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(4)被保险人——the insured 被保险人是指其财产或者人身受保险合同保障,享有保险金请求权的人,投 保人可以为被保险人。
The insured refers to anyone whose property or person is protected by the insurance contract and who is entitled to claim for compensation. An applicant may be the insured源自文库 (5)保险标的——The subject matter 保险标的是指作为保险对象的财产及其有关利益或者人的寿命和身体。
An insurable interest refers to the interest which the applicant has in the subject matter of the insurance and is recognized by laws. (7)保险事故——insured event 保险事故是指保险合同约定的保险责任范围内的事故。
An applicant refers to the party who enters into an insurance contract with an insurer and is obligated to pay the premiums under the insurance contract. (3)保险人——the insurer
The subject matter of the insurance refers either to the property of the insured and related interests associated therewith, or to the life and the body of the insured, which is the object of the insurance. (6)保险利益—— insurable interest 保险利益是指投保人对保险标的具有的法律上承认的利益。
The sum insured refers to the maximum amount which the insurer undertakes to indemnify or pay under its insurance obligation. (10)保险费——the premium 保险费是指投保人向保险人支付的保险合同规定的费用。
The insured value of the subject matter of the insurance may be agreed by the applicant and the insurer, and specified in the contract; or it may be assessed based on the actual value of the subject matter of the insurance at the time of the occurrence of the insured event.
An insured event refers to an event falling within the scope of cover under the insurance contract.
(8)保险金额——the insured sum 保险金额是指保险人承担赔偿或者给付保险金责任的最高限额。
An insurer refers to the insurance company which enters into an insurance contract with an applicant and is obligated to make indemnity or payments of the insurance benefits.
Insurance Contract(保险合同)
1.Definition (1)保险合同是投保人与保险人约定保险权利义务关系的协议
An insurance contract is an agreement whereby the insurance rights and obligations are specified and agreed by the applicant and the insurer. (2)投保人——the applicant
The premium refers to the charge that the applicant pays to the insurer as specified in the insurance contract. (11)保险价值——insured value
保险价值是指保险标的的保险价值,保险价值可以由投保人和保险人约定并在合同 中载明,也可以按照保险事故发生时保险标的的实际价值确定。
7.2 Fundamental Principles of Cargoes Insurance(保险的基本原则)
外贸函电保险例文 及句子(ppt)
(优选)外贸函电保 险例文及句子
What is the purpose of insurance?
house against fire. You can insure your car against accident/theft.
nose against harm. life insurance. health insurance. You can effect a endowment insurance.养老保险 accident insurance. burglary and robbery insurance