Parker DFplus 说明书


Parker Zander 迷你过滤器系列:压缩空气、气体和疲劳过滤器说明书

Parker Zander 迷你过滤器系列:压缩空气、气体和疲劳过滤器说明书

Compressed air,gas and vacuum filtersCompressed air filters are now recognised as being an integral part of any system.Few,if any, compressed air systems can ope-rate successfully without high effi-ciency filters.Production and pro-cess standards demand the finest quality air and components are now manufactured to such tight tolerances that no contamination is permitted.We are one of the leaders in the purification of compressed air,gas and vacuum filters.Their product development is lead by strongpartnerships with compressed airand gas users to ensure the bestavailable product for increasinglydemanding applications.Dust,dirt and oil mist filtration iscommon enough today.ParkerZander emphasises,not only thefiltration efficiency but,important-ly,links this to energy costs interms of pressure differential,pro-duct consistency and reliability.Micro-filter-compressed air,gas and vacuum filtersBoth types of housings are built to the highest quality standards and have a double surface protection. The aluminium housings are alu-chromed and epoxy powder coated,the steel housings are intensivly cle-aned,polyester primed and acrylicpainted.Thanks to the attention of qualitysurface treatment,Parker Zanderoffers a10year guarantee on thefilter housings.This gives confiden-ce to the user!G-Housings with threaded connection from G1/4to G3 -High grade aluminium casting -Alu-chromed in and outside to prevent corrosion-Powder coated to ensure top quality finish F-Flanged housingsDN80to DN300-Welded mild steel vessels -Sand blasted,cleaned and de-greased-Polyester primed in and outside -Acrylic paint outsideMicro-filters in two housing formats:Filter HousingsUntreated and Alu-chromed filter bowlsafter a salt spray test acc.toDIN50021SS>250hoursAll Micro-filter housings are two piece.This means that,no matter what the size is,one person can change the filter ele-ments.This saves having to employ a helper!The F flanged filter housings,which can weigh up to a ton,have a hinged lower cover,which one person can open and close,when it is time to change the elements.Parker ZANDER Micro-filterMicro-filter Housing ConstructionOther types of housingMicro-filter Tie RodThe tie rod fixing of the element to the housing ensures that the ele-ment sits in the housing without any possibility of movement and therefore leakage between the dirty and clean side.The lower end cap of the element is firmly secured to the tie rod.This elimi-nates any possibility of the end cap flying off under severe shock conditions.Equally,the tie rod makes the ele-ment easier to change.There is no risk of the element end cap corro-ding.This does occur when alumini-um threads on the element corrode into the housing.This means anexpensive new housing instead of a simple ele-ment replacement.A small difference with large cost savings!Parker Zander element secured with tie rodAnother methodMicro-filter Modular ConceptThe user can install simply and economically Micro-filters inmodular units up to the ing a filter combination kit,the installer can link together up to three filters in a set.This lowers the conse-quential pressure drop.These filter combinationscan be easily wall mounted with brackets.Parker Zander filter housings combinati-onsOther types of housing linked with pipe or nip-ples3piece hous-ing with retain-ing ring2piece housingG FWDH KW G1/4-G3 DN80-DN300Standard combination (up to G13size only)Combination kits wall brackets G2StandardScrewedplugs Pressure diffe-rential gaugemanual drainFilter with G1/2thread connection,plug in(Standard on V–XP4)Filter with G1thread connection,oil removal"no-loss”condensate drain ED3000range.G2connection with activated carbon filter,Wall bracketsExamplesEOPK2K3Electronic filtermonitor DeltatronicOil indicatorElectronic level sensing drain Electronic level sensing drain Parker Zander filters use machine pleated elements,which form the heart of the filter.These pictures -higher dirt holding capacity -longer service life -lower operating costsTechnical DataC a p a c i t y *1n o m i n a lC o n n e c t i o nM a x .p r e s s u r eD i m e n s i o n sW e i g h tF i l t e r e l e m e n t*2calculated for constant velocity and 20°CExample 1:If you have a flow of 1300m 3/h (1bar a and 20˚C)–)at a minimum working pressure of 10bar e,what size filter do you require?Answer:Flow ÷f =1300m 3/h ÷1.38=940m 3/h =>G14size Example 2:What is the nominal flow through a G14filter with a minimum working pressure of 10bar e?Answer:Flow:·f =940m 3/h ·1.38=1300m 3/h (1bar a and 20˚C)Micro-filterParker Zander mm mm mm mm Anzahl/Type m 3/h G/DN bar A B C D kg TypeG 230G 1/4166016514600,61/1030G 350G 1/4168721521751,01/1050G 570G 3/8168721521901,01/1070G 7100G 1/21687285211601,21/1140G 9180G 3/416130325431353,81/2010G 11300G 116130425432354,51/2020G 12470G 11/216130525433355,01/2030G 13700G 11/216130725435256,41/2050G 14940G 216164825485209,61/3050G 171450G 21616410754877012,31/3075G 181940G 21/21625010507460024,61/5060G 192400G 31625012007475027,01/5075F 171850DN 8016380128017553052,01/3075F 192920DN 8016440132020553079,01/5075F 203700DN 100165001440230550106,02/3075F 305550DN 100165001440230550106,53/3075F 407400DN 150166401590280550148,04/3075F 6011100DN 150167901650300550208,06/3075F 8014800DN 200167901730340550230,08/3075F 10018500DN 200168401780360550368,010/3075F 12022200DN 250169401940420600450,012/3075F 16029600DN 250169401940420600460,016/3075F 20037000DN 300169401970450600520,020/3075*1Calculated at 1bar a and 20˚C at 7barg working pressureFilter Element Performance Tables Pre-filter element V–0.02bar (dry)–0.07bar (saturated)–99.99%(3µ)General Purpose Filter ZP –0.03bar (dry)–0.10bar (saturated)–99.9999%(1µ)–≤0.5mg/m 3(1bar a and 20˚C)Oil Removal Filter XP –0.06bar (dry)–0.15bar (saturated)–99.99999%(0.01µ)–≤0.01mg/m 3(1bar a and 20˚C)Super Fine Filter XP4–0.12bar (dry)–0.28bar (saturated)–≥99.99999%(0.01µ)–≤0.001mg/m 3(1bar a and 20˚C)Activated Carbon Filter A –0.03bar -≤0.003mg/m 3(1bar a and 20˚C)with an inlet concentration of ≤0.01mg/m 3Activated Carbon Cartridge KTA –Depending on size 0.15-0.4bar –bar (Oil Removal as A grade)Conversion factor f for other operating pressures*2Operating pressure bar e12345678910111213141516f=0.250.380.500.630.750.881.,General purpose filter and Superfine filter V,ZP,ZX,XP4Standard format with automatic condensate drainGrades VD (E),ZPD(E),XPD(E)and XP4(E)Complete with automatic drain and differential pressure gauge (E with volt-free contact)Activated carbon filter A &KTAStandard format with manual drainActivated carbon filter AOP &KTAOPComplete with manual drain and oil indicatorDimensions with electronic condensate drainsLS rangeLC rangeG2-G13G14-G17/F17G18-F20F40-F120F160-F200G2-G13G14-G19/F19F20-F40F60-F200ED 3002ED 3004ED 3007ED 3030ED 3100ED2010ED2010ED2010ED2020MKMKMKMKMKMKMKMKMKM14-G38G12-G12G12-G12G10-G12G10-G12M14-G12G12-G12G10-G12G10-G34G10-G12Parker Hannifin CorporationZANDER Aufbereitungstechnik GmbH Im Teelbruch 118D-45219EssenTel:+49(0)20549341Fax:+49(0)2054934164www.zander.deYour local authorized Parker distributor。

派克Parker流体连接件中国区产品手册 上

派克Parker流体连接件中国区产品手册  上
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航空航天 环境控制 机电 过滤 流体与气体处理 液压 气动 过程控制 密封与屏蔽
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Parker Hannifin 公司 D FC 和 D 1FC 电容式阀门系列用户指南说明书

Parker Hannifin 公司 D FC 和 D 1FC 电容式阀门系列用户指南说明书

D_FC EtherCAT UK.indd 27.07.223-75Parker Hannifin Corporation3IntroductionThe new proportional valves with position feedback series D*FC (direct operated) and D*1FC (pilot operated) with EtherCAT interface fulfill the requirements of modern communication between valve and main control. Due to high data transmission speed and short cycle times, also demanding control functions can be realized within the fieldbus system.The valve is actuated and monitored by the EtherCAT interface. Actual value (spool position), temperature, op -erating hours and different error messages are available as diagnostic signals. The valve parameters are factory set and can be adapted with the Parker ProPxD software via the parametrizing interface.In addition to the fieldbus communication, the valves pro -vide the range of functions of the standard version includ-ing analogue command signal and diagnostic spare stroke. Thus they can be operated independent of the fieldbus control, particularly during commissioning and maintenance.The option with EtherCAT is available for the series: • D1FC, D3FC• D31FC, D41FC, D91FC, D111FCTechnical DataFeatures EtherCAT interface• EtherCAT interface, 2x M12x1 connector 4-Pin (Ether -CAT In and EtherCAT Out)• Progressive flow characteristics for sensitive adjust -ment• Low hysteresis •High dynamics • High flow capacity• Onboard electronicsD1FC with EtherCATDirect and Pilot Operated Prop. DC Valve Series D*FC and D*1FC with EtherCATD_FC EtherCAT UK.indd 27.07.223-76Catalogue MSG11-3500/UKParker Hannifin Corporation3Ordering CodeHigh dynamicsCF DC N09Direct Operated Proportional DC ValveCode Size 1NG06 / CETOP 033NG10 / CETOP 05DC valveSizeCode Size3NG10 / CETOP 054NG16 / CETOP 079NG25 / CETOP 0811NG32 / CETOP 10CF 1DCPilot Operated Proportional DC ValveN00DC valveSpool position on power downSpool typeDesign series(not required for ordering)SealsSizeDrain port Y(plugged)Proportional control EtherCAT interfaceSee ordering code for valve series without EtherCATNG06 pilot valve Function FlowPilot connection EtherCAT interfaceSpool position on power downDesign series(not required for ordering)Seals Proportional control Integrated electronics with positionfeedbackSee ordering code for valve series without EtherCATPlease order connector separately, see chapter 3 accessories.Parametrizing cable OBE ® RS232, item no. 40982923Spool/body design3Direct and Pilot Operated Prop. DC Valve Series D*FC and D*1FC with EtherCATD_FC EtherCAT UK.indd 27.07.223-77Catalogue MSG11-3500/UKParker Hannifin Corporation3Block Diagram / DimensionsBlock diagramDimensions D1FC with EtherCAT。



Biogas, originating from biomass, sew-age plants and landfill sites is gaining increasing worldwide importance as a recognised renewable energy source. Generally, biogas is saturated with water vapour and contains other impurities which, when used as fuel, must be re-moved to prevent corrosion and damage to equipment and systems and improve cogeneration unit efficiency.Biogas is primarily composed of meth-ane and carbon dioxide with smaller amounts of hydrogen sulphide and am-monia. Trace amounts of other gases like hydrogen, nitrogen or carbon monoxide are also present in the biogas. Usually the mixed gas is saturated with water vapour and may contain dirt particles.The selection of effective biogas treat-ment equipment is therefore particu-larly important, both in optimising the cogeneration of electrical and thermal energy, making the most of the avail-able renewable energy, and reducing energy consumption and operating costs to a minimum.Parker’s solution is to dry the gas, firstly by cooling using a water-cooled heat ex-changer working with an air-cooled water chiller and secondly, by removing the condensed water with a cyclonic water separator. The cooled gas can then be reheated to reduce the relative humidity and thus meet the technical demands of gas engines, turbines and other down-stream equipment such as the Parker PpTek Siloxane Removal System and Biogas Upgrading System componentsSkid-Mounted Packages for Biogas andLandfill Gas Cooling ApplicationsProduct Description• The Parker Biogas Dehumidification System is a compact, robust and easy to handle plug & play gas conditioning package ensuring significant cost savings in investment, management and opera-tion• Available in a wide range of sizes from 50 Nm 3/h to 1500 Nm 3/h, the Parker system has performances and flow rates aligned with typical biogas plant designs and CHP capacities• All gas-side components are constructed from stainless steel (AISI304 or AISI316L) with additional pickling and passivation treatment in order to ensure highly reli-able and continuous operation even in the harshest site conditions• Designed using thermodynamic and fluid dynamic principles to ensure a high efficiency heat exchange and separation whilst maintaining low pressure drop • Flexibility to use a wide range of cooler/chiller combinations ensures the closestmatch to customer requirements thus de-livering constant dewpoint performance regardless of fluctuations in operatingconditions.Biogas Dehumidification SystemThe standard Biogas Dehumidification Systemcools biogas to a user defined dew point, using aHypercool BioEnergy heat exchanger working withHyperchill BioEnergy chiller and removing the con-densed water with the Hypersep BioEnergy separa-tor. Insulation, Hyperfilter BioEnergy and HyperdrainBioEnergy can be provided as options.Biogas Dehumidification SystemThis configuration is designed for installationswhere a blower is installed downstream of the De-humidification System, taking advantage of its posi-tion to increase the temperature of the biogas andthus decrease its Relative Humidity.Performances refer to operation with clean cooler and separator, gas flow rate at 20 °C/1 barg. Nominal working conditions: 60 % CH4, 40 % CO2, gas inlet temperature 40 °C saturated, refrigerant inlet water temperature 1 °C, ambient temperature 35 °C, gas outlet temperature at nominal conditions8 °C (from model skd60-007 to model skd265-024) and 4 °C (from model skd240-029 to model skd1620-116). Average pressure drop without filter 11 mbar +/-2 for all models, average pressure drops with filter 14 mbar +/- 2 for all models.*Data refer to skid without filter.B C DABiogas Dehumidification Systemwith ‘Gas2Gas’ Recuperator The Biogas Dehumidification System with ‘Gas-2Gas’ Recuperator BioEnergy cools biogas to auser-defined dew point and reheats the gas to aRelative Humidity lower than 50%. Insulation, Hy-perfilter BioEnergy and Hyperdrain BioEnergy canbe provided as options.This configuration is designed for installationswhere a blower is installed upstream of the De-humidification System with the ‘Gas2Gas’ Recu-perator providing free-cooling to save energy andfree-heating to reduce the Relative Humidity of thebiogas - without the need for auxiliary heating.Performances refer to operation with clean cooler and separator, gas flow rate at 20 °C/1 barg. Nominal working conditions: 55 % CH4, 45 % CO2,gas inlet temperature 50 °C (40 °C saturated), gas inlet pressure 75 mbarg, refrigerant inlet water temperature 1 °C, ambient temperature 35 °C, gasdew point at nominal conditions 8 °C (from model skd60-007 to model skd265-024) and 4 °C (from model skd240-029 to model skd1620-116), gasoutlet relative humidity below 50 %.*Data refer to skid without filter.B DABULBIOSKID-00-EN© 2016 Parker Hannifi n Corporation. All rights reserved.EMEA Product Information CentreFree phone: 00 800 27 27 5374(from AT , BE, CH, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, IE, IL, IS, IT , LU, MT , NL, NO, PL, PT , RU, SE, SK, UK, ZA)US Product Information Centre Toll-free number: 1-800-27 27 537/hzfdThe Key Components of the Parker Biogas Dehumidifi cation SystemHyperchill BioEnergy (ICE series)• Chiller Output 5 – 360 kW;• Special coating for corrosive environment;• Pump & tank installed in casing;• Microprocessor controlled;• Ambient range -20 °C to +45 °C • Compliant scroll refrigerant compressor;• IP54 protection as standard.Hypercool BioEnergy (WFB Series)• High cooling effi ciency with low pressure drop design;• Material: Parts in contact with biogas in AISI304 or AISI316L, parts not in contact with biogas in AISI304;• Max. working pressure: 0,5 barHypersep BioEnergy (CSB Series)• Cyclonic separator optimized for biogas applications • High separation effi ciency with very low pressure drop;• Material: Parts in contact with biogas in AISI304 or AISI316L, • Max. working pressure: 0,5 bar g.Optional Additions to Standard Skid PackageInstalled on a hot-galvanized steel frame, the water-chiller (Hyperchill BioEnergy), cooler (Hypercool Bio-Energy) and centrifugal separator (Hypersep BioEnergy) are the key components of the Biogas De-humidifi cation System: they havebeen specifi cally designed forbiogas applications and provide safe and reliable operation in the harsh environments typically found at AD and Landfi ll biogas produc-tion sites.Furthermore, the standard biogasThe standard Biogas Dehumidifi cation System can be extended to include additional components such as a particulate fi lter, condensate drain and/or energy-saving, 'Gas2Gas’ recuperator.Hyperfi lter BioEnergy (FFB)• Particle removal size 5 • or 20 μm • Filtration Effi ciency 99,999 % • Differential pressure 2 mbar • Material: AISI304 or AISI316L, with additional pickling and passivation treatment• Max. working pressure: 0,5 bar g .Gas2Gas Recuperator BioEnergy (RBB)• Free-cools incoming biogas to reduce chiller cooling load• Free-heats outgoing biogas to reduce relative humidity thus eliminating the need for auxiliary heating• High thermal transfer effi ciency with very low pressure drop • Material: AISI304 or AISI316L, with additional pickling andHyperdrain BioEnergy (HDF220BE)• Designed to work with dirtycondensate and for low pressureoperation• No electrical wiring• No gas loss• Parts in contact with condensate in stainless steel and reinforced polyamide, body treated with special Hiroshield treatmentfor optimal operation in harsh environmentspassivation treatmentdehumidifi cation package includes water connections between Hy-perchill and Hypercool, water isolating valves, water expansion tank, and counterfl anges kit with gaskets for easier connection of the system to the customer pipes.。



Operating ManualThank you for your choice of Parker product. Please read this operating manual carefully and use the product correctly. Keep this operating manual in case questions arise about this product in the future. If this operating manual becomes unreadable or lost, consult our distributors or Parker sales offices.For Safety UseThe following safety precautions are provided to prevent damage and injury to personnel and to provide instructions on the correct usage of this product. These precautions are classified into 3 categories: “CAUTION”, ”WARNING”, and “DANGER” according to the severity of possible injury or damage and the likelihood of such injury or damage. Be sure to comply with all precautions. Also comply with safety regulations such as JIS B 8370(*1), Industrial Safety and Health Law, and High Pressure Gas Safety Law, and ISO 4414(*2).Danger:Indicates an impeding hazardous situation whichmay arise due to improper handling or operationand could result in serious personal injury or death.Warning:Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which may arise due to improper handling or operationand could result in serious personal injury or death.Caution:Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which may arise due to improper handling or operationand could result in personal injury or property-damage-only accidents.*1 JIS B8370 : General Rules for Pneumatic Systems*2 ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power recommendations for the application of equipment totransmission control system.● This product is designed for air blowgun.Do not use it for other purposes.● Use compressed air from an air compressor.Do not use air from a high pressure tank or any other gas.● Do not blow air from air blowgun towards personnel or animals.Direct air blow or substance blown by air blow can potentially cause injury for humans or animals.● Wear safety glasses and ear plugs.Regardless of the use of this product, wear safety glasses and earplugs when operating an air blowgun. Without proper protection, injury to eyes due to blown dust or noise induced deafness would be potentially caused.● Do not disassemble or modify this product.Disassembling or modification may causes safety accidents in addition to operation failure.● Attach a pipe fitting or joint properly.If a pipe fitting or joint are attached improperly, it may cause danger such as hose whip due to unplugged piping. Confirm the connection of hose, tube or coupler joint is tight as well as the connection to this product prior to use.● Do not use for medical equipment or cooking equipmentThis product contains a small amount of lubricant. If there is concern for contamination due to lubricant, do not use.SpecificationsFluid Compressed air Pressure Range 0.35 to 0.8MPaMaximum Flow *1 1300L/min (@0.5MPa) Ambient Temperature*210 to 50℃ Pulse Adjustment Range5 to 15HzPort SizeIN Rc1/4OUTR1/4Weight155g*1 “Maximum Flow” in this case is the flow capacity of this product,and actual flow consumption is depending on the attached air blowgun.*2 If the temperature is under the specified temperature, pulse blowmay be unstable. In this case, please use it as continuous blow temporally for a while to reach specified temperature. This product works correctly within the specified ambient temperature.Connection≪取付例≫1. Before Piping, thoroughly flush the inside of each pipe toremove chips, machining oil, and dust etc. If sealing tape is used for the thread, leave 1.5 to 2 thread turns unwrapped. Do not use liquid sealant. It has possibility to contaminate the product and may cause malfunction.Push-in fitting or joint such as coupler(Sold Separately) Air Saver Unit for Air Blowgun“Air Saver Module” HASV08R9IM-E009-aIssued :Jan.14.2016Air blowgun“Air Saver Module”HASV08R Reference blowgun:Parker LegrisPart Number: 0659 00 13(Sold Separately)WarningCaution<Example of attachment>2.When installing piping or a joint, prevent contamination of chips or sealing agent. Also tightening torque should be within the range indicated below.Port Size Tightening Torque (N ・m)R ・Rc1/412 to 143.An air filter (Nominal filtration rating of 5 micron or smaller) must be placed upstream of piping. There is no need for additional lubrication.4. Attach the piping towards the direction of air flow described on the body. If it is opposite direction, this product does not work.5.This product must be attached directly to an air blow gun. If connected with any part such as coupler, it has the possibility to decrease the capability due to pressure loss.6.This product is not water & drip proof. Do not install this product in a place with direct water contact (rain, etc). Also install this product in a place without dew condensation or direct sunlight.Product Function[Pulse Adjustment Screw]This is a throttle valve for pulse ON time adjustment (Approx.5 to 15 Hz). When tightening this screw clockwise with flat-bladedscrewdriver, the air ON time will be longer. When loosening the screw counter clockwise, the air ON time will be shorter. The air OFF time is fixed for approx. 30ms. Adjust the air ON time in accordance with using air blowgun or object. Control angle is approx. single rotation of the screw. When tightening at the end of clockwise, it will stop air output, however it is not malfunction.[Pulse/ Continuous Switching Button]Press this button when requiring continuous blow. When pushing this button, air blows continuously. To keep continuous blow, press this button and turn the button 90 degrees. To release from this mode, press this button and turn counter clockwise for pulse blow mode.DimensionsNotes for Usage● Discharge drain from upstream air filter periodically. If periodic drain discharge is difficult, Parker recommends setting up an air filter with automatic drain.● Maintenance compressor periodically. If sludge, which isproduced in compressor oil, enters pneumatic equipment, it will cause operation failure of pneumatic equipment. Coalescing filter removes oil and sludge which cannot be removed by air filter. Parker recommends setting up a coalescing filter.Effect of Pulse BlowIn many factories, air blow accounts for more than 50% of total compressed air consumption. Pulse blow can be a measure forsaving energy by reducing the consumption of compressed air while maintaining the same capability of air blow operation.・Hole machining, tap, chip removing of complex shape work ・Removing stuck dust or viscous liquid ・Blowing at narrow space・Reducing load of compressor ・Energy saving activityPulse blow is especially effective for works listed above, however it is not for all applications. There is a possibility to reduce the removal effectiveness depending on the air blowgun. Parker recommends attaching to an air blowgun that has nozzle diameter bigger than I.D.2mm and low pressure loss.Also, for the case of using reduced pressure for air supply, installing this product without regulator enables a low energy loss circuit, which provides improved blow effectiveness compared to the current circuit.Kuroda Pneumatics Ltd(Parker Hannifin Automation Division Japan)10243 Kamakazu, Asahi city, Chiba 289-2505, JapanE-mail:********************10HzWhen screwing, seal tape may enters the product and cause malfunction.Leave space of 1.5 -2 turnsUse half width seal tape. It may reduce cost as well. Cut with knife.(Not good)(Good) Air Blow Gun Connecting Port (R1/4)Pulse Control Trimmer[Note] ● Please contact our distributors or Parker for after-sales service. ● Please keep this operating manual.15HzPressure Supply Port (Rc1/4)Vent HolePulse/ContinuousSwitching ButtonFlow Flow Current Circuit Pulse Blow A i r C o n s u m p t i o n L /m i nA i r C o n s u m p t i o n L /m i nTime (sec)Time (sec) Pulse Adjustment Screw (ON Time Control)Pulse/ Continuous Switching button Time Time。



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特征硬件• 功率从1到110kVA • 1路编码器输出/输入• 8路数字输入/4个数字输出• 2路模拟输入(14位)• 2路模拟输出(8位)• 多种现场总线选项•广泛的安全防护技术技术功能• I10T10:驱动器控制方式:速度/转矩控制,脉冲/方向,编码器输入• I12T11:通过数字I/O 端口、RS232/RS485端口进行定位控制,绝对/相对定位,对准标记相关定位,电子齿轮,动态定位• T30: 编程环境CoDeSys 符合IEC61131-3• PLCOpen 功能模块• IEC61131-3-标准模块• C3-特定功能模块• T40:T30功能+电子凸轮功能• 控制器技术,集成运动PLC Compax3 powerPLmC-C20Compax3S高性能伺服驱动器Compax3M 多轴伺服驱动器Compax3H 高功率高性能伺服驱动器Compax3F高性能液压控制器技术特征 –概述Compax3系统配置系统配置同步伺服电机直接驱动操作执行器Compax3系统配置精密执行器液压元件Compax3控制技术控制技术实时信号处理• 降低量化噪音• 增加信号分辨率• 由于速度和电流信号的过采样• 在线反馈误差偏移量补偿与增益误差补偿• 14位分辨率(提高刻度分辨率至14位)• 插补正余弦反馈信号• 通过观测器技术决定速度• 倍增控制器带宽• 通过负载转矩观测器原理加加速度限制值设定,将导致:• 使物体移动平缓• 延长机械组件使用寿命• 无定位超调• 减低机械共振频率控制:• 反馈通路中的控制器帮助避免传递函数分子中的微分成分(将导致实际值的明显过冲)• 自动化和鲁棒控制器设计• 面向用户的优化• 参数“阻尼”及“刚度”• 响应行为最优化• 最小化以下误差• 由于速度,加速度,电机电流及jerk 的前馈• 双重回路选项• 为了获得实际的负载位置,可以通过一个额外的反馈系统来实现1: 位置2: 速度3: 加速度4: 加加速度调试/控制器最优化• 自动获取负载转动惯量• Compax3 MotorManager 用于识别电机参数及电机位置反馈• 集成示波器功能,实现最优化信号分辨率不带过采样过采样在线反馈误差补偿无补偿带补偿在前馈中使用jerk (加加速)前馈的效果示例ESOESOESO = 紧急切断*1 减速输入Compax3安全技术Compax3M 及Compax3S 驱动器支持“安全转矩断开”(STO)安全功能,意思即“安全制动”,遵循EN ISO 13849-1 Category 3, EN ISO 13849-1 PL=d/e (Compax3S),PL=e (Compax3M)及EN 1037要求防止非预期的启动。

Parker Hannifin Corporation 管道配件分部产品说明书

Parker Hannifin Corporation 管道配件分部产品说明书

Tube Fabricating EquipmentA broad selection of power and manual designs, from Parker’s Parflange ® flange and flare machines to presetting, bending, cutting/deburring equipment and more.Parker Hannifin Corporation Tube Fittings Division 3885 Gateway Blvd.Columbus, OH 43228phone 614 279 7070fax 614 279 Custom ProductsNon-cataloged products designed andmanufactured in days.Hydraulic Flanges and ComponentsSizes ............................. 3/4" through 3"Pressures ..................... Up to 6000 psiClamps and TubeClamps ............ Full range of inch and metric tube clamps Metric Tube ..... 6 mm through 42 mmPort and Conversion AdaptersSizes ....................... 1/4" through 1-1/2"Pressures ............... Up to 7700 psiENGINEERING YOUR SUCCESS.Stainless Steel T ube Fittings & EquipmentQuick Reference Guide© 2009 Parker Hannifin Corporation4300-QRG-SS11/2009Trap-Seal, Robust Port Stud and Seal-Lok are trademarks, and Triple-Lok,Ferulok and Parflange are registered trademarks of Parker Hannifin Corporation.North American Divisions Brass Products Division Otsego, MIphone 269 694 9411 fax 269 694 4614Energy Products Division Stafford, TXphone 281 566 4500 fax 281 530 5353Hose Products Division Wickliffe, OHphone 440 943 5700 fax 440 943 3129Industrial Hose Division Strongsville, OHphone 440 268 2120 fax 440 268 2230Parflex Division Ravenna, OHphone 330 296 2871 fax 330 296 8433Quick Coupling Division Minneapolis, MNphone 763 544 7781 fax 763 544 3418Tube Fittings Division Columbus, OHphone 614 279 7070 fax 614 279 7685Parker Fluid Connectors GroupNorth American Divisions & Distribution Service CentersDistribution Service Centers Buena Park, CAphone 714 522 8840 fax 714 994 1183Conyers, GAphone 770 929 0330 fax 770 929 0230Lakeville, MNphone 952 469 5000 fax 952 469 5729Louisville, KYphone 502 937 1322 fax 502 937 4180Portland, ORphone 503 283 1020 fax 503 283 2201Toledo, OHphone 419 878 7000 fax 419 878 7001 fax 419 878 7420 (FCG Kit Operations)For information, call toll free... 1-800-C -PARKER (1-800-272-7537)When you need stainless, Parker meansbusiness.Anytime you need stainless steel tube fittings, adapters and components, it pays to think “Parker” first. Here’s why:•Standard stainless designs are availableand will ship in 24 to 48 hours.•We offer a complete selection of stainless steel SAE/NPT and metric fittings and adapters. We are your global source!•No other tube fittings manufacturer rivals Parker’s U.S. manufacturing capabilities.•We are the industry’s leading source for custom-manufactured designs in all materials especially stainless.•For stainless steel fittings featuring exclusive innovations like the Trap-Seal TM O-ring, Robust Port Stud TM design and more, Parker is your only source.•Parker is also your complete source for flaring, bending, flanging and other tube fabricating equipment for achieving fast, leak-free connections.•Our vast worldwide distributor network, ParkerStores, and immediate 24/7 toll-free or web site assistance are incomparable advantages for you.So don’t think twice when you need stainless. Call your Parker distributor, or 1-800-CPARKER, and you’ll see why we’re your best choice inthe business.Seal-Lok TMO-Ring Face Seal Tube FittingsSizes ............................. 1/4" through 2"Pressures ..................... Up to 9200 psiFerulok®Flareless Bite Type FittingsSizes ............................. 1/8" through 2"Pressures ..................... Up to 6000 psiParflange® F37 SystemNon-Welded Tube and PipeSAE Flange SystemSizes ...................... Tube O.D. up to 5.5"Pressures .............. Up to 6000 psiTriple-Lok® and Triple-Lok®237º Flare Tube Fittings and AdaptersTriple-Lok Sizes ........... 1/8" through 2"Triple-Lok 2 Sizes ........ 1/4" through 2"Pressures ..................... Up to 9000 psiEO and EO-2Metric Bite Type FittingsSizes ............... 4 mm through 42 mmPressures ....... Up to 630 bar/9200 psiPipe Fittings and Pipe SwivelsSizes ............................. 1/8" through 2"Pressures ..................... Up to 5000 psi。

Parker 产品说明书

Parker 产品说明书

IntroductionFollow these instructions when installing, operating, or servicing the product.Application LimitsThese products are intended for use in general purpose compressed air systems only.Operating Pressure Range:kPapsig bar Minimum 24035 2.4Maximum103015010.3Ambient Temperature Range: -18°C to 71°C (0°F to 160°F)!CAUTION: An interruption of 10 milliseconds or greater tothe power supplied to the solenoid of a solenoid operated valve may cause the valve to shift. Provision must be made to prevent power interruption of this duration to avoid unintended, potentially hazardous, consequences.Installation:1.Valve will mount in any position.!CAUTION: It is recommended that double solenoidand double remote air pilot operated 3-Position valves be mounted so that the axis of the valve spool is in the horizontal plane.2.Detailed piping and mounting dimensions are shown.3.Solenoid voltage ratings are described on the nameplate.Y our electrical power source must agree with this rating.The coil identification chart indicates the various voltages and Hertz ratings available.4.Check model number on valve against valve model chart.On a single pressure, dual exhaust model; For inline valves, pipe the supply pressure to Port “1”. For inline valves; pipe the supply pressure to the “IN ” Port.5.Cylinder speed can be controlled by restricting the exhaust port of the valve with flow controls.!CAUTION: DO NOT close off exhaust ports.6.Pilot pressure when separately supplied, should be approximately equal to inlet pressure but not less than 40PSIG (2.8 bar) or more than 150 PSIG (10 bar).7.To obtain maximum valve life with a minimum of maintenance, it is necessary that filtered and lubricated air be used.Valve should be installed with reasonable accessibility for service whenever possible – repair service kits are available. Keep pipe or tubing lengths to a minimum with inside clean and free of dirt and chips. Pipe joint compound should be used sparingly and applied only to the male pipe – never into the female port.Do not use PTFE tape to seal pipe joints – pieces have a tendency to break off and lodge inside the unit, possibly causing malfunction.Air applied to the valve must be filtered to realize maximum component life.Wiring InstructionsFollow all requirements for local and national electrical codes.SymbolAPBCE#143-Position Double SolenoidCE#14APB3-Position Double AirInstallation & Service Instructions V -295HP42 Series 3-Position Valve Inline / StackingDouble Air / Double Solenoid Single PressureISSUED: September, 2000Supersedes: October, 1999ECN# P27805Pneumatic Division North America Richland, Michigan 49083!!WARNINGTo avoid unpredictable system behavior that can cause personal injury and property damage:•Disconnect electrical supply (when necessary) before installation,servicing, or conversion.•Disconnect air supply and depressurize all air lines connected to this product before installation, servicing, or conversion.•Operate within the manufacturer’s specified pressure, temperature,and other conditions listed in these instructions.•Medium must be moisture-free if ambient temperature is below freezing.•Service according to procedures listed in these instructions.•Installation, service, and conversion of these products must be performed by knowledgeable personnel who understand how pneumatic products are to be applied.•After installation, servicing, or conversion, air and electrical supplies (when necessary) should be connected and the product tested for proper function and leakage. If audible leakage is present,or the product does not operate properly, do not put into use.•Warnings and specifications on the product should not be covered by paint, etc. If masking is not possible, contact your local representative for replacement labels.WARNINGFAILURE OR IMPROPER SELECTION OR IMPROPER USE OF THE PRODUCTS AND/OR SYSTEMS DESCRIBED HEREIN OR RELATED ITEMS CAN CAUSE DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE.This document and other information from Parker Hannifin Corporation,its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product and/or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise. It is important that you analyze all aspects of your application,including consequences of any failure and review the information concerning the product or systems in the current product catalog. Due to the variety of operating conditions and applications for these products or systems, the user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the products and systems and assuring that all performance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met.The products described herein, including without limitation, product features, specifications, designs, availability and pricing, are subject to change by Parker Hannifin Corporation and its subsidiaries at any time without notice.EXTRA COPIES OF THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE AVAILABLE FOR INCLUSION IN EQUIPMENT / MAINTENANCE MANUALS THA T UTILIZE THESE PRODUCTS. CONTACT YOUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE.42 Series 3-Position Valve V-295HPMaintenance Hints & TroubleshootingValve Not Shifting Completely:1.Be sure supply pressure is 40 PSIG or greater at the valveduring the shift.2.Check for possible restrictions in air supply, such as sharpbends and undersize hose fittings.3.Check for possible pilot exhaust restriction.4.Check spool for smooth movement.5.Check seals and gaskets for improper installation, dirt anddamage.Slow Air Leakage Though Exhaust Ports:1.Check for internal leakage in the cylinder being operatedby the valve.2.Check condition of seals on spool and the valve body bore.3.Check condition of seal on poppet assembly and their matingsurfaces in the pilot body.4.Check for missing, damaged or incorrectly assembled sealsand O-rings.Noisy Solenoid:1.Check voltage and frequency.2.Inspect fixed pole assembly for nicked and damaged matingsurfaces and dirt. Replace parts, if damaged.3.Check override access area for excessive dirt.Valve Service Procedures:!CAUTION: Always shut off air supply and bleed off trapped pressure in the valve. For solenoid operated valves, turn off electrical power source.PREP ARATION: Lightly lubricate all rubber soft goods (o-rings, gaskets, and spool seals) found in the service kits. Use non-detergent hydrocarbon base oil, or grease (preferably grease). This lubrication will help retain seals and gaskets in position for easier reassembly.!CAUTION: DO NOT use synthetic oils such as esters or fire retardant type compressor oils.Servicing Valve BodyT o Disassemble:1.For “Stacking” solenoid operated valves: Follow steps 1and 2 under servicing solenoid section and pilot body.2.For “Inline” solenoid operated valves: Follow step 2 underservicing solenoid section and pilot body.3.Air pilot valve: Remove both air pilot operators (Item 19)from valve body by loosening the two end mounting screws (Item 21).4.Remove the piston (Item 28) from each end of valve bodybore.5.T o disassemble the main valve, loosen the two spool screws,and remove all internal parts.!CAUTION: Slowly loosen the two spool screws to avoida rapid release of the spool screw, shoulder sleeve,and spring retainer, due to the compression ofcentering springs.6.The spring retainer and shoulder sleeve at the oppositeend of the spools must also be removed.7.Thoroughly clean the valve interior and inspect for nicks,voids, pits, and deep scratches.T o Reassemble:1.Place shoulder sleeve (Item 25) inside spring retainer(Item 26). Insert spool screw (Item 24) and attach to the spool (Item 23) with engagement of two (2) full threads. 2.Slide one (1) centering spring (Item 27) over the spool andinstall into the valve body bore.3.On the opposite end of the valve, install the remainingcentering spring, shoulder sleeve, spring retainer and spool screw.NOTE: Tighten spool screws to 5.1 to 6.8 Nm (45 to 60 in. lbs.).4.Replace piston O-rings (Item 29) and install into each endof valve body bore with the flat surface outward.5.Solenoid operated valve: Insert mounting screws (Item 7A)into pilot body. This will assist you in positioning the pilot body to adaptor body gasket (Item 16), the adaptor plate (Item 17), to body gasket (Item 18) for easier mounting to the valve body. (For stacking valves, thread the solenoid lead wires through the spacer and into the junction box) NOTE:All four (4) parts must have correct alignment in relationship with the pilot hole in valve body.6.Attach the pilot body and solenoid assembly to valve bodyand tighten mounting screws from 3.4 to 4.5 Nm (30 to 40 in. lbs.). (For stacking valves, reconnect solenoid coil lead wires, attach junction box top plate assembly (Item 36) and tighten the mounting screws 3.4 to 4.5 Nm (30 to 40 in.lbs.).7.Air pilot valve: Attach air pilot operators (Item 19) to thevalve body with mounting screws (Item 21) and tighten 3.4 to 4.5 Nm (30 to 40 in. lbs.).8.T urn on air supply (for solenoid valves; turn on electricalpower source) check valve for proper function and for internal and external air leakage.Servicing Solenoid Section:1.For stacking valves: Remove junction box top plate assembly(Item 36) by loosening the two mounting screws, and disconnect the lead wires in the junction box.NOTE: DO NOT disconnect lead wires by cutting.2.Remove pilot body and solenoid as an assembly byloosening the two end mounting screws (Item 7A).3.Remove solenoid coil by loosening the two top mountingscrews (Item 7) and lifting solenoid from pilot body. Remove guide sleeve (Item 2), plunger assembly (Item 3), override seal (Item 4), solenoid coil to pilot body seal (Item 6), and mounting screws (Item 7A).4.Remove fixed pole assembly (Item 15), by turning counter-clockwise until threads are fully disengaged, and plunger pin (Item 14).5.Replace plunger pin (Item 14), and reassemble fixed poleassembly (Item 15) to pilot body by turning clockwise and tighten 3.4 to 4.5 Nm (30 to 40 in. lbs.).!CAUTION: DO NOT exceed torque specifications. This could cause severe damage to the pilot body poppetseating ledge, and result in valve malfunction.6.Replace solenoid to pilot body seal (Item 6), guide sleeve(Item 2) by resting on fixed pole assembly, and plunger assembly (Item 3) by setting inside guide sleeve.7.Mount solenoid coil over guide sleeve. Replace overrideseal (Item 4), attach solenoid top plate (Item 5) with the top mounting screws (Item 7) and tighten to 3.4 to 4.5 Nm (30 to 40 in. lbs.).8.Insert end mounting screws (Item 7A) into pilot body. Positionpilot body to adaptor gasket (Item 16), the adaptor plate (Item 17), to valve body gasket (Item 18). For stacking valves, thread the solenoid coil lead wires through the sleeve and into the junction box.NOTE:All four (4) parts must have correct alignment in relationship with the pilot hole in valve body9.Attach the pilot body and solenoid assembly to the valvebody and tighten the end mounting screws to 3.4 to 4.5 Nm (30 to 40 in. lbs.). For stacking valves, reconnect solenoid coil lead wires, attach junction box top plate assembly (Item 36), and tighten the mounting screws to3.4 to4.5 Nm (30 to 40 in. lbs.).Servicing Pilot Body1.For stacking valves: Follow steps 1, 2 and 3 under servicing solenoid section.2.For inline valves follow steps 2 and 3 under servicing solenoid section.3.Remove fixed pole assembly (Item 15) by turning counter-clockwise until threads are fully disengaged. Remove plunger pin (Item 14), bore insert (Item 12), poppet assembly (Item 11), and poppet return spring (Item 10).4.Thoroughly clean the pilot body interior and inspect for nicks, voids, pits, and deep scratches.5.Install poppet return spring (Item 10). Assemble bore insert seals (Item 13) to bore insert (Item 12). Assemble poppet assembly (Item 15) into bore insert. Position poppet assembly with seal at top as shown below. Failure to do so can cause plunger to be propelled from unit when air is applied. Install with poppet assembly, seating against the poppet return spring.6.Install plunger pin (Item 14) and reassemble fixed pole assembly (Item 15) to pilot body by turning clockwise and tighten 3.4 to 4.5 Nm (30 to 40 in. lbs.).!CAUTION: DO NOT exceed torque specifications. Thiscould cause severe damage to the pilot body poppet seating ledge, and result in valve malfunction.7.Before attaching solenoid coil, suggest inspecting the guide sleeve (Item 2) for excessive wear, and the plunger assembly (Item 3) for battered and flared metal conditions.If items appear in this described condition, they should be replaced.42 Series 3-Position ValveV-29HP8.If conditions are not noted, place guide sleeve over fixed pole assembly, and plunger assembly inside guide sleeve. Mount solenoid coil over guide sleeve and tighten to pilot body tightening screws 3.4 to 4.5 Nm (30to 40 in. lbs.).9.Insert end mounting screws (Item 7A) into pilot body.Position pilot body to adaptor plate gasket (Item 16), the adaptor plate (Item 17), to body gasket (Item 18) for easier mounting to valve body . For stacking valves, thread the solenoid coil lead wires through the spacer (Item 38) and into the junction box.NOTE:All four (4) parts must have correct alignment inrelationship with the pilot hole in valve body.10.Attach pilot body and solenoid assembly to valve bodyand tighten the end mounting screws 3.4 to 4.5 Nm (30 to 40 in. lbs.). For stacking valves, reconnect solenoid coil lead wires and attach junction box top plate assembly (Item 36). Tighten the mounting screws 3.4 to 4.5 Nm (30to 40 in. lbs.).3-Position Stacking 3-Position InlineValve Body Service Kits,Consisting of Items -PS2009P7A, 16, 18, 21, 23, 24, 27, 29Solenoid Service Kit(Two Kits Required For Double Solenoid),Consisting of Items -PS2013BP2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 14, 15Pilot Body Service Kit(Two Kits Required For Double Solenoid),Consisting of Items -PS2015BP7A, 10, 11, 11A, 12, 13, 16, 18Service Kits:Voltage/Frequency Standard Lead Wire Type -Standard Lead Wire Type -* ISO 4400 3-Pin Connector60Hz. AC 50Hz. AC DC InlineStackingType24V22VL0051442CP L0071812CP L0058172CP 12V L0051445CP L0071815CP L0058175CP 24VL0051449CP L0071819CP L0058179CP 120V 110V L0051453CP L0071823CP L0058183CP 240V220VL0051457CP L0071827CP L0058187CP 120VL0051460CPL0071830CPL0058190CP* NOTE:Female connector, gasket and M3 mounting screw for ISO 4400 3-Pin Connector T ype Solenoid must be orderedseparately (PS2028BP). For Indicator Light order POO74023.Coil Selection:42 Series 3-Position Valve V-295HP。

Parker P Series 服务系统说明说明书

Parker P Series 服务系统说明说明书

Parker Servo Systems P SeriesThe new Parker P Series servo system combines compact, flexible, advanced functionality drives with high performance motors for a superior servo system, providing unique value to machine builders.The P-Series drives operate with a variety of machine control architectures and offer sophisticated servo capability. A number of different feedback types are supported to drive a wide range of linear and rotary servo motors. The best matches are the P-Series motors, which include absolute encoders and populate motor nameplate data back to the drives for simplified commissioning. Accurate and easy to use inertia detection leads to fast set-up of tuning parameters and minimal settling time. Advanced filtering and vibration suppression features can be used to increase throughput and improve positioning performance.Contact Information:Parker Hannifin CorporationElectromechanical & Drives Division 5500 Business Park Drive Rohnert Park, CA 94928phone: 800.358.9068 / 707.584.7558fax: 707.584.8015email:**********************For high speed, real-time network applications, the P-Series is available with EtherCAT, the fastest growing, most flexible industrial Ethernet protocol.Ideal for use with the Parker Automation Controller, the P-Series also follows the open standards for EtherCAT .T he Pulse version of the drive can beconfigured for step and direction control input and includes analog inputs fortorque or velocity control. Select Indexer mode to create up to 64 position table entries triggered via inputs or over a RS422 interface.P Series Servo DrivePulse Drive SpecificationsParker Hannifin Corporation • Electromechanical & Drives Division • 800-358-9070 • 6Pulse Drive DimensionsSolid Models Available for Download /pseriesParker Hannifin Corporation • Electromechanical & Drives Division • 800-358-9070 • 7P Series Servo DriveEtherCAT Drive SpecificationsParker Hannifin Corporation • Electromechanical & Drives Division • 800-358-9070 • 8EtherCAT Drive Dimensions(Unit: mm)PD-04C PD-10C PD-35C Height158158158Overall Height169169169 OW Overall Width385888 Width 161044Width 2264844Width 3324278Width 4665Depth107.7127.7112.5Overall Depth173197198 Solid Models Available for Download /pseriesParker Hannifin Corporation • Electromechanical & Drives Division • 800-358-9070 • 910Parker Hannifin Corporation • Electromechanical & Drives Division • 800-358-9070 • P Series Servo MotorsFAL DimensionsNotes- FAL series does not include keyway* Includes Static Brake**Bolt Circle Diameter =46mmSolid Models Available for Download /pseriesParker Hannifin Corporation • Electromechanical & Drives Division • 800-358-9070 • 11P Series Servo MotorsParker Hannifin Corporation • Electromechanical & Drives Division • 800-358-9070 • 12FBL DimensionsNotes* Includes Static Brake**Bolt Circle Diameter =70mmSolid Models Available for Download /pseriesParker Hannifin Corporation • Electromechanical & Drives Division • 800-358-9070 • 1314Parker Hannifin Corporation • Electromechanical & Drives Division • 800-358-9070 • P Series Servo MotorsFCL DimensionsNotes* Includes Static Brake**Bolt Circle Diameter =90mmSolid Models Available for Download /pseriesParker Hannifin Corporation • Electromechanical & Drives Division • 800-358-9070 • 1516Parker Hannifin Corporation • Electromechanical & Drives Division • 800-358-9070 • P Series Ordering InformationSelect an option from each numbered field to create a complete model order code.DriveOrder Example :MotorP M04MK2FBLAOrder Example :-①②④⑤⑥⑦③AccessoriesBrake Cables are separate from the motor power cables.Cables exit toward the front of the motor. Rear exit cables are also possible, consult factory for availabilty.Cable Drawings Available for Download/pseriesEM Sales OfficesIssue Date 07.11.2016© 2014 Parker Hannifin CorporationParker Han nifi n CorporationElectromechanical & Drives Division 5500 Business Park Drive Rohnert Park, CA 94928 USA Tel: 707-584-7558 800-358-9070 Fax: 707-584-8015Email:**********************AustraliaParker Hannifin (Australia) Pty Ltd.9 Carrington Road Castle Hill NSW 2154AustraliaTel: +61 (0) 2 9634-7777 Fax: +61 (0) 2 9634 3749BrazilParker Hannifin Ind. Com Ltda.Av. Lucas Nogueira Garcez 2181Esperança12325-900 Jacareí, SP Tel: 12 3954 5100Fax: 12 3954 5262Email: a ***************************CanadaParker Hannifin (Canada) Inc.160 Chisholm DrMilton, Ontario L9T 3G9 Tel: 905-693-3000 Fax: 905-876-1958Email:****************************ChinaParker Hannifin Motion & Control (Shanghai) Co., Ltd280 Yunqiao Rd. Jin Qiao Export Processing ZoneShanghai 201206, China Tel: (86-21) 50312525Fax: (86-21) 64459717FranceParker SSD Parvex 8 avenue du Lac B.P . 249F-21007 Dijon CedexTel: +33 (0) 3 80 42 41 40Fax: +33 (0) 3 80 42 41 23GermanyElectromechanical EuropeParker Hannifin GmbH & Co KG Robert-Bosch-Strasse 22 D-77656 Offenburg GermanyTel: +49 (0) 781 509 0Fax: +49 (0) 781 509 98176Email:********************IndiaParker Hannifin India Pvt. LtdAutomation Group-SSD Drives Div.133 & 151 Developed Plots Estate Perungudi, Chennai 600 096Tel: 044-4391-0799Fax: 044-4391-0700ItalyParker Hannifin SpA Via Gounod 120092 Cinsello Balsamo Milano, ItalyTel: +39 02 361081Fax: +39 02 36108400Email: ********************KoreaSales OfficeGa San Office, 822-6344-0100Parker Hannifin Korea Automation Office 13F Jei Platz B/D , 459-11 Gasan-dong, Geumcheon-gu, SeoulAutomation DivisionJang An Plant, 82 31-359-0700Parker Korea Ltd.759-10 Geumui-ri, Jangan-myeon, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, 445-941, KoreaMexicoParker Hannifin de Mexico Eje uno Norte No.100Parque Industrial Toluca 2000 Toluca, CP 50100 México Tel: 52-722-275-4200Fax: 52-722-279-0316SingaporeParker Hannifin Singapore Pte Ltd 11, Fourth Chin Bee Road Singapore 619702Tel: (65) 6887 6300Fax: (65) 6265 5125/6261 4929TaiwanParker Hannifin Taiwan Co., Ltd Parker Hannifin Taiwan Co., Ltd.No.19, Wu Chiuan 2nd Road, Wuku Industrial Park, New Taipei City, Taiwan 248ROCTel: 886 2 2298 8987Fax: 886 2 2298 8982ThailandParker Hannifin (Thailand) Co., Ltd.1265 Rama 9 RoadSuanluang, Bangkok 10250 ThailandTel: (66) 2 186 7000Fax: (66) 2 374 1645UKParker Hannifin Ltd.Tachbrook Park Drive Tachbrook Park Warwick CV34 6TUTel: +44 (0) 1926 317970Fax: +44 (0) 1926 317980USAParker Hannifin Electromechanical Automation Division 5500 Business Park DriveRohnert Park, CA 94928 USA Tel: 707-584-7558 800-358-9070Fax: 707-584-8015Email:**********************。

Parker 高压气动机说明书

Parker 高压气动机说明书

Catalog 0978Parker PneumaticSRG/SRGM SeriesStainless Steel Body Air Cylinders SRG/SRGM Series• 304 stainless steel cylinder body, non repairable construction • 303 Stainless steel heads and caps• 303 Stainless steel piston rod standard on all bore sizes • Urethane rod wiper standard• Available with bumpers and magnetic pistons • Double acting models only• Available with Nose, Foot and Pivot Mounts • Corrosion resistant, reinforced plastic pivot bushingOrdering information* Requires an S designation in model number.Undersized rod end threadsFor non-standard rod dimensions, or undersized rod end threads, put a “3” in model number and describe the rod using the letters shown in the drawing. Specify CC, LE and A dimensions.LE is measured in retracted position.Full diameter rod end threadsNon-Standard RodsFor sensors see page 39-42.Parker PneumaticMounting Style DNose mount, double actingKM D Bore size Std. stroke (in)Max. stroke (in)SS rod std A AA B C CC D 3/4"1/2, 1, 2, 2-1/2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 1012✔0.500.860.624–0.250–1-1/16"1/2, 1, 1-1/2, 2, 2-1/2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 1212✔0.50 1.120.6240.120.3120.251-1/2"1/2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 1212✔0.75 1.560.7490.250.4370.382"–12✔0.88 2.08 1.3740.380.6250.502-1/2"–12✔0.882.621.5000.380.6251/2Bore size E EEJ KKKM Q V W WH Y ZJSRG SRGM 3/4"0.621/8 NPTF 0.191/4-28 UNF 5/8-180.810.090.500.97– 2.97 2.971-1/16"0.881/8 NPTF 0.195/16-24 UNF 5/8-18–0.090.62– 1.19 3.25 3.411-1/2"0.881/8 NPTF 0.257/16-20 UNF 3/4-16–0.090.88– 1.50 3.69 3.942" 1.251/4 NPTF 0.311/2-20 UNF 1-1/4-12–0.12 1.19– 1.84 4.69 4.972-1/2"1.751/4 NPTF0.311/2-20 UNF1-3/8-12–0.131.19–1.844.694.69Bore sizes 1-1/16" 1-1/2" 2" *2-1/2" *Bore sizes3/4"* No mounting nutsMounting Style DMounting nuts sold seperately for all series SRGParker PneumaticBore sizes 1-1/16" 1-1/2" 2" *2-1/2" *Bore sizes 3/4"* No mounting nutsMounting Style DXPPivot & nose mount, double acting, no pivot pinD Bore size KKKM L LB PP V W XJ Y Z ZJ SRG SRGM SRG SRGM 3/4"1/4-28 UNF 5/8-180.34 2.910.620.090.50 3.75 3.750.970.251 4.03 4.031-1/16"5/16-24 UNF 5/8-180.34–0.620.090.62 3.84– 1.190.251 4.12 4.281-1/2"7/16-20 UNF 3/4-160.50–0.810.090.88 4.38 4.63 1.500.376 4.75 5.002"1/2-20 UNF 1-1/4-120.56– 1.030.12 1.19 5.62 5.91–0.376 6.06 6.342-1/2"1/2-20 UNF 1-3/8-120.56– 1.030.13 1.19 5.625.62 1.840.3766.066.06Bore size Std. stroke (in)Max. stroke (in)SS rod std A AA B CC D E EE 3/4"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 1032✔0.500.860.6240.250–0.381/8 NPTF 1-1/16"1/2, 1, 1-1/2, 2, 2-1/2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 32✔0.50 1.120.6240.3120.250.381/8 NPTF 1-1/2"–32✔0.75 1.560.7490.4370.380.621/8 NPTF 2"–32✔0.88 2.08 1.3740.6250.500.751/4 NPTF 2-1/2"–32✔0.882.621.5000.6251/20.751/4 NPTFMounting Style DXPMounting nuts sold seperately for all series SRGParker PneumaticAssembly includes pin and (2) retainer rings and (1) jam nut.Assembly includes pin and(2) retainer rings.BoreBore Piston Rod ClevisPivot Bracket AssemblyFoot BracketsMounting NutBoreBore AccessoriesParker PneumaticPNP Solid State SensorBore size 3m flying 10m flying 8mm quick 8mm quick connect 12mm quick Sensor Bracket NPN Solid State SensorBore size 3m flying 10m flying 8mm quick 8mm quick connect 12mm quick Sensor Bracket 1. Flying leads are 2 meters in length 2. Flying leads are 1.5 meters in length 3. Flying leads are 1 meter in length 4.Flying leads are 5 meter in lengthSelection GuideElectronic Sensor Selection GuideParker Pneumatic12 mm connector3Pin Wire Function1Brown Operating voltage (+VDC)4Black Output signal (N.O.)2*White Not used 3Blue-VDCFlying lead or 8 mm connector (shown)413Pin Wire Function1Brown Operating voltage (+VDC)4Black Output signal (N.O.)3Blue-VDCWiring connectionDimensionsPNPNPN* Pin 2 not present.Wiring PNP sensorNPN sensorPNP sensor Drop-in Solid State SensorsSpecificationsSwitch classification Standard PNP or NPNATEX certified PNPTypeElectronic Output function Normally openSensor output PNP/NPN PNP Operating voltage 10 - 30VDC 180 - 30VDC Continuous current 100 mA max.70 mA max.Response sensitivity 28 Gauss min.Switching frequency 1 KHz Power consumption 10 mA max.Voltage drop 2.5 VDC max.Ripple 10% of operating voltageHysteresis 1.5 mm max.Repeatability 0.1 mm max.EMCEN 60 947-5-2Short-circuit protection Yes Power-up pulse suppression Yes Reverse polarity protection Yes Enclosure ratingIP 68Shock and vibration stress 30g, 11 ms, 10 to 55 Hz, 1 mm Operating temperature range -25°C to +75°C (-13°F to 167°F)-20°C to +45°C (-4°F to 113°F)Housing material PA 12, blackConnector cable PVCConnector PUR —Approval for ATEX—3D/3GP8S Global Drop-In Solid State SensorsParker Pneumatic(Required for proper operation 24VDC)Put diode parallel to load (CR) following polarity as shown.D: current rating according to the load.Typical Example – 100 volt, 1 amp diode CR: Relay coil (under 0.5W coil rating)(Recommended for longer life 120 VAC)Put a resistor and capacitor in parallel with the load (CR). Select the resistor and capacitor according to the load.Typical Example:CR: Relay coil (under 2W coil rating) R: Resistor 1 KΩ - 5 KΩ, 1/4 W C: Capacitor 0.1 ΩF , 600 VCaution– Use an ampmeter to test reed sensor current. Testing devices such as incandescent light bulbs may subject the reed sensor to high in-rush loads.– NOTE: When checking an unpowered reed sensor for continuity with a digital ohmmeter the resistance reading will change from infinity to a very large resistance (2 M ohm) when the sensor is activated. This is due to the presence of a diode in the reed sensor.– Anti-magnetic shielding is recommended for reed sensors exposed to high external RF or magnetic fields.– The magnetic field strength of the piston magnet is designed to operate with our sensors. Other manufacturers’ sensors may not operate correctly in conjunction with these magnets.– Use relay coils for reed sensor contact protection.– The operation of some 120 VAC PLC’s (especially some older Allen-Bradley PLC’s) can overload the reed sensor. The sensor may fail to release after the piston magnet has passed. This problem may be corrected by the placement of a 700 to 1K OHM resistor between the sensor and the PLC input terminal. Consult the manufacturer of the PLC for appropriate circuit.– Sensors with long wire leads (greater than 15 feet) can cause capacitance build-up and sticking will result. Attach a resistor in series with the reed sensor (the resistor should be installed as close as possible to the sensor). The resistor should be selected such that R (ohms) >E/0.3.!+–CRCircuit for switching contact protection (for inductive loads, e.g. solenoids, relays)DimensionsDrop-in Reed SensorsWiring connectionSpecificationsType2-Wire Reed Output function Normally openOperating voltage 10 - 120 VAC*, 10 - 30 VDC Switching power 6 W/VA Continuous current 100 mA max.Response sensitivity 30 Gauss min.Switching frequency 400 Hz Voltage drop 2.5 V max.Ripple 10% of operating voltage Hysteresis 1.5 mm max.Repeatability 0.2 mm max.EmcEN 60 947-5-2Reverse polarity protection Yes Enclosure ratingIP 68Shock and vibration stress 30g, 11 ms, 10 to 55 Hz, 1 mm Operating temperature range -25°C to 75°C (-13°F to 167°F)Housing material PA 12, Black Connector cable PVCConnectorPUR cable with 8 or 12 mm connector* 8mm connector rated for 50 vac max.413Flying Lead or 8 mm ConnectorPin Wire Function1Brown Operating voltage (+V)4Black Not used3Blue Output signal (-V or ground)12 mm Connector3Pin Wire Function1Brown Operating voltage (+V)2*White Not used3Blue Output signal (-V or ground)4Black Not used* Pin 2 not present.+CR–P8S Global Drop-In Reed SensorsCatalog 0978Parker PneumaticRound body bracket assembly part numbersSensors and brackets must be ordered separately.50(15)P8S-TMA0Z Sensor Mounting Brackets P8S Drop-in Sensors。



RENEWABLE ENERGY - HYDROPOWER Innovative solutions that harness the power of waterHydropower innovations that add value Parker offers systems and intelligent solutions that reduce costs from the outset of the build phase through operation and maintenance. By working with Parker, you’ll benefit from collaborative engineering at the beginningof the project and field support through the entire construction cycle.The most up-to-dateparticle detection forindependent, real-timemonitoring of systemanalysis detects> > H ydraulic SystemsSituation:In an environment where leveled cost of energy is the overall greatestinfluencing factor in the success or failure of a project, reliability becomes a critical element.A reliable hydraulic system is a must.Solution:Hydraulic systems and power units designed and built by Parker with Parker’s high quality components assure longest system uptime for increased field life. Plus maintenance can be planned, part sourcing is easy, and running costs are kept low.> > S pecially Designed CylindersSituation:Hydraulic cylinders are critical components of many hydroinstallations and ocean devices that must deliver reliable performance under tough conditions.Solution:Parker designs and builds custom-ized special cylinders – whether long stroke gate cylinders or large bore MIV cylinders – that deliver long-term performance for all hydro plant applications. And when maintenance is required, Parker has the sealing kits as spare parts.> > D F Plus Proportional ValvesSituation:Traditional torque motor style servovalves are commonly used to position governor controls in hydropower turbine speed regulation. Servovalves areespecially sensitive to contamination and can experience uncontrolled failure modes.Solution:Parker DF Plus high dynamicproportional valves are ideally suited for governor controls. Dirt tolerant, they offer a defined fail-safe mode upon loss of power, making them the best choice to optimize turbine speed control and provide precise control of wicket gates.> > A ccumulatorsSituation:When hydraulic system stability or reserve power for peak requirements or emergency shutdowns is required, hydraulic accumulators are essential.Solution:Parker’s complete range of CE-approved piston, bladder,and diaphragm accumulators allow high pressure dynamic control of the system, reducing cost through greater system efficiency, longer system life, less noise, and no need for smaller pumps.> > F luid ConnectorsSituation:Most fluid system failures resulting in expensive and unplanned repairs originate from leaking connectors or failed hoses.Solution:With pressure ratings up to 4,000 bar and bore sizes up to 6", Parker offers the world’s largest selection of approved and tested hoses, fittings and couplings for reliable, leak-free connections that minimize the cost of downtime and protect the environment.> > P arflange®F37 Non-WeldedSystems – Complete Piping Solution (CPS)Situation:Welded piping systems are expensive, time consuming, high in particulate contamination, and hazardous for both workers and the environment.Solution:Non-welded high and low pressure metal pipe connection systems and turnkey services from a single, global source. Non-welded piping systems are cleaner, quicker to install, safer for workers and the environment, and re-quire fewer interconnects, saving both time and money. Parker CPS global piping centers provide engineering, installation, and flushing services.ntellinder™ IntelligentHydropower MK 7/15© 2015 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parker Hannifin Corporation 6035 Parkland BoulevardCleveland, Ohio 44124 1 844 E Parker (372 7537)*********************/energyNorth AmericaCA – Canada, Milton, Ontario Tel: +1 905 693 3000US – USA, Cleveland Tel: +1 216 896 3000Asia PacificAU – Australia, Castle Hill Tel: +61 (0)2-9634 7777CN – China, Shanghai Tel: +86 21 2899 5000HK – Hong Kong Tel: +852 2428 8008IN – India, MumbaiTel: +91 22 6513 7081-85JP – Japan, Tokyo Tel: +81 (0)3 6408 3901KR – South Korea, Seoul Tel: +82 2 559 0400MY – Malaysia, Shah Alam Tel: +60 3 7849 0800NZ – New Zealand, Mt Wellington Tel: +64 9 574 1744SG – Singapore Tel: +65 6887 6300TH – Thailand, Bangkok Tel: +662 186 7000-99TW – Taiwan, Taipei Tel: +886 2 2298 8987South AmericaAR – Argentina, Buenos Aires Tel: +54 3327 44 4129BR – Brazil, Sao Jose dos Campos Tel: +55 800 727 5374CL – Chile, Santiago Tel: +56 2 623 1216MX – Mexico, Toluca Tel: +52 72 2275 4200IT – Italy, Corsico (MI) Tel: +39 02 45 19 21 ***********************KZ – Kazakhstan, Almaty Tel: +7 7273 561 000****************************NL – The Netherlands, Oldenzaal Tel: +31 (0)541 585 000 ********************NO – Norway, Asker Tel: +47 66 75 34 00************************PL – Poland, Warsaw Tel: +48 (0)22 573 24 00 ************************PT – Portugal, Leca da Palmeira Tel: +351 22 999 7360**************************RO – Romania, Bucharest Tel: +40 21 252 1382*************************RU – Russia, Moscow Tel: +7 495 645-2156 ************************SE – Sweden, Spånga Tel: +46 (0)8 59 79 50 00 ************************SK – Slovakia, Banská Bystrica Tel: +421 484 162 252**************************SL – Slovenia, Novo Mesto Tel: +386 7 337 6650**************************TR – Turkey, Istanbul Tel: +90 216 4997081 ************************UA – Ukraine, Kiev Tel +380 44 494 2731*************************UK – United Kingdom, Warwick Tel: +44 (0)1926 317 878 ********************ZA – South Africa, Kempton Park Tel: +27 (0)11 961 0700*****************************Europe, Middle East, AfricaAE – United Arab Emirates, Dubai Tel: +971 4 8127100 ********************AT – Austria, Wiener Neustadt Tel: +43 (0)2622 23501-0 *************************AT – Eastern Europe, WienerNeustadt Tel: +43 (0)2622 23501 900 ****************************AZ – Azerbaijan, Baku Tel: +994 50 2233 458****************************BE/LU – Belgium, Nivelles Tel: +32 (0)67 280 900*************************BY – Belarus, Minsk Tel: +375 17 209 9399 *************************CH – Switzerland, Etoy Tel: +41 (0)21 821 87 00*****************************CZ – Czech Republic, Klecany Tel: +420 284 083 111*******************************DE – Germany, Kaarst Tel: +49 (0)2131 4016 0*************************DK – Denmark, Ballerup Tel: +45 43 56 04 00*************************ES – Spain, Madrid Tel: +34 902 330 001 ***********************FI – Finland, Vantaa Tel: +358 (0)20 753 2500 *************************FR – France, Contamine s/Arve Tel: +33 (0)4 50 25 80 25 ************************GR – Greece, Athens Tel: +30 210 933 6450 ************************HU – Hungary, Budaörs Tel: +36 23 885 470*************************IE – Ireland, Dublin Tel: +353 (0)1 466 6370 *************************Parker Worldwide。



Hose Solutions for Materials HandlingTHAT’S WHY WE ARE THE RIGHT PARTNER FOR YOUWhatever application you may have, we have the right solution.You’ll also benefit from our ultimate competitive advantage and our net­work of distribution outlets that can provide our products nearly anytime and anywhere.We strive to provide customers with local engineering, local products and local service.Parker products have been designed, tested and approved to meet and exceed global standards.The right product is available for your application, including that feature a variety of abrasion resis­tant cover choices, flexibility,a wide range of media compatibility and more, characteristics that make Parker the hose supplier of choice for customers that demand the most from their equipment.The best fluid connector products for your operation are the ones that get the job done right. We offer the most comprehensive line of hoses in rubber and thermoplast including braided, spiral and multipurpose plus more fitting sizes than any other manufacturer. And if there’s something you need that’s not a standard product,we’re able to design and manu­facture it for you with ease.Application requirementsGeneral Hydraulic in Chassis• tight bend radius • abrasion resistance • preformed hoseFork Lift Over-the-Sheave• very small bend radius • compact design • abrasion resistance• low temperature resistance • twin and multiple hose • suitable for pretension• optimized change length under pressureArial / Scissor Lift Boomsvery small bend radius• low weight• twin and multiple hose • abrasion resistance• optimized change length under pressureExtendable Booms(Telehandler / Truck Cranes)• very small bend radius • low weight• twin and multiple hose incl. electrical cables • abrasion resistance• optimized change length under pressureand our special hose solutionsHose Reels• very small bend radius • compact design• twin and multiple hose • abrasion resistanceSCR Hoses• heated hoses incl. fittings for optimal performance• Designed and proven for tough off­road applicationsAlternative Fuels• LPG hose with ECE approval • 5CNG hose with ECE approvalHydrostatic Drive• high pressure up to 50.0 MPa • small bend radius • compact designAdditional hose products for hydraulic applicationsParker offers many more hose types which you can find in the following catalogues • Thermoplast Hoses for Hydraulic & Industry CAT 4460­UK • Hydraulic Hoses, Fittings and Equipment CAT 4400­UK • Industrial Hoses CAT 4401­UK** E xtremly flexible and light weigth for reduced installation time, eliminates special design, tooling and fabrication cost.Hose overview* F or mast hoses of fork lifts the saftey factor can be reduced to 3:1 according ISO 3691.After application specific agreement with Parker the working pressure for these hose types can therefore be higher than mentioned in this table, e. g. 692-6 = working pressure up to max. 28.0 MPa.Your local authorized Parker distributorEurope, Middle East, AfricaAE – United Arab Emirates, DubaiTel: +971 4 8127100 ********************AT – Austria, St. Florian Tel: +43 (0)7224 66201 *************************AZ – Azerbaijan, Baku Tel: +994 50 2233 458****************************BE/NL/LU – Benelux, Hendrik Ido Ambacht Tel: +31 (0)541 585 000 ********************BG – Bulgaria, Sofia Tel: +359 2 980 1344**************************BY – Belarus, Minsk Tel: +48 (0)22 573 24 00 ************************CH – Switzerland, Etoy Tel: +41 (0)21 821 87 00*****************************CZ – Czech Republic, Klecany Tel: +420 284 083 111*******************************DE – Germany, Kaarst Tel: +49 (0)2131 4016 0*************************DK – Denmark, Ballerup Tel: +45 43 56 04 00*************************ES – Spain, Madrid Tel: +34 902 330 001 ***********************FI – Finland, Vantaa Tel: +358 (0)20 753 2500 *************************FR – France, Contamine s/Arve Tel: +33 (0)4 50 25 80 25 ************************GR – Greece, Piraeus Tel: +30 210 933 6450 ************************HU – Hungary, Budaörs Tel: +36 23 885 470*************************IE – Ireland, Dublin Tel: +353 (0)1 466 6370 *************************IL – IsraelTel: +39 02 45 19 21************************IT – Italy, Corsico (MI) Tel: +39 02 45 19 21 ***********************KZ – Kazakhstan, Almaty Tel: +7 7273 561 000****************************NO – Norway, Asker Tel: +47 66 75 34 00************************PL – Poland, Warsaw Tel: +48 (0)22 573 24 00 ************************PT – PortugalTel: +351 22 999 7360**************************RO – Romania, Bucharest Tel: +40 21 252 1382*************************RU – Russia, Moscow Tel: +7 495 645-2156************************SE – Sweden, Spånga Tel: +46 (0)8 59 79 50 00 ************************SK – Slovakia, Banská Bystrica Tel: +421 484 162 252**************************SL – Slovenia, Novo Mesto Tel: +386 7 337 6650**************************TR – Turkey, Istanbul Tel: +90 216 4997081 ************************UA – Ukraine, Kiev Tel: +48 (0)22 573 24 00 ************************UK – United Kingdom, Warwick Tel: +44 (0)1926 317 878 ********************ZA – South Africa, Kempton Park Tel: +27 (0)11 961 0700*****************************Parker WorldwideNorth AmericaCA – Canada, Milton, Ontario Tel: +1 905 693 3000US – USA, Cleveland Tel: +1 216 896 3000Asia PacificAU – Australia, Castle Hill Tel: +61 (0)2-9634 7777CN – China, Shanghai Tel: +86 21 2899 5000HK – Hong Kong Tel: +852 2428 8008IN – India, MumbaiTel: +91 22 6513 7081-85JP – Japan, Tokyo Tel: +81 (0)3 6408 3901KR – South Korea, Seoul Tel: +82 2 559 0400MY – Malaysia, Shah Alam Tel: +60 3 7849 0800NZ – New Zealand, Mt Wellington Tel: +64 9 574 1744SG – Singapore Tel: +65 6887 6300TH – Thailand, Bangkok Tel: +662 186 7000TW – Taiwan, Taipei Tel: +886 2 2298 8987South AmericaAR – Argentina, Buenos Aires Tel: +54 3327 44 4129BR – Brazil, Sao Jose dos Campos Tel: +55 800 727 5374 CL – Chile, Santiago Tel: +56 2 623 1216MX – Mexico, Toluca Tel: +52 72 2275 4200© 2019 Parker Hannifin Corporation. All rights reserved.EMEA Product Information Centre Free phone: 00 800 27 27 5374(from AT , BE, CH, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, IE, IL, IS, IT , LU, MT , NL, NO, PL, PT , RU, SE, SK, UK, ZA) US Product Information Centre Toll-free number: 1-800-27 27 537PHDE BUL/4480-B3/UK Materials Handling 2019-08Punctum。

Parker HPD产品介绍与培训说明书

Parker HPD产品介绍与培训说明书

The Solution
• Working with Tooling U-SME to develop classes for each grade of assembler and tester • Currently setting up Train the Trainer
• How did you decide what type of training you needed? • We realized after trying to make a location in the plant with all documentations (WI, STD. Work, and Training manual) that our team needed a higher level of training first.
Parker can be found on and around everything that moves. We manufacture highly engineering components and systems that facilitate motion and the controlled flow of liquid and gasses for a wide variety of global markets to increase the productivity and profitability of our customers.
• No understanding of how to get to different levels of development
• Traininess
• All Training was subjective of manager.

Parker 柔性气缸系列的封闭选项说明书

Parker 柔性气缸系列的封闭选项说明书

One of the leading causes of cylinder failure is seal failure . Parker offers sealing options that cover the widestassortment of applications in the market, ensuring you can get the right seal for your job. The following bulletin will look at Parker cylinders by series and their sealing options to better assist in your specification of sealing requirements.Parker Sealing TechnologyProvides Unmatched Leak Protection on allIndustrial Hydraulic and Pneumatic CylindersHP - Polyurethane Piston SealKP - Filled PTFE Piston Seal RP - Thermoplastic SealWP - Mixed Media SealJewel Gland2H Piston Seal Types:One of Parker’s core cylinder series, the 2H is a 3000 psi NFPA tie rod hydraulic cylinder available in 1.50”-6.00” bore diameters and up to 240” stroke length. The 2H series piston seal kits utilizeParker’s new universal piston seal design, which addresses the performance balance between low pressure sealability, low friction, extrusion resistance and seal life. One piston style is used for all piston seal and wear ring configurations and will suit all application requirements. This reduces the complexity in maintaining cylinders, saving time and cost.Parker offers 4 unique seal types , asshown in the chart below, that when paired with the right seal class will provide the right sealing for your application. Seal class types are located on page 4.Contact Information:Parker Hannifin Corporation Cylinder Division 500 South Wolf Road Des Plaines, IL 60016phone 847-298-2400******************/cylinder2H Rod Sealing System:Parker’s TS2000 threaded Jewel Gland sealing system acts as an automatic check valve that prevents any appreciable amount of oil to leak past the seals.As the rod strokes out, the TS2000’s multi-sealing edges maintain contact with the rod. This provides a cutting action to shear oil from the rod, allowing the rod to pass out of the rod seal practically dry. Any oil that remains on the rod is stopped by the inner lip of the Wiper-seal and held between it and the rod seal. On the return stroke any dirt collected on the rod is wiped off by the outer lip of the Wiper-seal. At the same time, any oil trapped between the Wiper-seal and the rod seal is returned into the cylinder. The TS2000 Jewel Gland is easily removed for service without loosening tie rods and disturbing the pressure envelope.Additional 2H Sealing Options:For environments that contain fine abrasive particulates Parkerrecommends the Parker Crown Wiper™ for Series 2HD. The 3000 psi NFPA tie rod hydraulic 2HD cylinder is the next step up in Parker’s 2H line for applications that require increased durability and is also available in 1.50”-6.00” bore diameters and up to 240” stroke length. The Crown Wiper is a proven superior alternative to piston rod end boots or metallic wipers that can ingest particulate. It has a sharp leading edge to effectively clean the piston rod and a beveled shape to prevent contaminant intrusion by channeling it away from the gland. It also acts as a secondary seal to wipe clean any oil film adhering to the rod on the extend stroke. Standard Crown Wiper material for Seal Class 1 and 2 service is durable polyurethane. Optional FKM material is available for Class 5 service.The Parker Buffer Seal, installed ahead of the primary rod seal, protects the primary seal from the effects of pressure spikes. The result is increased primary rod seal and wiper seal performance life when in severe applications. Both seals provide superior protection against harmful contamination that can damage cylinders causing unnecessary downtime. Buffer Seals are available in class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.Buffer SealSealing for RDH:Parker’s heavy-duty hydraulic round-line cylinder series, the RDH is a 3000 psi cylinder available in 1.50”-8.00” bore diameters and up to 240” stroke length. The RDH offers a Tri-Lip Rod Seal and Bi-Directional Piston Seal with proven leak-free performance. Durable polyurethane material is used to maximize seal life. Nitrile end seals and backup rings on a smooth bore of thecylinder body provide optimal sealing and elimination of extrusion problems. Composite rod and piston wear rings are internallylubricated for reduced friction and formulated for heavy-duty, load-bearing applications. Standard rod material is case-hardened, hard chrome plated and polished to an optimum finish. And since we use Parker seals, all seals have immediate availability in other popular compounds.Sealing for 2A/2AN:Parker’s heavy-duty pneumatic cylinder series, the 2A is a 250 psi NFPA tie rod cylinder available in 1”-14” bore diameters and up to 240” stroke length. The 2A provides a serrated lip-seal in its rodgland that has a series of sealing edges which take over successively as pressure increases, providing efficient sealing under all operating conditions. The double lip wiper-seal acts as a secondary seal,cleaning the rod on the return stroke. Its outer lip prevents the ingress of dirt into the cylinder, extending the life of the gland and seals, minimizing costly replacements.Parker Series 2AN, the non-lubricated version of the 2A, and comes with Non-Lubricated Rod Seals. These seals with special rounded sealing lips are supplied as standard for all non-lubricated applicationsand provide all the same benefits as the 2A rod sealSealing for 3L:For use in applications that require lighter duty than the 2H, Parker’s 3L series is a 1000 psi NFPA tie rod hydraulic cylinder available in 1.00”-8.00” bore diameters and up to 240” stroke length. The 3L’s Piston Lip-seals provide zero leakage under static conditions. Seals are self-compensating to conform to variations in pressure, mechanical deflection, and wear, and have back-up washers to prevent extrusion.The 3L Series also utilizes the TS2000 Rod Seal System with its proven leakproof design. It is completely self-compensating and self-relieving to withstand variations and conform to mechanical deflection that may occur. All these features result in a cylinder seal that will withstand the rigors of your applications reducing maintenance costs.CHE/CHD Seal Design:Parker offers two compact hydraulic cylinders, the 140 bar aluminum CHE with up to 150mm stroke length and the 207 bar steel CHD with up to 100mm stroke length, both are available in 20mm to 100mm bore diameters. These compact cylinders include 4 key elements to keep your cylinder leak free:1. Primary Seal – polyurethane rod seal with multiple sealing edges is self-compensating and self-relieving to withstand pressure variations and conform to mechanical deflection that may occur.2. Secondary Seal (Rod Wiper) – wipes clean any oil film adhering to the rod on the extend stroke and cleans the rod on the return stroke.3. Bi-Directional Piston Seal – Polyurethane seal ring with energizer provides leak-free performance.4. Non-Metallic Wear Band – improves resistance to bearing loadsNon-Metallic Wear BandPrimary SealBi-DirectionalPiston SealPiston SealSeal Classes:deterioration from fluid incompatibility or premature wear.expertise in sealing technology. This expertise provides ourcustomers with the knowledge to pick the right seal class andminimize costly replacements.Two main factors in choosing the right seal are fluid type andtemperature. The chart below is a quick guide to which class ofseal to use in your application:*EPR seals are not compatible with hydraulic oil**Fluorocarbon Seals are not suitable for use with Skydrol fluid, but can be used with hydraulic oil if desired.HY08-4100-B1/NA April 2020© 2020 Parker Hannifin Corporation。

Parker Pneumatic B Rodless Cylinders商品说明说明书

Parker Pneumatic B Rodless Cylinders商品说明说明书

High Performance Series:(Sizes FDC12HP-... thru FDC45HP-...)The High Performance series is the basis for GDL’sdevelopment, which is used in the majority of applications. High Performance guides consist of 8 axial needle roller bearings, running on precision polished and hardened alloy spring steel guideways. These guide bearings are grease packed and shielded, while offering the highest load and moment rating capacities within the GDL product line.Standard Performance Series: (Sizes FDC12SP-... thru FDC45SP-...)The Standard Performance series is intended for minor loads and moments for particularly economical guidance solutions. Standard Performance guides consist of 8 radial ball roller bearings, running on precision polished and hardened alloy spring steel guideways. These guide bearings are grease packed and sealed, while offering the lowest load andmoment ratings available within the GDL product line, with the exception of the Grease-Free and the Anti-Friction / Corrosion Resistant series. Standard Performance series is the second most commonly used GDL guides for various applications and also provides excellent running behavior.SpecificationsCharacteristic UnitDescriptionFull profile wipersRollershoes and cassette are provided with snap-on full profile wipers. The snap-on full profile wipers are easily replaceable with available wipers kits.Acceleration and deceleration m/s 2(ft/sec 2)40 m/s 2 maximum (131 ft/s 2 maximum)Guide installationPossible in any position.Drag adjustment set screw Cassettes can be adjusted at the factory or by the customer.Rollershoes can be set-up by the customer to incorporate the drag adjustment set screw feature. The drag adjustment set screw components are supplied with each pair of rollershoes.Standard lubrication Lifetime lubrication with standard grease-packed roller bearings.Speed m/s (ft/s)Up to 10 m/s (or up to 33 ft/s)Bearing types Steel axial needle,Specials on request (ex: anti-magnetic, grease free, high dynamics) - consult factory Operating temperatureC (F)-10°C to 80°C (14°F to 176°F) temperature rangeSpecials availableCustom length cassettes and rollershoes for 100 piece lots minimum.Keyed butt-jointed rail sections up to 4000mm.Solid continuous length rails between 4000.Offset or non-standard “L11” dimensions on opposite ends of cut rails.Integrated metal scraper with standard full profile wiper currently available.Rail underside blind mounting holes.Material specificationsRail Aluminum alloyGuidewaysHardened high alloy spring steelCassettes / rollershoes / top plates Aluminum alloyRollersBearing steel / Stainless steel bearing steelGDL SeriesCassette with double sided railSize Length Ls B BSh3h9as d2D2e fs h8h10h11L11min. L12t2t3N1126412.03714.71930 3.4612.50258 4.061040 5.5 1.4M4157815.54718.72438 4.5815.753010 5.081060 6.0 2.0M5209221.06322.63053 5.51021.0040127.01110607.0 2.0M6259823.07027.03657 6.61123.5045168.513106010.0 2.5M83513532.010037.048829.01534.00622010.520128011.5 3.5M104516545.012046.06010011.01837.50802413.5221610514.54.0M12Dimensions (mm)Dimensions for both underside mounting hole FDC version guides (Ref. ordering instructions)Size LengthLs B BSh3h9as d2D2e fs h8h10h11L11min. L12t2t3N1126412.03714.71930 3.4612.50298 4.061040 5.5 1.4M4157815.54718.72438 4.5815.753410 5.081060 6.0 2.0M5209221.06322.63053 5.51021.0040127.01110607.0 2.0M6259823.07027.03657 6.61123.5045168.513106010.0 2.5M83513532.010037.048829.01534.00622010.520128011.5 3.5M104516545.012046.06010011.01837.50902413.5221610514.5 4.0M12Dimensions (mm)load rating C (N)rating Co (N)Cassette weight (kg)Rail weight (kg)Cassette series RollMocx (Nm)Pitch Mocy (Nm)Yaw Mocz (Nm)Roll Mcx (Nm)Pitch Mcy (Nm)Yaw Mcz (Nm)Note: Use respective order numbers for ordering separately or include in rail part number.End of stroke stop screwsL11Order The stop screws are scre w ed into threads (opt ion) on the gui d e rails. The end of stroke stop p ing energy is reduced by a rubber cap. With guide rails whe r e the L11 is less than the standard minimum, we off s et the mounting hole by half of its diameter.Note: Customer must drill and tap the holes for the stop screws.GDL accessoriesRail mounting screw coversCylindrical screw OrderDimensions (mm)Dimensions (mm)Ma t e r i a l: We a r re s i s tant pla s tic,re s i s tant to oil and aging. Moun t ing: P ut a pla s tic pla t e on top and pound in uniform l y. Remo v e re s i d u a l burrs with a soft brush or fingernail.tightening.The locking cassette with star grip handle can be stopped at any desired location on the rail. The clampingdevice does not exert forces on the rail guideways.The clamping device is used in fixtures which are movable manually, clamping and stop ledgers, feeding of tools and work pieces. Also available with L-ratchet handle.Size Øa bhClamp forcePart numbers star grip knob12N/A L-ratchet handle dimensionsSize lbhClamp force Part numbers L-ratchet handleVersion with wipersIntegrated into an additional cover, a felt wiper is saturated with oil. Although dependent on the degreeof contaminants, these wipers last forOrder numbers for replacement wiper kitsRespective Cassette with full profile snap-on wipers*wiper kits are sold in pairsNOTE: Use respective order numbers for ordering separately as replacements, or specify in cassette part number.GUIDELINE rails can be preciselyfastened together using a factory offered keyed butt-joint option for continuous rail lengths, as shown in Figures 1 & 2.Two rail sections are clamped together with mating round bar stock pieces that seat tangent to both rail sectionguideways on each side of the rail. While the rail sections are clamped together, a keyway slot is machined in the top and bottom sides of the rail, across the butt- joint. Screw holes are then drilled through the rail inside the keyway slot, so the opposing keyways can be drawn together tightly with screws. The round bar stock clamp is then removed,providing a rigid and well aligned keyed butt-joint.The keyed butt-joint option provides optimum alignment of all guideways from one rail section to the next. This allows for optimum “smooth” guidance of the cassette bearings, while crossing rail butt-joints.The keyed butt-jointed rail option iscurrently available in the FDR version 25, 35, & 45 mm rail sizes. For a keyed butt-joint on rail sizes 25, 35 or 45 mm, specify P/N:# GDL-BJKConsult factory for other size possibilities.GDL’s keyed butt-jointed rail optionFigure 1Figure 2GDL coupled with structural aluminum extrusion material and OSP-E actuatorFigure 3GDL linear guides couple well with various structural aluminum extrusions and Parker-Origa OSP-P and OSP-E actuators. Mounting can be easilyaccomplished using standard fasteners and mounting brackets. See Figure 3 above.some 6000km, after which the felt wipers can either be washed or replaced.For optimal cassette rolling performance, all holes in the guide rails should befilled with the plastic rail mounting screw covers.Full profile snap-on wiperOrdering Information / Part Numbering System for GDL RailsOrdering Information / Part Numbering System for GDL Cassettes。

Parker Hannifin Parflex产品系列说明书

Parker Hannifin Parflex产品系列说明书

Food & Beverage TransferHose l Tubing l FittingsFrom the field to the shelf, Parker Hannifin is helping the world put food on the table. Parflex hose and tubing products keep seeders, tractors and harvest equipment running as well as, keeping production and assembly lines moving in food and beverage processing facilities.Handling the extreme is what our engineers focus on everyday. The products in this brochure operate in very high temperatures and inhibit contamination without compromising the integrity of the product. Many of the hoses offered are lined with a PTFE core and PAGE Flare-Seal hoses have the PTFEflared through the fitting to eliminate bacteria entrapment. PTFE is also non-leaching and very easy to clean. Specialty hoses and tubing, designed for extreme flexibility, allow product to move through confined spaces without kinking or interruptingflow. Other hoses are designed to handle steam or vibration, without increasing fatigue.Lastly, Parflex engineers products to increase operator safety by making our products lighter and easier to handle. Compared to rubber, a Parflex hose is considerably lighter, up to 70%. Jackets and fire sleeves keep hoses cool to the touch and tubing is transparent so operators can view the media moving through the tubing.Hose, Tubing & Fitting SolutionsStreamline food and beverage applicationsHose l Tubing l Fittings SpecificationsProducts meet the following standards. Refer to the product details for exact compliance.Tube FittingsParflex tubing products utilize the fitting solutions provided by the Fluid System Connectors Division. Their technically superior push-to-connect fittings, valves, cartridges, tubing, and accessories have been designed to engineer your success, offering you new ways to create value. Our partnership approach allows us to work together to create the solutions you need to operate more efficiently and effectively.FDA 21 CFR 177.1550, 177.2600 USDA Standards 3A Standards NSF-51 NSF-61 RoHSHose & TubingExtra flexibility. Seamless. Open pitch. Self draining. "Smoothbore" Hose"Convoluted" HoseChemical transfer lines, hot oils, adhesive dispensing, medical and/or compressed air and gases. 625-3000 psi. -100°F to 450°F. Sizes 3/16" - 1-1/8" I.D. dependent on type. Compliant with FDA standards.919Same applications as 919 except with silicone jacket protection. 1200 - 3000 psi. -40°F to 450°F. Sizes 3/16" - 5/8" I.D. 919U - Same applications as 919 except with polyurethane jacket to protection. 1000 - 3000 psi. -40°F to 275°F. Sizes 3/16" - 7/8" I.D.919J/919UNominal inside diameter. Heavier wall, up to 33% more PTFE. 1000-3000 psi. -100°F to 450°F. Sizes 1/8" - 7/8" I.D. Compliant with FDA 21 CFR 177.1550, 177.2600S40Nominal inside diameter. Smaller i.d. for increased bend radius. 1000-3000 psi. -100°F to 450°F. Sizes 1/8" - 7/8" I.D. Compliant with FDA 21 CFR 177.1550, 177.2600S30For chemical transfer lines, hot oils, adhesive dispensing,medical and/or compressed air and gases. 900-3000 psi. -100°F to 450°F. Sizes 1/8" - 1-1/2" I.D. Compliant with FDA, USP Class VI, European Pharmacopoeia 3.1.9., ISO 10993, USDA & 3A standards.STW929Tight bend radius. Increased wall thickness .040". General hydraulics, instrumentation lines, sampling/analyzing lines, etc. 1200 - 3000 psi. -100°F to 450°F. Sizes 3/16" - 7/8" I.D. Compliant with FDA standards.Exceptional kink resistance. Transfer lines for nearly all chemicals. 250- 1500 psi. -100°F to 450°F. Sizes 3/8" - 2" I.D. Compliant with FDA standards.939Transfer lines for nearly all food and beverages. Sizes 1/4" - 2" I.D. Compliant with FDA, USP Class VI, EuropeanPharmacopoeia 3.1.9., ISO 10993, USDA & 3A standards. SCW 450 - 1500 psi. -100°F to 500°F. SS Braid. PCW 200 - 350 psi. 0°F to 212°F. PP Braid.SCW/PCWHeavy Wall for extra flexibility. Transfer lines for nearly all food and beverages. Sizes 1/2" - 4" I.D. Compliant with FDA, USP Class VI, European Pharmacopoeia 3.1.9., ISO 10993, USDA & 3A standards. SCWV 150 - 1500 psi. -100°F to 500°F. SS Braid. PCWV 100 - 350 psi. 0°F to 212°F. PP Braid .SCWV/PCWVFluoropolymerFood Grade TubingParflex Fluoropolymer tubing isavailable from Parker TexLoc™ in Fort Worth, Texas. Tubing can be ordered directly from TexLoc or through the Parflex Division.Fluoropolymer tubing features a low coefficient of friction and anti-stick properties, high temperaturecapabilities and the most corrosion and chemical resistance of all polymers. Within normal use temperatures, fluoropolymers are attacked by so few chemicals that it is easier to describe the exceptions rather than list the chemicals they are compatible with. Thesechemically inert tubes are non-wetting and non-leaching, making them ideal for a wide range of fluid and material handling applications.Parker TexLoc fluoropolymer tubing is available in PTFE, FEP, PFA and PVDF with some materials operating at temperatures up to 500°F/260°C. Each material has specific dominant characteristics such as increased clarity, long lengths and increased mechanical strength.Offered in smoothbore tubing, convoluted,corrugated, rectractable coils and heat shrinkable tubing. Highest molecular weight. Lowest level of extractables. Low permeation. Sizes from .010" I.D. up to 4" O.D.High Purity PFAOffered in beading, smoothbore tubing, convoluted and heat shrinkable tubing.PTFE tubing features unmatched chemical resistance and a non-stick surface that facilitates flow and eliminates media buildup. Lowest coefficient of friction.Sizes from .010" I.D. up to 4" O.D.PTFEOffered in smoothbore tubing, convoluted, corrugated, rectractable coils and heat shrinkable tubing. FEP tubing features the highest clarity and is a close second to PTFE in chemical resistance. Available in long, continuous lengths (1,000 feet and longer). Sizes from .010" I.D. up to 4" O.D.FEPOffered in smoothbore tubing, convoluted, corrugated, rectractable coils and heat shrinkable tubing. When temperature and clarity are both factors, PFA is the resin of choice. Offers the high-temperatureattributes of PTFE, long continuous lengths, and almost as much clarity as FEP.PFAOffered in flexible and super flexiblesmoothbore tubing. Properties beneficial for use in many critical applications requiring chemical resistance with low permeability. L ow extractable levels while providing high mechanical strength and abrasion resistance. Sizes from 1/8" O.D. up to 1" O.D.PVDFParflex PTFE, FEP, PFA and PVDF tubing complies with European Standard RoHs and the tubing is also FDA compliant to FDA regulation 21 CFR 177.1550, making these products suitable for use in food and beverage applications.Polyethylene• Parflex polyethylene tubing meets FDA, NSF Standard 51 for food contact applications and NSF-61 for potable water applications.• E-Series tubing is made of 100% virgin resin material.• Polyethylene tubing meets ASTMD-1693 (10% IGEPAL) for stress crack resistance.• Parflex also offers special PE tubing: PEFR (flame retardant) and HDPE (high density). Polypropylene• Polypropylene tubing meets FDA,NSF Standard 51 for food contactapplications.• Polypropylene tubing exhibitsexcellent chemical resistance tochlorinated water applications.• Black Polypropylene tubing iscommonly used in outdoor applica-tions where UV light stabilization isrequired.Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)• P VC tubing is made from 100%virgin resin material and meets FDAspecifications for materials in con-tact with food and drugs.• PVC tubing is a very flexible, 70durometer tubing. It is crystal-clearand ideal for situations where vis-ible fluid flow is necessary (i.e. sightgauges for tank identification).ThermoplasticTubing CompatibilityTube Support RecommendedPrestolok ® Metal Fittings for Pneumatic Automation Applications in Food Processing.Silicone Free push-to-connect fitting with FKM seal offering excellent resistance to aggressive wash-down environments. The smooth surface design reduces retention zones for safe and easy cleaning. Available in NPT, BSPT, BSPP and Metric threads.Complete offering of metal flow controls andfunction fittingsPrestolok® PLS Stainless SteelFC-705Prestolok® PLMElectroless Nickel PlatedTrueSeal™Kynar ®Thermoplastic Fittings and ValvesPotable Water and Beverage DispensingPolypropolyene Ball Valves and check valves are available in a variety of sizes and configurations to help isolate and control the systems.TrueSeal™AcetalLIQUIfitLIQUIfit™ Check ValveLIQUIfit™ Ball ValveTemperature/PressureTrueSeal™ push- to-connect fittings available in Acetal, Polypropylene and Kynar®materials are ideal for water treatment and harsh chemical environments. TrueSeal™ has a metal gripper collet with EPDM seals for to meet NSF requirements.LIQUIfit™ has a stainless steel grab ring with EPDM seals and is manufactured from bio-base polymers suitable for contact with water, beverages and food .Fluoropolymer Material OverviewGeneral Property Comparisons of Fluoropolymer TubingAgency and Specifications Approved Parflex Products Dry Food Contact:FDA, CFR21 Part 177E, PP, PV, 540P, 919, 919J, 919U, 929, 939, S30, S40, STW, SBFW, SCW, PCW, SCWV, PCWV, SCWV, PCWV-FS, SCWV-FS, RCTWHOSE FluoropolymerSmoothbore PTFE Hose 919 919J 919U 929 S30 S40 STW SBFWConvoluted PTFE Hose 939 PCW SCW SCWV PCWVFlare-Seal PTFE Hoses PCWV-FS SCWV-FSRubber Covered Hose RCTWThermoplasticSpecialty Water540PTUBINGFluoropolymer TubingPTFE Tubing Series 101, 201 FEP Tubing Series 103, 203 PFA Tubing Series 104, 204 Thermoplastic TubingPolyethylene Tubing Series E Polypropylene Tubing Series PP Vinyl Tubing Series PV Potable Water, Liquid Foods:NSF Standard 51* NSF Standard 61*E, PP, NT Series Tubing E Series Tubing*Indicates that products shown have been tested and certified by NSF International to the requirements of NSF Standards 51 and 61. NSF does not express or imply an approval on any product.Government & Agency ComplianceParker Safety Guide for Selecting and Using Hose, Tubing, Fittings and Related Accessories4660-Food GL 10/12Your complete source for quality tube fittings, hose & hose fittings, brass & composite fittings, quick-disconnect couplings, valves and assembly tools, locally available from a worldwide network of authorized distributors.Fittings:Available in inch and metric sizes covering SAE, BSP ,DIN, GAZ, JIS and ISO thread configurations, manufactured from steel, stainless steel, brass, aluminum, nylon and thermoplastic.Hose, Tubing and Bundles:Available in a wide variety of sizes and materials including rubber, wire-reinforced, thermoplastic, hybrid and custom compounds.Worldwide Availability:Parker operates FluidConnectors manufacturing locations and sales offices throughout North America, South America, Europe and Asia-Pacific.For information, call toll free...1-800-C-PARKER (1-800-272-7537)Parker Fluid Connectors GroupNorth American Divisions & Distribution Service CentersNorth American DivisionsEnergy Products Division Stafford, TXphone 281 566 4500fax 281 530 5353Fluid System Connectors Division Otsego, MIphone 269 694 9411fax 269 694 4614Hose Products Division Wickliffe, OHphone 440 943 5700fax 440 943 3129Industrial Hose Division Strongsville, OHphone 440 268 2120fax 440 268 2230Parflex Division Ravenna, OHphone 330 296 2871fax 330 296 8433Quick Coupling Division Minneapolis, MNphone 763 544 7781fax 763 544 3418Tube Fittings Division Columbus, OHphone 614 279 7070fax 614 279 7685Distribution Service CentersBuena Park, CAphone 714 522 8840fax 714 994 1183Conyers, GAphone 770 929 0330fax 770 929 0230Louisville, KYphone 502 937 1322fax 502 937 4180Portland, ORphone 503 283 1020fax 503 283 2201Toledo, OHphone 419 878 7000fax 419 878 7001fax 419 878 7420 (FCG Kit Operations)CanadaGrimsby, ONTphone 905 945 2274fax 905 945 3945(Contact Grimsby for other Service Center locations.)© 2012 Parker Hannifin CorporationParker Hannifin Corporation Parflex1300 North Freedom Street Ravenna, Ohio 44266 Phone 330.296.2871 Fax 330.296.8433 /pfd Parker Hannifin Corporation Fluid System Connectors 300 Parker Drive Otsego, MI 49078 Phone 269.694.9411 Fax 269.694.4614 /fcg。

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Bulletin HY11-5715-591/UKProportional Directional Control ValveOperation Manual Series DFplusDesign > 10Parker Hannifin GmbH & Co. KG Hydraulic Controls Division Gutenbergstr. 3841564 Kaarst, Germany Tel.: +49-181 99 44 43 0Fax: +49-2131-513-230E-mail: infohcd@ Copyright © 2007,Parker Hannifin GmbH & Co. KG2D_FP-591 UK.indd CMProp. Directional Control Valve Series DFplusOperation ManualParker Hannifin GmbH & Co. KG Hydraulic Controls DivisionNoteThis document and other information from Parker Hannifin GmbH & Co. KG, its subsidiaries, sales offices and authorized distributors provide product or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise. Before you select or use any product or system it is important that you analyse all aspects of your application and review the information concerning the product or system in the current product catalogue. Due to the variety of operating conditions and applications for these products or systems, the user, through his own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the products and systems and assuring that all performance and safety requirements of the application are met. The products are subject to change by Parker Hannifin GmbH & Co. KG at any time without notice.Prop. Directional Control Valve Series DFplusOperation Manual3Parker Hannifin GmbH & Co. KG Hydraulic Controls DivisionD_FP-591 UK.indd CMChapterPage1.Introduction4Order Code 4Name Plate5Block Diagram of Integral Electronics 5Characteristics of Valve Driver 5Specifications 62.Safety Instructions7Symbols7Marking, Name Plates 7Work at the Valve 73.Important Details7Intended Usage7Common Instructions 7Liability 7Storage 74.Mounting / Installation8Scope of Supply 8Mounting8Operation Limits 8Pressure Fluids8Electrical Connection 9Electrical Interfacing105.Operation Instructions15Preferred Hydraulic Initial State 15Solenoid Current Monitoring 15Zero Position Adjustment15Air Bleeding of Hydraulic System 16Filter 16Flushing 166.Maintenance 177.Trouble Shooting178.Accessories / Spare Parts18Accessories 18Spare Parts 189.Repair / Service 1810.Additional Information194D_FP-591 UK.indd CMProp. Directional Control Valve Series DFplusOperation ManualParker Hannifin GmbH & Co. KGHydraulic Controls Division1. Introduction Ordering CodeNominal size Direct. controlSpool-typeCommand-signal Seal NBR(different seal compound by request)Design seriesSpool position Con-nectionDNF P90Code Connection 0 6 + PE 511 + PECode Signal Flow direction B +/- 10V 0...+10V -> P-A E +/- 20mA 0...+20mA -> P-A S4...20mA12...20mA -> P-AProp. Directional Control Valve Series DFplusOperation Manual5Parker Hannifin GmbH & Co. KG Hydraulic Controls DivisionD_FP-591 UK.indd CMParker D*FP proportional directional control valves have an integral electronic and requires only one sole electrical common for the control system. Different flow sizes, fail-safe-functions as well as command signal options are available to achieve an optimal adaption for different applications.Characteristics of Valve DriverThe described integral electronic driver combines all necessary functions for the optimal operation of the valve. Thanks to its excellent dynamic the valve is usable within closed loop control applications. The most important features are:• high dynamic actuator principle with special designed electronic driver• closed loop controlled spool position• constant current actuator control with overcur-rent shutoff• excellent properties for response sensitivity and temperature drift• differential input stage with various command signal options• diagnostic output for spool stroke / overcurrent state• standard central connection• compatible to the relevant European EMC-stan-dardsName PlateBlock Diagram of Integral Electronics Code 0 (6+PE)Code 5 (11+PE)6D_FP-591 UK.indd CMProp. Directional Control Valve Series DFplusOperation ManualParker Hannifin GmbH & Co. KGHydraulic Controls DivisionTechnical DataGeneral Model Proportional directional control valve DriveVCD (R)-actuatorMounting Pattern NG6 (CETOP 3) / NG10 (CETOP 5)Installation Position Any Sensitivity [%]< 0.03Hysteresis[%]< 0.05T emp. Drift of Center Postion [%/K]< 0.025Ambient Temperature Range [°C]-20...+50Protection Class NEMA 4 (IP 65) acc. EN 60529Vibration Strength [G]25 acc. EN 60068, part 2-6Weight[kg]NG6: 4.5 / NG10: 6.8Hydraulic Fluid Rate Hydraulic oil acc. DIN 51524...535, other on request Viscosity [SSU]140...370Fluid Temperature [°C]-20...+50CleanlinessPurity level class acc. NAS 1638: class 7Operating Pressure max.[bar]350 for ports P , A, B / 350 for port T / at discharged port Y Pressure Drop P ABT/PBA T max.[bar]350Electrical Duty Ratio [%]100Supply Voltage [VDC]22...30, ripple < 5% eff., surge free Switch-On Current typ.[A]22 for 0.2 ms Current Consumption max.[A] 3.5Pre-Fusing [A] 4.0 A medium lag Command Signal Options [V][mA][mA]+10...0...-10, ripple < 0.01 % eff., surge free, Ri = 100 kOhm+20...0...-20, ripple < 0.01 % eff., surge free, Ri = 250 Ohm 4...12...20, ripple < 0.01 % eff., surge free, Ri = 250 Ohm< 3.6 mA = enable off, > 3.8 mA = enable on acc. NAMUR NE43Input Capacitance typ.[nF]1Differential Input Voltage max.[V]Code 0: 30 for terminal D and E against PE (terminal G)11 for terminal D and E against 0V (terminal B)Code 5: 30 for terminal 4 and 5 against PE (terminal )11 for terminal 4 and 5 against 0V (terminal 2)Enable Signal [V]Code 5: 5...30, Ri = 9 kOhm Diagnostic Signal [V]+10...0...-10 / +Ub, rated max. 5 mA EMC EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-4Central Connection Code 0: 6 + PE acc. EN 175201-804Code 5: 11 + PE acc. EN 175201-804Cable Specification Code 0: 7 x AWG16 overall braid shieldCode 5: 8 x AWG16 overall braid shieldCable Length max.[m]50Prop. Directional Control Valve Series DFplusOperation Manual7Parker Hannifin GmbH & Co. KGHydraulic Controls DivisionD_FP-591 UK.indd CM2. Safety InstructionsPlease read the operation manual before instal-lation, startup, service, repair or stocking! Paying no attention may result in damaging the valve or incorporated system parts. SymbolsThis manual uses symbols which have to be fol-lowed accordingly:Instructions with regard to the warranty Instructions with regard to possibledamaging of the valve or linked system components Helpful additional instructions Marking, Name PlatesInstructions applied on the valve, i.e. wiring dia-grams and name plates, must be observed and maintained legibly.Work at the ValveWorkings in the area of installation, commissioning,maintenance and repair of the valve may only be allowed by qualified personnel. T his means persons which have, because of education, experience and instruction, sufficient knowledge on relevant direc-tives and approved technical rules. 3. Important Details Intended UsageThis operation manual is valid for proportional direc-tional control valves DF Plus series. Any different or beyond it usage is deemed to be as not intended. The manufacturer is not liable for warranty claims resulting from this.Common InstructionsWe reserve the right for technical modifications of the described product. Illustrations and drawings within this manual are simplified representations. Due to further development, improvement and modification of the product the illustrations might not match precisely with the described valve. The technical specifications and dimensions are not binding. No claim may resulting out of it. Copyrights are reserved.LiabilityThe manufacturer does not assume liability for damage due to the following failures:• incorrect mounting / installation • improper handling • lack of maintenance • operation outside the specificationsDo not disassemble the valve! In case of suspicion for a defect please return the valve to the factory.StorageIn case of temporary storage the valve must be protected against contamination, atmospheric ex-posure and mechanical damages. Each valve has been factory tested with hydraulic oil, resulting in protection of the core parts against corrosion. Y et this protection is only ensured under the following conditions: Outdoor storage or within sea and tropical climate will lead to corrosion and might disable the valve!Storage period Storage requirements12 months constant humidity < 60% as well as constant temperature < 25°C 6 monthsvarying humidity as well as varying temperature < 35°C8D_FP-591 UK.indd CMProp. Directional Control Valve Series DFplusOperation ManualParker Hannifin GmbH & Co. KGHydraulic Controls Division4. Mounting / Installation Scope of SupplyPlease check immediately after receiving the valve, if the content is matching with the specified scopeof supply. The delivery includes:• valve• operation manualThe central connector assembly has to be ordered separately and is not included in the delivery.Please check the delivery immediately after receivingthe shipment for apparent damages due to shipping. Report shipment losses at once to the carrier, the insurance company and the supplier!Mounting• Compare valve type (located on the name plate) with part list resp. circuit diagram.• The valve may be mounted fix or movable in any direction.• Verify the mounting surface for the valve. Une-veness of 0.01 mm/100 mm, surface finish of 6.3 µm are tolerable values.Keep clean valve mounting surface and work environment! • Remove protection plate from the valve moun-ting surface• Check the proper position of the valve ports andthe O-rings.• Mounting bolts: D1FP: 4 pcs. M5x30 D3FP: 4 pcs. M6x40use property class 12.9, DIN 912 Parker offers bolt kits:D1FP: BK375 / D3FP: BK385• Tighten the bolts crisscross with the followingtorque values: D1FP: 6.8 Nm / D3FP: 11 Nm Insufficient condition of the valve mountingsurface migth create malfunction!Incorrect mounting resp. bolt torque may result in abrupt leakage of hydraulic fluid on the valve ports.Operation LimitsThe valve may be operated within the determined limits only. Please refer to the “technical data“ sec-tion as well as to the “characteristic curves“ in the catalog. Follow the environmental conditions! Unallo-wable temperatures, shock load, aggresivechemicals exposure, radiation exposure, illegal electromagnetic emissions may result in operating trouble and may lead to failure!Follow the operating limits listed in the “spe-cifications“ table! Pressure FluidsThe following rules applies for the operation withvarious pressure fluids:The above information serves for orientation and does not substitute user tests among theparticular operating conditions. Particularly noliabiliy for media compatibility may be derivedout of it.mineral oil usable without restriction HFA oil-in-water emulsionconsultation required HFB water-in-oil emulsionconsultation required HFC aqueous solution (glycols)consultation required HFD unhydrous fluids (Phosphor-Ester)consultation requiredFor detailed information concerning pressure fluids note VDMA-document 24317 as well as DIN 51524 & 51502. Special gaskets may be available depending on the utilized fluid.In case of insecurity please consult the fac-tory.Prop. Directional Control Valve Series DFplusOperation Manual9Parker Hannifin GmbH & Co. KG Hydraulic Controls DivisionD_FP-591 UK.indd CMElectrical ConnectionThe electrical connection of the valve takes place by one common cable, which is coupled to the integrated electronic driver by a central connector assembly.The connection Code 0 requires a 6 + PE female connector EN 175201-804.Thefemale connector has to be ordered separately under article nr. 5004072.A female connector with metal housing is required! Plastic made models may create function problems due to insufficient EMC-characteristics. The connecting cable has to comply to the follow-ing specification:Cable type control cable, flexible,7 conductors, overall braidshield Cross section min. AWG16Outer dimension 8...12 mm Cable length max. 50 mFor cable lengths > 50 m consult factory.The connection cable is coupled to the female connector by solder joints.Skinning lengths for the connecting cable:The connection Code 5 requires a 11 + PE femaleconnector EN 175201-804.Thefemale connector has to be ordered separately under article nr. 5004711.A female connector with metal housing isrequired! Plastic made models may create function problems due to insufficient EMC-characteristics. The connecting cable has to comply to the follow-ing specification:Cable type control cable, flexible, 8 conductors, overall braid shield Cross section min. AWG16Outer dimension 12...15 mm Cable length max. 50 m For cable lengths > 50 m consult factory.The connection cable is coupled to the female connector by crimp contacts.Skinning lengths for the connecting cable:For the workmanlike termination of the crimp contacts the tool # 932 507-001 – supplier: Hirschmann – is required.Do not disconnect cable socket under tensi-on!10D_FP-591 UK.indd CMProp. Directional Control Valve Series DFplusOperation ManualParker Hannifin GmbH & Co. KG Hydraulic Controls DivisionElectrical InterfacingSupply Voltage:The supply voltage for the valve has to cover the range of 22...30 V . The residual ripple may not exceed 5% eff.The applied power supply must comply to therelevant regulations(DIN EN 61558)and must carry a CE-mark. The operating voltage forthe valve must be free of inductive surges. Do not exceed the max. value of 30V! Non-ob-servance of this rule may result in permanent damaging of the valve.The increased inrush current of the valve should be considered when selecting the power supply. A stabilized power supply with overcurrent limiting feature should not be used. Due to the inrush current of the valve the current limit circuit may respond prematurely and create problems during energizing of the supply voltage.The operation of the valve is blocked if the supply voltage polarity is interchanged.Each valve requires a separate pre-fuse of 4 Amp time lag. Non-observance of this instruction may create irreparable damageof valve resp. incorporated system parts.The shielding has to be assembled according the outline below:The backshell nut of the cable gland has to be tighten with a suitable tool. The target value for the tightening torque is 4 Nm. Tighten the cap nut with a torque of approx. 5 Nm after attaching the female connector on the socket outlet. Incomplete tightening of backshell nut resp. cap nut may result in automatic release ofthe connection as well as degradation of the water tightness.Follow the “instructions for use“ for installationof female connectors made by other kind of brands! The cable connection to the female connector has to take place by qualified personnel! A short between individual conductors resp. to the connector housing , bad soldering as well as improper shield connection may result in malfunction and breakdown of the valve.The mounting surface of the valve has to be carefully tied to the earth grounded machine frame. The earth ground wire from the valve connecting cable as well as the cable shield have to be tied to the protective earth terminal within the control unit. It is necessary to use a low ohmic potential connection between control unit and machine frame to prevent earth loops (cross section AWG 6).Wiring diagram of supply voltage Code 0 (6 + PE)Code 5 (11 + PE)Enable input (only for option 5 / 11+PE)A signal voltage enables the actuator drive of the valve. Continuous operation of the valve requires a permanent voltage 5...30 V (i.e. the supply voltage). In case of disabling the signal the valve will reach its hydraulic default (fail safe) position in no time independently from the command signal value. At the same time the position controller output will be clamped. In case of restarting the enable signal, the valve spool takes its position always out of the fail safe position. Preferable the enable signal should be switched on together with the hydraulic pressure supply. This forces the actuator drive into drop out condition when the hydraulic system is switched off, and it avoids needless heating of the actuator.The enable function represents no safety ar-rangement against unwanted valve operationin terms of rules for accident prevention! To block the valve function under all conditions, more advanced steps are necessary, i.e. the installation of additional safety check valves.Wiring diagram of enable input Code 5 (11 + PE)Incorrect signal amplitude levels may disturbthe functionality and can damage the valve.The option 4...20 mA uses the “0 mA“ conditionas breakdown-information. This means thepresence of an evaluable failure informationif the input signal line is interrupted. In thiscase the actuator drive will be switched off.The drive will switch on when the input signalreaches a value of 3.8 mA, it switches offwhen the command falls below 3.6 mA. Thisdetermination follows the NAMUR-specifica-tion NE43.NAMUR is an association of users of processcontrol technology.Wiring diagram of voltage command input +10...0...-10 VCode 0 (6 + PE)Command signal input:The command signal for the valve will be connectedto the pins D and E of the difference signal inputof the electronic driver. The spool stroke behavesproportional to the command signal amplitude.Different versions of command signal processingare available, depending on the valve type. Theseare described below:For the function description is assumed as signalreference (0V):Code 0: pin E, Code 5: pin 5Details are shown from the technical specifi-cations.The command input signal needs to be filteredas well as free of inductive surges and mo-dulations. Due to the sensitivity of the valve ahigh signal quality is recommended, this willprevent malfunction.Wiring diagram of voltage command input +10...0...-10 VCode 5 (11 + PE)signalD_FP-591 UK.indd CMD_FP-591 UK.indd CMWiring diagram of current command input +20...0...-20 mA Code 0 (6 + PE)Wiring diagram of current command input 4...12...20 mA Code 0 (6 + PE)Wiring diagram of current command input +20...0...-20 mA Code 5 (11 + PE)Wiring diagram of current command input 4...12...20 mA Code 5 (11 + PE)D_FP-591 UK.indd CMDiagnostics output:A diagnostics signal is available. Its voltage repre-sents the operating condition of the valve. The following information is available:• position of valve spool (+10...0...-10 V means +100...0...-100 % spool stroke). • status of the actuator drive (supply voltage level +22...30 V for disconnected drive due to overload condition).Wiring diagram of diagnostics outputCode 0 (6 + PE)The output may drive a load of max. 5 mA. Exceeding of this limit leads to malfunction.Wiring diagram of diagnostics outputCode 5 (11 + PE)D_FP-591 UK.indd CM5. Operating InstructionsBasically the valve performs the task of converting a command signal into a proportional spool stroke with the highest possible dynamic. For these purposes the input value will be electronically compared with the actual spool position value. The signal difference feeds a position controller, that in turn provides via a power amplifier stage the required current for the actuator.Preferred Hydraulic Initial StateThe valve has -as all zero lap valves- no safe initial state when switched off. In this case thevalve takes a position which is selectable bythe valve type (preferred hydraulic initial state). This position depends on contamination level and therefore is not ensured. T hat applies also for pressure drops above 120 bar at single flowpath on the control lands A-T resp. B-T. We would therefore recommend the applicationof additional check valves with sequential control.Solenoid Current MonitoringThe electronic driver contains a circuit to monitor the solenoid current. The current measurement compares for exceeding of a certain value and switches off after a time period of approx. 10 sec.for temperature rise protection of the actuator. For normal operating conditions this state will not reached, but it may occur with a contaminatedsluggish valve.In this case the reason for the contamination should be repaired (hydraulic fluid exchange, filtration review, valve flushing).The overcurrent shutoff condition may be resetted by the actions below:Code 0: Temporary disconnection of the supply voltage.Code 5: Temporary disconnection of the enable signal.The shutoff of the actuator drive due to overload will be signaled via the diagnostics output.The condensed function conditions of the actuator drive are given below:The actuator drive is enabled, if:the actuator drive is in normal operation, AND current of > 3.8 mA flows into input (4...20 mAoption)The actuator drive is disabled, if:the actuator drive is in overload operation, OR current of < 3.6 mA flows into input (4...20 mA option)Zero Position Adjustment The valve has the option for manual adjustment ofthe zero position. This allows for zero adjustment of the flow independently from further system pa-rameters. T he adjustment takes place by a multiturn trimming potentiometer, which is accesible on thetop side of the valve after removing of a cover screw. Required default conditions prior to the adjustment procedure:• supply voltage switched on• command input signal of 0 V resp. 0 mA /12mA • hydraulic system switched onThe adjustment requires a screw driver witha blade width of 2 mm.Usage of unsuitable tooling may cause irre-parable damages to the valve!After adjustment of zero position the cover screw has to be refitted including the seal.Dirt is the greatest enemy of the hydraulicsystem!There are three important sources of dirt to watchfor:• contamination arising during installation• contamination arising during operation, frictionwear• impurities from the environmentBasically a purity level class of 7 acc. NAS 1638is required.Pay attention to maintenance details!FlushingIt is recommended to flush the long pipelines by shortcircuiting the pressure and return lines, especiallyfor large, central pressure oil stations. T his preventsthe installation dirt from entering the valve.Air Bleeding of Hydraulic SystemDuring initial startup, after an oil change as well asafter the opening of lines or valves the hydraulicsystem must be air bleeded. Air in the hydraulicsystem is very disadvantageous and thereforeundesirable for the control system. The pipelinenetwork is vented at its highest point. The fittingmay be loosened a little so that the air can escapewith only a small amount of oil loss. When the oilis no longer foaming, the fitting is re-tightened.Afterwards all functions are run through, one afterthe other, in no-load operation with low pressureand with full cylinder stroke. Afterwards the systemshould be vented once more.After air bleeding the oil level in the tank mustbe checked, and refilled as necessary!FilterThe function and lifetime of the valve are stronglyaffected by the cleanliness of the fluid.Code 0 (6 + PE)Code 5 (11 + PE)D_FP-591 UK.indd CMD_FP-591 UK.indd CM6. MaintenanceService work may onlybe carried out by qualified personnel. Detailed knowledge of the machine functions concerning switching on and off as well as of the required safety relevant technical tasks is required!Periodical maintenance is essential for the longevity of the system and guarantees reliability and avail-ability. The following properties of the system has to be checked in continuous short time intervals:• oil level in the tank • max. working temperature • condition of the pressure fluid (visual inspection, colour and smell of hydraulic fluid)• working pressure levels • gas pre-load pressure on the pressure accumu-lator• leakage on all system components • condition of filter elements • condition of hose lines • cleanliness of componentsAfter a certain operating duration a change of the hydraulic fluid is required. The frequency of change depends from the following circumstances:• kind resp. grade of the pressure fluid • filtering• operating temperature and environmental con-ditions7. Trouble ShootingBasis of troubleshooting is always a systematic approach. At first the following questions have to be checked:• Are there practical experiences with similar failures?• Have system adjustments been changed?Afterwards starting of troubleshooting by means of a priority list of the most likely reasons.For suspect of a sluggish spool the valve may be flushed with clean pressure fluid.T roubleshooting in a hydraulic system requires in either case a systematic approach. T he work may exclusively be performed by qualified personnel, as it requires detailed knowledge about function and construction of the system. Reversals or dissassemblings may not be taken imprudently! Prior to the works it has to be clarified, if the system has been operated properly until the failure occured.malfunction at hydraulic load runtime - generally no function- high frequent oscillation - low frequent oscillation- one way operation only- speed variations at unchanging command- different speeds depending on travel direction - speed too low- drifting without commandpossible reasons for malfunctioncorrective actionsX hydraulic pump resp. motor defective replace hydraulic pump resp. motorX X X X X X drive overloaded reduce pressure resp. speed, increase valve size X X X X X X X valve contaminatedclean pressure fluid, filter / flush valveX X hydraulic fluid too viscous / too coldchange fluid grade, provide operational temperature X X X too low oil level within tankrefill pressure fluidX X X filter contaminatedclean resp. replace filter X X X X supply voltage too low keep supply voltage range X supply voltage carries too much ripple reduce rippleX X X command signal too low increase command signal X command signal carries too much ripplereduce rippleX X center position adjustment incorrectcheck center position adjustment X X X X X contacts of central connector contaminated clean contacts / replace plug X feed cable interrupted fix feed cableX X X X X X X wiring sequence incorrect correct wiring sequence X X feed cable without shieldingchange cable gradeD_FP-591 UK.indd CM9. Repair / ServiceWhen you buy a Parker component, full techni-cal support from Parker After Sales Service is included.Our highly qualified team will be glad to assist youin all industrial and mobile applications.Spare PartsThe following spare parts are available: D1FP:seal kit NBR ordering code SK-D1FP seal kit FPMordering code SK-D1FPVD3FP:seal kit NBR ordering code SK-D3FP seal kit FPMordering code SK-D3FPVWe offer full service:• general support for starting up Parker hydraulic controls.• maintenance of Parker controls.• repair of all Parker related hydraulic and elec-trical devices.• assistance in the supply of spare parts world-wide.• direct service for mobile applications at our Service Center in Kaarst, Germany.• direct replacement for parts subject to wear at our Service Center in Kaarst, Germany.• technical training in theory and practice.Kaarst, Germany:Parker Hannifin GmbH & Co. KGKaarst, Germany:Parker Hannifin GmbH & Co. KGFor further questions please contact us:Parker Hannifin GmbH & Co. KGHydraulic Controls DivisionAfter Sales ServiceGutenbergstr. 3841564 Kaarst, GermanyTel.: +49-181 99 44 43 0 Fax: +49-181 99 44 43 4078. Accessories / Spare Parts AccessoriesThe following accessories are available for the valve series DF Plus:D1FP:bolt kitordering code BK375Code 0:female connector 6+PE ordering code 5004072Code 5:female connector 11+PE ordering code 5004711D3FP:bolt kitordering code BK385Code 0:female connector 6+PE ordering code 5004072Code 5:female connector 11+PE ordering code 5004711Hotline in Europe Phone: 00800-2727-5374。
