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The labourer was a manufacturing animal(干活的动物), perceived as a source of profit.
a particular kind of animal该项活动的行家
beast 用来以亲切友好的方式来称呼某人,通常指男孩或男人
where is Richard, the little beast?
I know he was a grumpy little beast, but I loved him.
beastly 粗鲁地,恶劣地 The weather is beastly
brute force/strength 单纯的体力或暴力
one person is prey to another 一个人很容易受到另一人伤害或利用
one person falls prey to another
lonely secretaties fell prey to the charms of his agents.
to be prey to a unpleasant feeling因为……而闷闷不乐
He was prey to growing despair
Domestic animals

petpet project 指人们感兴趣, 给予比任何别的项目更多时间和精力的项目
He pause before returning to his pet theory
pet hate 指对某事非常憎恨
I can't think of any pet hates expect game show.
称呼喜爱的人 it's alright pet, let me do it.

质量很差的物品,the film must be a real dog
dog eat dog 形容社会竞争激烈
be dogged by something unpleasant 干扰,受影响
bitch 泼妇 感到不舒服,不快;
It was a bitch of a winter that year
说坏话 one bitches about another personhound
hound another 恐吓某人以取得利益
hound someone out of position 给某人制造麻烦以让他离职

fat cat 懒惰,贪婪的人
catty 恶毒,令人讨厌,背后说坏话的人
kitten 性感,乐于调情的女人 kittenish

what a pig you are!你真是个混蛋 t
o pig oneself/pig out 大吃大喝, 尤其吃不健康食品

sheep 形容人云亦云,盲目跟从的人
sheepish 因为自己做错事或不诚实而显得有点尴尬或惭愧
He returned, looking sheepish
lamb 形容所喜欢的人以及温和,好心,不麻烦的人
house around指傻里傻气地跟别人起哄


it is itself the text, with terms and grammar; it is a metaphor, through physical evidence, for another body / thoughts.


Translation is regarded by certain scholars as transformation of metaphors since words are metaphors of the physical world.


In both languages, there is metaphorical mapping between the domain of common perception verbs and the domains

of social interaction and material world as well as the domain of cognition.


The Gathas are filled with light and sun imagery; light is not only physical, but metaphysical , the prime symbol for Goodness and God.


Analyzing the pervasiveness of the metaphorical basis in view of material, physiology and psychology, the inevitability of metaphorical language is expounded and proved.


This paper analyzes the sameness and difference of love metaphor and finally gets the conclusion that the reason exists in the same physical experiences and the diversity of cultures.


This paper explores the causes behind the semantic evolution of the concepts of Five Elements, which might help to construe the cognitive and thinking ways of Chinese ancients.


Metaphor is closely related to human experiences which are a product of our interactions with the physical and cultural environments.


They indulged freely in metaphorical language and quite seriously discussed such problems as what in the social "body" should be classed as "intercellular substance."


This paper studies the cultural differences between the English and Chinese metaphors from the perspective of the material, institutional and psychological culture.

——这个例子可被解读为一 种作者给出的隐喻:设计和消费主义相辅相成,将个人视作孩子气的主体,需要不断 以来新的物质刺激来保持快乐,消减了人的能动性。

It can be read as the authors' metaphor of design's diminishing of human agency and treat people as childish, infantile subjects who always need material stimulation to keep happy.



But the diversity of cultures makes differences between English and Chinese expressions in love metaphors.
