上海高考英语口试preparation.doc 情景提问

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1.Ask the way to Jingjiang hotel.

Where is the …? / How can I get to …? / Do you know …?

2.Ask your classmate about the maths lesson / test you have missed.

What did the teacher teach? / Is … difficult ( or easy) ?

3.You are persuading Mike to go to a concert on Saturday evening?

Will you go with me? / why not go with me?

4.Ask your teacher how to learn English well.

How can I learn English well? / can you give me some tips on how to learn English?

5.At a restaurant / snack bar, you are discussing what to eat?

Would you like…? / What would you like…? / Which would you prefer,…or…?

6.Ask Peter about a photo of his family.

Who is the man? / Is she/he your…?

7.Ask Alice where she lives.

Where do you live? / Is your home far from here?

8.At a supermaket / shop, you ask customers questions.

Can I help you? / What would you like?

9.At a booking office of Shanghai Railway Station, you ask a man inside quesitions.

Do you still have the tickets to Xi’an? / How much is the ticket?

10.Ask about the postage of a packet to the U.S.

What’s the postage? / How long does it take to get to the U.S.?

11.You want to know how Chinese people celebrate the Chinese New Year.

How do Chinese people celebrate the Chinese New Year? / What do you do on the Chinese New Year?

12.Ask your friend John about the journey from Britain.

Did you enjoy the journey? / What do you think of …?

13.You want to know your friend’s life in Europe.

Did you enjoy the life in Britain? / What do you think of … ?

14.You’d go and buy a TV set to decorate the room. You ask the shop assistant.

How much is the TV set? / Which one is better?

15.Peter has a toothache and wants to make an appointment to see Dr.Brown. Now the nurse answers the phone and asks questions.

Can you come on Wednesday morning? / When can you come?

16.You are shopping for a pair of shoes at a shoe store. She asks the assistant.

How much is …? / Which pair is better?

17.You and Jackie are discussing which TV program to watch on a Saturday night.

Which program do you like? / Do you like cartoons ( or plays )

18.Your class will have picnic. Ask your classmates’ opinion of it.

What’s your opinion? / Shall we go together?

19.Your friend looks excited. Ask him sth.

What’s happened? / Why are you so excited?

20.You want to buy an English reference book. Ask questions to the shop assistant.

Where can I find an English reference book? / Can you help me?
