Lesson 22 How Old Are You练习题
三年级下册英语一课一练- Unit 5 How old are you 第三课时 译林版(三起)(w
Unit 5 How old are you?第三课时习题一、将问句与相应的答语连线。
1.How old are you? A. Thank you.2.This is for you. B. Yes, it is.3.Don’t shout here. C. I’m six.4.Where’s my schoolbag? D. I’m sorry.5.Is that your pencil? E. It’s under the desk.二、根据要求填空。
1 .this(对应词)____________2. what is (缩写形式)______________3. stand (对应词)______________4. Where’s my English book? (汉语) ___________5.What about…? (汉语) ______________三、根据所给情境,选择合适的句子。
1. 你想知道同学多少岁了,你会说:A. How old are you?B. How old are your?C. I’m seven.2. 同学生日聚会上,你会对他说什么祝福的话:A. How old are you?B. Happy Birthday to you.C. This is for you.3. 同学问你多少岁了,你现在九岁,你会说:A. How old are you?B. I’m ten.C. I’m nine..4. 你告诉同学,是上课的时候了,你会说:A. It’s time for class.B. It’s time for the cake.C. You’re late.5. 你想让同学许个愿,你会说:A. Happy birthday.B. This is for you.C. Make a wish.四、选择题。
( ) 1. --- ______ that your crayon? --Yes, _______.A.Is; it isB. Is; isn’tC. Are; they are( ) 2.---This rubber is for you. ---__________A. YesB.I’m sorryC. Thank you( ) 3.--Is that _____ parrot? ---No, _____ isn’t.A.you, itB.your, heC. your, it( ) 4. Where’s my schoolbag?A.That’s my schoolbagB. It’s my schoolbagC. It’s over there ( ) 5. --Where’s Liu Tao? ---________ under the tr ee.A. It’sB.He’sC. He五、连词成句。
My card 我的名片
Name: My name is Liu Xing.
Sex: I am a boy. Age: I’m sixteen years old. Where: I live in China.
1. Listen and read Lesson 22.(听读第22课。) 2. Make your card.(做一张自己的名片)
My father is old.
My mother is tall.
My sister is young.
My brother is short.
Let’s do it.
How are you?
I’m fine.
How old are you? I’m two years old.
Listen and answer.
85.每一年,我都更加相信生命的浪费是在于:我们没有献出爱,我们没有使用力量,我们表现出自私的谨慎,不去冒险,避开痛苦,也失去了快乐。――[约翰· B· 塔布] 86.微笑,昂首阔步,作深呼吸,嘴里哼着歌儿。倘使你不会唱歌,吹吹口哨或用鼻子哼一哼也可。如此一来,你想让自己烦恼都不可能。――[戴尔· 卡内基] 87.当一切毫无希望时,我看着切石工人在他的石头上,敲击了上百次,而不见任何裂痕出现。但在第一百零一次时,石头被劈成两半。我体会到,并非那一击,而是前面的敲打使它裂开。――[贾柯· 瑞斯] 88.每个意念都是一场祈祷。――[詹姆士· 雷德非] 89.虚荣心很难说是一种恶行,然而一切恶行都围绕虚荣心而生,都不过是满足虚荣心的手段。――[柏格森] 90.习惯正一天天地把我们的生命变成某种定型的化石,我们的心灵正在失去自由,成为平静而没有激情的时间之流的奴隶。――[托尔斯泰] 91.要及时把握梦想,因为梦想一死,生命就如一只羽翼受创的小鸟,无法飞翔。――[兰斯顿· 休斯] 92.生活的艺术较像角力的艺术,而较不像跳舞的艺术;最重要的是:站稳脚步,为无法预见的攻击做准备。――[玛科斯· 奥雷利阿斯] 93.在安详静谧的大自然里,确实还有些使人烦恼.怀疑.感到压迫的事。请你看看蔚蓝的天空和闪烁的星星吧!你的心将会平静下来。[约翰· 纳森· 爱德瓦兹] 94.对一个适度工作的人而言,快乐来自于工作,有如花朵结果前拥有彩色的花瓣。――[约翰· 拉斯金] 95.没有比时间更容易浪费的,同时没有比时间更珍贵的了,因为没有时间我们几乎无法做任何事。――[威廉· 班] 96.人生真正的欢欣,就是在于你自认正在为一个伟大目标运用自己;而不是源于独自发光.自私渺小的忧烦躯壳,只知抱怨世界无法带给你快乐。――[萧伯纳] 97.有三个人是我的朋友爱我的人.恨我的人.以及对我冷漠的人。 爱我的人教我温柔;恨我的人教我谨慎;对我冷漠的人教我自立。――[J·E·丁格] 98.过去的事已经一去不复返。聪明的人是考虑现在和未来,根本无暇去想过去的事。――[英国哲学家培根] 99.真正的发现之旅不只是为了寻找全新的景色,也为了拥有全新的眼光。――[马塞尔· 普劳斯特] 100.这个世界总是充满美好的事物,然而能看到这些美好事物的人,事实上是少之又少。――[罗丹] 101.称赞不但对人的感情,而且对人的理智也发生巨大的作用,在这种令人愉快的影响之下,我觉得更加聪明了,各种想法,以异常的速度接连涌入我的脑际。――[托尔斯泰] 102.人生过程的景观一直在变化,向前跨进,就看到与初始不同的景观,再上前去,又是另一番新的气候――。[叔本华] 103.为何我们如此汲汲于名利,如果一个人和他的同伴保持不一样的速度,或许他耳中听到的是不同的旋律,让他随他所听到的旋律走,无论快慢或远近。――[梭罗] 104.我们最容易不吝惜的是时间,而我们应该最担心的也是时间;因为没有时间的话,我们在世界上什么也不能做。――[威廉· 彭] 105.人类的悲剧,就是想延长自己的寿命。我们往往只憧憬地平线那端的神奇【违禁词,被屏蔽】,而忘了去欣赏今天窗外正在盛开的玫瑰花。――[戴尔· 卡内基] 106.休息并非无所事事,夏日炎炎时躺在树底下的草地,听着潺潺的水声,看着飘过的白云,亦非浪费时间。――[约翰· 罗伯克] 107.没有人会只因年龄而衰老,我们是因放弃我们的理想而衰老。年龄会使皮肤老化,而放弃热情却会使灵魂老化。――[撒母耳· 厄尔曼] 108.快乐和智能的区别在于:自认最快乐的人实际上就是最快乐的,但自认为最明智的人一般而言却是最愚蠢的。――[卡雷贝· C· 科尔顿] 109.每个人皆有连自己都不清楚的潜在能力。无论是谁,在千钧一发之际,往往能轻易解决从前认为极不可能解决的事。――[戴尔· 卡内基] 110.每天安静地坐十五分钟· 倾听你的气息,感觉它,感觉你自己,并且试着什么都不想。――[艾瑞克· 佛洛姆] 111.你知道何谓沮丧---就是你用一辈子工夫,在公司或任何领域里往上攀爬,却在抵达最高处的同时,发现自己爬错了墙头。--[坎伯] 112.「伟大」这个名词未必非出现在规模很大的事情不可;生活中微小之处,照样可以伟大。――[布鲁克斯] 113.人生的目的有二:先是获得你想要的;然后是享受你所获得的。只有最明智的人类做到第二点。――[罗根· 皮沙尔· 史密斯] 114.要经常听.时常想.时时学习,才是真正的生活方式。对任何事既不抱希望,也不肯学习的人,没有生存的资格。 ――[阿萨· 赫尔帕斯爵士] 115.旅行的精神在于其自由,完全能够随心所欲地去思考.去感觉.去行动的自由。――[威廉· 海兹利特] 116.昨天是张退票的支票,明天是张信用卡,只有今天才是现金;要善加利用。――[凯· 里昂] 117.所有的财富都是建立在健康之上。浪费金钱是愚蠢的事,浪费健康则是二级的谋杀罪。――[B·C·福比斯] 118.明知不可而为之的干劲可能会加速走向油尽灯枯的境地,努力挑战自己的极限固然是令人激奋的经验,但适度的休息绝不可少,否则迟早会崩溃。――[迈可· 汉默] 119.进步不是一条笔直的过程,而是螺旋形的路径,时而前进,时而折回,停滞后又前进,有失有得,有付出也有收获。――[奥古斯汀] 120.无论那个时代,能量之所以能够带来奇迹,主要源于一股活力,而活力的核心元素乃是意志。无论何处,活力皆是所谓“人格力量”的原动力,也是让一切伟大行动得以持续的力量。――[史迈尔斯] 121.有两种人是没有什么价值可言的:一种人无法做被吩咐去做的事,另一种人只能做被吩咐去做的事。――[C·H·K·寇蒂斯] 122.对于不会利用机会的人而言,机会就像波浪般奔向茫茫的大海,或是成为不会孵化的蛋。――[乔治桑] 123.未来不是固定在那里等你趋近的,而是要靠你创造。未来的路不会静待被发现,而是需要开拓,开路的过程,便同时改变了你和未来。――[约翰· 夏尔] 124.一个人的年纪就像他的鞋子的大小那样不重要。如果他对生活的兴趣不受到伤害,如果他很慈悲,如果时间使他成熟而没有了偏见。――[道格拉斯· 米尔多] 125.大凡宇宙万物,都存在着正、反两面,所以要养成由后面.里面,甚至是由相反的一面,来观看事物的态度――。[老子] 126.在寒冷中颤抖过的人倍觉太阳的温暖,经历过各种人生烦恼的人,才懂得生命的珍贵。――[怀特曼] 127.一般的伟人总是让身边的人感到渺小;但真正的伟人却能让身边的人认为自己很伟大。――[G.K.Chesteron] 128.医生知道的事如此的少,他们的收费却是如此的高。――[马克吐温] 129.问题不在于:一个人能够轻蔑、藐视或批评什么,而是在于:他能够喜爱、看重以及欣赏什么。――[约翰· 鲁斯金]
Lesson 21 and Lesson 22一根据所给汉语提示填词,使句意完整。
(给)me a book,please。
(哪个) book is yours?3。
The glass is (空的).4。
This bottle is (大的).5。
The knife is (锋利的).6. That pencil is (钝的)。
This (罐头盒) is new。
8. This (叉子) is large.9。
That (勺子)is small。
10. That cup is (满的).二根据句意填空。
A: Give me a cup,please? B:cup? This new one?2。
This glass isn’t empty。
It’s 。
The shop is shut. It's not 。
4. This is a large bottle. It isn't a one.5. This is Mr. Richards. These are employees.6。
This knife is sharp. It is not .7。
This is a little box。
It isn't 。
8. Are these the children’s books? No,they are not. Books are red. 9。
This is Helen’s dog. is brown and white.10. What are their ? They’re sales reps。
(give)me some glasses,please。
Here you are。
2. Which (box)are big?3. All the (knife)are sharp.4. Is this (Mr。
2.Are you a ploiceman?Are you a postman?(改为选择疑问句) 3.We ane in Grade One.(就划线部分提问) 4.The lady in a red hat is Tracy.(就划线部分提问) 5.The milkman is in the room.(就划线部分提问)
1.—Who is she?she’s_______.A a policeman B a mechanic C Mrs.Tracy D an airhostess
2.Look_____ the taxi driver. A in B at
C on
D to
3.Is your teacher a man _______a woman?A and B is C but D or
Read and Complete 在需要处填入适当的冠词和代词
Rose is________ American.________ name is beautiful.________ is ________English
teacher.Her father and mother are in _________ Germany now. She has ________ son and
3.A n__ tionality B It__ lian
C h__ ndbag
4.A m__ __t
B Sw__ dish
C Japan__ se
5.A n__ ce
B Ch__nese
C taxi dr__ ver
Read and Change
1.Are you in Class Two?(做肯定回答)
2021冀教版三起五年级上册Lesson 22练习题及答案
Lesson 22 Special Holidays in China一、根据句子描述,选出对应的图片。
A. B. C. D. E.( ) 1. It’s in winter. It’s the Chinese New Year. You can eat dumplings on that day. ( ) 2. It’s a holiday. You can watch dragon boat races and you can eat zongzi. ( ) 3. It’s a holiday. The moon is big and round. You eat mooncakes.( ) 4. It’s a kind of food. You can eat it on the Spring Festival.( ) 5. It can go on the water. But it doesn’t need whe els(轮子).二、单项选择。
( ) 1. My favourite __________ is the Dragon Boat Festival.A. seasonB. festivalC. year( ) 2. — What do you do on the Spring Festival? —__________.A. We eat zongziB. We eat moon cakesC. We eat dumplings ( ) 3. — What special holiday do you have in China? — __________.A . Mother’s Day B. Father’s Day C .The Mid- Autumn Festival ( ) 4. — When do you have dragon boat races? — __________.A . At the Spring Festival B. On the Mid- Autumn FestivalC. On the Dragon Boat Festival三、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。
How old are you
I ‘m nine. I'm ten years old.
How old are you?
I'm nine years old. Lynn is six years old.
She’s very young.
How old are you?
③I‘m ten. ④I'm ten years old.
Lesson 22
----How Old Are You?
Old or young
old or young
H young.
Old and young She’s old!
He is old
She’s young!
Let’s play
Introduce your friend
I’m nine/ten years old.
×××is one year old.
He’s very young.
1.本课第一部分,包括old 和young两个单词,图片下 的两句话,读熟,背过,每 个抄写五遍。
He’s young!
How old are you ?
----How old are you?
七年级上学期期末考试(英语)(考试总分:120 分)一、单选题(本题共计20小题,总分20分)1.(1分)()1. Look! Some bread ______on the plate(盘子), and the vegetables______ inthe basket(篮子).A. are; isB. are; areC. is; areD. is;is2.(1分)()2.---______ your brother like hamburgers?---No, he ______.A. Do; doesn’tB. Do; don’tC. Does; doesn’tD. Do ; do3.(1分)()3. Tim is a ______ boy and he studies(学习) ______ at school.A. good; wellB. good; goodC. well; wellD. goods ;wells4.(1分)()4 —Where is my backpack? —It’s _____ the table, _____ the floor (地板).A. on; underB. on; onC. under; onD. in; at5.(1分)()5. ---Is that your watch? ----________.A. Yes, I amB. No, I'm notC. Yes, that isD. No, it isn't6.(1分)()6. We need one ping-pang ball and two ______.A. ping-pongs batB. ping-pongs batC. ping-pong batsD. Ping-pong bat7.(1分)()7. —Let’s play ping-pong. —______A. No, I don’t.B. That sounds interesting.C. OK! It’s boring.D. I know8.(1分)()8. How old ________ your sister?A.have B.is C.are D.has9.(1分)()9. —How old are you? —I’m ________ years old.A.fourteen B.fourteen C.fourteenth D. four10.(1分)()10.My father works all day long. He is really ________.A. freeB. coolC. busyD.easy11.(1分)()11. Jenny is _____ English girl and Kangkang is_____ Chinese boy.A.a ;anB.an ;anC.an ;aD.a ;a12.(1分)()12. — Is this _____ schoolbag, Michael?— No, it isn't. _____ is here.A.your; MyB.your;MineC. yours; MyD.yours ;Mine13.(1分)()13. —Who is that young man _____?— He's Michael, my brother. He often reads books___ the sofa.A. in blue, onB. on blue, inC. in a blue, onD. in a blue, in14.(1分)()14. — How many ____ would you like?— Two, please.A. glasses of milkB. glass of milksC. glasses of milksD. glass of milk15.(1分)()15. We have pencils ______ all colors ______ just 1 yuan each.A.in; inB. in; forC. for; in D .on ;in16.(1分)()16.Gina wants ______ a teacher.A. to isB. beC. be toD.to be17.(1分)()17. —bread do you like?— Three pieces of .A.How many; breadsB.How many; breadC. How much breadsD. How much; bread18.(1分)()18.He likes carrots. Do you like _____?A. itB.itsC. themD.they19.(1分)()19.Tina eats ________ every day.A. wellB. goodC. niceD.interesting20.(1分)()20.—What does your grandma have _____ lunch?---Vegetables and apples.A.forB.inC. atD.of二、完形填空(本题共计1小题,总分10分)21.(10分)Jim comes from America. Now he studies in No.5 Middle School in Beijing( ) 23. A. Chinese B. English C. Japanese D. American( ) 24. A. He B.His C. She D. Her( ) 25. A. boring B.bad C.funny D. relaxing( ) 26. A. friend B.mother C.teacher D. brother( ) 27. A. ends B.begins C.works D. starts( ) 28. A. night B.evening C. morning D. afternoon( ) 29. A. the B.an C. a D./( ) 30. A. music B.painting C. chess D. basketball三、阅读理解(本题共计3小题,总分30分)22.(10分)AThis is a photo of Ben's family. He has a big family. Look! Ben's grandparents are on the sofa. They are workers. They are old, so they don't work now. Ben's father is a doctor. He works in a hospital. He often drives his car to work. Ben's mother is a teacher. She teaches English in our school. The man in white is Ben’s uncle. The young woman in red is Ben's aunt. They are office workers. Ben's family live in Beijing now. Ben and I are classmates. We are good friends.( ) 31. Whose family is this?A. Ben's.B. Michael's.C. Kangkang's.D.Li Xiang's.( )32.What do Ben's parents do?A.They're doctors.B. They're teachers.C. His father is a doctor and his mother is a teacher.D. His father is a teacher and his mother is a doctor.( ) 33. Where do Ben's uncle and aunt work?A. In an office.B. On a farm.C. In a hospital.D. In a school.( )34. Where do Ben's family live now?A. In Canada.B. In China.C. In England.D. In America.( )35.Which of the following is NOT True?A. Ben's family is big.B. Ben and I are classmates.C. Ben's mother is my Chinese teacher.D. Ben's aunt is in red in the photo.23.(10分)BDear David,How are you? I'm in Beijing now. I am in No. 5 High School. I like Beijing very much, and I have two good friends here. They are Peter and Wang Zhe. Peter is from Canada and Wang Zhe is from China. We are in the same class. They often help me with my Chinese. I can speak a little Chinese now. All of the teachers are kind to me. I like Chinese food here, like Guangdong food, Sichuan food and Hunan food. They are delicious(美味的). Sometimes(有时候) we go out to eat. Jiaozi is my favorite food. I often have Jiaozi for lunch and have noodles(面条) for dinner. I have milk and bread for breakfast. What about you?Jerry ( )36. Where is Jerry now?A. In Beijing.B. In Canada.C. In the USA.D. In England.( ) 37. Where is Peter from?A. the USA.B. China.C. Japan.D. Canada.( ) 38. Can Jerry speak Chinese?A. We don't know.B.Yes, he can speak it well.C. Yes, but a little.D. No, he can't speak it at all.( ) 39. What's Jerry's favorite food?A. Bread.B. Chicken.C. Noodles.D. Jiaozi.( ) 40. What does Jerry often have for dinner?A.Noodles.B. Jiaozi.C. Milk.D. Bread.24.(10分)CMany children like to watch TV. It’s very interesting. The programs on TV tell us many things about the country and a lot of news about the world, Judy watches TV on Sundays. There is an English program getting to know America. It’s her favorite program. It tells about the life of America, such as buildings,traffic,food,houses,movie stars. Why does she love the program? Because she likes English. She likes English best of all the subjects. When she is watching the program,she can remember every word she sees on TV. That helps a lot,because she learns many new words, English really interests her. She likes learning English. On weekdays, she doesn’t watch TV, but reads English story books every night before she goes to bed. She can learn a lot from the TV program and the story books.( ) 41. When does Judy often watch TV?A. On Sundays.B. On weekdays.C. At night.D. On Saturdays. ( ) 42. Getting to know America is a(an)______program.A. AmericanB. EnglishC. JapaneseD. Chinese ( ) 43. Why does she love the program?A. She likes English.B. She can learn a lot from it.C. It helps her a lot.D. A,B and C. ( ) 44. The program is about_____.A.English storiesB. American foodC. the life of AmericaD. American people( ) 45. Which one is true ?A. Judy learns English at school and home.B. Judy watches her favorite TV program on Sunday.C. Judy reads English books every day.D. Judy likes English a little.四、补全对话(本题共计1小题,总分10分)Waiter: Can I help you?Clark :Yes, 46Waiter: Would you like salad? 47Clark: OK! A vegetable salad, too.Waiter: What fruit do you want, oranges or bananas? Clark:48 I like strawberries.Waiter: Let me see. 49Clark: And I like a chocolate ice cream as my dessert.Waiter: Anything else?Clark: No. that's all.Waiter: OK. 50五、单词拼写(本题共计1小题,总分5分)51.26.(5分)Tomatoes and carrots are ______________(蔬菜).52.The black ______________(裤子) are Tom’s53.I want two ________(双) of socks.54.Today is Linda’s ___________(12) birthday.55.My favorite subject is ____________(地理)六、短文填空(本题共计1小题,总分10分)is____65__ (real) relaxing!How about you? When are your classes? What is your favorite subject?七、任务型阅读(本题共计1小题,总分10分)favorite subject is Computer because he thinks the computer can help him a lot in his study. He is a computer fan(迷) .He likes playing computer games very much, and he is good at playing it. Jack likes Art best because he likes drawing pictures very much. Mary likes Chinese best because her father is Chinese.Her father teaches her Chinese at home. She loves China very much, and she wants to know more about China.Bob thinks math is very interesting, so he likes math best. David likes PE best because he likes doing sports, He does well in playing basketball and football.66.Does Mary like Chinese best? _________________________________67.Who likes art best? ___________________________________________68.Why does David like PE best?___________________________________69.What is John”s favorite subject?__________________________________70.将文中画线的句子翻译成中文。
教案:Unit 4 Lesson 22 How Old Are You一、教学目标1. 知识目标(1)能够听懂、会说、会读本课的生词和重点句子。
2. 能力目标(1)能够正确使用基数词表示年龄。
3. 情感目标培养学生的合作意识,提高他们学习英语的兴趣。
二、教学内容1. 单词:eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty。
2. 句子:How old are you? I am eleven. I am How old ishe/she? He/She is3. 主要句型:基数词的运用。
三、教学重点与难点1. 重点:单词eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty的读音、拼写和意义;句型How old are you?和How old is he/she?的运用。
2. 难点:基数词的的正确运用和句型的灵活运用。
四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:PPT、单词卡片、数字卡片、录音机、磁带。
2. 学具:课本、练习本、铅笔、橡皮。
五、教学过程1. 热身(5分钟)(1)引导学生复习上一课的内容。
2. 课堂导入(10分钟)(1)向学生介绍本课的主题:询问和回答年龄。
(2)引导学生思考:如何用英语表示年龄?3. 单词教学(10分钟)(1)通过PPT展示单词卡片,引导学生学习单词eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty。
三年级英语上册 lesson22 How Old Are You教案 (新版)冀教版
Lesson22 How Old Are You?一、教学目标:1、知识目标:学生掌握下列词汇能口头运用How old are you ? I am ___ years old.2、能力目标:学生能够理解并能用以下词句进行交际: old , young.能口头运用How old are you ? I am ___ years old.3、情感态度目标:营造英语学习氛围,培养学生学习英语的兴趣。
三、教学用具、学具:单词卡片或实物、字母卡片、录音机四、教学过程:Step1: Class opening1.Greeting :T: Hello, boys and girls!S: Hello teacher!T: How are you ?S: I’m fine, thanks.S: How are you ?T: I’m fine, thanks.2. Listen to a song: I love you.Step2: New concepts1 . Sister , brother . Ask the students to look at the picture of Jenny’s family and describe what they know in English . Lead a discussion , in as much English as possible , about the pictures and sentences from Jenny’s photograph album .2.Talk about Jenny’s sister and brother, then l isten to the audiotape and read.(规范学生的表达)3. The students talk about the pictures of their families with sister, brother or some other words.(表达时可应用本单元学过的知识)4. Show a picture of an old man and say: “He is an old man. He is old.” Then showa young girl. Tell them she is young. Say it, please . He/She is old/young .5. The students say sentences themselves with young and old.6. Point to the old man: “He is old. But how old is he? He is sixty years old. Put on the Jenny puppet and ask it How old are you? As Jenny , answer my own question : I am ___ years old .Write How old are you ? I am ___ years old on the blackboard. Show some other puppies and ask the age.7. The students ask the age each other.8.Read after the tapeStep 3: HomeworkAsk your mother How old are you? Say something next class.五、Blackboard Hand- writingLesson 22How old are you?old youngHow old are you? I’m __ years old.Exercise:Fill in the blanks.1.br_ther, s_st_ _, _ ld, y_ _ _ s2. How _____ are you? I’m ______ years old. (十岁)六、课后反思:。
2019年精选小学英语三年级上册Lesson 22 How Old Are You冀教版拔高训练-含答案解析第六篇
2019年精选小学英语三年级上册Lesson 22 How Old Are You冀教版拔高训练-含答案解析第六篇第1题【单选题】你想知道对方多大了,你应该问:A、How are you?B、How old are you?【答案】:【解析】:第2题【单选题】有人想知道你是干什么的,如果你是学生,你应该回答:A、I"m a student.B、I"m a businessman.【答案】:【解析】:第3题【单选题】你帮助了别人,别人对你说“Thanks.”时,你应该说:A、Not thanks me.B、You"re welcome.【答案】:【解析】:第4题【单选题】有人想知道你爸爸是干什么的,如果你爸爸是医生,你应该回答:A、My father is a worker.B、My father is a doctor.【答案】:【解析】:第5题【判断题】My brother is two.He is old.A、正确B、错误【答案】:【解析】:第6题【判断题】—How old is he?—He"s ten.A、正确B、错误【答案】:【解析】:第7题【填空题】boy—______【答案】:【解析】:第8题【填空题】tall—______【答案】:【解析】:第9题【填空题】—______ your name?—My name is Linda.—______ are you?—I"m fine.—______ is it?—It"s yellow.—______ are you?—I"m nine.—______ pencils do you have? —I have ten.【答案】:【解析】:第10题【阅读理解】阅读短文,选择正确答案。
Hello! My name is Jenny. I"m ten years old. I have a sister and a brother. My sister"s name is Lynn. She is six years old. She is young. Her hair is red. She is short. My brother is very tall. His name is Bob. He is a student.What is Jenny"s sister"s name?A、Bob.B、Lynn.C、Jenny.How old is Lynn?A、Six.B、Nine.C、Ten.Is Bob tall or short?A、Tall.B、Short.C、Tall and short.How old is Jenny?A、She is eight years old.B、She is nine years old.C、She is ten years old.Is Lynn old or young?A、She is young.B、She is tall.C、She is old.【答案】:【解析】:第11题【阅读理解】【答案】:【解析】:第12题【情景交际】给问句选择合适的答语。
Lesson 22 How old are you?一、教学目标1、知识目标1)、能听、说、读、写单词young old句型:How old are you? I’m …2)、能听懂并跟读书中对话,鼓励学生学会表演。
二、教学重点能听、说、读、写单词young old,句型:How old are you? I’m …即学会询问对方年龄的日常交际用语。
三、教学难点How old are you?的正确发音和正确运用四、教学用具PPT课件,Jenny Danny和Li Ming的头像图,I’m …年龄胸卡,头饰五、教学过程:I、 Warm-UP1、GreetingT: Class begins.Ss: Stand up, please!T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, ,teacherT : Say Good morning to the teachers!Ss: Good morning, teachers!2、ChantT: (Stand up) Let’s chant, pen and pencil (出示课件)(师生站着边拍手边CHANT,两遍)T:Wonderful! Thank you! Sit down, please.3、Revision (有层次复习数字,由浅入深)1) T: Now, take out your fingers. Let’s count.(师生一起数数,从1到10,再从10到1)2)T: Now, count, (教师拍手),how many?(教师拍手,让学生数次数,并进行抢答。
)3) T: Now , I say , you clap hands?(教师说英语数字,学生进行拍手)4)T: Next, let’s look at the pen.T: What’s this? /How many boys?(1 boy , 3 girls, 5 pencils, 4 pens, 8 books )(通过快速出现数字和以前学过的动物单词、文具单词,然后快速消失,让学生比比谁的记忆力好,来复习数字)II、 Presentation1、 Old or young用图片介绍两个单词及句子。
单项选择( )1.下列字母发音中,不含相同音素的是组。
A.g,e,j B, a, k, h C.p,t,v D.l,m,n( )2.--Nice to see you, too.A. Nice to see you.B. How are you?C. Thank you.D.See you.( )3.- . Can you spell “tiger”?- , I can’t.A.Sorry; sorryB. Excuse me; SorryC. Sorry; Excuse meD. Excuse me; Excuse me ( )4.-What’s that English?- is a ruler.A.in; ThatB. in; ItC. at; ItD. for; That ( )5. -Are you Li Lei?- .A. I’m Li LeiB. Yes, I' m notC. No, we aren’tD. No, I’m not( )6.-Who is that girl?- is Jack’s friend.A.ItB. WeC. HeD. She( )7. His name is Alan Robert Smith. His first name is .A. AlanB. RobertC. Alan RobertD. Smith ( )8. Please call me 324-5583.A.forB.inC.atD. on( )9.-What is her telephone number?- .A.It's 786-1356B.It's Jim@C.I'm 88567301D. Yes, I am( )10. There is a pencil on the d esk. pencil is Peter’s.A.AB. AnC. TheD./( )11.-I want the blue trousers.- .A. Here it isB. Here is itC. Here you areD. Here are you ( )12.- you spell “pen”?-P-E-N.A. How areB. What d oC. How d oD. What are ( )13. Her uncle’s is her cousin.A. daughterB. fatherC. brotherD. sister ( )14. -How is your mother? - .A. I’m fine, thank youB. She is well, thanksC. He is fine, thanksD. They are well, thank you( )15.-Where’s your uncle? - .A She’s in Beijing B. Yes, he’s in ShanghaiC. He’s in BeijingD. No, he's in Beijing( )16. those your ?A.Are; appleB. Is; appl eC. Is; applesD. Are; appl es( )17. Gina like strawberries or bananas. She only likes apples.A. isn'tB. doesn'tC. don'tD. not( )18.-Do you eat at school?-Yes. I do.A.niceB. goodC.wellD. interesting( )19. Bill’s father very much.A. like tomatosB. likes tomatosC. likes tomatoesD. like tomatoes( )20. Let’s and soccerA. to go; to playB. go; playC. to go; playD. go; to play( )21. The skirt is too short. Do you have a one?A.l ongB.smallC.redD.big( ) 22.They hamburgers and milk for breakfast.A.eatB.drinkC. likesD.have( )23. I like The Chinese Poetry Conference《中国诗词大会》The Reader《朗读者》, I d on’t like Keep Running《奔跑吧》.A. and; andB. and; butC. but; andD. but; but( )24. The price of the sweaters $20.A.isB.areC.amD.be( )25. This is ruler, and that one is .A. I; youB. my; youC. I; yoursD. my; yours( )26. -How ol d are you? - .A. My birthday is on October 5thB. I’m tenthC. I’m tenD. I’m fifth( )27. Miss Fang is teacher. is a good teacher.A. our; HerB. my; HeC.a; SheD. an; She( )28. -The books on the chair Millie’s, right?-Yes, they are.A.isB. they’reC.it’sD. are( )29.- do you like English?-Because it's very interesting.A. WhyB. HowC. WhatD. Where( )30.-Is favorite month September?-No, likes October best.A.he; HeB. his; HisC.his;HeD. he; His( )31. days are in August.A.28B.29C.30D.31( )32. is the eleventh month of a year.A.MayB. OctoberC. AugustD. November ( )33. - When d o you have P E?-We have it Monday and Friday.A.inB.onC.atD.for( )34. Lili and Yaoyao have lunch at school?A. DoB. DoesC.IsD. Are( )35.-I like that red T-shirt. is it?-It's fifteen d ollars.A. How ol dB. How manyC. How muchD. How about ( )36.-What’s your sister’s favorite ?-Red.A. subjectB. fruitC. foodD. color( )37. -Where are the socks? - .A. They’re on the bedB. They're $3C. I’ll take themD. I can't find them( )38.-Let’s go to see the movie Youth《芳华》. - .A.Yes, I d oB. Sounds goodC. Sorry, I d on’tD. No I don’t( )39.- Ed Smith play sports after school?-No, he d oesn’t. He only them On TV.A. Does; watchesB. Is; watchC. Do; watchD.Does;watch( )40. -When Bob’s birthday party?-It's on December 22nd.A.areB.doC.doesD.is( )41. -Is this an ?-No, it’s a clock.A. eraserB. keyC. telephoneD. book ( )42. I buy the house a very good price.A.forB.atC.inD.on( )43. This is room. The twin sisters like it very much.A. Anne and JaneB. Anne’s and Jane’sC.Anne’s and JaneD. Anne and Jane’s( )44. I have cousins. They are Jane, Sally, Kate and Eric.A.fourB. fiveC.sixD.seven( )45. Jim like basketball. He computer games.A. Don’t; likeB. doesn't: likesC. d on’t; likesD. doesn’t; like( )46.- these two boys your brothers?-No, my friends.A. Are; it'sB.Is; it’sC.Are; they’reD. Is; they’re( )47. Her birthday is February.A.inB. onC.atD.for( )48.“ She l ikes Chinese best(最).” means“ Chinese is her.”A.likeB. favoriteC. funD. love( )49. -What kind of do you like?-Appl es.A.col orsB. subjectsC. vegetablesD. fruit( )50.-Who’s the boy in the yell ow hat?- .A. I d on't knowB. She is Tom's sisterC. He is at schoolD. He is four.( )51.- your sister a ruler?-Yes. It's nice and new.A Do; have B. Do; has C. Does; has D Does; have( )52. -I like ,what about you?-No, I d on’t like vegetabl es.A.breadB.carrotsC.tomatoD. appl es( )53. Sandra likes eggs, bananas and appl es lunch.A.atB. forC.ofD.on( )54. That man is Bob Brown, so we can call(叫) him .A. BrownB. Mr BackC.Mr. BobD. Mr. Bob Brown( )55.-Is that your cousin?- .He is my friend.A.Yes, he isB. No, he isn’tC. Yes, it isD.( )56.- ?-Yes, please. I want a basketball.A. Do you like basketballB. Excuse meC. Can you help meD. Can I help you( )57. It’s October 10th. Lucy is years old now. Today is her birthday.A. twelfth; twelfthB. twelve; twelveC. twelfth; twelveD. twelve: twelfth( )58.-Thank you for your help.- .A. You are rightB. That’s rightC. You are wel comeD. Thank you( )59.-Let's play basketball.- .I want to watch TV.A. That sounds greatB. Yes, It's difficultC. No, it’s boringD. Lets watch TV( )60. -How much this pair of black shoes?-$12.A.d oesB.hasC.areD.is( )61.- these his pencils?A. Do; they d oB. Are; they areC. Do; these d oD. Are; they aren’t( )62. Jake and Susan are all great .A. starsB.boysC.girlsD. fathers ( )63.-What col or is your bag? -A. It's yell owB. It's niceC. It's oldD. It's big( )64.-I like history. ?-Me, too.A. What are youB. How are youC. What about youD. How ol d are you( )65.-Does Linda have a baseball?- .But she has a basketball.A. Yes, she isB. No. she isn'tC. Yes, she doesD. No, she doesn't( )66. The skirts red and purpl e are only $20.A.atB.inC.onD.to( )67. are my parents, and I l ove very much.A. They; theyB. They; themC. He; heD. He; him( )68.-Hi, Susan, when is Teachers’ Day in China?-It’s September 10th.A.inB.onC.atD.for( )69. the man?-He is Kate’s father.A.What'sB. Who’sC. Where’sD. How’s( )70. My English class at 2.00 this afternoon.A. finishB. finishsC. finishesD.to finish( )71.-How’s your day?- .A. It's MondayB. It's OKC. Thank youD. Good morning( )72. Mom, where are my socks? I can’t them.A.findB. meetC. takeD. watch( )73. -When you have a basketball game?-Sorry, I know.A. Are; don’tB. do; aren’tC. are; aren’tD. do; don’t( )74. Your grandfather’s son is your or(或者) father.A. brotherB. uncl eC. auntD. cousin( )75. -Hey, Uncle Joe. Happy birthday!- .A. You’re welcomeB. Thank youC. The same to youD. Hello( )76. Frank’s favorite day is Monday because he has an lesson. He likes to draw pictures.A. musicB.artC. historyD. Chinese( )77. I’m very today and I have no time to play basketball with you.A.busyB.goodC.happyD.tidy( )78. is a good subject. I like it very much.A. BaseballB. ScienceC.MayD.Tuesday( )79. -Do you want to go to with me?-Yes. I need a hat.A.schoolB. the storeC. the library D the park( )80. -Where's my notebook?-Sorry, I d on’t know. You can your classmate help.A.ask; forB.asks;forC. Asks; aboutD. ask; about参考答案1-5 AABBD 6-10 DACAC 11-15 CCABC 16-20 DBCCB21-25 ADBAD 26-30 CDDAC 31-35 DDBAC 36-40 DABAD41-45 ABDAB 46-50 CABDA 51-55 DBBBB 56-60 DDCCD61-65 BAACD 66-70 BBBBC 71-75 BADBB 76-80BABBA人教版七年级上册期末专项复习之重点短语及词性转换一、重点短语1. 认识你______________2. 我的名字______________3. 布朗女士______________4. 你的名字______________5. 我的电话____________6. 电话号码____________7. 119 ____________ 8. 姓名和电话号码____________9. 我的一张全家福____________________________10. 在第一张图片上____________________________11. 在我的家庭中____________________________12. 狗的名字____________________________13. in the next picture ____________________________14. two nice photos of my family ____________________________15. here is ____________________________16. a family photo ____________________________17. 电子游戏机______________________ 18. 学生卡______________________19. 在7B教室里___________________ 20. 向老师要词典______________________21. 一些钥匙______________________ 22. _________ week 下周23. think _________ 思考,考虑24. How _________…?……怎么样?25. as k…_________…询问有关……的情况26. eating _________ 饮食习惯27. _________ breakfast 早饭28. _________ dinner 晚饭后29. want to _________ sth. 想要做某事30. _________ food 健康食物31. be ______________ 迟到32. ______________ school在学校33. watch ______________ 34. play ______________ 做运动35. ______________ voll eyball打排球36. ______________ class课后37. 生日聚会________________ 38. 学校旅行________________ 39. 篮球比赛________________ 40. 学校活动日________________ 41. 艺术节________________ 42. 图书销售活动________________ 43. 英语测验________________ 44. 过得愉快________________ 45. 忙于吃早餐________________ 46. 春节________________47. 无疑______________ 48. 上体育课______________49. 玩游戏______________ 50. 在周五______________参考答案:1. meet you2. my name3. Ms. Brown4. your name、5. my telephone6. telephone number/phone number7. one,one,nine8. name and phone number9. a photo of my family 10. in the first photo11. in my family 12. the name of a d og13. 在下一张照片上14. 我家人的两张漂亮照片15. 这儿是/这儿有16. 一张全家福17. computer game 18. school ID card19. in Classroom 7B 20. ask the teacher for a dictionary 21. some keys 22. next 23. about24. about 25. about26. habits 27. for28. after 29. do30. healthy 31. late32. at 33. TV34. sports 35. play36. after 37. birthday party38. school trip 39. basketball match/game40. School Day 41. art festival42. book sale 43. English test44. have a good time 45. be busy having/with breakfast 46. Spring Festival 47. for sure48. have P.E. 49. play games 50. on Friday二、用括号所给单词的适当形式填空。
英语口语俩俩对话(English Dialogues In Pairs)1. A: What’s your name? 你的名字是什么?B: My name is Li Ming. 我的名字是李明。
2. A: How old are you? 你几岁了?B: I’m nineteen years old. 我19岁。
3. A: How are you? 你好吗?B: Fine, thanks. And you? 很好,谢谢.你呢?A: I’ m fine,too. 我也很好。
4. A: This is Jenny. She is my friend. 这是Jenny.她是我的朋友A: Jenny, This is John. Jenny,这是John。
B: Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。
C: Nice to meet you, too. 我也是.5. A: Who is on duty today? 今天谁值日?B: I am on duty today. 今天我值日。
6. A: Is everyone here? 人都在吗?B: Yes, we are./NO, Lily is’t here. 是,都来了。
7. A: What day is it today? 今天是星期几?B: It’s Monday. 星期一。
8. A: What date is it today? 今天几号?B: It’s April 12th today. 今天四月十二号。
9. A: What’s the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?B: It is cold. 天气很冷。
10. A: Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?B:Yes, please./No, thanks. 好的。
11. A: May I borrow your pencil, please? 请问我能借你的铅笔吗?B: Sure! Here you are. 当然可以! 给你。
2022-2023年冀教版英语四年级下册 Lesson 13 How Old Are You 练习卷
选择题Today is my birthday. I ________ very happy. ( )A.amB.isC.are【答案】A【解析】句意:今天是我的生日。
选择题My little sister is ________. ( )A.one years oldB.one yearC.one year old【答案】C【解析】句意:我的小妹妹_____。
表示岁数大于一岁year用复数,一岁用单数,年龄用year old表示,故选C。
选择题—________ are you? ( )—I'm fifteen.A.HowB.How oldC.How many【答案】B【解析】句意:——你是……?——我十五岁。
根据答语知上句问年龄,用how old,故答案为B。
选择题When is ________ birthday? ( )A.youB.IC.his【答案】C【解析】句意:______生日在什么时候?birthday是名词,前面用形容词性物主代词,故选C。
选择题My mother’s birthday is ________. ( )A.January tenB.January 10thC.January the ten【答案】B【解析】句意:我妈妈的生日是_______。
例:pen tenten books【1】cow ________ ________【2】am ________ ________【3】cold ________ ________【4】you ________ ________【5】ear ________ ________【答案】【1】how how old【2】arm my right arm【3】old an old skirt【4】your your mother【5】year one year【解析】【1】cow替换字母c变成how,组成短语how many,故答案为cow;how many。
- B: My brother is twelve years old. How old is your sister?
- A: My sister is seven years old.
2.教学内容与学生已有知识联系紧密,学生已在之前的课程中学过家庭成员的词汇如"mother", "father", "sister"等,以及简单的介绍句型如"This is...".通过本节课的学习,学生将能够在原有知识的基础上,运用新学的句型询问和回答年龄,进一步丰富交流场景和表达方式。
举例:在课堂活动中,教师通过出示家庭成员的图片,引导学生用所学句型和词汇进行询问和回答,如教师问:“How old is your father?”,学生回答:“My father is thirty-five years old.”
举例:在小组活动中,学生可能会在回答问题时混淆主语和动词的人称和数,如将“Her mother is...”误说成“Her mother is...”,教师需针对此难点进行重点讲解和指导。同时,教师应引导学生注意在回答中使用正确的基数词和名词所有格,如“my mother's”而非“my mothers”。通过实际场景模拟,帮助学生克服难点,实现知识内化。
(10 分)()1.你想把你的哥哥Leo 介绍给他人,你应该说:A. This is my son, Leo.B. This is my brother, Leo.()2.你想询问别人的年龄时,你应该说:A. How are you?B. How old are you?()3.别人指着远处那个男孩问他是谁时,你应该回答:A. He’s my brother.B. He’s my father.()4.你想告诉别人你喜欢吃芒果,你可以这样说:A. I like mangoes.B. I like grapes.()5.你想让李燕给你出示一下大写字母U,你应该这样说:A. Show me the small letter u.B. Show me the big letter U.二、看图,选择正确的答案。
(10 分)()1.—What time is it? — ___________A. It’s seven o’clock.B. It’s twelveo’clock.()2.—___________Here’s a gift for you.—Oh, thank you very much.A. Happy birthday!B. I have a new book!()3.— ___________—Yes, it is.A. Is this your T-shirt?B. Is this your skirt?()4.—Do you like apples? — ___________A. No, I don’t.B. Yes, I do.()5.— ___________—He’s my father.A. Who’s this man?B. Who’s that woman?三、判断下列对话内容与图片是(Y)否(N)相符。
21世纪学生英文报初二2021~2 20年第46~50期答案
21世纪学生英文报初二2021~2 20年第46~50期答案46期:听力材料及答案(一)听小对话,选择图片。
1.W:When were you born, Jim ?M:I was born in 1994.2.W:What sport do you like best, Peter ?M:I like tennis best.3.M:Where should I put the salt, Mum ?W:On the fish.4.W:Tony, you look tired.What’s the matter ?M:Dad kept me practicing the violin for hours this morning.5.W:When and where was the last Olympic Games held ? Can you tell me ?M:Oh, in London in 2012.(二)听小对话,回答问题。
6. W: What’s wrong with me, doctor?M: You have a fever. I think you’d better take some medicine and stay in bed.7. W:Is Mr. Brown coming to our school soon ?M:Yes.In five minutes.8. W:I heard you were in Beijing last Sunday.How was the weather there ?M:It was fine and we enjoyed ourselves very much9. W:What are you going to do this afternoon ?M:I’m not sure.Maybe I’ll go to buy some books.10. W: It’s a nice pen. How much did you spend on it??M: It cost me 10 dollars.(三)听一段较长对话,回答问题。
冀教版英语三年级上册Lesson 22 How Old Are you?获奖优质课教学设计2篇
冀教版英语三年级上册Lesson 22 How Old Are you?获奖优质课教学设计2篇He is _____.She is _____.old young young old Fill in the blanksThe teacher is _____.The student is _____.young oldold youngXiYangyang is _____.ManYangyang is ____.young old(设计意图:重点单词的练习不是孤立的,而是放在一定的句子情景中练习,丰富了语s do it !My brother is My mother is My sister is young.Students draw and try to introduce (学生画一画并对自己的家庭成员进行介绍) She is three years old .I ’m thirty years old .How old are you?Look at the girl. She is young. She is three years old.(three years old She is three years old.T: I am thirty years old . How old are you?nineAge LiMingName How old are you?Learning tips : It is impolite to ask adult ’s age in Western country.(西方国家不能直接提问他人年龄,尤其是女士和成年人。
)Learning tips: It is impolite to ask adult ’s age in Western country. (人年龄,尤其是女士和成年人。
冀教版六年级上册Unit4 Lesson22练习题及答案
Lesson 22 Christmas Gifts一、将字母重新组合成单词(注意单词的形式),完成句子。
1. Tim___________(b, i, n, g, r) many colour pencils.2. Are you going to_______(i, v, g, e ) gifts?3. Santa sings Christmas_________(n, o, g, s).4. Peter is_______(p, t, u) up the Christmas tree.5. On a________(l, o, h, d, a, y i) , people don't work.二、我会选。
( )1. I will give________to my teacher.A.theyB.themC.their( )2. I want to buy a book_________my brother.A.toB.atC.for( )3. I am going to give a pen__________Jenny.A.forB.toC.with( )4. What would you like__________ Christmas?A.forB./C.by( )5. We sing songs__________Christmas.A.byB.atC./三、阅读短文,给图片排序。
Today is Children's Day. Rose doesn't go to school. She is at home. After she has breakfast, she helps her mother clean the house. Then she invites her grandfather and grandmother to her house. She wants to have a surprise party. She makes four little cakes. They are nice. Every cake has a name. At 5: 00 her grandparents come to her house. They bring some pencils for Rose. And Rose gives them two beautiful cakes. All of them are very happy.()()()()答案一、1. brings 2. give 3. songs 4. putting 5. holiday二、1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B三、2 3 4 1Unit 5 Part B 第一课时(Let's learn-Write and discuss)一、听录音,圈出你所听到的单词。
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Lesson 22 How Old Are You?
1. old
2. boy
3. tall
________ ________ ________
( )1. 有人想知道你爸爸是干什么的,如果你爸爸是医生,你应该回答:_____
A. My father is a worker.
B. My father is a doctor.
( )2. 有人想知道你是干什么的,如果你是学生,你应该回答:_________
A. I’m a student.
B. I’m a businessman.
( )3. 你想知道对方多大了,你应该问:_________
A. How are you?
B. How old are you?
( )4. 你生日那天,朋友送你许多礼物,你应该对他们说:___________
A. Thank you.
B. Fine
( )5. 你帮助了别人,别人对你说“Thanks.”时,你应该说:__________
A. Not thanks me.
B. You’re welcome.
( )1. What are they doing? A. My name is Jenny.
( )2. How old are you? B. They are playing.
( )3. What’s your name? C. I cut my nose.
( )4. Happy birthday to you. D. I am ten years old.
( )5. What’s the matter? E. Thank you.
1. —How old is Niuniu? —She is six.
2. —How old is Fangfang? —She is seven.
3. —Hello, Lynn, How old are you? —I'm three.
4. —Hi, Meimei. How old are you? —I'm nine.
一、1. young 2. girl 3. short
二、1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B
三、1. B 2. D 3. A 4. E 5. C
9 6 3 7。