



翻译硕士英语翻译基础英汉互译专项强化真题试卷2(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.1.The fight for women’s rights is central to the UN’s global mission. Fifteen years ago, in Beijing, governments committed themselves to equality, development and peace for all women in all countries. The Beijing Declaration was a landmark on the road to women’s empowerment. It has guided policy making. It has inspired women and girls to strive for equality and opportunity and reminded everyone that this is their right. We have seen progress. Girls are now more likely to receive an education. Women are now more likely to run business or participate in government. But much work remains. Death in Children is still too common. Too few women have access to family planning. Violence against women remains a cause of global shame. I just appointed a special representative to mobilize international action to address these crimes. At the United States itself, we have more women in senior posts than at any time in history.正确答案:为妇女争取权利的斗争是联合国全球使命的重要组成部分。



翻译硕士英语翻译基础英汉互译专项强化真题试卷19(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.1.The manufacture of plastics requires a large quantity of heavy machines as well as knowledge of science. Today the greater part of plastics is manufactured by the world’s great oil refineries and chemical works. Chemical works are factories which produce chemicals—a manmade liquids, gases and solid materials. The refineries and chemical works produce many different kinds of raw plastics, which are then taken to the tens of thousands of factories which made plastic products. Machines for making plastic objects are very different from those used for manufacturing articles of wood or metal or other natural materials. For raw plastics must first be softened by heat and then pressed into moulds. It is the moulds which give plastic objects their shapes. These moulds can be of any shape or size. And the same mould can be used over and over again. In fact one mould can produce many thousands of articles before it wears out. This is one of the reasons why plastic things are so cheap.正确答案:生产塑料需要大量的有关重机器以及科学方面的知识。



翻译硕士英语翻译基础词语翻译专项强化真题试卷22(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.1.five-week wonder正确答案:常跳槽的人2.CPU正确答案:中央处理器3.New Deal正确答案:新政4.NGO正确答案:非政府组织(Non—Governmental Organization)5.Independence Day正确答案:独立日6.IAEA正确答案:国际原子能机构(International Atomic Energy Agency)7.symphony orchestra正确答案:交响乐团8.discourse analysis正确答案:语篇分析;话语分析9.nuclear proliferation正确答案:核扩散10.ghost estate正确答案:鬼宅,因经济衰退停工、未建成的住宅区11.ICRC正确答案:国际红十字委员会(International Committee of the Red Cross)12.UNESCO正确答案:联合国教科文组织(United Nations Educational,Scientific,and Cultural Organization)13.search engine正确答案:搜索引擎14.OPEC正确答案:石油输出国组织(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)15.Overseas remittance正确答案:侨汇16.white night正确答案:白夜17.ITU正确答案:国际电信联盟18.the Dow-Jones industrial average正确答案:道琼斯工业指数19.cognition正确答案:认识;认知能力20.Renaissance正确答案:文艺复兴21.master plan正确答案:总体规划22.FDI正确答案:外商直接投资(Foreign Direct Investment)23.cosmopolitan city正确答案:国际大都市24.GNAGA正确答案:中国卫星导航定位应用管理中心(China National Administration of GNSS and Applications)25.Emmanuel Macron正确答案:埃马纽埃尔-马克龙(现任法国总统)。





















翻译硕士英语翻译基础英汉互译专项强化真题试卷10(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.1.Being told I would be expected to talk here, I inquired what sort of talk I ought to make. They said it should be something suitable to youth—something didactic, instructive, or something in the nature of good advice. Very well. I have a few things in my mind which I have often longed to say for the instruction of the young; for it is in one’ s tender early years that such things will best take root and be most enduring and most valuable. First, then. I will say to you my young friends—and I say it beseechingly, urgingly—Always obey your parents, when they are present. This is the best policy in the long run, because if you don’t, they will make you. Most parents think they know better than you do, and you can generally make more by humoring that superstition than you can by acting on your own better judgment. Now as to the matter of lying, you want to be very careful about lying; otherwise you are nearly sure to get caught. Once caught, you can never again be in the eyes to the good and the pure, what you were before. Many a young person has injured himself permanently through a single clumsy and ill finished lie, the result of carelessness born of incomplete training. Some authorities hold that the young ought not to lie at all. That of course, is putting it rather stronger than necessary; still while I cannot go quite so far as that, I do maintain, and I believe I am right, that the young ought to be temperate in the use of this great art until practice and experience shall give them that confidence, elegance, and precision which alone can make the accomplishment graceful and profitable. (From 30 Advice to Youth by Mark Twain) 正确答案:听说我要来这里做演讲,我便询问应该发表一些什么样的谈话。



翻译硕士英语翻译基础词语翻译专项强化真题试卷19(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.1.non-performing loans正确答案:不良贷款2.almanac正确答案:年历;黄历3.OPEC正确答案:石油输出国家组织4.handwriting on the wall正确答案:不祥之兆5.genomic variation正确答案:基因组变异6.Renaissance正确答案:文艺复兴7.American Academy of Advertising正确答案:美国广告协会8.biotic community正确答案:生物群落;生物界9.carbon emission reduction goal正确答案:碳减排目标10.Naturalness正确答案:自然性11.code of conduct正确答案:企业治理12.UNESCO正确答案:United Nations Educational,Scientific,and Cultural Organization 联合国教科文组织13.corporate governance正确答案:企业治理14.ASEM正确答案:亚欧会议(全称:Asia-Europe Meeting)15.sunrise industry正确答案:朝阳产业16.marginal cost正确答案:边际成本17.litigation & arbitration正确答案:诉讼和仲裁18.TPP正确答案:Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement跨太平洋伙伴关系协议19.Los Angeles正确答案:洛杉矶20.OECD正确答案:经济合作发展组织21.space shuttle正确答案:航天飞机22.descriptive translation study正确答案:描写翻译研究23.Internet-connected security camera正确答案:联网安全摄像头24.GNAGA正确答案:中国卫星导航定位应用管理中心(China National Administration of GNSS and Applications)25.clearance sale正确答案:清仓甩卖。



翻译硕士英语翻译基础词语翻译专项强化真题试卷3(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.1.Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)正确答案:(美国)证券交易委员会2.corporate governance正确答案:尽职调查3.butterfly effect正确答案:蝴蝶效应蝴蝶效应是指在一个动力系统中,初始条件下微小的变化能带动整个系统的长期的巨大的连锁反应。

4.random access正确答案:随机存取5.CAT正确答案:Computer Aided Translation计算机辅助翻译6.administrative transparency正确答案:政务透明7.lyrical poem正确答案:抒情诗8.Every man must carry his own cross.正确答案:自家苦难,自己承担。


)9.Neet正确答案:啃老族(Not in education,employment or training的首字母的缩略语)10.venture investment正确答案:风险投资11.referendum正确答案:全民公投12.sewage treatment plants正确答案:污水处理厂13.ghost estate正确答案:鬼宅,因经济衰退停工、未建成的住宅区14.complaint book正确答案:投诉书15.protagonist正确答案:主角16.qualified commercial insurer正确答案:合格的商业承保人17.wailing wall正确答案:(犹太人的)哭墙18.mutation in gene正确答案:基因突变19.seismic monitoring正确答案:地震监测20.AFT A(ASEAN free trade area)正确答案:东盟自由贸易区21.ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations正确答案:东南亚国家联盟22.misappropriation of public funds正确答案:挪用公款23.cloud computing正确答案:云计算24.Ebola正确答案:埃博拉病毒25.Power Distance正确答案:权力距离:指社会承认的权力在组织机构中不平等分配的程度和范围。



英语翻译基础(汉译英)模拟试卷1. 解决13亿人的问题,不能靠别人,只能靠自己。







标准答案We can rely on no one except ourselves to resolve the problems facing our 1.3 billion people. Since the founding of the People’s Republic, we have achieved much in our national reconstruction; at the same time we have made a few detours and missed some opportunities. By 1978, with the adoption of the reform and opening-up policies, we had ultimately found the right path of development—the Chinese people’s path of independently building socialism with Chinese characteristics.The essence of this path is to mobilize all positive factors, emancipate and develop the productive forces, and respect and protect the freedom of the Chinese people to pursue happiness.China’s reform and opening-up have spread from rural areas to the cities, from the economic field to the political, cultural and social arenas. Each and every step forward is designed, in the final analysis, to release the gushing vitality of labor, knowledge, technology, managerial expertise and capital, and allow all sources of social wealth to flow to the fullest extent.2. 纺织企业改革目前国有纺织企业占用着上亿元的资产,却连年巨额亏损,其重要原因是资源重复配置,企业过度竞争,而败者又难以实现优化配置。



翻译硕士英语翻译基础英汉互译专项强化真题试卷7(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.1.For it is not the large house that live in the memory of the visitor. He goes through them as a matter of duty, and forgets about them as a matter of course. The pictures that linger in his mind, called up in a moment by such sensations as the smell of roses or of new-mown hay, are of a simpler nature. A little cottage nestling amidst the wayside trees, the blue smoke curling up against the green, and a power of roses round the door; or perhaps a village street of which the name has been long forgotten, with its rambling old inn, and, a little distance away, the hoary, grey church-tower in its township of tombstones—these are the pictures of old England that are carried away to other climes. And it is the cottage, more homely than the inn, more sacred than the church, that we remember best. Such places have no history at all, their life has not been set in the public eye, and they have always been so wrapped up in their own affairs, that they have never noticed how time is passing, and so they have brought down into the life of today the traditions of two or three hundred years ago. But though they do not pose, those quiet places, yet it is through them that the deep, main current of English life has flowed. For it is a shallow theory that views history as the annals of a court, or the record of the lives of a few famous men. Doubtless such have their significance, but it is easy to overrate their importance, and they afford but little clue to the life of the people, which is the real history of the country. And until recent days, it was not through the cities that this main stream flowed, but through innumerable little country towns and villages. Washington Irving grasped this fact nearly a hundred years ago when he wrote: The stranger who would form a correct opinion of English character must go forth into the country. He must sojourn in villages and hamlets; he must visit castles, villas, farmhouses, cottages; he must wander through parks and gardens, along hedges and green lanes; he must loiter about country churches, attend wakes and fairs and other rural festivals, and cope with the people in all their conditions and all their habits and humors. And these little villages and hamlets are planted all over England, sometimes close together, sometimes more widely spread, but seldom more than a mile or two apart. Written history may have nothing to say regarding them, but they have helped to make history. They have gathered few legends beyond those which time has written on the walls in weather stains and grey lichen, but the men who were born in those humble cottages have wrought in other lands legends that live today. Their cosy homes were bit newly built when the desperate tides of the civil war surged round them. Half a century later they formed part of the army which “swore terribly in Flanders,” and in fifty years more they were laying the foundations our great Indian empire. Then the arid fields of Spain saw them as they followed the Iron Dukethrough the dogged years of the Peninsular War, and they took part in his crowning triumph at Waterloo. Later still, India knew them once more, and the snowy trenches of the Crimea, and but yesterday Afghanistan, Egypt, and South Africa called them forth again. And all the while that those truant birds upheld the name of England abroad, leaving their bones in many lands, their brothers and sisters carried forward the old traditions at home, living their busy, unobtrusive, useful lives, and lying down to rest at last in the old familiar churchyard. And after all, this last is the real life of England, for the sake of which those wars were waged and bloody battles fought. It is the productive life which brings wealth and prosperity and happiness to a nation, and lays the foundation of all that is its honor and its pride. There is nothing obtrusive about the old cottages. They do not dominate the landscape, but are content to be part of it, and to pass unnoticed unless one looks specially for their homely beauties. The modern house, on the other hand, makes a bid for your notice. It is built on high ground, commands a wide range of country, and is seen from far and wide. But the old cottage prefers to nestle snugly in shady valleys. The trees grow closely about it in an intimate, familiar way, and at a little distance only the wreath of curling smoke tells of its presence. Indeed the old cottage has always been something so very close and so familiar to us, that its charms have been almost entirely overlooked, and it is only of recent years, when fast falling into decay, that it has formed a theme for pen and pencil. Truth to tell, of late years a change has come over England. The life that the old cottage typifies is now a thing of the past, and is daily fading more and more into the distance. Twentieth-century England, the England of the railway, the telegraph, and the motorcar, is not the England of these old cottages. Our point of view has changed. We no longer see the old homely life from within, but from the outside. But the commonplace of yesterday becomes the poetry of today, such glamour does the magician. Time cast over things, and the life becomes ever more and more attractive as it slips away from us, and we watch it disappear with regretful and kindly eyes.正确答案:古老的农舍丝毫不引人注目,它们并不独占风光,能点缀周围的风景也十分满足;人们只有欣赏质朴无华的美时才会注意到它们,对此,它们也无怨言。



翻译硕士英语翻译基础词语翻译专项强化真题试卷10(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.1.ALL-China Sports Federation正确答案:中华全国体育总会2.wireless network正确答案:无线网络3.immune system disorders正确答案:免疫系统紊乱4.market access正确答案:市场准入5.credit rating正确答案:信用评级6.Justice has a long arm.正确答案:天网恢恢,疏而不漏。

7.global warming正确答案:全球变暖8.NEET正确答案:啃老族,尼特族(not in education,employment or training)9.House of Commons正确答案:下议院10.AU正确答案:非洲联盟11.appeal-focused texts正确答案:呼吁性文本12.Foxconn正确答案:富士康科技集团13.radio navigational instruments正确答案:无线电导航仪器14.fiscal year正确答案:财政年度15.UNCTAD正确答案:United Nations Conference on Trade and Development联合国贸易和发展会议16.IMO正确答案:国际气象组织17.tertiary industry正确答案:第三产业18.paternity leave正确答案:(男性)陪产假19.law firm正确答案:律师事务所20.current account正确答案:活期存款账户;往来账户21.The 7th reform plan for China’s salt industry calls for an end of China’s salt monopoly starting in 2016.正确答案:食盐专营22.Members of Pennsylvania’s House of Representatives and many of their employees are no longer allowed to accept cash gifts except from family and close friends.正确答案:接收礼金23.sharing economy正确答案:分享型经济;共享经济24.red-letter day正确答案:大喜的日子25.think tank正确答案:智囊团。



翻译硕士英语词汇专项强化真题试卷20(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.1.Fluoride deters tooth decay by reducing the growth of bacteria that destroy tooth enamel.A.facilitatesB.overwhelmsC.inhibitsD.loosens正确答案:C解析:本题考查动词的词义辨析。

根据句中的tooth decay(蛀牙)和reducing the growth of bacteria(减少细菌生长)判断,画线词deters应表示“阻止”。





2.What most______the magazine’s critics is the manner in which its editorial opinions are expressed too often as if only an idiot could see things any other way.A.beliesB.impedesC.rilesD.placates正确答案:C解析:本题考查动词辨析。

分析句子结构可知,in which引导的定语从句修饰先行词the manner,从句中说明了编者表达观点的频率太频繁,就好像只有白痴才有其他的见解一样,这种方式应是激怒该杂志评论员的原因,故答案为[C]rile(激怒,使非常生气)。


impede 意为“阻碍,妨碍,阻止”;placate意为“使平静,安抚,抚慰”。

3.______over everything whenever we want to make a decision, many people believe, and we will have less chance of making mistakes.A.ThinkB.To thinkC.ThinkingD.Thought正确答案:A解析:本题考查固定结构。



翻译硕士英语翻译基础词语翻译专项强化真题试卷1(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.1.The Caspian Sea正确答案:里海2.UNICEF正确答案:联合国儿童基金会(United Nations Children’s Fund,formerly United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund)3.ALS正确答案:自动着陆系统(Automatic Landing System)4.E-government正确答案:电子政务5.unequal treaty正确答案:不平等条约6.international airline正确答案:国际航线7.credit crunch正确答案:信贷紧缩8.makeshift hospital正确答案:临时医院9.correspondence正确答案:对应10.textual norms正确答案:文本规范11.transcription正确答案:音标:一种标写音素的符号,一个音素只用一个音标表示,而一个音标并不只表示一个音素。

12.ASEM正确答案:亚欧会议(全称:Asia—Europe Meeting)13.The House of Commons正确答案:下议院14.ISO正确答案:International Organization for Standardization国际标准化组织15.Capital Market正确答案:资本市场16.organizing committee正确答案:组织委员会17.人文交流正确答案:汇票18.jetliner正确答案:喷气式客机19.creepy正确答案:令人毛骨悚然的20.hybrid cars正确答案:混合动力汽车21.financial assistance正确答案:经济援助22.Boy Scouts of America正确答案:美国童子军23.meritocracy正确答案:精英阶层;精英主义24.Intellectual Property Rights正确答案:知识产权25.Members of Pennsylvania’s House of Representatives and many of their employees are no longer allowed to accept cash gifts except from family and close friends.正确答案:接收礼金。



翻译硕士英语翻译基础词语翻译专项强化真题试卷23(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.1.intelligent vehicles正确答案:智能汽车2.CIA正确答案:美国中央情报局(Central Intelligence Agency)3.IS正确答案:“伊斯兰国”(Islamic State)4.trade deficit正确答案:贸易赤字5.time to market正确答案:上市时间6.brain drain正确答案:人才流失7.United Nations peace-keeping force正确答案:联合国维和部队8.违法征地拆迁正确答案:电子商务9.email spam正确答案:垃圾邮件10.United Nations Conference on Trade and Development正确答案:联合国贸易和发展会议11.helicopter parent正确答案:直升机父母(“直升机父母”是目前国际上流行的一个新词语。

把某些“望子成龙”“望女成凤”心切的父母叫作“直升机父母”——就像直升机一样盘旋在孩子的上空,时刻监控孩子的一举一动)12.creepy正确答案:令人毛骨悚然的13.3G mobile正确答案:3G手机14.credit rating正确答案:信用评级15.gender-biased正确答案:性别歧视的16.regional hegemonism正确答案:地区霸权主义17.British Council正确答案:英国文化教育协会18.mangrove正确答案:红树林植物19.CBD正确答案:交货前付现20.job hop正确答案:跳槽21.“Big Data”正确答案:大数据22.IPO正确答案:首次公开募股(initial public offering)23.point-based residency permit正确答案:积分落户制24.Unemployment has stubbornly refused to contract in the past 5 years. 正确答案:五年来,失业人数总是居高不下。



翻译硕士英语翻译基础词语翻译专项强化真题试卷24(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.1.Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)正确答案:(美国)证券交易委员会2.quantitatively easy monetary policy正确答案:量化宽松货币政策3.heating system正确答案:供暖系统4.fossil fuel正确答案:化石燃料5.vicious circle正确答案:恶性循环6.per capita GNP正确答案:人均国民生产总值(GNP=gross national product,国民生产总值)7.CPPCC正确答案:中国人民政治协商会议(the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference)8.fixed cost正确答案:固定成本9.World Habitat Day正确答案:世界住房日10.municipality with an independent budget正确答案:有独立预算的直辖市(自治市)11.CCC正确答案:中国强制认证(China Compulsory Certification) 12.Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea(DOC) 正确答案:南海各方行为宣言13.polar front正确答案:极锋14.CFO正确答案:首席财务官(Chief Financial Officer)15.foreign exchange control正确答案:外汇管制16.WFP正确答案:世界粮食计划署(World Food Programme)17.Bitcoin正确答案:比特币18.Ebola正确答案:埃博拉病毒19.alternate driving正确答案:单双号限行20.Prices and wages are fellow-travelers on the same upward escalator. 正确答案:工资和物价是同步变化的。



1. 请将以下英文段落翻译成中文:
"In the realm of artificial intelligence, machine learning stands out as a pivotal technology that enables computers to learn from experience and improve their performance over time without being explicitly programmed to do so."
2. 请将以下中文段落翻译成英文:


1. 在人工智能领域,机器学习作为一种关键技术脱颖而出,它使计算机能够从经验中学习,并随着时间的推移提高其性能,而无需被明确编程去做这些事情。

2. "With the development of Internet technology, online education has gradually become an important way for people to acquire knowledge. Online courses not only enrich educational resources but also break the geographical and temporal limitations, making learning more flexible and convenient."。



翻译硕士英语翻译基础英汉互译专项强化真题试卷3(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.1.Slowly the wasters and despoilers are impoverishing our land, our name, and our beauty so that there will not be one beach, one hill, one lane, one meadow, one forest free from the debris of man and the stigma of his improvidence. Who is so rich that he can squander forever the wealth of earth and water for the trivial needs of vanity or the compulsive demands of greed; or so prosperous in land that he can sacrifice nature of unnatural desires? The earth we abuse and the living thing we kill will, in the end, take their revenge; for in exploiting their presence we are diminishing our future. And what will we leave behind us when we are long dead? Temples? Sunken treasure? Or mountains of twisted, rusted steel, canyons of plastic containers, and a million miles of shores garlanded, not with the lovely wrack of the sea, but with the cans and bottles and boxes of a people who conserved their convenience at the expense of their heritage, and whose ephemeral prosperity was built on waste.正确答案:浪费者和掠夺者们在慢慢地糟蹋着我们的土地,践踏着我们的名声和自然美景,没有一处沙滩、丘陵、小巷、一片草地或者森林躲得过人类的足迹,逃得掉人类的毫无节制。



翻译硕士英语翻译基础英汉互译专项强化真题试卷1(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.1. A nobler want of man is served by nature, namely, the love of Beauty. The ancient Greeks called the world (Kosmos), beauty. Such is the constitution of all things, or such the plastic, power of the human eye, that the primary forms, as the sky, the mountain, the tree, the animal, give us a delight in and for themselves; a pleasure arising from outline, color, motion, and grouping. This seems partly owing to the eye itself. The eye is the best of artists. By the mutual action of its structure and of the laws of light, perspective is produced, which integrates every mass of objects, of what character soever, into a well colored and shaded globe, so that where the particular objects are mean and unaffecting, the landscape which they compose, is round and symmetrical. And as the eye is the best composer, so light is the first of painters. There is no object so foul that intense light will not make beautiful. And the stimulus it affords to the sense, and a sort of infinitude which it hath, like space and time, make all matter gay. Even the corpse has its own beauty. But besides this general grace diffused over nature, almost all the individual forms are agreeable to the eye, as is proved by our endless imitations of some of them, as the acorn, the grape, the pine-cone, the wheat-ear, the egg, the wings and forms of most birds, the lion’s claw, the serpent, the butterfly, sea-shells, flames, clouds, buds, leaves, and the forms of many trees, as the palm. For better consideration, we may distribute the aspects of Beauty in a threefold manner. First, the simple perception of natural forms is a delight. The influence of the forms and actions in nature, is so needful to man, that, in its lowest functions, it seems to lie on the confines of commodity and beauty. To the body and mind which have been cramped by noxious work or company, nature is medicinal and restores their tone. The tradesman, the attorney comes out of the din and craft of the street, and sees the sky and the woods, and is a man again. In their eternal calm, he finds himself. The health of the eye seems to demand a horizon. We are never tired, so long as we can see far enough.正确答案:大自然除了提供人类衣食所需之外,还满足了一种更高尚的追求——那就是满足了人们的爱美之心。



翻译硕士英语翻译基础词语翻译专项强化真题试卷21(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.1.Computer-generated Imagery (CGI)正确答案:电脑图像生成技术2.Sakyamuni Buddha正确答案:释迦牟尼佛像;释迦佛3.CPU正确答案:中央处理器4.NPL正确答案:不良贷款(Non Performing Loan)5.ATM正确答案:(Automatic Teller Machine)自动取款机6.commission正确答案:委员会;佣金7.controlled language正确答案:受控语言8.contingency fund正确答案:应急费用;意外开支准备金9.bonded warehouse正确答案:保税仓库10.cultural heritage正确答案:文化遗产11.OEM正确答案:贴牌生产12.somebody’ s cup of tea正确答案:对某人胃口的东西,使某人感兴趣的东西13.an Irish Goodbye正确答案:爱尔兰式告别14.DDN正确答案:数字数据网15.UNCF正确答案:联合国儿童基金(United Nations Children’s Fund)16.SAARC正确答案:南亚区域合作联盟17.E 111 is a document which is available to citizens of any country in the European Union, and which gives them the right to receive free health care when they visit other EU countries.正确答案:欧洲健康保险卡(European Health Insurance Card)18.A historical model of rectitude正确答案:历史上的清廉典型19.Muslim Brotherhood正确答案:穆斯林兄弟会20.International Monetary Fund正确答案:国际货币基金组织21.stock-broker正确答案:证券经纪人,股票经纪人22.cultural heritage正确答案:文化遗产23.negative ratings正确答案:负面评级24.Business Cycle正确答案:经济周期:指经济活动沿着经济发展的总体趋势所经历的有规律的扩张和收缩。

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翻译硕士英语翻译基础英汉互译专项强化真题试卷20(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.1.These days, as leaders of all nations come together more and more to strengthen ties or resolve differences, international spokesmen rely heavily on a select band of expert linguists to transmit—often by simultaneous translation—both literal meanings and the diplomatic nuances which can mean even more. The pressure is terrific. One diplomatic interpreter offered a wry description of himself as a man with a ruined liver and worse nerves who turns up in press photos between two world leaders lacking a common language. “I am the one referred to as unidentified,”he says. Colleagues find the image not wholly inaccurate. Like electricity, a good interpreter is never noticed unless something goes wrong. The glass booth in which the conference interpreter usually works can be a private chamber of horrors.正确答案:当今社会,各国领导人交流越来越频繁,他们聚在一起加强联系,解决分歧。








2.What is the nature of the scientific attitude, the attitude of the man or woman who studies and applies physics, chemistry, or any other science? We all know that science plays an important role in the societies in which we live. Many people believe, however, that our progress depends on two different aspects of science. The first of these is the application of the machines and products that scientists and technologists develop. New drugs, faster and safer means of transport, new systems of applied knowledge are some examples of this aspect of science. The second aspect is the application of the special methods of thought and action that scientists use in their work. What are these special methods of thinking and acting? First of all, it seems that a successful scientist is full of curiosity—he wants to find out how and why the universe works.正确答案:科学态度的本质是什么?那些研究并应用物理学、生物学、或其他科学的男男女女们所具有的态度的本质是什么? 我们都知道科学在我们的社会中所起的重要作用。






3.Frankly speaking, Adam, I created Eve to tame you. Indeed she is wiser than you because she knows less but understands more. Charm is her strength just as your strength is charm. Doubtless you are active, eager, passionate, variable, progressive and original but she is passive, stable, sympathetic and faithful. In other words you are like animals which use up energy, whereas she is like the plants which store up energy. Henceforth you have got to get along with her willy-nilly in sun and rain, joys and sorrows, peace and turbulence. For you the Rubicon has been crossed. It is up to you now to make the situation a blessing or a curse. I would refuse to entertain any more request from you to take her back.正确答案:老实讲,亚当,我创造夏娃的目的就是要驯服你。









4.The context for Occupy Wall Street and proposals to tax the rich is the broader issue of economic inequality. For years, liberal politicians, academics and pundits have complained about growing inequality, but their protests barely resonated with the public. When most people are doing okay, the fact that some people are doing better does not arouse much anger. No more. When many people do worse, or fear they might, the rich inspire resentment and envy. Glaring inequalities that once seemed tolerable become offensive.By and large, Americans regard the rich the way they do the poor. There are the “deserving”and the “undeserving”. The deserving pioneer technologies, manage vibrant businesses or excel at something. Few resent the wealth of Bill Gates or Oprah Winfrey. By contrast, the “undeserving”rich succeed through self-dealing or activities lacking broad social value.What’s happening now is that the more rich are being disparaged as “undeserving”. Blamed for the financial crisis, Wall Street types top the list. Corporate chief executives stir similar ire.There are many theories about why inequality has increased, though no consensus: New technologies reward the highly skilled; globalization depresses factory wages; eroded union power does the same; employer-paid health insurance squeezes take-home pay; a “winner-take-all” society confers huge rewards on an elite of celebrities, sports stars and business leaders.The trouble is that the wealthy don’t fit the stereotypes: They aren’t all pampered CEOs, hotshot investment bankers, pop stars and athletes. Many own small and medium-sized companies. Reid would pay for Obama’s jobs plan by taxing the people who are supposed to create jobs. Does it makesense?The backlash against the rich is the start of debate, not the end. Are the rich to be punished for succeeding or merely asked to pay their “fair” share? Who is wealthy or who’s just well-off? If taxes do rise, what approach would best preserve incentives for hard work, investment and risk-taking? However measured, the rich are besieged; the attacks almost certainly will intensify.正确答案:占领华尔街运动和对富人征税的提案的背景是广泛的经济不平等问题。
