需求对收入变动的敏感程度、 货币需求对利率变动的敏感程度、 投资需求对利率变动的 敏感程度等。其中,货币的利率敏感程度和投资的利率敏感程度是“挤出效应”大小的决定 性因素。 “挤出效应”与货币的利率敏感程度负相关;与投资的利率敏感性正相关。挤出效 应的作用机制是: ①政府支出增加, 商品市场上竞争加剧, 价格上涨, 实际货币供应量减少。 因而用于投机目的的货币量减少; ②用于投机目的的货币量减少引起债券价格下降, 利率上 升,结果投资减少。由于存在着货币幻觉,在短期内,将会有产量的增加。但在长期内,如 果经济已经处于充分就业状态,那么增加政府支出只能挤占私人支出。货币主义者认为,当 政府增加政府支出而没有增加货币供给时, 那么实际上是用政府支出代替私人支出, 总需求 不变、生产也不会增长。所以,货币主义者认为财政政策不能刺激经济增长。 二、简答题(每小题 l0 分,共 60 分) 7.利用数学方法证明政府征收商品税时,消费者与生产者的税收负担比率是需求价格 弹性与供给价格弹性的函数。 答: 可以结合数学图形和公式来直观地推导出消费者与生产者的税收负担比率和需求价 格弹性与供给价格弹性的函数关系。
Q1 Q
E S=
Q P Q P g g P Q = t 2 Q
对于消费者而言,此时其获得的价格为 P + 如图所示,此时需求量为: 为:
=P +
-P =
上海交通大学MBA面试试题集锦1.肖伯纳的名言:"你有一个苹果,我有一个苹果,你和我交换以后每人只有1个苹果,你有一个思想,我有一个思想,我们交换之后各自有两个思想."谈谈你对这句话的看法.这句话体现了知识经济时代知识与信息的重要性和特殊性,思想的交换能产生乘数效应,不同思想的交换更能激发创新,新经济条件下应该鼓励.但要具备鉴别好坏的能力.2.谈谈你对航空公司机票打折的利与弊的看法.利:消费者受益,促使航空公司加强管理,降低成本弊:机票打折跟彩电降价类似,价格的竞争是低层次的竞争,价格大战必将使行业及国家利益损失,不是提高企业竞争力的长久之计.此外,机票打折后航空公司为了减少损失可能在服务上也打折,消费者利益可能受损.3.烟厂的职工偷烟,怎么办?企业内部管理制度有问题杀一儆百,严惩.同时制定以奖代罚措施,奖励多以香烟形式.4、我是董事长,我和我的下属坐船去郊游,船上有总裁、销售部经理、财务主管,那么落水之后首先救谁?从成本效益角度考虑:先救总裁,因为"千军易得,一将难求".企业培养或者招聘一个总裁的成本远高于部门主管.此外,总裁给企业的利益高于其他部门经理.从现实角度考虑:先救最容易救到的,成功的把握更大.另外,救到的人可以帮助自己一起救更多的人.5、化工厂由于环保问题需要整改,同时化工厂由于本身问题需要继续投资,对于这种情况如何处理?企业在生产时必须考虑对社会影响,不能为了自身利益损害社会利益.所以,必须先解决整改,再考虑继续投资.6、你所在的公司需要人的时候就招人,不需要人的时候要裁人,谈谈你对这种做法的看法.这种做法有利于企业降低成本,但不是好办法,人员的频繁流动容易让在职员工失去安全感,影响"军心".同时,新进的员工由于看不到长久,容易产生短期行为,不利于员工与企业形成利益共同体.7、有些久而未解的问题,经过新闻媒体的曝光之后能很快得到解决,怎么看待这个问题?媒体的暴光的确能很快解决久而未解的问题,因为这些问题在经过暴光后就处于众目睽睽之下,遮也遮不住了,有关主管必然重视.但媒体的力量毕竟有限,而且这种救火式的解决方法也不能从根本解决问题.长久之计需要从管理制度的完善,主管人员的责任心,以及监督体系的完善来解决.8、你有一个财务主管,事无巨细、事必躬亲,你怎么样去评价?这是一个非常敬业的好员工,但不是一个优秀的管理者,财务主管很显然不是普通员工,是中层管理者,他没有认识到自己角色的职责,一个人的精力有限,他必然不能很好分内事情处理上.另外,这种管理者容易让下属失去工作积极性,久之形成下属的惰性,不利于下属成长.当然,这也与他的直接上司有责任,上司应该帮助他完成角色转换.8、如何看待自己的优点缺点?优点,缺点凡人皆有,扬长避短,(结合自己优缺点具体谈)9、时间管理问题:每天早晨起来拿报纸、牛奶,这样怎样每天能挤出来时间学习,能挤出来多少时间?题目没讲清楚,无法做答.10、有人说"政府既是运动员,又是裁判员",怎么理解这句话?这是与市场经济体制背道而弛的做法,裁判和运动员集于一身,有失公平.政府应该是裁判和拉拉队,他的职责是为社会利益服务,为企业公平竞争创造良好的环境,而不是参与牟利活动.如果政府参与比赛,权力的优势必然损害其他参与者利益,腐败也更容易滋生.11、如果你是酒店的老板,怎样配备你的人员结构?一个健全的酒店应该设置:前厅部,客房部,采购部,销售部,财务部,人力资源部,保安部,餐饮部等.总经理一名,副总2-3名,各部门经理一名.应该注意:1.遵循按岗定人的原则 2.各部门员工由部门经理决定,报总经理审批 3.实行目标管理12、政府要求农民种苹果,结果苹果种出来卖不出去,如何看待这个问题?这是政府自身定位不清楚造成的,政府可以提供信息,但不能要求.政府缺乏对市场的充分调研和分析,导致决策失误,"帮倒忙"积极为农民的苹果寻找出路,同时给农民适当补贴或政策上优惠.可以考虑将苹果再加工,制成其他产品.(如罐头和果汁等)13、谈谈你为什么考MBA?为了活得更潇洒点(开玩笑)各人情况不同,14.如何理解抓大放小?这对高级管理者很重要,不能事无巨细,应该分清楚轻重缓急.15、有些公司自己办教育、兴办学校,有什么利与弊?利:有针对性,培养的人才马上就能转化为生产力.弊:企业利益性强,只培养对自身有用人才,不利于人才知识结构完善和持续发展能力16.一个和尚担水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃,怎样理解这个问题?没有规矩,不成方圆.应该有制度规范,并切实监督执行.17、伊拉克战争对中国经济的影响?战争会影响世界经济,中国也不例外(具体我还要再考虑)18、你如何处理与你上司的关系?不即不离,配合,支持,信任.19、你与同事有矛盾时怎么办?工作矛盾:与之沟通,明确目标,分清是非,不能解决可请上司协调私人矛盾:友好沟通,表明立场,化解矛盾.20、谈谈你对家族企业的看法(利与弊)利:管理容易,沟通容易,团队精神好弊:不利于人才培养,不利于创新,对企业长期发展不利典型问题分析问:你为自己的人生设定了一个什么样的目标?你觉得在我们学校学习MBA能实现自己的目标吗?分析:出题思路:背景性问题回答需表达清楚,有条理。
1、预备知识(1)管理学学科特点及历史沿革(2)概念的形成和作用第二部分:管理总论2、管理的定义与本质(1)业务活动:直接将人类的力量作用于客观对象,从而导致客观对象状态发生变化的活动过程;业务活动包含以管理为目的的业务活动和以价值为目的的业务活动(2)管理活动:一切管理活动都是以一定的目的为导向的;管理活动产生于人们对效率的追求;管理活动可以分为战略活动和业务管理活动(3)管理对象的基本属性:a.人性假设:受雇人、经济人、社会人、管理人b.资源的一般属性:稀缺性和相互替代性(4)管理的定义:法约尔是古典管理理论的奠基人之一(5)管理的概念:指人们为了有效实现既定目标而进行的一系列决策活动3、管理活动的空间一一组织(1)组织的形成过程及机制:吸引机制、追随机制、约束机制(2)组织类型:a.根据组织的服务对象分类:公益组织、企业组织、服务组织、相互利益组织b.根据组织的性质分类:经济组织、政治组织、文化组织、群众组织、宗教组织c.根据组织的形成方式分类:经超人权力的世俗化或习惯化结果而产生、利益相同的人为了利用团体力量以增进个人利益而结成的组织、由组织的分化而产生的组织、结集理想相同的人而成为组织d.根据组织的内部机制进行分类:正式组织、非正式组织(3)组织的功能:组织对社会环境的影响(4)组织的目标的特性:多元性、层次性(5)组织的维度:结构性、关联性4、管理的核心——决策(1)决策过程:鉴别问题和提出问题、分析问题、拟定可供选择的方案、评价备选方案、选择方案(2)决策类型:a.日常决策、战术决策、战略决策b.稳定条件下决策、风险条件下决策、不稳定条件下决策c.理性决策、有限理性决策、非理性决策(3)决策的评价标准:质量、时间、执行程度(4)决策的影响因素:知识和信息、判断准则、决策方式(5)常见决策方法简介:KT分析法、原因分析一鱼刺图、风险条件决策一决策树、不确定型决策方法(好中求好、坏中求好、最大后悔中求最小) 、竞争型决策一博弈论法第三部分:管理要素5、知识与信息(1)知识与信息在组织管理中的作用:不仅是一种管理要素,同时也是管理对象。
➢ 劳动分工:即将工作分解成一些单一的和重复性 的作业
➢ 分工提高了工人的技巧和熟练程度 ➢ 节约了因变换工作而浪费的时间 ➢ 有利于机器的发明和应用
王青 安泰管理学院 2004
王青 安泰管理学院 2004
9、我们的市场行为主要的导向因素,第一个是市场需求的导向,第二个是技术进步的导向,第三大导向是竞争对手的行为导向。21.8.1621.8.16Monday, August 16, 2021
10、市场销售中最重要的字就是“问”。00:24:4100:24:4100:248/16/2021 12:24:41 AM
日本式管 理
一般行政管理理论 科学管理
1776 1890
王青 2安0泰0管0 理学院 2004
产业革命 Industrial Revolution
15、我就像一个厨师,喜欢品尝食物。如果不好吃,我就不要它。2021年8月上午12时24分21.8.1600:24August 16, 2021
16、我总是站在顾客的角度看待即将推出的产品或服务,因为我就是顾客。2021年8月16日星期一12时24分41秒00:24:4116 August 2021
斯密发现,工厂生产形式 有更高的生产率。
战略管理试卷(A卷)一、简述题:(共50分)1、战略管理最终的目的是什么?(10分)参考答案:战略管理最终的口的是价值最大化,战略必须能为带来价值的提升,否则区样的战略就是一种伪战略°价值由收益性、成长也和风险三个要素构成,也就是说战蜗菅理要处理好企业收益性、成长性和风险三者的关系.以实现价值最大化,2、公司层战略、业务层庄略和职能层成略分别解决企业经营管理中的什么问题?(10 分)参考答案:公司层战略解决做什么的问题.即业务组合问题,具体而言.它耍明确企业的战略发展态势(是进、退还是守的发展态势)、是多元化经营还是单一经营、采取什么洋的多元化、业务间如何进行协同.业务层战略解决怎么做的问题,即通过什么(价格还是差异化)来参加市场竞争,它要确定竞争战略手段、企业核心竞争能力等问题,职能层战略解决企业各职能如何配合实施企业战略意图(哲学、公司层战略和业务层战略〉的问题。
4、在战略决策中.如何理解和处理好“避短”与“补短”的关系?参考答案:“避短”与“补短”决策要具体情况具体分析°首先是要分析企业某一“短” 皋否可谢.若可谢.采取谢知的决贺风院较小.若不可谢,则还需要弟诅两个间顾:一号补短的意愿,补短成功的概率2.(补短的心理张力/补短的难度),意愿越强烈,越可采取补短的决策,否则不应盲目补短,避免因无法承受补短过程的困雄而崩溃:二是这一短是禀斌型的、还是IF哩喊型的,即是不是可补的问题.若是禀M型的短.蚓宜果取避短或弁短的决黄,产业增长率5、战略管理几个层次的问题是什么?它们之间是一种什么样的关系? ( 10分)参考答案:战略管理共分六个层次:企业哲学、公司层战略、业务层战略、战略基石、 战略风险、职能层故略.企业哲学是最深层的问题,它决定了其它战略管理问题,公司层战 略决定了业务层战略的具体形式.公司层战略与业务层战略共同决定了战略基石,战略基石 决定了战略风险,而战略基石与战略风险共同决定了职能层战略,职能活动田绕着充实战略 基石、现避战略风险而展开的。
2022年上海交通大学工商管理专业《管理学》科目期末试卷B(有答案)一、选择题1、下列选项中哪个不属于“组织”(organization)所共同具有的三个特性?()A.明确的目的或目标 B.精细的结构C.文化 D.人员2、如下选项中哪个不属于影响计划工作的权变因素?()A.组织的层次B.权力的大小C.环境的不确定性D.未来投入的持续时间3、()的结构设计使企业可以把精力集中在自己做得最好的业务上,而把其他业务活动外包给这方面做得最好的公司。
A.工作专门化 B.正规化C.管理跨度D.部门化6、组织行为学尤其关注的是()。
A.增长型战略 B.别具一格战略 C.专一化战略 D.公司层战略9、()不属于创业精神所主要强调的三个方面的主题。
A.对机会的追求B.创新C.增长D.拼搏10、在管理方格(managerial grid)理论中,任务型管理是指如下哪种情形?()A.对人和工作两个维度都非常关注B.更关注人C.对人和工作两个维度都不是特别关注D.更关注工作二、名词解释11、管理技能12、程序化决策13、管理万能论14、组织发展15、路径—目标理论16、组织17、战略18、无边界组织三、简答题19、简述团队凝聚力和一致性。
上海交通大学2006年博士研究生入学考试英语试题Part I Vocabulary (20%)Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A). B). C) and D). Choose the One answer that best completes thesentence. then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single linethrough the center1. Automobiles, buses, and taxis pull up to the passenger____ to pick up or drip off travelers.A) vehicle B) stock C) terminal D) address2. His strange behavior confirmed his neighbors in their _ that he was guilty.A) suspicion B) estimate C) doubt D) imagination3. That novel marked his highest achievement as a literary artist. All his____ efforts fell belowthat standard.A) successive B) subsequent C) consequent D) excessive4. A drunk was standing in the middle of the street, uncertainly and trying hard to stayuprightA) falling B) lying C) soaring D)swaying5. Electrical energy may be divided into two components as positive and negative.A) exemplified B) illustrated C) elucidated D)specified6. In the field of Architecture we find high by men: 83% for men and 17% for women.A) proximity B) maximum C) domination D) authorization7. He sought to determine the that existed between the ability in algebra and the ability tointerpret reading exercises.A) combination B) correlation C) collaboration D) cohesion8. Based upon the that the world was round, explorers sailed west in order to reach the east.A) prediction B) hypothesis C) indication D) citation9. Some people disregard social without being conscious that they are doing somethingextraordinary.A) conventions B) interventions C) interferences D) convictions10. He could not go to the university because he had neither enough money, nor adequate______A) recommendations B) regulations C) certificates D)qualifications11 The local authorities seemed to for the accident taking place last week.A) share B) take C) blame D) criticize12. Scientists say that that they believe trees can warn each other of danger by____ chemicals intothe air.A) retreating B)releasing C) retrieving D) relieving13. Since there were four different of the accident, it was difficult to know what reallyhappened.A) versions B) justifications C) quotations D) criteria14. The woman was worried about the dangers of taking aspirins, but her doctor _____ her.A) warranted B) promised C)reassured D) guaranteed15. One condition of this job is that you must be______ to work at weekends.A) compatible B) sensible C) accessible D) available16. it is doubtless that those who wish to succeed in career should be .A) aggressive B) perceptive C) progressive D) collective17. In America, people can accomplish many things if they know how to their resources.A) adapt B) admire C) pool D) propel18. A family may be a______ one in which both parents have been divorced and have remarried,bringing both sets of children into the family.A) negotiated B) moralized C) presumed D) blended19. Animals tend to be ______in their use of language. They generally don't communicate indifferent ways.A) creative B) rigid C) original D) cooperative20. Scientists don't usually accept a theory until there is ______ evidence to prove it.A) controversial B) perspective C)empirical D) innovative21. We generally_____ to the behavior of our social group. Behaving differently can creatediscomfortA) conform B) confirm C) conserve D) consent22. Marriage is a_______ custom. Every culture has some form of marriage.A) uniform B) unitary C) universal D) unitive23. Although Irene couldn't speak Spanish, she________ her meaning successfully by using bodylanguages and gestures.A) transmitted B) corresponded C) conceived D) conveyed24. Thank you for applying for a position with our firm. We do not have any openings at this time,but we shall keep your application on_____ for two months.A) pile B) segment C) sequence D) file25. The work in the office was ______by a constant stream of visitors.A) confused B) hampered C) reversed D) perplexed26. Most nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a_____.A)scarcity B) rarity C) minority D) shortage27.The drawn from what the president said have led to some major changes in our project.A) references B) inferences C) deferences D) conferences28. The manager's promise to increase the workers' pay was a _____ to union demands.A) subservience B) necessity C) reluctance D) concession29. The waiter could not put up with the_____ lady and finally lost his temper.A) discrete B) compassionate C) imminent D) insolent30. When a marriage ends, the former husband and wife often _____with each other for the rightof fostering the children.A) contend B) accord C)comport D)allocate31. Slang is not accepted in all situations because it_____ from standard, more formal expressions.A)deviates B) isolates C)disperses D)speculates32. It was a ______when Jim lost all his money gambling; he even had no money left for food orrent.A) syndrome B) drainage C) catastrophe D) fragment33. In some western countries, off-springs are no longer considered as economic asset but_____.A) liability B)feasibility C) viability D) vicinity34. Whether their football team will win is a matter of______ to me.A) discrimination B) termination C) indifference D) assertion35. Because the young girl had never been asked to do such a delicate work, she wascompletely_____ by the sudden confusion,A) compelled B) bewildered C) refrained D) constrained36. The warmth of the afternoon and the sweet scent of the flowers made me feel pleasantly _____A) dozy B) leisurely C) idle D) calm37. Anyone who drives under the influence of drink is ______of any responsibility for otherpeople's safety.A) negligent B) careless C) regardless D)reckless38. She resigned from the group because of a personality____ with the other people in it.A)clash B) crash C) clasp D)crust39. Her speech was deliberately _______ to avoid offending either side.A) virtual B) ambiguous C) crucial D)decent40. Clare was _______by the fear that her husband was involved in the crime.A) wretched B) lingered C) haunted D) baffledPart ⅡReading. Comprehension (30%)Directions: In this part you are going to read six passages. Each of the passages is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each question there are four choicesmarked A), B), C) and D). Decide on the best choice according to the passage youhave read then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single lirethrough the centerPassage OneLarge companies need a way to reach the savings of the public at large. The same problem, on a smaller scale, faces practically every company trying to develop new products and create new jobs. There can be little prospect of raising the sort of sums needed from friends and people we know, and while banks may agree to provide short-term finance, they are generally unwilling to provide money on a permanent basis for long-term projects. So companies turn to public, inviting people to lend them money, or take a share in the business in exchange for a share in future profits. This they do by issuing stocks and shares in the business through the Stock Exchange. By doing so, they can put into circulation the savings of individuals and institutions, both at home and overseas. When the saver needs his money back, he does not have to go to the company with whom he originally placed it. Instead, he sells his shares through a stockbroker to some other saver who is seeking to invest his money.Many of the services needed both by industry and by each of us are provided by the Government or by local authorities. Without hospitals, roads, electricity, telephones, railways, this country could not function. All these require continuous spending on new equipment and new development if they are to serve us properly, requiring more money than is raised through taxes alone. The government, local authorities, and nationalized industries therefore frequently needed to borrow money to finance major capital spending, and they, too, come to the Stock Exchange.There is hardly a man or woman in this country whose job or whose standard of living does not depend on the ability of his or her employers to raise money to finance new development. In one way or another, this new money must come from the savings of the country. The Stock Exchange exists to provide a channel through which these savings can reach those who need finance.41. Almost all companies involved in new production and development must______.A) rely on their own financial resourcesB) persuade the banks to provide long-term financeC) borrow large sums of money from friends and people we knowD)depend on the population as a whole for finance42. The money which enables these companies to go ahead with their projects is_______.A) repaid to its original owners as soon as possibleB) raised by the selling of shares in the companiesC) exchanged for part ownership in the Stock ExchangeD) invested in different companies on the Stock Exchange43. When the savers want their money back they_______.A) ask another company to obtain their money for themB) look for other people to borrow money fromC) put their shares in the company back on the marketD) transfer their money to a more successful company44. All the essential services on which we depend are________.A) in constant need of financial support.B) run by the Government or our local authoritiesC) financed wholly by rates and taxesD) ramble to provide for the needs of the population45. The Stock exchange makes it possible for the Government, local authorities and rationalizedindustries .A)to borrow as much money as they wishB) to make certain everybody saves moneyC) to raise money to finance new developmentsD) to make certain everybody lends money to themPassage TwoThese is a new type of advertisement becoming increasingly common in newspaper classified columns. It is sometimes placed among "situations vacant", although it doesn't offer anyone job, and sometimes it appears "situations wanted", although it is not placed by someone looking for a job either. What it does to offer help in applying for a job,"Contact us before writing your application”, or "Make use of our long experience in preparing your curriculum vitae or job history", is how it is usually expressed.The growth and apparent success of such a specialized service is, of course, a reflection on the current high levels of unemployment. It is also an indication of the growing importance of the curriculum vitae(or job history), with the suggestion that it may now qualify as an art form in its own right.There was a time when job seeker simply wrote letters of application." Just put down your name, address, age and whether you have passed any exams", was about the average level of advice offered to young people, applying for their first jobs when I left school. The letter was really just for openers, it was explained, and else could and should be saved for the interview. And in those days of full employment file technique worked. the letter proved that you could write and were available for work. Your eager face and intelligent replies did the rest.Later, as you moved up the ladder, something slightly more sophisticated was called for. The advice then was to put something in the letter which would distinguish you from the rest .It might be the aggressive approach. "Your search is over. I am the person you are looking for”, was a widely used trick that occasionally succeeded. Or it might be some special feature specially designed for the job in view.There is no doubt, however, that it is the increasing number of applicants with university education at all points in the process of engaging staff that has led to the greater importance of the curriculum vitae.46. The new type of advertisement which is appearing in newspaper columns_______.A) informs job hunters of the opportunities availableB) promises useful advice to those looking for employmentC) divides available jobs into various typesD) informs employers that people are available for work47. Nowadays a demand for this specialized type of service has been created because______.A) there is a lack of jobs available for artistic peopleB) there are so many top level jobs availableC) there are so many people out of workD) the job history is considered to be a work of art48. In the post it was expired that first-job hunters would_______ .A) write an initial letter giving their life historyB) pass some exams before applying for a jobC) have no qualifications other than being able to read and writeD) keep any detailed information until they obtained an interview49. Later, as one went on to apply for more important jobs, one was advised to include in theletter_________.A) something that would attract attention to one's applicationB) a personal opinion about the organization one was trying to joinC) something that would offend the person reading itD) a lie that one could easily get away with telling50. The job history has become such an important document because________.A) there has been an increase in the number of jobs advertisedB) there has been an increase in the number of applicants with degreesC) jobs are becoming much more complicated nowadays,D) the other processes of applying for jobs are more complicatedPassage ThreeIn the survey of hospital patients, it was found that of the 196 interviewed, only 22 hadlistened to the hospital radio service since admission. One of the main reasons given for not limning was that although 50% of the patients knew about the service, only 9% knew the name of the station and how to receive it. Of these, only 3% were aware that their friends and relatives could send a get-well message or record dedication through the radio service .Another main cause of the low utilization of the service was the unserviceability of the bedside radio headsets. Of the 22 patients who had listened to the hospital station, ten said the reception was bad, five fair, and only seven said it was good. When asked if they would listen if the reception was better, 75% of the patients who never listened said they would do so. The most popular programs were found to be based on hospital-ward information and news, and health education; record requests came third.From this survey it was concluded that hospital radio stations needed higher financial support to extend their services, and, most importantly, a better maintenance of the bedside radio headsets should be provided to improve reception of the broadcasts. There are over 250 independent hospital radio stations in the United Kingdom and they serve about three-quarters of the UK hospitals. Recently a survey was carried out on a random sample of these stations concerning their staffing, broadcasts and finance .Three hospitals also contributed information about the listening habits of almost 200 patients. The findings have been of great assistance to the people involved in patient services and have stimulated them to think critically about the radio facilities provided by the hospitals.To obtain information about the hospital radio stations, 30 hospital broadcasting organizations were randomly selected and questionnaires were sent out. Twenty-four (80%) were returned completed. From the replies it was found that an average station serves three hospitals and involves 33 people in the preparation and broadcasting of programs. Broadcasts are put out for about 28 hours a week, mainly in the evenings and at weekends. Only 17% and 21% being broadcast in the mornings and afternoons respectively. All the stations used ward visiting to obtain record requests and many publicized their services by other means as well, for example, posters, inserts in patients’ guides and through local newspapers. Only 13% of the radio stations got a financial grant from the hospitals, although additional funding from voluntary organizations such as the hospitals league of friends goes to another 21%. The cost of a radio station to the hospital is therefore difficult to estimate, but various hospital administrators gave it as varying between £25-£2,000 per annum.51. According to the passage, a survey was carried out on_______.A) three-quarters of the patients in three hospitalsB) patients selected from 250 hospitalsC) about200 patients in some of the hospitalsD) patients from three-quarters of the UK hospitals52. Many of the hospital patients did not listen to the hospital radio because .A) they were unable to receive it on their bedside headsetsB) their friends and relatives did not use the radio to send messagesC) they didn't know how to tune their radiosD) they did not know the names of the programs being broadcast53. Three-quarters of the patients interviewed about the radio service wanted_______A) technical improvements B) more factual programsC) fewer record requests D) increased medical information54. The most popular method of advertising the radio stations services is________.A) through hospital publications B) using the local press facilitiesC) approaching the patients personally D) putting up posters in the wards55. Almost a quarter of the radio stations received finance from_________A) hospital board grants B) various voluntary bodiesC) the hospital administrators estimates D) a variety of other sourcesPassage fourImagine a world in which there was suddenly no emotion -- a world in which human beings could feel no love or happiness, no terror or hate .Try to imagine the consequences of such atransformation. People might not be able to stay alive, knowing neither joy nor leasure, anxiety nor fear, they would be likely to repeat acts that hurt them as acts that were beneficial. They could not learn: they could not benefit from experience became this emotionless world would lack rewards and punishments. Society would soon disappear; people would be as likely to harm one another as to provide help and support. Human relationships would not exist in a world without friends or enemies; there could be no marriage, affection among companions, or bonds among members of groups. Society's economic underpinnings would be destroyed, since earning $10 million would be no more pleasant than earning $10; there would be no incentive to word In fact there would be no incentives of any kind, for as we will see incentives imply a capacity to enjoy them.In such a world, the chances that the human species would survive are next to zero, because emotions are the basic instrument of our survival and adaptation. Emotions structure the world for us in important ways individuals, we categorize objects on the basis of our emotions. True we consider the length, shape size, or texture, but an object's physical aspects are less important than what it has done or can do to us - hurt us, surprise us, anger us or make us joyful. We also use categorizations colored by emotions in our families communities, and overall society. Out of our emotional experiences with objects and events comes a social feeling of agreement that certain things and actions are "good" and others are "bad", and we apply these categories to every aspect of our social life - from what food we eat and what clothes we wear to how we keep promises and which people our group will accept. In fact, society exploits our emotional reactions and attitudes such as loyalty morality, pride, shame, fear and greed in order to maintain itself. It gives high rewards to individuals who perform important tasks such as surgery, makes heroes out of individuals for unusual or dangerous achievements such as flying fighter planes in a war, and uses the legal penal system to make people afraid to engage in antisocial acts.56. The reason why people might not be able to stay alive in a world without emotion is that theywould ________.A) not be able to tell the texture of objectsB) not know what was beneficial and what was harmful to themC) not be happy with a life without loveD) do things that hurt each other's feelings57. According to the passage, people's learning activities are possible because they_____A) believe that emotions are fundamental for them to stay aliveB) benefit from providing help and support to one anotherC) get more rewards and benefit from experienceD) know what is vital to the progress of society58. It can be inferred from the passage that the economic foundation of a society is dependenton_______A) the ability to make moneyB) the will to work for pleasureC) the capacity to enjoy incentivesD) the categorizations of our emotional experiences59. Emotions are significant for man's survival and adaptation because________A) they provide the means by which people view the size or shape of objectsB) they are the basis for the social feeling of agreement by which society is maintainedC) they encourage people to perform dangerous achievementsD) they generate more love than hate among people60. The emotional aspects of an object are more important than its physical aspects in that they__________A) help society exploit its members for profitB) encourage us to perform important tasksC) help to perfect the legal and penal systemD) help us adapt our behavior to the world surrounding us.Passage FiveThroughout the history of music, there have always been those who resist the idea of discussing music or writing about it. These people feel that music speaks for itself and that it is impossible to describe musical events in words. Even in the nineteenth century, with all its artistic manifestos, arguments about the directions music should take, and endless discussions of music's capacity to depict stories or philosophical ideas, there were still those who insisted that writing about it was foolish. In our own day, many composers resist the attempts of commentators to explain their music, preferring to let the music speak for them. Aside from having to produce a paper to satisfy the requirements of a class, why would someone go to the effort of crafting clear prose about music?Sometimes the purpose of writing about music is clear and straightforward.When one writes program notes, for example, the goal is to help the audience understand the music better and thus increase their enjoyment of the concert. Sometimes one writes about music in order to establish one's credentials as a knowledgeable musician, who will be more competent than those who may be able to play the notes, but who cannot say anything intelligent about the music beyond "I like it," or "It's hard to play." Further, one might write about a piece of music in order to demonstrate one's analytic understanding of how the work is put together, what gives it coherence, logic, and syntax. Finally, one might write about music in order to convey the results of one's historical or biographical research on a musical topic, a musicological research.However, it may not always be easy to write convincingly about music. Even when music accompanies a text, as in art, song or opera, we find it hard to express exactly what the music "says" beyond what the text says though we feel that a musical setting captures the feeling of the text with remarkable exactness. Besides the inherent difficulty of writing about music, there are extrinsic factors that make it more difficult. There are many performers who seem to approach music simply as a challenge to their technique, as if the only important music consisted of solos for their particular instrument. Outside the world of musicians, society's attitudes toward music affect us. Society treats music as comforting background, an atmosphere one creates for oneself. In this view, no one has any right to question anyone else's musical taste; like religion or politics, musical taste is regarded as a personal matter and a dangerous area to discuss. But there should bea level of discussion possible beyond elementary approval or disapproval.61. Those who go against the discussion of musical experience argue that _________A) musical works are personal creation and treasures which should not be shared by others.B) false interpretation of the musical works will mislead the audience.C) not everyone is capable of interpreting music.D) music, as a nonverbal art, is difficult to put into words.62. According to the passage, which of the following does NOT account for one's writing aboutmusic?A)To present the findings of his musicological research.B)To point out other's misunderstanding by revealing his own.C) To provide help for those who fail to enjoy the music.D) To qualify himself as a profound and competent musician63. The word "extrinsic" (Line 5, Para 3)most probably means" ________”.A) technical B) analytic C) external D) stylistic64. Which of the following is indicated but not stated out in the passage?A) Comments on a music work will be considered offensive to composers.B) The nineteenth century is more open to musical discussion than the preceding years.C) One's musical taste is a personal matter, which allows no violation.D) All too often some performers become enmeshed in playing the notes and studying thetechniques.65. The author's attitude towards music writing is _________A) cautious B) enthusiastic C) suspicious D) disapprovingPassage sixThe advance of globalization is challenging some of our most cherished values and ideals, including our idea of what constitutes "home." For some, globalization has rendered the familiarstrange, because their employers, competitors-perhaps even local banks and stores-are now owned by entities on the other side of the planet. Others of us spend our time flitting around the world from one great city to another, trying to convince ourselves, perhaps, that we are equally comfortable in any of them. But one way or another, our traditional conceptions of what home means are being challenged.The oxford English Dictionary defines home as, among other things, "a collection of dwellings, a village, a town" "the place where one fives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household," Perhaps more interestingly, the OED goes on to say that home is "a place or region to which one naturally belongs or where one feels ease, and a place where a thing flourishes or from which it originates." These expanded definitions, which take the idea of home beyond the merely physical, are of particular interest today. For at the same time as globalization gathers strength, an opposing force is at work. Call it “localization", it represents the sense in which people increasingly seek to define a cultural identity with reference to their immediate community -in other Words, to create a true home, a place where they feel rooted and secure.It is, of course, not just the cold winds of globalization that drive people in this direction. The sense of alienation, of exclusion, which is becoming increasingly prevalent at the end of the century- partly because of the breakup of the traditional model of the nuclear family- is also playing its part. I see this firsthand through my own work on education in Britain, but I am sure it holds across the whole of the developed world, and perhaps to an increasing extent, in the developing world, too.Like administrations around the world, the British government is devoting substantial weight and resources to the issues of social exclusion. I hope that a new and more flexible definition of home will start to emerge from this sort of work. It should be a definition that acknowledges that in the next century, the traditional Physical conception of home simply as a dwelling will be swept away. In our new age, we are coming to learn, the things that really connect us will no longer be just shared experiences but shared and enduring values.66. According to the writer, the progress in the global development helps us_________.A) get more familiar with anything strange in the worldB) enjoy all the homely conveniences traveling around the worldC) realize the values of home in the modern business worldD) form different values and ideas on something traditional67. From the definitions of home in the OED, we can infer that home in a modern sense is _____.A) a house or apartment where one livesB) a city or country where one was bornC) a region where one feels restful and comfortableD) a place where one feels firmly fixed68. In the third paragraph, the writer implies that________A) parents have shifted their responsibility to someone else.B) people feel more distant from each otherC) home should not be like home as it used to beD) people find it difficult to receive more care than before69.The word "flexible”(Para 4) moat probably refers to______A) elastic B) adjustable C) changeable D) unusual70.What is the main message of this text?A)Home with shared and enduring values is more like "home" than homeB) Globalization on the one hand means localization.C) Globalization makes new definitions of home.D) East and west home is best.Part Ⅲ Cloze (25%)Section A (10%)Directions:There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through。
9.依据系统管理理论的思想,企业的竞争优势取决于策略组合的优势而不是单个策略的优势10.创新是管理的基本职能,而维持则已过时三、选择题(10*2分)1.在一定规模下,管理幅度越大,其管理层次就会A越少 B越多 C不变 D时多时少2.下列非正式组织的作用中,哪一种是对组织管理工作最不利的A不同正式组织的成员集中于同一非正式组织中B在非正式组织中传递小道消息C非正式组织间有明显的竞争关系D非正式组织中的核心人物具有相同或大于正式组织领导的影响力和号召力3.“科学管理理论”的创始人是A法约尔 B泰罗 C梅奥 D福特4.当人们认为自己的报酬与劳动之比与他人的报酬与劳动之比相等时,就会有较大的激励作用,这种理论称为A双因素理论 B效用理论 C公平理论 D强化理论5.以下哪种情况不是由于过度集权引起的A降低决策质量 B降低企业员工的工作热情C增加企业各部门间的摩擦 D削弱了企业的应变能力6.根据某地统计年鉴,该地区去年的电话占有率为每百人34.5部,有人为核实该数据,在该地区随机调查了200名居民,发现拥有电话的为45人,这一结果说明:A该地区的实际电话占有率为每百人22.5部B所选居民可能只回答了家中拥有电话的数量C抽样调查的样本量过小,所以该结论不具有参考价值D建议再调查200人,将平均值作为最后的结果7.现代管理的核心是A利润最大化 B不断扩大市场占有率C使人性得到最完美的发展 D促进效率的提高8.期望理论的核心是A双向期望 B努力 C绩效 D奖赏9.哪一种创新不属于要素创新A材料创新 B管理创新 C设备创新 D人事创新10公平理论进一步表明,管理人员应该懂得A人是难以满足的 B人贵有自知之明C人无贵贱之分 D好人难得好报四、论述题(一)中国企业家调查系统在一次大型调查中显示,86.2%的企业经营者认为提高企业竞争力的关键在于“好的领导班子”(“高素质的职工队伍”为50.7,“强有力的技术创新能力”为32.2),试举例说明并论述好的领导班子对于企业或组织的重要意义(二)德鲁克“技术创新源泉”理论评述2003一、简述题(8*6分)1.泰罗、法约尔和韦伯三种管理理论共同特征2.决策的有效性标准3.影响集权度的主要因素4.非正式组织的作用5.人员配备的原则6.人性假设的作用和意义7.公平理论8.有效控制应遵循的原则二、选择题(14*3分)1.决定一个企业长期盈利能力的因素是A企业自身的技术、管理、渠道、营销、财务等实力B所在产业的竞争强度和自身的综合实力C影响产业竞争强度的五种因素D所在产业的市场规模、增长空间2.受决策者个性影响最大的是A确定性决策 B多目标决策C不确定型决策 D程序化决策3.某公司总经理拥有管理公司的全部权限,只受董事会、公司章程以及政府规章的制约,除直接指挥地区分公司外,他还设立了人事助理、财务顾问、公共关系顾问等职。
A.组织中人们的心理状况B.人们的行为在工作中的表现C.人们在工作中的活动D.活动所创造的组织绩效2、依据情景领导理论,当下属有能力但无意愿干领导希望他们干的工作时,以下哪种领导风格最为合适?()A.告知 B.推销 C.参与 D.授权3、一家公司董事会通过决议,计划在重庆建立汽车制造厂,建设周期为一年,需完成基础建设、设备安装、生产线调试等系列工作,()技术最适合来协调各项活动的资源分配。
A.领导者 B.发言人C.企业家D.混乱驾驭者7、20世纪以前,有两个重要的事件促进了管理研究的发展,其中一个是()。
A.亚当·斯密出版《国富论》B.泰勒出版《科学管理原理》C.文艺复兴 D.霍桑实验8、管理中与激励问题有关的公平理论是由()提出的。
A.轮式 B.全通道式 C.小道消息D.链式10、钱德勒是最早对战略和结构的关系进行研究的管理学家,他研究的结论是()。
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活动所构成的,这些活动包括计划、组织、领导、控制等, 它们成为管理的基本职能。 (4)管理要紧紧围绕组织目标来进行,既要注重效率, 又要注重效果。 (5)管理工作是在一定的环境条件下进行的,有效的管 理必须充分考虑组织内外的特定环境条件。
(1)稀缺性 人类社会赖以生存发展的自然资源是有限的。 组织赖以生存的人文社会资源也是有限的。 人们创造的财富相对于人的欲望来说是有限的。
(2)机会成本。 同一种资源可以有许多用途,但用在某方面后就无法再 用它来做别的事情,这就产生了机会成本的问题。(如何 计算?)
(3)资源的相互替代性。 人们可以使用不同的资源来达到同样的目标。
一般只限于督导操作人员 的工作,不会指挥其他管 理人员
关于管理者的传统观点 :强调职位、职权、下 属。
德鲁克关于管理者的观点 :强调管理者对组织 的责任。
管理者的定义: 管理者应是既拥有正式的主管职位行使权力,也
能通过决策等管理工作对组织承担责任、作出贡 献的人。
人力资源。组织中拥有的成员的知识、技能和经验的 总和,是第一资源。
资本资源。主要指货币资本和现金。 物质资源。如土地、厂房、机器设备等。
信息资源。一类是知识性信息,另一类是非知识信息。 关系资源。组织的存续不是孤立的,它必须和其他组织
第一讲 管理概论
邓燊 博士
开始职业生涯后:两者必据 其一
管理者:理解管理原理 是培养管理技能的基础, 可以使自己获得成为有 效的管理者的系统知识。
上海交通大学英语水平考试2006年考研真题及解析Ⅰ. Multiple Choice: (30points)Each of the following sentences demands one word for its completion. You task is to pick from the four choices a word that you think may fit in the blank in the sentence. Write the letter that corresponds to your choice in the answer booklet.1.When the fire broke out, the people lost their________ and ran in all directions.Many people lost their life when they ran away from the fire.A. heartsB. headsC. mindsD. souls2. I got a job as salesman at the corporation. There are a few things that I don’t like about the job, but________ it’s very enjoyable.A. above allB. as usualC. by and largeD. by no means3. In the preface________ my book, I express my sincere gratitude to all the teachers and friends who have been of help to me during my three year’s life in the university.A. onB. forC. toD. in4. When the young man realized that the police had spotted him, he made________ the exit as quickly as possible, only to find that two policemen were waiting outside.A. offB. fromC. towardD. for5. Bob was told that the most important consideration with the strategies of product promotion is carefully________ the risks and benefits, and their feasibility as well.A. WeighingB. stimulatingC. evaluatingD. formulating6. Some women would like to go shopping at weekends since they expect to pick up wonderful________ in the market, and they usually spend a couple of hours in shopping.A. securitiesB. bargainsC. disposalsD. bonds7. The Supreme Court’s decisions on physician-assisted suicide carry important________ for how medicine seeks to relieve dying patients of pain and suffering.A. implicationB. complicationC. innovationD. complexities8. But if robots are to reach the next stage of labor-saving utility, they will have to operate with less human ________ and able to make at least a few decisions for themselves-goals that pose a real challenge.A. interactionB. supervisionC. availabilityD. disposition9. Unemployment is a category that comprises a large variety of workers, including some farmers, construction workers, house painters, and others whose work may be seasonal or _______ because of weather.A. sporadicB. spontaneousC. exponentialD. ephemeral10. Catherine’s mother was________ ill last summer, but fortunately, she was makinga slow but steady recovery after an operation was done on her lung.A. definitelyB. definitivelyC. criticallyD. fatally11. As a way of ________ domestic harmony and creating a manageable routine, some couple choose one of the three different styles of household role division: traditional, egalitarian or cooperative.A. fosteringB. conferringC. breedingD. establishing12. It used to he________ impossible to find vegetarian restaurants outside the major cities, but now they can be found in many towns and cities.A. fantasticallyB. readilyC. virtuallyD. primarily13. The visiting scholar told me that the situation in his country were very________ , for it was threatened by foreign invasion.A. intensiveB. solemnC. graveD. intense14. While this healthy lifestyle approach to health worked for some (the wealthy of members of society), people experiencing poverty, unemployment or little control________ the condition of their daily lives benefited little from this approach.A. toB. intoC. onD. over15. She was going to write them a letter of complaint, but she________, and decided to wait a few days.A. considered itB. thought better of itC. took it into considerationD. thought worse of it16. At eight o’clock she laid________ whatever she was doing to tell the children a story before they went to bed.A. awayB. offC. asideD. out of17. Research into the validity of selection methods has consistently shown that the unstructured interview, ________ the interviewer asks any questions he or she likes, is a poor predictor of future job performance.A. whomeverB. whenC. wheneverD. where18. An important part of police strategy, rapid police response is seen by police officers and the public________ as offering tremendous benefits.A. similarlyB. the sameC. alikeD. likewise19. “Common language” here usually means a foreign language, but the same point applies in principle_________ any encounter with unfamiliar dialects or styles within a single language.A. toB. forC. with D .on20. Allowing ou r cities to be_________ by cars has progressively affected children’s independent mobility, for children have lost much of their freedom to explore their own neighborhood or city.A. pervadedB. diffusedC. dominatedD. intervened21. A group of experts warned the local population________ being deceived by the mountain’s outward calm, and forecast that an eruption would take place before the end of the century.A. offB. againstC. ofD. out of22. An explosion took place in a chemical plant, so measures had to be taken to________ the inhabitants who lived within one kilometers of the plant.A. evacuateB. unearthC. transmitD. alternate23. The doctor assured Victor that his wife would certainly________ although she had been unconscious for 48 hours.A. take toB. come toC. see toD. stick to24. In cases where asbestos were employed, it was recommended that it should be used in a bonded form with materials such as cement, ________ loose fibers were less likely to enter the air.A. in order thatB. rather thanC. so thatD. other than25. ________ of our personal rhythms, most of us have a productive period between 10 a.m. and noon, when the stomach, pancreas, spleen and heart all appear to be in their most active phases.A. IrrespectiveB. IrrelevantC. DisregardingD. Despite26. By naturally rewarding those producers that excel, excellence is actively encouraged and those that inefficiently produce goods or services not valued are_________.A. eliminatedB. dischargedC. spoiltD. destroyed27. As a rule, what’s efficient in one place will be efficient in most other p laces, thus American businesses are fierce competitors________ they choose to sell their product, having been formed in a competitive environment that breeds optimality.A. whateverB. wheneverC. whereverD. however28. The British are not so familiar with different cultures and other ways of doing things, ________ is often the case with people in many other countries.A. asB. suchC. soD. what29. New research raises new concerns that altering crops to withstand such threats may pose new risks---from ________ the weeds themselves.A. anything butB. other thanC. more thanD. none other than30. One of the most________ challenges that the United States---and indeed, the world---will face in the next few decades is how to alleviate the growing stress that human activities are placing on the environment.A. consequentialB. subsequentC. emergentD. pressing参考答案及解析I.Multiple Choice: (30points)1. B lo se one’ s head 不知所措。
目 录2015年上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院845管理学考研真题及详解2014年上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院845管理学考研真题(回忆版)2007年上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院483管理学(I)考研真题2007年上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院483管理学(I)考研真题及详解2006年上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院483管理学(I)考研真题及详解2006年上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院452管理学(II)考研真题及详解2005年上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院483管理学(I)考研真题及详解2005年上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院452管理学(II)考研真题及详解2004年上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院483管理学(I)考研真题及详解2004年上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院452管理学(II)考研真题及详解2003年上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院483管理学(I)考研真题(含部分答案)2003年上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院452管理学(II)考研真题及详解2002年上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院561管理学考研真题及详解2015年上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院845管理学考研真题及详解一、辨析题(共8题,每题5分,共40分)1.梅奥试验得到的结论是,人是“经济人”。
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1. 管理的自然属性和社会属性?
2 西蒙将决策分为程序性决策和非程序性决策,这种分法对管理实践有何意义?--8
3 在不确定环境下,应如何认识计划工作?
4 如何理解管理伦理的成本和价值? `
5 在组织变革时,会遇到文化的阻碍.那么应是企业文化来适应组织变革,还是组织变革来适应文化?
1 一道成本,产量和利润关系的题
2 有两个不同市场的项目,A的需求量服从N(xx,xx)的正态分布.A产品的固定成本xx,单件变动成本xx,价格为xx;B的需求量服从N(yy,yy)的正态分布.B产品的固定成本yy,单件变动成本yy,价格为yy;问那个项目的亏损可能性大?
3 A初始投资XX万元,第二年开始每年的净现金流XX万元;经营期是XX年,期末无残值.
B初始投资XX万元,第二年开始每年的净现金流XX万元;经营期是XX年,期末无残值.社会风险再贴率5% U 4?
4 给出了一个工程的网络计划图,让你找出关键路径,并指出实施过程中的问题。
2创新对组织的生存和发展非常重要,管理者应为创新活动创造一个什么样的组织环境? l;
3 在不确定环境下,应如何认识计划工作?。