




关键词:N-亚硝基胺化合物鞋底材料测定气相色谱-质谱法Determination of 12 N-nitrosamines in Rubber Sole materials By Gas Chromatography-Mass SpectrometryLiu Lizhen(Fujian Provincial Shoes Product Quality Supervision and Inspection,Fujian Jinjiang,362200)Abstract:The determination method of 12 N-introsamines in rubber sole materials was developed.The samples were extracted by ultrasonic treatment with methanol as solvent,and low temperature and vacuum concentration,then determined by Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry after purifying by C18 solid-phase extraction cartridge.The limit of determination ,the recobery rate and the relative standard deviation were determined.Keywords:N-introsamines Sole materials Determination Gas chromatography-mass spectrometryN-亚硝基胺化合物是具有-N-N=O官能团物质的总称,是一类很强的化学致癌物质,在已发现的300多种N-亚硝基胺化合物中,约90%能使40种受试动物发生肿瘤[1]。

























British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2015 CEN
All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members.



11月12日 何笛
043185184555 075586110610 01062800015 01062800015 057188158018 057188992755 057188158018 057188992755 043185184555 053186516385
11月12日 邵宇 11月12日 洪敏 11月12日 洪敏
浙江维尔科 1210012 技股份有限 公司 浙江维尔科 1210013 技股份有限 公司 长春鸿达光 电子与生物 统计识别技 术有限公司 山东神思电 子技术股份 有限公司 广州优利康 沛科技有限 北京中盾安 全技术开发 福建天创信 息科技有限 福建天创信 息科技有限
11月12日 陆捷
居民身份证指纹采 集器/JZT-998FGB
11月12日 陆捷
11月13日 何笛
8 9 10 11 12
1210017 1210008 1210014 1210020 1210021
居民身份证指纹采 集器/SS628-600C 指纹采集器 /JBX2013 居民身份证指纹采 集器/FP-220 居民身份证指纹采 集器/TC-ZW651 居民身份证指纹采 集器/TC-ZW650
(按检验合格日期排序) 2012年11月15日
报告编号 公京 序号
检(二指采) 公司名称 第××× ××××号
报告日期 联系人 联系电话
2 3 4
1210007 1210009 1210011
11月13日 张兆辉 11月15日 牟建丽


电动工具; 电动电子玩具; 医疗电气设备。
2、第一点可能稍有点RoHSFra bibliotek识的都会知道,但有时也因此走入误区。如:作为电线导体的铜线或电子元件的引脚这些都是纯铜,不属豁免范畴。同理:纯铁、纯铝亦不属此范畴。所以不能一概而论只要是铜、铝、铁都属豁免范围内。


正丁腈 109-74-0
丙基氰; 2-甲基丙腈
丙烯腈 107-13-1
甲基丙烯腈 126-98-7
异氰酸酯类 [ 易燃的 ] ,如:
异氰酸甲酯 624-83-9
六亚甲基亚胺 111-49-9
甲(基)肼 60-34-4
2- 吡咯酮 616-45-5
二氯 ( 二) 甲醚 542-88-1
丙酮氰醇 75-86-5
丙酮合氰化氢; 2- 基异丁腈;氰 丙醇
全氯甲硫醇 594-42-3
苯( 基)硫醇 108-98-5
苯硫酚 ; 巯基苯 ; 硫代苯酚
乙硼烷 19287-45-7
第 3 项 有毒气体
氟 7782-41-4
氨 7664-41-7
磷化氢;膦 7803-51-2
砷化氢 7784-42-1
四氧化二氮 10102-44-0
重铬酸钠 10588-01-9
第 6 类 毒害品和感染性物品第 1 项 毒害品
氰化物 ,如:
氰化钠 143-33-9
氰化钾 151-50-8



科技综述近年来国内外制冷剂的研究状况山东东岳化工有限公司 王 鑫☆清华大学 史 琳 朱明善 韩礼钟山东东岳化工有限公司 于修源摘要 总结了汽车空调HFC2134a替代、在用离心式冷水机组CFC替代、HCFC222的替代和中高温热泵工质开发四个领域内的研究工作及研究成果。

关键词 汽车空调 离心式冷水机组 中高温热泵 制冷剂Re c e nt re s e a r c h st a t us i n refri g e r a nts a th o m e a n d a br o a dBy Wang X in★,Shi Lin,Zhu M ingshan,H an Lizhong and Y u X iuyuan Abst r a ct Summarizes t he research wor ks a nd achieveme nts in f our fields,including alter native of H FC2 134a in aut omobile air conditioning,alter native of C FC in cent rif ugal chillers in service,alter native of HC FC222a nd develop me nt of ref rigera nts in medium2high te mperature heat p umps.Keywor ds aut omobile air conditioning,cent rif ugal chiller,medium2high te mperature heat p ump, ref rigera nt★Shandong Dongyue Chemical Co.,Ltd.,Zibo,Shandong Province,China1 背景臭氧层破坏和全球气候变暖已成为不争的全球性环境问题。



108胶 白乳胶(聚醋酸乙烯酯乳液) 聚醋酸乙烯液(白乳胶) 911胶 万能胶 壁虎903新型装饰专用胶 壁虎聚合物水泥胶 TW-太伟建筑胶 宝得牌万能胶 长鹿酸性玻璃胶 WQ823无醛水性高分子异氰酸脂胶粘剂 108胶 乳胶漆 SG8205修补胶 AH-05建筑装修胶粘剂 SG8407瓷砖胶粘剂 罗马好粘泥 强力万能胶 万能胶 熟胶粉 万能胶 熟胶粉 硅酮密封胶 硅酮密封胶 聚醋酸乙烯乳液 预制型环保橡胶运动地面 预制型环保橡胶跑道 聚醋酸乙烯乳液 木胶粉 木胶粉 环保万能胶K-2338 天强—粘合剂 新型优质建筑胶粉 红鱼牌万能胶(SBS弹性体型) 红鱼牌防水建筑胶(溶剂型) 红鱼牌4115建筑胶(地板胶) 红鱼牌白乳胶 红鱼牌万能胶(氯丁型) 红鱼地板胶 金鱼TG胶结剂 801建筑胶水
第 1 页,共 9 页

200250506 200250505 200250500 200250497 200250489 200250486 200250484 200251083 200250762 200250719 200250732 200250711 200250710 200250240 200250238 200250237 200250225 200250223 200250215 200250214 200250208 200250206 200250210 200250209 200250181 200250380 200250379 200250378 200250374 200250373 200250372 200250369 200250368 200250364 200250362 200250361 200250359 200250360 200250358 200250348 200250322

混合芳烃材料安全数据表(SHELL MSDS中文翻译)

混合芳烃材料安全数据表(SHELL MSDS中文翻译)

材料安全数据表(MSDS)混合芳烃版本:第1.5版出具日期:2015年9月16日1. 化学品及企业鉴定1.1. 产品鉴定标识材料名称:混合芳烃化学名称:Naphtha (petroleum), catalytic reformed石脑油(石油)催化重组油化学物质(CAS)登记号:68955-35-1同义字(词):Light Reformate, Heavy Reformate, Reformat, Platformat Combine, Reformat, / Platformat, Reformaat, LPF(Light Powerformate), HPF(Heavy Powerformate)。

轻重整油、重重整油、重整油、高辛烷值汽油整合油等1.2.相关化学物质或混合物鉴别用途和用途建议主要用途分类:工业用途、专业用途特殊用途:燃料、燃料组分、化工原料、其他:见本材料安全数据表后附列表1.3. 本材料安全数据表制造商/供应商信息公司:Shell Eastern Trading (Pte) Ltd(壳牌东方贸易私人有限公司)地址:09 NORTH BUONA VISTA DRIVE#07-01 TOWER 1, THE METROPOLISSINGAPORE, 138588 SINGAPORE电话:+65 6384 80001.4. 紧急联系电话紧急联系电话:+44(0) 151 350 45952. 危害鉴别2.1. 化学物质/混合物分级2.1.1. 根据Regulation(EU)1272/2008分类CLP等级:根据Regulation(EC)1272/2008,该产品被分类为危险品。

Flam. Liq. 1:H224Skin Irrit. 2:H315Muta. 1B:H340Carc. 1B:H350Repr. 2:H361fdSTOT SE 3:H336Asp. Tox. 1:H304Aquatic Chronic 2:H4112.2. 标签元素2.2.1. 根据Regulation(EC)1272/2008标记危险图示:信号词:Danger(危险)危险说明:H224-极易燃液体和蒸汽。

ITW Consumer - Devcon Versachem 水泥胶合料说明书

ITW Consumer - Devcon Versachem 水泥胶合料说明书

Material Safety Data SheetITW Consumer - Devcon/Versachem1 of 5RUBBER ADHESIVEThis product appears in the following stock number(s):103451. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATIONTradename: RUBBER ADHESIVEGeneral use: Flexible, waterproof repairs. After solvent evaporates, product is not hazardous Chemical family: Neoprene Adhesive Solution2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSComponentAbbr.Weight%ACGIH; TLV-TWA OSHA PEL:Other LimitsMETHYL ETHYL KETONE 78-93-3MEK 30-60200 ppm TWA ACGIH 200 ppm TWA; 590mg/m 3200 ppm Canada N-HEXANE 110-54-3n/e 10-3050 ppm 500 ppm TWA; 1800mg/m 3 TWA50 ppm Canada HEPTANE 142-82-5n/e 5-15400 ppm 500 ppm TWA; 2000mg/m 3 TWA n/e TRADE SECRET (Non-hazardous)MIXTUREn/eBalancen/en/e"TLV" means the Threshold Limit Value exposure (eight-hour, time-weighted average, unless otherwise noted) established by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. "STEL" indicates a short-term exposure limit. "PEL" indicates the OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit. "n/e"indicates that no exposure limit has been established. An asterisk (*) indicates a substance whose identify is a trade secret of our supplier and unknown to us.3. HAZARDOUS IDENTIFICATIONEmergency OverviewAppearance, form, odor: Amber liquid with hydrocarbon odorDANGER!. Extremely Flammable. Eye, skin and respiratory irritant. May cause central nervous system effects. Based on animal studies, potential reproductive effects.Potential health effectsPrimary Routes of Exposure:Eye. Skin. Inhalation (breathing), skin absorptionSymptoms of acute overexposureSkin: May be absorbed through skin in harmful amounts. Has a drying effect; may irritate.Eyes: IrritantInhalation: Causes irritation of the mouth,nose,and throat. Central Nervous System Depression: signs/symptoms can include headache, dizziness, drowsiness, incoordination, slowed reaction time, slurred speech, giddiness and unconsciousness.Ingestion: May cause gastric distress (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea). Aspiration (breathing) of vomitus into lungs may result in pneumonitis.MANUFACTURERITW Consumer - Devcon/Versachem 2107 West Blue Heron Blvd.Riviera Beach, Florida 33404EMERGENCY INFORMATION Emergency telephone number (CHEMTEL): (800) 255-3924(CHEMTEL International): (+01) 813-248-0585Other Calls: (561) 845-2425Effects of Chronic Exposure: May cause dermatitis. Overexposure to methyl ethyl ketone and n-hexane may cause peripheral nerve damage (that of arms and legs) and result in muscular weakness and loss of sensation. Long term overexposure to solvents have been associated with lung, liver and kidney damage.Medical Conditions Recognized as Being Aggravated by Exposure:Preexisting pulmonary and dermatological disorders.Other:Intentional misuse by deliberately concentrating and inhaling the contents may be harmful or fatal4. FIRST AID MEASURESEye Contact: In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and get medical attention if irritation persists.Skin Contact: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash area with soap and water. If irritation persists, seek medical attention.Inhalation: If inhaled, remove from area to fresh air. Get medical attention if respiratory irritation develops or if breathing becomes difficultIngestion: Do not induce vomiting. Slowly dilute with 1-2 glasses of water or milk and seek medical attention. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURESGeneral fire and explosion characteristics: Flammable liquid Class 1B.Recommended Extinguishing Media: Carbon dioxide, Dry chemical, foamSpecial Fire-Fighting Procedures: Evacuated unprotected personnel. Firefighters should wear self-contained breathing apparatus. Use water spray to cool exposed containers.Unusual Fire/Explosion Hazards:Vapors may travel from container toward sources of ignition and flashback.Hazardous Products of Combustion:Thermal decomposition will produce CO, CO2 and various unidentified organic compounds6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESSpill Control: Avoid personal contact. Eliminate ignition sources. Ventilate area.Containment: Dike, contain and absorb with clay, sand or other suitable materialCleanup: For large spills, pump to storage/salvage vessels. Soak up residue with an absorbent such as clay, sand or other suitable material and dispose of properly.Special procedures: Prevent spill from entering drainage/sewer systems, waterways and surface water. Use non-sparking tools.7. HANDLING AND STORAGEHandling precautions: Extremely flammable!. Avoid breathing vapors or mists. Avoid contact with the skin and the eyes.Wash thoroughly after handling. Ground container when pouring. Do not use near heat, sparks and open flame. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment.Method: TCCFlash point: -20°FLower Explosive Limit: 1%Upper Explosive Limit: 11.6%Storage: Keep in cool and dark place. Avoid direct sunlight. Store away from heat, sparks or open flame. Do not store at temperatures above 120 degrees F. Keep containers closed when not in use. Maintain air space in storage containers.8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONEngineering controls:Ventilation:General; local exhaust ventilation as necessary to control any air contaminants to within their exposure limits (or to the lowest feasible levels when limits have not been established) during the use of this product.Other engineering controls: Keep container tightly closed. Observe label precautions. Have emergency shower and eye wash available.Personal protective equipmentEye and face protection: Safety glasses with side shields or splash-proof goggles are recommendedSkin protection: Chemical-resistant gloves (i.e. butyl) and other gear as required to prevent skin contact.Respiratory protection: With good ventilation, none required. An approved respirator (i.e.NIOSH, etc.) should be worn when exposures are expected to exceed the applicable limits.9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYThis material is chemically stable. Hazardous polymerization will not occur.Conditions to Avoid: Keep away from heat,sparks and flame.Incompatabilities: Oxidizing agents, acids, bases, halogenated organic compounds.Hazardous Products of Combustion: Thermal decomposition will produce CO, CO2 and various unidentified organic compoundsConditions under which hazardous polymerization may occur: None.11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEye Contact: No data available.Subchronic effects: No data available.Carcinogenicity, tertogenicity and mutagenicity: No data available.Other chronic effects: Laboratory studies involving rats indicate some evidence that MEK may be embryotoxic, fetotoxic and teratorgenic.Toxicological information on hazardous chemical constituents of this product:ComponentOral LD50 (rat)Dermal LD50 (rabbit)Inhalation LC50 4hr (rat)METHYL ETHYL KETONE 78-93-32737 mg/kg6840 mg/kg23500 mg/m 3/8hBoiling Point: 156°FEvaporation Rate: Faster than butyl acetateVOC: 76% by weightSolubility in water: InsolubleMelting point: n/dpH (5% solution or slurry in water): n/aSpecific Gravity: 0.82Vapor Density (Air=1): >1Vapor Pressure: n/dComponent Oral LD50 (rat)Dermal LD50 (rabbit)Inhalation LC50 4hr (rat)N-HEXANE110-54-328710 mg/kg n/d48000 ppm/4hHEPTANE142-82-5n/d n/d n/dTRADE SECRET (Non-hazardous)MIXTUREn/d n/d n/d'n/d' = not determined_12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEcotoxicity: No data available.Mobility and persistence: No data available.Environmental fate: No data available.13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSPlease see also Section 15, Regulatory Information.Recommended Method of Disposal: Do not dispose of in a landfill. Incineration is the preferred method of disposal.US EPA Waste Number: D001/D035 as per 40CFR 261.21 and a TCLP waste per 261.24 (methyl ethyl ketone and benzene).14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONProper shipping name: *AdhesivesTechnical name: N/AHazard class: 3UN/ID Number: 1133Packing group: IIEmergency Response Guide no: 128Other: *Depending upon the size and type of container, this material may be reclassified as "Consumer Commodity, ORM-D" for shipments within the United States, or "Limited Quantity" elsewhere. Refer to the appropriate regulation.15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONU.S. Federal RegulationsTSCA:All ingredients of this product are listed, or are exempt from listing on the TSCA Inventory. Export notification is required under TSCA Sec.12B - see below..The following RCRA code(s) applies to this material if it becomes waste:D001/D035Regulatory status of hazardous chemical constituents of this product:Component ExtremelyHazardous*Toxic Chemical**CERCLA RQ (lbs) 12B EXPORTNOTIFICATION:METHYL ETHYL KETONE78-93-3No No5000 lbs. (2270 kg)Not requiredComponent ExtremelyHazardous*Toxic Chemical**CERCLA RQ (lbs) 12B EXPORTNOTIFICATION:N-HEXANE110-54-3No Yes5000 lbs (2270 kg)RequiredHEPTANE142-82-5No No0.0Not requiredTRADE SECRET (Non-hazardous)MIXTURENo No0.0Not required*Consult the appropriate regulations for emergency planning and release reporting requirements for substances on the SARA Section 301 Extremely Hazardous Substance List.**Substances for which the "Toxic Chemical" column is marked "Yes" are on the SARA Section 313 list of Toxic Chemicals, for which release reporting may be required. For specific requirements, consult the appropriate regulations.For purposes of SARA Section 312 hazardous materials inventory reporting, the following hazard classes apply to this material: Immediate health hazard, Delayed health hazard, Fire hazardCalifornia regulations: For purposes of the California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Prop 65), this product does not contain any chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.Canadian RegulationsWHMIS Hazard Class: B2 FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS, D2B TOXIC MATERIALSAll components of this product are on the Canadian Domestic Substances List .16. OTHER INFORMATIONHazardous Material Information System (HMIS) rating:Health 2* Flammability 3 Physical Hazard 0HMIS is a registered trademark of the National Paint and Coatings Assn.Revision Date: August/25/2008Revision Number: 6The information and recommendations in this document are based on the best information available to us at the time of preparation, but we make no other warranty, express or implied, as to its correctness or completeness, or as to the results of reliance on this document.。

GKN 纳铁福480

GKN 纳铁福480
姓 名 张海涛 George Adam 张峥嵘 叶连祥 陶培泉 程佩玲(用卡多一点) 程佩玲 ( 用卡多一点 ) 吴关钦 高俊杰
直线 58120882 58120345
38120095 58121704
原号码 102 101 103 104 150 151 152 153 157 128 200 220 新增 225 108 100 106 223 156 260 911 113 115 116 117 118
西HA8000(1) 西HA8000(1) HA5888 HA5328;HA5328 HA238 西HA8000(1) HA5238;三洋无绳 HA5888;中诺 HP;三洋无绳 西HA8000(1);西HA8000(1) 西HA8000(1) 西HA8000(2) 西HA8000(2) 西HA8000(1) 西HA8000(1);西HA8000(1) HA238;HA238 HA5888;皮HA5328 西HA8000(1) 西陵无绳 HA238 HA238 西HA8000(1);中诺 皮HA5328;皮HA5328;HA238 HP HP
号码 9001 9002 9003 9019 9010 9011 9012 9013 9014 9015 俞海涛 9020 胡 捷 9030 丁伟国 9276 陈龙章 徐伟明 顾国安 9021 蔡 怡 9001 戎亦超 9002 9033 王彩凤 9275 刘剑萍 9035 陈 民 陆春茂 郝洪发 贾宗强 卫振飞 9036 9037 王玉兰 9039 张 力 9005 9007 9019 9007 9009 58121333
SDS电话号码表(第五版) 电话号码表



The KV value given in Table E.1 is corrected according to Equation (E.1).
The German term “Schlagenergie” used throughout the DIN EN ISO 148 series is equivalent to the previously used German term “Schlagarbeit”.
Uncontrolled copy when printed
English price group 15 www.din.de
02.11 1742206
DIN EN ISO 148-1:2011-01
A comma is used as the decimal marker.
Amendments This standard differs from DIN EN 10045-1:1991-04 and DIN 50115:1991-04 as follows: a) the German term verbrauchte Schlagarbeit has been changed to verbrauchte Schlagenergie; b) the differentiation between energy after correction for friction and that without correction has been
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschuss M Standards Committee), Working Committee NA 062-01-44 AA Schlagzähigkeitsprüfung für Metalle.



ProductInformationFILMTEC™ HSRO-4040-FF MembranesFILMTEC Heat Sanitizable RO ElementsFeaturesFILMTEC™ HSRO heat sanitizable reverse osmosis membrane elements deliveroutstanding quality water with the added capability to withstand sanitization with hot water. HSRO elements, manufactured on advanced automated equipment, have the highest active membrane area in the industry. This high area allows system designs with either lower operating flux or cost savings from fewer membrane elements. The full-fit configuration minimizes stagnant areas and is optimal for applications requiring a sanitary design. All components comply with FDA standards.Product SpecificationsProductPart Number Active Area ft 2 (m 2) Applied Pressure psig (bar) Permeate Flow Rate gpd (m 3/d) Stabilized Salt Rejection (%) HSRO-4040-FF 98592 90 (8.4) 150 (10.3) 1,900 (7.2) 99.5 HSRO-390-FF170701390 (36)150 (10.3)9,000 (34) 99.51. HSRO-4040-FF was previously named SG30-85-HS. HSRO-390-FF was previously named SG30-390-HS.2. Permeate flow and salt rejection based on the following test conditions: 2,000 ppm NaCl, pressure specified above, 77°F (25°C ) and 15% recovery.3. Elements must be conditioned prior to start-up. A one-time flux loss will occur during stabilization. Listed values apply after performance stabilization.4. Permeate flows for individual elements may vary +/-20%.5. For the purpose of improvement, specifications may be updated periodically.(part number 102109) with each HSRO-4040-FF element. FilmTec sells coupler partnumber 89048 for use in multiple element housings. Each coupler includes two 2-210 EPR o-rings (part number 89255).FilmTec supplies two end caps (part number 113199) and one coupler (part number 255289) with each HSRO-390-FFelement. Each coupler includes two 3-912 EPR o-rings (part number 151705).Dimensions – Inches (mm) Product A BC HSRO-4040-FF 40.0 (1,016) 0.75 OD (19.0) 3.9 (99) HSRO-390-FF40.0 (1,016)1.13 ID (28.6)7.9 (200)1. Refer to FilmTec Design Guidelines for multiple-element systems.1 inch = 25.4 mm2. HSRO-4040-FF fits nominal 4 inch I.D. pressure vessels. HSRO-390-FF fits nominal 8 inch I.D. pressure vessels.• • • • • • • • •Membrane Type Polyamide Thin-Film CompositeMaximum Operating Temperature a 113°F (45°C)Maximum Sanitization Temperature (@ 25 psig) 185°F (85°C)Maximum Operating Pressure600 psig (41 bar) Maximum Pressure Drop 15 psig (1.0 bar) pH Range, Continuous Operation a 2 - 11 pH Range, Short-Term Cleaning b 1 - 12 Maximum Feed Silt Density Index SDI 5 Free Chlorine Tolerance c < 0.1 ppma Maximum temperature for continuous operation above pH 10 is 95°F (35°C).b Refer to Cleaning Guidelines in specification sheet 609-23010.cUnder certain conditions, the presence of free chlorine and other oxidizing agents will cause premature membrane failure. Since oxidation damage is not covered under warranty, FilmTec recommends removing residual free chlorine by pretreatment prior to membrane exposure. Please refer to technical bulletin 609-22010 for more information.Operating LimitsL enntech***************** Tel. +31-152-610-900 Fax. +31-152-616-289Important Information New HSRO heat sanitizable spiral elements must be pre-conditioned prior to initial use by exposure to hot water. An appropriate conditioning procedure consists of the following: •Flush to drain with suitable quality water at low pressure and low permeate flow rate. •Recycle warm water (45°C or less) at very low pressure (< 25 psig trans-membrane pressure with a maximum feed pressure of 45 psig (3 bar)).•Introduce hot water to the system to increase temperature to 80°C (176°F).•Keep trans-membrane pressure below 25 psig (1.7 bar) when warm or hot water (45°C or higher) is being fed to the membranes.•Maintain temperature for 60-90 minutes.•Allow system to cool to 45°C or below.•Flush to drain with suitable water quality at very low pressure (< 25 psig trans-membrane pressure with maximum feed pressure of 45 psig (3 bar)).Operation Guidelines Avoid any abrupt pressure or cross-flow variations on the spiral elements during start-up, shutdown, cleaning or other sequences to prevent possible membrane damage. During start-up, a gradual change from a standstill to operating state is recommended as follows: •Feed pressure should be increased gradually over a 30-60 second time frame. •Cross-flow velocity at set operating points should be achieved gradually over 15-20 seconds.•Permeate obtained from first hour of operation should be discarded.General Information •Keep elements moist at all times after initial wetting.•If operating limits and guidelines given in this bulletin are not strictly followed, the limited warranty will be null and void.•To prevent biological growth during prolonged system shutdowns, it is recommended that membrane elements be immersed in a preservative solution.•The customer is fully responsible for the effects of incompatible chemicals and lubricants on elements.•Maximum pressure drop across an entire pressure vessel (housing) is 60 psi (4.1 bar). •Avoid static permeate-backpressure at all times.Suitable quality water must be used during all pre-conditioning steps. This water is chlorine-free, non scaling/fouling water. RO permeate is preferred, but prefiltered feedwater may be used.This step is needed to ensure that the element components have cooled to below 45°C.Notice: The use of this product in and of itself does not necessarily guarantee the removal of cysts and pathogens from water. Effective cyst and pathogen reduction is dependent on the complete system design and on the operation and maintenance of the system.Notice: No freedom from any patent owned by Seller or others is to be inferred. Because use conditions and applicable laws may differ from one location to another and may change with time, Customer is responsible for determining whether products and the information in this document are appropriate for Customer’s use and for ensuring that Customer’s workplace and disposal practices are in compliance with applicable laws and other governmental enactments. Seller assumes no obligation or liability for the information in this document. NO WARRANTIES ARE GIVEN; ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE EXPRESSLY EXCLUDED.L enntech***************** Tel. +31-152-610-900 Fax. +31-152-616-289。



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铁钉 扎丝 铁丝网 射钉 芯撑 黑色金属冶 炼产品 其他钢材及 其它黑色金 属矿制品 有色金属矿 制品 重有色金属 冶炼产品 铜材 其他重有色 金属冶炼产 品 轻有色金属 冶炼产品 铝材 其他轻有色 金属冶炼产 品 其他有色金 属矿制品 非金属矿产 及制品 非金属矿产 类 石墨及碳素 制品 预焙阳极 电极 其他石墨及 碳素制品 滑石及制品 石棉及制品 铸石制品 其他非金属 矿产制品 水泥及建筑 材料 通用水泥 复合硅酸盐 水泥 普通硅酸盐 水泥 矿渣硅酸盐 水泥 粉煤灰硅酸 盐水泥 火山灰质硅 酸盐水泥 特种水泥 水泥熟料 石膏及制品
பைடு நூலகம்
平板带 三角带 橡胶垫、圈 橡胶块 胶布制品 日用和医用 橡胶制品 其他橡胶制 品 塑料及制品 环氧树脂及 制品 塑料棒材 塑料薄膜 人造革及合 成革 其他塑料及 制品 火工制品及 放射性材料 雷管及炸药 非电导爆系 统制品 放射源 起爆器及装 置 其他火工制 品及放射性 材料 涂料与油墨 、颜料、染 料及助剂 涂料 颜料 染料 助剂 通用轴承及 其配件 滚动轴承 滑动轴承 轴承配件 紧定套 退卸套 轴承座 其他轴承配 件 其他轴承 通用阀门及 其配件 闸阀 普通闸阀 不锈钢闸阀 塑料闸阀 铜质闸阀 闸阀配件 普通闸阀配 件


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Trigonox L108P 甲醛乙醛氧化物 (Methyl ethyl ketone peroxi

Trigonox L108P 甲醛乙醛氧化物 (Methyl ethyl ketone peroxi

Product Data SheetTrigonox L108PMethyl ethyl ketone peroxide, in solvent mixtureMethyl ethyl ketone peroxide, in solvent mixture CAS number1338-23-4EINECS/ELINCS No. 215-661-2TSCA statuslisted on inventorySpecificationsAppearance Clear colorless liquidTotal active oxygen9.8-10.0 %CharacteristicsDensity, 20 °C 1.120 g/cm³Flashpoint37°C (Closed Cup) / ≥ 63°C (Open Cup) °CApplicationsTrigonox® L108P is general purpose methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (MEKP) for the curing of unsaturated polyester resins in the presence of a cobalt accelerator at room and elevated temperatures.The curing system Trigonox® L108P/cobalt accelerator is developed for general purpose GRP- and non GRP-applications such as the curing of laminating resins and castings. Practical experience throughout many years has proven that for marine applications a special MEKP with low water content and without polar compounds is demanded in order to prevent from osmosis and other problems. Butanox M-50 is the MEKP advised for this application.For room temperature application it is necessary to use Trigonox® L108P together with a cobalt accelerator (e.g. Accelerator NL-49PN).Thermal stabilityOrganic peroxides are thermally unstable substances, which may undergo self-accelerating decomposition. The lowest temperature at which self-accelerating decomposition of a substance in the original packaging may occur is the Self-Accelerating Decomposition Temperature (SADT). The SADT is determined on the basis of the Heat Accumulation Storage Test.SADT55°CMethod The Heat Accumulation Storage Test is a recognized test method for thedetermination of the SADT of organic peroxides (see Recommendations on theTransport of Dangerous Goods, Manual of Tests and Criteria - United Nations, NewYork and Geneva).StorageDue to the relatively unstable nature of organic peroxides a loss of quality can be detected over a period of time. To minimize the loss of quality, Nouryon recommends a maximum storage temperature (Ts max.) for each organic peroxide product.Ts Max.25°CTs Min.-10°CNote When stored under the recommended storage conditions, Trigonox® L108P willremain within the Nouryon specifications for a period of at least 3 months afterdelivery.Packaging and transportThe standard packaging is a 30 l HDPE can (Nourytainer®) for 20 kg peroxide solution.Both packaging and transport meet the international regulations. For the availability of other packed quantities contact your Nouryonrepresentative.Trigonox® L108P is classified as Organic peroxide type D; liquid; Division 5.2; UN 3105.Safety and handlingKeep containers tightly closed. Store and handle Trigonox® L108P in a dry well-ventilated place away from sources of heat or ignition and direct sunlight. Never weigh out in the storage room.Avoid contact with reducing agents (e.g. amines), acids, alkalis and heavy metal compounds (e.g. accelerators, driers and metal soaps). Please refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for further information on the safe storage, use and handling of Trigonox® L108P. This information should be thoroughly reviewed prior to acceptance of this product. The SDS is available at /sds-search.Major decomposition productsCarbon dioxide, Water, Acetic acid, Formic acid, Propanoic acid, Methyl ethyl ketoneAll information concerning this product and/or suggestions for handling and use contained herein are offered in good faith and are believed to be reliable.Nouryon, however, makes no warranty as to accuracy and/or sufficiency of such information and/or suggestions, as to the product's merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose, or that any suggested use will not infringe any patent. Nouryon does not accept any liability whatsoever arising out of the use of or reliance on this information, or out of the use or the performance of the product. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as granting or extending any license under any patent. Customer must determine for himself, by preliminary tests or otherwise, the suitability of this product for his purposes.The information contained herein supersedes all previously issued information on the subject matter covered. The customer may forward, distribute, and/or photocopy this document only if unaltered and complete, including all of its headers and footers, and should refrain from any unauthorized use. Don’t copythis document to a website.Trigonox®, Nourytainer and Butanox are registered trademarks of Nouryon Functional Chemicals B.V. or affiliates in one or more territories.Contact UsPolymer Specialties Americas************************Polymer Specialties Europe, Middle East, India and Africa*************************Polymer Specialties Asia Pacific************************2022-6-30© 2022Thermoset composites Trigonox L108P。



DMC 线号对照对照表表DMC DMC NAME NAME RED RED GREEN GREEN BLUE BLUECOLOUR COLOURRGB RGB 代码代码 BLANC White 255 255 255 FFFFFF ECRU Ecru255 247 231 FFF7E7 150 Bright Red +++ 207 0 83 CF0053 151 Pink +++ 255 203 215 FFCBD7 152 Flesh - DK +++ 225 161 161 E1A1A1 153 Lilac +++ 234 197 235 EAC5EB 154 Red - VY DK +++ 75 35 58 4B233A 155 Forget-me-not Blue +++ 151 116 182 9774B6 156 Blue - MED +++ 133 119 180 8577B4 157 Blue - LT +++ 181 184 234 B5B8EA 158 Blue - DK +++ 57 48 104 393068 159 Petrol Blue - LT +++ 188 181 222 BCB5DE 160 Petrol Blue - MED +++ 129 120 169 8178A9 161 Petrol Blue - DK +++ 96 86 139 60568B 162 Baby Blue - LT +++ 202 231 240 CBDCFD 163 Green +++ 85 122 96 557A60 164 Green - LT +++ 186 228 182 BAE4B6 165 Green - BRIGHT +++ 225 244 119 E1F477 166 Lime Green +++ 173 194 56 ADC238 167 Khaki Brown +++ 133 93 49 855D31 168 Silver Grey +++ 177 174 183 B1AEB7 169 Pewter Grey +++ 130 125 125 827D7D 208 Lavender - VY DK 148 91 128 945B80 209 Lavender - DK 206 148 186 CE94BA 210 Lavender - MED 236 207 225 ECCFE1 211 Lavender - LT243218228F3DAE4221 Shell Pink - VY DK 156 41 74 9C294A 223 Shell Pink - LT 219 128 115 DB8073 224 Shell Pink - VY LT 255 199 176 FFC7B0 225 Shell Pink - ULT VY LT 255 240 228 FFF0E4 300 Mahogany - VY DK 143 57 38 8F3926 301 Mahogany - MED 209 102 84 D16654 304 Christmas Red - MED 188 0 97 BC0061 307 Lemon 255 231 109 FFE76D 309 Rose - DEEP 214 43 91 D62B5B 310 Black 0 0 0 000000 311 Navy Blue - MED 0 79 97 004F61 312 Navy Blue - LT 58 84 103 3A5467 315 Antique Mauve - VY DK 163 90 91 A35A5B 316 Antique Mauve - MED 220 141 141 DC8D8D 317 Pewter Grey 167 139 136 A78B88 318 Steel Grey - LT 197 198 190 C5C6BE 319 Pistachio Green - VY DK 85 95 82 555F52 320 Pistachio Green - MED 138 153 120 8A9978 321 Christmas Red 231 18 97 E71261 322 Navy Blue - VY LT 81 109 135 516D87 326 Rose - VY DEEP 188 22 65 BC1641 327 Violet - DK 61 0 103 3D0067 333 Blue Violet - VY DK 127 84 130 7F5482 334 Baby Blue - MED 115 140 170 738CAA 335 Rose 219 36 79 DB244F 336 Navy Blue 36 73 103 244967 340 Blue Violet - MED 162 121 164 A279A4 341 Blue Violet - LT 145 180 197 91B4C5347 Salmon - VY DK 194 36 67 C22443 349 Coral - DK 220 61 91 DC3D5B 350 Coral - MED 237 69 90 ED455A 351 Coral 255 128 135 FF8087 352 Coral - LT 255 157 144 FF9D90 353 Peach Flesh 255 196 184 FFC4B8 355 Terracotta - DK 189 73 47 BD492F 356 Terracotta - MED 226 114 91 E2725B 367 Pistachio Green - DK 95 112 91 5F705B 368 Pistachio Green - LT 181 206 162 B5CEA2 369 Pistachio Green - VY LT 243 250 209 F3FAD1 370 Mustard - MED 184 138 87 B88A57 371 Mustard 196 155 100 C49B64 372 Mustard - LT 203 162 107 CBA26B 400 Mahogany - DK 157 60 39 9D3C27 402 Mahogany - VY LT 255 190 164 FFBEA4 407 Sportsman Flesh - VY DK 194 101 76 C2654C 413 Pewter Grey - DK 109 95 95 6D5F5F 414 Steel Grey - DK 167 139 136 A78B88 415 Pearl Grey 221 221 218 DDDDDA 420 Hazelnut Brown - DK 140 91 43 8C5B2B 422 Hazelnut Brown - LT 237 172 123 EDAC7B 433 Brown - MED 151 84 20 975414 434 Brown - LT 178 103 70 B26746 435 Brown - VY LT 187 107 57 BB6B39 436 Tan 231 152 115 E79873 437 Tan - LT 238 171 121 EEAB79 444 Lemon - DK 255 176 0 FFB000445 Lemon - LT 255 255 190 FFFFBE 451 Shell Grey - DK 179 151 143 B3978F 452 Shell Grey - MED 210 185 175 D2B9AF 453 Shell Grey - LT 235 207 185 EBCFB9 469 Avocado Green 116 114 92 74725C 470 Avocado Green - LT 133 143 108 858F6C 471 Avocado Green - VY LT 176 187 140 B0BB8C 472 Avocado Green - ULT LT 238 255 182 EEFFB6 498 Christmas Red - LT 187 0 97 BB0061 500 Blue Green - VY DK 43 57 41 2B3929 501 Blue Green - DK 67 85 73 435549 502 Blue Green 134 158 134 869E86 503 Blue Green - MED 195 206 183 C3CEB7 504 Blue Green - LT ***206 221 193 CEDDC1 505 Grass Green - DK +++58 99 64 3A6340 517 Wedgwood - MED 16 127 135 107F87 518 Wedgwood - LT 102 148 154 66949A 519 Sky Blue 194 209 207 C2D1CF 520 Fern Green - DK 55 73 18 374912 522 Fern Green 159 169 142 9FA98E 523 Fern Green - LT 172 183 142 ACB78E 524 Fern Green - VY LT 205 182 158 CDB69E 535 Ash Grey - VY LT 85 85 89 555559 543 Beige Brown - ULT VY LT 239 214 188 EFD6BC 550 Violet - VY LT 109 18 97 6D1261 552 Violet - MED 146 85 130 925582 553 Violet 160 100 146 A06492 554 Violet - LT 243 206 225 F3CEE1561 Jade - VY DK 59 96 76 3B604C 562 Jade - MED 97 134 97 618661 563 Jade - LT 182 212 180 B6D4B4 564 Jade - VY LT 214 230 204 D6E6CC 580 Moss Green - DK 0 103 0 006700 581 Moss Green 151 152 49 979831 597 Turquoise 128 151 132 809784 598 Turquoise - LT 208 223 205 D0DFCD 600 Cranberry - VY DK 208 57 106 D0396A 601 Cranberry - DK 222 57 105 DE3969 602 Cranberry - MED 231 84 122 E7547A 603 Cranberry 255 115 140 FF738C 604 Cranberry - LT 255 189 202 FFBDCA 605 Cranberry - VY LT 255 207 214 FFCFD6 606 Bright Orange-Red 255 0 0 FF0000 608 Bright Orange 255 91 0 FF5B00 610 Drab Brown - VY DK 151 104 84 976854 611 Drab Brown - DK 158 109 91 9E6D5B 612 Drab Brown - MED 203 152 103 CB9867 613 Drab Brown - LT 219 176 122 DBB07A 632 Negro Flesh - MED 162 77 52 A24D34 640 Beige Grey - VY DK 163 163 157 A3A39D 642 Beige Grey - DK 174 176 170 AEB0AA 644 Beige Grey - MED 224 224 215 E0E0D7 645 Beaver Grey - VY DK 113 113 113 717171 646 Beaver Grey - DK 121 121 121 797979 647 Beaver Grey - MED 190 190 185 BEBEB9 648 Beaver Grey - LT 202 202 202 CACACA666 Christmas Red - LT 213 39 86 D52756 676 Old Gold - LT 255 206 158 FFCE9E 677 Old Gold - VY LT 255 231 182 FFE7B6 680 Old Gold - DK 209 140 103 D18C67 699 Christmas Green 0 91 6 005B06 700 Christmas Green - BRIGHT 0 96 47 00602F 701 Christmas Green - LT 79 108 69 4F6C45 702 Kelly Green 79 121 66 4F7942 703 Chartreuse 121 144 76 79904C 704 Chartreuse - BRIGHT 165 164 103 A5A467 712 Cream 245 240 219 F5F0DB 718 Plum 219 55 121 DB3779 720 Orange Spice - DK 200 36 43 C8242B 721 Orange Spice - MED 255 115 97 FF7361 722 Orange Spice - LT 255 146 109 FF926D 725 Topaz 255 200 124 FFC87C 726 Topaz - LT 255 224 128 FFE080 727 Topaz - VY LT 255 235 168 FFEBA8 728 Golden Yellow +++242 174 63 F2AE3F 729 Old Gold - MED 243 176 128 F3B080 730 Olive Green - VY DK 132 102 0 846600 731 Olive Green - DK ***140 103 0 8C6700 732 Olive Green 145 104 0 916800 733 Olive Green - MED 206 155 97 CE9B61 734 Olive Green - LT 221 166 107 DDA66B 738 Tan - VY LT 244 195 139 F4C38B 739 Tan - ULT VY LT 244 233 202 F4E9CA 740 Tangerine 255 131 19 FF8313741 Tangerine - MED 255 142 4 FF8E04 742 Tangerine - LT 255 183 85 FFB755 743 Yellow - MED 255 230 146 FFE692 744 Yellow - PALE 255 239 170 FFEFAA 745 Yellow - LT PALE 255 240 197 FFF0C5 746 Off White 246 234 219 F6EADB 747 Sky Blue - VY LT 240 247 239 F0F7EF 754 Peach Flesh - LT 251 227 209 FBE3D1 758 Terracotta - VY LT 255 177 147 FFB193 760 Salmon 249 160 146 F9A092 761 Salmon - LT 255 201 188 FFC9BC 762 Pearl Grey - VY LT 232 232 229 E8E8E5 772 Pine Green - LT 231 249 203 E7F9CB 775 Baby Blue - VY LT 247 246 248 F7F6F8 776 Pink - MED ***255 177 174 FFB1AE 777 Red - DEEP +++155 0 66 9B0042 778 Antique Mauve - VY LT 255 199 184 FFC7B8 779 Brown +++83 51 45 533324 780 Topaz - ULT VY DK 181 98 46 B5622E 781 Topaz - VY DK ***181 107 56 B56B38 782 Topaz - DK 204 119 66 CC7742 783 Topaz - MED 225 146 85 E19255 791 Cornflower Blue - VY DK 71 55 93 47375D 792 Cornflower Blue - DK 97 97 128 616180 793 Cornflower Blue - MED 147 139 164 938BA4 794 Cornflower Blue - LT 187 208 218 BBD0DA 796 Royal Blue - DK 30 58 95 1E3A5F 797 Royal Blue 30 66 99 1E4263798 Delft - DK 103 115 141 67738D 799 Delft - MED 132 156 182 849CB6 800 Delft - PALE 233 238 233 E9EEE9 801 Coffee Brown - DK 123 71 20 7B4714 803 Blue - DEEP +++32 39 84 202754 806 Peacock Blue - DK ***30 130 133 1E8285 807 Peacock Blue 128 167 160 80A7A0 809 Delft 190 193 205 BEC1CD 813 Blue - LT 175 195 205 AFC3CD 814 Garnet - DK 162 0 88 A20058 815 Garnet - MED 166 0 91 A6005B 816 Garnet 179 0 91 B3005B 817 Coral Red - VY DK 219 24 85 DB1855 818 Baby Pink 255 234 235 FFEAEB 819 Baby Pink - LT 248 247 221 F8F7DD 820 Royal Blue - VY DK 30 54 85 1E3655 822 Beige Grey - LT 242 234 219 F2EADB 823 Navy Blue - DK 0 0 73 000049 824 Blue - VY DK 71 97 116 476174 825 Blue - DK 85 108 128 556C80 826 Blue - MED 115 138 153 738A99 827 Blue - VY LT 213 231 232 D5E7E8 828 Blue - ULT VY LT 237 247 238 EDF7EE 829 Golden Olive - VY DK 130 90 8 825A08 830 Golden Olive - DK 136 95 18 885F12 831 Golden Olive - MED 144 103 18 906712 832 Golden Olive 178 119 55 B27737 833 Golden Olive - LT 219 182 128 DBB680834 Golden Olive - VY LT 242 209 142 F2D18E 838 Beige Brown - VY DK 94 56 27 5E381B 839 Beige Brown - DK 109 66 39 6D4227 840 Beige Brown - MED 128 85 30 80551E 841 Beige Brown - LT 188 134 107 BC866B 842 Beige Brown - VY LT 219 194 164 DBC2A4 844 Beaver Brown - ULT DK 107 103 102 6B6766 868 Hazelnut Brown - VY DK 153 92 48 995C30 869 Hazelnut Brown - VY DK 153 92 48 995C30 890 Pistachio Green - ULT DK 79 86 76 4F564C 891 Carnation - DK 241 49 84 F13154 892 Carnation - MED 249 90 97 F95A61 893 Carnation - LT 243 149 157 F3959D 894 Carnation - VY LT 255 194 191 FFC2BF 895 Hunter Green - VY DK 89 92 78 595C4E 898 Coffee Brown - VY DK 118 55 19 763713 899 Rose - MED 233 109 115 E96D73 900 Burnt Orange - DK 206 43 0 CE2B00 902 Garnet - VY DK 138 24 77 8A184D 904 Parrot Green - VY DK 78 95 57 4E5F39 905 Parrot Green - DK 98 119 57 627739 906 Parrot Green - MED 143 163 89 8FA359 907 Parrot Green - LT 185 200 102 B9C866 909 Emerald Green - VY DK 49 105 85 316955 910 Emerald Green - DK 48 116 91 30745B 911 Emerald Green - MED 49 128 97 318061 912 Emerald Green - LT 115 158 115 739E73 913 Nile Green - MED 153 188 149 99BC95915 Plum - DK 170 24 91 AA185B 917 Plum - MED 171 22 95 AB165F 918 Red Copper - DK 168 68 76 A8444C 919 Red Copper 180 75 82 B44B52 920 Copper - MED 197 94 88 C55E58 921 Copper 206 103 91 CE675B 922 Copper - LT 237 134 115 ED8673 924 Grey Green - VY DK 86 99 100 566364 926 Grey Green - LT 96 116 115 607473 927 Grey Green - LT 200 198 194 C8C6C2 928 Grey Green - VY LT 225 224 216 E1E0D8 930 Antique Blue - DK 102 122 140 667A8C 931 Antique Blue - MED 124 135 145 7C8791 932 Antique Blue - LT 182 186 194 B6BAC2 934 Black Avocado Green 62 59 40 3E3B28 935 Avocado Green - DK 67 63 47 433F2F 936 Avocado Green - VY DK 69 69 49 454531 937 Avocado Green - MED 73 86 55 495637 938 Coffee Brown - ULT DK 99 39 16 632710 939 Navy Blue - VY DK 0 0 49 000031 943 Aquamarine - MED 0 162 117 00A275 945 Flesh - MED 255 206 164 FFCEA4 946 Burnt Orange - MED 244 73 0 F44900 947 Burnt Orange 255 91 0 FF5B00 948 Peach Flesh - VY LT 255 243 231 FFF3E7 950 Sportsman Flesh 239 162 127 EFA27F 951 Flesh 255 229 188 FFE5BC 954 Nile Green 170 213 164 AAD5A4955 Nile Green - LT 214 230 204 D6E6CC 956 Geranium 255 109 115 FF6D73 957 Geranium - PALE 255 204 208 FFCCD0 958 Sea Green - DK 0 160 130 00A082 959 Sea Green - MED 171 206 177 ABCEB1 961 Dusty Rose - DK 243 108 123 F36C7B 962 Dusty Rose - MED 253 134 141 FD868D 963 Dusty Rose - ULT VY LT 255 233 233 FFE9E9 964 Sea Green - LT 208 224 210 D0E0D2 966 Baby Green - MED 206 213 176 CED5B0 967 Peach - LT +++255 194 172 FFC2AC 970 Pumpkin - LT 255 117 24 FF7518 971 Pumpkin ***255 106 0 FF6A00 972 Canary - DEEP 255 146 0 FF9200 973 Canary - BRIGHT 255 194 67 FFC243 975 Golden Brown - DK 158 67 18 9E4312 976 Golden Brown - MED 246 141 57 F68D39 977 Golden Brown - LT 255 164 73 FFA449 986 Forest Green - VY DK 58 82 65 3A5241 987 Forest Green - DK 83 97 73 536149 988 Forest Green - MED 134 145 110 86916E 989 Forest Green 134 153 110 86996E 991 Aquamarine - DK 47 91 73 2F5B49 992 Aquamarine 146 183 165 92B7A5 993 Aquamarine - LT 192 224 200 C0E0C8 995 Electric Blue - DK 0 123 134 007B86 996 Electric Blue - MED 170 222 225 AADEE1 3011 Khaki Green - DK 123 91 64 7B5B403012 Khaki Green - MED 170 134 103 AA8667 3013 Khaki Green - LT 208 195 164 D0C3A4 3021 Brown Grey - VY DK 115 91 93 735B5D 3022 Brown Grey - MED 172 172 170 ACACAA 3023 Brown Grey - LT 198 190 173 C6BEAD 3024 Brown Grey - VY LT 210 208 205 D2D0CD 3031 Mocha Brown - VY DK 84 56 23 543817 3032 Mocha Brown - MED 188 156 120 BC9C78 3033 Mocha Brown - VY LT 239 219 190 EFDBBE 3041 Antique Violet - MED 190 155 167 BE9BA7 3042 Antique Violet - LT 225 205 200 E1CDC8 3045 Yellow Beige - DK 216 151 105 D89769 3046 Yellow Beige - MED 229 193 139 E5C18B 3047 Yellow Beige - LT 255 236 211 FFECD3 3051 Green Grey - DK 85 73 0 554900 3052 Green Grey - MED 137 141 114 898D72 3053 Green Grey 187 179 148 BBB394 3064 Sportsman Flesh - VY DK 194 101 76 C2654C 3072 Beaver Grey - VY LT 233 233 223 E9E9DF 3078 Golden Yellow - VY LT 255 255 220 FFFFDC 3325 Baby Blue - LT 202 226 229 CAE2E5 3326 Rose - LT 255 157 150 FF9D96 3328 Salmon - DK 188 64 85 BC4055 3340 Apricot - MED 255 123 103 FF7B67 3341 Apricot 255 172 162 EBACA2 3345 Hunter Green - DK 97 100 82 616452 3346 Hunter Green 120 134 107 78866B 3347 Yellow Green - MED 128 152 115 8098733348 Yellow Green - LT 225 249 190 E1F9BE 3350 Dusty Rose - ULT DK 201 79 91 C94F5B 3354 Dusty Rose - LT 255 214 209 FFD6D1 3362 Pine Green - DK 96 95 84 605F54 3363 Pine Green - MED 116 127 96 747F60 3364 Pine Green 161 167 135 A1A787 3371 Black Brown 83 37 16 532510 3607 Plum - LT 231 79 134 E74F86 3608 Plum - VY LT 247 152 182 F798B6 3609 Plum - ULT LT 255 214 229 FFD6E5 3685 Mauve - DK 161 53 79 A1354F 3687 Mauve 203 78 97 CB4E61 3688 Mauve - MED 250 151 144 FA9790 3689 Mauve - LT 255 213 216 FFD5D8 3705 Melon - DK 255 85 91 FF555B 3706 Melon - MED 255 128 109 FF806D 3708 Melon - LT 254 212 219 FED4DB 3712 Salmon - MED 230 101 107 E6656B 3713 Salmon - VY LT 253 229 217 FDE5D9 3716 Dusty Rose - VY LT 255 211 212 FFD3D4 3721 Shell Pink - DK 184 75 77 B84B4D 3722 Shell Pink - MED 184 89 88 B85958 3726 Antique Mauve - DK 195 118 123 C3767B 3727 Antique Mauve - LT 255 199 196 FFC7C4 3731 Dusty Rose - VY DK 209 93 103 D15D67 3733 Dusty Rose 255 154 148 FF9A94 3740 Antique Violet - DK 156 125 133 9C7D85 3743 Antique Violet - VY LT 235 235 231 EBEBE73746 Blue Violet - DK 149 102 162 9566A2 3747 Blue Violet - VY LT 230 236 232 E6ECE8 3750 Antique Blue - VY DK 12 91 108 0C5B6C 3752 Antique Blue - VY LT 194 209 206 C2D1CE 3753 Antique Blue - ULT VY LT 237 247 247 EDF7F7 3755 Baby Blue 158 176 206 9EB0CE 3756 Baby Blue - ULT VY LT 248 248 252 F8F8FC 3760 Wedgwood 102 142 152 668E98 3761 Sky Blue - LT 227 234 230 E3EAE6 3765 Peacock Blue - VY DK 24 128 134 188086 3766 Peacock Blue - LT 24 101 111 18656F 3768 Grey Green - DK 92 110 108 5C6E6C 3770 Flesh - VY LT 255 250 224 FFFAE0 3771 Peach - DK +++232 172 155 E8AC9B 3772 Negro Flesh 173 83 62 AD533E 3773 Sportsman Flesh - MED ***231 134 103 E78667 3774 Sportsman Flesh - VY LT 255 220 193 FFDCC1 3776 Mahogany - LT 221 109 91 DD6D5B 3777 Terracotta - VY DK 191 64 36 BF4024 3778 Terracotta - LT 237 122 100 ED7A64 3779 Terracotta - ULT VY LT 255 177 152 FFB198 3781 Mocha Brown - DK 113 71 42 71472A 3782 Mocha Brown - LT 206 175 144 CEAF90 3787 Brown Grey - DK 139 109 115 8B6D73 3790 Beige Grey - ULT DK 140 117 109 8C756D 3799 Pewter Grey - VY DK 81 76 83 514C53 3801 Christmas Red - LT 231 71 79 E7474F 3802 Antique Mauve - VY DK 127 43 59 7F2B3B3803 Mauve - MED 171 51 87 AB3357 3804 Cyclamen Pink - DK 231 59 127 E73B7F 3805 Cyclamen Pink 243 71 139 F3478B 3806 Cyclamen Pink - LT 255 87 155 FF579B 3807 Cornflower Blue 59 75 131 3B4B83 3808 Turquoise - ULT VY DK 11 83 95 0B535F 3809 Turquoise - VY DK 31 107 123 1F6B7B 3810 Turquoise - DK 59 135 151 3B8797 3811 Turquoise - VY LT 187 227 235 BBE3EB 3812 Sea Green - VY DK 23 147 119 179377 3813 Blue Green - LT 151 195 171 97C3AB 3814 Aquamarine 35 143 107 238F6B 3815 Celadon Green - DK 99 127 107 637F6B 3816 Celadon Green 135 167 147 87A793 3817 Celadon Green - LT 175 207 191 AFCFBF 3818 Emerald Green - ULT VY DK 0 107 46 006B2F 3819 Moss Green - LT 231 235 123 E7EB7B 3820 Straw - DK 231 179 75 E7B34B 3821 Straw 243 195 91 F3C35B 3822 Straw - LT 255 211 107 FFD36B 3823 Yellow - ULT PALE 255 251 227 FFFBE3 3824 Apricot - LT 247 191 183 F7BFB7 3825 Pumpkin - PALE 255 171 131 FFAB83 3826 Golden Brown 227 155 79 E39B4F 3827 Golden Brown - PALE 247 187 119 F7BB77 3828 Hazelnut Brown 187 135 63 BB873F 3829 Old Gold - VY DK 203 111 0 CB6F00 3830 Terracotta 199 79 71 C74F473831 Raspberry - DK 170 68 77 AA444D 3832 Raspberry - MED 215 95 104 D75F68 3833 Raspberry - LT 224 124 134 E07C86 3834 Grape - DK 76 50 69 4C3245 3835 Grape - MED 113 80 105 715069 3836 Grape - LT 175 130 158 AF829E 3837 Lavender - ULT DK 109 69 137 6D4589 3838 Lavender Blue - DK 80 90 162 505AA2 3839 Lavender Blue - MED 107 123 189 6B7BBD 3840 Lavender Blue - LT 162 186 238 A2BAEE 3841 Baby Blue - PALE 199 221 235 C7DDEB 3842 Wedgwood - DK 12 65 88 0C4158 3843 Electric Blue 12 170 224 0CAAE0 3844 Bright Turquoise - DK 43 91 155 2B5B9B 3845 Bright Turquoise - MED 63 145 213 3F91D5 3846 Bright Turquoise - LT 82 173 234 52ADEA 3847 Teal Green - DK 48 77 68 304D44 3848 Teal Green - MED 65 105 97 416961 3849 Teal Green - LT 90 165 140 5AA58C 3850 Bright Green - DK 50 125 100 327D64 3851 Bright Green - LT 90 165 140 5AA58C 3852 Straw - VY DK 220 163 59 DCA33B 3853 Autumn Gold - DK 229 121 75 E5794B 3854 Autumn Gold - MED 248 171 99 F8AB63 3855 Autumn Gold - LT 253 228 174 FDE4AE 3856 Mahogany - ULT VY LT 255 190 130 FFBE82 3857 Rosewood - DK 72 43 47 482B2F 3858 Rosewood - MED 102 63 65 663F413859 Rosewood - LT 177 114 106 B1726A 3860 Cocoa 98 77 76 624D4C 3861 Cocoa - LT 146 121 120 927978 3862 Mocha Beige - DK 107 83 71 6B5347 3863 Mocha Beige - MED 134 106 88 866A58 3864 Mocha Beige - LT 196 166 141 C4A68D 3865 Winter White 255 251 244 FFFBF4 3866 Mocha Brown - ULT VY LT 245 233 213 F5E9D5 B5200 Bright White 255 255 255 FFFFFF。



METHOD 21 - DETERMINATION OF VOLATILEORGANIC COMPOUND LEAKS1.0 Scope and Application.1.1 Analytes.Analyte CAS No.No CAS number assigned Volatile Organic Compounds(VOC)1.2 Scope. This method is applicable for the determination of VOC leaks from process equipment. These sources include, but are not limited to, valves, flanges and other connections, pumps and compressors, pressure relief devices, process drains, open-ended valves, pump and compressor seal system degassing vents, accumulator vessel vents, agitator seals, and access door seals.1.3 Data Quality Objectives. Adherence to the requirements of this method will enhance the quality of the data obtained from air pollutant sampling methods.2.0 Summary of Method.2.1 A portable instrument is used to detect VOC leaks from individual sources. The instrument detector type isnot specified, but it must meet the specifications and performance criteria contained in Section 6.0. A leak definition concentration based on a reference compound is specified in each applicable regulation. This method is intended to locate and classify leaks only, and is not to beused as a direct measure of mass emission rate fromindividual sources.3.0 Definitions.3.1 Calibration gas means the VOC compound used to adjust the instrument meter reading to a known value. The calibration gas is usually the reference compound at a known concentration approximately equal to the leak definition concentration.3.2 Calibration precision means the degree of agreement between measurements of the same known value, expressed as the relative percentage of the averagedifference between the meter readings and the known concentration to the known concentration.3.3 Leak definition concentration means the local VOC concentration at the surface of a leak source that indicates that a VOC emission (leak) is present. The leak definition is an instrument meter reading based on a reference compound.3.4 No detectable emission means a local VOC concentration at the surface of a leak source, adjusted for local VOC ambient concentration, that is less than 2.5 percent of the specified leak definition concentration. that indicates that a VOC emission (leak) is not present.3.5 Reference compound means the VOC species selected as the instrument calibration basis for specification of the leak definition concentration. (For example, if a leak definition concentration is 10,000 ppm as methane, then any source emission that results in a local concentration that yields a meter reading of 10,000 on an instrument meter calibrated with methane would be classified as a leak. In this example, the leak definition concentration is 10,000 ppm and the reference compound is methane.)3.6 Response factor means the ratio of the known concentration of a VOC compound to the observed meterreading when measured using an instrument calibrated withthe reference compound specified in the applicable regulation.3.7 Response time means the time interval from a step change in VOC concentration at the input of the sampling system to the time at which 90 percent of the corresponding final value is reached as displayed on the instrumentreadout meter.4.0 Interferences. [Reserved]5.0 Safety.5.1 Disclaimer. This method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This test method may not address all of the safety problems associated with itsuse. It is the responsibility of the user of this test method to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to performing this test method.5.2 Hazardous Pollutants. Several of the compounds, leaks of which may be determined by this method, may be irritating or corrosive to tissues (e.g., heptane) or may be toxic (e.g., benzene, methyl alcohol). Nearly all are fire hazards. Compounds in emissions should be determinedthrough familiarity with the source. Appropriateprecautions can be found in reference documents, such as reference No. 4 in Section Equipment and Supplies.A VOC monitoring instrument meeting the following specifications is required:6.1 The VOC instrument detector shall respond to the compounds being processed. Detector types that may meetthis requirement include, but are not limited to, catalytic oxidation, flame ionization, infrared absorption, and photoionization.6.2 The instrument shall be capable of measuring the leak definition concentration specified in the regulation.6.3 The scale of the instrument meter shall bereadable to ±2.5 percent of the specified leak definition concentration.6.4 The instrument shall be equipped with anelectrically driven pump to ensure that a sample is provided to the detector at a constant flow rate. The nominal sample flow rate, as measured at the sample probe tip, shall be0.10 to 3.0 l/min (0.004 to 0.1 ft3/min) when the probe is fitted with a glass wool plug or filter that may be used to prevent plugging of the instrument.6.5 The instrument shall be equipped with a probe or probe extension for sampling not to exceed 6.4 mm (1/4 in)in outside diameter, with a single end opening for admission of sample.6.6 The instrument shall be intrinsically safe for operation in explosive atmospheres as defined by the National Electrical Code by the National Fire Prevention Association or other applicable regulatory code foroperation in any explosive atmospheres that may be encountered in its use. The instrument shall, at a minimum, be intrinsically safe for Class 1, Division 1 conditions, and/or Class 2, Division 1 conditions, as appropriate, as defined by the example code. The instrument shall not be operated with any safety device, such as an exhaust flame arrestor, removed.7.0 Reagents and Standards.7.1 Two gas mixtures are required for instrument calibration and performance evaluation:7.1.1 Zero Gas. Air, less than 10 parts per million by volume (ppmv) VOC.7.1.2 Calibration Gas. For each organic species that is to be measured during individual source surveys, obtain or prepare a known standard in air at a concentration approximately equal to the applicable leak definition specified in the regulation.7.2 Cylinder Gases. If cylinder calibration gas mixtures are used, they must be analyzed and certified by the manufacturer to be within 2 percent accuracy, and ashelf life must be specified. Cylinder standards must be either reanalyzed or replaced at the end of the specified shelf life.7.3 Prepared Gases. Calibration gases may beprepared by the user according to any accepted gaseous preparation procedure that will yield a mixture accurate to within 2 percent. Prepared standards must be replaced each day of use unless it is demonstrated that degradation does not occur during storage.7.4 Mixtures with non-Reference Compound Gases. Calibrations may be performed using a compound other thanthe reference compound. In this case, a conversion factor must be determined for the alternative compound such thatthe resulting meter readings during source surveys can be converted to reference compound results.8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, Storage, andTransport.8.1 Instrument Performance Evaluation. Assemble and start up the instrument according to the manufacturer's instructions for recommended warmup period and preliminary adjustments.8.1.1 Response Factor. A response factor must be determined for each compound that is to be measured, either by testing or from reference sources. The response factor tests are required before placing the analyzer into service, but do not have to be repeated at subsequent intervals. Calibrate the instrument with the reference compound as specified in the applicable regulation. Introduce the calibration gas mixture to the analyzer and record the observed meter reading. Introduce zero gas until a stable reading is obtained. Make a total of three measurements by alternating between the calibration gas and zero gas. Calculate the response factor for each repetition and the average response factor. The instrument response factors for each of the individual VOC to be measured shall be less than 10 unless otherwise specified in the applicable regulation. When no instrument is available that meets thisspecification when calibrated with the reference VOCspecified in the applicable regulation, the available instrument may be calibrated with one of the VOC to be measured, or any other VOC, so long as the instrument then has a response factor of less than 10 for each of the individual VOC to be measured. Alternatively, if response factors have been published for the compounds of interest for the instrumentor detector type, the response factor determination is not required, and existing results may be referenced. Examples of published response factors for flame ionization and catalytic oxidation detectors are included in References 1-3 of Section Calibration Precision. The calibrationprecision test must be completed prior to placing the analyzer into service and at subsequent 3-month intervals or at the next use, whichever is later. Make a total of three measurements by alternately using zero gas and the specified calibration gas. Record the meter readings. Calculate the average algebraic difference between the meter readings and theknown value. Divide this average difference by the known calibration value and multiply by 100 to express theresulting calibration precision as a percentage. The calibration precision shall be equal toor less than 10 percent of the calibration gas value.8.1.3 Response Time. The response time test is required before placing the instrument into service. If a modification to the sample pumping system or flowconfiguration is made that would change the response time, a new test is required before further use. Introduce zero gas into the instrument sample probe. When the meter reading has stabilized, switchquickly to the specified calibration gas. After switching, measure the time required to attain 90 percent of the final stable reading. Perform this test sequence three times and record the results. Calculate the average response time. The instrument response time shall be equalto or less than 30 seconds. The instrument pump, dilution probe (if any), sample probe, and probe filter that will be used during testing shall all be in place during theresponse time determination.8.2 Instrument Calibration. Calibrate the VOC monitoring instrument according to Section Individual Source Surveys.8.3.1 Type I - Leak Definition Based onConcentration. Place the probe inlet at the surface of the component interface where leakage could occur. Move theprobe along the interface periphery while observing the instrument readout. If an increased meter reading is observed, slowly sample the interface where leakage is indicated until the maximum meter reading is obtained.Leave the probe inlet at this maximum reading location for approximately two times the instrument response time. Ifthe maximum observed meter reading is greater than the leak definition in the applicable regulation, record and reportthe results as specified in the regulation reporting requirements. Examples of the application of this general technique to specific equipment types are: Valves. The most common source of leaks from valves is the seal between the stem and housing. Place the probe at the interface where the stem exits the packinggland and sample the stem circumference. Also, place the probe at the interface of the packing gland take-up flange seat and sample the periphery. In addition, survey valve housings of multipart assembly at the surface of allinterfaces where a leak could occur. Flanges and Other Connections. For welded flanges, place the probe at the outer edge of the flange-gasket interface and sample the circumference of the flange.Sample other types of nonpermanent joints (such as threaded connections) with a similar traverse. Pumps and Compressors. Conduct acircumferential traverse at the outer surface of the pump or compressor shaft and seal interface. If the source is a rotating shaft, position the probe inlet within 1 cm of the shaft-seal interface for the survey. If the housing configuration prevents a complete traverse of the shaft periphery, sample all accessible portions. Sample all other joints on the pump or compressor housing where leakage could occur. Pressure Relief Devices. The configurationof most pressure relief devices prevents sampling at the sealing seat interface. For those devices equipped with an enclosed extension, or horn, place the probe inlet at approximately the center of the exhaust area to the atmosphere. Process Drains. For open drains, place the probe inlet at approximately the center of the area open to the atmosphere. For covered drains, place the probe at the surface of the cover interface and conduct a peripheral traverse. Open-ended Lines or Valves. Place the probe inlet at approximately the center of the opening to the atmosphere. Seal System Degassing Vents and Accumulator Vents. Place the probe inlet at approximately the center of the opening to the atmosphere. Access door seals. Place the probe inlet at the surface of the door seal interface and conduct a peripheral traverse.8.3.2 Type II - "No Detectable Emission". Determine the local ambient VOC concentration around the source by moving the probe randomly upwind and downwind at a distance of one to two meters from the source. If an interference exists with this determination due to a nearby emission or leak, the local ambient concentration may be determined at distances closer to the source, but in no case shall the distance be less than 25 centimeters. Then move the probe inlet to the surface of the source and determine the concentration as outlined in Section 8.3.1. The difference between these concentrations determines whether there are no detectable emissions. Record and report the results as specified by the regulation. For those cases where the regulation requires a specific device installation, or that specified vents be ducted or piped to a control device, the existence of these conditions shall be visually confirmed. When the regulation also requires that no detectable emissions exist, visual observations and sampling surveysare required. Examples of this technique are: Pump or Compressor Seals. If applicable, determine the type of shaft seal. Perform a survey of the local area ambient VOC concentration and determine if detectable emissions exist as described in Section Seal System Degassing Vents, Accumulator Vessel Vents, Pressure Relief Devices. If applicable, observe whether or not the applicable ducting or piping exists. Also, determine if any sources exist in the ducting or piping where emissions could occur upstream of thecontrol device. If the required ducting or piping exists and there are no sources where the emissions could be vented to the atmosphere upstream of the control device, then it is presumed that no detectable emissions are present. If there are sources in the ducting or piping where emissions could be vented or sources where leaks could occur, the sampling surveys described in Section 8.3.2 shall be used todetermine if detectable emissions exist.8.3.3 Alternative Screening Procedure. A screening procedure based on the formation of bubbles in a soap solution that is sprayed on a potential leak source may be used for those sources that do not have continuously moving parts, that do not have surface temperatures greater than the boiling point or less than the freezing point of the soap solution, that do not have open areas to the atmosphere that the soap solution cannotbridge, or that do not exhibit evidence of liquid leakage. Sources that have these conditions present must be surveyed using the instrument technique of Section 8.3.1 or Spray a soap solution over all potential leak sources. The soap solution may be a commercially available leak detection solution or may be prepared usingconcentrated detergent and water. A pressure sprayer or squeeze bottle may be used to dispense the solution. Observe the potential leak sites to determine if any bubbles are formed. If no bubbles are observed, the source is presumed to have no detectable emissions or leaks as applicable. If any bubbles are observed, the instrument techniques of Section 8.3.1 or 8.3.2 shall be used to determine if a leak exists, or if the source has detectable emissions, as applicable.9.0 Quality Control.Section Quality ControlMeasure Effect8.1.2Instrument calibrationprecision check Ensure precision and accuracy, respectively,of instrument response to standard10.0Instrument calibration10.0 Calibration and Standardization.10.1 Calibrate the VOC monitoring instrument as follows. After the appropriate warmup period and zerointernal calibration procedure, introduce the calibration gas into the instrument sample probe. Adjust the instrument meter readout to correspond to the calibration gas value.NOTE: If the meter readout cannot be adjusted to the proper value, a malfunction of the analyzer is indicated and corrective actions are necessary before use.11.0 Analytical Procedures. [Reserved]12.0 Data Analyses and Calculations. [Reserved]13.0 Method Performance. [Reserved]14.0 Pollution Prevention. [Reserved]15.0 Waste Management. [Reserved]16.0 References.1. Dubose, D.A., and G.E. Harris. Response Factorsof VOC Analyzers at a Meter Reading of 10,000 ppmv for Selected Organic Compounds. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. Publication No. EPA600/2-81051. September 1981.2. Brown, G.E., et al. Response Factors of VOC Analyzers Calibrated with Methane for Selected Organic Compounds. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. Publication No. EPA 600/2-81-022. May 1981.3. DuBose, D.A. et al. Response of Portable VOC Analyzers to Chemical Mixtures. U.S. EnvironmentalProtection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. Publication No. EPA 600/2-81-110. September 1981.4. Handbook of Hazardous Materials: Fire, Safety, Health. Alliance of American Insurers. Schaumberg, IL. 1983.17.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data. [Reserved]。

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490711030229苏勇化学工程与工艺化学工程与工艺07025 500711030230贺文杰化学工程与工艺化学工程与工艺0702
510711030231李双希化学工程与工艺化学工程与工艺07025 520711030302唐培红化学工程与工艺化学工程与工艺0702
620711030316任少飞化学工程与工艺化学工程与工艺070225 630711030317王国强化学工程与工艺化学工程与工艺0702
660711030322解寅珑化学工程与工艺化学工程与工艺07025 670711030323叶修远化学工程与工艺化学工程与工艺07025
750711030331刘锦光化学工程与工艺化学工程与工艺07025 760711030114许环尹化学工程与工艺化学工程与工艺07035
780711030126向文章化学工程与工艺化学工程与工艺07035 790711030131袁垚化学工程与工艺化学工程与工艺0703
830711030216陈海亮化学工程与工艺化学工程与工艺070355 840711030218蒋子华化学工程与工艺化学工程与工艺07032
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液化净化气化3B3B1B 2B2B2B
3A2B 1A1A3A
2A3B 1B1B1B
2A2A 3B3B3B
2A3A 4B4B4B 2B3B2A
4A4A 3B2B3A 4B4A4A 1B1A1A
4A 3B3A3A 4B1B3A 1B2B2B 2B2A2A 4B4A3A
4A4B 3A3A3A 1A1A1A 1A2A4A 2A2A2A 2A A2A
2A 1A3B3A 4B2B4A 3A2B
2B1B 2B2A2A
2A3A3A 3B3A2B 2A2B4A 4A4B4A
4A1B 4A4A4A 1A2B1A
3B1B 2A1B1B 1A3B2B 1A3B3B 2A1B2B 3A2B2B 4A1B3B 3B3A3B 4B4A4B
3A 3B1B3A 5B5A5B
1B-1A3B1B 1B4B1A 1B2B3A
1A 3B1B2A
2B3B 3A2B1A 1B4B1A 4A A4A 2B2B3B 4B4B4B 1A2A1A 2A A1A 3A1A
3B4B 5A3A1A
3B2B 1B1A1B 2B2A2B 2B3B2A 3B1B1A
4A1B2A 3A2B1B 2B1B。
