航空航天仪器仪表机电过滤流体与气体处理液压气动过程控制密封与屏蔽2Parker Hannifin Corporation Pneumatic Division - EuropePHCPNE0005P1A 气缸特点气缸 液压缸 电动缸负载安全 *** *** *负载大小 *** *** *速度变化 *** *** *速度 *** ** **可靠性 *** *** ***坚固 *** *** *安装成本 *** * **维修成本*** ** *潮湿环境下的安全性 *** *** *爆炸环境下的安全性 *** *** *电气装置的安全风险 *** *** *抗漏油的风险 *** * ***清洁卫生 *** ** *尺寸标准化 *** *** *使用寿命*** *** *需要液压系统配合 *** * ***重量 ** ** **采购价格 *** ** *功率密度 ** *** *产生噪音 ** *** **推力尺寸比 ** *** *定位 * *** ***能量消耗 * ** ***保养周期 * ** ***需要压缩机 * *** **** = 好,**=中等,***=优秀3Parker Hannifin Corporation Pneumatic Division - EuropePHCPNE0005P1A 气缸内容 页码ISO 气缸系列,P1A ........................................................................................4-5气缸作用力 .........................................................................................................6主要参数.............................................................................................................7工作介质,空气质量 ..........................................................................................7材料参数.............................................................................................................8缓冲性能.............................................................................................................8尺寸 ....................................................................................................................9选择合适的管路..........................................................................................10-11订购代码...........................................................................................................12标准行程...........................................................................................................12P1A 单作用气缸订购指南..................................................................................13P1A 双作用气缸订购指南............................................................................14-15P1A 气缸导杆 ..............................................................................................16-18气缸附件.....................................................................................................19-22传感器 ........................................................................................................23-26带一个插头的电缆 ............................................................................................27电缆连接的公接头 .. (27)4Parker Hannifin Corporation Pneumatic Division - EuropePHCPNE0005P1A 气缸双作用和单作用气缸P1A 系列气缸的设计使其适用广泛的应用场合。
气缸使用说明书 十
JKX F气缸 F 气缸 KJ X 855 详细说明图说明书
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F气 缸
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二、气缸结构及工作原理1. 结构气缸一般由气缸筒、活塞、活塞杆、密封件、进气口和出气口等部分组成。
2. 工作原理气缸的工作原理基本上是依靠压缩空气的作用。
三、使用注意事项1. 安装在使用气缸之前,首先需要进行正确的安装。
安装时应注意以下事项:- 气缸应采用固定安装方式,并保证其与相应设备的连接牢固稳定。
- 确保气缸的进气口和出气口连接正确,并且密封良好,避免漏气现象的发生。
- 安装过程中,避免碰撞气缸,以免损坏。
2. 操作在正式使用气缸时,需要注意以下操作事项:- 在使用气缸前,应先检查气缸及其连接部分是否有损坏或松动情况,确保安全可靠。
- 根据实际需要,合理控制气缸的进气口和出气口的开闭,以保证气缸的正常工作。
- 在操作过程中,避免过度使用气缸,以免增加其工作负荷或损坏零件。
- 在气缸工作时,注意观察气缸的工作状态,发现异常情况及时停止使用并进行检修。
3. 维护保养为了延长气缸的使用寿命,定期进行维护保养是必要的。
以下是一些建议的维护保养方法:- 定期清洁气缸,避免灰尘和污垢积累,影响气缸的正常工作。
- 检查气缸的密封件是否完好,如有损坏应及时更换,以保证气缸的密封性能。
- 定期给气缸加油润滑,以减少磨损和摩擦,保持气缸的良好运行状态。
- 定期检查气缸的连接部分是否松动,如有松动应紧固,保证气缸的稳定性。
紧凑型气缸 ADN AEN 商品说明书
紧凑型气缸 ADN/AEN,符合 ISO 21287/r涵盖您自动化应用的 80% q通常能从工厂快速备货发出全球 13 个服务中心备有现货2200 多种现货产品一流简单始终有现货Festo 一贯质量水平,优惠的价格简化采购和仓储w通常能从工厂较快备货发出全球 4 个服务中心为您提供装配每个产品系列派生型可多达 6 × 1012只要找到这些星标!e Festo 核心产品范围为您大部分的自动化应用提供解决方案Festo 核心产品范围由我们的庞大的产品样本精选了最重要的产品和功能,而且交付十分迅速。
全球:简单:快速:急速交货 – 随时随地下单一流的 Festo 质量水准选型快捷核心产品范围为您的自动化应用提供最佳性价比。
只需找到这颗星星!2d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2021/05紧凑型气缸 ADN/AEN ,符合 ISO 21287主要特性概览端盖内的定位孔匹配定位销 ZBS磁体,用于电子式位置感测三侧有传感器槽,用于齐平安装接近开关集成缓冲,用于吸收残余能量活塞杆可选外螺纹或内螺纹安装选项:内螺纹和通孔超越标准强大的性能便利可靠• 紧凑型气缸系列 ADN/AEN 符合标准 ISO 21287• ADN/AEN 派生型众多,其结构紧凑,应用广泛,因而与众不同• 得益于模块化产品系统,可根据个性化需要配置派生型• 集成缓冲,用于吸收残余能量• 具有非同一般的缓冲特性以及极小的摩擦系数,使用寿命长• 易于安装,安装附件齐全,可用于几乎任何一种安装形式• 派生型众多,灵活性极佳• 用接近开关电子式感测位置• 优化的制造工艺,采用专利技术,在气缸领域有着 40 多年的积累,成就了 Festo 和 ADN/AEN 这对好组合缓冲形式ISO 21287 和 ISO 15552 标准缓冲能力缓冲 P缓冲 PPS工作方式• 该气缸配备塑料弹性缓冲垫工作方式• 该气缸配备自调节气动缓冲就缓冲能力而言,紧凑型气缸 ADN-...-PPS 填补了 ADN-...-P 和 ISO 15552 标准气缸之间的空白。
文件No.CG1*-OM0227Q-A气缸C*G1*N*-*ZC*G1*A*-*ZC*G1*N*-*Z-XC85C*G1*N*-*Z-X446安全注意事项 P2 1. 产品规格P4 1-1. 规格2.设置方法・使用方法P42-1. 使用空气2-2. 设计注意事项2-3. 安装·设置2-4. 使用环境条件2-5. 速度控制2-6. 允许动能2-7. 方向控制2-8. 磁性开关3. 保养点检P18 3-1. 点检3-2. 密封件的更换方法3-3. 消耗品3-4. 故障与对策4. 订制品(XC85,X446) P254-1.食品机械用润滑脂规格4-2. PTFE润滑脂规格5. 气缸使用的基本回路P266. 构造P27-1-安全注意事项此处所示的注意事项是为了确保您能安全正确地使用本产品,预先防止对您和他人造成危害和伤害而制定的。
无论哪个等级都是与安全相关的重要内容,所以除了遵守国际规格(ISO/IEC)、日本工业规格(JIS)*1)以及其他安全法规*2)外,这些内容也请务必遵守。*1) ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power -- General rules relating to systemsISO 4413: Hydraulic fluid power -- General rules relating to systemsIEC 60204-1: Safety of machinery -- Electrical equipment of machines (Part 1: General requirements)ISO 10218-1: Robots for industrial environments—Safety requirements –Part 1:RobotJIS B 8370: 空气压系统通则JIS B 8361: 油压系统通则JIS B 9960-1: 机械类的安全性-机械的电气装置(第1部:一般要求事项)JIS B 8433-1: 工业用机器人-安全要求事项-第1部:机器人等*2) 劳动安全卫生法等注意误操作时,有人员受伤的风险以及物品破损的风险。警告误操作时,有人员受到重大伤害甚至死亡的风险。
PHD BCZ系列气缸产品说明书
SOLUTIONS FORINDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION(800) 624-8511/bczBCZ04C SERIES BCZNOZZLE CYLINDERSP T P I C MOOQl DA division L ASI C A C K A GNG O P N E N T S G R U P SOLUTIONSu a i t ye l i v e r y Supportof PHD(800) 624-8511/bczBCZ04CORDERING DATA: SERIES BCZ NOZZLE CYLINDERSINDEX:Ordering Data PageBenefitsPages 3 and 4Engineering Data Page 5Dimensions Page 6OptionsPages 7 to 9Exploded Views &Parts ListsPage 0 andOther PPC Solutions Page© Copyright 0 , by PHD, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.3(800) 624-8511/bczBCZ04C MODEL BCZ2S-7-80x45CYLINDER ■ Replacement for Sidel ®Model Series Machines.MODEL BCZ2S-7-80x45-U22 CYLINDER■ Replacement for Sidel ® Model Series Machines. ■ Valve manifold provides exceptional response time.Common Benefits• PHD Cylinder mounts into the same space and bolt patterns. • Provides significantly longer life and reduces maintenance and downtime.• Internal shock pads are standard, eliminating metal-to-metal contact.• Cylinders are easily field repairable, and rebuild program is available to maximize your investment.•Consult PHD for other standard and custom options available.Industry Uses• Plastic Packaging• Provides Significantly Longer Life • Reduces Maintenance and Downtime • Easy and Fast RepairsSERIES BCZ CSD NOZZLE CYLINDERSAny other marks or names referenced herein are either registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective owners. No association with or endorsement of any company, organization, or product is intended or should be inferred.*For maximum life, PHD recommends lubricating all seals which come in contact with the stretch rod every 3 months with FDA food grade lubricant.*As machine set-ups and conditions vary, PHD Inc. cannot guarantee the same extended life will be seen as that resulting from PHD’s own lab testing of the stretch rod seal.Sidel ® unitized body is 100% machined high strength aluminum, providing wear resistance and precise motionprovidespiston and rod FDA approved lubrication throughout the actuatorlong life, and smooth decelerationpolyurethane rod wiper press fit with retaining ring - integrated removal grooves to simplify rebuildingprovides better provides 3x longer life nut kit4(800) 624-8511/bczBCZ04CMODEL BCZ2D-7-80x43CYLINDER ■ Replacement for Sidel ®Model Series Machines.MODEL BCZ2D-7-80x43-U22 CYLINDER■ Replacement for Sidel ® Model Series Machines. ■ Valve manifold provides exceptional response time.Common Benefits• Provides significantly longer life and reduces maintenance and downtime.• Internal shock pads are standard, eliminating metal-to-metal contact.• Cylinders are easily field repairable, and rebuild program is available to maximize your investment.• Consult PHD for other standard and custom options available.Industry Uses• Plastic Packaging• Reduces Maintenance and Downtime • Easy and Fast RepairsSERIES BCZ HEAT SET NOZZLE CYLINDERSAny other marks or names referenced herein are either registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective owners. No association with or endorsement of any company, organization, or product is intended or should be inferred.- integrated removal provides better manifold mounted MAC 400 Series valve provides exceptional response times to the actuator -optionally providedfor easy replacementintegrated jack screws added to simplify rebuildprovide quiet operation,nut kitlong life seal provides 3x longer life than previous BCZ seals tested in a lab environment*Standard Proximity Flag (not shown)*For maximum life, PHD recommends lubricating all seals which come in contact with the stretch rod every 3 months with FDA food grade lubricant.*As machine set-ups and conditions vary, PHD Inc. cannot guarantee the same extended life will be seen as that resulting from PHD’s own lab testing of the stretch rod seal.5(800) 624-8511/bczBCZ04C ENGINEERING DATA: SERIES BCZ NOZZLE CYLINDERSLIfE EXPECtaNCySeries BCZ Cylinders have been designed for 5 milliontrouble-free cycles except for high pressure stretch rod seal. Long life stretch rod seal provides 3 times longer life than previous Series BCZ seals tested in a lab environment. Operation with lubricated air can extend cylinder life.CyCLE RatESeries BCZ Nozzle Cylinders meet or exceed cycle rate ofcompetitor’s unit when using optional manifold/valve combinations.MaINtENaNCEAs with most PHD products, these cylinders are field repairable. Repair kits, tooling kits, and main structuralcomponents are available as needed for extended service. Optional rebuild service is available.LUBRICatIONSeries BCZ Nozzle Cylinders are lubricated with FDAapproved food grade lube which provides extended life and better performance. For maximum stretch rod seal life (item 4D in exploded view on pages 0 & ), PHD recommends lubricating every 3 months.As machine set-ups and conditions vary, PHD Inc. cannot guarantee the same extended life will be seen as that resulting from PHD’s own lab testing of the stretch rod seal.6(800) 624-8511/bczBCZ04CDIMENSIONS: SERIES BCZ NOZZLE CYLINDERS* DIMENSION FOR EXTEND IS 6.496 [ 65]3) M5 MOUNTING HOLES FACILITATE NAMUR INTERFACE4) M4 MOUNTING HOLES FACILITATE PHD SUPPLIED MANIFOLD INTERFACEFOR 4mm SHAFTMODEL BCZ2S-7-80x45 CSD CYLINDERMODEL BCZ2D-7-80x43 HEAT SET CYLINDERFOR 4 mm SHAFT) DIMENSIONS IN [ ] ARE mm* DIMENSION FOR EXTEND IS 6.496 [ 65]3) M6 MOUNTING HOLES FACILITATE PHD SUPPLIED MANIFOLD INTERFACE7(800) 624-8511/bczBCZ04CAll dimensions are reference only unless specifically toleranced.StRaIGHt PORt fIttING INStaLLED fOR 8 mm tUBINGThis option provides straight fittings for 8 mm tubing. See page 9 for dimensions of fittings with valve options.90° ELBOW PORt fIttING INStaLLED fOR 8 mm tUBINGThis option provides 90° swivel elbow fittings for 8 mm tubing. See page 9 for dimensions of fittings with valve options.8(800) 624-8511/bczBCZ04CattaCHED MaC 400 VaLVEThis option provides a manifold mounted valvecombination that uses a MAC 400 Series valve. This option improves reaction time and simplifies plumbing issues. An exhaust orifice is installed in the valve so that the cylinder will achieve cycle rates of an OEM cylinder. Removing this orifice will decrease actuation time.-U22PLUMBING SCHEMatICS50 PSI MAXBCZ2D HEat SEt CyLINDERBCZ2S CSD CyLINDERMODEL BCZ2S CSD CYLINDERMODEL BCZ2D HEAT SET CYLINDER9(800) 624-8511/bczBCZ04C MaNIfOLD CIRCUIt ONLy fOR MaC 400 VaLVEThe MC3 option provides a manifold circuit only for use with MAC 400 Series valves. All hardware relating to mounting the valve such as mufflers and seals will be provided in kit form. An exhaust orifice is supplied with the kit so that the cylinder will achieve cycle rates of an OEM cylinder. Removing this orifice will decreaseactuation time.-L1308-U22NOTE:MUFFLERS, SCREWS AND MANIFOLD O-RINGS WILL BE PROVIDED INSEPARATE BAG FOR INSTALLATION OF VALVESMODEL BCZ2S CSD CYLINDERMODEL BCZ2D HEAT SET CYLINDERMODEL BCZ2S CSD CYLINDERMODEL BCZ2D HEAT SET CYLINDER(800) 624-8511/bczBCZ04CEXPLODED VIEW: SERIES BCZ2S NOZZLE CYLINDERS(800) 624-8511/bczBCZ04C EXPLODED VIEW: SERIES BCZ2D NOZZLE CYLINDERS(800) 624-8511/bczBCZ04Cautomation components: from standard stretch rod cylinders, blow nozzle cylinders, needle cylinders, preform/bottle eject slides, and transfer arms to grippers, cylinders, and escapements. Thepossibilities are virtually endless.If an application requires a modified component, our Plastic Packaging Components group is ready to help. We welcome special requests for unique products, regardless of quantity or frequency of order. PHD and your local MDN partner will work closely with you to find a solution to your application needs.These products, supported by our strong commitment to delivery and service, have made us a leader in industrial automation.We have the solutions for your processes. — Blow Nozzle Cylinders, single and dual cavity — Stretch Rod Cylinders — Needle Cylinders — Transfer Arms— Mold Control Cylinders — Leak Test Cylinders — Knock Out Cylinders— Removal Cylinders and Grippers — Labeling & Slide Knife Actuators — Packaging & PalletizingOTHER PLASTIC PACKAGING SOLUTIONS300 0/ 8489Series BCS Stretch Rod CylinderThis unit can be used as a replacement for Sidel ® Series Machines. (request the BCS catalog)Series1 Nozzle CylinderUpgrade for Mechanical NozzleThis upgrade can save energy, improve production/quality and enable your machine to run lighter preforms. (request the S1NOZZLE catalog)PHD, Inc.9009 Clubridge DriveP .O. Box 9070, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46899 U.S.A.Phone (260) 747-6151 • Fax (260) •******************PHDinEurope GmbH Arnold-Sommerfeld-Ring 252499 Baesweiler, GermanyTel. +49 (0)2401 805 230 • Fax +49 (0)2401 805 232•*******************。
PNEUMATIC ACTUATION 2021/06 GUIDED CYLINDERS > SERIES QC CYLINDERSProducts designed for industrial applications.General terms and conditions for sale are available on .4.05.1 200Series QCcylinders with integrated guideDouble-acting, magnetic piston, guided0 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63 mm» Magnetic sensors can be mountedon both sides » QCT: bronzebushings version » QCB: ballbearing guide version» Movement andguidance in one unitBoth versions are equipped with fixed cushioningto prevent direct impact with the end covers. Thedesign of the cylinder body allows the mountingof the cylinder using either top, bottom or sidefaces. Several “T” shaped grooves in two facesallow sensors to be fitted in a number ofpositions.Out of standard strokes are available on demandonly.GENERAL DATAType of constructioncompact guidedQCT = sintered bronze bushesQCB = linear ball bearingsOperation double-actingMaterialsbody = anodized ALflange = zinc-plated steelpiston rod = rolled stainless steel AISI 303QCT columns = rolled stainless steel 420BQCB columns = hardened steel C50 seals = PUMounting threaded and non-threaded holes in the bodyStrokes min. max see tableOperating temperature0°C + 80°C (with dry air - 20°C)Speed50 + 500 mm/sOperating pressure 1 + 10 barFluidclean air, non lubricated. If lubricated air is used, it is recommended to use oil ISOVG32. Once applied the lubrication should never beinterrupted.CAMOZZI AutomationThese actuators, suitable for use in very limited space, are available in two versions. QCT version: with sintered bronze bushes, suitable when the side loads applied to the cylinder are high.QCB version: with linear ball bearings, suitable for high precision and fast cycling applications. SERIESQCCYLINDERS«CAMOZZIGUIDED CYLINDERS > SERIES QC CYLINDERS PNEUMATIC ACTUATION 2021/06Products designed for industrial applications.General terms and conditions for sale are available on .4.05.2 201STANDARD STROKES FOR DOUBLE-ACTING CYLINDERS SERIES QC■ = Double -actingPNEUMATIC SYMBOLSThe pneumatic symbols which have been indicated in the CODING EXAMPLE are shown below.Automation S E R I E S Q C C Y L I N D E R SCODING EXAMPLE«CAMOZZIPNEUMATIC ACTUATION 2021/06GUIDED CYLINDERS > SERIES QC CYLINDERSProducts designed for industrial applications.General terms and conditions for sale are available on .4.05.3 202I TABLE OF PERMISSABLE LOADS (F)For sintered bronze bushes QCT version For linear ball bearings QCB versionF (N) 1N = 0.102 kgf Ex.: QCT2A025A020 = F = 140N| TABLE OF PERMISSABLE MOMENTS (M)For sintered bronze bushes QCT version For linear ball bearings QCB versionM (N*m) 1N*m = 0,102 kgf *m Ex.: QCT2A025A020 = M = 3,4 NmS E R I E S Q C C Y L I N D E R S«CAMOZZIGUIDED CYLINDERS > SERIES QC CYLINDERS PNEUMATIC ACTUATION 2021/06Products designed for industrial applications.General terms and conditions for sale are available on .4.05.4 201In case of use of lateral ports, unscrew the related threaded caps, screw them in the front ports and tighten them up to the cylinder surface (not tighter) having care to use a proper sealer. DIMENSIONSDimension 02 (mm) 0 20 0 25 0 32 0 40 0 50 0 63 Dimension 04 (mm) 0 20 0 25 0 32 0 40 0 50 0 63 20 - 30 24 24 24 24 24 28 20 - 30 29 29 33 34 36 38 40 - 10044 44 48 48 48 52 40 - 100 39 39 45 46 48 50 125 - 200120120124124124128125 - 200777783848688DIMENSIONS 0 A0D E1 E2FF1F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 G1 G2 HH1 L1 L2 Ml M2N 01 03P1/P2P3 Q R S Y Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 X X1 X2 J K 20 10 10 70 18 Gl/8 10.5 10.5 25 12.5 11.5 10.5 81 30 72 54 37 53 83 36 24 17 28 M5X0.8 M6X1 13 12 6 28 3 3.5 3 6 5.5 9 5 44 M5 25 10 12 78 26 G1/8 11.5 8 28.5 12.5 13.5 11.59140 82 64 37.5 53.5 93 42 30 17 34M6X1M6X115 126 344 4.5 36 5.5 9550M5 32 12 16 96 30 G1/8 12.5 9.5 34 7 15 12.5 110 45 987837.5 59.5 112 48 34 21 42 M8X1.25 M8X1.25 20 16 10 42 4 4.5 3 6 6.5 11 6.5 63 M6 40 12 16 104 30 G1/8 13 12 38 13 18 13 118 45 106 86 44 66 120 54 40 22 50 M8X1.25 M8X1.25 20 16 10 50 4 4.5 3 6 6.5 11 6.5 72 M6 50 15 20 130 40 G1/41411 47 8 21.5 1214660 130 110 44 72 148 64 46 24 66 M10X1.5 M10X1.5 22 20 13 66 5 6 4 8 8.5 14 8.5 92M86315 20 13050 G1/4 14.5 11.455122814.5 158 70 142 124497716278 58 24 80 M10X1.5 M10X1.5 22 20 13 805 648 8.514 8.5 110 M10Automation| Cylinders Series QC+ = add the strokeNote: for out of standard intermediate strokes (ex. stroke 35), consider the immediately higher stroke dimensions (ex. stroke 40).For 0C, B, L3 dimensions, see the following page.S E R I E S Q C C Y L I N D E R S«CAMOZZIQCB: total length (L3), projection (B) and guide columns 0 (0C)QCT: total length (L3), projection (B) and columns 0 (0C)Note: for out of standard intermediate strokes (ex. stroke 35), consider the immediately higher stroke dimensions (ex.stroke 40). Standard strokes can be found in the dedicated table on page 4.05.02.Products designed for industrial applications.4.05.05General terms and conditions for sale are available on .PNEUMATIC ACTUATION 2021/06GUIDED CYLINDERS > SERIES QC CYLINDERSNote: for out of standard intermediate strokes (ex. stroke 35), consider the immediately higher stroke dimensions (ex. stroke 40). Standard strokes can be found in the dedicated table on page 4.05.02.Dimensions L3 and B change according to the different strokes of QCB.S E R I E S Q C C Y L I N D E R SDimensions L3 and B change according to the different strokes of QCT.204。
Doc. no. CU**-OM0002E-AFREE MOUNT CYLINDERC(D)U SERIESC(D)UK SERIESC(D)UW SERIESC(D)UKW SERIES1/10 Instructions 2 Safety1.Specifications 42.InstallationHandling 6 and3.Maintenance 94.Basic Circuit for Cylinder Operation 95.Troubleshooting 10Free Mount Cylinder / Series CU Safety InstructionsThese safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/or equipment damage.These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard with the labels of “Caution,” “Warning” or “Danger.”They are all important notes for safety and must be followed in addition to International Standards (ISO/IEC), Japan Industrial Standards (JIS)*1) and other safety regulations*2).*1) ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power -- General rules relating to systems ISO 4413: Hydraulic fluid power -- General rules relating to systemsIEC 60204-1: Safety of machinery -- Electrical equipment of machines (Part 1: General requirements) ISO 10218-1992: Manipulating industrial robots -- Safety JIS B 8370: General rules for pneumatic equipment. JIS B 8361: General rules for hydraulic equipment.JIS B 9960-1: Safety of machinery – Electrical equipment for machines. (Part 1: General requirements) JIS B 8433-1993: Manipulating industrial robots - Safety. etc. *2) Labor Safety and Sanitation Law, etc.Caution Caution indicates a hazard with a low level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.Warning Warning indicates a hazard with a medium level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.DangerDanger indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if not avoided, will result indeath or serious injury.Warning1. The compatibility of the product is the responsibility of the person who designs the equipment or decides its specifications.Since the product specified here is used under various operating conditions, its compatibility with specific equipment must be decided by the person who designs the equipment or decides its specifications based on necessary analysis and test results. The expected performance and safety assurance of the equipment will be the responsibility of the person who has determined its compatibility with the product. This person should also continuously review all specifications of the product referring to its latest catalog information, with a view to giving due consideration to any possibility of equipment failure when configuring the equipment.2. Only personnel with appropriate training should operate machinery and equipment.The product specified here may become unsafe if handled incorrectly. The assembly, operation and maintenance of machines or equipment including our products must be performed by an operator who is appropriately trained and experienced. 3. Do not service or attempt to remove product and machinery/equipment until safety is confirmed.The inspection and maintenance of machinery/equipment should only be performed after measures to prevent falling or runaway of the driven objects have been confirmed. When the product is to be removed, confirm that the safety measures as mentioned above are implemented and the power from any appropriate source is cut, and read and understand the specific product precautions of all relevant products carefully. Before machinery/equipment is restarted, take measures to prevent unexpected operation and malfunction.4. Contact SMC beforehand and take special consideration of safety measures if the product is to be used in any of the following conditions.1) Conditions and environments outside of the given specifications, or use outdoors or in a place exposed to direct sunlight.2) Installation on equipment in conjunction with atomic energy, railways, air navigation, space, shipping, vehicles, military, medical treatment, combustion and recreation, or equipment in contact with food and beverages, emergency stop circuits, clutch and brake circuits in press applications, safety equipment or other applications unsuitable for the standard specifications described in the product catalog.3) An application which could have negative effects on people, property, or animals requiring special safety analysis.4) Use in an interlock circuit, which requires the provision of double interlock for possible failure by using a mechanical protective function, and periodical checks to confirm proper operation.Free Mount Cylinder / Series CUSafety InstructionsCautionThe product is provided for use in manufacturing industries.The product herein described is basically provided for peaceful use in manufacturing industries.If considering using the product in other industries, consult SMC beforehand and exchange specificationsor a contract if necessary.If anything is unclear, contact your nearest sales branch.Limited warranty and Disclaimer/Compliance RequirementsThe product used is subject to the following “Limited warranty and Disclaimer” and “Compliance Requirements”. Read and accept them before using the product.Limited warranty and DisclaimerThe warranty period of the product is 1 year in service or 1.5 years after the product is delivered.*3) Also, the product may have specified durability, running distance or replacement parts.Please consult your nearest sales branch.For any failure or damage reported within the warranty period which is clearly our responsibility,a replacement product or necessary parts will be provided.This limited warranty applies only to our product independently, and not to any other damage incurred due to the failure of the product.Prior to using SMC products, please read and understand the warranty terms and disclaimers noted in the specified catalog for the particular products.*3) Vacuum pads are excluded from this 1 year warranty.A vacuum pad is a consumable part, so it is warranted for a year after it is delivered.Also, even within the warranty period, the wear of a product due to the use of the vacuum pad orfailure due to the deterioration of rubber material are not covered by the limited warranty.Compliance RequirementsWhen the product is exported, strictly follow the laws required by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law).2. Installation and Handling① There is a possibility of dangerous suddenaction by air cylinders if sliding parts of machinery are twisted due to external forces, etc. In such cases, injury to personnel may occur; e.g., by catchinghands or feet in the machinery, or damage to the machinery itself may occur. Therefore, the machine should be designed to operate smoothly and avoid such dangers.② A protective cover is recommended to minimize the risk of personal injury.If a driven object and moving parts of the product are in close proximity, injury to personnel may occur. Design the system to avoid all contact with the human body.③ Securely tighten all stationary parts and connected parts so that they will not become loose.When the product operates with high frequency or is installed where there is a lot of vibration, ensure that all parts remain secure.④ A deceleration circuit or shock absorber etc., may be required.When a driven object is operated at high speed or the load is heavy, a cylinder’s cushion will not be sufficient to absorb the shock. Install a deceleration circuit to reduce the speed before cushioning, or install an external shock absorber to relieve the shock. In this case, please verify the rigidity of the equipment carefully.⑤ Consider the possibility of a reduction in the circuit air pressure caused by a power failure.There is a danger of workpieces dropping if there is a decrease of thrust due to a drop in circuit pressure caused by a power outage, etc. Therefore, safety equipment should be installed to prevent damage to machinery and/or injury to personnel. Suspension equipment and lifting devices also require measures to prevent dropping.⑥ C onsider a possible loss of power source.Measures should be taken to prevent injury and equipment damage in the event that there is a power malfunction to equipment controlled by air pressure, electricity or hydraulics, etc.⑦ D esign a circuit to prevent sudden action of a driven object.Design a circuit and choose equipment to prevent quick extension, which may cause injury to personnel or damage to machinery, in the following cases:activating the cylinder with the exhaust centre type direction control valve starting after the circuit’s residual pressure has been emitted pressure is added to one side of the piston from !Warning2-2 Selection!Warning① Confirm the specifications.The product is designed only for use in industrial compressed air systems. Do not operate at pressures or temperatures, etc., beyond the range of specifications, as this can cause damage or malfunction. Please contact SMC if using for other fluids than compressed air.② Intermediate stopDue to the compressibility of air it is difficult for this product to make a piston stop at the required intermediate position accurately and precisely by using a 3 position closed center type directional control valve. Furthermore, since valves and cylinders are not guaranteed for zero air leakage, it may not be possible to hold a stopped position for extended periods of time. Contact SMC if it is necessary to hold the stopped position for extended periods of time.① Operate the product within a range such that thepiston will not collide and be damaged at the stroke end.For applications where the piston with inertia force is expected to stop by colliding with the cover at the stroke end, use it within a range that will not cause damage (within the allowable kinetic energy).②Use a speed controller to adjust the cylinder drive speed, gradually increasing from a low speed to the desired speed setting.③When a load is mounted to the rod end, adjust the speed corresponding to the load mass. Refer to the catalog for details.! Caution2-1 Design⑧ C onsider emergency stop.Design the system to prevent injury to personnel and damage to machinery and equipment when it is stopped by a safety device for a power outage or manual emergency stop.⑨ C onsider the action when the operation isrestarted after an emergency stop or abnormal stop.Design the machinery so that injury to personnel or equipment damage will not occur upon restart of operation. when the cylinder has to be reset at the starting position.install manual safety equipment.2-4 Piping① Use clean air.Do not use compressed air which contains chemicals, synthetic oils containing organic solvents, salts or corrosive gases, etc., as this can cause damage or malfunction.②Install an air filter.Install an air filter upstream near the valve.A filtration degree of 5 micron millimeter or less should be selected.③Take appropriate measures to ensure air quality,such as by providing an after cooler, air dryer, orwater separator.Do not use compressed air containing a lot of condensate, whichcan cause the operating failure of the product and other pneumaticequipment.④Ensure that fluid and ambient temperature are within the specified range.When operating at temperatures below 5oC, moisture in the circuit may freeze and cause breakage of seals or malfunction. Corrective measures should be taken to prevent freezing.For detailed information regarding the quality of the compressed air described above, refer to SMC's Cleaning Systems".!Warning① D o not use in environments where there is a danger of corrosion.Refer to the construction drawings regarding cylinder materials.② I nstall a cover over the rod if it is used in an area that is dusty, or in an environment in which water or oil splashes on the cylinder. ③ A n area exposed to direct sunlight.① Be sure to connect the piston rod and the load so that their axial centers and movement directions match.When not axially aligned, stress could be applied to the piston rod and the cylinder tube, causing the inner surface of the cylinder tube, the bushing, the piston rod surface, and the seals to wear and become damaged.② Do not scratch or dent the sliding parts ofthe cylinder tube or piston rod etc., by striking them with other objects.Cylinder bores are manufactured to precise tolerances, so that even a slight deformation may cause malfunction. Also, scratches or gouges, etc., in the piston rod may lead to damaged seals and cause air leakage.③ Tightening torqueWhen the free-mount cylinder is mounted, refer to the table below.!Caution2-6 Air Supply2-7 Operating environment!Cauti n o!Caution!Warning!Caution2-5 Lubrication2-3 Mounting① L ubrication of non-lubricating cylinderThe product has been lubricated for life at the time of manufacture, and does not require lubrication in service. If a lubricant is used in the system, use turbine oil Class 1 (with no additive) ISO VG32.Bore size (mm) Hexagon socket headcap screw (mm) Appropriate tighteningtorque (Nm) φ6, φ10 M3 1.08±10% φ16M4 2.45±10%φ20, φ25 M5 5.10±10%φ32M6 8.04±10%④Do not use the product until you have verified that the equipment can operate properly.After mounting, repair or modification, etc., connect the airsupply and electric power, and then confirm proper mounting by means of appropriate function and leak inspections.⑤Operation ManualInstall and operate only after reading the operation manual carefully and understanding the contents. Keep the manual in a safe place for future reference .①Before pipingBefore piping, perform air blow (flushing) or cleaning to remove any cutting chips, cutting oil, dust, etc. from the piping.②Sealant tapeWhen screwing piping or fittings into ports, ensure that chips from the pipe threads or sealing material do not enter the piping. Also, if pipe tape is used, leave 1.5 to 2 thread ridges exposed at the end of the threads.8/10①M aintenance should be performed according to the procedure indicated in the Operating Manual. Improper handling can cause damage and malfunction of equipment and machinery.② M achine maintenance, and supply and exhaust of compressed airBefore components are removed, first confirm that measures are in place to prevent work pieces from dropping and/or equipment moving or running away, etc. Disconnect the air supply pressure, electrical power, and exhaust all compressed air from the system. When machinery is restarted, check that operation is normal with actuators in the proper positions.!Caution③Drain flushingRemove condensate from air filters regularly.①Do not place your fingers in the clearance between the non-rotating plate and the cylinder tube.There is a danger that fingers of personnel could get caught between thenon-rotating plate and cylinder tube when the piston rod retracts. Therefore, never place your hand in this area. Be careful not to get a fingercaught by the cylinder,as the cylinder outputs great force, it can lead to injury.②Do not use in a way that may cause a bendingmoment to be added to the rod. (Refer to the Fig. shown below)Precaution on Proximity installationauto switch are used, the auto switch could activate unintentionally if the cylinder installed distance is less than the dimension shown in the table. Therefore, make sure to provide a longer distance than the specified dimension. If the distance between the cylinders must be shorter than the dimension given in the table, affix a steel plate or a magnetic shield plate (MU-S025) to the area on the cylinder which is opposite to the auto switch mounted on another cylinder. (Please inquire for more details)The auto switch without the shield plate may cause malfunction.Table 1 (mm)2-8 Maintenance2-9 Auto Switch Mounting Precautions!Caution2-10 Precautions!Warning!CautionTube I.D. (mm) d L φ6 518 φ10 5 20 φ16 13 33 φ2014 40 φ25 14 46 φ3216 569/10 3. Maintenance!CautionAs a jig is required for bore size ø6, do not disassemble when replacing seals etc.If overhaul is required, contact SMC Sales Office.Checks1.Daily check1)Whether the operation is smooth or not.2)Changes in piston speed and cycle time.3)Whether the stroke is appropriate or not.2.Regular inspection1)Loosening of the cylinder mounting screw2)Whether the operation is smooth or not.3)Changes in piston speed and cycle time.4)External leakage5)Whether the stroke is appropriate or not.6)If there are any scratches on the piston rod, and the grease condition.7)Whether drainage in the air filter is regularly discharged or not.Check the points above at least, and contact the sales representative if any failure is found.4. Basic Circuit for Cylinder OperationThe basic circuit for operating the product with air filter, regulator, solenoid valve and speed controller is shown in thefollowing figure.Air cylinderFor a double-acting cylinder, use a meter-out speed controllerFor a single-acting cylinder, use a meter-in speed controller.Open the speed controller gradually from the fully closed position to adjust the speed.Do not adjust the speed starting with the speed controller in the fully open position,10/10 5.TroubleshootingDescription Possible causes Countermeasures NoteInsufficient output The piston seal isworn out.Replace the piston seal. For ø6, request SMCto repair.Operating speed is too slow. The load is too much forthe cylinder output.・Increase the bore size of thecylinder.The cylinder operatingspeed is out of the range.・Change the cylinder speed to bewithin the allowable range.・Use a low speed cylinder.・Increase the bore size of thecylinder.The lateral load to thecylinder is over theallowable range.・Change the lateral load to bewithin the allowable range.・Increase the bore size of thecylinder.・Use a guide cylinder.Vibration is detected. ・Install the product in a place whereit is not applied with vibration.・Avoid applying external force tothe product.Operation is not smooth.Water or coolant liquid is splashed. ・Protect the cylinder with a cover to avoid liquid splash.Deformation or breakage Impact force due to highspeed operation・Reduce the cylinder speed to bewithin the allowable range.・Reduce the load.・Install an external impactabsorbing mechanism.The auto switch is notmounted in the propermounting position.・Install the auto switch at thecorrect position.・Mount to proximity installationposition.The autoswitch does not operate. (Malfunctions.)・The cylinders aremounted side by side.・Put magnetic shielding plates(MU-S025) between the cylinderswhich are installed in parallel.Refer to MountingAuto Switch(Precaution onproximity installation)4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021 JAPANTel: + 81 3 5207 8249 Fax: +81 3 5298 5362URL Note: Specifications are subject to change without prior notice and any obligation on the part of the manufacturer.© 2008 SMC Corporation All Rights ReservedNo. CU**-OM0002E―A。
Cylinder AX ModularityManual01.09.2022Contents1General safety instructions (32)Product-specific safety instructions (53)Accessories and tools (64)Extend Cylinder AX (85)Shorten Cylinder AX (206)Combine CO cylinders to FD (327)Reduce CO cylinders to HZ................................................................................................................... 478Help and other information................................................................................................................. 60Cylinder AX Modularity (Manual)Contents2 / 611General safety instructionsWARNINGBlocked accessAccess through a door may stay blocked due to incorrectly fitted and/or in-correctly programmed components. SimonsVoss Technologies GmbH isnot liable for the consequences of blocked access such as access to in-jured or endangered persons, material damage or other damage!Blocked access through manipulation of the productIf you change the product on your own, malfunctions can occur and access through a door can be blocked.Modify the product only when needed and only in the manner described in the documentation.IMPORTANTDamage resulting from liquidsThis product contains electronic and/or mechanic components that may be damaged by liquids of any kind.Keep liquids away from the electronics.Damage resulting from aggressive cleaning agentsThe surface of this product may be damaged as a result of the use of unsuitable cleaning agents. Only use cleaning agents that are suitable for plastic or metal surfaces.NOTEIntended useSmartIntego-products are designed exclusively for opening and closingdoors and similar objects.Do not use SmartIntego products for any other purposes.Qualifications requiredThe installation and commissioning requires specialized knowledge.Only trained personnel may install and commission the product.Incorrect installationSimonsVoss Technologies GmbH accepts no liability for damage caused to doors or compon-ents due to incorrect fitting or installation.Modifications or further technical developments cannot be excluded and may be implemented without notice.The German language version is the original instruction manual. Other languages (drafting in the contract language) are translations of the original instructions.Read and follow all installation, installation, and commissioning instructions. Pass these instruc-tions and any maintenance instructions to the user.2Product-specific safety instructionsWARNINGMalfunction of the anti-panic function due to unauthorised manipulation The length of the can be modified on the inside from 50 mm. If the AP side is removed, the anti-panic unit may be damaged.Do not change the length on the AP side.3Accessories and toolsThe profile cylinder can be extended and shortened with the following parts:Z5.BOLT.XX (XX = required basic Z5.CORE.05: 5 mmZ5.PROFILE.05:5 mmZ5.CLAMPST.HZ T.EUZ5.CAM.WP Z5.PR.INTo do this, you need the following tools:The Cylinder AX thumb-turn assembly tool is designed so that you can use it as a bracket for the Cylinder AX. Place it with the flat side on a flat surface and place the Cylinder AX with the knob in the assembly tool. Reassembly is easier if the AX cylinder is in the bracket.4Extend Cylinder AXThe core extension and profile extension must be the same length. You also need an extension bolt for the desired length.üExtractor for releasing the clampüSpacer for aligning the extension boltüClamp block for pressing in the clamp1.Place the Cylinder AX in the thumb-turn assembly tool.2.Hook the tip of the extractor into the clamp.3.Lever the clamp out of the profile cylinder by moving the extractor tothe centre of the cylinder.4.Pull the clamp completely out of the profile cylinder.5.Disassemble the two cylinder halves.e the extractor to unscrew the extension bolt.7.Insert suitable core extensions.8.Attach suitable profile extensions.9.Place the spacer.10.Screw in a suitable extension bolt with the extractor until it rests on thespacer.NOTELength on bolt headYou will find a number on the bolt head. This number is the length of the cylinder profile to which the bolt fits.11.Reassemble the two cylinder halves.9Extension bolt is protected against twisting.12.Pull the spacer off again.13.Push the halves together completely.14.Place the clip back into the slot of the profile cylinder with its lug facingthe fastening screw and press the clamp with your thumb so that it can no longer fall out.15.Insert the cylinder into the clamping block so that the profile cylinderand the thumb-turn lie flush in the recesses.9The lever of the clamping block is reinforced at one point with a metal plate. The bracket that was previously inserted lies opposite this metal plate.16.Push the clamp block lever towards the base plate until the clamp isfully seated in the profile cylinder.9Cylinder AX is extended.5Shorten Cylinder AXYou need a bolt for the desired length.üExtractor for releasing the clampüSpacer for aligning the boltüClamp block for pressing in the clamp1.Place the Cylinder AX in the thumb-turn assembly tool.2.Hook the tip of the extractor into the clamp.3.Lever the clamp out of the profile cylinder by moving the extractor tothe centre of the cylinder.4.Pull the clamp completely out of the profile cylinder.5.Disassemble the two cylinder halves.6.Unscrew the bolt with the extractor.7.Remove the profile extension.8.Remove the core extension.9.Place the spacer.10.Screw in a suitable bolt with the extractor until it rests on the spacer.NOTELength on bolt headYou will find a number on the bolt head. This number is the length of the cylinder profile to which the bolt fits.11.Reassemble the two cylinder halves.9Bolt is protected against twisting.12.Pull the spacer off again.13.Push the halves together completely.14.Refit the clip into the slot of the profile cylinder with the lug facing thefastening screw.15.Insert the cylinder into the clamping block so that the profile cylinderand the thumb-turn lie flush in the recesses.9The lever of the clamping block is reinforced at one point with a metal plate. The bracket that was previously inserted lies opposite this metal plate.16.Push the clamp block lever towards the base plate until the clamp isfully seated in the profile cylinder.9Cylinder AX is shortened.6Combine CO cylinders to FDYou can assemble a freely rotating AX cylinder from two AX comfortcylinders.üExtractor for releasing the clampüSpacer for aligning the extension boltüClamp block for pressing in the clamp1.Place the first comfort cylinder AX in the thumb-turn assembly tool withthe mechanical thumb-turn facing upwards.2.Hook the tip of the extractor into the clamp.3.Lever the clamp out of the profile cylinder by moving the extractor tothe centre of the cylinder.4.Pull the clamp completely out of the profile cylinder.5.Disassemble the two cylinder halves.9First cylinder half prepared with centre piece and tappet piece.6.Place the second comfort cylinder AX in the thumb-turn assembly toolwith the electronic thumb-turn facing upwards.7.Hook the tip of the extractor into the clamp.8.Lever the clamp out of the profile cylinder by moving the extractor tothe centre of the cylinder.9.Pull the clamp completely out of the profile cylinder.10.Disassemble the two cylinder halves.9Second cylinder half prepared without centre piece.11.Place the first cylinder half on the second cylinder half.12.Refit the clip into the slot of the profile cylinder with the lug facing thefastening screw.13.Insert the cylinder into the clamping block so that the profile cylinderand the thumb-turn lie flush in the recesses.9The lever of the clamping block is reinforced at one point with a metal plate. The bracket that was previously inserted lies opposite this metal plate.14.Push the clamp block lever towards the base plate until the clamp isfully seated in the profile cylinder.9Freely rotating cylinder fully assembled.7Reduce CO cylinders to HZYou can use a special centre piece to assemble a half cylinder from an AX comfort cylinder or a freely rotating cylinder.üExtractor for releasing the clampüSpacer for aligning the extension boltüClamp block for pressing in the clampüHalf Cylinder Center Section1.Place the Cylinder AX in the thumb-turn assembly tool with the elec-tronic thumb-turn facing upwards.2.Hook the tip of the extractor into the clamp.3.Lever the clamp out of the profile cylinder by moving the extractor tothe centre of the cylinder.4.Pull the clamp completely out of the profile cylinder.。
Pneumatic Piston Actuator Instruction ManualA-T Armaturen-Technik GmbHSafety Instructions & Regulations 安全说明和法规Meaning of notes注示的含义Hazard:危险Signifies that there is a danger of death, severe bodily injury or considerable damage to property if adequate measures are not taken.表示若不采取适当措施有存在生命危险,严重的身体伤害或者是巨大的财产损失Attention:注意Signifies that there is a threat of damage to property or the environment through non-compliance.表示不服从规章制度会对财产或环境造成破坏威胁Note:注Signifies the hint of a possible advantage when recommendations are followed.表示当遵循建议的时候会有优势提示General Safety Instructions 安全说明总括•It is the responsibility of the operator that current regulations for labour protection, the prevention of accidents and EU regulations are observed during the installation, operation and maintenance of any fittings and their accessories.操作员有责任在任何配件及其附件的安装,操作和维修期间遵守现劳动保护法规,事故预防以及欧盟法规。
可调磁传感器用铝或青铜外壳的B 1.554方块气缸说明书
B 1.554 Block Cylinderswith aluminium or bronze housing for adjustable magnetic sensors,double acting, max. operating pressure 350 bar or 500 barIssue 11-21 EFixing possibilitiesApplicationHydraulic block cylinders are universally usedfor all linear movements with high force require-ments and very small dimensions.With the adjustable magnetic sensors certainpiston positions can be controlled exactly.FunctionThe double-acting function ensures high func-tion safety as well as exactly calculable and re-peatable stroke times.DescriptionThe piston of these block cylinders is equippedwith a ring-shaped magnet whose magneticfield actuates the sensor.The cylinder housing is therefore made of anon-magnetisable material.Two variants are available:•154X X1X H igh-tensile aluminium alloymax. operating pressure 350 bar•154X X5X H igh-tensile bronze alloymax. operating pressure 500 barThe magnetic sensors are guided in dovetailslots and allow a continuous control of the pis-ton position.Punching applications•154X X1X Block cylinder with aluminiumhousingNot suitable for punching applications!•154X X5X Block cylinder with bronze housingSuitable with the following restrictions:– max. operating pressure 250 bar– o nly with external guide and tool stopImportant notesBlock cylinders are intended exclusively for in-dustrial applications and may only be operatedwith hydraulic oil.They can generate very high forces to be ab-sorbed by the fixture or the machine.In the effective area of the piston rod there isthe danger of crushing. The manufacturer ofthe fixture or the machine is obliged to provideeffective protection devices.Further notes see page 3.Advantages●5 sizes with 3 stroke lengths●Compact block design●Same dimensions as block cylinder with steelhousing, except for total length●Multiple fixing possibilities●Fixing screws countersunk●Many connecting possibilities●Magnetic sensors can be used up to 100 °C●Fixing of the sensors at 2 sides possible●Easy adjustment of switching point positions●Piston rod case-hardened●Stainless steel version optional●Alternatively NBR or FKM seals●Minimum leakage due to double rod seal●Maintenance free●Broad side●Rod side●Bottom sideHydraulic connecting possibilitiesPipe threadFlange with O-ring sealing●Broad side●Rod side●Bottom sideBronze housingSubject to modificationsActual issue see Römheld GmbH · Postfach 1253 · 35317 Laubach, Germany · Tel.: +49 (0) 6405/89-0·****************·SWPipe threadAccessories:Magnetic sensors see data sheet G 2.140Only for type: 1543 and 1544B 1.554 / 11 - 21 E2Actual issue see Römheld GmbHSubject to modificationsBABAmvDimensionsTechnical data • Important notesHousing supportWhen fastened across the cylinder axis, block cylinders must be supported depending on the operating pressure.Alternative: Keyway (see page 5)F p > 100 barp > 160 barFittingsUse only fittings with elastic sealing instead of knife-edge sealing (see F 9.300).Throttling of the flow rateThe throttling must take place in the supply line to avoid pressure intensification and thus pressures that exceed the maximum operating pressure.free flowDirection offlow controlAdmissible dynamic loadThe max. piston speed is 0.25 m/s. Without ef-fective stroke end cushioning, a mass attached to the piston will move unbraked against the internal stop.Therefore the following applies:“For piston speeds exceeding 0.05 m/s and a mass greater than the dead weight of the cylinder, an external stop must be provided.”External stopSide loadsSide loads should be avoided because they cause more or less wear to the piston guide and thus produce ferritic mini-particles (see “Cleanness of the hydraulic oil”).Cleanness of the hydraulic oilFerritic swarf in the hydraulic oil are attracted by the permanent magnet at the piston, accumulate in the cylinder area and damage seals and guides. Flush all drilled channels, pipes and hoses thoroughlyb efore start up.Recommendation: H igh-pressure filter with 10 μmFilter fineness (see data sheetF 9.500).Influence of the magnetic fieldDue to iron in the immediate vicinity of the block cylinder the magnetic field of the piston will be deflected. The switching points of the magnetic sensors must then be readjusted.If no defined switching point can be adjusted, one can try again with stainless steel fixing screws.With ferritic swarf, the conditions change from stroke to stroke. An exact adjustment is no longer possible. A cover with a minimum distance of 30 mm will help.Admissible operating pressure Magnetic 154X X 1X 154X X 2XAccessory - Contact boltsDifferent contact bolts see data sheet G 3.800.Other data see data sheet A 0.100.DIN 3852 T11 form E and EN ISO 1179-2Subject to modificationsB 1.554 / 11 - 21 ERömheld GmbHActual issue see 3Flange with O-ring sealingBroad side K Stroke 1 – 49 mm 2 cross holes 154X XXX KBroad side L from 50 mm stroke 4 cross holes 154X XXX LRod side S All strokes4 longitudinal holes154X XXX SBottom side B All strokes4 longitudinal holes154X XXX BPart-no. for flange type154X 5XX X Flange K, L, S, B (see above), NBR seals 154X X 2X X FKM seals with aluminium housing 154X X 6X X FKM seals with bronze housing 154X 4XX XStainless steel versionB 1.554 / 11 - 21 E4Actual issue see Römheld GmbHSubject to modificationsStandard variantsThread • Keyway • Stroke limitation4 threads at the frontto fix the housing C, DInstead of longitudinal holes and cross holesthe block cylinders can be provided with 4 inte-rior threads, alternatively at the rod side C or atthe bottom side D.Keyway to support the housing E, F, QBlock cylinders with keyway are supplied with-out longitudinal holes and with only one trape-zoidal slot for the magnetic sensors.For pipe thread connection, the position of theconnecting threads has to be determined in ad-vance (identification code E or F see drawing).For flange-type connection K or L (see page 4)the identification code is Q.Stroke limitation by distance bushing HThe extending piston stroke of block cylinderscan be limited by installing a distance bushing.The minimum stroke should not be less than1 mm. The maximum possible stroke startingfrom the the standard stroke is indicated in thebelow chart.Rod side: 15XX XXX CBottom side: 15XX XXX D15XX XXX FFlange-type connection: 15XX XXXX QExample: Possible strokeBlock cylinder 1545 516Standard stroke 50 mmAs per table:Hmin. = 1 mmHmax. = 50 – 3 = 47 mm4 threadsBlock cylinder 1547 513(pipe thread connection)with 4 threads M16 at the bottom sidePart no. 1547 513DBlock cylinder 1547 516(pipe thread connection)with 4 threads M16 at the rod sidePart no. 1547 516CBlock cylinder 1547 513B(flange-type connection)with 4 threads M16 at the bottom sidePart no. 1547 513B DKeywayBlock cylinder 1546 523(pipe thread connection)with keyway and connecting threadat the right sidePart no. 1546 523EBlock cylinder 1546 513(pipe thread connection)with keyway and connecting threadat the left sidePart no. 1546 513FBlock cylinder 1546 556L(flange-type c onnection)with keywayPart no. 1546 556L QStroke limitationBlock cylinder 1545 513(pipe thread connection)with stroke limitation to 12 mmPart no. 1545 513H12Block cylinder 1545 519(pipe thread connection)with stroke limitation to 80 mmPart no. 1545 519H80Block cylinder 1545 556LQ(flange-type connection)with keyway and strokelimitation to 40 mmPart no. 1545 556LQ H40Examples for ordering:Possible combinations of standard variants see page 6.Subject to modificationsB 1.554 / 11 - 21 E5 Actual issue see Römheld GmbHCode for part numbersCode for part numbers of the basic versions* (page 2 to 4) 1 5 X X X X X XPiston diameter 43 = 25 mm 44 = 32 mm 45 = 40 mm 46 = 50 mm 47 = 63 mmPiston stroke 3 = 20 – 30 mm 6 = 50 – 63 mm 9 = 100 mmSeals1 = NBR 350 bar2 = FKM 350 bar 5 = NBR 500 bar 6 = FKM 500 barNot applicable for pipe thread connectionFlange with O-ring sealing at theK = broad side with 2 cross holes, stroke 20 to 30 mm L = broad side with 4 cross holes, stroke from 50 mm S = rod side with 4 longitudinal holes B = broad side with 4 longitudinal holes Piston and threaded bushing 4 = stainless steel5 = case-hardening steel and free-cutting steelCode for part numbers of the standards variants and possible combinations Explanation of the identification codes and order examples see page 51 5 X X X X X X X XBasic version (see above) 4 interior threads rod side 4 interior threads bottom side Keyway, connection at the right side Keyway, connection at the left sideOptionH + stroke limitation (e.g. H15)C H + stroke limitation D H + stroke limitation E H + stroke limitation F H+ stroke limitationFlange with O-ring sealingK H + stroke limitation L H + stroke limitation S H + stroke limitation B H + stroke limitationK Q H + keyway + stroke limitation L Q H + keyway + stroke limitation S C H + 4 interior threads + stroke limitation B D H+ 4 interior threads + stroke limitationPipe threadBroad side20 to 30 mm strokefrom 50 mm strokeRod side Bottom side Broad side20 to 30 mm strokefrom 50 mm stroke Rod side Bottom side*) Important notesThe code for part numbers enables the determination of the technical data with a known part number.The code for part numbers is not suitable for selecting any variant. Only the versions as per the charts on page 2 or 4 are available as standard elements.Special variants are available on request.Maximum available stroke lengths:Piston Ø 25 mm ➝ up to 160 mmPiston Ø 32, 40, 50 and 63 mm ➝ up to 200 mmB 1.554 / 11 - 21 E6Actual issue see Römheld GmbHSubject to modifications。
Eaton XL机械柔性气缸产品说明说明书
Controlled actuation on giant operations with Eaton's XL cylindersMaking some of the world’s largest cylinders, designed to perform reliably and precisely in the face of nature’s demanding environmentsDecades of experience in application engineeringCreativity, global availability, and experience make the perfect combination for our Application Engineering team. We consider overall loading and kinematics, mounting configurations, seal system design, imbedded sensor requirements, corrosion protection needs, installation and maintenance practices. They are eager and willing to help you design your application, with ‘Expertise Y ou Can Count On.’Eaton’s XL cylinders have been deployed on applications exposed to some of the world’s most brutal conditions, including offshore oil exploration, mining, mineral processing, and hydropower dams, so that production stays on track. Our large selection of specialty coatings combined with manufacturing capability up to 22 meter stroke lengths makes Eaton one of the premier largecylinder manufacturers in the world.Features and benefits•Global manufacturing, testing, and service capability •World class quality and on time delivery •Experienced project management teams to support the design, manufacturing, testing, and implementation of your system • Comprehensive size range• Bore sizes to 59 in/1,500 mm• Stroke sizes to 866 in/22,000 mm• Hydraulic pressure ratings to 10,000 psi/690 bar• Pneumatic pressure ratings to 250 psi/17 bar© 2016 Eaton All Rights Reserved Printed in USA Document No. E-CYCM-MS008-E1January 2016Eaton Hydraulics Group USA 14615 Lone Oak Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344USA Tel: 952-937-9800Fax: /hydraulicsEaton Hydraulics Group Europe Route de la Longeraie 71110 Morges Switzerland Tel: +41 (0) 21 811 4600Fax: +41 (0) 21 811 4601Eaton Hydraulics Group Asia Pacific Eaton Building 4th Floor, No.7 Lane280 Linhong Rd.Changning District Shanghai 200335China Tel: (+86 21) 5200 0099Fax: (+86 21) 2230 7240Complete and comprehensive rod coating portfolioEaton offers a comprehensive line of coatings ranging from nickel chromium to a laser cladded Eatonite ® coating, that provide the perfect balance of wear and corrosion resistance to meet your specific application needs. What’s more our Innovation Team pursues cutting edge R&D, advancing our work on next generation technologies.Civil engineeringFrom turbine governors and intake/radial/miter gates in hydropower dams, culvert valves in the Panama Canal, to movable bridges, Eaton has the product, global presence, application experience and resources to support existing and new installations.Oil and gas and marine To weather the harsh conditions of deepwater exploration for offshore drilling, Eaton’s Eatonite laser cladding was specifically designed to improve service life of piston rods for marine applications. Eaton also offers custom cylinder designs for heave compensation, riser tensioners, and mooring systems.Wave energy Eaton is constantly looking to develop pioneering technology to advance sustainable energy development. In addition to broad applications in hydropower dams and wind-power turbines, Eaton is designing solutions for tidal-power generation. Primary metals Whether it is the control of arc furnace electrodes, slag doors, gantry swivels/locks, ladle turrets, rolling mill tensioners, or chop gates, Eaton can provide robust and durable solutions with its comprehensive cylinder coating portfolio to excel in the rugged, demanding environmentof primary metals.High-end range ABC-L Eatonite laser cladding is a high performance, field repairable, 3rd party certified, cylinder rod coating for the most demanding applications and harshest operating environments, that provides uptime and reliability to enhance offshore rig/ship operating efficiency. Premier saltwater corrosion resistance.Mid range ABC-H Metallic HVOF sprayed coating for highly corrosive and abrasive environments.ABC-P3Metal oxide plasma sprayed coating for abrasion and corrosion resistance in fresh and brackish water environments and for Hypos applications.Standard range ABC-G2Galvanic nickel chromium plating with standard wear resistance and increased corrosion resistance.ABC-G1Galvanic hard chromium plating with standard wear resistance and corrosion resistance.。
辽宁工程技术大学课程设计题目:设计“档块气缸”零件的机械加工工艺规程及加工4×M8-6H孔螺纹工艺装备班级:姓名:指导教师:完成日期:2010.7.6一、设计题目设计“档块气缸”零件的机械加工工艺规程及加工4×M8-6H 孔螺纹工艺装备。
二、原始资料(1) 被加工零件的零件图1张(2) 生产类型: 大批量生产三、上交材料(1) 被加工工件的零件图1张(2) 毛坯图1张(3) 机械加工工艺过程综合卡片1张(4) 与所设计夹具对应那道工序的工序卡片1张(4) 夹具装配图1张(5) 夹具体零件图1张(6) 课程设计说明书1份四、进度安排(参考)(1) 熟悉零件,画零件图2天(2) 选择工艺方案,确定工艺路线,填写工艺过程综合卡片5天(3) 工艺装备设计(画夹具装配图及夹具体图) 9天(4) 编写说明书3天(5) 准备及答辩2天五、指导教师评语成绩:指导教师日期摘要这次设计的是零件档块气缸,包括零件图两张、毛坯图、装配图各一张,机械加工工艺过程卡片和与工序卡片各一张。
二、气缸的操作方法1. 连接气源首先,将气源正确连入气缸,并确保气源压力符合气缸的额定工作压力要求。
2. 气缸的开合气缸的开合通常由控制阀来实现。
3. 气缸的速度控制为了实现气缸活塞的平稳运动和速度控制,可以通过调节控制阀的开度实现。
4. 气缸的循环控制某些情况下,需要气缸循环工作,即气缸来回运动。
三、气缸操作的注意事项1. 注意气源的净化气源中可能存在的杂质和水分对气缸的正常工作会产生影响。
2. 防止气缸过载在使用气缸时,应避免过载。
3. 定期检查和保养定期检查和保养气缸的密封件和传动部件,确保其正常工作。
4. 注意气缸的安全操作在操作气缸时,应关注操作安全。
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SMC行程可读气缸 CE1中文操作手册
3.使用说明书 请在仔细阅读本说明书并对内容理解的基础 上安装使用产品。 另外,请妥善保管本说明书,以便随时参考。
! 注意
1.确保维护保养所需的空间。 安装时请确保保养、检查时所需的空间。
2.夹具等的安装 向活塞杆顶端的螺纹部安装金属零件和螺母 时,请于活塞杆抽回气缸末端的状态下进行。
资料 CE1B12 外形尺寸图 ······················· 14 CE1B20 外形尺寸图 ······················· 15 CE1B32 外形尺寸图 ······················· 16 CE1B40 外形尺寸图 ······················· 17 CE1B50 外形尺寸图 ······················· 18 CE1B63 外形尺寸图 ······················· 19
3.安装工件时,请不要施加过强的冲击或过大 的力矩。在超过允许施加的力矩范围后,由于 外力作用,会造成导轨部产生偏移,或增大滑 动阻力。
4.请使用轴向载荷。 在气缸轴方向以外的地方加负荷时,负载应由 导轨牵制走向。安装气缸时,要确定中心一致。
5.请回避采用向活塞杆施加回转扭矩的使用方 法,以及会使活塞杆受到过大冲击力的使用方 法。
才能从气动设备上拆卸气动元件。 c. 气动设备再启动之前,要确认不会发生暴走现象。 4. 气动设备在下列条件和环境下使用,从安全考虑,请事先与本公司联系。 a. 明确记载规格以外的条件和环境下使用或在室外使用。 b. 使用于原子能、铁路、航空、车辆、医疗器械、食品及饮料机械、娱乐设备、紧急切断回路、
! 注意
1.请安装空气过滤器。 请于靠近阀的上流一侧安装过滤
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辽宁工程技术大学课程设计题目:设计“档块气缸”零件的机械加工工艺规程及加工4×M8-6H孔螺纹工艺装备班级:姓名:指导教师:完成日期:2010.7.6一、设计题目设计“档块气缸”零件的机械加工工艺规程及加工4×M8-6H 孔螺纹工艺装备。
二、原始资料(1) 被加工零件的零件图1张(2) 生产类型: 大批量生产三、上交材料(1) 被加工工件的零件图1张(2) 毛坯图1张(3) 机械加工工艺过程综合卡片1张(4) 与所设计夹具对应那道工序的工序卡片1张(4) 夹具装配图1张(5) 夹具体零件图1张(6) 课程设计说明书1份四、进度安排(参考)(1) 熟悉零件,画零件图2天(2) 选择工艺方案,确定工艺路线,填写工艺过程综合卡片5天(3) 工艺装备设计(画夹具装配图及夹具体图) 9天(4) 编写说明书3天(5) 准备及答辩2天五、指导教师评语成绩:指导教师日期摘要这次设计的是零件档块气缸,包括零件图两张、毛坯图、装配图各一张,机械加工工艺过程卡片和与工序卡片各一张。
AbstractDesigning that this time is a part archives piece air cylinder , every once takes a look including that the part pursuing two , the blank pursues , assembling pursues every sheet , the machine work procedure card and with working procedure card. We want to know a part very well and to know whose effect first , it is located in automobile engine middle , play lifting power role mainly. And then, the dimension and machinery having pursued every end face harshness according to part character and part ascertain a blank process a margin. The at last designs archives piece air cylinder handicraft route picture , works out the fastening motion scheme being workpiece's turn , draws up clamp assembling picture.Machinofacture technology curriculum design makes all basic courses , technology basic course and major part that we mimic having completed university be in progress after the specialized course. This is that we always review before the graduation practice being in progress to what be learned every thorough comprehensiveness of course , is also that a theory contacts actual training , it occupies important position therefore, in our university for 4 years life.As far as I am concerned, I should be able to pass current curriculum design, process knowing and knowing general machine part productive technology, the knowledge consolidating and deepening the technology basic course and specialized course have already learned, integrates theory with practice , temper self analytical problem , the ability to solve problems out of, the job being the days to come lays down one is fine basis , is that follow-up course study about finishes striking a basis. Future carries out a acclimatization training with the job being engaged in , tempers self analytical problem , the ability to solve problems out of , transforms construction into to participate in a motherland in the days to come "four " laying down one is fine basis.目录1. .零件的工艺分析及生产类型的确定 (1)1.1档块气缸的用途 (1)1.2档块气缸的技术要求 (1)1.2.1审查档块气缸的工艺性 (2)1.2.2确定生产类型 (2)2.定毛坯、绘制毛坯简图 (2)2.1选择毛坯 (2)2.2确定毛坯的尺寸公差和机械加工余量 (3)2.3绘制毛坯简图 (4)3. 档块气缸工艺路线 (4)3.1定位基准的选择 (4)3.2加工表面方法的确定 (4)3.3加工阶段的划分 (5)3.4工序的集中与分散 (5)3.5工序顺序的安排 (5)3.6确定工艺路线 (6)4.加工余量、工序尺寸和公差的确定 (7)5. 切削用量、时间额定的计算 (7)5.1切削用量的计算 (8)5.2 时间额定的计算 (8)6.专用机床夹具设计 (9)6.1夹具的设计任务 (9)6.2确定夹具的结构方案 (9)6.3画夹具装配图 (9)7.个人体会 (10)参考文献 (11)1. .零件的工艺分析及生产类型的确定1.1档块气缸的用途气缸是气压执行元件,压缩空气通过电磁阀控制气缸作机械运动。
以下是气缸零件需要加工的表面以及加工表面之间的位置要求:表1—1 档块气缸零件的技术要求加工表面尺寸及偏差/mm公差/mm及精度等级表面粗糙度/μm形位误差/mm气缸上端面109±0.3 IT10 1.6 下端面109±0.3 IT13 12.5 前后端面64±0.3 IT13 12.5 φ50孔φ50 IT8 1.6 φ30孔φ30 IT7 1.62×φ8M8-6H IT10 6.3孔螺纹2×锥孔Rc3/8 IT10 3.2螺纹锥孔螺Rc1/8 IT10 3.2纹8×φ8φ8 IT10 6.3孔螺纹该档块气缸形状普通,结构简单,属于典型的气缸结构。
代入公式:N=5000 ×1×(1+3%)×(1+0.5%)=5175.75件/年气缸重量为4.5㎏,由表1—3知,该气缸属于轻型零件。
2.2确定毛坯的尺寸公差和机械加工余量1、公差等级及尺寸公差由气缸的功用和技术要求,由表2-1确定该气缸的公差等级为CT8~CT10 选公差等级为CT92、要求的机械加工余量由表2-5确定毛坯毛坯铸件的机械加工余量等级为F,由表2-4确定铸件机械加工余量RMA为1.53、表面粗糙度有零件图可知,该气缸的表面的粗糙度Ra均大于等于1.6 m。