people still die.15>And you can put candy in it.16>Licorice?17>Sure.18>-I get Ben for the holidays this year. -That's great!19>-Are you gonna dress up as Santa? -Nope.20>I know Susan does every year.21>I want to take this year to teach him about Hanukkah.22>And maybe I could teach Ben...23>about the Christmas skull and how people die.24>You may need to use this year to teach Ben about Phoebe.25>.26>-Did you know he was in there? -No.27>-How long have we been home? -About half an hour.28>Lovely.29>The One With The Holiday Armadillo30>You know what I was thinking? When we get married, will you...31>change your name to "Bing"?32>No.33>Why not?34>Bing's weird.35>Oh, hey, you guys.36>My landlord just called. My apartment's gonna be ready soon.37>I guess I'll be moving out.38>Phoebe, I'm gonna miss you.39>Yes, you will be very sad.40>-I gotta go tell Rachel the good news. -You'll be living together again?41>-Why not? -She's having so much fun with Joey... 52en.me提醒:版权归原字幕组所有,仅供学习交流使用,严禁用于商业用途1>再见2>我在米雪餐厅订好位子了…3>还有《音乐人》的票来庆祝…4>我们成为订婚夫妻后第一个正式的节日5>-“订婚” -订婚夫妻6>-嘿! -嗨!7>菲比?8>骷髅头?9>是啊,是我妈的10>我的天!11>不,不,不,不是我妈12>是属于我妈的13>她以前每次耶诞节都会拿出来…14>要我们记得即使是耶诞节人还是会死的15>可以放糖果在里面16>吃糖?17>好啊18>-今年班和我一起过节 -太好了!19>-你要扮成耶诞老公公吗? -不20>我知道苏珊每年都这么做…21>可是今年我想教他了解光明节22>也许我能教班…23>有关耶诞骷髅头和人怎么死亡24>你可以在今年教班认识菲比25>嘿26>-你知道他在里面吗? -不知道27>-我们回来多久了? -大概半小时28>好极了29>本集播出:佳节犰狳30>你知道我在想什么?我们结婚后,你要不要…31>改挂夫姓“宾”?32>不要33>为什么不?34>“宾”很奇怪35>你们好36>猜猜怎么着,我房东刚通知我我的房子快好了37>我很快就会搬出去了38>菲比,我会想念你的39>是啊,你会很伤心40>-我要告诉瑞秋这个好消息 -你们要再一起住?41>-是啊,为什么不? -她和乔伊住得很开心…42>I assumed she'd still be living with him.43>Why do you think she's having so much fun?44>No reason, except she...45>told me.46>She said she didn't want to live with me?47>No. No, she didn't say that.48>I think you should talk to Monica now.49>Phoebe, I'm sure she wants to live with you.50>You're absolutely sure?51>No, but I'll bet she probably does.52>Oh, probably?53>I don't like that word.54>I know what "probably" really means. Yeah, yeah.55>"Oh, your mom probably won't kill herself."56>I'm sorry, but I'm not hanging my hopes...57>of Rachel and I living together on "probably."58>You gotta take care of yourself in this world.59>History teaches us nothing.60>Bing doesn't seem so weird now, does it?61>You're home.62>Guess what Phoebe got me for Christmas?63>-Drums? -No, drums!64>Could we get two burritos to go, please?65>I'm sorry. But not that sorry, you don't have to live with it.66>We have a reservation under Bing.67>Okay, we'll have a table for you in about 45 minutes.68>45 minutes? We have tickets to The Music Man at 8.69>I'm sorry. Christmas is a very busy time, sir.70>Is this because of the burrito thing?71>-You need to give him money. -Give him money? It was a joke!72>To get a table. Places like this are always shaking you down.73>-Everybody wants a payoff. -All right, calm down, O'Malley.74>-I'll slip him some money. -But you've got to be smooth.75>Hey, I can be smooth.76>We're in a hurry. If you could get us a table...77>a bit quicker, I'd appreciate it.78>-Of course, sir. -Okay.79>-How'd it go? -Had the money in the wrong hand.80>You don't feel...81>-Like you're gonna throw up? -No.82>Well, I do. So let's...83>So, Ben, you...84>You know what holiday is coming up?85>Christmas. 42>我以为她还会继续和他住在一起43>为什么你认为她和乔伊住得很开心?44>没为什么,只是...45>她这么说46>真的?她说她不要和我住?47>没有,她没这么说48>我想你该和摩妮卡说话了49>菲比,别担心我确定她想和你住的50>你确定?你很肯定?51>不,我打赌她大概会52>大概?53>我不喜欢这个字54>我知道“大概”真正的意思是啊,是啊55>“你妈大概不会自杀”56>对不起,我不要把我和瑞秋…57>住在一起的希望寄托在“大概”上面58>人在这世上要自己照顾自己59>历史教训完全没用60>“宾”现在不是那么奇怪了吧?61>太好了,你在家62>猜猜菲比送我什么耶诞礼物63>-鼓? -不,鼓!64>请给我们两个墨西哥卷外带65>抱歉,不过没那么抱歉因为你不用和他在一起生活66>我们用钱德宾的名字订了位子67>好的,大约再45分钟68>45分钟?《音乐人》的票是8点的69>抱歉,耶诞节是最忙的时候70>这是因为墨西哥卷的玩笑吗?71>-要给他钱 -给他钱?那只是个玩笑!72>不,为了我们的位子这种地方都是死要钱的73>-每个人都要小费 -好,镇静下来74>-我会塞钱给他 -可是要不着痕迹75>嘿,我可以不着痕迹76>我们有点赶时间如果可以让我们早一点…77>排到位子,我会很感激78>-当然,先生 -好79>-怎么样? -钱在另一只手里80>你会不会…81>-想吐? -不会82>我会,我们…83>班,你…84>你知道快过节了,对不对?86>Yeah, and you know what other holiday is coming up?87>Christmas Eve.88>Yes, but also...89>Hanukkah!90>See, you're part Jewish and Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday.91>Santa has reindeers that can fly.92>Right, but on Hanukkah..93>Hanukkah is a celebration of a miracle.94>Years and years ago there were these people called the Maccabees.95>Okay, that's right. Yes...96>but on Hanukkah, we sing:97>Okay, it's not a contest.98>When is Santa coming?99>How about this year, instead of Santa...100>we have fun celebrating Hanukkah?101>No Santa?102>Was I bad?103>No, no, no, you weren't bad. You've been very good, Ben. 104>-Santa's mad at me. -No, hey, hey, come on.105>Ben, Santa is not mad at you, okay?106>You're his favorite little guy.107>So Santa's coming?108>Yes!109>Santa's coming.110>It's easy. Just keep it casual.111>Shake his hand and give him the money.112>-How do you know so much about this? -I don't know.113>Richard used to do it, didn't he?114>We'd be eating our soup right now.115>Mustached bastard.116>Those people just left. Come on. Quick, give him the money. 117>Excuse me.118>.119>So you like the drums.120>That's great.121>I was worried that they would create maybe...122>an unbearable living situation.123>But, okay, well, apparently not. So, yay!124>Hey, we already learned a song.125>Ready? One, two, three, four.126>Tequila!更多字幕www.52en.me qq3550672899127>That's fun.128>Here you go. 85>耶诞节86>对,你知道另一个节日也要到了?87>耶诞夜88>对,但…89>光明节也是!90>你是一半犹太人光明节是犹太人的节日91>耶诞老公公有会飞的縻鹿92>对,但在光明节…93>光明节是庆祝一个奇迹94>很多年前,有一群人叫做犸加伯人95>好,对,是的…96>但在光明节,我们唱的是:97>好,这不是比赛98>耶诞老公公什么时候来?99>这样好不好,今年我们不要耶诞老公公…100>我们来庆祝光明节?101>没有耶诞老公公?102>我不乖吗?103>不,不,你没有不乖你今年很乖,班104>-耶诞老公公生我的气 -不是,嘿,嘿105>班,耶诞老公公没有生你的气,好吗?106>你是他最喜欢的小孩107>耶诞老公公会来啰?108>对!109>耶诞老公公会来110>很简单,保持轻松111>说句好话,和他握手,塞钱给他112>-你怎么这么了解? -我不知道113>理查以前常这么做,是不是?114>我们现在可能已经在喝汤了115>可恶的小胡子116>这些人刚走,快,给他钱117>对不起118>我们赶时间,可不可以…?119>你喜欢鼓120>真好121>我本来还担心它们会造成…122>无法忍耐的居住状况123>好吧,看来没有,好!124>菲比,我们学会了一首歌125>准备好了?1,2,3,4更多字幕www.52en.me qq3550672899126>塔奇拉!127>真好玩129>Thank you, Gunther. Put her there.130>Definitely not easier with coins.131>-Thank you. -Thank you.132>Hey, Phoebe.133>Here. Now I only owe you $49.50.134>Hey, Phoebe...135>if you want to get Joey a gift that disrupts the entire building... 136>why not something more subtle...137>Like a wrecking ball...138>or a vial of small pox to release in the hallway?139>It's not just the drum noise. Every five minutes...140>Joey throws his sticks in the air...141>and I have to hear: "Oh, my eye! Oh, God, my eye!"142>-I mean, it's so annoying. -Yes, thank you.143>You see, this is how normal people are supposed to react to drums.144>You got Joey drums to annoy Rachel...145>so she wouldn't want to live there anymore?146>Maybe on some level.147>You could just not throw the sticks up in the air.148>What is rock 'n' roll about that?149>Hey, Joey, I got you another present.150>Hold it! Before you tell me what it is...151>Okay, what is it?152>It's a...153>tarantula!154>God, Rachel, I'm sorry. What was I thinking...155>giving Joey this big, gross, scary spider...156>in such a poorly constructed cage?157>What are you talking about? I love them.158>I had a tarantula when I was a kid. But it died because my cat ate it.159>And then my cat died.160>But, Joey, isn't this cool?161>Is it on me? I feel like it's on me. I got..162>Oh, isn't that adorable?163>Joey is afraid of the tarantula.164>He's so adorable.165>He's so much fun.166>I'm glad you're having so much fun here.167>Wait a minute.168>What's the matter?169>Our apartment is ready.170>And that makes you angry because...? 128>来了129>谢谢,阿甘,放在这里130>用铜板没有更容易些131>-谢谢 -谢谢132>-菲比 -嘿133>给你,现在我欠你49块半134>菲比…135>如果你要送乔伊毁掉整栋楼的耶诞礼物…136>何不送更微妙一点的…137>像是铁锤…138>或是天花病毒散播在走廊上?139>不只是鼓的声音,每5分钟…140>乔伊把鼓棒丢到空中…141>然后我就会听到:“我的眼睛!我的眼睛!”142>-烦死人了 -谢谢你143>你看,这是正常人对鼓的反应144>菲比,你送乔伊鼓是为了烦瑞秋…145>让她不想继续住在那里?146>可能有一点147>乔伊,你知道你不用丢鼓棒的148>那怎么能算是摇滚乐呢?149>乔伊,送你另一个礼物150>等一下!先不要告诉我是什么…151>是什么?152>是一只…153>毒蜘蛛!154>瑞秋,抱歉,我在想什么…155>送乔伊这么一个恶心的,可怕的蜘蛛…156>还用这么一个松散的笼子?157>你在说什么?我喜欢它158>我小时候就有一只后来我的猫咪吃掉了它159>然后猫咪死了160>乔伊,这不是很酷吗?161>在我身上吗?我觉得它在我身上,我…162>不是很可爱吗?163>乔伊怕蜘蛛164>他好可爱呦165>老天,他很好玩166>乔伊是最棒的很高兴你在这里住得很开心167>等一下168>怎么回事?169>我们的房子好了170>你不高兴因为…?171>因为你比较想和乔伊住在这里171>Because you'd rather live here with Joey.172>-Where did you get that? -Monica and Chandler...173>said you were having so much fun here...174>and apparently no amount of drums or tarantula is gonna change that.175>Did you get all this stuff for Joey...176>to try to drive me out of the apartment?177>You might as well have gotten him a fish.178>You know how fish freak me out.179>Fish.180>But it wouldn't have mattered. We're gonna live together. 181>We're roommates. That's the deal.182>Yes, but I wanted you to want to live with me.183>But if you're having so much fun over here..184>It's so much more fun with you.185>-We did have fun, didn't we? -We did.186>They say, if we want, we could see it tonight.187>-I would love to. -Yay, okay!188>-Good, good, good. -Great. All right. Good.189>And Monica asked me to make the drumming stop.190>Done.191>.192>Hello, sir. You here to return those pants?193>No, these are my pants.194>Okay.195>-How can I help you? -Do you have a Santa outfit left?196>Two days before Christmas? Sorry, man.197>Okay, look. Do you have anything Christmas-y?198>I promised my son, and I really don't want to disappoint him. 199>Come on, you gotta have something.200>I'm the Holiday Armadillo!201>I'm a friend of Santa's...202>and he sent me here to wish you...203>a merry Christmas!204>What happened to Santa, Holiday Armadillo?205>Santa was unavailable...206>so close to Christmas.207>Come in, have a seat.208>You must be exhausted, coming all the way from Texas. 209>-Texas? -That's right, Ben.210>I'm Santa's representative...211>for all the Southern states.212>And Mexico!213>But Santa sent me here... 172>-你为什么这么想? -摩妮卡和钱德…173>说你和乔伊住得很开心…174>而且不管是鼓还是毒蜘蛛都不会改变这点175>菲比,你送乔伊这些东西…176>是要让我不想住在这里?177>你还不如送他一条鱼178>你知道我有多怕鱼179>鱼180>这些都不重要,我们会一起住的181>我们是室友,讲好的182>对,可是我希望你想和我一起住183>可是如果你在这里住得这么开心…184>和你在一起更开心185>-我们住一起时很开心,是不? -对啊,好玩得不得了186>他们说如果要的话,今晚可以去看187>-好啊 -好,好!188>-好,好 -好189>摩妮卡要我停止鼓声190>好了191>(万圣节探险,面具大师)192>你好,要退还那件裤子吗?193>不,这是我的裤子194>是195>-需要什么? -还有没有耶诞老公公衣服?196>耶诞节前两天?抱歉197>好吧,有没有什么比较算是耶诞节的?198>我答应了我儿子,不想让他失望199>你们一定有的200>我是佳节犰狳!201>我是耶诞老公公的朋友…202>他要我来祝你…203>耶诞快乐!204>耶诞老公公怎么了,佳节犰狳?205>耶诞老公公没有空…206>在这么接近耶诞节的时候207>请进,请坐208>你一定累坏了,大老远从德州跑来209>-德州? -对,班210>我是耶诞老公公的…211>西南州代表212>还有墨西哥!213>耶诞老公公要我来这里…214>送礼物给你214>to give you these presents, Ben.215>Maybe the lady will help me with these presents.216>Wow, thanks!217>You're welcome, Ben.218>Merry Christmas.219>And happy Hanukkah!220>Are you for Hanukkah too? Because I'm part Jewish.221>You are? Me too.222>Because armadillos also wandered in the desert?223>You want to wander in the hall?224>Hey, Ben!225>What if the Holiday Armadillo...226>told you all about the Festival of Lights?227>Cool!228>Come on, Ben.229>Years and years ago...230>there were these people called...231>-the Maccabees! -Ho, ho, ho!232>Merry Christmas!233>Santa!234>What are you doing here, Santa?235>Well, I'm here to see my old buddy, Ben.236>What are you doing here...237>Weird Turtle Man?238>I'm the Holiday Armadillo...239>your part-Jewish friend.240>You sent me here to give Ben some presents.241>Remember?242>What?243>Did you bring me any presents, Santa?244>You bet I did, Ben.245>Put her there.246>Well, it would have worked this time if his hands weren't so damn small.247>Ho, ho, ho!248>Ben, come open more gifts.249>The armadillo and I will have a talk in the kitchen.250>There's a sentence I never thought I'd say.251>What are you doing?252>You said you were having trouble finding a Santa costume...更多字幕www.52en.me qq3550672899253>so I borrowed one from a guy at work.254>Thank you, but you gotta leave.255>-Why? -Because... 215>这位小姐可以帮我拿礼物216>谢谢!217>不客气,班218>耶诞快乐219>光明节快乐!220>你也为光明节而来吗?因为我是一半犹太人221>你是?我也是222>因为犰狳也在沙漠里晃荡?223>你想在走廊晃荡吗?224>班!225>佳节犰狳…226>跟你说光之节的故事好吗?227>酷!228>来,班229>很多年以前…230>有一群人,叫做…231>-犸加伯人! -呵!呵!呵!232>耶诞快乐!233>-耶诞老公公! -嘿!234>你来干什么,耶诞老公公?235>我来看我的老朋友班236>你在这儿干什么…237>怪乌龟人?238>我是佳节犰狳…239>你的半犹太人朋友240>你要我来送礼物给班241>记得吗?242>什么?243>耶诞老公公,你有带礼物给我吗?244>当然有,班245>放在这里246>如果不是他的手太小,会成功的247>呵!呵!呵!248>班,来开礼物249>耶诞老公公,佳节犰狳和我要在厨房谈一谈250>我绝对想不到会说出这句话251>你在干什么?更多字幕www.52en.me qq3550672899252>你告诉每个人说你找不到耶诞老公公衣服…253>所以我向同事借了一件254>谢谢,你必须离开255>-为什么? -因为…256>我终于让他对光明节有兴趣…257>而你正在破坏256>I'm finally getting him excited about Hanukkah...257>and you're wrecking it.258>But I didn't get to shake my belly like a bowlful of jelly.259>I'm sorry, Chandler, but this is really important to me.260>Fine, I'll give the suit back.261>Hey, you think you can keep it another night?262>Santa, really?263>Yeah, is that okay?264>Did your dad ever dress up like Santa?265>-No. -Then it's okay!266>Okay, Ben. Santa has to go.267>Say goodbye.268>No, why does he have to go?269>Because if Santa and the Holiday...270>Armadillo...271>are ever in the same room for too long...272>the universe will implode!273>Merry Christmas!274>No, why can't the armadillo leave? I want Santa.275>Fine, I give up. Santa..276>Santa can stay!277>Well, I'll stay...278>but only because I want to hear about Hanukkah.279>Ben, will you sit here with Santa...280>and learn about Hanukkah?281>Okay, Santa.282>-Thank you. -You're welcome.283>All right, it's time...284>for the story of Hanukkah.285>Years and years ago...286>there were these people called the Maccabees!287>Merry Christmas!288>Oh, wow, look at this place!289>Oh, this is terrible.290>They've made so many changes...291>I can't even feel my grandmother's presence anymore.292>Oh, new sconces!293>-Oh, my God! -What?294>Remember how you told me your grandmother put up that wall... 295>-to make that into two bedrooms? -Yeah.296>And that the landlord might find out...297>-and then tear it down? -Yeah?298>Do you really not know where I'm going?299>It left. It's one huge room. 258>可是我还没摇我的胜子呢259>抱歉,钱德,这对我很重要260>好,我去还这件衣服261>你可以再多借一晚吗?262>耶诞老公公?真的?263>是啊,可以吗?264>你爸有扮过耶诞老公公吗?265>-没有 -那就可以!266>班,耶诞老公公要走了267>说再见268>不要,他为什么要走?269>因为耶诞老公公和佳节…270>犰狳…271>如果在同一个房子里太久…272>宇宙会爆炸!273>耶诞快乐!274>不要,为什么不是犰狳走呢?我要耶诞老公公275>好,我放弃,耶诞老公公…276>耶诞老公公可以留下来!277>我留下来…278>因为我想听光明节的故事279>班,你要不要和耶诞老公公…280>一起坐下来听光明节的故事?281>好的282>-谢谢 -不客气283>好,来听…284>光明节的故事285>很多年以前…286>有一群人叫犸加伯人!287>耶诞快乐!288>看看这地方!289>真糟糕290>他们改了很多…291>我感受不到我祖母的存在292>新的烛台!293>-我的天! -怎么?294>记得你告诉我你祖母要做一道墙…295>-来隔成两间房? -对296>房东可能会发现…297>-把它拆了? -对?298>你真的不知道我说这些的原因?299>墙没有了,是一间大房间300>哦,不!300>Oh, no!301>Wow!302>See?303>I guess we'll have to put the wall back up.304>-You can't, with the new skylight. -There's a skylight? 305>Wow!306>So should we start looking for a new place?307>You know, I'm sensing...308>that my grandmother would not be comfortable with that. 309>Oh, yeah?310>Starting to feel her again there, are we?311>-A little bit. Yeah. -Yeah.312>Is your grandmother maybe saying that you should live here alone?313>You heard it too? You have the gift.314>Phoebe, it's okay.315>I like living with Joey.316>-Are you sure? -Please. I hate packing...317>it's closer to work.318>And we do have fun.319>Although, I'm really gonna miss living with you.320>-Oh, me too. -I know.321>Did you hear that?322>I'm getting something from your grandmother.323>She said since you get to keep the one-bedroom apartment... 324>you should give Rachel the purple chair.325>No, I do not hear that.326>And the miracle was that that little bit of oil...327>that should have lasted just one day, burned for....328>-Eight whole days. -That's right.329>And that's why we celebrate Hanukkah today. The end. 330>-Awesome. -Yeah.331>My favorite part...332>was when Superman flew all the Jews out of Egypt.333>The armadillo was actually not so thrilled about that part. 334>Okay, Ben, it's time to light...335>the Hanukkah candles!336>.337>Wow! Looks like the Easter Bunny's funeral in here. 338>Come on, come on. We're lighting the candles.339>I understand why Superman is here...340>but why is there a porcupine at the Easter Bunny's funeral? 341>-You get it? -I got it.342>Back in the cage? 301>哇!302>看到了?303>我们必须要把墙弄回来304>-不行,因为新的天窗 -有天窗?305>哇!306>我们该怎么办?要开始找新地方吗?307>我感到…308>我祖母可能不喜欢那样309>是吗?310>又能感觉到她了,是吗?311>-有一点,对 -是312>菲比,你祖母是不是说你应该一个人住这里?313>你也听见了?你有天份314>菲比,没关系315>我喜欢和乔伊住316>-你确定吗? -拜托,我讨厌打包…317>那里离公司比较近318>我们在一起很开心319>虽然我真的会想念和你住在一起320>-我也是 -我知道321>等一下,你有没有听到?322>听,我听到你祖母说话323>她说既然你要一个人住这里…324>你该把那把紫色椅子给瑞秋325>没有,我没有听到326>奇迹在于那一点点的油…327>应该只够烧一天的,却烧了…328>-整整8天 -对329>这就是为什么我们今天庆祝光明节,故事完结330>-好棒 -是啊331>我最喜欢的部份…332>是超人救出全埃及的犹太人333>犰狳不是那么喜欢那部份334>班,该来点…335>光明节蜡烛!336>嘿337>哇!好像是复活节兔子的葬礼338>来,来,我们要点蜡烛339>我了解为什么超人在这里…340>但为什么有豪猪参加复活节兔子的葬礼?341>-你弄好了吗? -弄好了342>它进笼子了没?。
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六人行1-5季中英文标题第1 季《六人行》第1 季(共24 集)集标题(英文)标题(中文)播放日期01 The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate 试播1994-09-2202 The One With the Sonogram at the End 参加助产训练班1994-09-2903 The One With the Thumb 飞来横财1994-10-0604 The One With George Stephanopoulos 乔治·史特喷那彼拉斯先生1994-10-1305 The One With the East German Laundry Detergent 洗衣服1994-10-2006 The One With the Butt 屁股秀1994-10-2707 The One With the Blackout 停电1994-11-0308 The One Where Nana Dies Twice 娜娜死了两回1994-11-1009 The One Where Underdog Gets Away 气球飞了1994-11-1710 The One With the Monkey 猴子1994-12-1511 The One With Mrs Bing 宾太太1995-01-0512 The One With the Dozen Lasagnes 十二碗面条1995-01-1213 The One With the Boobies 看胸脯1995-01-1914 The One With the Candy Hearts 情人节糖果1995-02-0915 The One With the Stoned Guy 大麻客1995-02-1616 & 17 The One With Two Parts 双胞胎两部曲1995-02-2318 The One With All The Poker 玩扑克1995-03-0219 The One Where the Monkey Gets Away 猴子被送走1995-03-0920 The One With the Evil Orthodontist 风流牙医1995-04-0621 The One With The Fake Monica 假莫妮卡1995-04-2722 The One With the Ick Factor 倒人胃口的约会1995-05-0423 The One With the Birth 本出世1995-05-1124 The One Where Rachel Finds Out 瑞秋恍然大悟1995-05-18第2 季《六人行》第2 季(共24 集)集标题(英文)标题(中文)播放日期01 The One With Ross' New Girlfriend 罗斯的新女友1995-09-2102 The One With the Breast Milk 母乳1995-09-2803 The One Where Mr Heckles Dies 海先生之死1995-10-0504 The One With Phoebe's Husband 菲比的丈夫1995-10-1205 The One With Five Steaks and an Eggplant 五块牛排和一根茄子1995-10-1906 The One With the Baby on the Bus 宝宝落在巴士上了1995-11-0207 The One Where Ross Finds Out 罗斯发现瑞秋对他有意思1995-11-0908 The One With the List 清单1995-11-1609 The One With Phoebe's Dad 菲比的爸爸1995-12-1410 The One With Russ 罗斯的翻版1996-01-0411 The One With the Lesbian Wedding 同志婚礼1996-01-1812 & 13 The One After the Superbowl 超级杯1996-01-2814 The One With the Prom Video 高中舞会录影带1996-02-0115 The One Where Rachel and Ross.. You Know 罗斯和瑞秋……你知道的1996-02-0816 One Where Joey Moves Out 乔伊搬走了1996-02-1517 The One Where Eddie Moves In 艾迪搬入1996-02-2218 The One Where Dr Ramoray Dies 拉莫瑞医生之死1996-03-2119 The One Where Eddie Won't Go 艾迪赖着不走1996-03-2820 The One Where Old Yeller Dies 猎狗之死1996-04-0421 The One With the Two Bullies 两个小流氓1996-04-2522 The One With the Two Parties 一个头两个大1996-05-0223 The One With the Chicken Pox 出水痘1996-05-0924 The One With Barry and Mindy's Wedding 巴利和明蒂大喜之日1996-05-16第3 季《六人行》第3 季(共25 集)集标题(英文)标题(中文)播放日期01 The One With the Princess Leia Fantasy 莉亚公主1996-09-1902 The One Where No-one's Ready 没人准备好1996-09-2603 The One With the Jam 果酱1996-10-0304 The One With The Metaphorical Tunnel 战胜自我,不再害怕承诺1996-10-1005 The One With Frank Jr 菲比的弟弟小福兰克1996-10-1706 The One With The Flashback 时光倒转,昔日重现1996-10-3107 The One With the Race Car Bed 赛车床1996-11-0708 The One With The Giant Poking Device 戳他一下1996-11-1409 The One With The Football 六人橄榄球比赛1996-11-2110 The One Where Rachel Quits 瑞秋辞职1996-12-1211 The One Where Chandler Can't Remember Which Sister 钱德想不起勾搭了乔伊的哪个妹妹1997-01-0912 The One With All The Jealousy 嫉妒1997-01-1613 The One Where Monica and Richard Are Friends 莫妮卡和里查德只做朋友1997-01-3014 The One With Phoebe's Ex-Partner 菲比的旧搭档1997-02-0615 The One Where Ross and Rachel Take A Break 罗斯和瑞秋分手1997-03-1316 The One The Morning After 次日清晨1997-02-2017 The One Without The Ski Trip 滑雪之旅1997-030618 The One WithThe Tape 催眠录音带1997-03-1319 The One With The Tiny T-shirt 小小T恤1997-03-2720 The One With The Dollhouse 玩偶屋1997-04-1021 The One With A Chick And A Duck 小鸡和小鸭1997-04-1722 The One With The Screamer 尖叫的汤米1997-04-2423 The One With Ross's Thing 罗斯长了怪东西1997-05-0124 The One With The Ultimate Fighting Champion 终极搏击比赛1997-05-0825 The One At The Beach 在海滩1997-05-15第4 季《六人行》第4 季(共24 集)集标题(英文)标题(中文)播放日期01 The One With The Jellyfish 水母惊情1997-09-2502 The One With The Cat 转世灵猫1997-10-0203 The One With The Cuffs 手铐游戏1997-10-0904 The One With The Ballroom Dancing 社交舞1997-10-1605 The One With Joey's New Girlfriend 乔伊的新女友1997-10-3006 The One With The Dirty Girl 灰姑娘1997-11-0607 The One Where Chandler Crosses a Line 钱德横刀夺爱1997-11-1308 The One With Chandler in a Box 钱德到箱子里过节1997-11-2009 The One Where They’re Gonna PARTY 参加派对1997-12-1110 The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie 帕基普希来的姑娘1997-12-1811 The One With Phoebe’s Uterus 菲比被“借鸡生蛋”1998-01-0812 The One With The Embryos 受精卵1998-01-1513 The One With Rachel’s Crush 瑞秋坠入情网1998-01-2914 The One With Joey’s Dirty Day 乔伊臭臭的一天1998-02-0515 The One With All The Rugby 橄榄球1998-02-2616 The One With The Fake Party 假派对1998-03-1917 The One With The Free Porn 免费成人电影1998-03-2618 The One With Rachel’s New Dress 瑞秋的新装1998-04-0219 The One With All The Haste 忙中出错1998-04-0920 The One With All the Wedding Dresses 婚纱1998-04-1621 The One With The Invitation 邀请1998-04-2322 The One With The Worst Best Man Ever 史上最不称职伴郎1998-04-3023 & 24 The One With Ross's Wedding 罗斯的婚礼1998-05-07第5 季《六人行》第5 季(共24 集)集标题(英文)标题(中文)播放日期01 The One After Ross Says Rachel 罗斯说漏嘴以后1998-09-2402 The One With All The Kissing 来吻别吧1998-10-0103 The One Hundredth三胞胎1998-10-0804 The One Where Phoebe Hates PBS 菲比讨厌PBS 1998-10-1505 Kip The One With All the Kips 我不想当1998-10-2906 The One With The Yeti 雪男1998-11-0507 The One Where Ross Moves In 罗斯入伙1998-11-1208 The One With The Thanksgiving Flashbacks 感恩节大回顾1998-11-1909 The One With Ross's Sandwich 罗斯的三明治1998-12-1010 The One With The Inappropriate Sister 兄妹“情”1998-12-1711 The One With All The Resolutions 新年新气象1999-01-0712 The One With Chandler's Work Laugh 钱德例行公事的假笑1999-01-2113 The One With Joey's Bag 乔伊背包包1999-02-0414 The One Where Everyone Finds Out 恍然大悟1999-02-1115 The One With The Girl Who Hits Joey 敲打乔伊的女孩1999-02-1816 The One With A Cop 警察来了1998-02-2517 The One With Rachel's Inadvertant Kiss 瑞秋的无心之吻1999-03-1818 The One Where Rachel Smokes 瑞秋开始吸烟1999-04-0819 The One Where Ross Can't Flirt 罗斯不会放电1999-04-2220 The One With The Ride Along 一起去巡逻1999-04-2921 The One With The Ball 掷球游戏1999-05-0622 The One With Joey's Big Break 乔伊的大好机会来了1999-05-1323 & 24 The One In Vegas 拉斯维加斯之旅1999-05-20。
72>>How much Barry looks like Mr. Potato Head.
73>>I always knew he lookedfamiliar,but..
74>>I had to get out of there, and I started wondering..
127>>Ross,areyou okay? Do you want me to stay?
94>>Or a hat?
95>>No,Idon't want you to buy me a hat!
96>>It's ametaphor,Daddy!
97>>You can see where he'd have trouble.
98>>Look,Daddy, it's my life.
99>>Well,maybeI'll just stay here with Monica.
80>>"Tuna or egg salad! Decide!"
81>>"I'll have whatever Christina's having."
82>>Daddy,Ijust I can't marry him.
83>>I'm sorry. I just don't love him.
84>>Well,itmatters to me!
【蓝光原盘收藏】老友记六人行Friends1080P高清【蓝光原盘收藏】老友记六人行 Friends 1080P高清1080P高清" TITLE="【蓝光原盘珍藏】老友记/六人行/Friends 1080P高清" /> 六人行【Friends】是美国NBC电视台于1994年开端推出的电视情景喜剧,迄今为止已经播出十个拍摄季,超过200集。
由华纳兄弟公司〈Warner Bro.〉出品。
比方10年来,剧中最要害的一对--罗斯和瑞秋,他们的故事牵动着每一个观众的心,从罗斯最初怯于向暗恋十多少年的瑞秋表白,到后来俩人热恋,分手,再复合,再分别……重要演员:瑞秋-格林(RACHEL GREENE)由珍妮佛-安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)扮演瑞秋是莫妮卡的高中同窗,在与牙医未婚夫的婚礼上脱逃至莫妮卡处。
2.在线视频平台:如Netflix、Amazon Prime等订阅式视频平台,会提供不同地区的字幕选项。
中文名:六人行外文名:Friends其它译名:老友记出品时间: 1994年出品公司:美国NBC电视台制片地区:美国主演: Jennifer Aniston ,Courteney Cox,Lisa Kudrow ,上映时间: 1994-2004剧情简介美国NBC电视台从1994年开播、连续播出了10年的一部幽默情景喜剧。
故事主要描述了住在纽约的六个好朋友: 瑞秋·格林(Rachel Karen Green) 罗斯·盖勒(Ross Eustace Geller) 莫尼卡·盖勒(Monica Erin Geller-Bing) 钱德勒·宾(Chandler Muriel Bing) 菲比·布菲(Phoebe Buffay-Hannigan) 乔伊·崔比昂尼(Joey Tribbiani)(Joseph Francis Tribbiani) 从相识到后来一起经历了10年的生活中发生的一系列的故事,朋友间的生活、友谊、麻烦、欢笑、矛盾、爱情、工作等表现得淋漓尽致!作为一部受到观众喜爱的情景喜剧,《Friends》的精彩并不仅仅来源于它对生活原生态的再现。
老友记第 6-10季标题中英文对照
第6 季《六人行》第6 季(共25 集)集标题(英文)标题(中文)播放日期01 The One After Vegas 离开拉斯维加斯1999-09-2302 The One Where Ross Hugs Rachel 罗斯拥抱瑞秋1999-09-3003 The One With Ross’s Denial 罗斯死不认帐1999-10-0704 The One Where Joey Loses His Insurance 乔伊没买保险1999-10-1405 The One With Joey’s Porsche 乔伊的保时捷1999-10-2106 The One The Last Night 他们的最后一夜1999-11-0407 The One Where Phoebe Runs 菲比跑步1999-11-1108 The One With Ross’s Teeth 罗斯洗牙1999-11-1809 The One Where Ross Got High 罗斯兴奋起来1999-11-2510 The One With The Routinue 乱舞1999-12-1611 The One With The Apothecary Table 一张桌子2000-01-0612 The One With The Joke 笑话2000-01-1313 The One With Rachel’s 瑞秋的妹妹2000-02-0314 The One Where Chandler Can’t Cry 钱德哭不出来2000-02-1015 & 16 The One That Could Have Been 如果……2000-02-1717 The One With The Unagi 临危不惧,处变不惊2000-02-2418 The One Where Ross Dates A Student 罗斯约会学生2000-03-0919 The One With Joey’s Fridge乔伊的冰箱2000-03-2320 The One With Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E 《麦克和奇思》2000-04-1321 The One Where Ross Meets Elizabeth’s Dad 罗斯和未来岳父会面2000-04-2722 The One Where Paul’s The Man Paul的故事2000-05-0423 The One With The Ring 订婚戒指2000-05-1124 & 25 The One With The Proposal 求婚2000-05-18第7 季《六人行》第7 季(共24 集)集标题(英文)标题(中文)播放日期01 The One With Monica’s Thunder 莫妮卡的风头被抢了2000-10-1202 The One With Rachel’s Book 瑞秋的书2000-10-1203 The One With Phoebe’s Cookies 菲比的饼干配方2000-10-1904 The One With Rachel’s Assistant 瑞秋请助理2000-10-2605 The One With The Engagement Picture 订婚照2000-11-0206 The One With The Nap Partners 小睡的伙伴2000-11-0907 The One With Ross’s Book 罗斯在图书馆2000-11-1608 The One Where Chandler Doesn’t Like Dogs 钱德不喜欢狗2000-11-2309 The One With All The Candy 糖果2000-12-0710 The One With the Holiday Armadillo 节日犰狳2001-12-1411 The One With All The Cheesecakes 酪饼2001-01-0412 The One Where They’re Up All Night 一夜未眠2001-01-1113 The One Where Rosita Dies Rosita 之死2001-02-0114 The One Where They All Turn Thirty 三十岁2001-02-0815 The One With Joey’s New Brain 乔伊换脑2001-02-1516 The One With The Truth About London 我知道你在伦敦干了什么2001-02-2217 The One With The Cheap Wedding Dress 婚纱大减价2001-03-1518 The One With Joey’s Award 乔伊获提名2001-03-2919 The One With Ross and Monica’s Cousin 罗斯和莫妮卡的表亲2001-04-1920 The One With Rachel’s Big Kiss 瑞秋的同性之吻2001-04-2621 The One With The V ows 宣誓2001-05-0322 The One With Chandler’s Dad 钱德之父2001-05-1023 & 24 The One With Chandler and Monica’s Wedding 莫妮卡与钱德的大喜日子2001-05-17第8 季《六人行》第8 季(共24 集)集标题(英文)标题(中文)播放日期01 The One After "I Do" 婚礼之后2001-09-2702 The One With The Red Sweater 红色毛衣2001-10-0403 The One Where Rachel Tells…告知罗斯2001-10-1104 The One With The Videotape 录影带风波2001-10-1805 The One With Rachel’s Date 瑞秋的男友2001-10-2506 The One With The Halloween Party 万圣节派对2001-11-0107 The One With The Stain 有污点的那个2001-11-0808 The One With The Stripper 脱衣舞娘2001-11-1509 The One With The Rumor 谣言2001-11-2210 The One With Monica’s Boots 摩妮卡的靴子2001-12-0611 The One With Ross’Big Step Forward 罗斯迈步向前行2001-12-1312 The One Where Joey Dates Rachel 乔伊跟瑞秋约会2002-01-1013 The One Where Chandler Takes a Bath 钱德泡澡记2002-01-1714 The One With The Secret Closet 秘密衣柜2002-01-3115 The One With The Birthing Video 生产录影带2002-02-0716 The One Where Joey Tells Rachel 乔依告诉瑞秋2002-02-2817 The One With The Tea Leaves 茶叶算命法2002-03-0718 The One In Massapequa 马沙皮卡市2002-03-2819 The One With Joey’s Interview 专访乔伊2002-04-0420 The One With The Baby Shower 宝宝欢迎会2002-04-2521 The One With The Cooking Class 烹饪课程2002-05-0222 The One Where Rachel Is Late 迟来的宝宝2002-05-0923 & 24 The One Where Rachel Has A Baby 瑞秋生产记2002-05-16《六人行》第9 季(共24 集)集标题(英文)标题(中文)播放日期01 The One Where No One Proposes 无人求婚2002-09-2602 The One Where Emma Cries 爱玛哭不停2002-10-0303 The One With The Pediatrician 儿科医生2002-10-1004 The One With The Sharks 鲨鱼2002-10-1705 The One With Phoebe's Birthday Dinner 菲比的生日宴2002-10-3106 The One With The Male Nanny 男保姆2002-11-0707 The One With Ross's Inappropriate Song 罗斯的成人歌2002-11-1408 The One With Rachel's Other Sister 瑞秋的另外的妹妹2002-11-2109 The One With Rachel's Phone Number 他要走了瑞秋的电话号码2002-12-0510 The One With Christmas In Tulsa 在Tulsa过圣诞节 2002-12-1211 The One Where Rachael Goes Back to Work 瑞秋复工2003-01-0912 The One With Phoebe's Rats 菲比的老鼠2003-01-1613 The One Where Monica Sings Monica 飙歌2003-01-3014 The One With The Blind Dates 相亲记2003-02-0615 The One With The Mugging 打劫2003-02-1316 The One With The Boob Job 隆胸2003-02-2017 The One With The Memorial Service 葬礼2003-03-1318 The One With The Lottery 彩票2003-04-0319 The One With Rachel's Dream 瑞秋的梦2003-04-1720 The One With The Soap Opera Party 肥皂剧派对2003-04-2421 The One At The Fertility Clinic 生育能力检查2003-05-0122 The One With The Donor 精子捐献人2003-05-0823 & 24 The One In Barbados 巴巴多斯岛之行2003-05-15第9 季第10 季《六人行》第10 季(共18 集)集标题(英文)标题(中文)播放日期01 The One After Joey and Rachel Kiss 乔伊亲了瑞秋之后2003-09-2502 The One Where Ross Is Fine 罗斯不难过2003-10-0203 The One With Ross's Tan 罗斯日光浴2003-10-0904 The One With The Cake 爱玛的生日蛋糕2003-10-2305 The One Where Rachel's Other Sister Babysits 瑞秋的妹妹带孩子2003-10-3006 The One With Ross's Grant 罗斯的科研经费2003-11-0607 The One With The Home Study 家访2003-11-1308 The One With The Late Thanksgiving 迟到的感恩节2003-11-2009 The One With The Birth Mother 宝宝的亲生母亲2004-01-0810 The One Where Chandler Gets Caught 钱德的风流事2004-01-1511 The One Where The Stripper Cries 脱衣舞男之泪2004-02-0512 The One With Phoebe's Wedding 菲比的婚礼2004-02-1213 The One Where Joey Speaks French 乔伊说法语2004-02-1914 The One With Princess Consuela 康斯韦拉公主2004-02-2615 The One Where Estelle Dies 埃斯特拉之死2004-04-2216 The One With Rachel's Going Away Party 瑞秋的欢送派对2004-04-2917 & 18 The Last One 大结局2004-05-06Special No. The One With All the Other Ones 特别篇2004-05-06。
Rachel:(on phone) Daddy, I just。.。 I can’t marry him! I'm sorry. I just don't love him。 Well, it matters to me!
Ross:(mortified) Hi.
Joey:This guy says hello, I wanna kill myself.
Monica:Are you okay, sweetie?
Ross:I just feel like someone reached down my throat, grabbed my small intestine, pulled it out of my mouth and tied it around my neck..。
Ross:No, no don’t! Stop cleansing my aura! No, just leave myaura alone, okay?
Phoebe:Fine! Be murky!
Ross:I’ll be fine, alright? Really, everyone。 I hope she'll be very happy.
Chandler:And I just want a million dollars! (He extends his hand hopefully.)
Rachel:Oh God Monica hi! Thank God! I just went to your building and you weren’t there and then this guy with a big hammer said you might be here and you are,you are!
Joey: (takes her hand) Listen, I hope... that you know... (has difficulty saying it) I don't want you to see your father cry, GO TO YOUR ROOM!
Phoebe: Okay, what did we say was your one gift to us?
Chandler: No stupid jokes. I thought that was for the actual wedding.
Phoebe: Rehearse it!
Rachel: Oh, Monica made me send her to my mother's. Apparently babies and weddings don't mix.
Monica: (coming) Are you still crying about your damn baby? Pheebs, you gotta keep the line moving, remember, 20 seconds per person. Your see these clowns all the time! (she takes off)
Written by: Robert Carlock & Dana Klein
Produced by: Robert Carlock & Wendy Knoller
Transcribed by: Coffee Mug, Eleonora, Sebastiano & Vanessa
RACHEL:Uhh,I mean this is like reading about my own life。I mean this book could have been called ’Be Your Own Windkeeper Rachel’.
PHOEBE:I don’t think it would have sold a million copies but it would have made a nice gift for you.
[Scene:Estelle Leonard Talent Agency。Joey is there。]
ESTELLE:Don’t worry about it already。Things happen.
JOEY:So,you’re not mad at me for getting fired and everything?
PHOEBE:Yeah and oh,and but there’s,there’s wind and the wind can make us Goddesses. But you know who takes out wind?Men,they just take it.
RACHEL:Men just take out wind?
CHANDLER:Hey Eddie。Daahh!!What’re you doin' here?
EDDIE: Nothin’ roomie,just watchin' you sleep。
EDDIE:Makes me feel um,peaceful,heh—heh,please。
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