DAVE Revised
英国文学简史期末考试资料英国文学简史英美文学史名词翻译Neoclassicism (新古典主义) Renaissance (文艺复兴)Metaphysical poetry (玄学派诗歌) Classism (古典主义)EnlighteXXXent (启蒙运动) Romanticism (浪漫主义)Byronic Hero (拜伦式英雄) Aestheticism(美学主义)Stream of consciousness (意识流) the Age of Realism (现实主义阶段) Naturalism (自然主义) Local Colorist (乡土文学)Imagism (意象主义) The Lost Generation (迷惘的一代)Surrealism (超现实主义) The Beat Generation (垮掉的一代) Metaphysical poets (玄学派诗人)New Criticism (新批判主义)Feminism(女权主义) Hemingway Code Hero (海明威式英雄) Impressionism (印象主义) Post modernity (后现代主义)Realism (现实主义) Allegory (寓言)Romance (传说) epic(史诗)Blank Verse (无韵诗) Essay (随笔)Masques or Masks (假面剧) Spenserian Stanza (斯宾塞诗节)Three Unities (三一.原则) Meter (格律)Soliloquy (独白) Cavalier poets (骑士派诗人)Elegy (挽歌) . Action/plot (情节)Atmosphere (基调) Epigram (警句)The Heroic Couplet (英雄对偶句) Sentimentalism (感伤主义文学)Aside (旁白) Denouement (戏剧结局)parable (寓言) Genre (流派)Irony (反讽) Satire (讽刺)Lyric (抒情诗) Ode (颂歌)Pastoral (田园诗) Canto (诗章)Lake Poets (湖畔诗人) Image (意象)Dramatic monologue(戏剧独白)Psychological novel (心理小讲)Allusion (典故) Protagonist and Antagonist (正面人物与反面人物) Symbolism (象征主义) Existentialism (存在主义)Anti-hero (反面人物) Rhyme (押韵)Round Character (丰满的人物) Flat character (平淡的人物)Oedipus complex (俄狄浦斯情结/蛮母厌父情结) Iambic pentameter (抑扬格五音步)Poetic license (诗的破格) Legend (传奇)Myth (神话) Pessimism (悲观主义)Tragicomedy (悲喜剧) Comedy of manners (风俗喜剧)Free Verse (自由体诗歌) Magic realism (魔幻现实主义) Autobiography (自传) Biography (传记)Foot (足注) Protagonist (正面人物)Psychological Realism (心理现实主义) Setting (背景)Chronicle《编年史》Ballads 民谣consonant(协调,一致) repetition (反复)repeated initial(开头的)一、中世纪文学(约5世纪—1485)《贝奥武甫》(Beowulf)《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》(Sir Gawain and the Green Knight )杰弗利·乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer) ―英国诗歌之父(Father of English Poetry)《坎特伯雷故事》(The Canterbury Tales )二、文艺复兴阶段文学(15世纪后期—17世纪初)托马斯·莫尔(Thomas More )《乌托邦》(Utopia)埃德蒙·斯宾塞(Edmund Spenser)《仙后》(The Faerie Queene)弗兰西斯·培根(Francis Bacon)《论讲文集》(Essays)克里斯托弗·马洛(Christopher Marlowe)《帖木儿大帝》(Tamburlaine)《浮士德博士的悲剧》(The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Dr. Faustus)《马耳他岛的犹太人》(The Jew of Malta )威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare )四大悲剧: Hamlet(哈姆雷特)、Othello(奥瑟罗)、King Lear(李尔王)、Macbeth(麦克白)四大喜剧:A Midsummer Night's Dream《仲夏夜之梦》As you like it《皆大欢喜》Twelfth Night 《第十二夜》The merchant of Venice 《威尼斯商人》三、17世纪文学约翰·弥尔顿John Milton 《失乐园》(Paradise Lost)(诗人、政论家;失明后写《失乐园》、《复乐园》、《力士参孙》。
他之所以于我们如此重要The reason that he is as important to us as I think he is是因为他是一名伟大的艺术家is because he was a good artist,他曾作为杰出的艺术家名噪一时and on his best days he was a terrific artist,他能捡拾这世上零落的光影片段and he found some way to put together those little fragments of the world 以照片的形式记录了下来in a way that transformed them into a picture.就如同In the same way that,you know,诗人和普罗大众使用着相同的字典a poet uses the same dictionaries that the rest of us do.所有词汇都排列其中All the words are in there...诗中的辞藻都按字母顺序写在字典里all the words in the poem are there, they're in alphabetical order你可以找到它们so you can find them ...撷取其中几个and it's just a matter of taking a few of them约翰·沙科夫斯基摄影师兼策展人按照恰当的顺序排列好and putting them in the right order,写诗就是如此and that's all there is to it.这就是为什么有些诗篇And so why is it that some lines of poetry,有些诗句能够抓住我们some sentences grasp us,吸引我们you know,grip us,我们觉得 "对说得对and we think,"That's,that's right,that's true,虽然不太明白whatever,I don't know quite what that means,但确实如此"but whatever it means it's true."好照片也能达到这样的效果And a good picture does something like that.安塞尔最好的几幅作品The best of Ansel's是我们记忆的一部分are part of our memory,是我们认知的一部分part of our sense照片该如何拍摄of what a picture might be made out of,拍摄怎样的风景what it might look like又有什么样的深层意义and what it might ultimately be about,这很难解释清楚which is the part we can't explain.他的一生就是一趟旅程一次探险His whole life would be a journey, and an exploration;一场对意义与秩序a search for meaning and order,美丽与救赎的探索for beauty and redemption;探寻着与更伟大更永恒事物间的联♥系♥for contact with something larger and more lasting:社会羁绊家庭for community, connection, and home.美国西进运动结束几年后Born on the far western edge of the continent他出生于遥远的西部地区in the years following the close of the American frontier,1916年夏他初遇风景如画的约塞米蒂谷he first encountered the awesome beauty of Yosemite Valley in the summer of 1916. "从那一天起" 他后来写道"From that day,"he later wrote,"我的生活因重峦叠嶂的内华达山脉"My life has been colored and modulated变得丰富多彩"by the great earth gesture of the Sierra."自那以后他穷其一生He would spend the rest of his life用胶片捕捉美洲大♥陆♥的自然之美trying to capture on film the wild majesty of the American continent,捕捉震撼人心的荒野and the sublime and humbling exaltation of wilderness. 一旦进入这里It's a place that you step into,你不知道会发生什么and you don't know what's going to happen.这里令人惊奇It's a place that can surprise you.令人感到渺小It's a place where you're small.但感到渺小不是坏事But where being small is not a bad thing,卡尔·波普山峦俱乐部成员它其实是一件美妙的事where being small is actually a wonderful thing.如果你看安塞尔的照片If you look at Ansel's photographs,摄影师无论站在哪里the photographer wherever he stands,相较于大自然的细节与光线is clearly tiny compared to都显得渺小极了the detail and the light.你能感知到太阳播撒的每一缕光线You have a sense of the entire solar system,阳光闪耀在新墨西哥州教堂顶上the sun is shining in on a church in New Mexico或是内华达的山峰上or a peak in the Sierra,摄影师的眼睛也就是相机and the eye, the camera,只是极小一部分is this small part但并非微不足道but it's not an insignificant part.正是相机为这一切赋予了意义It's the part which gives the whole thing meaning.安塞尔一生的作品之中Well,I think Ansel had a message in his art乔纳森·斯波尔丁传记作家都传达着一个信息that was consistent throughout his career.那就是世界如此之美And this is that the world is beautiful,人类只是浩繁世界中的一部分that humanity is part of this larger world.用相机记录的这一刻That the concerns of the moment也是浩繁世界不可分割的一部分are part but not separate from a larger system of forces它们将我们与万事万物联♥系♥在一起that connect us to all of creation.我无法言明照片的内在含义I can't verbalize the internal meaning of pictures whatsoever.有些朋友能拉里拉杂说一堆Some of my friends can at very mystical levels,但我更愿意说but I prefer to say that,如果我强烈地感受到了什么if I feel something strongly,我会把它拍下来I would make a photograph,照片能体现出我的所见所感that would be the equivalent of what I saw and felt...当我准备拍照的时候When I'm ready to make a photograph,我的心眼感受到的I think I quite obviously see in my mind's eye并非事物字面的浅薄含义something that is not literally there,而是这个世界的内涵in the true meaning of the word.我乐于展现的是有内在意义的事物I'm interested in expressing something which is built up from within, 而非局限于外在的东西rather than just extracted from without.当他拍摄自然风景时When he photographed the wild landscape --尤其是拍摄他的第二故乡especially in his own special home内华达山脉和约塞米蒂荒野的景色wild landscape in the High Sierra,and Yosimte.他和这些山脉产生了共鸣he felt some consonance with that material这种共鸣强烈深刻神秘that was very profound,very deep,very mystical,近乎宗教一般perhaps almost religious --尽管他会强烈反对这种说法although he would certainly object to that very strongly,因为他并非传统的宗教信徒because he was not in any conventional sense a religious person --然后要想办法and then you try to find a way to make a picture that将你感受到的共鸣呈现在照片中is consonant with your sense of your relationship to that experience.这不仅仅是一个地方It's not just a place,是一种经历尤其是...it's an experience -- especially安塞尔要拍的景色只存在于彼时彼刻in Ansel's case that has to do with that time,that moment,它们转瞬即逝that evanescent disappearing thing.安塞尔不会刻意回避个人的表达I don't think Ansel was ever self-consciously concerned with personal expression. 他想要加入一些其他的东西It's wanting to join something else...安塞尔意在理解更广袤的世界Ansel, I think, the issue was to understand并成为其中一部分and become part of something that was larger.他想通过照片向人们展示And to make a picture that demonstrated that there was some,人与自然的共通之处actually some communion going on.将近七十年For nearly seventy years,他悠游于美国西部人迹罕至的荒野he would wander the great unoccupied spaces of the American west --拍摄身边不断变化的景色photographing the landscape as the landscape itself changed all around him,拍摄美洲大♥陆♥遭到开垦and as the wild places of the continent dwindled and shrank日渐萎缩的荒野and came under attack as never before.跟本世纪其他艺术家相比More than any other artist of the century,他转变了这片荒野之于美国的意义he would help transform the meaning of wilderness in America, 也改变了人们对于自己家乡的看法and change what people thought and felt about their own land. 随着时间的推移In the course of time,他自己也改变了he himself would change --年轻时让他痴迷的美景as the rapturous visions that sustained him in his youth逐渐淡去lost their power,失去了吸引力and began to fade --人到晚年他越来越变成一位and as he came increasingly to resemble和蔼慈祥值得信任的业界前辈the avuncular, trusted elder statesman of his old age.但是在年轻时But as a young man,他曾见过内华达山脉上的景色he had seen something in the mountains of the Sierra Nevada -- 由此产生的共鸣震彻天地something that resonated far out into the landscape直达灵魂的深处and down into the deepest recesses of his soul --这种共鸣在他此后的人生中萦绕不散that would haunt him for the rest of his days,也让他穷尽一生致力去传达and that he would spend his entire life trying to convey.我认为美国历史上I can't think of any artist没有哪一位艺术家比安塞尔·亚当斯in our history who was more American更能代表美国than Ansel Adams.他成长于一座只有五十年历史的城市He grew up in a city that was only fifty years old....他的作品是最典型的美国风格his subject matter was as quintessentially American as it possibly could be. 威廉·A·特内奇安塞尔·亚当斯信托基金会我认为我们与欧洲最大的不同在于The thing that separates us from the Old World, more than anything I think, 我们拥有大♥片♥风景优美的荒野is that we have all of these extraordinary great pieces of wild land这也是安塞尔毕生致力保护的东西which Ansel of course devoted much of his life's energy to saving.美国是他创作的源动力So his cause was American.他的作品正是关于美国的His work was about America...他很古怪He was odd.安德莉亚·格蕾·斯蒂尔曼安塞尔·亚当斯的编辑没错他非常古怪Yes,he was odd.在他儿时的照片里The pictures of him as a child,他看上去就很奇怪he looks really odd.而当他长到二十出头And he was actually kind of odd-looking when he was a young man, too,依然是一个长相奇怪的年轻人in his early twenties.招风的耳朵渐秃的头发These ears stuck out and he was balding.还镶着假牙And then he did have false teeth and我认识他的时候他就有副不错的假牙by the time I knew him he had a pretty good set,可是安一副好假牙可不是一两天的事but I think it took a while to get a good set of false teeth.他身材修长出奇地瘦He was gangly and extremely, extremely thin.还留着黑胡子And then he had this black beard.在山峦俱乐部早期的远足照片里The pictures of him from the early Sierra Club hikes,其中的几张看上去几乎有些吓人he almost looks kind of scary in some of them,但他有着一种享受生活的热情but he also had this joie de vivre,他的古道热肠和幽默风趣and this sense of enthusiasm and humor会立刻使人为之倾心that just swept people off their feet --关于他独特的性格人们褒贬不一well,either you loved it or you hated it.1902年冬他出生于旧金山He was born Ansel Easton Adams in the city of San Francisco起名安塞尔·伊斯顿·亚当斯in the winter of 1902 --他家曾经富裕如今逐渐没落the only child of a once prosperous family他是家中独子on its way down in the world.他最早的记忆就是躺在婴儿车里His earliest memory was of lying in a pram看着屋顶上的雾气watching silent fingers of fog悄无声息地向东流去flowing east above his family's house --那是一栋坐落于城西一隅a lonely structure perched high above the dunes建于沙丘之上的孤独建筑beyond the western edge of town,它俯瞰着金门海峡overlooking the waters of the Golden Gate.他总说是这些早年的生活环境和体验He always said he was formed by those early landscape experiences 塑造了他的性格and where he was living.如果你曾在旧金山定居过I mean,once you've lived a while in San Francisco,你一定会体验到那种雾气悄然而至you can feel that fog kind of tiptoeing in,声音也随之改变的感觉where it changes the sounds这种感觉会浸入骨髓and kind of gets in to your bones.或者在阳光明媚的好天气里Or when there's a glorious clear day...一切都是那么美轮美奂it's just breathtakingly beautiful.这些都是安塞尔最重要的经历And that was just part and parcel of Ansel.1906年4月18日早晨On the morning of April 18th,1906,当时刚满四岁的他when he was a little more than four,被旧金山大地震的一场余震掀飞an immense aftershock of the great San Francisco earthquake 一头撞上了花♥园♥里的矮墙sent him flying head--first into a low garden wall,他的鼻子被严重撞伤severely breaking his nose --从此明显地歪向左边which forever after veered violently to the left.一年之后One year later,他祖父在木材生意中赚取的财富the fortune in timber his grandfather had assembled在淘金热之后的一年里in the years following the Gold Rush就是1907年金融危机时都化作泡影finished collapsing completely in the Panic of 1907 --这使得他的父亲面临巨大的财政困难plunging his father into a sea of financial difficulties,他的母亲因此患上抑郁症and his mother into a depression再也没能痊愈from which she never fully recovered.在家族最后的岁月里At the end of the day,也就是1907年他祖父去世时by the time his grandfather died in 1907,家族几乎彻底破产了the family was pretty flat busted,这严重影响了安塞尔父母的关系and that deeply affected the relationship between Ansel's parents 在安塞尔的成长过程中and created a lot of stress in the home家里气氛非常紧张while Ansel was growing up.他是个孤独的孩子He was a lonely child,生活在海边阴郁的房♥子里in the gloomy,troubled house by the sea --体弱多病多愁善感often ill, prone to fits of uncontrollable weeping,身体里还涌动着抑制不住的旺盛精力and filled with a restless surging energy he could not contain.接二连三的入学失败Enrolled without success in one school after another,他经常连在桌子前安坐都无法做到he often found it difficult even to remain seated at his desk.安塞尔在自传里清楚地写道In Ansel's autobiography he makes it very clear自己并不是一个寻常的孩子that he was not an altogether ordinary child.在我的印象里Certainly my impression他是一个神经紧张的孩子is that he was a very nervous child.与他人的相处And that relationships with other people对他来说并非易事were not easy for him.他是个极难相处的孩子He was probably a very difficult kid to live with,他总把父母逼疯and I think he drove his parents crazy.他总是精力充沛充满活力He was very full of energy and full of vitality对生活满怀好奇可它们太过分散and tremendous drive -- but it was scattered,散落在生活各处it was all over the place...毫无疑问I think, almost certainly,如果放到现在if it were today,他会被诊断为阅读障碍he'd be considered to have been dyslexic.他自己也曾说过He said himself, you know,"若是现在我一定算是个多动症儿童""Today, I'd be considered a hyperactive child."他的身体里涌动着There was this incredible chaos or fire无以名状的能量躁动和激♥情♥or energy or something roaring around inside and,几欲迸发all the time trying to get out...在他只有十二岁的时候Abandoning the idea of conventional schooling他温文尔雅的父亲查尔斯when the boy was only twelve,完全放弃了传统的学校教育his gentle,courtly father,Charles,而是将自己所有的爱和心血poured all the love and energy he had都倾注到了自己顽皮的独子身上into his difficult only son:安排私人家庭教师教授代数和希腊文arranging private tuition in algebra and Greek,允许他在屋外的沙丘和峭壁上闲逛数小时and letting him roam for hours along the dunes and cliffs beyond the house 去想他去的地方anywhere his boundless energy took him.他的父亲太宠他了His father just adored him,太宠了just adored him.安塞尔很古怪But Ansel was so odd,但同时也异常地聪慧but at the same time he was so intelligent,对生活充满着这般激♥情♥with this zest for life.这个孩子谁看了都会喜欢I mean,who wouldn't have been enchanted by this child... 他父亲就是不顾一切地纵容他He just indulged him to an extraordinary degree.他意识到自己的孩子与众不同He realized he had a very unusual son --这种与众不同既有积极的一面both unusual in the positive sense and unusual也有消极的一面in the somewhat negative sense...安塞尔十三岁的时候When Ansel was thirteen,他父亲给他放了一年的假he got him a year's pass带他去参加世博会to the World's Fair,巴拿马太平洋万国博览会the Panama Pacific Exposition.这对他来说大有帮助And that was a fabulous idea,安塞尔每天都去博览会Ansel went every single day and he learned more这一年学到的东西比在学校还要多there than he ever could have in a year at school...我想不管是当时还是现在I don't think a lot of fathers then or now很少有父亲会容忍♥安塞尔这般独特的性格would have tolerated Ansel's unique character,而他的父亲并不只是容忍♥他and here was a father who not only tolerated it,更培养了他but nurtured it....1914年秋天的一个下午One afternoon in the fall of 1914,当时他还只有十二岁when he was still only twelve,他开始为自己内心涌动的复杂情绪he began to find a focus for the chaotic feelings寻找一个专注点that welled up inside him.他就是那种所谓的天才He was one of those geniuses,他开始弹钢琴时还只是个孩子and sat down at the piano when he was just a kid and无人指导练了数月就能视奏了within a couple months without a teacher could read music at sight... 他几乎是出于本能地The piano was something that he instinctually爱上了钢琴fell absolutely in love with然而学习钢琴并非易事and yet it was very demanding.高度的纪律性和精准度The height of discipline and rigor,每次数小时的音阶练习practicing scales for hours at a time,对每个孩子来说都很难hard for any kid to do,但对他这种注意力不集中but really hard for a kid有些好动的孩子来说who's kind of scattered尤其困难and a little bit hyperactive...但他将所有散乱的精力都放在这上面But he somehow focused all this chaotic energy他真的做到了and by God he did,他真的很专注于此I mean he really focused it.在之后的几年里In the years to come,尽管家中财政依旧困难despite the family's continuing financial troubles --安塞尔的父亲还是竭尽所能Ansel's father would do everything he could来培养孩子非同寻常的音乐天赋to nurture the boy's unusual musical gift --他聘请了能请到的最好的老师hiring the best instructors he could find,分期购置了价值六千美元的梅森&汉姆林钢琴and purchasing on installment a $6000 Mason and Hamlin piano.即便安塞尔年已八十Even when Ansel was eighty years old,每每说到他父亲的时候he lowered his voice and spoke with reverence仍会降低嗓门语带尊敬when he spoke about his father.他打心底明白父亲对他的付出And he really understood what his father had done for him.我总是对父亲的力量和勇气感到吃惊I often wonder at the strength and courage my father had他让我脱离传统的学校教育in taking me out of the traditional school situation给予我超乎寻常的学习经历and providing me with these extraordinary learning experiences. 我很确信如果不是他I am certain he established为我树立了正确的人生方向the positive direction of my life我的生活将会充斥着迷茫和混沌that otherwise, could have been confused and chaotic.在沙丘上成长的日子里I trace who I am and the direction of my development我一直在思索我是谁思索未来的方向to those years of growing up in our house on the dunes --心中梦想的火花propelled especially by an internal spark在父亲的温柔呵护下tenderly kept alive and glowing熊熊燃烧熠熠生辉by my father.世界博览会开阔了他的视野The World's Fair had broadened his horizons;音乐为他开启了一个充满美与秩序的世界music had opened up a new world of beauty and order.但他万万没有想到But nothing could have prepared him for另一种形式的律动会影响他如此之深the stunning impact of another kind of music --初次接触到它是在1916年夏天which he first encountered in the summer of 1916,高高的内华达山脉上high in the mountains of the Sierra Nevada.在他十四岁的时候有一次生病When he was 14, his aunt gave him a book阿姨给了他一本讲述约塞米蒂的书to read about Yosemite when he was ill由约塞米蒂最早的主要发起人by the earliest major promoter of Yosemite,J·M·哈钦斯所著J.M.Hutchings --这是一部奇妙而浪漫的作品and it was a wonderful, romantic book描写了印第安文化伟大的瓦尔哈拉about the Indians and this great Valhalla,以及这片美国土地this American place,如同"神之宫殿"一般a "Throne room of the gods," as it were...安塞尔一下子就被吸引了And Ansel was swept away by it.1916年6月1日On June 1st, 1916,经不住小安塞尔的百般恳求propelled by a ceaseless barrage of youthful pleadings and entreaties 全家人第一次启程从旧金山前往约塞米蒂the family set off for the first time on the two day journey开始了两日的旅行from San Francisco to Yosemite --火车隆隆作响穿过炙热的中♥央♥山谷rumbling by train across the shimmering heat of the Central Valley, 越过内华达山脉被炙烤成棕色的山麓up through the parched brown foothills of the Sierra抵达艾尔波特until they reached El Portal --再换乘露天巴士上山then on by open bus still higher,循着美熹德河清澈的流水following the pristine waters of the Merced River深入重重群山之中ever deeper into the mountains --最后河流向东急转until at length the river angled sharply to the east,"壮丽迷人的约塞米蒂" 亚当斯后来写道and "The splendor of Yosemite," Adams later wrote,"骤然出现在眼前""burst upon us."他说 "这里四处闪烁着光芒""There was," he said, "light everywhere.""我的新纪♥元♥开始了""A new era began for me."他对它一见钟情It was love at first sight.我认为全太阳系不会有第二个地方I don't think there's any place that hits you in the solar能像约塞米蒂谷这般初见就击中你的心魄plexis the way the first time you come into Yosemite Valley. 这种魅力令人难以抗拒It's simply overwhelming.相比在提顿县和北喀斯喀特山脉You're much closer to it,你离它更近you're much more surrounded by it,被它更紧密地环绕着than you are in the Tetons or in the North Cascades.真的很棒It's awesome.将这些融合到一起对安塞尔来说And you put all those things together, and Ansel,就改变了他的人生it changed his life,彻底改变了他的人生it completely changed his life.那就是一瞬间的事And that was it -- bang!约塞米蒂成为了他的第二故乡Yosemite became his home place...到达山谷不久后Shortly after arriving in the valley,父亲送给了他一个简单而宿命般的礼物his father presented him with a simple, fateful gift:一台柯达布朗尼1号♥盒式相机a Kodak No.1 Box Brownie camera,自带皮套和背带in its own leather case with a strap.学会如何操作相机之后After being shown how the simple apparatus worked,他跑开了he was off --从山谷的一端跑向另一端racing from one end of the valley to the other,拍下他看到的每样东西shooting everything he saw --圆顶尖峰溪流草地domes, spires, streams, meadows,瀑布悬崖waterfalls and cliffs --乐此不彼地尝试着endlessly trying,他的朋友南茜·纽霍尔后来说道his friend Nancy Newhall later said,"将他的奇想和喜悦注入这个神奇的小盒子"To pour into the magic little box his wonder and his ecstasy. 他决心捕捉这番美景Somehow he must capture this beauty,呈现铺展在他面前的somehow convey this opening before him of新天地的景致"a new heaven and a new earth."我想他找到的I think that what he found是一个摆脱枷锁的机会was a chance to break out of the bonds,这枷锁在他童年时期禁锢着他的身心both psychologically and physically, of his childhood...就像是释放了他内心的恶魔A kind of liberation from his own internal demons,诸如紧张的家庭关系as it were, the family tensions,旧金山阴冷多雾的天气the kind of cold and foggy environment of San Francisco,而这里就像是巨大的游乐场and out here was this giant playground.所以我觉得And so I think...这里为他创造了另一个身份here was a chance to create another identity,乔纳森·斯波尔丁传记作家可以远离他的家庭away from his family,远离这些纷扰away from these illnesses.在之后的几年里In the years to come,音乐和群山成了他的两大癖好music and the mountains would become his twin obsessions. 每年秋天回到旧金山Each fall, back in San Francisco,他就一心投入到钢琴的学习中he threw himself into the study of the piano --常常一天练习六小时以上often practicing more than six hours a day.每年夏天他就回约塞米蒂Each summer, he made his way back up to Yosemite --迫不及待地开始探寻奇妙的风景eager to explore the wondrous landscape,钻研他的新爱好and to work on his new hobby.越高越好Higher the better.约翰·沙科夫斯基摄影师兼策展人爬得越高Higher up in the mountains,就能拍到越好的照片the better the work got,对我来说是这样it seems to me.他最初的作品仅是些快照His first photographs were little more than snapshots --权作留念aids to memory.这些照片仅仅传达出Disappointed that they conveyed拍摄瞬间他所见所感的极小一部分so little of what he had seen and felt这令他感到失望at the moment of exposure,他于是开始竭其所能地he set out to learn everything he could学习摄影技术about the photographic process自学如何冲印底片teaching himself how to develop and print his own negatives, 并用不同方法进行试验and experimenting with different approaches --包括画意摄影including pictorialism,这是当时流行的一种绘画般的柔焦风格the painterly, soft-focus style then in vogue,以艺术的名义that in the name of art追求照片柔和化和模糊化sought to soften and blur the photographic image.1920年6月8日June 8th, 1920.亲爱的父亲Dear Father:如今我深信不疑I am more than ever convinced要想诠释这里的美景that the only possible way只有一个方法to interpret the scenes hereabout就是运用印象派的表现手法is through an impressionistic vision.冷漠而物质化的表现手法A cold material representation无法表现山脉的宏伟gives one no conception whatever of the great size以及群山的广袤and distances of these mountains.安塞尔Ansel.1920年夏In the summer of 1920 --他决定做一名音乐会钢琴家determined now to pursue a career as a concert pianist --他开始在山谷中寻找he began searching the valley夏季时用来练习的钢琴for a summer piano to practice on很快就找到了一架and soon found one,在当地画家哈里·贝斯特的工作室中in the studio of a local painter named Harry Best他十七岁的金发女儿whose fair-haired seventeen year old daughter很快成为这个瘦高的十九岁小伙quickly became another reason for the tall, gangling nineteen-year-old 造访的理由to visit.从记录上看On paper,维吉尼亚是完美的伴侣Virginia was the perfect mate...她热爱诗歌♥She loved poetry,正学习做个古典歌♥手she was studying to be a classical singer,她了解音乐与文学so she was involved in music and literature,玛丽·斯特里特·阿林德传记作家这些也都深受安塞尔的喜爱all the things that Ansel cared most deeply about...她还喜欢远足And she could hike;我敢说她当时比安塞尔走得还快She could out hike Ansel, I bet, at that time.他们俩交往了很长时间感情时好时坏It was a very long courtship, off again on again.有好几次安塞尔都放弃了Several times Ansel gave up,安妮·亚当斯·赫尔姆斯女儿他又投入到了音乐中gave his life to music again,这样就用不着理会婚姻琐事which didn't include getting married,后来他们又重新在一起了and then they'd get back together again...1923年3月29日March 29th,1923.亲爱的维吉尼亚Dear Virginia.最近我进山的欲望The desire to get into the mountains越来越强烈了has grown very strong in me lately...我时常希望如今的约塞米蒂how often I wish that the Valley could be now能够像四十年前那样like it was forty years ago --一片纯粹的荒野a pure wilderness,只有一条马车道蜿蜒其中with only a wagon road through it,没有汽车没有人群and no automobiles nor mobs.我渴望回到山中I long for the high places,它们那么干净纯洁遥不可及they are so clean and pure and untouched.每年夏天Each summer,他走得越来越远进入约塞米蒂谷外he ventured farther and farther up into the rugged high country 崎岖的山林深处beyond Yosemite Valley,有时候是独自一人sometimes on his own,有时候是跟山峦俱乐部的成员一起and sometimes with members of the Sierra Club,它是约翰·缪尔三十年前建立的荒野组织the wilderness group John Muir had founded thirty years before, 数天的爬山和远足天不亮就启程long days of climbing and hiking that began before dawn天完全黑了才结束and often ended well after dark,只要可以他就拍照making pictures when he could,时而漫步在and wandering, he wrote,"世界与天际融为透明的一体"他写道in "Translucent unity with the world and sky."1923年夏近午时分Late one morning in the summer of 1923,他在山谷以东荆棘丛生wandering amidst the harsh and bleakly beautiful荒凉又美丽的山中漫步high country east of the valley,平时身处高山he came as close as he ever would偶尔涌动的激荡情绪to capturing in words the soaring emotions这一刻前所未有地化作了文字that sometimes came over him in the high mountains.我在克拉克山以西蜿蜒的山脊上攀爬I was climbing the long ridge west of Mount Clark.那是一个清晨寒风凛冽日光通透It was one of those mornings where the sunlight is burnished with a keen wind 片片长长的云羽and long feathers of cloud在高远素洁的天空上飘动move in a lofty sky.银色的光洒在每一根草上The silver light turned every blade of grass每一粒砂上and every particle of sand泛出熠熠金属般的光泽into a luminous metallic splendor;周遭万物无论多么渺小there was nothing, however small,都沐浴在这明亮的风中that did not clash in the bright wind,向通透明澈的天空射出光芒之箭that did not send arrows of light through the glassy air.在通往山脊嘎吱作响的小路上I was suddenly arrested in the long crunching path up the ridge我突然明白了光的真谛by an exceedingly pointed awareness of the light.那一刻我驻足了The moment I paused,。
秘密花园英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. What is the title of the book "The Secret Garden"?A. The Hidden GardenB. The Secret GardenC. The Mysterious GardenD. The Enchanted Garden答案:B2. Who is the main character of the story?A. Mary LennoxB. Colin CravenC. DickonD. Martha Sowerby答案:A3. Where does the story take place?A. In a big cityB. In a small villageC. In a large estateD. In a bustling marketplace答案:C4. What is the secret that the garden holds?A. A hidden treasureB. A lost loveC. A beautiful gardenD. A haunted house答案:C5. How does Mary discover the secret garden?A. She finds a keyB. She follows a birdC. She overhears a conversationD. She stumbles upon it by accident答案:D6. What is the condition of the garden when Mary first sees it?A. It is well-maintained and bloomingB. It is overgrown and neglectedC. It is filled with animalsD. It is a barren wasteland答案:B7. Who helps Mary to restore the garden?A. ColinB. DickonC. MarthaD. Mrs. Medlock答案:B8. What is the significance of the robin in the story?A. It is a symbol of springB. It is a guide to the gardenC. It is a messenger of secretsD. It is a companion to Mary答案:B9. How does Colin change throughout the story?A. He becomes more independentB. He becomes more reclusiveC. He becomes more spoiledD. He becomes more aggressive答案:A10. What is the final outcome of the secret garden?A. It is destroyedB. It is forgottenC. It is shared with othersD. It is kept a secret答案:C二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. The story begins with Mary living in _______.答案:India12. After her parents' death, Mary is sent to live with her _______.答案:uncle13. The secret garden was locked and _______ for many years.答案:neglected14. Mary's discovery of the garden leads to her and Colin's _______.答案:transformation15. The garden becomes a place of _______ and growth.答案:healing16. Colin's illness is both physical and _______.答案:emotional17. The garden is brought back to life through the efforts of Mary, Colin, and _______.答案:Dickon18. The secret garden is a symbol of _______ and hope.答案:rebirth19. The story emphasizes the importance of _______ and the power of nature.答案:friendship20. The restoration of the garden parallels the _______ of the characters.答案:recovery三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)21. What is the significance of the secret garden in the story?答案:The secret garden is a central symbol in the story, representing a place of escape, healing, and transformation for the main characters. It serves as a catalyst for personal growth and the development of relationships among the characters.22. How does Mary's character evolve throughout the story?答案:Mary's character evolves from being a self-centered and lonely child to a compassionate and caring individual.Her experiences in the secret garden teach her the value of friendship, hard work, and the power of nature to heal and transform.23. What role does Dickon play in the story?答案:Dickon plays a crucial role as a friend and mentor to Mary and Colin. His connection with nature and his nurturing personality help guide the restoration of the garden and the healing of the characters.24. Discuss the theme of rebirth and renewal in "The Secret Garden."答案:The theme of rebirth and renewal is evident in the transformation of the garden from a neglected and overgrown space to a thriving and vibrant one. This transformation mirrors the personal growth and healing of the characters, particularly Mary and Colin, who overcome their pasts and find new life in the process.四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)25. Analyze。
2024年牛津版英语初一上学期复习试题与参考答案一、听力部分(本大题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1、Listen to the following dialogue and choose the best answer to complete the sentence.A. What’s the weather like today?B. How was your vacation?C. How was your exam?Answer: BExplanation: The question asks about the person’s vacation, which is a common topic for follow-up questions after a dialogue. The correct response would be asking about the experience of the vacation.2、Listen to the question and the four possible answers. Choose the correct answer.Question: How many students are in your class?A. Twenty.B. Thirty.C. Forty.D. Fifty.Answer: AExplanation: The question asks for the number of students in the class. Thecorrect answer would be the one that corresponds to the number provided in the dialogue, which in this case is “Twenty.”3、Listen to the conversation between two students, Alex and Jamie, and choose the best answer to complete the following sentence.A. Alex is asking Jamie for help with his science homework.B. Jamie is telling Alex about his new favorite book.C. They are discussing their plans for the weekend.Answer: AExplanation: The conversation indicates that Alex is struggling with his science homework and Jamie is offering to help him, which matches option A.4、Listen to a short dialogue between a teacher and a student, and complete the following sentence with the correct information.The teacher asks the student about his progress in the English class. The student responds by saying:A. “I’m doing fine, thank you.”B. “I’m making good progress, but I need more practice.”C. “I’m not doing well; I find the grammar too difficult.”Answer: BExplanation: The student’s response suggests that while there are challenges, they are making progress and acknowledge the need for additional practice, aligning with option B.5.You are listening to a conversation between two students, Alice and Bob,discussing their weekend plans.Question: What is Alice planning to do this weekend?A. Go to the movies.B. Visit a friend in another city.C. Stay at home and read a book.Answer: CExplanation: In the conversation, Alice mentions that she is planning to stay at home and read a book this weekend. There is no mention of going to the movies or visiting a friend in another city. Therefore, the correct answer is C.6.Listen to a short dialogue between a teacher and a student, discussing the student’s assignment.Question: What is the teacher asking the student to do?A. Hand in the assignment tomorrow.B. Submit the assignment by the end of the week.C. Revise the assignment before the next class.Answer: CExplanation: The teacher in the dialogue asks the student to revise the assignment before the next class, indicating that there are some issues that need to be corrected. The teacher does not mention specific deadlines like tomorrow or the end of the week, so the correct answer is C.7、Listen to the following dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.A. The man is going to the library.B. The woman is looking for a book.C. The man is helping the woman find the book.D. The woman is asking for help to find the library.Answer: CExplanation: In the dialogue, the woman asks the man if he can help her find a book, which indicates that she is looking for assistance in finding something. Therefore, the correct answer is C.8、Listen to the following passage and choose the best answer to the question you hear.A. The speaker is explaining the importance of exercise.B. The speaker is talking about the benefits of a healthy diet.C. The speaker is discussing the importance of getting enough sleep.D. The speaker is giving advice on how to improve one’s lifestyle.Answer: AExplanation: The passage focuses on the importance of regular exercise and its impact on physical and mental health. The speaker mentions the benefits of exercise, such as reducing stress and improving energy levels. Therefore, the correct answer is A.9.You hear a conversation between two students discussing their weekend plans.A. What are they planning to do this weekend?B. Who is going to join them?Answer: A. What are they planning to do this weekend?Explanation: The question asks about the content of the conversation, specifically about the plans they have for the weekend. The correct answer should reflect that information.10.You hear a short dialogue between a teacher and a student about an upcoming assignment.A. What is the assignment about?B. When is the assignment due?Answer: B. When is the assignment due?Explanation: The question focuses on the timing of the assignment. The correct answer should provide the specific date or deadline mentioned in the dialogue. The content of the assignment is not the primary focus of this question.11.You are listening to a conversation between two friends, Alice and Bob. They are discussing their favorite book.Alice: Hey Bob, have you ever read “To Kill a Mockingbird”?Bob: Yes, I have. It’s one of my fa vorite books.Alice: Really? Why do you like it so much?Bob: Well, it’s not just the story, but also the way the author, Harper Lee, writes about the characters and the themes of racism and injustice.Question: What does Bob like most about “To Kill a Mockingbird”?A) The storyB) The author’s writing styleC) The themesD) The charactersAnswer: B) The author’s writing style解析:在对话中,Bob提到他喜欢《杀死一只知更鸟》不仅仅是因为故事,还因为作者Harper Lee对人物和主题的描写方式。
Designing and Manufacturing an Appropriate Technology Shredder in a Developing CountryJeffrey P. WeissAn Engineering Project submitted to the faculty of the School of Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Masters of Manufacturing Systems Engineering degreeUniversity of St. ThomasSt. Paul, MinnesotaDecember 2005AbstractThe focus of this project was to redesign a simple manual shredding machine used to shred breadfruit for the Republic of Haiti. A breadfruit shredder previously designed by a student senior design team was used as the basis for this project. The objective was to apply manufacturing principles, such as Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA), to simplify and reduce the cost of this machine so that it would be more accessible to poor farmers in Haiti. Each part of the shredder was examined using the DFMA methodology to determine if it could be eliminated or redesigned to simplify it while still making a quality product that met the performance criteria. The limitations of manufacturing a product in a developing country were also taken into consideration and played a key role in the outcome of the design. The result was a design that had a reduced number of parts, was more robust, easier to clean, simpler to build in a developing country, used materials that were more commonly available, and cost less to make.Revised Tommy Breadfruit ShredderAcknowledgementsI would like to acknowledge and send my sincerest thanks to my Project Committee of Dr. Camille George, Dr. Fred Zimmerman, and Mr. John Walker. They contributed numerous ideas during both the project phase and during the writing process. This resulted in a much better product that will hopefully improve the lives of people around the world. Dr. George also spent a great deal of time correcting and critiquing the writing of someone who was unaccustomed to writing in the academic thesis style.Many other people also lent a voice to the project during the research and design review phases. This would include Karl Mueller, Bruce Humphrey, Hank Garwick, Dave Elton, John Schevenius, Gary Olmstead, Fred Hegele, Pat O'Malley, Troy Pontgras, Yvonne Ng, and Clay Solberg. These people took the time to help and offered ideas that had previously been missed, resulting in a better product.I would also like to acknowledge the contribution of Dr. Mike Hennessey at the University of St. Thomas and the work of five of his undergraduate students. Justin Jackelen, Michael Boston, Angela Wachira, Keli Lais, and Matt Ellision took on the task of turning the revised breadfruit shredder drawings into computer animated Solidworks models. This contributed greatly to the visual understanding of the project and presentation. They also provided the fabrication prints that accompany this paper.Table of ContentsChapter I: Introduction (1)The Haitian Situation (2)Breadfruit (3)The Tommy Shredder (5)The Beneficiaries (5)Project Motivation (6)Chapter II: Research and Prior Work (7)UST Senior Design Team Work (7)Literature Search (9)Compatible Technology, International (11)Institutional Libraries (15)Research and International Organizations (15)Expert Inquires (17)Chapter III: Project Proposal (18)Project Objectives (18)Alternative Methods (20)Project Constraints (21)Project Budget (23)Financial Justification (23)Chapter IV: Findings and Results (24)Redesign Process (25)Design for Manufacture and Assembly Process (25)Alternative Designs (29)Design Reviews (30)Design Modifications (33)Fabrication Lessons (38)Design Variations (40)Shredder Blade Project (41)Testing the Redesigned Shredder (45)Redesign Results (47)Schedule (50)Final Budget (51)Chapter V: Discussion and Ramifications (52)Project Dissemination (52)Implementing the Shredder in Developing Countries (53)Project Obstacles (54)Bibliography: (57)Appendices (60)Appendix 1: Revisions 1 and 2 (60)Appendix 2: Revisions 3 and 4 (61)Appendix 3: Revisions 5 and 6 (62)Appendix 4: Revision 7 and 8 (63)Appendix 5: Breadfruit Shredder Exploded Layout (64)Appendix 6: Bill of Materials – Breadfruit Shredder (65)Appendix 7: Frame Plate Fabrication (67)Appendix 8: Drive Shaft Fabrication (69)Appendix 9: Feeder Tube Fabrication (70)Appendix 10: Blade Mount Fabrication (71)Appendix 11: Shredder Press Weight Fabrication (73)Appendix 12: Shredder Assembly Instructions (74)Appendix 13: Original Project Schedule (77)Appendix 14: Revised Project Schedule (78)Appendix 15: Preliminary Sketch by John Walker (79)Appendix 16: Contributions by Karl Mueller (80)Appendix 17: Drawing #001 – Frame Plate (82)Appendix 18: Drawing #002 – Drive Shaft (83)Appendix 19: Drawing #003 – Feeder Tube (84)Appendix 20: Drawing #004 – Drive Shaft Bearing (85)Appendix 21: Drawing #005 – Handle (86)Appendix 22: Drawing #006 – Blade Mount (87)Appendix 23: Drawing #007 – Center Divider (88)Appendix 24: Drawing #008 – Center Divider Spacer Tube (89)Appendix 25: Drawing #009 – Shredder Press Weight (90)Table of FiguresFigure 1: Map of the Republic of Haiti (CIA Fact Book, 2005) (3)Figure 2: Fruit of the Breadfruit Tree () (4)Figure 3: Senior Design Team Shredder (8)Figure 4: Garwick/Elton Breadfruit Shredder (13)Figure 5: Garwick/Elton Bicycle Drive Mechanism (14)Figure 6: Original Tommy Shredder Exploded View (28)Figure 7: Handle/Drive Shaft Changes (34)Figure 8: Drive Shaft Bearing Changes (35)Figure 9: Frame Plate Changes (35)Figure 10: Center Divider Changes (36)Figure 11: Blade Mount Changes (37)Figure 12: Combined Feeder Tube Hoop and Spacer (38)Figure 13: Alignment of Bushing Supports (39)Figure 14: Wooden Bushing Variation (41)Figure 15: Shredder Blade Profile Die, Profile Punch, and Hole Template (43)Figure 16: Fabricated Blade (45)Figure 17: The Revised Tommy Shredder (48)Table of TablesTable 1: Haiti Facts (CIA Fact Book, 2005) (2)Table 2: Proposed Budget (23)Table 3: Shredder Punch Hole Test (44)Table 4: Final Budget (52)Chapter I: IntroductionThis project will focus on redesigning for manufacture a simple breadfruit shredder for the Republic of Haiti. As one of the poorest nations in the Western hemisphere, Haiti is a country that lacks a stable government, education system, manufacturing base, or infrastructure. Malnutrition is a problem to the extent that the United States Department of State estimated that the child malnutrition rate was 22 percent in 2000(). Breadfruit is a natural food resource that is underutilized because it rots quickly and is difficult to store using traditional methods. Drying breadfruit can extend its shelf life and this process is best done when the shreds are even and consistent.A simple manual shredder was developed to produce consistent shreds for the inhabitants of Haiti by a group of senior engineering students at the University of Saint Thomas (UST) in conjunction with Compatible Technology International (CTI), an international non-profit organization. The student version of the shredder was designed and tested and found to meet all of the criteria that they had established. Despite meeting the requirements, the machine had the potential to be optimized to better reflect the manufacturing capabilities available in a developing country. This paper will document the redesign process and look at the manufacturing principles that drove this process. The end result was a machine that was simpler to build with the basic machine tools that would normally be found in a developing country such as Haiti, used materials that were more commonly available, had a reduced number of parts, was more robust, was easier to clean, and had a reduced cost.The Haitian SituationHaiti is considered to be the poorest and most destitute country in the Western hemisphere (CIA Fact Book, 2005). A majority of its population lives in poverty and relies on subsistence farming for survival. It has a long history of political upheaval and unrest since it gained its independence from France in 1804. The rotation of various governments and civil wars has hindered investment in the country and led to high unemployment and dismal living conditions for its inhabitants. The education system is broken or non-existent and there has been an exodus of knowledge from the island as people flee the dire conditions and turmoil.Table 1: Haiti Facts (CIA Fact Book, 2005)Population (Estimate, 2004): 8,121,622Land Area: 27,750 sq kmAverage Life Expectancy: 53 yearsPopulation Below Poverty Line: 80%Percentage of Population in Agriculture: 66%Unemployment Rate (no formal job): 66%Average Literacy Rate: 52%Figure 1: Map of the Republic of Haiti (CIA Fact Book, 2005)Most of the original Haitian forests have been cut down for fuel and the desire to cultivate more land. The weak governments have been unable or unwilling to confront this problem and it has continued unchecked. This deforestation has resulted in massive land erosion in the mountainous country and a net loss of arable land (CIA Fact Book, 2005). Breadfruit trees are abundant throughout the island and are one of the few trees that have survived the deforestation process.BreadfruitBreadfruit is an important food source and has become a staple for the inhabitants of warmer islands in the Caribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean. It has some nutritional value anda high starch content (Adebowale, 2005). Typical ways of preparing breadfruit are grilling, roasting, adding it to soups, and mashing.Figure 2: Fruit of the Breadfruit Tree ()One of the unique properties of breadfruit is its limited shelf life. Once it ripens and comes off of the tree, it will last between one and three days ( ). The breadfruit trees of Haiti produce fruit twice a year for a three week period (six weeks per year). Much of the fruit rots on the ground because of the inability to consume it all for the short time that it is in season (Capecchi, 2005). Typical preservation methods for fruit, such as canning, can be done but these value-adding processes are not common in Haiti and will increase the price of the food. A more economical way of preserving the breadfruit needed to be developed to utilize its potential to alleviate long-term hunger on the island.The Tommy ShredderThe development of a breadfruit harvesting process was taken on by two groups of senior mechanical engineering students as their Senior Design Projects in the 2003-2004 academic year. The first team attempted to devise a solar drier to quickly dehydrate the shredded breadfruit. The drying project showed that the shredded fruit could be successfully air-dried with an optimal shred size of ½” wide (Emiliusen, Mauritzen, McGruder, and Torgerson, 2004). The dried product can be stored for up to a year.The second team worked on developing a small, economical shredder that could efficiently and quickly process the breadfruit down into shreds so that it could be dried (Anderson, Fox, Rick, and Spah, 2004). The concept and methodology for the basic shredder design was done by the senior design team as was the testing to prove out the final design and will not be repeated in this paper. The purpose of this project was to examine and simplify the design, focusing primarily on its manufacturability.The BeneficiariesThe target beneficiaries of this shredder will be women’s cooperative groups based in Haiti. CTI, whose mission is to bring appropriate technologies to help increase food supplies and storage capacities in the developing world, has been working with the Methodist Church missions in Haiti on preserving breadfruit. Dried breadfruit can be ground into flour and local CTI volunteers have created several recipes using this breadfruit flour as the bulk material. UST teamed up with CTI to develop a simple shredder that could be used to shred the breadfruit. The goal of this joint project was tocreate a shredder that was simple to use and economical to manufacture so that local versions could be bought with micro-loans managed by the Methodist Church of Haiti. CTI also planned on helping set up a program to buy the shredded/ground breadfruit and process it into a cereal for Haitian school children (Capecchi, 2004). The plan was to take a resource, preserve it and add value, and then process it to create a commercial good. The objective of this undertaking is to give the women’s co-ops a starter model shredder that would allow them to generate some income from a readily available raw material.This shredder is also capable of processing a variety of different produce. There have been inquiries into its ability to shred cassava, sweet potatoes, and red peppers. The alternative uses of the shredder will not be explored here but the final design for this project will be made readily available and has potential uses worldwide. It will also be submitted to appropriate technology journals to broaden its dissemination.Project MotivationThe author of this master’s engineering project has spent time in developing countries and realized that there are often raw materials that are not fully utilized and exploited. The people generally lack the knowledge to manufacture items in large volumes and have limited manufacturing equipment, start-up money, a reliable source of power, or an infrastructure to transport the goods (Obi, 1999). However, these people are extremely creative and will adapt what they have on hand to work in almost any situation (Humphrey, 2005). The motivation for this project was to help the people develop theirown economy and hopefully raise their standard of living. This project will not only benefit the women of Haiti, it will help the local machine shops, provide work at the processing plant, and give the children of Haiti a stable, year around diet.Chapter II: Research and Prior WorkThe research for this project consisted of searching major journals, books on manufacturing in developing countries, contacting major research libraries, and personal contacts with experts in various fields. Many avenues for help were explored to gather information to improve the final design. The research phase of this project found that the work done by the UST senior design team was one of the few to address the issue of constructing a simple shredder for manufacture and use in a developing country.UST Senior Design Team WorkThis project is based on the work previously done by a University of Saint Thomas (UST) senior engineering design team whose goal was to develop the original breadfruit shredder based on the needs of the country of Haiti and the criteria established by Compatible Technology, International (CTI). The purpose of the original project was to “find the most efficient means of mechanically shredding breadfruit to best prepare the fruit for the drying process” (Anderson et al, 2004). The team developed concepts and tested many different methods of shredding the breadfruit and the mechanical actuators that would be needed for each prototype. The concepts were evaluated and ranked and the team chose the method best suited for their needs. The ‘Tommy Shredder’ developedby the student senior design team is shown in Figure 3 and their paper can be found on the UST website at /cmgeorge/breadfruit_shredder/.Figure 3: Senior Design Team ShredderThe senior design team had originally planned on testing the shredder in its target environment of Haiti but that country was not accessible at the time due to political unrest. A prototype shredder was built and brought to the Caribbean island of St. Vincent where there was an ample supply of breadfruit and established contacts. On the island of St. Vincent, the design was field-tested using breadfruit and the results recorded. The shredder met all of the target criteria established by CTI and the design team. It produced an average shred rate of 200 pounds/hour and cost less than $100 dollars U.S. to build (Anderson et al, 2004). This shredder became the baseline for the current project.Literature SearchA literature search done using the Compendex database at the University of Minnesota found several articles that were possibly related or relevant to the design of the breadfruit shredder. These articles were retrieved and analyzed with the result being that a majority were not related or did not contain information relevant to the design of an appropriate technology machine. Many of the applicable articles are referenced throughout this paper while those with less relevance to the project are cited in this section.In ‘Functional Properties of Native, Physically and Chemically Modified Breadfruit (Artocarpus Artilis) Starch’, Adebowale, Olu-Owolabi, Olawumi, and Lawal (2005) dealt with extracting starch from breadfruit. In the ‘Rediscovery of Local Raw Materials: New Opportunities for Developing Countries’, El-Mously (1997) discussed ways that developing countries could use local, undervalued resources to reduce their dependence on foreign imports. Breadfruit would be an undervalued resource on most Caribbean islands but the article did not provide information that would be relevant to the design of a shredder or this project. In the ‘Framework for Selecting and Introducing Appropriate Production Technology in Developing Countries’, Bruun and Mefford (1996) looked at working with the culture and education of developing countries when setting up a production facility. These are issues that will not be dealt with in this paper. In the ‘Role of Materials in Developing Countries’, Villas-Boas (1990) discussed the lack of use of new, high-tech materials in developing countries due to their cost and availability. Every effort was made to design the shredder using only common materials that would typicallybe available in a poor, developing country. In the ‘Supplier Selection in Developing Countries: a Model Development’, Motwani, Youssef, Kathawala, and Futch (1999) discussed issues involving selecting or qualifying vendors to produce a product. This will be the responsibility of the organization having the shredder built, and is beyond the scope of this project.A search of the Internet using the Google – Advanced Scholar provided more papers that had some relevance. Thakur, Varma, and Goldey (2001) in the ‘Perceptions of Drudgery in Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Operations: A Gender Analysis From Haryana State, India’ discusses the fact that women in developing countries spend much more time working in agriculture than men and the tasks given to them are more monotonous and tedious. The article supports the need for a device like the breadfruit shredder that has the potential to lift them out of that situation. In ‘A Framework for Implementing Appropriate Manufacturing Systems in Developing Economies’, Obi (1999) looked for explanations on why the Industrial Revolution passed by most developing countries and explored ways that these countries can start utilizing their vast manpower resources. He discusses the need to change workers attitudes. Finally, in ‘Meeting a Pressing Need’, Hynd and Smith (2004) discuss a simple oilseed ram press as an appropriate technology device for small scale extracting of oil from seeds and nuts. They examine some of the cultural issues that were associated with implementing the oilseed ram. The insights of this article could be used as a guide for undertaking the next phase of the shredder project; implementation into the Haitian culture. They briefly talk about some of themanufacturing difficulties, such as poor quality, associated with producing goods in a developing country.The best book relating to appropriate technology equipment used in developing countries is the ‘Appropriate Technology Sourcebook’ compiled by Darrow and Saxenian (1993). It is considered ‘The Bible’ by people in the appropriate technology field, such as those at CTI (Humphreys, 2005). The book is a resource listing appropriate technology machine books and papers that are available for purchase from other sources. It does not contain any designs of its own, but it does give a brief description of the contents of the papers and designs that are available for order. A search of this book and the updated website did not reveal any designs for manual shredders or grinders(/atnetwork/atsourcebook/index).Compatible Technology, InternationalCompatible Technology, International (CTI) () is an excellent local resource for dealing with appropriate technology in developing countries and has extensive connections throughout the world. It is an organization dedicated to using simple devices to improve food production and storage in the third world. They are a stakeholder in the design and development of the original shredder. The director of CTI is Bruce Humphreys who granted an interview on issues dealing with manufacturing in developing countries (2005). Some of the key points that he brought up were:Manufacturers in developing countries do not necessarily build parts to a fabrication print. Everything is custom and will look similar to what is desired,but is not quite the same.Creativity is not rewarded in many cultures and there is a desire to continue doing things the old way.Expectations in quality and standards will probably not be met. They do not typically produce to the same quality as is expected in the U.S.There are cultural norms and practices that will be slow to change and may not be overcome. This would primarily relate to the target market of women. Womentend to not use machines, thus the design must be easy to use and relatively toolfree.These assertions by Mr. Humphrey were reinforced in other literature relating to the topic (Obi, 1999).Hank Garwick and Dave Elton are the two CTI volunteers who are most closely tied into the Haiti mission. They have made several trips to Haiti on humanitarian missions associated with both CTI and the Methodist Church. The two offered insight into the Haitian mindset, manufacturing capabilities in Haiti, and experience in shredding breadfruit. Their comments on the manufacturing capabilities in Haiti were that “we would be lucky to find someone who could read a print, and even if they can they probably won’t follow it” (Garwick, 2005).Garwick and Elton were not satisfied with the work of the UST senior design team and continued to develop the shredder after the senior design team’s project ended. They made several small modifications to the design, built a prototype, and brought it down to Haiti to be tested (Fig. 4). The Garwick/Elton version of the shredder did not work as well as intended and did not produce the desired shred rate found by the UST engineering team (Garwick, 2005). It is unclear why this was the case. Several of the better design changes that they made to their shredder were incorporated into the current shredder design. These would include the sheet metal center divider and ideas on the retainer for the shredding blade.Figure 4: Garwick/Elton Breadfruit ShredderGarwick and Elton believed strongly that the prime power for the operation of the shredder should be a leg driven bicycle type mechanism instead of the current hand powered crank. Figure 5 shows a bicycle drive assembly that they added to a shredder (Garwick, 2005). This project is focused on producing a shredder for the poorest of people in Haiti and it was felt that a bicycle type mechanism would significantly add to the cost of the machine while making it unnecessarily complex. It is expected that this shredder will only be fully utilized for several weeks a year during the breadfruit harvest and would not justify the higher cost. The current design is one such that a bicycle type drive could be added to the shredder at a later date if desired by the user.Figure 5: Garwick/Elton Bicycle Drive MechanismInstitutional LibrariesThe United States Military Academy at West Point has an extensive library relating to military manuals and papers. The U.S. military routinely performs operations in developing countries and the units typically tasked with helping the local population are the Civil Affairs units and the Special Operations Forces. These units are often involved in nation building and community development and have close contact with the people. Daniel Prichard, a research librarian at the library, was contacted about any pamphlets, articles, or papers that the library may have on a shredder or appropriate technologies in developing countries. Mr. Prichard found nothing relevant at the Academy’s library (Prichard, 2004).A search of the University of St. Thomas’s and the University of Minnesota’s library systems found no books or on-site literature that was relevant to the design of the breadfruit shredder.Research and International OrganizationsThe Hawaiian Breadfruit Institute is an organization based in Hawaii whose mission is “to promote the study and use of Breadfruit for food and reforestation”( ). It tracks and propagates the 120 known varieties of breadfruit found on the islands of the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea. Dr. Diane Ragone, director of the Hawaiian Breadfruit Institute, was contacted regarding the shredding of breadfruit and the possible existence of similar devices. Dr. Ragone responded that she had not heard of any similar processing methods for breadfruit. Her primary concern for this wasthat the latex found naturally in breadfruit would ‘gum-up’ the machine and clog the shredding blade (Ragone, 2005). This issue was raised with Hank Garwick of CTI and he stated that most of the latex in breadfruit was found in the skin. The skin is removed before processing so this did not appear to be a concern for the shredder. The field tests in St. Vincent by the senior engineering student team did not report any excessive latex build up on the blades.The International Research Development Centre (IRDC) is a Canadian based organization whose purpose is ‘to build healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous societies’ (www.irdc.ca ). An e-mail was sent to IRDC explaining the project and asking about any information that they might have on shredders. The response was a link to their website which brought up nothing of value. A similar search of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) provided no additional information ().Research was done with the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to see if there were requirements or recommendations for the food industry regarding food processing equipment or the components used in them. The purpose was to find out which materials were considered “Food Grade” and suitable for food contact. The goal is to make the shredder as sanitary and safe as possible regardless of the standards that may be present in a developing country. It was found that the FDA does not keep a list of recommended materials, but has established a list of requirements that manufactures must meet in order to state that it is a material approved for food contact. The premise of therequirements are that if any of the material could ‘migrate’ to the food, it must not pose a threat to humans (FDA, 1999).Expert InquiresThe Minneapolis/St. Paul area is home to several large food producing companies such as General Mills. Food Safety personnel at General Mills were contacted to ask about standards for their food production equipment and any suggestions that would help to make the shredder more sanitary and suitable for food contact. These inquiries covered guidelines that are typical of the food processing industry. Gary Olmstead, Food Safety Instructor at General Mills stated that equipment should be durable and easy to clean (Olmstead, 2005). General Mills avoids having any pieces of equipment over the product because of the risk of parts falling into the food. Fred Hegele, also part of food safety at General Mills, was concerned about the durability of any plastics used in the equipment. He emphasized that the machine cannot have any recessed pockets or hard to clean areas. These would trap bacteria and make it unsafe and unsanitary (Hegele, 2005). John Schevenius, a former General Mills Engineer and founder of CTI, was contacted about suggestions for the shredder. Although he was familiar with the breadfruit program, he could not offer any suggestions for improvement (Schevenius, 2005).The research done here showed that there is a lack of availability of information regarding the design of an appropriate technology machine. The design methodology varies from organization to organization and no standardized process appears to have been completed and published in a major journal regarding the topic. Appropriate。
Dave's Family Rules: A Seventh-GradePerspectiveIn the bustling world of seventh grade, Dave's life is governed by a set of well-defined family rules. These rules, like the compass for a sailor, guide him through the challenges and joys of growing up. They are not just simple guidelines; they are principles that shape his characterand instill values that will last a lifetime.At the heart of Dave's family rules is respect. Respect for oneself, respect for others, and respect for the environment. Dave is taught to treat everyone with kindness and fairness, regardless of their differences. This rule is not just a word; it is a way of life. Dave practices it in his interactions with classmates, neighbors, and even strangers he meets on the street.Another crucial rule is the importance ofresponsibility. Dave is expected to take ownership of his actions and their consequences. Whether it's completing homework on time or helping with household chores, Dave knows that being responsible is a key to success in life.Honesty is another pillar of Dave's family rules. He is taught to speak the truth, even when it's difficult. This rule encourages him to develop integrity and trust, not only with his family but also with his friends and the wider community.In addition to these moral rules, Dave's family also emphasizes the importance of healthy habits. Regular exercise, balanced meals, and sufficient sleep are all part of the daily routine. These habits contribute to Dave's physical and mental well-being, enabling him to tackle the demands of school and extracurricular activities with energy and enthusiasm.The final rule, perhaps the most profound, is the value of family. Dave's family rules emphasize the importance of spending time together, sharing stories, and supporting each other through thick and thin. This rule fosters a sense of belonging and love that is the foundation ofDave's emotional well-being.In conclusion, Dave's family rules are not just a set of dos and don'ts; they are a blueprint for living a fulfilling and meaningful life. They teach him values likerespect, responsibility, honesty, healthy habits, and the importance of family. These rules will continue to guide Dave as he grows into a responsible and compassionate young man.**戴夫的家庭规则:七年级的视角**在七年级这个忙碌的世界里,戴夫的生活受到一系列明确家庭规则的指引。
Revised editions of monographs
LC not differentiating this type of expression with authorized access points
Revised editions of monographs
Example : no title change
100 $a Harwood, Gregory W. 245 $a Giuseppe Verdi : $b a guide to research / $c Gregory Harwood. 260 $a New York : $b Garland Pub., $c 1998. adaptation or revision of the previous work and is presented as the work of the adapter/reviser Optionally, relate the works (RDA 25) • Unstructured description (500), Authorized access point (7XX name/title) Optionally, use relationship designators applicable to works (Appendix J.2) • Hint: do not use relationship designator “revision of” because that is an expression relationship
Unstructured description: 500 note Structured description: 775 (“Revision of:”) – best not to use 780 Relationships do not have to be reciprocal
Reading wuthering heights, I felt an unmarried woman can can write so deep love, hate such a profound novel, is amazing。
Wuthering heights have been popular in the city and control the influence of paint a pletely original landscape of mountain wilderness。
Enable people to enjoy a totally different world。
Retains the original character of the book: desperate love, hate up regardless of the consequences。
Everything in our these the restraint of traditional etiquette for along time people it seems it is very special, very fresh。
四川省成都市实验外国语学校(西区)2022-2023学年高二上学期10月月考英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读理解The best science fiction books of 2021We take a look at the most exciting new science-fiction books of 2021. No matter what kind of science fiction fan you are, we're sure you'll find something to add to your reading list.The Saints of SalvationBy Peter F. HamiltonThe Olyix have laid siege(围攻)to Earth, harvesting people for their god. Cities are ru¬ined by their weapons and millions have either fled to seek refuge in space or are fighting a war that seems unwinnable. As Earth's defeat draws ever closer, a team are sent to enter the Olyix's air-ship secretly. Their plan? This is the final science fiction in Peter F. Hamilton's extremely surprising series The Salvation Sequence.A Desolation Called PeaceBy Arkady MartineThis impressive sequel(续集)to Arkady Martinets Hugo Award-winning science fiction book sees the Teixcalaanli Empire facing an alien threat which could bring about its complete destruction. Fleet captain Nine Hibiscus sends a person to negotiate with the mysterious invaders...Jack FourBy Neal AsherJack Four-one of twenty human clones-has been created to be sold. His purchasers are the aliens and they only want him for their experimentation program. But there is something different about Jack. No clone should possess the knowledge that's been loaded into his mind.RabbitsBy Terry MilesRabbits is a secret, dangerous and sometimes deadly underground game. The rewards for winning are unclear, but there are rumors of money or it might unlock the universe's greatest secrets. Everyone knows that the deeper you get, the more deadly the game becomes-and thebody count is rising. Since the game first started, ten rounds have taken place. The eleventh round is about to begin, and what happens in the game, stays in the game...1.What can we know about The Saints of Salvation?A.It's about the war among people on earth.B.The Olyix are defeated in the end.C.It belongs to The Salvation Sequence.D.It's the last novel of Peter F. Hamilton.2.What does Nine Hibiscus do to save Teixcalaanli Empire?A.He gives the alien a complete destruction.B.He lets someone negotiate with the alien.C.He fights against the alien bravely.D.He makes the alien face a threat.3.Where can the text be found?A.In a book recommendation.B.In an art magazine.C.In a biography.D.In a novelGuy Bryant never intended to be a father figure. But over the past 12 years, he’s housed more than 50 foster kids in his Brooklyn apartment.For decades, Bryant, 61, worked with teens aging out of New York’s child welfare system. His job was to find services that would make the transition (过渡) to living on their own easier. But he felt that what he could accomplish at the New York City Administration for Children’s Services office wasn’t enough. So in 2007, he decided to become a foster parent.In an interview last month, Bryant told Romario Vassell, 21, one of his foster children, that agreeing to care for him was definitely one of the best decisions he made in foster care. Bryant told Vassell that he was nervous when he took in his first foster child. He said, “I lived alone at that point, and he was a kid that nobody wanted to take because of his behaviors. He got in a fight and he appeared at my house.” Bryant said his family thought he was out of his mind for making such a big lifestyle change and wondered how Bryant would adjust.Bryant had been Vassell’s assigned case worker when they met. Bryart suggested that Vassell, then an untidy 18-year-old, consider foster care as an option to get out of the home lead shelter where he was staying.At first, Vassell was hesitant. “I didn’t know how foster care was.” he said.Since living with Bryant, Vassell now feels like he has a support network. “If I feel down and like I’m cornered, I have someone I can reach out to and talk to.” he said. “And that’s what I really love.”Bryant told Vassell, “Whatever you’ve learned from me, I want you to teach it to someone else. Because that’s what’s important to me.”4.What is the second paragraph mainly about ?A.The shift of teens’ life.B.An introduction of Bryant’s task.C.Bryant’s challenge as a foster parent.D.The reason for Bryant’s being a foster parent.5.How did Bryant’s family feel about his decision?A.Disappointed.B.Ashamed.C.Puzzled.D.Embarrassed. 6.What can we know about Vassell from the text?A.He is now living alone.B.He was Bryant’s first foster kid.C.He refused Bryant’s offer at first.D.He was instructed to pay kindness forward.7.What is the author’s purpose in writing the text ?A.To call for social care.B.To praise Bryant’s deeds.C.To tell the story of Vassell.D.To comment on Bryant’s life.Priscilla Ouchida’s “energy efficient” house turned out to be a horrible dream. When she and her engineer husband married a few years ago, they built a $100,000 three-bedroom home in California. Tightly sealed to prevent air leaks, the house was equipped with small double-paned windows and several other energy-saving features. Problems began as soon as the couple moved in, however. Priscilla’s eyes burned. Her throat was constantly dry. She suffered from headaches and could hardly sleep. It was as though she had suddenly developed a strange illness.Experts finally traced the cause of her illness. The level of formaldehyde gas in her kitchen was twice the maximum allowed by federal standards for chemical workers. The source of the gas? Her new kitchen cabinets and wall-to-wall carpeting.The Ouchidas are victims of indoor air pollution, which is not given sufficient attention partly because of the nation’s drive to save energy. The problem itself isn’t new. “The indoor environment was dirty long before energy conservation came along,” says Moschandreas, a pollution scientist at Geomet Technologies in Maryland. “Energy conservation has tended to accentuate the situation in some cases.”The problem appears to be more troublesome in newly constructed homes rather than old ones. Back in the days when energy was cheap, home builders didn’t worry much about unsealed cracks. Because of such leaks, the air in an average home was replaced by fresh outdoor air about once an hour. As a result, the pollutants generated in most households seldom built up to dangerous levels.8.It can be learned from the passage that the Ouchidas’ house ________.A.is well worth the money spent on its constructionB.is almost faultless from the point of energy conservationC.failed to meet energy conservation standardsD.was designed and constructed in a scientific way9.What made the Ouchidas’ new house a horrible dream?A.Poor quality of the air inside.B.Poor quality of the construction. C.Gas leakage in the kitchen.D.The newly painted walls.10.The word “accentuate” (Para. 3) most probably means “________”.A.relieve B.accelerate C.worsen D.improve 11.Why were cracks in old houses not a big concern?A.Because indoor cleanliness was not emphasized.B.Because energy used to be inexpensive.C.Because environmental protection was given top priority.D.Because they were technically unavoidable.12.This passage is most probably taken from an article entitled ________.A.Energy Conservation B.House Building CrisisC.Air Pollution Indoors D.Traps in Building ConstructionThe regular world presented to us by our five senses—you could call it reality 1.0—is not always the most user-friendly of places. We get lost in unfamiliar cities; we meet people whose language we don’t understand. So why not try the improved version: augmentedreality (AR) or reality 2.0? AR technology adds computer-produced images (图像) on the real world via a mobile phone camera or special video glasses.Early forms of AR are already here. With the right downloads, smart phones can deliver information about nearby ATMs and restaurants and other points of interest. But that’s just the beginning. A few years from now the quantity of information available will have increased hugely. You will not only see that there’s a Chinese restaurant on the next block, but you will be able to see the menu and read reviews of it.This is where the next revolution in computing will take place: in the interface (界面) between the real world and the information brought to us via the Internet. Imagine bubbles floating before your eyes, filled with cool information about anything and everything that you see in front of you.Let’s jump ahead to ten years from now. A person trying to fix their car won’t be reading a book with pictures; they will be wearing a device that projects animated 3-D computer graphics onto the equipment under repair, labelling parts and giving step-by-step guidance.The window onto the AR world can be a smart phone or special video glasses. But in ten years’ time these will have been replaced by contact lenses (隐形眼镜) with tiny LEDs, which present something at a readable distance in front of the eye. So a deaf person wearing these lenses will be able to see what people are saying.The question is, while we are all absorbed in our new augmented reality worlds, how will we be communicating with each other?13.What does the text mainly talk about?A.The next information technology revolution.B.Early forms of augmented reality technology.C.The differences between reality 1.0 and reality 2.0.D.The relationship between people living in reality 2.0.14.What does the underlined word “it” refer to in Paragraph 2?A.The menu.B.The block.C.The revolution.D.The restaurant.15.What are tiny LEDs used to do?A.Protect people’s eyes.B.Show text and images.C.Warn users of dangers.D.Replace video glasses.16.What’s the author’s attitude towards AR technology?A.Doubtful.B.Disapproving.C.Favourable.D.Ambiguous.二、七选五Master Your DeadlinesThe struggle begins in high school, sometimes earlier. Deadlines, and lots of them, start to pile up. At college, the pressure sometimes leads to last-minute rush and unsatisfactory work. At work, failing to meet deadlines can easily get you fired. ___17___ Here are a few best practices.▪Assign deadlines to what matters.If the task isn’t of high importance, don’t set a specific deadline. In this way, you are able to keep it on your radar for a while without feeling pressured. ___18___ This will provide just enough pressure to ensure you get it done.▪ ___19___Set a personal deadline for yourself a day or two before the actual deadline. ___20___ If you’re working with a group of people, add in even more time to account for potential follow-ups and the need for approvals.▪ Keep communicating.___21___ This means letting others know when something is taking longer than expected, when a delivery didn’t come in, when a client is not providing the necessary information, etc. Although it may feel embarrassing to admit that something is not on schedule, being honest is much better for relieving your stress.A.Plan for flexible hours.B.Finish your project as early as possible.C.But if an activity is urgent, set a deadline immediately.D.In this way, you’ll never have to stay up late and feel stressed.E.But handled properly, deadlines can actually improve productivity.F.Whenever you feel challenged to finish work on time, communicate.G.So if anything takes longer than expected, you can still wrap it up and submit it on time.三、完形填空I was shopping at the local food store and started chatting with the cashier about my three - year - old daughter’s favorite food. It was applesauce (苹果酱). The cashier warmly ___22___ me some wonderful brands. She smiled and then told me that her son who was one year old also loved ___23___. That got us talking a little about ___24___.I mentioned to her that we need to spend as much ___25___ with them as possible, since the time goes by ___26___. I also have two teenage daughters and had to ___27___ a lot of their younger days because I was busy working outside the home as a nurse. Now, with my three - year - old daughter to look after, I am able to stay at home and really ___28___ each minute.The ___29___ then sadly told me that she didn’t see her son much because she did two ___30___ and that she wanted to be able to give him the best of everything and ____31____ money so that someday her son could go to college and be ____32____ This made me____33____. On one hand, I understood what she meant, but on the other hand, I knew how much more ____34____ time with kids was against jobs and money.I wanted to do something nice for her. I had a little extra money, ____35____ I decided to bless this girl by giving her $ 100 and a ____36____ telling her to take ____37____ one day off and just spend time with her son, doing whatever he wants to do - maybe have lunch out or have some ice cream. In the note, I told her to use the money to ____38____ herself with her son for one day.I then called the store to ____39____ that she was working that day and talked to her briefly. I told her that I was a ____40____she had served a few days before and I wanted to do something nice for her ____41____. I then went to the store and when she had a free moment, I gave her an envelope with the note and money in it.22.A.recommended B.gave C.bought D.borrowed 23.A.shopping B.applesauce C.parents D.food 24.A.cooking B.stores C.kids D.work 25.A.money B.energy C.childhood D.time 26.A.happily B.slowly C.hopelessly D.quickly 27.A.discover B.spare C.afford D.miss 28.A.forget B.treasure C.bear D.ignore29.A.store keeper B.cashier C.child D.daughter 30.A.sports B.wrongs C.jobs D.favors 31.A.contribute B.waste C.save D.collect 32.A.successful B.different C.helpful D.popular 33.A.excited B.shocked C.sad D.angry 34.A.important B.dangerous C.unnecessary D.impossible 35.A.so B.and C.but D.or 36.A.hug B.note C.gift D.warning 37.A.at most B.as usual C.by chance D.at least 38.A.enjoy B.behave C.teach D.prepare 39.A.take notice B.make sure C.give a promise D.put forward 40.A.father B.mother C.customer D.nurse 41.A.at first B.out of pity C.on purpose D.in return四、用单词的适当形式完成句子42.The woman looked at him in _______(confuse) and said something about changing her clothes. (所给词的适当形式填空)43.When________(compare) different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing their similarities. (所给词的适当形式填空)44.Our products have good fame at home and abroad, deeply ________(favour) by customers. (所给词的适当形式填空)45.The reference book the teacher _________ (refer) to just now is said to be popular among students. (所给词的适当形式填空)46.The head teacher demanded that the blackboard _________ (clean) before every class. (所给词的适当形式填空)47.The phone boxes are making a comeback to meet the _________ (require) of green economy. (所给词的适当形式填空)48.His first novel ________(receive) good reviews since it came out last month.49.I sincerely hope my _________ (apply) can meet with your approval. (所给词的适当形式填空)50.The road _________ (lead) to the house was muddy and narrow, making it hard to drive.(所给词的适当形式填空)51.Finally getting the answer he wanted, the teacher smiled with _________ (satisfy) (所给词的适当形式填空)五、选用适当的单词或短语补全短文选词填空52.As for the environmental protection, it is not what we say but what we do that_________________.53._________________ modem science and technology, people lead a more and more comfortable and richer life.54.Tom is always ready to help others, _________________those who are in trouble. 55._________________, people who don’t smoke are healthier than people who do in contrast.56.You should not _________________ that you can do the work perfectly.57.I feel much affection for my mum, whose words and actions _________________ me. 58.The government calls on people to _________________by using public transport. 59.In the 1940s, electricity _________________people in almost all areas of the United States.60.Later, he worked in Africa, where many people _________________ blindness for lack of proper treatment.61.After Tom retired from office, he _________________painting for a while, but soon lost interest.六、短文改错62.假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。
谁指出构成组织的基本要素有四Revised as of 23 November 2020●谁指出构成组织的基本要素有四,包括社会结构、人员、目标、科技,後经学者的修正再加入环境因素:●将个人分派到不同类别的工作、职务、学校;根据性向测验结果,可以据以分派入伍的军人到不同工作的岗位,是属於:分类决定●组织类型一.以组织的社会功能区分 by Parsons帕森士(1)生产组织 :从事经济与劳动性生产以供社会消费 Ex 企业.饭店(2)政治组织 :营造与分配权力以达社会价值期望 Ex 政府机关(3)整合组织 :协调冲突.促进合作以达团体期望 Ex 政党.法院(4)模式维持组织:藉由教育文化及表意活动来维持社会持续 Ex 学校.教会二.以组织的主要受益者区分 by Blau布劳 & Scott史考特(1)互利组织:谋求成员本身利益 Ex工会.政党(2)企业组织:谋求组织所有权者之利益 Ex工厂.商店(3)公益组织:谋求社会全民利益 Ex军事.警察.消防机关(4)服务组织:谋求组织直接服务对象之利益 Ex学校.医院.监狱三.以长官运用权力与部署顺从方式区分 by Etzioni艾奇厄尼张德锐2006(1)强制型:以强制权力(镇压威胁)来控制部署,部署则表现疏离行为Ex监狱.拘留所(2)功利型:藉功利权力(物质报酬)来控制部署,部署则表现计利行为Ex公司.工厂(3)规范型:藉规范权力(名誉地位)来控制部署,部署则表现承诺行为Ex学校.教会四.依选择权有无区分 by Carlson(1)类型一:组织与顾客均有选择权又称[野生型组织] Ex大学(2)类型二:组织无法选择顾客,但是顾客可选择组织 Ex国民中小学补校(3)类型三:组织有权选择顾客,但顾客无权选择组织 Ex军队.监狱(4)类型四:组织与顾客均无选择权又称[养护型组织] Ex义务教育★谢恩Schein提出组织三个层次(1)基本假定basic assumption = 文化精髓essence = 潜藏信念trait belief组织成员对其周遭人.事.物及组织本身所持有的一种潜藏信念最内隐的一个层次(2)价值观 espoused values对基本假定的反映,提供全体员工共同努力的准绳,常见的口号或信条均是。
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七下英语作文介绍dave的一天English:Dave wakes up early in the morning at 6:00 am to the sound of his alarm clock. After groggily getting out of bed, he brushes his teeth, takes a quick shower, and dresses in his favorite t-shirt and jeans. For breakfast, Dave eats a bowl of cereal with milk and a cup of coffee.He then grabs his backpack and heads out the door to catch the bus to school. Throughout the day, Dave attends various classes like math, science, and history, and enjoys chatting with his friends during lunch break. After school, Dave goes to soccer practice where he practices dribbling and shooting goals. Once practice is over, he heads home for dinner with his family, sharing stories from his day at school. Before bed, Dave likes to unwind by reading a book or watching a movie on his laptop until it's time to sleep.中文翻译:大卫早上6点被闹钟声吵醒。
英语作文《dave'day》英文回答:Dave's Day.Dave woke up at 6:00 AM to the sound of his alarm clock. He got out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush histeeth and wash his face. He then went to the kitchen to make breakfast. He ate a bowl of cereal and a glass of milk.After breakfast, Dave got dressed and went to work. He works as a software engineer at a tech company. He works from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.After work, Dave went to the gym. He works out for an hour every day. He then went home and made dinner. He ate a chicken stir-fry with rice.After dinner, Dave watched TV for a while. He then went to bed at 10:00 PM.中文回答:戴夫的一天。
戴夫的家规英语作文,四十词左右Dave's House RulesMy name is Tommy and I'm 8 years old. My best friend is Dave and I love going to his house after school. Dave's parents are really cool, but they have some strict house rules that we have to follow.The first rule is that we have to take our shoes off when we come inside the house. Dave's mom says it keeps the floors clean and prevents us from tracking in dirt and mud. Sometimes we forget and she has to remind us. "Shoes off, boys!" she'll call out. Then we quickly kick them off by the front door.Another important rule is that we're not allowed to run inside the house. Dave's dad says it's too easy to slip and fall or break something valuable. One time, Dave and I were chasing each other and knocked over a lamp. We felt really bad, but his parents were understanding since accidents happen.We also have to ask permission before we eat any snacks or drinks. Dave's parents like to keep track of what we're eating so we don't overdo it on sugary treats. If we get hungry, we just have to ask first instead of raiding the pantry.The rule I struggle with the most is keeping our voices down when we're playing video games or watching movies. Dave and I can get pretty loud when we're excited! His parents are usually okay with some noise, but if we get too rowdy they'll tell us to keep it down.Dave's baby sister has her own set of rules too. We're not supposed to go into her nursery without an adult. And we definitely can't pick her up or try to hold her, since babies are so fragile. I think those rules make sense to keep the baby safe.At bedtime, we have to go to bed at a reasonable hour like 9pm on school nights. Dave's parents are really strict about us getting enough sleep. Sometimes I wish I could stay up later, but I know it's important for growing kids to get their rest.Overall, I think Dave's house rules are fair. They just want to keep us safe and healthy while we're at their house. Dave's parents are cool about letting us hang out as long as we respect the rules. When we follow them, we get to have tons of fun together! Those are the most important house rules that Dave and I need to remember.。
第34卷 第5期2023年9月广东外语外贸大学学报JournalofGuangdongUniversityofForeignStudiesVol 34 No.5Sep.2023基金项目:大连外国语大学研究生创新项目“扎迪·史密斯小说中的黑人美学忧郁症研究———以《论美》与《摇摆时光》为例”(YJSCX2021-046)。
扎迪·史密斯《摇摆时光》中的黑人美学忧郁症焦子珊 摘要:《摇摆时光》是英国族裔小说家扎迪·史密斯于2016年发表的第五部长篇小说,小说第一次从拥有棕色皮肤且通篇并未提及姓名的“我”的视角出发,通过主人公自身复杂的成长经历,逐渐透露出“我”由于黑人性的丧失而深陷黑人美学忧郁症的现状,这主要表现为对自身的非洲自然特征,尤其是棕色皮肤产生的忧郁感,以及对以音乐、舞蹈为代表的非洲传统艺术形式的排斥,“我”也因此踏上了前往非洲大陆的寻根之旅。
关键词:扎迪·史密斯;《摇摆时光》;黑人美学忧郁症;杂合性黑人美学 中图分类号:I106 4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-0962(2023)05-0128-12引 言当代英国族裔小说家扎迪·史密斯(ZadieSmith,1975-)2016年最新发表的长篇小说《摇摆时光》(SwingTime,2016)是其在文学创作中的一次新尝试,小说从一个拥有棕色皮肤且通篇未提及明确姓名的女孩“我”的视角出发,以音乐和舞蹈为媒介,描绘了“我”与同样拥有棕色皮肤的朋友特蕾西在成长过程中产生的身份困惑,在英国与非洲大陆上丧失归属感后选择回到英国黑人社区实现身份扎迪·史密斯《摇摆时光》中的黑人美学忧郁症追寻的故事。
Edward Snowden the man who says he is the source of the NSA surveillance leak has checked out that hotel and disappeared. U.S. authorities are preparing charges against him and told CNN they would be searching his home in Hawaii, interviewing his girlfriend and family members and examining every computer he used. In the meantime, the director of National Intelligence Jim Crapper says he ordered report by the end of the week to see how much damage has been done. He is already told MSNBC. All adversaries Edward Snowden. And then there is why to debate over government power, and here is something we wondered does the outing of this leaker his story and his personal details getting the way of that great debate. And his idol story actually change anything.
PRISM (surveillance program)
2020年广西壮族自治区柳州市启智中学高二英语测试题含解析一、选择题1. We ______on this project for four hours. Let’s have a rest.A. are workingB. have been workingC. workedD. had worked参考答案:B略2. ________ the wonders of modern technology, our world is more connected than ever before. Ideas can cross oceans_____ the click of a button.A. From ….. byB. Through…withC. By …. withD. By …..by参考答案:B3. Although he knew little about the work done in the field, he succeeded ____other more experienced experimenters failed.A. whichB. thatC. whatD. where参考答案:D略12.No bread eaten by man is so sweet as _____ earned by his own labour.A. oneB. thatC. suchD. what 参考答案:B略5. The schools in the flooded areas were________with free books by the government.A.given B.offered C.sent D.provided参考答案:D 6. In today’s class Miss Wang is going to _________ the story where he left off yesterday.A.take up B.set up C.look up D.put up 参考答案:A7. ---- Mum, must I finish the work this afternoon?----- No, you _______. You may do it tomorrow.A. mustn’tB. needn’tC. won’tD. can’t参考答案:B8. The prize will go to the writer ________ story shows the most imagination.A. whoseB. thatC. whichD. what参考答案:A9. —Do you have anything to say for yourselves?—Yes, there is one point _________ we must insist onA. whyB. whereC.how D. /参考答案:D略10. When _______ help, one often says “Thank you.” or “It’s kind of you.”A. offeringB. to offerC. to be offeredD. Offered参考答案:D11. If he ____ me his telephone number yesterday, I ____ able to ring him up now.A. told; would beB. had told; would beC. had told; would have beenD. told; am参考答案:B12. —John went to the hospital alone.—If he me about it ,I would have gone with him.A. should tellB. tellsC.told D. had told参考答案:D13. Well_____ as some of the students are that knowledge is to a person what water is to fish, they still abandon themselves to pleasure, doing nothing at school.A. awareB. adequateC. ambitiousD. pure参考答案:A14. You should make it a rule to leave things ___ you can find them often.A. whenB. whereC. thenD. there参考答案:B15. --- I’m afraid I have to give it up.-- Don’t be discouraged. Remember _____ sticks to his work will succeed one day.A. anyoneB. whoC. no matter whoD. whoever参考答案:D二、新的题型16. Easy Ways to Keep Your Brain SharpEveryone is forgetful, but as we age, we start to feel like our brains are slowing down a bit — and that can be a very annoying thing. 16 Read on for some techniques worth trying.1. 17People who regularly made plans and looked forward to upcoming events had a 50 percent reduced chance of Alzheimer's disease (早老性痴呆症), according to a recent study. 18 Something as simple as setting a goal to have a weekly coffee date with a friend will do. There’s evidence that people who have a purpose in life or who are working on long or short-term goals appear to do better. In other words, keep your brain looking forward.2. Go for a walk.Mildly raised glucose (葡萄糖) levels can harm the area of the brain that helps you form memories and physical activity can help get blood glucose down to normal levels. In fact, exercise produces chemicals that are good for your brain. 193. Learn something new.Take a Spanish class online, join a drawing club, or learn to play cards. A study found that mental stimulation (刺激) limits the weakening effects of aging on memory and the mind. But the best thing for your brain is when you learn something new and are physically active at the same time. 20 Or go dancing with your friends.A. Focus on the future.B. This can be especially harmful to the aged.C. It should be something like learning gardening.D. So take a few minutes each day to do some reading.E. But don't worry if your schedule isn't filled with life-changing events.F. Luckily, research shows there is a lot you can do to avoid those moments.G. In other words, when you take care of your body, you take care of your brain.参考答案:16.F17.A18.E19.G20.C20.C 根据上句But the best thing for your brain is when you learn something new and are physically active at the same time.可知对大脑最好的事情是你学新东西时,身体也要动,即脑力劳动和体力劳动相结合的事,就像学习园艺以及和朋友跳舞这样的事情。
51Business 商业·公司Apr1 - Apr15,2012WORLD VISION 2012.NO.07·专栏2012年3月13日,美联储宣布了银行压力测试的结果:美国有19家银行参加测试,其中15家银行合格通过。
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Sauvignon Blanc
(Sow-vin-yon Blong) 白苏维浓 长相思 白苏维浓/长相思 •Dry, light, medium body Zingy acidity 酸度适中 •Grassy and herbaceous green flavours 绿色草本香味 Tropical fruit flavours, when
增强草本的香味(百里香、迷迭香、罗勒、龙蒿,香菜-经常 ( , -
• Chicken and white meats (veal and pork).
• Vibrant flavours that go very well with Chinese,
• • • • • •
• Matches a huge range of food 适合各种食物 Game Birds (duck in particular) 野禽 (特别是黑色的) Ham (火腿) Lighter red meats (Lamb Veal etc.) 浅红肉, 比如: 羊肉、牛肉 Dishes with Cream, Garlic Tomato etc. 带奶酪的小吃、 蒜、西红柿等 Perfect with berry sauces on meat. 带酱的肉更佳
yellow to copper and even a light shade of pink. •The clone of Pinot gris grown in Italy
is known as Pinot grigio.
Pinot Gris 灰皮诺配菜 Food and wine
Suited to a wide range of Asian food (spicy or not)
•The viscous texture goes well with foods heavily
flavoured with lime/lemons, (fish/ seafood, chicken; or
Vineyard 葡萄园
Kate Gibbs – Viticulturalist 葡萄种植专家
Hand tended vines 手工栽培的葡萄藤
Winemaking 酿酒
Jane Cooper – Winemaker 简.库珀 ---酿酒师 Matahiwi Winery
Ohau Gravel Sauvignon Blanc 2009/2010
•色泽:金色 Colour: Pale gold •香味: 矿物质及酸橙的香味,伴有少许西番莲和果肉 沉淀物 Aroma: Mineral and lime characters with a hint of passionfruit and a slightly leesy note •口味:少许酸橙和柑橘,酸度新鲜适宜,口感充盈,与 矿物质味达到完美均衡。 Palate: Fresh with vibrant acidity and hints of lime and citrus.The palate is mouth filling and well-balanced with a mineral-edged finish.
with pork dishes). •Pinot Gris matches particularly well with salmon,
tuna and hapuka (heavy oily fish).
•One of the best matches is with fresh Bluff (or raw) oysters.
•For a cheese match, try goat’s cheese 适合羊奶酪
(pee-no nwah)
One of the earliest Grape varieties – cultivated in Roman times 世界最古老的葡萄品种之一, 源自古罗马时期 Most of new varieties have come from Pinot noir 很多新葡萄品种都是黑皮诺的变异 Very difficult to grow. Disease prone and also instable. Low yielding. 很难种植,而且抗病能力差,故产量很低且不稳定 Even when bottled the wine can be unstable. 即使装瓶,酒也不 稳定 Can develop a huge range of flavours and is a complex but delicate wine. 可产生多种酒香, 复杂又多层次的味道。 New Zealand pinot noir has fine tannins and elegance of good 新西兰的黑皮诺单宁好, 且有能与勃艮第媲美的充满生气和活 力 Burgundy with the added vibrant, intense fruit and secondary herbal, 的酒香。 spice and game characters.
Sauvignon Blanc 白苏维浓 Food and wine 配菜
It is a food friendly wine. 适用各种食物 • Enhances plain, simple seafood or fish
• Will hold up well to herbal preparations - thyme,
•NZ 1600 km long 新西兰南北绵延1600KM •Two Main Islands North Island and South Island 两大岛:北岛、南岛 •Between Latitudes 36 and 45
• • • •
白苏维浓浓郁的口味也很适合搭配民族美食 ,比如日本
Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai, Korean, Mexican
and Southwestern dishes
Ohau River SAUVIGNON BLANC 2011 • • 这款美酒,充满果香,酸度适中,清新爽口,回味悠长, 搭 配新鲜的 海鲜、鸡肉和 白肉最佳。 This is a delicious wine with fruit flavours, gentle acidity and a crisp finish . Ideal with seafood、chicken or white meat . 酒精浓度:13 % ; 滴定酸度: 每升6.8克 酒的甜度 每升5.4克 净含量:750ML Alcohol 13% v/v Titratable 6.8g/litre Residual sugar: 5.4g/litre Net Weight : 750ML Drinking temperature:6-
成熟的好的葡萄酿制的,带有热带水果的香味 干白、口味淡
picked ripe from a good vintage General emphasis on ripe flavours 一般,香味主要分为 •Cool = Herbceous 冰的时候草绿味 •Warm = Tropical 暖和时热带水果味
Pinot Gris
(Pee-no gree)
•“gris” means “grey” in French
•“Pinot”, means “pinecone” in French,
"Pinot"即“皮诺” 在法语中是“松球”的意思
because the grapes grow in small
• •
Ohau River Merlot 2009
• • 清新的草莓香并带有淡淡的橡木味。口感柔顺、富含水果味清 香,单宁柔和。 适合搭配吞拿和牛肉类。 Delicious Plum and berry fruit flavours with a light seasoning of toasty oak. This wine is smooth and approachable with good fruit intensity and soft tannins .Enjoy with tuna or beef dishes . 酒精浓度:13 % ; 滴定酸度: 每升5.2克 酒的甜度 <1 Alcohol 13% v/v Titratable 5.2 g/litre Residual sugar: < 1 Net Weight : 750ML
pinecone-shaped clusters. •The wines produced from this grape