2、2工作条件2、2、1供电条件●交流380V/220 V±10%三相(三相四线制)●频率50HZ±1%2、3工作制度整个机组每天工作三班,每班八小时连续运行,每周维护时间不少于10小时。
3、机组的主要规格及技术参数3、1机组的总体参数:●机组跨度:m●工作级别:●吸卸料能力:m3/h●电机组机总功率:KW●大车轨道型号:3、2大车●工作级别●运行减速器型号:●运行速度:m/min●调速方式:变频调速3、3小车●工作级别●运行减速器型号:7.5KW×2●运行速度:m/min●调速方式:变频调速3、4吸卸料装置●提升减速机型号:●提升电机功率:KW ●提升速度:m/min ●吸卸料升降行程:mm●起重能力:kg﹡23、5罗茨真空泵●罗茨真空泵型号:●配套电机型号:●进口流量:m3/ min●真空度:—35Kpa3、6旋风除尘器●型号:HA173-S2●处理物料:锻后石油焦粉尘气体●处理气量:173 m3/min3、7空气冷却器●型号:HA173-S1●处理物料:锻后石油焦粉尘气体●进气温度:≤320℃●出气温度:≤90℃●冷却面积:m2●轴流风机型号:型台配用电机型号:功率:Kw﹡43、8脉冲式布袋除尘器及其反吹控制系统●型号:●处理物料:石油焦粉尘气体●处理气量:m3/h处理前气体含尘量:处理后气体含尘量:30-60 g/ m3●滤袋材质:针刺过滤毡●滤袋耐温:工作温度240℃●清灰振动电机:2×1.5kw●过滤面积:m23、9电葫芦●型号:●运行速度:m/min●起升重量:t●起升速度:m/min●起升行程:m3、10空调器●型号:●冷却功率:2000 w制冷剂:R134a●电压/启动电流:400V/7.5A●外形尺寸:595﹡475﹡415●重量:48 Kg4、机组的主要结构、特性及工作原理4、1大车大车为双梁桥架结构,由两根平行的大梁通过高强螺栓固定在两个端梁上,每个端梁是由两个小端梁通过联杆铰接而成。
四. 设备操作:1:凡使用天车人员,必需熟知操作按钮的启动方向、各种安全装置的作用和正确的吊挂、捆绑方式,否则禁止使用。
中国水电集团450t 门式起重机使用说明书目录一、概述二、工作条件三、主要技术参数与工作性能四、主要构造五、电气系统六、安全保护装置七、操作注意事项八、维护说明九、随机维修工具十、易损件清单十一、验收和质量保证十二、附图一、概述450t 门式起重机是为200~350km/h 铁路客运专线而设计的,二台450t 门机联合作业,能完成24m、32m预制双线整孔预应力箱形混凝土梁跨线移梁运输,能在预制场装车区内将混凝土梁装载到桥面运梁车上,能满足不同长度运梁车装车功能。
该机额定起重量为450t ,净跨度为 36m,起升高度 28m。
二、工作条件1 .工作海拔高度≤ 2000m2.工作环境温度 -20 ℃~ +50℃3.允许风力 : 6级(工作状态)11 级(非工作状态)4.能夜间工作并具有安全的防雷电设施三、主要技术参数与工作性能1.起重量: 450t ;2.跨度: 38m ;3.起升高度: 28m;4 .主起升速度:重载0~0.5m/min,空载0~1.0m/min;5.小车运行速度:重载 0~2m/min,空载 0~6m/min;6.大车运行速度:重载 0~5m/min,空载 0~10m/min;7.起重小车轨距: 2.2m,小车轮压: 32t ;8.起重大车轨距:38m,大车轮压: 36t ;9.起重机自重: 340t ;10.起重机外形尺寸:长 42m×宽 17.5m×高 38m;11.整机功率: 150kW;12.电源:三相五线制,交流 380V、50Hz;13.整机稳定性安全系数:沿大车走行轨道方向1.6 ;14.走行机构和主起升机构均采用变频技术,整机采用PLC控制;15.制动系统:大车走行和小车走行采用电磁盘式制动器;起升卷扬机为确保作业安全,在高速轴端采用电力液压块式制动器,同时在低速轴端采用液压失效保护制动器;16.试验载荷:静载加载到额定载荷的 1.25 倍,动载加载到额定载荷的 1.1 倍。
目录一、概述………………………………………………………………2页1、机组的用途2、机组的组成3、机组的型号及说明4、机组在厂房内的配制5、机组的主要技术特点6、机组的主要结构及特点7、保证使用期限二、安装……………………………………………………………… 6页三、架设………………………………………………………………11页四、使用须知…………………………………………………………13页(一)电气系统简介及使用(二)安全技术规则(三)司机职责五、调整与维护………………………………………………………18页(一)机械零部件(二)电气设备的安装六、机构润滑…………………………………………………………23页七、设备故障的处理…………………………………………………25页一、概述1.机组的用途电解多功能机组是大型预焙阳极铝电解生产的关键设备,它能完成预焙阳极电解槽生产的下列工艺操作:打壳、更换阳极、覆盖氧化铝和电解质、槽上部氟化盐加料;吊运阳极母线提升框架;可吊运上部机构和下部槽壳;完成厂房零星吊运和检修作业。
2.机组的组成机组由下列几大部分组成:①大车(包括:运行机构、桥架、2×25t 绝缘葫芦、小车供电、阳极框架供气、出铝供气等机构)。
3.机组的型号及说明PTM16/G2×25-28.5 A8机组工作级别机组跨度,单位:m。
MG450 安全操作规程
35 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 43 43 44 46 48
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桥机 桥式起重机 天车安装中英文EOT Crane Installation
OCS-CY标准型起重量限制器(T321) 使用说明书本手册版权归梅特勒-托利多(常州)称重设备系统有限公司所有,未经许可不得翻印、修改或引用!METTLER TOLEDO为梅特勒-托利多公司的注册商标!METTLER TOLEDO保留修改本说明书的权利目录1 使用须知 (3)2 安全操作提示 (3)3 主要技术参数 (4)3.1 产品规格的标注 (4)3.2 主要技术参数 (4)4 部件指南 (5)4.1系统构成示意图 (5)4.2传感器(含轴承座)的外形及安装尺寸 (6)5 CraneMate T321仪表 (7)5.1T321仪表概述 (7)5.2T321仪表主要技术参数 (7)5.3T321仪表主要功能 (7)5.4安装注意 (7)5.5电气接线 (8)5.5.1 电源线连接 (8)5.5.2 系统接线图 (8)6 系统安装 (9)6.1开箱检查 (9)6.2电源准备 (9)6.3安装步骤 (9)7 T321日常使用 (10)7.1T321仪表上电 (10)7.2 T321仪表显示 (10)7.3T321仪表键盘 (10)7.4T321仪表操作 (11)7.4.1 设置报警点 (12)7.4.2 设置起重机限制器的最大容量 (12)7.4.3 设置分度值 (13)7.4.4 标定 (13)7.4.5 线性标定 (14)7.4.6 错误代码 (15)8 维护和保养 (16)8.1 常用维修工具 (16)8.2日常清洁和维护 (16)1 使用须知起重量限制器,是在起重机起吊运输货物的过程中对起重机进行超载保护的装置。
梅特勒-托利多的OCS-CY 系列起重量限制器可广泛应用于多种桥式\梁式起重机或其它结构相似的起重设备。
Invacare Reliant 450 搬运器说明书
I n va c a r e®r e l I a n t™450l I f t sInvacare® Reliant™ Lifts were conceived to help reduce the possibility of caregiver back injury and to ensure dignity in resident handling. These high-quality lifts are comfortable, reliable and integral tools for caregivers. Invacare Reliant lifts support up to 450 lb., making potentially challenging transfers smooth for the resident and caregiver. The high lift range allows easy access to chairs, commodes, floors and beds (with at least 4.5" under-bed clearance). The sturdy and practical design of Reliant lifts provides the solution you need for success in the quest to provide safe and effective health care.Invacare® Reliant™ Lift FeaturesHeight range allows lifting from floor and high surfacesLow friction casters significantly improve rollability and contribute to caregiver safetyRemovable battery pack eliminates downtime and simplifies the charging processManual lowering for instant response to power loss Electronic system includes two 24-volt batteries: one for lift, one for battery-charging station; a manual emergency lowering device; and an anti-entrapment feature if boom meets any resistance while loweringAvailable with power opening base option (model #RPL450-2)Multi-grip push handle is angled to minimize wrist strain Base legs adjust easily and lock securely into open positionwith the padded shifter handle or optional power option Total pinch-point protection covers all moving parts for added safetyPadded swivel bar with 360˚ rotation and six-point hook-up allows use of Invacare chain-free slings as well as older style slings with chains or strapsAttractive neutral design blends well into any environment Covered base provides protection against wear, dirt and moistureManufactured in an ISO13485 facilityRear Locking BrakesLocking feature on 5" rear casters is standard on all modelsManual LoweringManual emergency lowering gently and safely lowers resident in case of total power lossEssential safety featureManual lowering is easy and effortless. Simply insert the end ofa ball point pen into the hole marked “emergency” or lift on the accessible ring-pullInvacare® Reliant™ Digital Scale Retrofits on all Reliant 450/600 lifts Model # 9805 requires Reliant swivel barEasy to operate, four-button display Automatic shut-off feature prolongs battery lifeTwo-year limited warranty Hand PendantErgonomic control with heavy-duty cordConvenient pendant hook allows attachment and storage on multiple areas of liftElectronicsRemovable battery box conveniently located on mast features an emergency off button and beeps when battery needs recharged. Requires one 24-volt batteryQuick-release battery eliminates downtimeAnti-entrapment feature stops motion if boom meets resistance while loweringCharging StationBattery can be replaced immediately with second battery in wall-mounted chargerUL listed and CSA certified3 54 612134 5 62Model # Description1075222 Reliant touch-up paint1078276 Reliant replacement batteries1143629 Reliant swivel bar kits1143630 Extra-wide Reliant swivel bars1079810 Reliant low base replacement kit (manual) 1088911 Reliant sling holder bag (four-pack)RLS6 Reliant digital scaleInvacare® Reliant™ 450 Hydraulic Lift Features Model # RHL450-1Pump mechanism allows transfers of up to 450 lb. with minimal effortComfortable handle placement for ease of useWide base for maximum stabilityLow maintenanceLimited warranty includes three years on lift, one year on pump4.5" Under bed clearance Invacare® Reliant™ 450 Battery-Powered Lift with Low Base FeaturesModel # RPL450-1Removable battery easily charges overnight on wall-mounted charging stationEquipped with a quiet, long-life motorWide lift range for easier transferWide base for maximum stability4.5" Under bed clearanceLimited warranty includes three years on lift, one year on battery150-300 lifts per charge*Invacare® Reliant™ 450 Power Lift with Power Opening Low Base Features Model # RPL450-2Removable battery easily charges overnight on wall-mounted charging station Equipped with a quiet, long-life motorWide lift range for easier transferWide base for maximum stability4.5" Under bed clearanceLimited warranty includes three years on lift, one year on battery150-300 lifts per charge*RPL450-1: Battery PoweredRHL450-1: HydraulicRPL450-2: Powered with Power Opening BaseModel # Height Base Casters Weight Weight Capacity Low Battery Emergency At Sling Hook Up Dimensions Alarm Controls RHL450-1 25"-71" 4.5"H Clearance 3" Front 93 lb. 450 lb. N/A N/A41"W Open 5" Rear26.5"W Closed48"LRPL450-1 24"-74" 4.5"H Clearance 3" Front 106 lb. 450 lb. Audio Stop and41"W Open 5" Rear Down26.5"W Closed48"LRPL450-2 24"-74" 4.5"H Clearance 3" Front 109 lb. 450 lb. Audio Stop and41"W Open 5" Rear Down26.5"W Closed48"LBattery Charge Charger Charger LimitedTime Input Output WarrantyRHL450-1 N/A N/A N/A 3 Years Lift1 Year PumpRPL450-1 2-24V DC 6 hours 100-240V AC 29.5V DC 3 Years LiftRechargeable 1 Year ElectronicsRPL450-2 2-24V DC 6 hours 100-240V AC 29.5V DC 3 Years LiftComplete instructions for lift usage and sling procedures are found in the Invacare Operating Manual.Only Invacare slings and accessories should be used on Invacare lifts.。
technical manual contents
四川宏华石油设备有限公司 HongHua Co., Ltd.ZJ70DBS 钻机技术手册 ZJ70DBS DRILLING RIG TECHNICAL MANUAL C o n t e n t s Vol 0 1. ZJ70DBS 钻机技术手册目录 2. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig Technical manual Contents 3. ZJ70DBS 钻机用户手册 4. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig Operation Manual Vol 1 1. DZ450/10.5-G5底座用户手册 2. DZ450/10.5-G5Substructure Operation Manual 3. JJ450/45-K15井架用户手册 4. Mast JJ450/45-K15 Operation Manual 5. JZ 系列指重表使用说明书 6. JZ Series Weight Indicating System Operation Manual 7. DSJ38YS 型倒绳机使用说明书 8. The Operating Instruction Manual of DSJ38YS Rope Pouring Machine 9. DSJ38YS 型液压双卷筒倒绳机图册 10. Parts Catalogue With Illustration For DSJ38YS Rope Pouring Machine 11. TC450天车用户手册 12. TC450 Crown Block Operation Manual Vol 2 1. 转盘传动装置用户手册 2. Rotary Table Drive Device Operation Manual 3. BS-50-20 型钻机转盘螺伞齿轮箱使用说明书4. BS-50-20 Type Bevel Gearbox Of The Drilling Winch Instruction Manual5. YJ13A12/YJ13A1X3/X4/YJ31E5变频调速异步电动机用户手册6. YJ13A12/YJ13A1X3/X4/YJ31E5 Variable Frequency and Speed Regulating Asynchronous Motor ManualVol 31. JC70DB 绞车用户手册2. JC70DB Draw works Operation Manual3. YJ23F6/F7/F8/YJ31F1/31F2/31E5变频调速异步电动机用户手册4. YJ23F6/F7/F8/YJ31F1/31F2/31E5 Variable Frequency and Speed Regulating Asynchronous Motor Manual5. SEW 工业减速器M/CN 系列操作维护手册6. SEW Gear Units Maintenance Operation Installation7. 博能K 系列使用说明书8. K Series Operating Manual9. ABB 电机安装、运行和维护说明书10. ABB Motors Installation 、Operation and Maintenance Manual11. ZJ70DBS 钻机液压系统用户手册12. Hydraulic System Operation Manual13. YB2隔爆型三相异步电动机使用说明书14. YB2 Series Of Flame-Proof Low-Voltage Three-Phase Asynchronous Motors Instruction On OperationVol 41. ZJ70DBS 钻机气控系统用户手册2. ZJ70DBS Pneumatic Control System Operation Manual3. 固定式螺杆压缩机操作手册4. LS12 Stationary Screw Compressor Operation & Maintenance Manual5. 固定式螺杆压缩机零件手册6. LS12 Stationary Screw Compressor Parts List7. SRC-240冷干机用户手册8. SRC-240 Refrigeration Dryer User Manual9. ZJ70DBS 发电房用户手册10. ZJ70DBS Generator House Operation ManualVol 51. 3NB-1600F 泥浆泵组用户手册2. 3NB-1600F Mud Pump Set Operation Manual3. ZJ70DBS 固控系统用户手册4. Solids Control System Operation Manual5. XBSY 砂泵安装使用说明书6. XBSY Sand Pump Installation And Operation Instruction7. XBSY 喷淋泵安装使用说明书8. XBSY Spraying Pump Directions For Installation And Operation9. LSB2×3 型供液泵安装使用说明书 10. Model LSB2X3 Solution Feed Pump Instruction For Installation And Operation 11. YJ23F6/F7/F8/YJ31F1/31F2/31E5变频调速异步电动机用户手册 12. YJ23F6/F7/F8/YJ31F1/31F2/31E5 Variable Frequency and Speed Regulating Asynchronous Motor Manual 13. 隔爆型三相异步电动机使用说明书 14. Flameproof Three Phase Induction Motors Operation Instruction 15. ZHP150 混合漏斗安装使用说明书 16. Amalgamate Hopper Directions For Installation And Operation 17. 剪切泵安装使用说明书 18. Shear Pump Directions For Installation & Operation 19. ZG17-53S 钻井液管汇用户手册 20. Drilling Fluid Circulating Manifold Operation Manua l Vol 61. CY-Y 系列油泵电机组使用说明书2. Model CY-Y Series Oil Pump Electric Motor Set User Manual3. 齿轮式输油泵使用说明书4. Gear Type Oil Pump Operation instruction5. QJ5系列气动绞车使用说明书6. QJ5 Series Of Air Winch Operation Manual7. QJ0.5系列气动绞车使用说明书8. QJ0.5 Series Of Air Winch Operation Manual9. 液压绞车使用说明书 10. UPHW Series Hydraulic Winches Operation Manual 11. JC –FL 油冷却器说明书 12. JC-FL Oil Cooler Specification 13. 液压套管扶正台使用说明书14. Hydraulic Casing Stabilizer Board Operation Manual 15. YM-16液压猫头使用说明书 16. YM-16 Hydraulic Cat head Operation Manual 17. DZ400/500/600型防喷器移动系统使用说明书 18. DZ400/500/600 BOP Handing System Operation Manual 19. AH5攀升保护器使用说明书 20. Instructions To The Use Of The Climbing Protector 21. 钻井井架工逃生装置安装使用说明书 22. The Technique Which Mskes Life Safe Instructions for UseVol 7-11. ACS800 多传动安全须知2. ACS800多传动模块柜体装配指导3. ACS800多传动电气安装指导4. 二极管供电ACS800-307和ACS800-507 用户手册5. ACS800-107 逆变单元硬件手册6. ACS600/ACS800系统应用固件手册7.XVol 7-21. Safety Instructions For ACS800 Multidrive And Modules2. Planning The Electrical Installation User Manual3. ACS800-107 Cabinet Built Inverter Units User Manual4. ACS800-307&ACS800-507 Cabinet Installed DSU User Manual5. ACS600/ ACS800System Application Program7.X User Manual6. ACS800 Multidrive Modules Planning Cabinet Installation User ManualVol 81. VFD 房电气设备使用说明书2. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig VFD House Electrical Equipment Operation Manual3. MCC 模块电气设备使用说明书4. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig MCC Electrical System Operation Manual5. ZJ70DBS 钻机空调设备电气设备使用说明书6. Operation Guide Of Air Conditioning System Of ZJ70DBS Rig7. ZJ70DBS 钻机PLC 控制系统使用说明书8. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig PLC Control System Operation Manual9. 钻机数据监控及存储查询系统说明手册10. Operation Guide Of Monitoring Program For ZJ70DBS Rig11. 钻机照明系统电气设备使用说明书12. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig Lighting System Operation Manual13. 钻机视频系统电气设备使用说明书14. Operation Guide Of Video System For 2000HP Land Rig15. ZJ70DBS 钻机电话系统使用说明书16. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig Telephone System Operation Manual17. 钻机电气设备连锁使用说明书18. Operation Guide Of Electrical Interlocking Of ZJ70DBS Rig1. 钻机钻台和井架电气设备使用说明书2. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig Electrical Equipments On Drill Floor And DerrickOperation Manua l3. 钻机转盘驱动电气设备使用说明书4. RT Electrical-Drive Equipments Of ZJ70DBS Rig Operation Guide5. 钻机绞车驱动电气设备使用说明书6. Operation Guide Of Electrical Drive Devices Of ZJ70DBS Rig7. ZJ70DBS 钻机综合液压站电气设备使用说明书8. Operation Guide Of The Electrical Devices On Integrated HPU Of ZJ70DBS Rig9. ZJ70DBS 钻机泥浆泵驱动电气设备使用说明书10. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig Electrical Equipments For Driving Mud Pump Operation Manual11. 钻机泥浆循环系统电气设备使用说明书12. Electrical Equipments Of Mud Circulating System For ZJ70DBS Rig Operation Guide13. ZJ70DBS 钻机空压机设备使用说明书14. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig Air Compressor Operation Manual15. ZJ70DBS 钻机司钻房电气设备使用说明书16. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig Driller ′s Cabin Operation Manual17. 钻机司钻房HMI 操作系统说明手册18. HMI System Of ZJ70DBS Rig Operation Guide19. 钻机气体探测系统说明书20. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig Gas Detection System Operation ManualVol 101. ACS800 Multi Drive2. ACS800-01/U1传动单元硬件手册3. ACS 800-01(0.55 to 200kW)/U1 (0.75 to 200HP) Drives Hardware Manual4. ABB 传动RTAC-01脉冲编码器接口模块用户手册5. ABB Drives RTAC-01 Pulse Encoder Interface Module User's Manual6. ABB 传动NPBA-12 PROFIBUS 适配器模块安装启动指南7. ABB Drives NPBA-12 PROFIBUS Adapter Module Installation and Start-up Guide8. ACS 600 NBRA-6XX 制动斩波器安装启动指南9. ACS 600 Installation and Start-up GuideNBRA-6XX Braking Choppers1. FCB 彩色摄像机使用说明书2. SONY Module Inside Color Video Camera Operating Instructions3. E-ME-AC 型欧板式电子放大器使用说明书4. Electronic Drivers Type E-ME-AC User Manual5. MP377人机界面说明书6. SIMENS HMI Device MP377 WinCC Flexible Operating Instructions7. A-B (6181P ,6181F )集成显示电脑安装说明书8. Catalog Number (s) 6181P ,6181FVersaView Integrated Display Computers Installation Instructions9. KYB18系列压力/绝压变送器产品使用说明书10. The User's Application Manual KYB18-Series Pressure / Absolute-Pressure Transmitter 11. 树脂绝缘干式变压器安装使用说明书 12. Cast resin dry-type power transformers installation ,operation & maintenance manual 13. MT 低压产品用户手册 14. MASTERPACT MT Low Voltage Products User Manual 15. 控制单元2.0A,5.0A,6.0A 和7.0A 低压产品用户手册 16. MASTERPACT Control Units 2.0A, 5.0A, 6.0A and 7.0A Low Voltage Products User Manual17. HS45 增量式光电编码器手册18. HS45 Incremental Optical Encoder Specifications19. 爱克赛UPS 使用说明书20. POWERWARE 9120 User Guide1. YTJ-A 防爆监视器使用说明书2. YTJ-15 Explosion-Proof Monitor Use Manua l3. YTY 系列防爆电动云台使用说明书4. YTY-A13DI Explosion-Proof Dynamoelectric PTZ Use Manual5. YTS-A 系列防爆摄像仪使用说明书6. YTS-A11 Explosion-Proof Camera Protect Cover Use Manual7. Woodward SPM-A 同步器安装和操作手册8. SPM-A Synchronizer Installation And Operation Manual9. Woodward 2301A 电子负载分配和速度控制装置安装使用说明书10. 2301A Electronic Load Sharing and Speed Controls Installation and Operation Manual11. 过滤器和减压阀:LFR-1/2-D-MIDI-A 使用说明12. Operating Instructions for filter and decompress valve For LFR/LR/LFM/LFX…13. FESTO 可调压力开关PEV-1/4-B(OD) 安装操作说明14. Operating Instructions for FESTO Series adjustable pressure switch for PEV-1/4-B(OD)15. SITOP 电源:6EP1353-2BA00 使用说明书16. Operating instructions for SITOP Power17. 西门子SITOP 电源使用说明书18. Operating instructions for SITOP Smart 205A/5A/10A19. SDET-22T …型压力传感器操作说明20. Operating Instructions For Pressure Sensors Type SDET-22T…21. DJY 系列绝缘监控仪说明书22. DJY Series Insulation Monitor Applicable For Insulation Monitoring Of Any Current Below Than 1800V23. 交流JWS-6宽温型温湿度变送器使用说明书24. Model JWSK-6 Series Rigorous IndustryTemperature & Humidity Transmitter User Manual1. BDKN 系列防爆电加热器使用说明书2. Type Fan Heater BDKN-Serial Explosion-Proof Electric Heating Operation Instruction3. BBJ 防爆声光报警器使用说明书4. BBJ Series Explosion-Proof Audio & Visual Caution Spotlight Fitting5. HWBK 系列无主机防爆扩音对讲电话机使用说明书6. HWBK Series EX-Proof Public Address Intercomunication Tel of No Master Operation Manua l7. 光电感烟火灾报警器说明书8. Battery Power Photoelectric Smoke Alarm Instructions9. 开关柜用漏电保护继电器说明书10. Residual Current Relay For Switchboards Instructions11. XMZ-J 系列万能输入巡回检测仪表使用说明书12. The XMZ-J Series Temperature Patrol Measure Meter Of Manual13. 同步表使用说明书14. Operation Manual For Synchronoscope Meter15. 频率表使用说明书16. Frequency Meter Operating Manual17. 交直流电流电压表使用说明书18. AC And DC Ammeter And Voltmeter Operating Manual19. 制动电阻使用维修手册20. User Manual For Maintenance And Repair Of Braking Resistor21. 本安型安全隔离栅使用说明书22. BEI Intrinsic Safety Barrier For Hazardous Areas23. NPEXA-C3P 检测端隔离式安全栅使用说明书24. Instructions for isolated safety barrier NPEXA-C3P25. EX 防爆空调安装使用说明书26. EX Explosion-Proof Air Conditioner Instruction Of Installation And Operation27. 奥克斯风管送风式空调(热泵)机组安装操作维护手册28. Odyssey Air Cooled Split System Unit 50HZ Installation Operation Maintenance29. 暗藏天花式分体空调机安装使用维护手册30. Concealed Ceiling Split System Unit MCD/MWD Series 50HZ Installation Operation Maintenance1. BZC53系列防爆操作柱使用说明书2. BZC53 Series Explosion Proof Operating-Pole Operation Instructions3. BZD-600系列航空障碍灯使用说明书4. BZD-600 Explosion -Proof Obstruction Light Installation Instruction5. BQD58系列防爆电磁起动器使用说明书6. BQD58 Series Explosion-Proof Electromagnetic Starter Direction7. BXK56系列隔爆型组合控制装置使用说明书8. BXK56 Series Of Explosion-Proof Combined Controlling Unit Direction9. GBYS 系列防爆防腐全塑荧光灯使用说明书10. GBYS Series Explosion-proof full-plastic fluorescent lights Instructions11. GBYS 系列全塑应急防爆荧光灯使用说明12. GBYS series of full plastic explosion-proof fluorescent emergency instructions13. SSFMV 系列150-400W 不锈钢泛光灯安装和维护使用说明书14. SSFMV Series Stainless Steel HID Floodlight 150-400Watts Installation & Maintenance Instructions15. GBYL 系列应急防爆荧光灯使用说明书16. GBYL Series Emergency Explosion-Proof Fluorescent Lighting Fixture Operation Instruction17. P56N 系列薄膜式/活塞式压力开关使用说明书18. P56 Diaphragm/Piston Pressure Switch Instructions19. 可调整压力开关使用说明书20. Beck The Adjustable Differential Pressure Switches Instructions21. BZX51 系列防爆行程开关使用说明书22. BZX51 Explosion-Proof Travel Switches User Manual23. 增安型e 插头、增安型e 支架式插座使用说明书24. Increased Security Plug 、Increased Security Bracket Receptacle Instruction For Use25. WH 系列防爆电缆接头、DY 系列隔爆型引入装置使用说明书26. Cable Gland Of Series WH 、Cable Gland Of Series DY Instructions27. CZ0201系列防爆开关模块使用说明书28. CZ0201 series Explosion-proof switch module Operating instructions29. CZ0202系列防爆开关模块使用说明书30. CZ0202 series Explosion-proof signal lamp Operating instructions31. 魏德米勒防爆接线箱安装与维护说明32. Weidmuller Junction box Installation & Maintenance Instructions33. 16YT/GZ 、YZ 无火花型防爆多芯电连接器使用说明书34. 16YT/GZ 、YZ Series Of non-spark Multi-Contact Connector Operating instruction Manual35. 15A-200AYT/GZ/YZ 防爆电连接器产品使用说明36. 15A-200AYT/GZ/YZ Series Of non-spark Electric Connectors Operating instruction Manual1. 57 系列气体探测控制系统操作手册2. 5704 Control System Sieger System 57 Operating Instructions3. 固定式气体探测器操作手册4. Sensepoint XCD Gas Detector Technical Manual5. Impulse-XP 便携式气体探测器操作手册6. Personal Gas Monitor of Neotronics Impulse-XP Operating Manual7. 诺斯个人防护产品操作和维护指导手册8. Personal Protective Equipment Operating and Maintenance Instruction Manual9. Impulse-XP 系列便携式气体监视仪操作指导手册10. Personal Gas Monitor of Neotronics Impulse-XP Series Operating Manual。
YC-450 游动滑车 使 用 说 明 书 AB60000-00 SM2003年 5 月AB60000-00.SM YC-450游动滑车使用说明书共3 页 第1页目 录一、用途 (2)二、技术规范 (2)三、结构说明 (2)四、使用、维护与保养 (3)五、运输和贮存 (4)六、轴承一览表 (4)七、附图 (5)图一、YC-450游动滑车总装图 (5)图二、轴承与滑轮轴的安装图 (6)编 制标准化标记 处数 更改文件号 签 字 日 期 审 核(日期)批 准 (日期)一、用途游动滑车是钻机起升系统的组成部分。
二、技术规范1. 型号 YC-4502. 最大钩载 4500kN (500tons)3. 滑轮数 64. 滑轮外径φ1524mm (60″)5. 钢丝绳直径38mm (11/2″)6. 外形尺寸(长×宽×高) 3110×1600×840 (mm)7. 理论重量 8740kg (19269lbs)三、结构说明YC-450游动滑车(见图一)主要是由吊梁(1)、滑轮(6)、滑轮轴(7)、左侧板组(3)、右侧板组(8)、侧护板(2)、提环(9)、提环销(10)等组成。
按照本说明书的操作规程使用吊秤!否则可能造成 人员伤害和设备损坏! 2. 本产品属计量设备,应按说明书要求进行使用检查 和定期安全检查!同时强烈建议定期到当地的技术 监督部门进行计量、安全检查!
警告 请专业人员调试、检测和维修秤体电器及仪表!
5.1 鱼背式传感器.................................................................................................................... 6 5.2 轨道式传感器.................................................................................................................... 6 6 仪表的技术指标及功能............................................................................................................... 7 6.1 主要技术指标.................................................................................................................... 7 6.2 主要功能 ........................................................................................................................... 7 7 使用准备 ...................................................................................................................................... 8 7.1 开箱检查 ............................................................................................................................ 8 7.2 电源准备 ............................................................................................................................ 8 7.3 安装秤体 ............................................................................................................................ 8 7.4 检定 .................................................................................................................................... 8 7.5 校正(标定).......................................................................................................................... 8 8 操作 .............................................................................................................................................. 9 8.1 开机............................................................................................................................ 11 8.2 基本操作.................................................................................................................... 11 8.3 汉字输入方法............................................................................................................ 12 8.4 基本称重功能............................................................................................................ 13 8.5 F1~F4 功能 .............................................................................................................. 13 8.6 数据存储、打印功能................................................................................................ 14 8.7 数据汇总功能............................................................................................................ 14 8.8 时间、日期设置........................................................................................................ 15 8.9 预置点值设置............................................................................................................ 16 8.10 参数设置.................................................................................................................... 17 9 系统的安装................................................................................................................................. 19 9.1 滑轮式天车秤安装.......................................................................................................... 19 9.2 轨道式天车秤安装.......................................................................................................... 20 10 检 定 ........................................................................................................................................ 20 11 系统操作................................................................................................................................... 21 12 日常检查与维护....................................................................................................................... 21 13、天车常用备品备件清单......................................................................................................... 22 附表 1:工厂缺省参数表.............................................................................................................. 23 附表 2:天车秤定期安全检查及维护记录表................................................................................. 24
林肯电力(Lincoln Electric)MAGNUM TM 450WC 操作手册说明书
MAGNUM TM450WCMANUALIM541-AJune, 1998Safety Depends on YouLincoln arc welding and cutting equipment is designed and built with safety in mind. However, your overall safety can be increased by proper installation ... and thought-ful operation on your part.DO NOT INSTALL, OPERATE OR REPAIR THIS EQUIPMENT WITHOUT READING THIS MANUAL AND THE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS CONTAINED THROUGHOUT.And, most importantly, think before you actand be careful.Fast-Mate ™Water-Cooled Gun and Cable AssemblyWorld's Leader in Welding and Cutting ProductsPremier Manufacturer of Industrial MotorsMar ‘95Mar. ‘93vvThank You for selecting a QUALITY product by Lincoln Electric.We want you to take pride in operating this LincolnElectric Company product ••• as much pride as wehave in bringing this product to you! ArrayRead this Operators Manual completely before attempting to use this equipment. Save this manual and keep it handy for quick reference. Pay particular attention to the safety instructions we have provided for your protection.The level of seriousness to be applied to each is explained below:GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe Magnum™450WC Water Cooled Gun is rated at 450 amperes 100% duty cycle using carbon dioxide shield-ing gas and cooled with water at a flow rate of .58 gallons per minute (2.2 liters per minute). It is also rated 400 amperes 100% duty cycle with mixed argon shielding gases. There are several models of guns designed for gas metal arc welding (GMAW) with .035-1/16 (.9mm-1.6mm) solid electrodes and flux cored arc welding (F CAW) with .045-5/64 (1.2 mm-2.0mm) cored electrodes. The gun tube angle is as shown in the table below and the gun has a Fast-Mate™wire feeder end connector. Two 10 ft. (3.5 M) guns with a 45 degree gun tube angle are avail-able for feeding .035-1/16 (.9mm-1.6mm) aluminum electrode. Optional liners are available for feeding aluminum electrode with the 60 degree guns. See ACESSORIES section for details.TABLE A.1 – MAGNUM™450WC AT 100% DUTY CYCLE WITH CO2GAS** May also be used with mixed argon shielding gases at 400 ampers 100% Duty Cycle.ADAPTER FOR QUICK CONNECTION TO EXTERNAL CGA WATER FITTING.A KP1529-1adapter was designed to connect the quick connecting fitting on the water cooled gun water hoses to a Compressed Gas Association (CGA) 032 left hand male connection. Two adapters are included in each kit.EXPENDABLE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR MAGNUM™450WC GUN & CABLE ASSEMBLIES*Joint compound is required for assembly of these parts.Gun Tube Replaceable Partsa.The neck insulation disk should be periodicallyexamined for wear. To replace the neck insula-tion disk, remove the diffuser and pull off theneck insulation disk. Although the neck insula-tion disk does not have a thread, it can beunscrewed from the gun tube. Refer to F igureE.1.b.The nozzle holder can be replaced if the threadsare damaged. Remove the diffuser and guntube insulation (refer to a. and F igure E.1).Unscrew the fixing nut and pull the nozzle hold-er off the gun tube assembly. Be careful to notdrop the ceramic that may come off with thenozzle holder. Examine the insulation cone andreplace if damaged. Coat the inside diameterand the outside diameter of the ceramic withDOW CORNING 340 joint compound (Lincolnpart T12837) and place them on the gun tube.Place the new nozzle holder over the ceramicand tighten in place with the fixing nut. Replacethe gun tube insulation and the diffuser.REMOVAL,INSTALLATION AND TRIMMING INSTRUCTIONS FOR LINERS FITTING A HARD WIRE LINER FOR FEEDING SOLID AND CORED STEEL ELECTRODEREMOVAL,INSTALLATION AND TRIMMING INSTRUCTIONS FOR LINERS FITTING A SOFT LINER FOR FEEDING ALUMINUM ELECTRODEThis Troubleshooting Guide is provided to help you locate and repair possible machine malfunctions. Simply follow the three-step procedure listed below.Step 1.LOCATE PROBLEM (SYMPTOM).Look under the column labeled “PROBLEM (SYMPTOMS)”. This column describes possible symptoms that the machine may exhibit. Find the listing that best describes the symptom that the machine is exhibiting.Step 2.POSSIBLE CAUSE.The second column labeled “POSSIBLE CAUSE” lists the obvious external possibili-ties that may contribute to the machine symptom.Step 3.RECOMMENDED COURSE OF ACTIONThis column provides a course of action for the Possible Cause.If you do not understand or are unable to perform the Recommended Course of Action safely, contact you local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility.Now Available...12th EditionThe Procedure Handbook of Arc WeldingWith over 500,000 copies of previous editions published since 1933, the Procedure Handbook is considered by many to be the “Bible” of the arc welding industry.This printing will go fast so don’t delay. Place your order now using the coupon below.The hardbound book contains over 750 pages of welding information, techniques and procedures. Much of this material has never been included in any other book.A must for all welders, supervisors, engineers and designers. Many welding instructors will want to use the book as a reference for all students by taking advantage of the low quantity discount prices which include shipping by 4th class parcel post.$15.00postage paid U.S.A. MainlandHow To Read Shop DrawingsThe book contains the latest information and application data on the American Welding Society Standard Welding Symbols. Detailed discussion tells how engineers and draftsmen use the “short-cut” language of symbols to pass on assembly and welding information to shop personnel.Practical exercises and examples develop the reader’s ability to visualize mechanically drawn objects as they will appear in their assembled form.187 pages with more than 100 illustrations. Size 8-1/2” x 11”Durable, cloth-covered board binding.$4.50postage paid U.S.A. MainlandNew Lessons in Arc WeldingLessons, simply written, cover manipulatory techniques;machine and electrode characteristics; related subjects,such as distortion; and supplemental information on arc welding applications, speeds and costs. Practice materials,exercises, questions and answers are suggested for each lesson.528 pages, well illustrated, 6” x 9” size, bound in simulated,gold embossed leather.$5.00postage paid U.S.A. MainlandNeed Welding Training?The Lincoln Electric Company operates the oldest and most respected Arc Welding School in the United States at its corporate headquarters in Cleveland, Ohio. Over 100,000stu-dents have graduated. Tuition is low and the training is “hands on”For details write:Lincoln Welding School 22801 St. Clair Ave.Cleveland, Ohio 44117-1199.and ask for bulletin ED-80 or call 216-383-2259 and ask for the Welding School Registrar.Lincoln Welding SchoolBASIC COURSE $700.005 weeks of fundamentalsThere is a 10%discount on all orders of $50.00 or more for shipment at one time to one location.Orders of $50 or less before discount or orders outside of North America must be prepaid with charge, check or money order in U.S. Funds Only.Prices include shipment by 4th Class Book Rate for U.S.A. Mainland Only.Please allow up to 4 weeks for delivery.UPS Shipping for North America Only.All prepaid orders that request UPS shipment please add:$5.00For order value up to $49.99$10.00For order value between $50.00 & $99.99$15.00For order value between $100.00 & $149.00For North America invoiced orders over $50.00 & credit card orders, if UPS is requested, it will be invoiced or charged to you at cost.Outside U.S.A. Mainland order must be prepaid in U.S. Funds. Please add $2.00 per book for surface mail or $15.00 per book for air parcel post shipment.METHOD OF PAYMENT:(Sorry, No C.O.D. Orders)CHECK ONE:Name:_______________________________________________Please Invoice (only if order is over $50.00)Address:_______________________________________________Check or Money Order Enclosed, U.S. Funds only _______________________________________________Credit Card - Telephone:_______________________________________________Signature as it appears on Charge Card:Account No.Exp Date|_|_||_|_|______________________Month YearUSE THIS FORM TO ORDER:Order from:BOOK DIVISION, The Lincoln Electric Company, 22801 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44117-1199BOOKS OR FREE INFORMATIVE CATALOGS Telephone: 216-383-2211 or, for fastest service, FAX this completed form to: 216-361-5901.Lincoln Welding School Titles:Price Code QuantityCost(ED-80)New Lessons in Arc Welding $5.00L Seminar Information Procedure Handbook “Twelfth Edition”$15.00PH (ED-45)How to Read Shop Drawings $4.50H Educational Video Information Incentive Management $5.00IM (ED-93) A New Approach to Industrial Economics $5.00NA James F. Lincoln Arc Welding The American Century of John C. Lincoln $5.00AC Foundation Book Information Welding Preheat Calculator $3.00WC-8(JFLF-515)Pipe Welding Charts $4.50ED-89JapaneseChineseKoreanArabicREAD AND UNDERSTAND THE MANUFACTURER’S INSTRUCTION FOR THIS EQUIPMENT AND THE CONSUMABLES TO BE USED AND FOLLOW YOUR EMPLOYER’S SAFETY PRACTICES.SE RECOMIENDA LEER Y ENTENDER LAS INSTRUCCIONES DEL FABRICANTE PARA EL USO DE ESTE EQUIPO Y LOS CONSUMIBLES QUE VA A UTILIZAR, SIGA LAS MEDIDAS DE SEGURIDAD DE SU SUPERVISOR.LISEZ ET COMPRENEZ LES INSTRUCTIONS DU FABRICANT EN CE QUI REGARDE CET EQUIPMENT ET LES PRODUITS A ETRE EMPLOYES ET SUIVEZ LES PROCEDURES DE SECURITE DE VOTRE EMPLOYEUR.LESEN SIE UND BEFOLGEN SIE DIE BETRIEBSANLEITUNG DER ANLAGE UND DEN ELEKTRODENEINSATZ DES HER-STELLERS. DIE UNFALLVERHÜTUNGSVORSCHRIFTEN DES ARBEITGEBERS SIND EBENFALLS ZU BEACHTEN.JapaneseChineseKoreanArabicLEIA E COMPREENDA AS INSTRUÇÕES DO FABRICANTE PARA ESTE EQUIPAMENTO E AS PARTES DE USO, E SIGA AS PRÁTICAS DE SEGURANÇA DO EMPREGADOR.。
SQ1、SQ2为小车前后限位开关,SQ3、SQ4为大车左右限位开关,SQa 、SQb为主、副钩超高限位开关, SQc为楼梯安全开关,SQe 为天桥门安全开关,SQd为司机室门安全开关,SA为紧急停止开关。
1、大车电路工作准备合上电源开关QF1线路通入电源,合上紧急开关SA,在所有凸轮控制器及主令控制器均在“0”位,司机室门、楼梯门、天桥门均关好,相应的安全开关SQc 、SQe、SQd均闭合,所有的过电流继电器均未动作的情况下,按下启动按钮SB,接触器KM线圈得电吸合,并通过联锁触点SA3—5与SQ4或SA3—6与SQ3组成自锁电路。
若限位开关被压切断自锁电路, KM 失电使电动机停止转动,此时应使大车向相反的方向运动,则必须先将大车凸轮控制器SA3手柄回到“0”位,才能使KM线圈重新通电吸合。
Invacare Reliant 450 搬运器和扶持席说明书
Invacare ®Hydraulic LiftModel no.RHA450-1•Pump mechanism allows transfers of up to 450 lb.with minimal effort •Wide base for maximum stability•Comfortable handle placement for ease of use •Low maintenance•Warranty includes three years on lift,one year on pumpInvacare ®Low-Profile Lift BasesModel no.RHL450-1HydraulicModel no.RPL450-1Battery-powered• 4.5" under-bed clearance improves accessibility •Available on hydraulic or battery-powered modelsThe Invacare ®line of Reliant lifts was conceived to prevent caregiver back injury and to ensure dignity in patient handling.These high quality lifts are comfortable,reliable and an integral tool for staff and ing thelift for patient handling reduces staff injuries,saving you money and reinforcing safety as a priority in your health care facility.Invacare Reliant lifts support up to 450 pounds,making potentially challenging transfers smooth for resident and caregiver.The high lift range allows easy access to tubs,chairs,commodes,floors and beds (with at least 4.5" under-bed clearance).Along with functional and innovative lifts,Invacare also offers facility assessment plans to further aid in your safety management program.Our all-encompassing lift system also includes in-service training,videos and an ergonomic safety plan.Our goal is to partner with you in lowering costs and protecting your staff from injury.The sturdy and practical design of Reliant lifts provides the solution you need for success in your quest to provide safe and effective health care.Ask us about our injury prevention program for your long-term care customers.Invacare ®Battery-Powered LiftModel no.RPA450-1•Removable battery easily charges overnight on wall-mounted charging station •Wide lift range for easier transfer •Equipped with a quiet,long-life motor •Wide base for maximum stability•Warranty includes three years on lift,one year on batteryAvailable Parts Kits for LiftsDescriptionPart no.Reliant touch-up paint1075222Reliant replacement batteries 1078276Reliant swivel bar kit1068992Extra-wide Reliant swivel bar only 1075644Reliant low base replacement kit 1079810Reliant high base replacement kit 1079811Reliant sling holder bag (4-pack)1088911Reliant training video:Lifting with Ease1090823Lift SpecificationsHydraulic Power Hydraulic PowerAdjustable Adjustable Low Base Low BaseRHA450-1RPA450-1RHL450-1RPL450-1 DimensionsHeightBoom height at maximum(at sling hookup)73"76"71"74"Boom height at minimum27"26"25"24"Base height (clearance) 6.8" 6.8" 4.5" 4.5"Base widthOpen41"41"41"41"Closed26.5"26.5"26.5"26.5"Base length48"48"48"48"CastersFront5"5"3"3"Rear5"5"5"5" Weight capacity450 lb.450 lb.450 lb.450 lb. Product weightOut-of-carton shipping93 lb.106 lb.93 lb.106 lb. Removable battery packOne 24-voltrechargeable sealed X XCharger output 24-volt DC X XAudible “low battery” alarm X XLifts per charge:150-300*X X*Varies with lift range and load.Complete instructions for lift usage and sling procedures are found in the Invacare Operating Manual.Only genuine Invacare slings and accessories should be used on Invacare lifts.Battery-Powered and Hydraulic Lifts•Height range allows lifting from floor and high surfaces•Low friction casters significantly improve rollability andcontributes to caregiver safety•Removable battery pack eliminates downtime and simplifiesthe charging process•Manual lowering for instant response to power loss•Safety-tested with mark for highest quality standards•Electronic system includes two 24-volt batteries:one for lift,one for battery-charging station;a manual emergency loweringdevice;and anti-entrapment if boom meets any resistancewhile lowering•Base legs adjust easily and lock securely into open positionwith the padded shifter handle•Multi-grip push handle is angled to minimize wrist strain•T otal pinch-point protection covers all moving parts foradded safety•Padded swivel bar with 360°rotation and six-point hookupallows use of Invacare chain-free slings as well as older styleslings with chains or straps•Attractive neutral design blends well into any environment•Covered base provides protection against wear,dirtand moisture•Manufactured in an ISO9001 facilityCharging Station•One 24-volt battery onmast with quick release•Battery can be replacedimmediately with secondbattery in approved,wall-mounted charger•UL listed and CSA certifiedHand Pendant•Ergonomic control withheavy-duty cord•Convenient pendant hookallows attachment and storageon multiple areas of liftManual LoweringEssential Safety Feature•Manual emergencylowering feature gentlyand safely lowers patientsin case of total power loss•Manual lowering is easy andeffortless with an accessiblering-pullRear LockingBrakes•Locking feature on 5" rearcasters is standard on allbattery-powered lift models•Design provides 6" ofadditional lift range andretrofits on all Reliant450/600 lifts.Model no.9805 requires Reliantswivel barInvacare®Digital ScalesModel no.9833A Model no.RSC600•Compact precision scalemounted on swivel baraccurately measures weightsup to 450 lb.•Bracket can be purchasedseparatelyElectronics•Removable battery boxis conveniently locatedon mast;it features anemergency off button andbeeps when battery needsto be recharged.Needsone 24-volt battery•Quick-release batteryeliminates downtime•Anti-entrapment featurestops motion if boom meetsresistance while lowering•Heavy-duty hand pendantand cordElectronics•Removable battery box is conveniently located on mast;it features an emergency off button and recharge indicator*•Quick-release battery eliminates downtime •Anti-entrapment feature stops motion if boom meets resistance while lowering •Heavy-duty hand pendant and cord•Includes two batteries and a recharging station*With audible recharge alarm.Model no.R130 Standing SlingModel no.R134 T ransport Slingaddition to your safety-management system.FEA TURES•Innovative adjustment features adapt to a wide variety of body sizes and shapes.That means comfort at any height,width and weight range up to 350 lb.•Low friction casters significantly improve rollability and contributes to caregiver safety•Multifunction slings allow for quick toileting,stand assist or full-support seated transfer•New,adjustable pivoting leg support features a soft pad with lateral contour that secures legs in three positions for comfort at any height •Wide,non-slip footplate provides stable base for transfer •Under-bed clearance of 4.5" allows accessibility to most nursing home,hospital and home care bed styles •Removable battery eliminates downtime•Ergonomic features make it ideal for toilet transfers,as well as for dependent and rehabilitation purposes •Features include fast,simple sling attachment that protects against accidental disengagement;wide push handle;good access for clothing removal;and comfortable slings withextended back support that prevents pressure in the axilla area •Adjustable leg strap option secures leg against knee pad for optimum positioning on footplate•Warranty includes three years on lift,one year on motor •Manufactured in an ISO9001 facilityComplete instructions for lift usage and sling procedures are found in the InvacareOperating Manual.Only genuine Invacare slings and accessories should be used on Invacare lifts.Shown with R134 T ransport Sling.Invacare®Digital ScaleModel no.RSC600•Compact precision scale mounted on swivel bar accurately measures weights up to 600 lb.•Provides wide lift range and retrofits on all Reliant 450/600 lifts.Model no.9805 requires Reliant swivel bar.Sling SpecificationsR140 R141 DimensionsWidth45"45"Commodeopening n/a7"Length55"55"Commodeopening n/a13" Product weightOut of carton 2.2 lb. 2.1 lb.Shipping 2.7 lb. 2.6 lb. Weight capacity600 lb.600 lb. Lift Specifications DimensionsHeightMaximum at sling hookup70"Minimum at sling hookup29.5"Base height (clearance) 6.8"Base widthOpen41"Closed26.5"Base length48"CastersFront 5"Rear 5" Weight capacity600 lb. Product weightOut of carton112 lb.Shipping138 lb.Model no.R140 Mesh Sling Model no.R141 Mesh Slingwith Commode Opening Complete instructions for lift usage and sling procedures are found in the Invacare Operating Manual.Only genuine Invacare slings and accessories should be used on Invacare lifts.Invacare®Reliant 600 Heavy-Duty LiftModel no.RPA600-1Designed to meet the special needs of your patients weighing up to 600 pounds,the Invacare Reliant 600 heavy-duty lift is secure and sturdy,providing a safe alternative to manual lifting.Both durable and functional,the Reliant 600 is also a reassuring and comfortable patient lift.When answering the needs of every patient is your priority,this is your wisest choice.FEA TURES•High lift range allows transfer to high surfaces•Low friction casters significantly improve rollability and contributes to caregiver safety •Designed to meet the needs of the growing bariatric population up to 600 lb.•Manual lowering for instant response to power loss•Safety tested with mark for highest quality standards•Essential device for safe patient handling in hospitals and L TC (long-term care) facilities•Unique sling fabric designed to provide the utmost in comfort and strength•Warranty includes three years on lift,one year on electric components•Rear locking casters are standard•Manufactured in an ISO9001 facilityCharging Station•One 24-volt battery on mast withquick release•Battery can be replaced immediatelywith second battery in approved,wall-mounted charger•UL listed and CSA certifiedManual LoweringEssential Safety Feature•Manual emergency lowering featuregently and safely lowers patient in caseof total power loss•Manual lowering is easy and effortlesswith an accessible ring-pullInvacare®ReliantFull-Body Slings with Commode Opening Model nos.R114,R115,R116•Mesh fabric offers full head and neck support•Commode opening for toileting•Four-point hook-up•Available in four sizes:M,L,XL,XXLnvacare®Reliant slings come in a wide array of styles to meet a variety of clientneeds,and,the new,improved overall design makes them all easier than ever toposition.Reliant slings feature a unique,fully padded fabric that forms a soft yetsupportive surface.The soft-brushed lining helps prevent sliding for ultimate comfortand skin protection.And the new stretch-resistant feature means the slings willhold their shape,for superior support and ease of positioning.For clients andcaregivers alike,Invacare Reliant slings are designed with comfort and safety in mind.Invacare®ReliantDivided-Leg Slings with HeadrestModel nos.R100P,R100,R101,R102•New supportive back and contoured headrest are easilyinserted or removed from wheelchair while patient is seated•Excellent for all transfers,especially toileting and bed-to-chair•Three support straps on each side for safety and security•Fully padded•Available in four sizes:P,M,L,XLInvacare®ReliantT oileting Sling with Belt*Model no.R121•Easily removable firm back and contoured headrest•Excellent for all transfers,especially toileting and bed-to-chair•Three support straps on each side for safety and security*T oileting sling allows superb access for hygiene and clothing removal,but patient musthave full head and neck control for proper use of this sling.•Four-point hook-up•Fully padded•Available in four sizes:M,L,XL,XXLIFull-BodyModel no.Fabric /StyleSize R110mesh/full-body M R111mesh/full-body L R112solid/full-body M R113solid/full-bodyL R114mesh/full-body with commode opening M R115mesh/full-body with commode opening L R116mesh/full-body with commode opening XL R117solid/full-bodyXLDivided-LegModel no.Fabric /StyleSize R100P solid/divided-leg with headrest P R100solid/divided-leg with headrest M R101solid/divided-leg with headrest L R102solid/divided-leg with headrestXLT oiletingModel no.Fabric /Style Size R121solid/toiletingLNote:Patients must have full head and neck control for proper use of this sling.Note:Sling size and fit can vary significantly depending on weight and girth.These are general guidelines.Consult physician before sling selection.Washing instructions are on each sling label.Washing temperature should not exceed 120°F .Air-dry or dry at low temperatures.All slings are constructed of polyester/nylon fabrics which can be used in wet or dry environments.Sling Binding ColorsRefer to chart below.Sling SizesColor /Weight ChartP M L XL XXL Navy Purple Green BlueBlackSwivel Bars•Curved sling attachment safety hooks prevent straps from disengaging •Accommodates all slings from webbing to chain-style •Rotates 360°to increase maneuverability •Design eliminates swing and sway •450-lb.or 600-lb.weight capacity•Covered with protective padding (450 lb.) or protective coating (600 lb.)•Accommodates digital scale,Model no.RSC600 (sold separately)•Retrofit kit available for older lift models:Part no.1068992 (can be retrofitted to Model no.9805) Part no.1075644 (can be retrofitted to Reliant 450 lifts only)Sling SpecificationsDivided-legFull-body Full-body w/commode T oileting PM L XL M L XL M L XL L Dimensions Width33"37.5"41"44.5"41.5"45.5"45.5"41.5"45.5"45.5"36"Commode opening n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 8"8"9"n/a Length59.8"62.8"67.8"72.3"54.7"60.5"65.3"54.7"60.5"65.3"37"Commode opening n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 11"11"13"n/a Back29.2"35.7"41.7"43.2"n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Product weight Out of carton 0.9 lb.0.9 lb. 1.0 lb. 1.1 lb.0.6 lb.0.7 lb.0.8 lb.0.6 lb.0.7 lb.0.8 lb.0.9 lb.Shipping1.5 lb.1.5 lb.1.6 lb.1.7 lb.1.2 lb.1.3 lb.1.4 lb.1.2 lb.1.3 lb.1.4 lb.1.5 lb.Complete instructions for lift usage and sling procedures are found in the Invacare Operating Manual.Only genuine Invacare slings and accessories should be used on Invacare lifts.Note:Only Reliant sling models listed below are for use with lift Model nos.9805,Reliant RPA450-1,RPL450-1,RHA450-1 and RHL450-1.Standard Swivel Bar (Part no.1068992)Extra W ide Swivel Bar * (Part no.1075644)*Cannot retrofit to Model no.9805.Note on heavy-duty and stand-up slings:R130 and R134 available for use on RPS350-1 stand-up only.See page 4.R140 and R141 available for use on RPA600-1 heavy-duty lift.See page 5.Standard slings for use with chains or straps.See back cover.Lift SpecificationsDimensions HeightMaximum at sling hookup 64"Minimum at sling hookup20"Base height (clearance) 6.5"Base width Open 42.25"Closed 22"Base length 46.75"Casters Front 5"Rear 5"Weight capacity 450 lb.Product weight Out of carton 68 lb.Shipping85 lb.Standard Slings (require chains or straps)Model no.Fabric/StyleLength Width 9042solid polyester/without commode 40.5"29"9043polyester/commode40.5"29"9043XW polyester/commode,extra large 46.5"41"9046mesh polyester/without commode 40.5"29"9047mesh polyester/commode40.5"29"9047XW mesh polyester/commode,extra large 46.5"41"9047P mesh polyester/commode,petite 32.5"26.5"9045polyester/headrest and commode54.5"29"9049mesh polyester/headrest and commode54.5"29"BaseModel no.9884 Adjustable Base•Completely enclosed cam moves legs of adjustable base;ideal for cleaning and offers obstruction-free operation •Screw-in pin at mast base provides maximum stability and prevents removal of mastHydraulic pump rises from lowest to highest boom height with minimal physical effort.Invacare ®9805 Hydraulic LiftModel no.9805T oo often,manual patient transfers lead to caregiver back injuries.TheInvacare 9805 hydraulic lift was created to make transport situations safe and affordable for everyone involved.With its slim design,the hydraulic lift is versatile enough to use for any and all patient moves.The features of the 9805 include a padded swivel bar and push handle,a 450-pound weight capacity,durable chrome-plated construction and 360°patient rotation without side-to-side sway.Lightweight construction and easy disassembly allow quick transport and setup.Indispensable to patients and caregivers alike,the 9805 offers safety,comfort and stability.Most important,it offers peace of mind,which makes it a valuable asset to your health care facility.FEATURES•Six-point swivel bar attachment easily adapts to all sling styles and positions •Low friction casters significantly improve rollability and contributes to caregiver safety•20"-64" range allows for patient to be picked up from lying position on floor•Pump handle can rotate from side to side for convenience of attendant •Offset mast and boom style provide better lift path,maximizing full travel range•Swivel bar and pump handle are padded for comfort•Elongated handle design serves a broad range of operator heights and offers improved handling ability •Warranty includes three years on lift,one year on hydraulic pumpHeadrestStandard Petite Extra Large。
天车检维修规程1 总则1.1 适用范围本规程适用于TC450系列、TC675系列天车的维护与检修。
1.2 结构简述天车由天车架、主滑轮总成、导向轮总成、捞砂轮总成、辅助滑轮总成、起重架、防碰装置及挡绳架、围栏等部件组成。
1.3 设备性能1.3.1 型号TC450-7大钩钩载4500kN适用钢丝绳直径Φ38mm滑轮外径Φ1524mm导向轮外径Φ1524mm主滑轮数 6 个导向轮数 1 个捞砂轮外径Φ762mm捞砂轮数 1 个捞砂轮适用的钢丝绳直径Φ14.5mm起重架最大载荷49kN辅助滑轮外径Φ400mm辅助滑轮数 4 个辅助滑轮适用的钢丝绳直径Φ19mm外形尺寸(长×宽×高)3410 mm×2753 mm×2938mm理论重量11012kg配套井架型号JJ450/45-K 井架1.3.2 型号TC675-1大钩钩载6750kN适用钢丝绳直径Φ45mm滑轮外径Φ1524mm导向轮外径Φ1524mm主滑轮数7个导向轮数 1 个起重架最大载荷75kN辅助滑轮外径Φ356mm、Φ400mm辅助滑轮数 5 个辅助滑轮适用的钢丝绳直径Φ19mm外形尺寸(长×宽×高)4650 mm×3340 mm×2702mm 理论重量13750kg配套井架型号JJ675/48-K 井架2 完好标准2.1 零部件2.1.1 天车的主体零部件完整齐全。
2.1.2 各部件连接螺栓齐全紧固。
2.1.3 各滑轮转动灵活,无阻滞。
2.1.4 护罩、围栏齐全稳固。
2.1.5 辅助滑轮连接牢靠。
2.1.6 防碰装置、挡绳架安全有效。
2.2 运行性能2.2.1 润滑良好,油路畅通。
2.2.2 轴承温度正常。
2.2.3 运转平稳,无异常振动、杂音等现象。
2.2.4 能达到铭牌标定能力。
2.3 技术资料2.3.1 有装配图、主要零件图、易损配件图。
2.3.2 有使用说明书。
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SERVICE MANUAL TC450-16 CROWN BLOCKYZ101.55.00SMShandong Yuanzheng Petroleum Equipment Co., LtdCONTENTS1 MODEL AND DESCRIPTION (1)2 APPLICATION AND SCOPE OF USE (1)3 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND PARAMETERS (1)4 STRUCTURE AND PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION (1)5 TRANSPORTATION, INSTALLATION, AND PLACINGIN OPERATION ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... (2)6 MAINTENANCE, OVERHAUL & TROUBLE ELIMINA TION (2)7 FIGURES ATTACHED (3)FIGURE 1 GENERAL VIEW OF TC450-16 CROWN BLOCK FIGURE 2 SAND LINE PULLEY ASSEMBL YFIGURE 3 AUXILIARY SHEA VEFIGURE 4 GIN POLE ASSEMBL YFIGURE 5 ROLLERS1 MODEL AND DESCRIPTIONTC450-16 crown block2 APPLICATION AND SCOPE OF USE2.1 Application: The crown block is the stationary piece of the hoisting system of drilling rigs. It is used for making a trip, setting casings, and handling accidents along with the drawworks and the traveling piece of the hoisting system.2.2 Scope of use: The crown block shall be used along with JJ450/45-K9 mast.3 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND PARAMETERSMax. hook load 4500kNNumber of sheaves 7O.D of sheaves φ1524mmO.D of guide sheaves φ1524mmDiameter of wire rope φ38mmO.D of sand line pulley and Dia. of line φ610/14.5mmOverall dimension (L×W×H) 3300×2902×3760mmMatching mast JJ450/45-K9 mastTheoretical weight 10340kg4 STRUCTURE AND PRINCIPLE OF OPERATIONTC 450-16 crown block is composed of the frame, bearing seat, double-row onical-roller bearings, sheaves, auxiliary sheave, gin pole and guardrail.4.1 The frame is made of welded structure. The two longitudinal beams and cross beams are welded of 16Mn plates. The major welds are subjected to magnetic particle examination.4.2The traveling system uses parallel line reeving. The center line of shaft of main cluster makes an angle of 4.3° with the vertical center line of crown frame so that the traveling block is in parallel with the front of mast. The wire rope runs from drawworks through a guide sheave and is led directly to the crown block.4.3 On the top of sheaves is there a rope guard to prevent the wire rope from out of the sheave grooves.4.4The sheave grooves are designed to API Spec 8A. The maximum numbers of line for hoisting system is 6×7 and the diameter of wire rope is φ38mm.4.5A 37961K double-row conical-roller bearing is mounted between each main sheave and guide sheave. It can ensure that the sheaves run freely & smoothly and withstand the axial stress. Each bearing has its lubrication channel to ensure that the bearing is adequately lubricated and the sheaves run freely.4.6 Connect the crown block to the mast by twoφ40 pins and then fasten it on the mast with 12 M30 bolts.4.7 Under the crown block are there two auxiliary sheaves, which are used for suspending the rope of the air hoist4.8 On the crown block the gin pole is mounted, which is available for replacing or repairing the sheaves and bearings.5 TRANSPORTAION, INSTALLATION & PLACING IN OPERATIN5.1 TransportationRemove the rubber anti-collision located under the crown block, tie it to the crown platform by means of wires and tie the auxiliary sheaves to the frame. They are shipped together with the crown block. The gin pole has to be dismantled and shipped separately. Put the following fasteners into a wood box: the pins & cotter pins used for connecting the gin pole and the crown block; the bolts, nuts & washers used for connecting the top support and the frame;the pins used for connecting the frame and the bracing; and two U bolts used for fastening the rubber anti-collision. The wood box is tied to the frame by wires. In addition, the top support, frame, and bracing are bundled up and shipped along with the crown block.5.2 InstallationAfter the crown block has been positioned on the mast by twoφ40 pins, it shall be fastened to the latter with 12 M30 bolts. The gin pole is assembled at the ground as shown in Figure and connected to the crown block with the pins. Mount the wood located under the crown block and fix it securely.5.3 Placing in operationThe crown block uses parallel line reeving.6 MAINTENANCE, OVERHAUL AND TROUBLE ELIMINATION6.1 Prior to installation & operation and during operation, the following shall be inspected:6.1.1 Check rotation of sheaves for abnormal phenomena.6.1.2 Check nuts for looseness, tighten them if necessary.6.1.3 Check connection of guardrails for reliability, welds on the pedestals for cracks,repair them if necessary.6.1.4 The rope guards are in good condition and out of contact with the sheaves. The sheaves run freely.6.1.5 Prior to use, fill bearings of the sheaves with grease. During operation, bearings should be lubricated at regular intervals and make sure the lubrication are unblocked.6.1.6 The bearings run normally.6.1.7 The temperature of the bearings shall not be more than 50℃.6.2 Wears and repairs of the sheave groovesIn consideration of the great effect of size and contour of the sheave grooves on the service lifeof the wire rope, the sheave grooves should be calibrated regularly by the gauge. The gauge shall conform to the following:Nominal diameter of wire rope (d) 38mmRadius of gauge (R G) (mm) 19.27-0.038mmThe repaired sheave grooves shall conform to the followingNominal diameter of wire rope (d) 38mmRadius of bottom of groove (mm) 20.4-0.038mm6.3 MaintenanceOil sites:Six grease fittings at the ends of crown shaft; one at one end of guide sheave; one at the end of auxiliary sheave; five on the roller of gin pole; and one at one end of sand line pulley. Frequency of lubrication and grease:Lubrication is made once a week with #2 lithium-base grease (SY1412-75).Caution: For max. load, the crown block shall be used above -18℃. When the crown block is to be used below -18℃, the cryogenic properties of material thereof shall be confirmed. And prior to use, necessary preventive action shall be taken.7.FIGURES ATTACHEDFigure 1. TC450-16 Crown BlockFigure 2. Sand Line Pulley AssemblyFigure 3. Auxiliary SheaveFigure 4. Gin Pole AssemblyFigure 5. Roller。