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IATF 16949要求形成文件的信息详细明细

1处 4.3 Determining the scope of the quality management system 确定质量管理体系的范围

T h e s co pe o f th e org an i z at i o n’s q u al i ty man a g emen t s ys tem s h al l be av ail ab l e an d be mainta i n ed as d o c umented information.



要求文件化信息数量 1 处,其中需要形成文件或者形成文件的过程数量 1 处,

2处 4.3.1Determining the scope of the quality management system-supplemental 确定质量管理体系的范围–补充The only permitted exclusion for this automotive QMS standard relates to the product design and development requirements within ISO 9001, Section 8.3. The exclusion shall be justified and maintained as documented information (see ISO 9001, section 7.5.)

本汽车 QMS 标准唯一允许的删减是 ISO 9001 第 8.3 条中的产品设计和开发要求。删减应以形成文件的信息(见ISO9001 第 7.5 条)的形式进行声明和保持。

所属要求:IATF 16949:2016

要求文件化信息数量 1 处,其中需要形成文件或者形成文件的过程数量 1 处,

3处 Product Safety 产品安全

The organization shall have documented processes for the management of the product-safety related products 组织


所属要求:IATF 16949:2016

要求文件化信息数量 1 处,其中需要形成文件或者形成文件的过程数量 1 处,

4处 5.2.2 Communicating the quality policy 沟通质量方针

a) be available and be maintained as documented information; 可



要求文件化信息数量 1 处,其中需要形成文件或者形成文件的过程数量 1 处,

5处 5.3.1Organizational roles, responsibilities, and authorities – supplemental 组织的作用、职责和权限–补充Top management shall assign personnel with the responsibility and authority to ensure that customer requirements are met. These assignments shall be documented.


所属要求:IATF 16949:2016

要求文件化信息数量 1 处,其中需要形成文件或者形成文件的过程数量 1 处,

6处 Risk analysis 风险分析

The organization shall retain documented information as evidence of the results of risk analysis. 组织


所属要求:IATF 16949:2016

要求文件化信息数量 1 处,其中需要保持或者保留有记录或证据数量 1 处,

7处 Preventive action 预防措施

d) documented information of action taken; 所


所属要求:IATF 16949:2016

要求文件化信息数量 1 处,其中需要保持或者保留有记录或证据数量 1 处,

8处 Contingency plans 应急计划

g) Document the contingency plans and retain documented information describing any revisions, including the

persons who authorized the changes.


所属要求:IATF 16949:2016

要求文件化信息数量 2 处,其中需要保持或者保留有记录或证据数量 1 处,需要形成文件或者形成文件的过程数量 1 处,

9处 6.2.1Quality objectives 质量目标

The organization shall maintain documented information on the quality objectives. 组织



要求文件化信息数量 1 处,其中需要形成文件或者形成文件的过程数量 1 处,

10处 General 总则

The organization shall retain appropriate documented information as evidence of fitness for purpose of the monitoring and measurement resources.



要求文件化信息数量 1 处,其中需要保持或者保留有记录或证据数量 1 处,

11处 Measurement systems analysis 测量系统分析

Records of customer acceptance of alternative methods shall be retained along with results from alternative measurement systems analysis (see Section

替代方法的顾客接受记录应与替代测量系统分析的结果一起保留(见第 条)

所属要求:IATF 16949:2016

要求文件化信息数量 1 处,其中需要保持或者保留有记录或证据数量 1 处,

12处 Measurement traceability 测量溯源

when no such standards exist, the basis used for calibration or verification shall be retained as documented information;



要求文件化信息数量 1 处,其中需要形成文件或者形成文件的过程数量 1 处,

13处 Calibration/ verification records 校准/验证记录

The organization shall have a documented process for managing calibration/ verification records. Records of the calibrations/ verification activity for all gauges and measuring and test equipment (including employee-owned equipment relevant for measuring, customer-owned equipment, or on-site supplier-owned equipment) needed to provide evidence of conformity to internal requirements, legislative and regulatory requirements, and customer- defined requirements shall be retained.


所属要求:IATF 16949:2016

14处 d) When a piece of inspection measurement and test equipment is found to be out of calibration or defective during its planned verification or calibration or during its use, documented information on the validity of previous measurement results obtained with this piece of inspection measurement and test equipment shall be retained, i n cl u d i n g th e as s o c i ate d st an d ar d’s l ast cal i b rat i o n d ate an d th e nex t d u e d ate o n th e cal i b r ation rep o rt;

