


2 Determinar los procedimientos de backup. 3 Determinar la gesti髇 de impresi髇. 4 Determinar los responsables de definir perfiles de autorizaci髇. 5 Establecer los procedimientos de ejecuci髇 de B-I. 6 Establecer los procedimientos de ejecuciones batch.
1 Crear el Plan de Trabajo del Proyecto. 2 Asignar fechas de realizaci髇 de las tareas. 3 Asignar responsables a las tareas.
4 Preparar los datos. 5 Preparar la documentaci髇 para los usuarios. 6 Mostrar el prototipo a usuarios y direcci髇. 7 Revisar la lista de puntos de calidad de la fase de Dise駉
SD DISE袿 DETALLADO SD Dise馻r modelo de organizaci髇 Determinar datos b醩icos Dise馻r modelo de procedimientos Identificar procesos recurrentes Implementar interfases Configurar formularios Configurar reporting Determinar autorizaciones



精品文档,值得拥有1. Managing Endings: A ChecklistYes No____ ____ Have I studied the change carefully and identified who is likely to losewhat—including what I myself am likely to lose?____ ____ Do I understand the subjective realities of these losses to the people who experience them, even when they seem like overreaction to me?____ ____ Have I acknowledged these losses with sympathy?____ ____ Have I permitted people to grieve and publicly expressed my own senseof loss?____ ____ Have I permitted people to grieve and publicly expressed my own senseof loss?____ ____ Have I found ways to compensate people for their losses?____ ____ Am I giving people accurate information and doing it again and again? ____ ____ Have I defined clearly what is over and what isn't?____ ____ Have I found ways to "mark the ending"?____ ____ Am I being careful not to denigrate the past but, when possible, to findways to honor it?____ ____ Have I made a plan for giving people a piece of the past to take withthem?____ ____ Have I made it clear how the ending we are making is necessary toprotect the continuity of the organization or conditions on which theorganization depends?____ ____ Is the ending we are making big enough to get the job done in one step? Final Questions:What actions can you take to help people deal more successfully with the endings that are takingplace in your organization? What can you do today to get started on this aspect of transition management?1 / 1。


New Product Development is the process of creating, developing and commercializing new products/services, including generation of the initial idea, investigation of the product/service concept and its market feasibility, screening and select of the highest potential product/service development projects, design and development of the product (including all technical, operational, manufacturing, marketing, sales, distribution, financial, service and warranty plans) through launc of the new product/service in the marketplace. It begins with formulation of a product strategy (driven by the overall corporate strategy) and includes management of the entire product portfolio.
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Service Bureau/In-house System Survey
Safe Deposit
Name of Package? How old is the Program? Third Party ( Y/N/Partly)
If yes, Vendor Name If yes, Package Name Online/Real-time? (Y/N) Batch? (Y/N) PC Based? (Y/N) Windows Based? (Y/N) Uplink to Core? (Y/N)
Programming Language? Any third party programs used to enhance the product?
Pulse 5.1 1990 N N/A N/A Y N Y Y Y
Sybase SQL on the Server. PowerBuilder at the PC level
2020/11/12, 1:45
Service Bureau/In-house System Survey
Name of Package? How old is the Program? Third Party ( Y/N/Partly)
If yes, Vendor Name If yes, Package Name Online/Real-time? (Y/N) Batch? (Y/N) PC Based? (Y/N) Windows Based? (Y/N) Uplink to Core? (Y/N)
Programming Language? Any third party programs used to enhance the product?



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Pha se Deli vera bles : No Deli vera bles .
Ste p Na me: Car e Abo ut Peo ple
Ste p Deli vera bles : No Deli vera bles .
Tas ks: No Tas ks.
Tas ks: No Tas ks.
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Ste p Na me: Deli ver On Pro mis es
Ste p Deli vera bles : No Deli vera bles .
Tas ks: No Tas ks.
Ste p Na me: Rec ogni ze Deg ree of Clie nt Trus t in the Rel atio nshi p
Tas ks: No Tas ks.
Page 6
Ste p Na me: Be Ethi cal
Ste p Deli vera bles : No Deli vera bles .
Tas ks: No Tas ks.
Pha se Na me: Cre ate Trus t
Pha se Deli vera bles : No Deli vera bles .
Sቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱeet1
Page 5
Ste p Deli vera bles : No Deli vera bles .
Tas ks: No Tas ks.
Ste p Na me: De mon strat e Skill s and Acc omp lish men ts
Ste p Deli vera bles : No Deli vera bles .



Waldorf, Germany
OS400(AS400), AIX (RS6000)
Unix, NT, OS2
Unix, NT
All major Unix vendors
Tribase, Oracle, Sybase, Ingres,
0 In development. 0 Available this fall
Yes, via third party & have
1 Yes, via third party & have experience
1 Available with financials, remaining
orders and tracks
which become
2 Standard report 2
Bits Vendor Screening Matrix
Supported - 2
Partially Supported - 1
Complete solution
6. Ability to maintain industry/customer benchmark data available from thBiblioteka rd party resources



Cost ManagementOverview/Benefits ABC & ABMActivity-based management is a useful but sometimes overlooked cost management tool that allows companies to determine not only accurate costs but also the costs of alternative actions.While more traditional cost management utilizes activity-based costing, which answers the question“What do things cost?,” activity-based management (ABM) answers the question“What causes cost to occur?” Utilizing this technique allows a company to determine the costs of alternative actions such as rearranging equipment to produce things more quickly (time-based competition), purchasing more expensive but higher quality materials to reduce lost sales to disappointed customers (total quality management) or comparing different ways of reengineering a business process. U.S. organizations have been pioneers in developing ABM, in part because the diversity in products, services, and people is much greater in this country.Direct Services ProvidedArthur Andersen’s direct cost manage ment services include the following:☐Profitability analysis - Products, Customers, Channels☐Benchmarking of cost management practices☐Economic value analysis☐Value chain analysis☐Cost reduction using activity-based management☐Process cost analysis☐Target costing/Profit planning☐Transfer pricing analysis☐Implementing standard cost systems☐Activity-based budgetingIndirect Services ProvidedCost management often works in tandem with other management initiatives, integrating with the other services offered by Business Consulting. Indirectly, cost management supports the following:☐reengineering of the finance function☐development of performance measurement systems☐reengineering using activity-based analysis☐implementation of improvement programs (TQM, JIT)☐value engineeringEntry Point/Target Buyer☐CFO; Controller☐Manufacturing☐Telecom☐Utilities☐Services☐Healthcare☐Insurance☐Grocery (ECR)Engagement SizeWhile some pilot jobs are performed for less, the typical engagement size for an entry level cost management engagement if between $100,000 - $300,000. However, a full-scale implementation generally starts at $400,000.Keys to Identifying Opportunities for Cost Reduction ☐High inventories:∙Large central stockroom∙Interactive WIP orders on floor∙Turnover lower than industry average∙WIP turnover exceeds process time∙Piece rate incentive pay∙Productivity measured on per machine/per worker basis☐Long production lead times:∙Functional plant layout, no product focus∙Long distance between work stations∙Large manufacturing lot sizes∙High scrap rate∙Planning lead time exceeds process time∙Bottlenecks at inspection department∙Missed customer delivery dates☐High overhead rates:∙Several forklifts∙Employees walking around, searching for equipment∙Significant handling, storage and inspection costsActivity-Based Cost ManagementOverview & BenefitsActivity-based cost management (ABCM) is the overall practice of activity-based management (ABM), activity-based costing (ABC), and activity-based budgeting (ABB). The uses of ABCM information are numerous. Companies are using ABCM to reengineer operations, improve benchmarking, increase revenues, simplify the budget process, and establish performance measures. Whether implemented alone or as part of a larger performance management system, ABCM provides companies with better information to manage their business. Service Line Questions1. What is the business objective (or problem) being addressed?2. Are current product/service costs accurate?3. What factors contribute most to costs?4. What processes should be improved? Why? How?5. Which products/services are most profitable?6. Do you know which customers are profitable and which are not?7. Which distribution channels are most profitable?6. What departments’ costs appear to be out-of-line? Why?7. Who are the project stakeholders/customers?8. What are their expectations? What is their definition of success?9. What obstacles to change exist? How can they be overcome?What Information Do Activity Based Systems Provide?- Activity cost- Business process costs- Visibility to the root causes of costs- Highlight and assist in focusing on important cost- Reliable cost information about products and servicesActivity-Based ManagementOverview & BenefitsActivity-based management (ABM) is the broad discipline that focuses on achieving customer value and company profit through the management of activities. It draws on activity-based costing (ABC) as a major source of infomation.When we refer to ABC, we are usually describing the use of activity analysis to improve the costing process. It is equally applicable to determining customer costs, channel costs, etc. ABC focuses on determining “what things cost.”Benefits typically derived from ABC include:☐more accurate product costs;☐determination of the costs of services;☐determination of customer costs;☐identification of market or distribution channel costs;☐determination of project costs;☐determination of contract costs;☐determination of what products, customers, or channels to emphasize;☐tracking of direct mail catalog profitability;☐support for measurement of economic value analysis;☐support for contract negotiations;☐support for increasing revenue by helping customers understand their cost reductions through use of your products and services;☐support for target costing;☐support for benchmarking; and☐determination of shared services charge-out amounts.The broader use of activity-based approaches inherent in ABM revolves around using activity-based infor mation to manage operations. ABM focuses more on “how to change and improve your costs.”Benefits typically derived from ABM include:☐identification of redundant costs;☐analysis of value added and non-value added costs;☐quantification of the cost of quality by element;☐identification of customer focused activities;☐analysis of the cost of complexity;☐identification of process costs and support of process analysis;☐measurement of the impact of reengineering efforts;☐better understanding of cost drivers;☐evaluation of manufacturing flexibility investments; andactivity-based budgeting.。



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St ep D eli ve ra bl es :
A cti vit yba se d S oft w ar e S co re ca rd
T as ks
G at he r re qu ire m en ts fr o m cr os sfu nc tio na l te a 1 m.
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St ep D eli ve ra bl es :
R es ou rc e Li st
T as ks
Id en tif y re so ur ce srol es an d re sp on si bil iti es 1.
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O bt ai n co m mi tm en t fr o m re so ur ce s to ful fill rol es 2.
St ep N a m e: Q ua lit y A ss ur an ce
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St ep D eli ve ra bl es : N o D eli ve ra bl es .
T as ks
O bt ai n cli en t in vo lv e m en t in de ve lo pi ng pr oj ec t w or kp la 1n
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Total Req Records
Med. Record Lookup
Total Req Records
Total Req Records
Employer Profile
Total Req Records
Employer Lookup
Total Req Records
Center Status
body_part retrieve: body_part insert: body_part update: body_part delete:
case retrieve: case insert: case update: case delete:
center retrieve: center insert: center update: center delete:
Total Req Records
Patient Checkout
Total Req Records
Charge Entry
Total Req Records
Med. Record Maintenance
Total Req Records
Med. Record Lookup
Total Req Records
Total Req Records
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Date: 2020/11/14 Time: 0:25
guarantor delete:
hsm retrieve: hsm insert: hsm update: hsm delete:
hsm_clinic retrieve: hsm_clinic insert: hsm_clinic update: hsm_clinic delete:
Total Req Records
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Date: 2020/11/14 Time: 0:25
fac_test_t ype update: fac_test_t ype delete:
form retrieve: form insert: form update: form delete:
formulary _category retrieve: formulary _category insert: formulary _category update: formulary _category delete:
guarantor retrieve: guarantor insert: guarantor update:
center_m pp retrieve: center_m pp insert:
File: transact.xls
Data Requests
Total Req Records
Patient Admit
Total Req Records
Patient Checkout
Total Req Records
Charge Entry
Total Req Records
Med. Record Maintenance
Total Req Records
Med. Record Lookup
Total Req Records
Total Req Records
Employer Profile
Total Req Records
Patient Checkout
Total Req Records
Charge Entry
Total Req Records
Med. Record Maintenance
Total Req Records
Med. Record Lookup
Total Req Records
Total Req Records
associatio n retrieve: associatio n insert: associatio n update: associatio n delete:
File: transact.xls
Data Requests
Total Req Records
Patient Admit
doing_bus iness_as retrieve: doing_bus iness_as insert: doing_bus iness_as update: doing_bus iness_as delete:
fac_test_t ype retrieve:
fac_test_t ype insert:
Total Req Records
Med. Record Lookup
Total Req Records
Total Req Records
Employer Profile
Total Req Records
Employer Lookup
Total Req Records
Center Status
cpt_charg e_master retrieve:
File: transact.xls
Data Requests
Total Req Records
Patient Admit
Total Req Records
Patient Checkout
Total Req Records
Charge Entry
icd9 retrieve: icd9 insert: icd9 update: icd9 delete:
icd9_to_in jury_area retrieve:
File: transact.xls
Data Requests
Total Req Records
Patient Admit
Total Req Records
Employer Profile
Total Req Records
Employer Lookup
Total Req Records
Total Req Records
Med. Record Lookup
Total Req Records
Total Req Records
Employer Profile
Total Req Records
Employer Lookup
Total Req Records
Center Status
cpt_fee retrieve: cpt_fee insert: cpt_fee update: cpt_fee delete:
cpt_maste r retrieve: cpt_maste r insert: cpt_maste r update: cpt_maste r delete:
desirability retrieve: desirability insert:
Total Req Records
Med. Record Maintenance
Total Req Records
Med. Record Lookup
Total Req Records
Total Req Records
Employer Profile
Total Req Records
File: transact.xls
Data Requests
Total Req Records
Patient Admit
Total Req Records
Patient Checkout
Total Req Records
Charge Entry
Total Req Records
Med. Record Maintenance
File: transact.xls
Data Requests
Total Req Records
Patient Admit
Total Req Records
Patient Checkout
Total Req Records
Charge Entry
Total Req Records
Med. Record Maintenance
city_state _zip retrieve: city_state _zip insert: city_state _zip update: city_state _zip delete:
courier retrieve: courier insert: courier update: courier delete:
Total Req Records
பைடு நூலகம்
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Date: 2020/11/14 Time: 0:25
desirability update: desirability delete:
discount retrieve: discount insert: discount update: discount delete:
Total Req Records
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Date: 2020/11/14 Time: 0:25
form_type update: form_type delete:
formulary retrieve: formulary insert: formulary update: formulary delete: