实验方法:1. 材料制备:本实验所使用的材料有CoCl2·6H2O,FeCl3·6H2O和NaOH。
2. 水热反应:将上述制备的溶胶转移到高压釜中,在室温下保持搅拌,然后加热至180℃,保持反应4小时。
结果与讨论:1. SEM观察:通过扫描电子显微镜(SEM),对制备的CoFe2O4纳米颗粒进行形貌观察。
结果显示,颗粒形成了较为均匀的球形,粒径约为50-100 nm。
2. XRD分析:通过X射线衍射(XRD)研究CoFe2O4纳米颗粒的晶体结构。
3. VSM测试:用振动样品磁强计(VSM)测试制备的CoFe2O4纳米颗粒的磁性。
结果显示CoFe2O4纳米颗粒具有明显的磁性,具有饱和磁化强度(Ms)和剩余磁化强度(Mr)分别为40 emu/g和15 emu/g。
4. UV-Vis测试:用紫外可见吸收光谱(UV-Vis)测试CoFe2O4纳米颗粒的光学性质。
观察到CoFe2O4纳米颗粒在可见光范围内有明显的光吸收峰,且其吸收峰位于约400-700 nm之间。
mnFe2O4氧化物形貌1. 引言mnFe2O4是一种重要的氧化物材料,具有广泛的应用潜力。
2. mnFe2O4氧化物的制备方法mnFe2O4氧化物可以通过多种方法制备,常见的制备方法包括溶胶-凝胶法、热分解法、水热法和共沉淀法等。
2.1 溶胶-凝胶法溶胶-凝胶法是一种常用的制备氧化物形貌的方法。
2.2 热分解法热分解法是一种通过热分解金属盐来制备氧化物形貌的方法。
2.3 水热法水热法是一种通过在高温高压水环境下合成氧化物形貌的方法。
2.4 共沉淀法共沉淀法是一种通过将金属盐共同沉淀,制备氧化物形貌的方法。
3. mnFe2O4氧化物的表征技术mnFe2O4氧化物的形貌可以通过多种表征技术进行分析和表征。
3.1 扫描电子显微镜(SEM)扫描电子显微镜是一种常用的表征材料形貌的技术。
3.2 透射电子显微镜(TEM)透射电子显微镜是一种可以观察材料内部结构的技术。
图 1 示 为分 别采用 乙二醇和 乙二醇 、无 水 乙醇 、 所 蒸馏 水 ( 体积 比为 2: 1 1: )混合溶剂 时,反应产物 的 X D 图谱 。如 图所示 ,对 衍射 峰进行 标定结 果表明 , R 当 采 用 乙二 醇 为 反 应 溶 剂 时 , 反 应 产 物 为 纯 净 的 C F 2 4 。而 当采用 乙二 醇、蒸馏水 、无水 乙醇的混 o eO 相 合溶剂 时,反应充 分进行后 ,物 相组成变化不大 面活 性剂聚 乙二醇 ,搅 拌均匀 后 倒入 水 热反应 釜 中。将水 热反应 釜置 于干 燥箱 内, 0 ℃下水 热反应 1 h 20 8
(4 )后 ,即得 到了亚微米 ( 2h 纳米 )C F 2 4 o eO 颗粒 。
32 C F 2 4 . o e0 颗粒 的微观结构
宫元 勋 等 : 同尺度 C F 2 粒 的水 热 法 合成 及 其 高频 电磁性 能 不 o e0 颗
不同尺度 C F 2 4 o eO 颗粒 的水热法合成 及其 高频 电磁 性能
宫元勋,甄 良,邵文柱 ,姜建 堂
( 哈尔滨工业大学 材料科学 与工程学 院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 10 0 ) 5 0 1 摘 要 : 利用 水热法 ,在 不 同的反应 溶剂 下 ,分 别制
3 实验结果和 分析
31 物 相 结构 .
1 引 言
随着社会科 技的进步 , 对纳 米颗粒 的制备及其特 殊 性能 的研究 , 已经成 为 了科学研 究 领域 的热 点之 一 。 磁 性纳 米铁氧 体 颗粒 具有 一些 非常 奇异 的物 理 、化 学 性 质 【引,如 远 高 于块 体 材 料 的 矫 顽 力 和 电 阻 率 、 卜
2 2 Mn eO . F 2 4的合成
以水热 法 合成 纳米 纤 维状 的 Mn eO : 先将 摩 F 首 尔 比( e I) Mn I) 为 2:1的金 属盐 溶 液 充分 混 F (l / (I ) I 合 , Na 用 OH 调 节 p 值 为 1 。 再 将 溶 液 加 入 到 H 2
溶液 ,mo/ 的 Mn l 液 和 2 5 lL 的 Na 2 lL C 2溶 . mo/ OH
溶液 。
纤维 , 面光滑 , 表 直径 约为 2 n 长径 比 可达 5 0 m, O以上 。
所得 Mn eO F 纳米 纤 维在 形 貌 和 离子 分 布 共 同影 响 下, 室温 下表现 出明显 的软 磁特 性 : 较 小的 外加磁 场 在 中很 快磁化 并达到饱 和状 态 。具有较 高的 比饱 和磁 化
21 年第1 期(1 00 O 4) 卷
水 热 法 合成 Mn eO4 米 纤维 F2 纳
侯 相钰 , 冯 静 , 志 强 , 晓 寒 , 密 林 王 刘 张
( 尔滨工 程大学 超轻 材料 与表 面技术教 育部 重点实 验室 , 哈 黑龙 江 哈 尔滨 1 0 0 ) 5 0 1 摘 要 : 在 无 任何模 板 和表 面 活性 剂辅 助 的条 件 下
4 mL的水热 反应 釜 中( 装度 为 7 ) 在 2 0 0 填 5 , 0 ℃下加
关键 词 : Mn eO ; F 。 水热法 ; 纳米纤 维 ; 软磁 性
nico2o4纳米材料的制备1. 引言纳米材料是一种具有特殊结构和性质的材料,其尺寸在纳米级别范围内。
2. nico2o4纳米材料的制备方法2.1. 水热法制备水热法是制备nico2o4纳米材料的常用方法之一。
2.2. 气相沉积法制备气相沉积法也是制备nico2o4纳米材料的一种常用方法。
2.3. 其他制备方法除了水热法和气相沉积法,还有其他一些制备nico2o4纳米材料的方法,如溶胶-凝胶法、热分解法等。
3. nico2o4纳米材料的应用nico2o4纳米材料由于其特殊的结构和性质,在各个领域都有广泛的应用。
3.1. 能源存储领域nico2o4纳米材料作为电极材料应用于锂离子电池和超级电容器中,具有高容量和长循环寿命的特点。
3.2. 催化领域nico2o4纳米材料作为催化剂在有机合成和环境保护等领域具有重要应用。
胶法【 虽然能制备出颗粒尺寸小、 9 】 , 分散均匀且具有较高磁学性能的铁酸镍 , 但工艺复杂 、 条件苛刻 , 还需高温 煅烧步骤 , 影响其工业应用 ; 柠檬酸前驱体热分解法 , 该方法虽然可以制备 出颗粒尺寸小 、 分散均匀的铁酸 镍纳米 晶, 但成本高 , 仍需高温分解煅烧 ; 机械合金法【' 】 可以制备铁酸镍纳米晶 , 】 J 但需长时 间的研磨 , 耗时 长, 能耗高 , 因而成本高 ; 沉淀法也可以制备铁酸镍纳米晶, 共 但过程较复杂 , 计量较难控制, 仍需高温煅烧步
m rh li eec aatr e n n lzdb s gX rydfa t n( R )t nmi i lc o i ocp s op og s r hrcei dada aye yu i —a irci X D ,r s s o e t nmc so e ew z n o a sn e r r
摘要 : 采用不同沉淀剂 , 在水热条件下合成 了不同粒径 N Fz ieO 纳米材料 。使用 X射线衍射(R )透射电子显微镜(E ) X D、 T M 分析手
段对样品的物相 、 结构 、 形貌进行表征和分析。X D结果表明 , R 所制样品为尖 晶石结构 NF 2 E ie 。T M照片清晰地显示所制备的 0 铁酸镍纳米颗粒大小均 匀 , 分散性好。选用 N O a H溶液作为沉淀剂 时, 其粒径约为 1 m; 6n 使用尿素溶液作 为沉淀剂时, 其粒径
Absr c : Ni eO4 a o — ril s ta t F 2 n n pa t e we e s n h sz d t y r t e ma c n to . Th p a e sr t r a d c r y t e ie a h d oh r l o di n i e h s , tcu e n
第36卷,总第210期2018年7月,第4期《节能技术》ENERGY CONSERVATION TECHNOLOGYVol.36,Sum.No.210Jul.2018,No.4 纳米Fe3O4/石墨烯的微波水热法制备与表征刘丽来1,2,李 勇3,孙明威4,刘小珍1,殷秀珍1(1.黑龙江科技大学环境与化工学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150022;2.宝泰隆新材料股份有限公司,黑龙江 鸡西 158100;3.黑龙江科技大学矿业工程学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150022;4.黑龙江科技大学材料科学与工程学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150022)摘 要:为了增强氧化石墨烯的疏水性,采用微波水热法对氧化石墨烯进行改性,制备纳米Fe3O4/石墨烯复合材料。
关键词:微波水热法;改性;纳米复合材料;Fe3O4/石墨烯;氧化石墨烯中图分类号:TQ127.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-6339(2018)04-0353-04Microwave Hydrothermal Preparation and Characterizationof Nano Fe3O4/GrapheneLIU Li-lai1,2,LI Yong3,SUN Ming-wei4,LIU Xiao-zhen1,YIN Xiu-zhen1(1.College of Environmental and Chemical Engineering,Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology,Harbin150022,China;2.Baotailong New Materials Co.,Ltd.,Jixi158100,China;3.School of mining engineering,Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology,Harbin150022,China;4.School of Materials Science and Engineering,Heilongjiang University ofScience and Technology,Harbin150022,China)Abstract:To enhance the hydrophobicity of graphene oxide(GO),the microwave hydrothermal method was used to modify GO,and the Fe3O4/graphene composites with hydrophobicity and strong adsorption were prepared.The morphologies and structures of Fe3O4/graphene were characterized by XRD,FTIR, SEM,TEM and TG.The results show that Fe3O4nanoparticles of the Fe3O4/graphene composite were u⁃niform and uniformly attached to the surface of the graphene.The size of Fe3O4nanoparticles was about 35nm,and Fe3O4nanoparticles were uniform distribution relatively.Key words:microwave hydrothermal;modified;nanocomposite;Fe3O4/graphene;graphene oxide收稿日期 2018-05-22 修订稿日期 2018-06-10基金项目:国家青年基金项目(51604102);黑龙江省博士后一等资助项目(LBH-Z16202)。
2 0 1 5年 1 2月
J o u r
建 筑 大 学 学 报
o f An h u i J i a n z h u Un i v e r s i t y
Vo 1 . 2 3 No . 6
De c .2 01 5
D O I : 1 0 . 1 1 9 2 1 / j . i s s n . 2 0 9 5 — 8 3 8 2 . 2 0 1 5 0 6 1 4
水热法合成 C o Al 2 o4 纳 米 粒 子 及 其 甲烷 催 化 燃 烧 性 能 研 究 源自周 正会 , 周美 晓 , 冯 绍杰
( 安徽建筑大学 材料 与化学2 1 2 程学 院, 安徽 合肥 2 3 0 6 0 1 )
要: 以C o ( N o 。 ) z・ 6 Hz O 和 AI ( No 。 ) s・ 9 Hz O 为原料 , 采用 水热法 合成 了 C o Al z 0 纳 米粒子 , 考 察 了 水
S y n t h e s i s o f CO A1 2 04 Na n o p a r t i c l e s wi t h Hy dr o t h e r ma l Me t h o d a n d Th e i r Ca t a l y t i c Pe r f o r ma nc e i n Me t ha ne Co mb u s t i o n
o x i d a t i o n o f me t h a n e wi t h s ma l l p a r t i c l e s i z e .I t c a n b e a t t r i b u t e d t o s ma l l Co Al 9
水热法合成CoFe2O4纳米粉体及其磁性研究吾布力卡斯木·喀迪尔;拜山·沙德克;Bahat Duamet;木提拉·阿曼【摘要】本论文中在乙烷聚乙二醇(PEG)辅助条件下,用水热法合成了纳米CoFe2O4.利用X射线衍射(XRD),透射电子显微镜(TEM)和振动样品磁强计(VSM)对样品的结构,形貌和磁学性质进行了表征.X射线衍射分析证实了所得到的CoFe2O4是纯尖晶石相且晶粒尺寸为10-32 nm左右.实验中发现CoFe2O4纳米粒子的平均粒径随着水热温度的增加而增加.水热液温度不仅影响纳米粒子的大小,而且还影响其形貌,随着水热液温度升高CoFe2O4的形貌,从球形变到八面体.磁性研究表明,所合成的样品的饱和磁化强度和矫顽力随纳米颗粒的平均尺寸的增加而增加.%We present a survey of properties ofCoFe2O4 nanoparticles synthesized by a poly ethane glycol (PEG)-assisted hydrothermal method. XRD, TEM and VSM were used to characterize the structural, morphological and magnetic properties of the samples. The XRD analysis confirmed the formation of pure spinel phase and the crystallite size was found to be in the range of 10-32 nm. It was also observed that the mean size of CoFe2O4nanoparticles increases with the increasing of hydrothermal temperature. The hydrothermal temperature not only affects the size of nanoparticles but also affects its morphology, the morphology of CoFe2O4 nanoparticles changed from spherical shape to octahedral with increasing of the hydrothermal temperature. Magnetization measurement shows that the saturation magnetization and coercivities of synthesized samples increased with the increasing of nanoparticles’ m ean size.【期刊名称】《新疆大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2014(000)003【总页数】5页(P307-311)【关键词】纳米粒子;水热法;磁性研究【作者】吾布力卡斯木·喀迪尔;拜山·沙德克;Bahat Duamet;木提拉·阿曼【作者单位】新疆大学物理科学与技术学院,新疆乌鲁木齐830046;新疆大学物理科学与技术学院,新疆乌鲁木齐830046;哈萨克斯坦巴依名国家工业大学,阿拉木图050013,哈萨克斯坦;新疆大学物理科学与技术学院,新疆乌鲁木齐830046【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM277+0 IntroductionSynthesis of spinel ferrite nanomaterials has been attracted a great deal of interest during the last two decades,due to their novel physico-chemical properties that are different from their bulk form[1,2].Nanocrystalline spinel ferrites can be used in many areas,such as ferrofluids[3],microwave absorber[4],magnetic drug delivery[5],permanent magnets,hard disk recording media,sensors[6],and catalysis[7],etc.Among spinel ferrites cobalt ferrite is a well-known spinel ferrite and is a hard magnetic material with high coercivity[8],moderate saturation magnetization[9],remarkablemechanical hardness and chemical stability.CoFe2O4 nanocrystals are widely used in various applications,such as lithiumbatteries[10],ferrofluids[11],electronic devices[12],detoxification of magnetic hyperthermia[13],magnetically controlled transport of anti-cancer drugs[14],magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)contrast[15],and antitumor applications[16].However,properties of CoFe2O4 strongly depend on the preparation method.In recent years,cobalt ferrite nanocrystals have been prepared using various methods,such as chemical copercipitation[17],sol-gel method[18],combustion method[19],reverse micelle methods[20],thermal decomposition[21],solvothermal method[22]and hydrothermalmethod[23].Among these methods hydrothermal method has been known as one of the most promising synthetic strategy for production of various nanoparticles.As a surfactant,PEG is one of polymers commonly used,due to its nontoxic,non-flammable and easy to handle.It has been reported that PEG with uniform and ordered chain structure is easily absorbed to at the surface of metal oxide colloid[24].When the surface of the colloid adsorbs PEG,the activities of colloid greatly decreases and growth rate of the colloid in some facet will be confined[25].Therefore,PEG has been widely used in synthesis of series nanoparticles in homogenous solution[26,27].As far as we know,there is no systematic investigation of the effect of reaction temperature on the formation of CoFe2O4 in a homogenous solution using the hydrothermal method assisted by PEG.The main purposes of thiswork are to investigate the temperature effect on the size of CoFe2O4 nanoparticles prepared in alkaline aqueous media and characterize their magnetic properties.1 Experimental1.1 SynthesisAll reagents were in the analytical grade and used without further purification.In a typical procedure,1.35 g of FeCl2·6H2O and 0.595 g of CoCl2·6H2O were first dissolved in 15 ml of deionized water w hich contains 8 g of poly ethane glycol(PEG,Mw=6000)under magnetic stirring at room temperature,then 20 ml of NaOH(0.2mol)aqueous solution was added to the above solution under fierce stirring for 15 min.The mixed solution was then sealed into a 50 ml of Teflon-lined stainless-steel autoclave and kept at certain temperature,after which,the autoclave was allowed to cool to the room temperature naturally.Then the product was washed alternatively with deionized water and absolute ethanol several times until the filtrate pH value was neutral,and finally dried in a vacuum oven at 60˚C for 6h.The possible chemical reactions occurred during the experiment are described below,1.2 CharacterizationThe X-ray diffraction(XRD)spectrum of the products was acquired by a Japan Mac Science applying 18kW X-ray diffractometer with Cu κα radiation(λ=0.154056 nm).Transmission electron microscopy(TEM)images of the products were obtained by Japan Hitachi-600.Magnetic hysteresisloops of the samples were measured using a vibrating sample magnetometer(USA,Lakeshore 7404).2 Results and discussion2.1 XRD analysisFig1 XRD patterns of the products prepared by hydrothermal method at various temperatures for 24 h(a)160˚C;(b)220˚CThe XRD pattern of the as-prepared CoFe2O4 nanoparticles prepared at 160˚C and 220˚C is shown in Fig.1.It can be seen that the peaks of XRD pattern are compatible with Cubic crystal of JCDPS card Number of 22-1086.Obviously,the all samples are pure CoFe2O4crystals without impurities such as oxides of iron and cobalt.It can be also observed from Fig.1a that the X-ray pattern shows a considerable broadening at lower temperature indicating the small-size particle nature of cobalt ferrite powder.The intensities of the major characteristic peaks become sharper and stronger with the increase of hydrothermal temperature,meanwhile we can see that there is no corresponding characteristic peaks for some planes such as(222)and(422)at lower reaction temperatures,but at the higher reaction temperature these peaks appear in X-ray diffraction pattern,indicating that the crystallinity tends to be improved.The peak broadening is purely due to the reduced particle size.The particle sizes of synthesized products were calculated from Scherer formula:where,D is the average grain si ze,k is a constant equal to 0.89,λ is the wavelength of X-ray 0.154056 nm,β is full width at halfmaximum(FWHM)of the diffraction peaks and θ is the Bragg’s angle in radian.According Scherer formula:the results shown in Table1.Table1 The effect reaction temperature on the particle size and magnetic properties of the CoFe2O4 nanoparticlesHydrothermal temperature(˚C) Particle size(nm) Ms(emu/g) Mr(emu/g) Hc(Oe)160 10 45.6 9.0 569.7 180 14 61.1 14.8 658.0 200 19 64.6 17.2 736.7 220 32 72.9 21.8 1383.4It is distinct that the average crystallite size increases with the reaction temperature from 10 nm at 160˚C to 32 nm at 220˚C.And these results well match to the direct observation of TEM images of as synthesized CoFe2O4 nanoparticles.2.2 TEM analysisFig2 TEM images of the products synthesis at(a)160˚C for 24h,(b)HRTEM images of sample a,(c)220˚C for 24hThe morphologies of as-prepared CoFe2O4 nanoparticles prepared at 160˚C and 220˚C is given in Fig.2,from which it can be seen that with the increase of reaction temperature the particle sizes tend to belarger.Samples were uniform in both morphology and crystal size when the hydrothermal temperature was 160˚C.As shown in Fig.2b,the HRTEM image of sample shows clear and perfect lattice fringes with spacing of 0.485 nm,which is in agreement with the spacing of(111)planes ofCoFe2O4(JCDPS PDF No.22-1086).The HRTEM image reveals single crystal nature of the nanoparticles.When hydrothermal temperature is 220˚C,the products were octahedral shape and have a broader size distribution.2.3 VSM analysisFig3 Hysteresis loops of CoFe2O4 nanoparticles synthesized at different temperatures(a)160˚C,(b)220˚CMagnetic properties of as synthesized nanoparticles were measured under an increasing magnetic field up to±19 kOe at room temperature.Fig.3 shows the hysteresis loops of samples prepared at 160˚C and 220˚C,their sizes were respectively 10 nm and 32 nm.The hysteresis loops of the samples measured at room temperature show ferromagnetic characteristic of samples.For better understanding the magnetic behavior of as synthesized products,we have also measured other two samples with the sizes of 14 nm and 19 nm,and displayed their magnetic properties in Table1.The magnetic saturation values of the samples increased with the increase of mean size as shown in Fig.4a,this result accordance with earlier report[28].Our products get their maximum saturation magnetization value of 72.9 emu/g when the sample size is 32 nm,which is smaller than Ms value of bulk CoFe2O4(80 emu/g)[29].The lower magnetization value observed in this study should be resulted from the small size effect,pinning of surface spins and existence of the nonmagnetic surfactant on the surface of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles[28].As shown Fig.4b the coercivities of as synthesized samples increased with the increase of nanoparticles’mean size,which can be attributed to the increased mean particle size and single domain size,and aspect ratio of nanoparticles prepared at lower temperature.In this study,the morphology of CoFe2O4 nanoparticles,prepared by a simple hydrothermal changed from spherical shape to octahedral with increase of the hydrothermal temperature.It hasbeen reported that various morphology can lead to very different magnetic property of cobalt ferrite[30].Fig4 The variations of the magnetization(a)and the coercivity with particle sizeTherefore the higher hydrothermal temperature evaluates the crystallinity of samples and changes the morphology of product,which causes increase in magnetic saturation.Because of the good ferromagnetic properties of the samples,it is a promising candidate for high-density magnetic storage,medical diagnostics,etc.3 ConclusionA facile hydrothermal method has been adopted for the synthesis of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles at different hydrothermal temperature.The mean size of CoFe2O4nanoparticles increases with the increase of hydrothermal temperature.The hydrothermal temperature not only affects the size of nanoparticles but also affects its morphology,themorphology of CoFe2O4 nanoparticles changed from spherical shape to octahedral with increase of the hydrothermal temperature.The room temperature VSM studies shows that the saturation magnetization and corecivities of as synthesized samples increased with the increase of nanoparticles’me an size.References:【相关文献】[1]Burda C,Chen X B,Narayanan R,et al.Chemistry and properties of nanocrystals of different Shapes[J].Chem Rev,2005,105(4):1025–1102.[2]Zhang L Y,Xue D S,Xu X F,et al.Magnetic properties and Verwey transition of quasi-one-dimensional magnetite nanowire arrays assembled in alumina templates[J].Magn Magn Mater,2009,294(1):10–15.[3]Tourinho F A,Franck R,Massart 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纳米mgo和mgal_2o_4尖晶石的制备与表征 -回复
本文将一步步介绍纳米MgO 和MgAl2O4尖晶石的制备和表征方法。
一、纳米MgO的制备1. 溶胶-凝胶法制备:- 首先,将适量的镁盐(如硝酸镁)加入到有机溶剂(如乙醇)中,搅拌均匀,形成溶胶。
- 然后,在室温条件下,加入适量的沉淀剂(如氢氧化钠),继续搅拌。
- 溶胶中的镁离子与沉淀剂中的氢氧根离子反应生成沉淀物,形成凝胶。
- 最后,将凝胶进行热处理,通常在500-800摄氏度下进行,以去除有机物质和形成纳米MgO颗粒。
2. 沉淀法制备:- 在室温条件下,将镁盐(如硝酸镁)溶解在适当的溶剂中,并保持搅拌。
- 慢慢加入沉淀剂(如氨水),并在过程中保持搅拌和适当的温度。
- 沉淀剂中的氨离子与镁离子反应生成沉淀物,即Mg(OH)2。
- 最后,通过热处理将Mg(OH)2转化为MgO纳米颗粒。
1. X射线衍射(XRD):- 使用X射线衍射仪测量样品的衍射图谱。
- 通过匹配实验得到的衍射峰与相应的标准数据,确定样品的晶体结构和晶格参数。
2. 扫描电子显微镜(SEM):- 使用SEM观察和记录纳米MgO的表面形貌和微观结构。
- 通过SEM图像获得颗粒的形状、尺寸和分布情况。
3. 红外光谱(IR):- 使用红外光谱仪测量纳米MgO样品的吸收峰。
- 根据吸收峰的位置和强度,分析样品的功能基团和化学键。
三、MgAl2O4尖晶石的制备1. 共沉淀法制备:- 将适量的镁盐和铝盐(如硝酸镁和硝酸铝)溶解在适当溶剂中,并保持搅拌。
- 慢慢加入沉淀剂(如氨水),并保持搅拌和适当的温度。
- 沉淀剂中的氨离子与镁离子和铝离子反应生成沉淀物,即MgAl2(OH)8。
纳米mgo和mgal_2o_4尖晶石的制备与表征 -回复
一、纳米MgO尖晶石的制备与表征1. 制备方法:(1)溶胶-凝胶法:将适量的镁盐在有机溶剂中转化为溶胶,加入适量的表面活性剂并加热搅拌,使溶胶基体形成凝胶;将凝胶进行干燥和煅烧得到纳米MgO尖晶石。
2. 表征方法:(1)透射电镜(TEM)和扫描电镜(SEM):利用TEM和SEM观察纳米MgO尖晶石的形貌、尺寸和分布情况。
二、纳米MgAl2O4尖晶石的制备与表征1. 制备方法:(1)共沉淀法:将镁盐和铝盐溶液在适当条件下缓慢混合,形成沉淀,经过水洗和干燥处理后,通过高温煅烧产生纳米MgAl2O4尖晶石。
2. 表征方法:(1)X射线衍射(XRD):通过XRD技术分析纳米MgAl2O4尖晶石的相结构和晶体结构。
同时,各种表征手段也得到了广泛应用,如 X 射线衍射、
样品;然后运用多种分析方法对样品进行表征,如 SEM、TEM、XRD、FTIR、UV-vis 等。
MgFe2O4纳米粉体的水热合成及其表征黄玉洁;王军;陈乾旺【期刊名称】《无机化学学报》【年(卷),期】2005(021)005【摘要】MgFe2O4 nanoparticles were hydrothermally synthesized at 150 ℃ using iron nitrate [Fe(NO3)3·9H2O],the reaction conditions. The influencesof several factors such as presence or absence of Na+, molar ratio of Fe3+ /Mg2+, concentration of mental ions, temperature and reaction time on resultant products were investigated in the hydrothermal process. The sample was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and its magnetic properties were measured using vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM).【总页数】4页(P697-700)【作者】黄玉洁;王军;陈乾旺【作者单位】中国科学技术大学结构分析重点实验室和材料科学与工程系,合肥,230026;中国科学技术大学结构分析重点实验室和材料科学与工程系,合肥,230026;中国科学技术大学结构分析重点实验室和材料科学与工程系,合肥,230026【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O614.22;O614.81+1【相关文献】1.锑掺杂氧化锡纳米粉体的水热合成与表征 [J], 丁常胜;苗鸿雁;罗宏杰2.片状铌酸锶铋纳米粉体的水热合成及其表征 [J], 邓飞;张帆;魏桂英3.铜铟硒纳米粉体的水热合成与表征 [J], 蔡文;赵寅生;杨海龙;向卫东4.Bi_(1.5)ZnNb_(1.5)O_7纳米粉体的水热合成与表征 [J], 汪潇;黄金亮;杨留栓;王秋珂;殷镖5.钛酸铋纳米粉体的水热合成及表征 [J], 于颖;陈志武;胡建强;何新华;卢振亚因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
固相法合成MgFe2O4粉体侯来广;任雪潭【摘要】Spinel type magnesium ferrite becomes an important absorber materials Because it has better frequency characteristics and good spectral selective absorption properties.The magnetic anisotropy than other metal cations with spinel ferrite-based magnetic moment is lower.It is widely used as absorbents of prevent electromagnetic radiation devices,stealth materials and infrared radiation material.It has low price and absorbing excellent performance characteristics.This paper uses magnesium oxide and iron oxide as the main basic raw materials and study preparation of magnesium ferrite material by solid-phase method.The use of X-ray diffraction(XRD),scanning electron microscopy(SEM)of powder to test powder morphology and structure.Study the Influence of product structure created by conditions.Explore the optimum of ratio firingtemperature,holding time,firing mode and other process conditions.and successfully prepared magnesium ferrite with high purity,good quality under optimum conditions.%尖晶石型镁铁氧体由于其具有较好频率特性和良好的光谱选择吸收性能使其成为重要的吸波材料.其磁各向异性比其它带有磁矩的金属阳离子尖晶石型铁酸盐类要低,被广泛用做防止电磁波辐射设备、隐身材料以及红外辐射材料的吸波剂,具有价格低廉、吸波性能优良等特点.本文以氧化镁和氧化铁为主要基本原料,采用固相法进行MgFe2O4粉体材料的制备研究.运用X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对粉体形貌和结构进行测试.探索配比、烧成温度、保温时间、烧成方式等工艺条件的最佳值.并在最佳制备条件下成功制备了纯度较高、质量较好的镁铁氧体.【期刊名称】《佛山陶瓷》【年(卷),期】2018(028)007【总页数】4页(P7-10)【关键词】固相法;镁铁氧体;吸波材料;红外辐射材料【作者】侯来广;任雪潭【作者单位】广州市红日燃具有限公司,广州510430;西南科技大学,绵阳621010【正文语种】中文1 前言红外辐射材料通常的使用形式包括:红外辐射搪瓷、红外辐射陶瓷以及红外辐射涂料等。
研究表明,采用单步法可以得到较大尺寸(50~200 nm)的MgFe2O4纳米粉体,具有良好的磁性能;而双步法可以得到较小尺寸(20~50 nm)的MgFe2O4纳米粉体,磁性能则相对较差。
白杨等:用脱硫石膏制备高强石膏粉的转晶剂· 1147 ·第36卷第7期铁酸钴纳米粉体的水热合成及其性能莫伟锋,翟继卫,姚熹(同济大学功能材料研究所,上海 200092)摘要:采用水热法制备了CoFe2O4纳米粉体,利用X射线衍射、红外吸收光谱等方法对合成的样品进行了结构及性能表征。
关键词:铁酸钴粉体;水热合成;羟基;磁学性能中图分类号:O482.54 文献标志码:A 文章编号:0454–5648(2009)07–1147–06HYDROTHERMAL SYNTHESIS AND MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF CoFe2O4 NANO-POWDERMO Weifeng,ZHAI Jiwei,YAO Xi(Functional Material Laboratory of Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China)Abstract: CoFe2O4 nano-powders were synthesized by hydrothermal method. The structure and magnetic properties of the obtained CoFe2O4 nano-powders were characterized by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared trans-mission spectroscopy and vibrating sample magnetometry. The effect of the technological conditions on the phase structure and mi-crostructure of the CoFe2O4 nano-powders was systematically studied. The obtained CoFe2O4 nano-powders were annealed, and then the effect of the hydroxide radical on their magnetic properties was explored. These results show that the magnetic property is im-proved by heat treatment due to the decrease of the hydroxide radical.Key words: cobalt ferrite crystals; hydrothermal method; hydroxide radical, magnetic properties近年来,随着对纳米材料研究兴趣的日益增长,人们使用物理和化学方法制备出尺寸为10~100nm 的铁氧体颗粒。
基础 , 通过加入适量的交联剂双丙烯酰 胺 , 实 现 了 晶粒尺寸可控 CoFe2O4 纳米粉体的制备 。 该方法工 艺简单 、 操作方便 、 可重复性好 、 易于生产 , 制 备 出 的粉体粒度均匀 、呈类球形 。
按金属离子 Fe3+和 Co2+的原子物质的量比为 2∶ 1 称 取 Fe(NO3)3· 9H2O 和 Co(NO3)2· 6H2O, 溶 于 稀 硝 -1 酸 (0.5 mol 溶液中 其中金属阳离子的总浓度为 · , L ) · 1.5 mol L-1。 待溶液澄清后 ,依次加入配位剂 EDTA 或 柠 檬 酸 (配 位 剂 与 金 属 阳 离 子 的 物 质 的 量 比 为 1.5 ∶1)、 葡萄糖 ( 约 20 g/100 mL) 、 丙烯酰胺和双 丙 烯 酰胺 。 丙烯酰胺和双丙烯酰胺的总物质的量用量为 金属阳离子的 9 倍 , 实验中通过改变二者的相对含 量来控制 CoFe2O4 粉体的颗粒尺寸 。 以上每一步都 伴随着磁力搅拌 , 以使添加物充分溶解 。 待溶液混 合均匀 、澄清后 ,用氨水调节 pH≈2。 最后将所得的 混合溶液加热至 80 ℃ , 保温 , 使之发生热聚合反 应 , 数分钟后 , 溶液缓慢成胶 , 转变为凝胶体 。 将获
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