


(NOTE B) 4T-6103
114-2789 36
R e v e rs in g Fan Attac h m e n t
De s c rip tio n
Part Mac h in e S c h e m atic Nu m b e r Lo c atio n Lo c atio n
(HMU STEERING) 255-2856 39
(HMU STEERING) 146-7571 41
D-3, E-3 G-5
B rak e Co n tro l S y s te m
200-4169 201
251-6351 202
249-0046 203



CAT980H型装载机全寿命周期经济性分析1 现有设备总体情况流机队现有CAT980H型装载机共计24台,主要从事矿石、煤炭、铝矾土的船舶清舱、搬倒和市提、火车装车、堆平垛等作业,是公司生产的主力机械。




2 装载机外租成本费用以外租装载机的市场价作为参考:380元/台时。






3 装载机折旧费用装载机年折旧额=(固定资产原值-预计使用残值)/预计使用年限。



CATERPILLAR 420E 420E IT 挖掘装载机 说明书

CATERPILLAR 420E 420E IT 挖掘装载机 说明书

420E/420E IT®挖掘装载机2420E/420E IT 装载机还装备了标准的先导操纵手柄、更舒适的操作台和伸缩式斗杆,进一步增强了性能,通过它,您能够更轻松地完成更多作业。

420E/420E IT 特点世界一流的驾驶室标准空气悬浮座椅、更大的腿部活动空间以及更佳的视野都使操作员感觉更加舒适 – 从而工作更安全,生产效率更高。


改进的动力传动系最大行驶速度可达 40 km/h/ 25 mph, 用户可更快速地进出工地。



內容操作台 ..........................................................3控制装置......................................................3液压系统......................................................4行驶控制装置.............................................4动力传动系 .................................................5装载机 ..........................................................6挖掘装载机 .................................................7维修保养方便性 ........................................8客户支持......................................................8技术产品......................................................9作业机具....................................................10420E/420E IT 技术参数 ............................11420E/420E IT 标准装置 ............................24420E/420E IT 选配装备 . (25)注释 (26)3操作台舒适性、视野及风格。



SY980H-S额定功率:478kW/1800rpm 整机重量:94500kg 标准斗容:6.5m 3,配置、2023年04月出版新动力新技术新造型三一大型挖掘机百吨悍将 威震八方SY980H是三一重机在大型挖掘机领域倾力打造的一款超级矿山型挖掘机,采用高压、大流量的全电控液压系统,主要针对石、煤、金属等矿山重载工况。


动力造型技术0304动力液压系统主 阀动力系统发动机后处理技术排气出口DOC氧化催化转化器微粒滤清器选择性催化还原DPFSCRDRP尿素添加排气入口主 泵骨架加强型驾驶室,安全性能比普通驾驶室提高30%,配置急停开关、防滑盖板、防碎石侧门等,进一步提升设备矿山作业安全性。

全新升级内饰,悬挂式国四扶手箱、水杯座、冷藏箱、24V 取电口、USB 接口等一应俱全,引入汽车静态舒适性和动态舒适性标准,全新开发“12h 不疲劳”大阻尼悬浮减振座椅。






空调升级搭载10.4吋智能显示屏,集成空调、收音机、蓝牙、GPS 等功能,标配一键启机,支持故障检测与报警,智能调试与诊断,新增一键召请功能,更加安全智能。

07技术工作装置结构件强化全电控系统强化下车自动润滑铲斗升级电控手柄主控制器液压油缸回转装置行走装置电控主阀电控主泵E-P匹配P-V 匹配F-D 匹配转速压力温度电控发动机全国代理商及全球五大区域代理商为三一的售后服务提供了强有力的保障,“5231”、“110”、“111”的承诺为全球服务续航。


1,200 rpm

Cat® C15 ACERT™

264 kW
355 hp

237 kW
318 hp
235 kW
315 hp

237 kW
318 hp

1615 N·m 1,191 ft-lb

137.0 mm 5.4 in
171.5 mm 6.75 in

15.2 L
928 in3 1,800 rpm
1601 5'3"
3090 10'2"
125 4.9
9570 31'5"
6217 20'5"
15 972 52'5"
22 063 48,649
19 801 43,661
233 52,425
30 432 67,103
5.0 6.5
4.25 5.56
3447 11'4"
3385 11'1"
1457 4'9"
3229 10'7"
1601 5'3"
3090 10'2"
90 3.5
9570 31'5"
6217 20'5"
15 972 52'5"
22 417 49,429
20 439 45,068
252 56,700
30 253 66,708
4.9 6.25
4.19 5.48
3533 11'7"
3229 10'7"

Caterpillar 320 海滩挖掘机高性能与低燃料消耗说明书

Caterpillar 320 海滩挖掘机高性能与低燃料消耗说明书

Cat® 320Hydraulic ExcavatorHigh Performance with Lower Fuel Consumption• Use up to 25 percent less fuel than the Cat 320F excavator.• Increase operating effi ciency up to 45 percent with standardCat Connect technologies that lower operator fatigue and youroperating costs, including fuel consumption and daily maintenance.• The C4.4 ACERT™ engine can run on biodiesel up to B20 and meetsU.S. EPA Tier 4 Final and EU Stage IV emission standards with anaftertreatment system that requires no maintenance or downtime.• The advanced hydraulic system provides the optimum balanceof power and effi ciency while giving you the control you needfor precise digging requirements.• Match the excavator to the job with power modes; let Smartmode automatically match engine and hydraulic power to diggingconditions.• Auxiliary hydraulic options give you the versatility to use a widerange of Cat attachments.• Available SmartBoom™ lets the boom freely travel up and downwithout using any pump fl ow so operators can focus on stick andbucket work. The benefi ts are reduced operator stress and reducedfuel consumption.• Don’t let the temperature stop you from working. The excavatorhas a standard ambient temperature capability of 46° C (115° F) andoptional high-ambient capability of 52° C (125° F). Standard coldstart capability is –32° C (–25° F).Boost Effi ciency and Boost Productivitywith Integrated Cat Connect Technologies• Boost productivity up to 45 percent versus traditional gradingwith standard Cat GRADE with 2D system – includes indicate-onlyand laser capability.–Dig with guidance to depth, slope, and horizontal distanceto grade.–The 2D system is upgradable to Cat GRADE with Advanced 2Dor Cat GRADE with 3D.• Standard Grade Assist:–Stay on grade – simply and effortlessly – with single-lever digging.–Set your desired bucket angle and let Bucket Assist automaticallymaintain the angle in sloping, leveling, fi ne grading, and trenchingapplications for easy, accurate, and fast jobs.–Keep the tracks on ground in lifting and hard digging withBoom Assist.–Automatically stop excavator swing at operator-defi ned setpoints in truck loading and trenching applications with SwingAssist, which will help you use less effort and consume less fuel.• Standard Cat PAYLOAD on-board weighing system:–Achieve precise load targets and increase loading effi ciencywith on-the-go weighing and real-time estimates of your payloadwithout swinging.–Track your daily productivity such as truck target weights andload/cycle counts.–Calibration can be performed in a matter of minutes.–Combine Payload with VisionLink® and remotely manage yourproduction targets.• Upgrade to optional Cat GRADE with Advanced 2D:–Create and edit grade designs with ease on a second high-resolution 254 mm (10 in) touchscreen monitor.• Upgrade to optional Cat GRADE with 3D:–Create and edit designs with ease and see the front linkage’sfull range of motion on a second high-resolution 254 mm (10 in)touchscreen monitor.–Know the excavator’s exact position relative to GPS andGLONASS systems.–The machine automatically compensates for excavator pitchand roll caused by sloping ground conditions.• Standard Product Link™ provides location, machine hours, fuelusage, productivity, idle time, diagnostic codes, and other machinedata on demand through VisionLink online interface, helping youimprove job site effi ciency with lower operating costs.The Cat® 320 excavator brings premium performance with simple-to-use technologies like Cat GRADE with 2D, Grade Assist, and Payload – all standard equipment from the factory to boost your operator effi ciencies up to 45 percent. Combine these features with a new cab, longer maintenance intervals that lower your maintenance costs up to 15 percent, and a power system that reduces fuel consumption by up to 25 percent and you have a low-cost-per-unit-of-production excavator that’s perfect for medium- to heavy-duty applications. Not all features available in all regions. Consult your Cat dealer for specifi c confi gurations available in your region.Cat® 320 Hydraulic ExcavatorWork in Comfort in the All-New Cab• Choose between Comfort and Deluxe cabs – both with automatic climate control.• Sit in wide seats that adjust for all size operators; stay warm with the Deluxe heated seat.• Enjoy wide spacing between consoles for a more comfortable environment.• Get in and out of the cab easier using the tip-up left console (Deluxe cab only).• Advanced viscous mounts reduce cab vibration up to 50 percent over previous excavator models.• Control the excavator comfortably with easy-to-reach controlsall located in front of you.• Stow your gear with plenty of in-cab storage beneath and behind the seat, overhead, and in the consoles. A cup holder, document holder, bottle holder, and coat hook are also provided.• Use the standard radio’s USB ports and Bluetooth® technologyto connect personal devices and make hands-free calls.Simple to Operate• Start the engine with a push button; use a Bluetooth key fob, smartphone app, or the unique Operator ID function.• Program each joystick button, including response and pattern, using Operator ID; it will also remember climate control fanand radio settings.• Navigate quickly on the standard high-resolution 203 mm(8 in) touchscreen monitor, or with the optional 254 mm (10 in) touchscreen monitor, or with the aid of the jog dial control.• A second 254 mm (10 in) monitor is available for the advanced grade control.• Not sure how a function works or how to maintain the excavator? Always have the operator’s manual at your fi ngertips in the touchscreen monitor.Maintenance• Expect up to 15 percent less maintenance cost than the 320E. (Savings calculated over 12,000 machine hours.)• Do all daily maintenance at ground level.• Check engine oil level quickly and safely with the new ground-level engine oil dipstick; fi ll and check engine oil on top of the machine with a conveniently located second dipstick.• Track your excavator’s fi lter life and maintenance intervals via the in-cab monitor.• Do no required maintenance on the Cat Clean Emissions Module.• Change all fuel fi lters at a synchronized 500 hours.• Expect the new air intake fi lter with precleaner to last up to1,000 hours – a 100 percent increase over the previous fi lter.• The new hydraulic oil fi lter provides improved fi ltration performance, anti-drain valves to keep oil clean when the fi lter is replaced, and longer life with a 3,000 hour replacement interval – 50 percent longer than previous fi lter designs.• The new high-effi ciency electric cooling fans only run when needed and reverse to keep cores free from debris.• S·O·S SM ports simplify maintenance and allow for quick, easy extraction of fl uid samples for analysis.Safety• Work safely under structures or near traffi c with the standard 2DE-fence feature integrated right out of the factory, which prevents any part of the excavator from moving outside operator-defi ned set points to avoid hazards and job site accidents.• Access 100 percent of daily maintenance points from ground level – no need for you to climb on top of the excavator.• The standard ROPS cab meets ISO 12117-2:2008 requirements.• Enjoy great visibility into the trench, in each swing direction, and behind you with the help of smaller cab pillars, larger windows, and a fl at engine hood design.• The standard hydraulic lockout lever isolates all hydraulic and travel functions in the lowered position.• Ground-level shut-off switch stops all fuel to the engine when activated and shuts down the machine.• A rearview camera is standard, and a right-side-view camerais optional. Upgrade to 360° visibility and you’ll easily visualize objects and personnel around the excavator in a single view.• New right-hand service platform design provides easy, safe, and quick access to upper service platform; the service platform steps use anti-skid punch plate to prevent slipping.• Available boom and stick lowering check valves prevent reversefl ow, keeping your front linkage securely in place should the hydraulic system unexpectedly lose power.• The handrails comply with ISO 2867:2011 requirements.• The lower frame meets ISO 15818:2017 lifting and tie-down requirements.Cat® 320 Hydraulic Excavator Standard and Optional EquipmentStandard and optional equipment may vary. Consult your Cat dealer for details.Standard Optional CABROPS, standard sound suppression9 Mechanically adjustable seat9Air-adjustable seat with heat (Deluxe only)9 High-resolution 203 mm (8 in)LCD touchscreen monitor9High-resolution 254 mm (10 in)LCD touchscreen monitor9 CAT CONNECT TECHNOLOGYCat Product Link9Cat GRADE with 2D9Cat GRADE with Advanced 2D(not available on SLR)9 Cat GRADE with 3D (not available on SLR)9 Cat GRADE with Assist9Cat PAYLOAD9ENGINEThree selectable power modes9Auto engine idle shutdown946° C (115° F) ambient cooling capacity952° C (125° F) high-ambient cooling capacity9–32° C (–25° F) cold start capability9Reversing electric cooling fans9Biodiesel capability up to B209 HYDRAULIC SYSTEMBoom and stick regeneration circuits9Boom and stick lowering check valves9 Auto hydraulic warm up9Auto two-speed travel9Boom and stick drift reduction valve9Hammer return fi lter circuit9 Combined fl ow/high-pressureauxiliary circuit9 Medium-pressure circuit9 Quick coupler circuit for Cat Pin Grabber9Standard Optional BOOM AND STICKS5.7 m (18'8") reach boom, 2.9 m (9'6") stick98.85 m (29'0") SLR boom, 6.28 m (20'7")SLR stick9UNDERCARRIAGE AND STRUCTURES600 mm (24") triple grouser shoes9 700 mm (28") triple grouser shoes9 790 mm (31") triple grouser shoes9 900 mm (35") triple grouser shoes9Tie-down points on base frame94200 kg (9,300 lb) counterweightfor HD boom and stick94700 kg (10,400 lb) counterweightfor SLR boom and stick9 ELECTRICAL SYSTEMTwo 1,000 CCA maintenance-free batteries9 Programmable time-delay LEDworking lights9LED chassis light, left-hand/right-handboom lights, cab lights9SERVICE AND MAINTENANCESampling ports for Scheduled Oil Sampling(S·O·S)9Ground-level and platform-level engineoil dipsticks9Remote fl ash9SAFETY AND SECURITYRearview camera9Right-hand-side camera9*9* Right-hand mirror9360° visibility9 Ground-level engine shutoff switch9Right-hand handrail and hand hold9Signaling/warning horn9*Europe standard; other regions optional.Cat® 320 Hydraulic ExcavatorEngine Model Cat C4.4 ACERT Gross Power – ISO 14396/SAE J1995122 kW164 hp Net Power – ISO 9249/SAE J1349121 kW162 hp Engine RPMOperation1,650 rpmTravel1,800 rpmBore105 mm 4 in Stroke127 mm 5 in Displacement 4.4 L 269 in3Main System – Maximum Flow (Implement)429 L/min113 gal/min Maximum Pressure – Equipment – Normal35 000 kPa5,075 psi Maximum Pressure – Equipment –Heavy Lift Mode38 000 kPa5,510 psi Maximum Pressure – Travel34 300 kPa4,974 psi Maximum Pressure – Swing26 800 kPa3,886 psiOperating Weight22 700 kg50,100 lb • 5.7 m (18'8") reach boom, 2.9 m (9'6") reach stick, HD 1.19 m3 (1.56 yd3) bucket, 790 mm (31") shoes, 4.2 mt (9,300 lb) counterweight.Fuel Tank345 L86.6 gal Cooling System35 L9.2 gal Engine Oil15 L 4 gal Swing Drive (each)7 L 1.8 gal Final Drive (each) 6 L 1.6 gal Hydraulic System (including tank)240 L63.4 gal Hydraulic Tank128 L33.8 gal DEF Tank40 L10.6 gal Boom Reach 5.7 m (18'8") Stick Reach 2.9 m (9'6") Bucket 1.19 m3 (1.56 yd3) Shipping Height (top of cab)2960 mm9'9" Handrail Height2950 mm 9'8" Shipping Length9530 mm 31'3" Tail Swing Radius2830 mm9'3" Length to Center of Rollers3650 mm 12'0" Ground Clearance470 mm1'7" Track Gauge2380 mm7'9" Transport Width – 790 mm (31") shoes3170 mm10'5" Counterweight Clearance1050 mm3'5"Boom Reach 5.7 m (18'8") Stick Reach 2.9 m (9'6") Bucket 1.19 m3 (1.56 yd3) Maximum Digging Depth6720 mm22'1" Maximum Reach at Ground Level9860 mm32'4" Maximum Cutting Height9370 mm30'9" Maximum Loading Height6490 mm21'3" Minimum Loading Height2170 mm7'1" Maximum Depth Cut for 2440 mm (8'0")Level Bottom6550 mm21'6" Maximum Vertical Wall Digging Depth5190 mm17'0" Bucket Digging Force (ISO)150 kN33,721 lbf Stick Digging Force (ISO)106 kN23,830 lbf Bucket Digging Force (SAE)134 kN30,124 lbf Stick Digging Force (SAE)103 kN23,155 lbfTechnical SpecificationsFor more complete information on Cat products, dealer services, and industry solutions, visit us on the web at © 2017 CaterpillarAll rights reservedMaterials and specifi cations are subject to change without notice. Featured machines in photos may include additional equipment. See your Cat dealer for available options.CAT, CATERPILLAR, , their respective logos, “Caterpillar Yellow” and the “Power Edge” trade dress, as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission.AEXQ2190 (07-2017)Build Number: 07A (North America, Europe, ANZ)。

KAUP 高能见度叉车附件产品手册说明书

KAUP 高能见度叉车附件产品手册说明书

201701-2017Helping hands for your Forklift truck为您的叉车装上灵巧的手产品手册 RANGE BROCHURE127 - 134138 - 139114 - 126101 - 11489 - 10061 - 8853 - 6045 - 5226 - 4415 - 251 - 14夹类属具夹板、附件 Contact pad coatings for clamps, Accessories, 配件、集装箱吊具 Spare Parts, Container Spreaders, 固定式转换装置 Stationary Equipment图标说明 Icon explanation起重臂、串杆 Crane Jibs, Carrying Rams铲雪板、工作台 Snow Plough Blades, Working Platform 折叠式货叉 Foldable Forks货叉套、挡货架 Fork Extensions, Load Backrests前移叉、前移叉架、前伸叉 Reach Forks, Pantographs, Telescopic Forks推出器、推拉器、倾翻叉架 Conveyer Belt Forks, Pushers, Push-Pulls, Tipping Carriages 倒桶夹、料斗、载荷稳定器 Drum Tipping Devices, Loading Buckets, Load Stabilizers高度可调式货叉、卸料装置 Height Adjustable Forks, Bucket Discharging Devices 旋转调距叉、旋转叉夹 Rotating Fork Positioners, Rotating Fork Clamps托盘转换夹、旋转软包夹、轮胎夹 Pallet Inverter, Rotating Bale Clamps, Tyre Handler 旋转桶夹、旋转纸卷夹 Rotating Drum Clamps, Rotating Roll Clamps 夹类、叉夹、套装式夹臂 Clamps, Fork Clamps, Slip-on Arms港口叉夹、二用叉夹 Harbour Clamps, Fork Clamps with turnable Forks砖块夹、软包夹、烟包夹 Block & Brick Clamps, Bale Clamps, Tobacco Bale Clamps多用平夹、纸箱夹、烟包夹、桶夹 Appliance- / Carton Clamps, Drum Clamps 旋转器、侧倾翻叉 Rotators, Ladle Tippers多托盘叉 Multi Pallet Handlers 调距叉 Fork Positioners货叉架、转换货叉架 Fork Carriages, Adapter Carriages 侧移器、多侧移器 Sideshifters, Multiple Sideshifters概述 General Information产品索引 Index alphabetical / model codesKAUP 公司德国KAUP 公司是世界知名的叉车属具制造商,1962年开始致力于叉车属具的生产。



994HWheel LoaderEngine Operating SpecificationsEngine Model Cat® 3516B HD EUI Rated Payload – Standard Lift 35 tonnes 38 tons Gross Power – SAE J1995 1176 kW 1,577 hp Rated Payload – High Lift 32 tonnes 35 tons Net Power – ISO 9249 1092 kW 1,463 hp Rated Payload – Extended High Lift 32 tonnes 35 tons Buckets Rated Payload – Super High Lift 32 tonnes 35 tons Bucket Capacities 14-36 m3 18.5-47 yd3 Operating Weight 195 434 kg 430,858 lbContents Structures (4)Power Train (6)Hydraulics (8)Operator Station (10)Technology Solutions (12)Cat MineStar™ System (13)Safety (14)Serviceability (16)Customer Support (16)Sustainability (17)System Match Efficiency (18)Bucket Ground Engaging Tools (19)Specifi cations (20)Standard Equipment (31)Optional Equipment (32)Mandatory Attachments (33)Cat® Large Wheel Loaders are designed with durability built in, ensuring maximum availability through multiple life cycles. With optimized performance and simplified serviceability, our machines allow you to move more material efficiently and safelyat a lower cost per ton.Introduced in 1990, the 994 has become the top customer choice in its size class. Focused on helping our customers succeed, we have continued to build upon each newseries’ legacy of reliability, safety, operator comfort, serviceability and sustainability.StructuresBest built for the toughest conditions.Lift ArmsYour key to maximum uptime and productivity is our field-proven lift arms.• Excellent visibility to the bucket edges and work area througha Z-bar design.• High load stresses are absorbed by the solid steel lift arms.• Enhance strength in key pin areas through the use of one piece castings.• Stress relieved lift arms increase durability and lengthen time to repair. 4Robust StructuresYour bottom line is improved by highly durable structures that achieve multiple life cycles and withstand the toughest loading conditions.• Full box-section rear frame resists torsional shock and twisting forces.• Heavy-duty steering cylinder mounts efficiently transmit steering loadsinto the frame.• Cast axle pivot mounting areas better disperse stress loads for increasedstructural integrity.Front LinkageTo ensure long life and reliability, the linkage pin joints feature a greasedpin design connected to an auto lube system.5Steering and Transmission Integrated Control System (STIC™)Experience maximum responsiveness and control with STIC™ thatcombines directional selection, gear selection and steering intoa single lever.• Simple side-to-side motion turns machine right or left, minimizingoperator movements.• Easy to operate finger controlled gear selection.the use of low effort integrated controls.Cat Planetary Powershift TransmissionBuilding your success begins with a best-in-class transmission designedspecifically for mining applications.• Consistent, smooth shifting and efficiency through integratedelectronic controls.• Long life and reliability through heat treat gear and metallurgy.• Three forward and three reverse speeds to match your application.Cat 3516B HD EngineDurability and efficiency at the heart of your 994Hcomes from the Cat 3516B HD engine. Optimumperformance is built in through the use of a16-cylinder, four-stroke design.• On-demand performance through the use ofturbochargers and aftercoolers.• High Torque Rise – 32% torque rise ensures highlugging forces during digging and accelerationin high rimpull conditions.• Extended engine life through a longer strokeand lower rpm ratings.• Quick engine response through the use of electronicengine controls.6Power Train Move material more efficiently with improved power and control.Impeller Clutch Torque Converter (ICTC) and Rimpull Control System (RCS)Lower your cost per ton utilizing advanced ICTC and RCS for modulated rimpull.• Reduce tire slippage and wear by modulating rimpull from 100 to 25 percent while depressing left pedal. After 25 percent rimpullis achieved the left pedal applies the brake.• Reduce the potential for wheel slippage without reducing hydraulic efficiency with RCS.• Improve fuel efficiency in certain applications with our lock-up clutch torque converter providing direct drive.7HydraulicsProductivity enabling you to move more and make more.Positive Flow Control HydraulicsIncrease efficiency through our Positive Flow Control (PFC)Hydraulic System. PFC has concurrent pump and valvecontrol. By optimizing pump control, hydraulic oil flowis proportionate to implement lever movement.• Lowered fuel consumption by up to 10% comparedto the 994F.• Fast, productive cycles enabled by four electronicallycontrolled, fully variable piston pumps.• Increase bucket feel and control through increasedhydraulic response.• Consistent performance and efficiency with lowersystem heat.8Electro Hydraulic ControlsOperators increase productivity with our responsiveimplements feature.• Operate comfortably through electronically controlled hydrauliccylinder stops.• Handle easy-to-use soft detent controls.• Conveniently set automatic implement kickouts from insidethe cab.Steering SystemConfident loader operation starts with precise machine control• Increase efficiency with our variable displacement piston pumps.• Achieve precise positioning for easy loading in tight areas with40 degrees of steering articulation.• Enhance operator comfort with integrated steering andtransmission control functions.Filtration SystemBenefit from extended performance and reliability of your hydraulicsystem with our advanced filtration system.• Lift/tilt case drain filters.• Lift/tilt high pressure screens.• Steering case drain filters.• Steering high pressure screens.• Hydraulic case drain filters.• Front pump drive lube filter.9Your operators can work more efficiently and stay comfortablewith our customer-inspired cab features.Entry and ExitEnter and exit the cab easily and safely with these newly designed,ergonomic features.• Two side access points.• Fold up STIC steer/arm rest.• Reduced access stairway angles.Cat Comfort Series III SeatEnhance comfort and reduce operator fatigue with Cat ComfortSeries III seat.• High back design and extra thick, contoured cushions.• Air suspension system.• Easy-to-reach seat levers and controls for six way adjustments.• Seat-mounted implement pod and STIC steer that moveswith the seat.• 76 mm (3 in) wide retractable seat belt.Trainer SeatSafely train other operators in comfort with our standardtraining seat.• 76 mm (3 in) wide, retractable seat belt.• Fold-down design with molded drink tray and storage.10Operator StationBest-in-Class operator comfort and ergonomics.EnvironmentYour operator’s productivity is enhanced with our clean,comfortable cab environment.• Experience reduced vibrations from viscous cab mountsand seat air suspension.• Maintain desired cab temperature with automatictemperature controls.• Pressurized cab with filtered air.• Sound level reduced to a quiet 71 dB(A).Technology SolutionsGreater productivity throughIntegrated Electronic Systems.The 994H electronic systems have been completely integrated to function as one machine. This integration creates a smart machine and more informed operator, maximizing the productivity of both.VIMS™ 3GWe have worked hard to help our customers and operators perform at their best through our Vital Information Management System (VIMS™ 3G).• Easy-to-view Advisor Display features a large screen.• Intuitive operation and easy navigation with our enhanced user interface.• Decrease service time by keeping operators informed about machine system malfunction or operation.Operator Profi leOperator comfort begins with personalized machine feature settings. Through our Advisor Display, an operator can instantly recall personalized profiles.• Store up to 10 separate operator profiles through Advisor.• Decrease setup time between operators by recalling personalized screen layouts. Payload Control SystemIncrease your efficiency with our Payload Control System 3.0. • Quick payload weighs with on-the-go weighing.• Comprehensive record accuracy of machine performance with up to 1,000 truck records with 25 different materials.Cycle TimerImpact your bottom line through improved machine performance with Cycle Timer. Each loading segment time can be analyzed to help you achieve more efficient operation.Features:• Production Summary• Machine Utilization• Productive Cycle Time• Loader Payload Summary• Fuel Usage SummaryCat MineStar™ SystemWork more productively.Cat MineStar™ System is the industry’s broadest suiteof integrated mine operations and mobile equipment management technologies, configurable to suite your operation’s needs. Its capability sets – Fleet, Terrain, Detect,Health and Command – contain a range of technologiesthat let you manage everything from fleet assignment and condition monitoring to remote and autonomous control.The 994H can take advantage of many of these advanced technologies, some of which are standard out of the factory.FleetFleet provides comprehensive, real-time machine tracking, assignment and productivity management, giving you a comprehensive overview of all operations from anywherein the world.Terrain for LoadingTerrain with your 994H enables high-precision managementof loading operations through the use of guidance technology. It increases 994H’s productivity and provides you real-time feedback for improved efficiency.DetectDetect helps increase operator awareness, enhancing safety at your operation. It includes a range of capabilities designed to assist the operator with areas of limited visibility around fixed and mobile equipment.HealthHealth delivers critical event-based machine condition and operating data for your entire fleet. It includes comprehensive equipment health and asset monitoring capabilities, with a wide range of diagnostic, analytic and reporting tools.SafetyMaking your safety our priority.Powered Access SystemThe Cat powered access system allows easieraccess to the primary stairs by improving ingressand egress to and from the rear platform.• Safe, ergonomic access system.• All operators have adequate space when usingthe wide stairway.• Operators maintain three-point contact whenusing full handrails on each side.• Raise lower platform from cab level or ground.• Occupants can quickly exit with a convenientlylocated emergency release valve if the loaderbecomes inoperable.We are constantly improving our products in an effort to provide a safe work environment for the operator and those who workon your job site.Machine Access• Wider stairs with reduced stair angles increase safety for operators getting on and off the 994H.• Walkways with non-skid surfaces and integrated lock out/tag out points are designed into the service areas.• Windshield cleaning platforms provide safe and convenient access for the operator.• Maintain three points of contact at all times through ground level or platform accessible service areas.• Emergency egress access.Visibilityensure extended visibility for safe operation.• Cat Detect with Object Detection System (rearview cameraand radar) or Vision (rearview camera) option increases operator awareness around the machine.• Standard HID lights provide excellent workspace visibility.• Cab mounted LED warning beacons.Operator Environment• Low vibrations to the operator with viscous cab mounts and seat air suspension.• Low interior sound levels.• Operator training seat facilitates safe new operator training.operator training seat.ServiceabilityEnabling high uptime by reducing your service time.We can help you succeed by ensuring your 994H hasdesign features to reduce your downtime.• Longer service intervals on fluids and filters.• Safe and convenient service with ground level orplatform access and grouped service points.• Swing-out doors on both sides of the engine compartmentprovide easy access to important daily service checks.• Ecology drains for ease of service and preventionof spilling potential environmental contaminants.• Centralized remote pressure taps.• Reduce downtime with VIMS system notificationsso your operators and technicians can resolve anyproblems before failure.Customer SupportYour Cat dealers know how to keep your miningmachines productive.Legendary Cat Dealer SupportA valued partner, your Cat dealer is availablewhenever you need them.• Preventive maintenance programs andguaranteed maintenance contracts.• Best-in-class parts availability.• Improve your efficiency with operator training.• Genuine Cat Remanufactured parts.SustainabilityStewards of the environment.Protecting the EnvironmentEnvironmental responsibility is designed and built into our 994H’s features.• Burns up to 10% less fuel than the previous model to minimize your CO2 footprint.• Engine Idle Shutdown can help you save fuel by avoiding unnecessary idling.• Reduce waste to the environment with our maintenance free or extended maintenance batteries.• Built for multiple lives, the Cat 994H is one of the most rebuilt products. To assist with maximizing machine life, Caterpillar providesa number of sustainable options such as our Reman and Certified Rebuild programs. In these programs, reused or remanufactured components can deliver cost savings of 40 to 70 percent, which lowers operating cost while benefiting the environment.• Caterpillar offers retrofit packages to bring new features to older machines, maximizing your resource. And, when you go throughthe Cat Certified Rebuild program, these retrofit kits are part of the rebuild process.System Match Effi ciencyEfficient loading/hauling system starts with a perfect match.* The longer linkage makes it easier to load 789 and 793 Rock bodies and some Coal bodies.Application MatchThe standard 994H is sized to load the 136 tonnes (150 ton) 785 in four passes. The 994H High Lift and the Extended High Lift load the 177 tonnes (195 ton) 789 in six passes and the 227 tonnes (240 ton) 793 in seven passes. The 994H Super High Lift loads the 177 tonnes (195 ton) 789 coal body in six passes and the 227 tonnes (240 ton) 793 coal body in seven passes.Effi cient CombinationFor full truck payloads with minimum loading time, an efficient loading/hauling system starts with a perfect match. Cat wheel loaders are matched with Cat mining trucks to maximize volume of material moved at the lowest operating cost per ton.Bucket SelectionSelection of the right bucket width depends on penetration requirements and the loading target. Bucket sizes are matched to truck bed capacities for optimum loading efficiency and greater productivity.• Narrow Bucket. The narrower 5650 mm (222 in) buckets are optimally matched to load the Cat 785; they are also sized for the 789. • Wide Bucket. The wider 6220 mm (244 in) buckets are optimally matched to load the larger Cat 789; they are also sized for the 793.Bucket Ground Engaging ToolsProtect your investment.Selecting the right bucket will determine the productivity of your loader.The process of selection starts with knowing the density of the material you load.From there, you can select the size and appropriate protection strategies thatwill suit the rated payload targets of your machine. Your Cat dealer can help youconfigure your bucket or have a custom bucket made to suit your application.Heavy Duty Rock BucketApplications: Face loading tightly compacted pit materials. Moderate-abrasionfactors and high-impact loads are suitable for this bucket.High Abrasion Rock BucketApplications: Face loading iron ore. High-abrasion and moderate-impact loadsare suitable for this bucket. A smooth floor is also desirable.Coal BucketApplications: 36 m3 (47 yd3) for coal or other light density non abrasive materials.Note: Some applications can be very abrasive. Consider that additional bucket protection can affectthe performance of the machine through higher horsepower demand, higher fuel consumptionand reduced productivity. With this in mind, it is important that you select appropriate protectionfor your application.Enhance the productivity of your loaderand protect your investment in bucketswith our Ground Engaging Tools (GET).Your knowledgeable Cat dealer will workwith you to understand your applicationand needs for the GET that is best for you.For a full list of Cat GET please visit/get.994H Wheel Loader SpecificationsEngine TransmissionEngine Model Cat® 3516B HD EUI Transmission Type Cat planetary power shift Rated Speed 1,600 rpm Forward 1 7.7 km/h 4.8 mph Gross Power – SAE J1995 1176 kW 1,577 hp Forward 2 13.2 km/h 8.2 mph Net Power – EEC 80/1269 1092 kW 1,463 hp Forward 3 23.4 km/h 14.5 mph Net Power – ISO 9249 1092 kW 1,463 hp Reverse 1 8.2 km/h 5.1 mph Net Power – SAE J1349 1079 kW 1,447 hp Reverse 2 14.6 km/h 9.1 mph Bore 170 mm 6.7 in Reverse 3 25.6 km/h 15.9 mph Stroke 215 mm 8.5 in Direct Drive – Forward 1 Lock-up disabled Displacement 78 L 4,875 in3 Direct Drive – Forward 2 13.7 km/h 8.5 mph Peak Torque @ 1,100 rpm 8499 N•m 6,289 lb ft Direct Drive – Forward 3 24 km/h 14.9 mph Torque Rise 32% Direct Drive – Reverse 1 8.5 km/h 5.3 mph • Net power advertised is the power available at the flywheel when the Direct Drive – Reverse 2 13.5 km/h 8.4 mph engine is equipped with fan, air cleaner, muffler and alternator. Direct Drive – Reverse 3 25.6 km/h 16 mph • Net torque rise meets SAE J139.• Travel speeds based on two percent rolling resistance and• No engine derating required up to 3050 m (10,000 ft) altitude.53.5/85–57 tires in converter drive.Operating Specifi cations Hydraulic System – Lift/TiltOperating Weight 195 434 kg 430,858 lbLift/Tilt System – Circuit Positive Flow Control Rated Payload – Standard 35 tonnes 38 tonsLift/Tilt System – Pump 4x Piston, variable Rated Payload – High Lift 32 tonnes 35 tons displacementRated Payload – Extended High Lift 32 tonnes 35 tons Max Flow at 1,710 rpm (3x) 1460 L/min 386 gal/min Rated Payload – Super High Lift 32 tonnes 35 tons Relief Valve Setting – Lift/Tilt 32 800 kPa 4,750 psi Bucket Capacity Range 14-36 m3 18.5-47 yd3 Cylinders – Lift/Tilt Double-actingCat Truck Match – Standard 785, 789 Lift Cylinder – Bore* 318 mm 13 inCat Truck Match – High Lift 789, 793 Lift Cylinder – Stroke* 1705 mm 67.1 inCat Truck Match – Extended High Lift 789, 793 Tilt Cylinder – Bore* 267 mm 10.5 inCat Truck Match – Super High Lift 789, 793 Tilt Cylinder – Stroke* 1140 mm 44.9 in Articulation Angle 40º Number of Lift/Tilt Pumps 4Number of Lift Cylinders 2Number of Tilt Cylinders 2* 994H High Lift confi gurationHydraulic Cycle Time 994H High Lift Cycle TimesRackback Raise Dump Lower 5.5 Seconds 12.2 Seconds3.3 Seconds4.4 SecondsService Refi ll CapacitiesFuel Tank 3833 L 1,013 gal Cooling System 490 L 129 gal Crankcase 271 L 72 gal Transmission 391 L 103 gal Differentials and Final Drives – Front 620 L 164 gal Differentials and Final Drives – Rear 620 L 164 gal Differential/Final Drives (each) 620 L 164 gal Hydraulics – Lift/Tilt 390 L 103 gal Hydraulics – Brake Cooling (tank) 36 L 9 gal Hydraulics – Steering/Brake (tank) 208 L 55 gal Hydraulic System (including tank) 623 L 165 galBucketsBucket Capacities 14 – 36 m3 18.5 – 47 yd3AxlesMaximum Single-Wheel Rise and Fall 677 mm 26.65 in Front FixedRear TrunnionOscillation Angle ±10°BrakesBrakes SAE J1473 OCT90,ISO 3450:1992CabAir Conditioning Standard air conditioning systemcontains environmentally friendlyR134a refrigerantCab – ROPS/FOPS SAE J11040 APR88,ISO 3471:2008, ISO 3471:1994 Cat cab with separate Rollover Protective Structure/Falling Object Protective Structure (ROPS/FOPS) is standard in North America, Europe and Japan.• ROPS meets SAE J11040 APR88, ISO 3471:2008 andISO 3471:1994 criteria.• FOPS meets SAE J231 JAN81 and ISO 3449:1992 Level II criteria. Sound Performance• The operator sound exposure Leq (equivalent sound pressure level) measured according to the work cycle procedures specifi ed in ANSI/SAE J1166 FEB08 is 71 dB(A), for the cab offered by Caterpillar, when properly installed, maintained and tested with the doors and windows closed.• Hearing protection may be needed when operating with an open operator station and cab (when not properly maintained or doors/ windows open) for extended periods or in noisy environment. • The exterior sound pressure level for the standard machine measured at a distance of 15 m (49.2 ft) according to the test procedures specified in SAE J88 FEB06, mid-gear-moving operation, is 87 dB(A).• The dynamic operator sound pressure level is 71 dB(A) whenISO 6396:2008 is used to measure the value for an enclosed cab. Hydraulic System – SteeringSteering System – Circuit ClosedSteering System – Pump Piston, variable displacementMax Flow @ 1,710 rpm 884 L/min 234 gal/min (6900 kPa) (2x)Relief Valve Setting – Steering 3100 kPa 4,500 psi Number of Steering Pumps 2994H Wheel Loader Specifications DimensionsAll dimensions are approximate.Standard* High Lift** Extended High Lift** Super High Lift*** 53.5/85–57 tires 53.5/85–57 tires 58/85–57 tires 58/85–57 tires 1 Ground to Top of Exhaust Stacks 7000 mm 23.0 ft 6990 mm 22.9 ft 7010 mm 23.0 ft 7000 mm 23.0 ft 2 Ground to Top of ROPS 6750 mm 22.1 ft 6740 mm 22.1 ft 6750 mm 22.1 ft 6750 mm 22.1 ft 3 Ground to Top of Hood4840 mm 15.9 ft 4840 mm 15.9 ft 4850 mm 15.9 ft 4850 mm 15.9 ft 4 Ground to Center of Front Axle 1830 mm 6.0 ft 1820 mm 6.0 ft 1840 mm 6.0 ft 1830 mm 6.0 ft 5 Ground to Bumper Clearance 1480 mm 4.9 ft 1480 mm 4.9 ft 1490 mm 4.9 ft 1490 mm 4.9 ft 6 Ground to Lower Hitch Clearance 820 mm 2.7 ft 820 mm 2.7 ft 830 mm 2.7 ft 830 mm 2.7 ft 7 Reach at Maximum Lift, Dump Position2309 mm 7.6 ft 2764 mm 9.1 ft 2725 mm 8.9 ft 3200 mm 10.5 ft 8 Clearance at Maximum Lift, Dump Position5578 mm 18.3 ft 6024 mm 19.8 ft 7080 mm 23.2 ft 6773 mm 22.2 ft 9 Ground to B-Pin Center Line, Maximum Lift8140 mm 26.7 ft 8479 mm 27.8 ft 9535 mm 31.3 ft 10 060 mm 33.0 ft 10 Ground to Maximum BucketHeight, Maximum Lift11 Rear Axle Center Line to Bumper 12 Front Axle Center Line to RearAxle Center Line (Wheel Base) 13 Bumper to Bucket Tip (MachineLength), Ground Position10 933 mm 4560 mm 6400 mm 16 877 mm35.9 ft 15.0 ft 21.0 ft 55.4 ft10 983 mm 4560 mm 6400 mm 17 521 mm36.0 ft 15.0 ft 21.0 ft 57.5 ft12 038 mm 4560 mm 6400 mm 18 408 mm32.9 ft 15.0 ft 21.0 ft 60.4 ft13 849 mm 4560 mm 6400 mm 18 916 mm45.4 ft 15.0 ft 21.0 ft 62.1 ft*Standard machine equipped with 19 m 3 (25 yd 3) 222 in bucket.**High Lift and Extended High Lift machines equipped with 18 m 3 (23.5 yd 3) 245 in bucket. ***Super High Lift machine equipped with 36 m 3 (47 yd 3) 256 in bucket.Bucket Capacity/Material Density Selection GuideStandard LinkageMaterial Density Bucket Volumekg/m3 1720-1898 1898-2135 2135-2432lb/yd32,900-3,2003,200-3,6003,600-4,100tonnes/m3 tons/yd3 m3 yd31.72-1.90 1.45-1.60 19 24.51.90-2.142.14-2.431.60-1.801.80-2.05171522.519.5High Lift/Extended High Lift/Super High LiftMaterial Density Bucket Volumekg/m3 1601-1780 1780-1958 1958-2136lb/yd32,700-3,0003,000-3,3003,300-3,600tonnes/m3 tons/yd3 m3 yd31.60-1.78 1.35-1.50 19 24.51.78-1.961.96-2.141.50-1.651.65-1.80171522.519.5994H Wheel Loader SpecificationsOperating Specifications – Standard LiftFor machines equipped with 53.5/85–57 76PR FS L-5 tires – see additional tables for other tire sizes.Bucket TypeGround Engaging ToolsCutting Edge TypeBucket Part No. (Group Level)Bucket Load at Rated Capacity kglb Rated Capacity m3yd3 Struck Capacity – ISO m3yd3 Bucket Width – Overall mmft Clearance at 45° Dump (Tooth Tip) mmft Reach at 45° Dump (Tooth Tip) mmft Horizontal Arm and Level Bucket Reach mmft Digging Depth (Segment) mmft Overall Length – Bucket Level Ground mmftRockTeeth & SegmentSpade257-3682 257-3684 257-3686 251-4560 257-369034 473 34 473 34 473 34 473 34 47376,000 76,000 76,000 76,000 76,00015.0 17.0 19.0 18.0 19.019.5 22.5 25.0 23.5 25.012.0 14.0 15.0 14.5 15.016.0 18.5 19.6 19.0 19.65640 5640 5640 6200 620018.5 18.5 18.5 20.3 20.35786 5685 5578 5685 557819.0 18.6 18.3 18.6 18.32101 2203 2309 2203 23096.97.2 7.6 7.2 7.64955 5099 5249 5099 524916.3 16.7 17.2 16.7 17.286 86 86 86 860.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.2816 583 16 727 16 877 16 727 16 87754.4 54.9 55.4 54.9 55.4CoalTeeth & SegmentStraight257-369234 47376,00032.041.927.035.3620020.3565118.523657.8523817.2860.2816 86555.311 86738.913 07342.9134 864297,324122 263269,543116 104255,96699 738219,884974.0218,954198 695438,047Overall Height mmft Turning Radius – Corner SAE Carry mmft Tipping Load – Straight kglb Tipping Load – Straight* kglb Tipping Load – Articulated 40° kglb Tipping Load – Articulated 40°* kglb Breakout Force – SAE Rated kNlb-f Operating Weight kglb *With Tire Squash (53.5/85–57 @ 724 kPa/105 psi). 10 740 10 887 10 933 10 643 10 658 35.2 35.7 35.9 34.9 35.0 12 930 12 704 12 742 12 965 13 002 42.4 41.7 41.8 42.5 42.7 136 670 135 804 134 014 133 412 131 997 301,306 299,397 295,451 294,124 291,003 125 026 123 991 122 211 121 834 120 455 275,634 273,353 269,429 268,597 265,558 118 039 117 146 115 435 114 873 113 553 260,232 258,262 254,490 253,251 250,341 102 998 101 869 100 157 99 906 98 623 227,072 224,582 220,808 220,254 217,425 1133.0 1054.7 985.2 1059.9 995.3 254,700 237,117 221,485 238,269 223,752 195 565 196 225 197 305 197 525 198 255 431,146 432,602 434,983 435,468 437,077Changes in Standard Lift Specifications due to Tire Size Dimensional ChangesDump Clearance 45° mmin Reach 45° mmin Reach Horizontal Arms mmin Digging Depth mmin Overall Length mmin Overall Height mmin Total Width mmin 50/80–57–136–5+118+5+118+5+136+5+105+4–136–5+5305+20952/80–57 55/80R57 53.5/85–57 58/85–57–143 –89 0 –2–6 –4 0 –0.1+143 +68 0 –15+6 +3 0 –0.6+143 +68 0 –15+6 +3 0 –0.6+143 +89 0 +2+6 +4 0 +0.1+111 +70 0 +2+4 +3 0 +0.1–143 –89 0 –2–6 –4 0 –0.1+5302 +5509 +5460 +5524+209 +217 +215 +217.5Weight ChangesTipping – Straight kglb Tipping – Full 40° Turn kglb Operating Weight kglb 50/80–57 52/80–57 55/80R57 53.5/85–57 58/85–57 –4206 –3323 +231 0 +325 –9,273 –7,326 +509 0 +717 –3715 –2934 +44 0 +287 –8,190 –6,468 +97 0 +633 –5388 –4256 +64 0 +416 –11,878 –9,383 +141 0 +917。


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Hyster 重型叉车胎气叉车技术指南说明书

Hyster 重型叉车胎气叉车技术指南说明书

h800-1050XDSERIESPRODUCT BROCHURECircled dimensions correspond to the line numbers on the tabulated chart inside the technical guide. Dimensions are in inches (millimeters). 2Circled dimensions correspond to the line numbers on the tabulated chart inside the technical guide. Dimensions are in inches (millimeters).34CERTIFICATION: Hyster lift trucks meet the design and construction requirements of B56.1-1969, per OSHA Section 1910.178(a)(2), and also comply with the B56.1 revision in effect at time of manufacture. Certification of compliance with the applicable ANSI standards appears on the lift truck. Performancespecifications are for a truck equipped as described under standard equipment on this technical guide. Performance specifications are affected by the condition of the vehicle and how it is equipped, as well as by the nature, condition of the operating area, proper service and maintenance of the vehicle. If these specifications are critical, the proposed application should be discussed with your dealer.(1) 18.00 - 33 40PR tires are optional. Add 160mm for 18.00 - 33 40PR(2) Front tread center outer tire (3) Full suspension seat in depressed position(4) Drawbar pull figures are provided for comparison of tractive performance, but are not intended to endorse the operation of vehicle on the stated inclines. (5) Gradeability figures are provided for comparison of tractive performance, but are not intended to endorse the operation of vehicle on the stated inclines. (6) Measured according to the test cycles and based on the weighting values contained in EN12053.5CERTIFICATION: Hyster lift trucks meet the design and construction requirements of B56.1-1969, per OSHA Section 1910.178(a)(2), and also comply with the B56.1 revision in effect at time of manufacture. Certification of compliance with the applicable ANSI standards appears on the lift truck. Performancespecifications are for a truck equipped as described under standard equipment on this technical guide. Performance specifications are affected by the condition of the vehicle and how it is equipped, as well as by the nature, condition of the operating area, proper service and maintenance of the vehicle. If these specifications are critical, the proposed application should be discussed with your dealer .(1) 18.00 - 33 40PR tires are optional. Add 160mm for 18.00 - 33 40PR(2) Front tread center outer tire (3) Full suspension seat in depressed position(4) Drawbar pull figures are provided for comparison of tractive performance, but are not intended to endorse the operation of vehicle on the stated inclines. (5) Gradeability figures are provided for comparison of tractive performance, but are not intended to endorse the operation of vehicle on the stated inclines. (6) Measured according to the test cycles and based on the weighting values contained in EN12053.6CERTIFICATION: Hyster lift trucks meet the design and construction requirements of B56.1-1969, per OSHA Section 1910.178(a)(2), and also comply with the B56.1 revision in effect at time of manufacture. Certification of compliance with the applicable ANSI standards appears on the lift truck. Performancespecifications are for a truck equipped as described under standard equipment on this technical guide. Performance specifications are affected by the condition of the vehicle and how it is equipped, as well as by the nature, condition of the operating area, proper service and maintenance of the vehicle. If these specifications are critical, the proposed application should be discussed with your dealer .(1) 18.00 - 33 40PR tires are optional. Add 160mm for 18.00 - 33 40PR(2) Front tread center outer tire (3) Full suspension seat in depressed position(4) Drawbar pull figures are provided for comparison of tractive performance, but are not intended to endorse the operation of vehicle on the stated inclines. (5) Gradeability figures are provided for comparison of tractive performance, but are not intended to endorse the operation of vehicle on the stated inclines. (6) Measured according to the test cycles and based on the weighting values contained in EN12053.7(1) 18.00 - 33 40PR tires are optional. Add 160mm for 18.00 - 33 40PR (2) Front tread center outer tire (3) Full suspension seat in depressed position(4) Drawbar pull figures are provided for comparison of tractive performance, but are not intended to endorse the operation of vehicle on the stated inclines. (5) Gradeability figures are provided for comparison of tractive performance, but are not intended to endorse the operation of vehicle on the stated inclines. (6) Measured according to the test cycles and based on the weighting values contained in EN12053.8TRUCK CONFIGURATION:• 2-stage mast - 173” (4410mm) max. fork height • 96” (2440mm) fork length *Extended length forks required for 60” load center or greater applications.RATED LOAD VS LOAD CENTER Standard carriage, US Customary600007000080000900001000001100000122436486072R a t e d L o a d (l b )Load Center (in)H800XD48H900XDS48, H900XD48H970XDS48, H970XD48H1050XDS48, H1050XD48Load center (in)R a t e d l o a d (l b )capacity chart | STANDARD CARRIAGE9RATED LOAD VS LOAD CENTER Sideshift carriage, US Customary50000600007000080000900001000001100000122436486072R a t e d L o a d (l b )Load Center (in)H800XD48H900XDS48, H900XD48H970XDS48, H970XD48H1050XDS48, H1050XD48Load center (in)R a t e d l o a d (l b )TRUCK CONFIGURATION:• 2-stage mast - 173” (4410mm) max. fork height • 96” (2440mm) fork length *Extended length forks required for 60” load center or greater applications.CAPACITY CHART | SIDESHIFT CARRIAGE10(1) Tier 4 final requires ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel and low ash oil.(2) Not for use in US and Canada.(3) Tier 3 engine only.(4) Tier 4 engine only.(5) Automatic throttle-up is only activated when the transmission is in neutral or when brake pedal is full actuated.(6) Required for 503” (12,790mm) MLH mast. Not compatible with shorter masts.11(1) Tier 4 final requires ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel and low ash oil.(2) Not for use in US and Canada.(3) Tier 3 engine only.(4) Tier 4 engine only.(5) Automatic throttle-up is only activated when the transmission is in neutral or when brake pedal is full actuated.(6) Required for 503” (12,790mm) MLH mast. Not compatible with shorter masts.。

Carter-Hoffmann HL1-HL4 和 HLM1 系列铝制加热保温柜与加热炉产品说明书

Carter-Hoffmann HL1-HL4 和 HLM1 系列铝制加热保温柜与加热炉产品说明书

HL1, HL2, HL3, HL4 & HLM1 Series ALUMINUM HEATED HOLDINGCABINETS & HEATER PROOFERSOWNERS / OPERATORS MANUALPart Number: 18400-3130f Printed in The United States of AmericaRev: KBA042017TABLE OF CONTENTSSAFETY PRECAUTIONS......................................................... 2 FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS............................................... 3-7 UNPACKING, INSPECTION & FREIGHT DAMAGE...................... 8 INSTALLATION & STARTUP .................................................. 9 DETAILS: CONTROLS AND WATER PANS................................ 10 NORMAL OPERATION: HL1, HL3 & HLM1 HEATED CABINETS..... 11 NORMAL OPERATION: HL2 & HL4 HEATER PROOFERS ........... 12 FOOD HOLDING GUIDE......................................................... 13 DAILY CLEANING PROCEDURES............................................ 14 CABINET MAINTENANCE....................................................... 15 WIRING DIAGRAMS................................................ ............... 16 REPLACEMENT PARTS (17)TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE ................................................. 18 WARRANTY STATEMENT (19)MANUFACTURED BY:CARTER-HOFFMANN 1551 McCormick Avenue Mundelein, IL 60060 U.S.A.Phone: 847-362-5500 Fax: 847-367-8981 Toll Free: 800-323-9793Email:************************************HL2-18HL1 HEATED CABINETS (non-insulated)Models: HL1-5, HL1-8, HL1-14 &HL1-18Formerly models: HBU5A2GM HBU8A2GM HBU14A2GM HBU18A2GM HBC10A2GM HBC16A2GM HBC28A2GM HBC36A2GM HBF5A2GM HBF8A2GM HBF14A2GM HBF18A2GMHL2 HEATER/PROOFERS (non-insulated)Models: HL2-5, HL2-8, HL2-14 &HL2-18Formerly models: HWU5A2GM HWU8A2GM HWU14A2GM HWU18A2GM HWC10A2GM HWC16A2GM HWC28A2GM HWC36A2GM HWF5A2GM HWF8A2GM HWF14A2GM HWF18A2GMHL3 HEATED CABINETS (insulated)Models: HL3-5, HL3-8, HL3-14,HL3-18Formerly models: HBU5A1GM HBU8A1GM HBU14A1GM HBU18A1GM HBC10A1GM HBC16A1GM HBC28A1GM HBC36A1GM HBF5A1GM HBF8A1GM HBF14A1GM HBF18A1GMHL4 HEATER/PROOFERS (insulated)Models: HL4-5, HL4-8, HL4-14,HL4-18Formerly models: HWU5A1GM HWU8A1GM HWU14A1GM HWU18A1GM HWC10A1GM HWC16A1GM HWC28A1GM HWC36A1GM HWF5A1GM HWF8A1GM HWF14A1GM HWF18A1GMHLM1 HEATED CABINETS (non-insulated)Models: HLM1-14 , HLM1-183HL1 NON-INSULATED ALUMINUM HEATED CABINET FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONSModel NumberPan/Tray Capacity* 12”x20” 18”x26” Slide Pairs ProvidedOverall Dimensions Height Depth Width in (mm) Caster Diameter in (mm) Class 100 Shipping Weightlbs (kgs) HL1-5(under-counter)10 5 5 31-1/16 29-1/2 24-11/16(789) (749) (627) 5 (127) 99 (45) HL1-8(1/2 size)16 8 8 40-1/16 29-1/2 24-11/16 (1018) (749) (627) 5 (127) 137 (62) HL1-14(3/4 size)28 14 14 58-1/16 29-1/2 24-11/16 (1474) (749) (627) 5 (127) 155 (70) HL1-18(full size) 36 181870-1/16 29-1/2 24-11/16 (1780) (749) (627)5 (127)198 (90)* fixed spacing at 3”HL1 Features & Benefits∙ Precision-engineered bottom mount heater with superior heat-up and recovery time ∙ Analog heat control. Digital thermometer. Temperature range of 90°- 190°F∙ Four sizes, available with adjustable universal, fixed universal or adjustable universal slides ∙ All swivel heavy-duty casters, front casters fitted with brakes∙ Field reversible glass door in heavy-duty extruded aluminum frame is standard, black anodized solid aluminum door is optional∙Fixed wire universal slides for 18”x26” sheet pans and 12”x20”x2.5” steam table pansCabinets with Adjustable Universal, Fixed Universal or Angle SlidesInternational voltage: 220 volts, 1800 watts, 8.2 Amps, 50 Hz, single phase, plug cap per specific country require-ments / standardsAPPROVALS:3174974Conforms to UL Std 197 certified to CAN/CSA Std C22.2 No. 1093174974Conforms to NSF/ANSI Std 4Canadian Voltage: 120v, 1400 watts, 12Amps, NEMA 5-15P3HLM1 NON-INSULATED ALUMINUM MERCHANDISING CABINETSModelNumberCapacity*12”x20” 18”x26”Pizza SheetBoxes PansShelves Overall DimensionsHeight Depth Widthin (mm)CasterDiameterin (mm)Class 100ShippingWeightlbs (kgs) HLM1-14(3/4 size))28 14* 3 58-5/8 30-1/4 24-5/8(1489) (781) (625)5(127)155(70)HLM1-18(full size)36 18* 4 70-5/8 30-1/4 24-5/8(1780) (781) (625)5(127)198(90)* on optional wire racks with fixed spacing at 3”HL1 Features & Benefits∙ Precision-engineered bottom mount heater with superior heat-up andrecovery time∙ Analog heat control. Digital thermometer. Temperature range of 90°-190°F∙ 3/4 and full sized cabinets with adjustable racks and shelves to accom-modate a variety of items, including pizza boxes∙ All swivel heavy-duty casters, front casters fitted with brakes∙ Field reversible glass door in heavy-duty extruded aluminum frame isstandard, black anodized solid aluminum door is optional∙ Tempered glass doors and walls; pass-through designCabinets with Adjustable Racks and ShelvesInternational voltage:220 volts, 1800 watts,8.2 Amps, 50 Hz, singlephase, plug cap perspecific country require-ments / standardsAPPROVALS:3174974Conforms to UL Std 197certified to CAN/CSA StdC22.2 No. 1093174974Conforms toNSF/ANSIStd 4Canadian Voltage:120v, 1400 watts,12Amps, NEMA 5-15P5HL2 NON-INSULATED ALUMINUM HEATER/PROOFER FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONSModel NumberPan/Tray Capacity* 12”x20” 18”x26” Slide Pairs ProvidedOverall Dimensions Height Depth Width in (mm) Caster Diameter in (mm) Class 100 Shipping Weightlbs (kgs) HL2-5(under-counter)10 5 5 31-1/16 29-1/2 24-11/16(789) (749) (627) 5 (127) 99 (45) HL2-8(1/2 size)16 8 8 40-1/16 29-1/2 24-11/16 (1018) (749) (627) 5 (127) 137 (62) HL2-14(3/4 size)28 14 14 58-1/16 29-1/2 24-11/16 (1474) (749) (627) 5 (127) 155 (70) HL2-18(full size) 36 181870-1/16 29-1/2 24-11/16 (1780) (749) (627)5 (127)198 (90)* fixed spacing at 3”HL2 Features & Benefits∙ Precision-engineered bottom mount heater with superior heat-up and recovery time ∙ Analog heat and humidity levels. Digital thermometer. Temperature range of 90°- 190°F ∙ Can be operated with or without humidity. Capable of humidified holding as well as proofing ∙ Four sizes, available with adjustable universal, fixed universal or adjustable universal slides ∙ All swivel heavy-duty casters, front casters fitted with brakes∙ Field reversible glass door in heavy-duty extruded aluminum frame is standard, black anodized solid aluminum door is optional∙Fixed wire universal slides for 18”x26” sheet pans and 12”x20”x2.5” steam table pansCabinets with Adjustable Universal, Fixed Universal or Angle SlidesAPPROVALS:3174974Conforms to UL Std 197 certified to CAN/CSA Std C22.2 No. 1093174974Conforms to NSF/ANSI Std 4International voltage: 220 volts, 2100 watts, 9.5 Amps, 50 Hz, single phase, plug cap per specific country require-ments / standardsCanadian Voltage: 120v, 1400 watts, 12Amps, NEMA 5-15P6HL3 INSULATED ALUMINUM HEATED CABINET FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONSModel NumberPan/Tray Capacity* 12”x20” 18”x26” Slide Pairs ProvidedOverall Dimensions Height Depth Width in (mm) Caster Diameter in (mm) Class 100 Shipping Weightlbs (kgs) HL3-5(under-counter)10 5 5 31-5/8 31-1/2 26-1/2(803) (800) (673) 5 (127) 104 (47) HL3-8(1/2 size)16 8 8 40-5/8 31-1/2 26-1/2 (1032) (800) (673) 5 (127) 147 (67) HL3-14(3/4 size)28 14 14 58-5/8 31-1/2 26-1/2 (1489) (800) (673) 5 (127) 170 (77) HL3-18(full size) 36 181870-5/8 31-1/2 26-1/2 (1794) (800) (673)5 (127)218 (99)* fixed spacing at 3”HL3 Features & Benefits∙ Precision-engineered bottom mount heater with superior heat-up and recovery time ∙ Analog heat control. Digital thermometer. Temperature range of 90°- 190°F∙ Four sizes, available with adjustable universal, fixed universal or adjustable universal slides ∙ All swivel heavy-duty casters, front casters fitted with brakes∙ Field reversible glass door in heavy-duty extruded aluminum frame is standard, black anodized solid aluminum door is optional∙Fixed wire universal slides for 18”x26” sheet pans and 12”x20”x2.5” steam table pansCabinets with Adjustable Universal, Fixed Universal or Angle SlidesAPPROVALS:3174974Conforms to UL Std 197 certified to CAN/CSA Std C22.2 No. 1093174974Conforms to NSF/ANSI Std 4International voltage: 220 volts, 1800 watts, 8.2 Amps, 50 Hz, single phase, plug cap per specific country require-ments / standardsCanadian Voltage: 120v, 1400 watts, 12Amps, NEMA 5-15P7HL4 INSULATED ALUMINUM HEATER/PROOFER FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONSModel NumberPan/Tray Capacity* 12”x20” 18”x26” Slide Pairs ProvidedOverall Dimensions Height Depth Width in (mm) Caster Diameter in (mm) Class 100 Shipping Weightlbs (kgs) HL4-5(under-counter)10 5 5 31-5/8 31-1/2 26-1/2(803) (800) (673) 5 (127) 104 (47) HL4-8(1/2 size)16 8 8 40-5/8 31-1/2 26-1/2 (1032) (800) (673) 5 (127) 147 (67) HL4-14(3/4 size)28 14 14 58-5/8 31-1/2 26-1/2 (1489) (800) (673) 5 (127) 170 (77) HL4-18(full size) 36 181870-5/8 31-1/2 26-1/2 (1794) (800) (673)5 (127)218 (99)* fixed spacing at 3”HL4 Features & Benefits∙ Precision-engineered bottom mount heater with superior heat-up and recovery time ∙ Analog heat and humidity levels. Digital thermometer. Temperature range of 90°- 190°F ∙ Can be operated with or without humidity. Capable of humidified holding as well as proofing ∙ Four sizes, available with adjustable universal, fixed universal or adjustable universal slides ∙ All swivel heavy-duty casters, front casters fitted with brakes∙ Field reversible glass door in heavy-duty extruded aluminum frame is standard doors are standard, solid aluminum door is optional∙Fixed wire universal slides for 18”x26” sheet pans and 12”x20”x2.5” steam table pansCabinets with Adjustable Universal, Fixed Universal or Angle SlidesAPPROVALS:3174974Conforms to UL Std 197 certified to CAN/CSA Std C22.2 No. 1093174974Conforms to NSF/ANSI Std 4International voltage: 220 volts, 2100 watts, 9.5 Amps, 50 Hz, single phase, plug cap per specific country require-ments / standardsCanadian Voltage: 120v, 1400 watts, 12Amps, NEMA 5-15PHL1 & HL3 Models HL2 & HL4 ModelsHL2 & HL4 Series Heater/Proofer CabinetsON/OFF power switch and indicator lightHeat control knob. Settings from 1 (low heat) to 10 (high heat) Heating element cycle lightDigital temperature read-outON/OFF power switch and indicator light Heat control knob. Settings from 1 (low heat) to 10 (high heat) Heating element cycle light Digital temperature read-outHumidity control knob. Settings from 1 (low humidity) to 10 (high humidity) Humidity element cycle lightWATER PAN LOCATIONS140°F41°FDANGER ZONE: 41°F to 140°F (5Bacteria grow rapidlyCOOK TO AT LEAST 165°F (74tion of most bacteria165°F HOLD at 140°F (60higherdoors are open.2.3.HL1, HL3 & HLM1 HB SERIESStandard US Electric: 120 VOLT, 1800 WATT, 15AMP, 1 PH, 60 HZ International Electric: 220 VOLT, 1800 WATT, 8.2AMP, 1 PH, 50/60 HZHL2 & HL4 HW SERIESStandard US Electric: 120 VOLT, 2100 WATT, 17.5 AMP, 1 PH International Electric: 220 VOLT, 2100 WATT, 9.5AMP, 1 PH, 50/60 HZWIRING DIAGRAMSTROUBLESHOOTING GUIDESYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE SUGGESTED REMEDYNo power on display Not plugged in or circuit breakertripped Check or reset circuit breaker Connect to proper receptaclePower cord damaged Check - replace if required Circuit breaker tripped Check circuit breaker Power switch damaged or defective Check - replace if requiredFood dries out too quickly Operation where product temp is toohigh; food pans should be coveredCheck product temps going intoholding cabinet; cover food pans Control incorrectly set or defective Check proper operation or calibrationof controlInternal wiring error Call service technicianElement hi-limit trip / defective Call service technicianTakes too long to get to temperature Improper voltage Call service technician to verifyincoming voltage matches cabinetspecifications.Unit is hotbut low or no airflow Internal wiring error Call service technician Circulation motor has quit Call service technicianImproper voltage Call service technician to verifyincoming voltage matches cabinetspecifications.Unit is on, motors are running but no heatNOTE:The technical content of this manual, including any wiring diagrams, schemat-ics, parts breakdown illustrations and / or adjustment procedures, is intended for use ONLY by qualified technical personnel.NOTE:For warranty service, call Carter-Hoffmann direct at 800-323-9793 for authorization,we will dispatch the nearest authorizedservice agency.18。

C.K HDclassic 工程师钢丝扳手产品说明书

C.K HDclassic 工程师钢丝扳手产品说明书

T4813 4
HDclassic Screwdriver PZD4x200mm
T4813 4-H
HDclassic Screwdriver PZD4x200mm
T4814 25
HDclassic Screwdriver PZD0x60mm
T4813 0-H
HDclassic Screwdriver PZD0x60mm
T4813 1
HDclassic Screwdriver PZD1x80mm
Commodity code
82054000 82054000 82054000 82054000 82054000 82054000 82054000 82054000 82054000 82054000 82054000 82054000 82054000 82054000 82054000 82054000 82054000 82054000 82054000 82054000 82054000 82054000 82054000Biblioteka 5013969589306
T4815 1-H
HDclassic Screwdriver Stubby PH1x25mm
T4815 2
HDclassic Screwdriver Stubby PH2x25mm

卡特(Cat)289D3 компакт轨道载具说明书

卡特(Cat)289D3 компакт轨道载具说明书

19 Rack Back Angle at Maximum Height
20 Bucket Pin Reach at Maximum Lift
369 mm 14.5 in
Operating Specifications*
Rated Operating Capacity:
35% Tipping Load
and torque while meeting U.S. EPA Tier 4 Final and EU Stage V
emission standards.
n Cat “Intelligent Leveling” system provides industry leading technology,
n Broad range of performance matched Cat Work Tools make the
Cat Compact Track Loader the most versatile machine on the job site.
Engine Model Gross Power SAE J1995 Net Power SAE 1349 Net Power ISO 9249 Peak Torque at 1,500 rpm SAE J1995 Displacement Stroke Bore
the optional Speed Sensitive Ride Control system improves operation
on rough terrain, enabling better load retention, increased productivity









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Cat® 980H 中型装载机 – 可在任何季节随时工作。
• 从第一天起就提供可靠性的久经 考验的技术
• Cat 设计和制造的系统可作为一个 设备协同工作
• 行业最佳代理商支持网络提供的 超长正常运行时间
• 无与伦比的原装 Cat 零件供应情况 • 您的施工地点或代理商出色的 Cat
代理商服务能力 久经考验的技术。Cat 980H 采用久负 盛名的 980 平台。许多针对 980G 系 列 II 和之前的机型而设计并经过验证 的系统现在仍用于 980H 中。行星动 力换档变速箱、驾驶室、独立冷却系 统、集成式制动系统、自由轮定子变 矩器、机架 – 均提高了 980H 值得信 赖的可靠性。
• 机罩强度提高,提升和下降的时 间更快
• 集成到机器侧面的主梯可保护阶 梯,以免碎屑聚积
非发动机端机架可为前轴、提升臂和 倾斜油缸提供坚固的基础。四板焊接 装载塔架可抗冲击负载和荷载应力。
提升臂为实心钢材,可提供卓越的强 度和极佳的卸载高度和伸出距离,同 时保持对铲斗的绝佳视野。铸钢横管 经过热处理,可最大限度地提高抗扭 曲和冲击负载能力。Z 型连杆可产生 出色的挖掘力和足够的后翻角,提高 铲斗装载和物料保持能力。
集成系统。CMS(Caterpillar Monitoring System,Caterpillar 监控系统)可跟踪 关键的机器系统,并在可能需要维修 时提醒操作员。三级警告使操作员能 够更准确地评估情况。从连杆到发动 机,CMS 固定在发动机、变速箱、 液压装置和制动器上,连接所有主要 系统使装载机能够像完全集成的系统 一样进行作业。
• 坚固结实的结构经久耐用
• 精心设计和制造的主要部件可提 供 更 长 的 使 用 小 时 数, 并 可 进 行 改造以获得额外使用寿命
• 采用 ACERT 技术的 Cat C15 发动 机 在 保 持 发 动 机 性 能、 效 率 与 耐 用性的同时,可减少排放
3.8-6.1 m3 5.0-8.0 yd3
重量 工作重量
30 519 kg 67,294 lb
• 用于带有 BOCE 的 5.7 m3(7.5 yd3)通用铲斗
19 496 kg 42,989 lb
• 用于带有 BOCE 的 5.7 m3(7.5 yd3)通用铲斗
• 可优化机器性能的变速箱特性
• 发动机可保持始终如一的生产率 水平
• 标准和选装功能可提高生产率
自动 换 档。驾 驶 室中有 手动 或自动 换 档 模 式可供 选 择。这 种灵活 特 性 提高 了操作员的效率,优化了机器性能。
可变档位控制(VSC)。使变速箱换档 模式与机器应用需求相符。在某些应 用中,通 过使 变 速 箱 在 发 动 机 转 速 较 低 时 升档,可 变 档 位 控制能 够 提高 换 档质量和燃油效率。
用于修理机器的所有零件(电池、密 封件、滤清器、油液、液压装置、发 动机零件)的设计和制造旨在使它们 为作为一个系统高效协作。
再制造零件。Cat 发动机和主要部件 可再制造并提供多个生命周期。Cat Reman 计划比大多数改造计划的涵盖 的范围都更广。部件实际在工厂根据 原始技术规格再制造并对产品进行必 要更新。
自动润滑。在装载机操作中,选装的 Caterpillar 自动润滑系统能够精确,以及因润 滑不充分导致的计划外维修的停机时 间,从而提高生产率。
综合自动挖掘。选装的综合自动挖掘 可使装载过程自动化,非常受经验丰 富的操作员和新手的欢迎。操作员可 持续装满负载,而无需用手操作控制 装置。
• 一致的动力
• 可提高生产率的标准和选装功能 第8页
维修方便性 • 日常维护轻松便利 • 最短维修停机时间 • 检测问题以防问题发生 • 全面的客户支持 第 16 页
可在最为严苛的应用中发挥强大性能和功 能。世界一流的驾驶室可提供无与伦比的 操作员舒适性和效率。创新的电子和液压 系统可实现省力操作。提高生产率,降低 拥有和运营成本。
ACERT ™ 技术。自 2003 年 3 月以来, ACERT 技术已在公路用卡车方面证 明了自己的实力,最近该技术再次在 非公路用设备的现场测试中得到了证 明。该技术让 Cat 发动机能满足所需 的耐用性与可靠性,而不牺牲燃油经 济性或性能。
代理商支持。Caterpillar® 代理商的重 中之重是根据需要保持您的装载机正 常运行。206 个独立拥有 Cat 代理商 的整个全球网络在分销零件和设备方 面是全球最佳的。他们可随时随地满 足您的需求。
尽管 ACERT 技术本身是全新的,但 大部分部件与之前发动机使用的相 同。电子控制器是 ACERT 技术的控 制中心。Cat 发动机使用的高级电子 控制器在 20 世纪 90 年代初首次推出, 并具备有目共睹的性能和可靠性。
C15 发动机采用 Cat MEUI(Mechanically Actuated Electronic Unit Injection,机械 促动电子单体喷射)燃油系统。MEUI 燃油系统是一种极为先进的系统,其可 靠性和耐用性在业内有口皆碑。
980H with On-Demand Fan and Electronic Engine Horsepower
Min fan speed
Max fan speed
Fan Speed
Min fan speed
恒定净马力。发动机可自动对寄生负 载(如风扇和空调)进行补偿,以保 持始终如一的生产率水平。
如果现场修理不足以解决问题,Cat 代理商具有完善的装备,可以为您的 装载机提供快速维修服务。
代理商支持计划。Caterpillar 代理商为 您提供从筹措采购资金到全面的售后 支持的各种计划。 • 购买 / 租赁 • Caterpillar 保险 • 投资选项 • Cat 设备培训 • 客户支持协议 • S•O•SSM 服务 购买还是租赁?您的 Cat 代理商可以 帮助您决定适合您运营的最佳购买选 项。他们可以帮助您计算拥有和运营 成本以及可用融资选项如何让您获得 更多收益。
制造 980H,以满足您的操作需求。
• 可用于许多不同应用领域的各种 铲斗和其它作业机具使 980H 成为 多功能的轮式装载机
• 您可以根据操作需求,通过订购 多种出厂安装的选件来定制 980H
• 厂方可提供适用于骨料、林业、 废 料、 钢 厂 和 垃 圾 处 理 应 用 的 特 殊机器总成
发动机 发动机型号 总功率 – SAE J1995 净功率 – ISO 9249
Cat® C15 ACERT ™ 293 kW 393 hp 260 kW 349 hp
• Caterpillar® 发动机采用 ACERT 技术 – 符合 EPA
Tier 3、EU Stage III 排放标准
指 令 控 制 转 向。 与传 统 转向相比,使 用指令控制转向可将转向操作降低 14 个系 数。传 统 转 向 轮 需 要 两 到 三个 360° 旋转才能使装载机转一圈 – 指 令控制轮仅使用 26 N(6 lb)转向压力 移动 ±70° 即可转一圈 – 减轻了操作 员的疲劳度。
行驶控制装置。在崎岖地面上行驶时, 选装的行驶控制系统改进了行驶、性 能和持载能力。操作员获得了在装载 和运送操作中以较高速度行驶的信 心,减少了循环时间,提高了生产率。
零件供应情况。Caterpillar 为您的轮式 装载机提供卓越的个性化服务。通过 11 个国家 / 地区的 23 个零件配送中心, 大多数零件均可在 24 小时内交付。
Caterpillar 提供的所有零件都是根据 原始设备技术规格制造的。将提供改 装套件将机器更新为最新技术。旧机 器的 Cat Classic ™ 零件专门根据 Cat 技术规格以较低的成本制造。
严格的再利用指导原则和无与伦比的 质量控制确保再制造产品能够提供您 理想中的 Caterpillar 机器所应具有的 可靠性和耐用性。世界各地的配送中 心都存放有再制造产品,随时都可以 安装,以便最大限度地缩短停机时间、 保持生产率和盈利能力。
维修能力。需要日常维护或计划外维 修吗? Cat 现场维修技师经验丰富, 工具齐全,能够胜任装载机的现场维 修工作。现场维修卡车里备有各种最 先 进 的 工 具 和 诊 断 设 备, 以 及 每 种 Cat 机器的技术规格和原理图。代理 商和 Caterpillar 的技术专家可以对所 有现场维修技师提供协助。
有效负载控制系统。提升臂内置专为 Cat 机器设计的磅秤,使其可在行驶 中对铲斗中的物料进行称重。操作员 可以更准确、更高效地给卡车装载。 一次就能完成卡车装载,相当于缩短 了操作员循环时间,提高了秤房效率, 也提高了您操作的工作效率。
有效负载控制作为出厂安装选配件提 供。还提供打印机,可用于打印行驶 票据和各种报表。
多功能性 • 为您的运营定制 980H • 各种 Cat® 作业机具
• 适用于特定应用的机器配置总成 第 10 页
操作员舒适性 • 安静舒适的驾驶室 • 出入方便 • 视野开阔 • 让操作员更轻松地操作 • 舒适的座椅 第 12 页
拥有和运营成本 • 久经考验的燃油效率 • 保养简单方便 • 无与伦比的零件供应情况 • 极佳的转售价值 • 为您的运营定制的融资 第 14 页
新型机罩。Caterpillar 专为 980H 设计 了新型机罩。两层厚的全新机罩可提 高耐用性,同时不影响地面视野。加固 的机罩抗风和泥浆聚积的能力更强。 开启系 统 也 得 到改 进。电液 压 启动的 双提升油缸显著降低了提升和下降的 时间。
动力换档变速箱。980H 所配备的变 速箱已在 40 多年里证明了其实力, 并且 ECPC(Electronic Clutch Pressure Control,电子离合器压力控制)系统 的增加使变速箱的耐用性提高到一个 新的水平。