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Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to.

Language goals:

1. Learn how to express preferences and causes.

2. Write a review of a book, a movie or a CD.

New languages:

1. Rosa likes music that’s quiet and gentle.

2. --- What kind of music do you like?

---I like music that I can sing along with.

3. --- What kind of singers do you love?

--- I love singers who write their own music.

4. ---Why do you like this CD?

---This music is great because you can dance to it.

Difficult points:

Relative clauses with that and who

Teaching aids:

computer, video, recorder

Teaching periods:

Period 1: Section A 1a /1b /1c 2a /2b /2c/ Grammar Focus /4

Period 2: Section A 3a /3b SectionB.1/2a/2b/2c

Period 3: Section B 3a /3b /3c/4 /Self check1, 2

Period 4: Reading

Period 1

Teaching procedure:

Step 1. Lead-in and warming up

Play different kinds of music. Let students listen and tell the names of singers

and songs. a. Play the first song for students, ask like this:

T: Do you like this piece of music?

Is it too loud or gentle? Write the students` answer on the Bb, then elicit

students to get the summary like this: I like the music that is too loud. …

b. Play the second song for students. Ask, “Who’s the singer`? Do you love

this singer? Why?” Collect the students` answers on the Bb to get the

summary like this: I love the singer who is handsome / beautiful …

c. Game: The Word Bank

Write some useful words and phrases about this topic on the Bb, encourage

students to use the words in the “bank” to talk about their favorite and why by

making similar sentences.

Invite students to say their sentences, if necessary, let them know we use the word who to describe the people.

Step 2. Section A 1b 1c listening and presentation

Say, you will hear Tony and Betty talking about the kinds of music each one likes.

Play the recording the first time, students only listen. Then answer the questions and finish 1b.

Play it a second time .this time ask students to repeat after each stop and check the answers in1b.

Role-play this conversation.

Step 3. Section A 2a, 2b, 2c listening and writing

Ask students to read the statements in 2a and explain some key points.

Say, now you will hear Carmen and XuFei are discussing the pictures on T-shirts. They have different ideas. What kind of group do they like? What kind of music do they hate? Listen carefully, finish 2a and 2b.

Play the tape for the first time, finish 2a.

Play it again, make some stops to let students repeat, and complete the sentences in the chart of 2b.

Pair work: Make conversations using the information from 2a and 2b. Invite some of them to show their dialogues.

Step 4. Section A 4. Pair work Competition

T: Ask students work in pairs to talk more about this topic and give their reasons, and they need to show their opinions by finishing the following sentences: I like music that …

I love singers who …

I can’t stand music that …

I don’t like musicians who…

Invite some pairs to share their ideas about this topic, and read their sentences to the others, and encourage the others to check the mistakes.

Step 5. Section A Grammar Focus and Summary

Read the key sentences in Grammar Focus. Then ask several students to write down their own sentences in Part 4 on the Bb, elicit them to find out how to use “ who” and “that” in the Attributive Clause; also point to the sentences on Bb, let them know when they use “ the singer” instead of” singers” , they should use “writes” instead of “write”.

Elicit students to make a summary about what they learn this class.

Step 6. Homework

1. Write a dialogue to show your own preference by using the sentence


2. Recite 1b, and remember the useful phrases.
