《医学术语学》教学课件:第十一章 心血管

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Chapter 11 Circulatory System
Contents to be covered
• Anatomic structures • Commonly used building blocks • Most commonly seen symptoms • Most commonly seen conditions • Treatment of coronary heart disease • specific medicine that is most
• Haem/o-,haema-,hem/o,hema,hemat/o- blood
• hemorrhage[5hemEridV] • 出血 • hemoagglutinin[7hi:mEuE5^lu:tinin] • 血红素凝结素 • Hemobilia [hi:mEu5biliE] • 胆道出血 • hemoclip • 血管夹
• Neutropenia [7nju:trEu5pi:niE] (嗜)中性白细胞减少(症)
• thrombocytopenia [7WrCmbEusaitEu5pi:niE] 血小板减少(症)
angi/o- vessel
• angioataxia
• angiosarcoma
commonly prescribed for heart diseases
Watch twice: Anatomy and function of the heart
Common roots and affixes
• Hema/o• Sanguin• Phleb/o• Sphygm/o• -penia • Angi/o-
• sphygmogram [5sfi^mE7^rAm] 脉搏描记,脉搏曲线
• Sphygmocardiograph [7sfi^mE5kB:diEu^rB:f] 心动脉搏描记器
sphygmometer 脉博计
-penia lack of, insufficiency
• Lymphocytopenia [7limfE7saitEu5pi:niE] 淋巴细胞减少(症) Ant. lymphocytosis
– Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (WPW) 吾-巴-怀三氏综合征/pre-excitation syndrome (预
激综合征 ) – Ventricular fibrillation心室颤动 – Ventricular tachycardia室性心动过速 – Long QT syndromeQT间期延长综合征
Aneurysm 动脉瘤
• Cerebral aneurysm 脑动脉瘤 • Aortic aneurysm主动脉瘤 • Ventrical aneurysm心室动脉瘤
• Tachycardia 心动过速
abnormally rapid heartbeat – Atrial fibrillation心房颤动 – Atrial flutter心房扑动 – Supraventricular tachycardia(SVT) 室上性心动过速
phleb/o- (Gr. Phleps)
bleood vessel,vein
• phlebitis[fli5baitis] • 静脉炎 • phlebalgia[fli5bAldViE] • 静脉痛 • phlebangioma[7flibAndVi5EumE] • 静脉瘤
sphygm/o- (Gr.sphugmós) pulse
Bleeding disorders
PT (Prothrombin Time)凝血酶原时间 ACT (activated clotting time)活化凝血时间 aPTT/PTT (activated partial thromboplastin
time)活化部分凝血激酶时间 coagulation factors 凝血因子 platelet count血小板计数
Bacteremia and Sepsis
• Bacteremia [7bAktE5ri:miE] • 菌血症 • the presence of bacteria in the
bloodstream; • Sepsis [5sepsis] • 脓毒病, 脓血症 • a bacterial infection in the
Baidu Nhomakorabea
• Bradycardia心动过缓 abnormally slow heartbeat – Sick sinus syndrome 病态窦房结综合症
– Conduction block 传导阻滞 (atrioventricular conduction
block 房室传导阻滞 )
Watch twice: Bradyarrhythmia 心动过缓 /缓慢性心律失常
sanguin- (L.sanguis) blood
• sanguinivorous[sAN^wi5nivErEs] • 食血的,吸血的 • sanguinopoietic[sAN^wninEupCi5etik] • 生血的,造血的 • sanguinarin[7sAN^wi5nZEri:n] • 血根碱
Hodgkin’s Disease
• Hodgkin‘s disease, sometimes called Hodgkin’s lymphoma霍奇金氏淋巴瘤, is a cancer that starts in lymphatic tissue淋巴组织, including the lymph nodes淋巴结 and related organs that are part of the body's immune and blood-forming systems. Hodgkin's disease is a malignant lymphoma. There is no benign (noncancerous) form of Hodgkin's disease.
angioplasty [5AndVIEJ7plAsti]
Aneurysm 动脉瘤 Arrhythmia 心律失常 Bleeding Disorders 出血性疾病 Bacteremia and sepsis 菌血症和败血症 Hodgkin’s Disease霍奇金病 Pulmonary hypertension肺动脉高血压 Thalassemia 地中海贫血 Thrombophlebitis血栓性静脉炎 Varicose Veins静脉曲张