• 三,用资料和工具代替事物的名称 • Eg: He chose a gun instead of a cap and gown.
• 四,用典型实物代替职业或从事该职业的 人 Eg : Bob was promoted from the gray-collar to the white-collar in the shortest time.
借代(metonym)就是借彼代此。借代一 词源于古希腊语,译为a change of name, 即改变名称 提喻(synecdoche)一词源于希腊语 sunekdokhe,意为“解释”,又称“举 隅”,指的是在同一性质,同一种类, 同一个体的事物中,用包罗性广的词语 来代替包罗性更窄的词语,或反过来用 后者代替前者。
• 构成基础都是相关,即本体和喻体之间有 着一种密不可分的关系 • 目的都是为了指称事物 • (在指称事物时都不直接致命该事物,而 是用与其相关火具有包含关系的事物来指 代。
• 区别:
• 提喻中的两个事物往往具有包含关系,而 借代中主要是相关关系 • eg: he must have been spoilt from the cradle.(借代的指称是建立在复杂事物间的 密切关系上的,是在人们是生活经验和联 想的基础上完成的)
• 提喻的几种类型: • 一,以局部代替整体(the part for the whole) • Eg: this newspaper-and probably td see how the new faces perform before judging them.
• 提喻借助于事物间的相似部分,侧重于表 达事物间的相近隶属关系。 • eg: Yet alas, that spring should vanish with the Rose.
• 4. Aunt Melissa is my admiration。此 admiration的钦佩的人,本体和喻体是抽 象与具体的关系; • He earned his bread as a dust man.这 里的bread应该指生计,本体和喻体是具 体与抽象的关系
• Perhaps, language should be looked upon as a road map and a valuable possession: often study the road map (check grammar) and tune up the car engine (adjust vocabulary). Learning grammar and a good vocabulary is just like driving with a road map in a well-conditioned car.
• “The pen is mightier than the sword.” (Pen refers to written words, and sword to military force.) • “The Oval Office was busy in work.” (The Oval Office is a metonymy, as it stands for people who work in the office.) • “Let me give you a hand.” (Hand means help.)
• Metonymy • Synecdoche
• Metonymy is a figure of speech in which a thing or concept is referred to by the name of something closely associated with that thing or concept.
在二十多世纪之前亚里士多德的年代,是亚里士多德第一个提出修辞是“the art of per-suasion.”“metonymy”来源于拉丁语“metonymia”或是希腊语中“metonumia”意思是“change of name”。
“synecdoche”被认为是“metonymy”的特例,Arnold Lazarus 对这种说法深信不疑。
Synecd oche(提喻)A figure of speech in whicha part is used for the whole, the wholefor a part, the specif ic for the genera l, the genera l for the specif ic, or the materi al for the thingfrom whichit is made. 一种修辞方法,以局部代表整体(如用手代表水手),以整体代表局部(如用法律代表警官),以特殊代表一般(如用直柄剃刀代表杀人者),以一般代表特殊(如用贼代表扒手),或用原材料代表用该材料制造的东西(如用钢代表剑)Exampl e: lend me your ears (give me your attent ion).He saw some new facesin the classr oom.A fleetof ten sails\ To earn one’s bread\ To countheadsMany handsprovid e greatstreng th.The poor man had twelve mouths to feed.Lend me your ears. ( give me your attent ion.)Metony my(借代)换喻,转喻:A figure of speech in whichone word or phrase is substi tuted for anothe r with whichit is closel y associ ated,as in the use of “ Washin gton” for “the United States govern ment” or of “the sword” for “milita ry power”.一种一个词或词组被另一个与之有紧密联系的词或词组替换的修辞方法,如用华盛顿代替美政府或用剑代替军事力量Exampl e:bowing to the scepte red is le. (GreatBritai n)Youngpeople should have more respec t for gray hairs. (old people)The kettle is boilin g. (waterin the kettle)He took to the bottle.他爱上了喝酒。
转喻(借代)(metonymy)提喻(synecdoche) 换称(antonomasia)这三种修辞手法都属于关系类修辞,他们的共同之处都是用某一事物的名称指代另一事物的名称。
(1)根据人名或商品品牌名:Uncle Sam(山姆大叔)——Americans or the American government(美国人/美国政府)John Bull(约翰牛)——the English nation or a typical Englishman(英国/地道英国人)He is reading Shakespeare. 他在读莎士比亚作品(Shakespeare’s works 用作者指代作品)He went in debt just to keep up with the Joneses.他为了玉邻里攀比而负债。
(Joneses :neighbors 用“琼斯家”指代“邻里”)We drove a Ford to Hyde Park. 我们驾驶一辆福特牌小轿车到海德公园去。
(Ford :a car whose make is Ford 用品牌名指代实物)(2)根据实物名称Finally she married money. 她最终嫁给了有钱人。
(a rich man用“钱”指代“有钱人”)I live near an airport and passing planes can be heard night and day.我住在飞机场附近,日夜可听到过往的飞机声。
1. 部分代整体。
- 两岸青山相对出,孤帆一片日边来。
- 你们杀死一个李公朴,会有千百万个李公朴站起来!(这里第二个“李公朴”代指不怕流血牺牲,为争取民主和平而战斗的人们,以一个人的名字来代指具有相同品质的一群人)
2. 特征代本体。
- 圆规一面愤愤的回转身,一面絮絮的说,慢慢向外走去……(“圆规”代指杨二嫂,用杨二嫂瘦而高的体型特征像圆规来代替她本人)
- 纨绔不饿死,儒冠多误身。
3. 具体代抽象。
- 烽火连三月,家书抵万金。
- 南国烽烟正十年。
4. 专名代泛称。
- 何以解忧?唯有杜康。
- 有一千个读者就有一千个哈姆雷特。
1. 哎呀,就说借代吧,“两岸青山相对出,孤帆一片日边来”,这里用船的一部分“帆”来代替船,这多巧妙呀!而比喻呢,像“不知细叶谁裁出,二月春风似剪刀”,把春风比作剪刀,形象吧!
2. 你想想看,“你们杀死一个李公朴,会有千百万个李公朴站起来”,这就是借代呀,用李公朴来指代和他一样勇敢的人们。
3. 嘿,“黄发垂髫,并怡然自乐”里用“黄发”“垂髫”分别借代老人和小孩,简单明了吧。
4. 咱说呀,“烽火连三月,家书抵万金”,这里用“烽火”借代战争,多生动。
5. 你看啊,“旌旗十万斩阎罗”,用“旌旗”指代军队,厉害吧。
6. “那个红领巾扶着老奶奶过马路”,这里用“红领巾”借代少先队员呢。
7. 哎呀呀,“白领们在忙碌地工作着”,用“白领”指代一类人呀。
8. “枪杆子里出政权”,这里用“枪杆子”借代武装力量。
1.The newspaper—and probably the whole country—will wait its time a nd se e how t h e ne w fa c es pe rfo rm befo r e ju dg ing th em . 这家报纸——大概全国也一样 ——要等待一段时间,以便看这些新面孔 如何行事,然后再对他们做出判断。 以“面孔”代替“那些新近上台的人”
以“父亲”(father)代替“父亲的情感和责任”。 3.The wolf and the pig mingled together in his face. 残暴和贪婪交织在他的脸上。 分别以“狼”代替“残暴",以“猪”代替“贪婪"
1.All the wit and the learning were assembled there. 这里聚集了全球的智能和学识。 以“智能和学识”代替“有聪明才智的人”
1.All the plants in this cold country become green in the smiling year. 在这个寒冷的国家里,所有植物都在这气象万千的春天里披 上绿装。 以“微笑之年”(the smiling year) 代替“春季”( spring time),充分展示了百花盛开的美丽景色。 2.He felt at ease with all the world. 他怡然自得,与世无争。 以“整个世界”(all the world)代替“世界上的每一件事情”
2.These are not lumps of lifeless paper,but minds alive in the shelves.
英语中有二十几种种修辞手法,它们分别是:Simile明喻、Metaphor隐喻/暗喻、Metonymy借喻/借代、Synecdoche提喻、Synaesthesia 通感、Personification拟人、Hyperbole夸张、Parallelism排比/平行、Euphemism 委婉、Allegory 讽喻,比方、Irony反语、Pun双关、Parody仿拟、Rhetorical question修辞疑问/反问、Antithesis对照/对比/对偶、Paradox隽语、Oxymoron矛盾修饰法、alliteration头韵法、transferred epithet移就、Allusion引用典故、Climax渐进法/层进法、Anticlimax渐降法。
1.Simile 明喻明喻是将具有共性的不同事物作对比。
标志词常用 like, as, seem, as if, as though, similar to, such as等。
例如:1>.He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow.2>.I wandered lonely as a cloud.2.Metaphor 隐喻,暗喻隐喻是简缩了的明喻,是将某一事物的名称用于另一事物,通过比较形成。
例如:1>.He has a heart of stone.他铁石心肠。
2>.Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.3.Metonymy 借喻,借代借喻不直接说出所要说的事物,而使用另一个与之相关的事物名称。
I.以容器代替内容,例如:1>.The kettle boils. 水开了。
例如:1.Outside,(there is) a sea of faces.外面街上,是人的海洋。
(以人体的局部代全体,即以faces 表示people)2.Have you any coppers?你有钱吗?(以材料代事物,即以copper铜喻指coin money铜币)3.They share the same roof.他们住在一起。
(以部分代全体,即用roof屋顶,表示house屋子、住宅)4.He is the Newton of this century.他是本世纪的牛顿。
(以个体代整个类,用Newton表示scientist科学家)5.Ye see/ The steel ye tempered glance on ye.看,你们铸的剑在把你们看管!(以材料代事物,用steel钢,喻指sword剑)6.It was reported that China won the volleyball match.椐报载:在这次排球赛中,中国队赢了。
(以国家名称China 代该国球队the Chinese Volleyball Team)7.Life was a wearing to him.生活令(以抽象代具体,即用wearing 他感到厌倦。
喻指a wearing thing令人厌倦的事情) 转喻转喻(Metonymy)是指当甲事物同乙事物不相类似,但有密切关系时,可以利用这种关系,以乙事物的名称来取代甲事物,这样的一种修辞手段。
换称 借代修辞对比
THE COMPARISON BETWEEN METONYMY,SYNECDOCHE AND ANTONOMASIA转喻、提喻、换称三种修辞手法的对比转喻(Metonymy)、提喻(synecdoche)、换称(antonomasia)这三种修辞手法都属于关系类修辞,它们的共同之处都是用某一事物的名称指代另一事物的名称,故而常常容易使人混淆。
(A metonymy is a figure of speech that has to do with the substitution of the name of one thing for that of another with which it is closely associated.)2.用法:转喻通常用下列几种方式指代:①根据人名或商品品牌名:Uncle Sam(山姆大叔)→Americans or the American government(美国人/美国政府)John Bull(约翰牛)→the English nation or a typical Englishman(英国/地道英国人)He is reading Shakespeare. 他在读莎士比亚作品。
Shakespeare's works (用作者指代作品)He went in debt just to keep up with the Joneses. 他为了与邻里攀比而负债。
neighbours(用“琼斯家”指代“邻里”)We drove a Ford to Hyde Park. 我们驾驶一辆福特牌小轿车到海德公园去。
英语中的修辞手法1.明喻(Simile)明喻是一种最简单、最常见的修辞方法,是以两种具有共同特征的事物或现象进行对比,表明本体和喻体的关系,两者都在对比中出现,其基本格式是“A像B”,常用的比喻词有as, like, as if, as though等。
例如:●He jumped back as if he had been stung, and the blood rushedsintoshis wrinkled face.●The cheque fluttered to the floor like a bird with a broken wing. (支票跌落到地上,像一只断了翅膀的小鸟。
)●Like climbing a mountain, we struggle up three feet and fall back two.(正如爬山,我们费力爬上三英尺,又掉下去两英尺。
)I see also the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiery blodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts.(丘吉尔在此使用了一个恰当的比喻,把德国士兵比作蝗虫,因为二者有着共同之处-传播毁灭。
)2.暗喻(Metaphor)暗喻也是一种比喻,但不用比喻词,因此被称作缩减了的明喻(a compressed simile)。
例如:●What will parents do without the electronic baby-sitter (如果没有这位电子保姆,父母该怎么办呢)形象地说明了电视机的保姆功用。
●... while most of us are only too ready to apply to others the cold wind of criticism, we are somehow reluctant to give our fellows the warm sunshine of praise.(……但是我们中的很多人太容易给别人批评的冷风,而不愿意给自己的同伴赞扬的阳光。
包括以下几种情况:1.以容器代替内容:1)The kettle is boiling. Shall I snake tea? (壶烧开了,彻茶吗?) 句中用壶来代替壶中的水。
2 ) The coat would be beyond his miserable pocket (他那点儿少得可怜的钱买不起那件大衣)句中用衣袋来代替衣袋中的钱。
2.以工具代替行为者:1) They are said to be the best pens of the day. (据说他们是当代最优秀的作家)句中用笔代替作家。
2)"We1l, Mr. Weller,"says the gentleman, "You are a very good whip, and can do what you like with your horses, we know. "(Charles Dickens) (“是啊,韦勒先生”,那位绅士说,“你是个出色的鞭杆子,能够任意指挥你的马,我们是知道的。
)句中用鞭杆子代替车把式.3.以作者名称代替其作品名称:①The captain had fallen in possession of a complete Shakespeare.(Jack London)(船长得到一套莎士比亚全集)句中用莎士比亚代替莎士比亚作品。
② But you have not seen my Corots. They are in the music room. (Oscar wilde )可是你还没有看见我收藏的科罗特的风景画,它们挂在我的音乐室里。
Synecdoche (提喻)A figure of speech in which a part is used for the whole, the whole for a part, the specific for the general, the general for the specific, or the material for the thing from which it is made. 一种修辞方法,以局部代表整体(如用手代表水手),以整体代表局部(如用法律代表警官),以特殊代表一般(如用直柄剃刀代表杀人者),以一般代表特殊(如用贼代表扒手),或用原材料代表用该材料制造的东西(如用钢代表剑)Example: lend me your ears (give me your attention).He saw some new faces in the classroom.A fleet of ten sails \ To earn one’s bread \ To count headsMany hands provide great strength.The poor man had twelve mouths to feed.Lend me your ears. ( give me your attention.)Metonymy(借代)换喻,转喻:A figure of speech in which one word or phrase is substituted for another with which it is closely associated, as in the use of “ Washington” for “the United States government” or of “the sword” for “military power”.一种一个词或词组被另一个与之有紧密联系的词或词组替换的修辞方法,如用华盛顿代替美政府或用剑代替军事力量Example:bowing to the sceptered isle. (Great Britain)Young people should have more respect for gray hairs. (old people)The kettle is boiling. (water in the kettle)He took to the bottle.他爱上了喝酒。
借代, 提喻
metonymy1. 定义Metonymy: the substitution of the name of one thing for that of another with which it is closely associated.所谓借代是用一事物的名称来代替另一事物(即借彼代此),而这一事物与另一事物紧密关联。
The pen is mightier than the sword.Pen substitutes the people who use pen and sword substitutes the people who use the sword.Gray hairs should be respected.(Gray hairs substitutes the old people)借代的表现形式是,不直接说出所指对象的名称,而是借与该人或该物密切相关的事物的名称代替。
He is too fond of the bottles.I have never read James Joyce.借代具有以下几个特点:1. 甲事物与乙事物不相类似;2. 甲事物与乙事物有不可分离的关系;3. 乙事物的名称来代替甲事物。
借代的运用范围极其的广泛,可用特征代人事;处所代人事,以作品代作者;以容器代内容;以地名代机构、组织;以商标名代物品,以具体代抽象或以抽象代具体;用专有名词代普通名词或普通名词代专用名词等以容器代内容After her husband left her, Wendy took to the bottle.温迪丈夫抛弃后开始酗酒The film star has a large wardrobe.这位影星有许多衣服。
其原理与借代相同, 其原理与借代相同,常常是用具有特征性的称谓 来戏称同一种东西。例如: 来戏称同一种东西。例如: (1) He indulged in games after he bought an “Apple”. (Apple这里指“苹果牌”计算机。) (2) The documents from the Foggy Bottom revealed the military budget for next year.(雾谷,代称美国国务院。) year.( ) (3) The emblems on the party tickets tell their members to vote for the “big chick” Democrats, or the “bird on the dollar” Republicans.(用“大鸡”和“美钞上的秃鹰” 分别指代民主、共和两党。)
The latter-day Aladdin, still snugly abed, then presses a button on a bedside box and issues a string of business and personal memos. Following eyeball-to-eyeball consultations with the butcher and the baker and grocer on the tube, she hits a button to commandeer supplies for tonight’s dinner party. his pen would prove mightier than his pickaxe.
(2) 整体代局部 ①It was reported that Korea beat China in a soccer game yesterday.(报 道说韩国足球队昨天击败了中国足球 队。——用国名代替国足。这是新闻报道 中常用的提喻手法。) ②Class 1 is superior to class 2 in the crossword games.(1班学生做填字游戏 超过了2班学生。——用班称代替班上的学 生。)
Synecdoche (提喻)A figure of speech in which a part is used for the whole, the whole for a part, the specific for the general, the general for the specific, or the material for the thing from which it is made. 一种修辞方法,以局部代表整体(如用手代表水手),以整体代表局部(如用法律代表警官),以特殊代表一般(如用直柄剃刀代表杀人者),以一般代表特殊(如用贼代表扒手),或用原材料代表用该材料制造的东西(如用钢代表剑)Example: lend me your ears (give me your attention).He saw some new faces in the classroom.A fleet of ten sails \ To earn one’s bread \ To count headsMany hands provide great strength.The poor man had twelve mouths to feed.Lend me your ears. ( give me your attention.)Metonymy(借代)换喻,转喻:A figure of speech in which one word or phrase is substituted for another with which it is closely associated, as in the use of “ Washington” for “the United States government” or of “the sword” for “military power”.一种一个词或词组被另一个与之有紧密联系的词或词组替换的修辞方法,如用华盛顿代替美政府或用剑代替军事力量Example:bowing to the sceptered isle. (Great Britain)Young people should have more respect for gray hairs. (old people)The kettle is boiling. (water in the kettle)He took to the bottle.他爱上了喝酒。
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metonymy1. 定义Metonymy: the substitution of the name of one thing for that of another with which it is closely associated.所谓借代是用一事物的名称来代替另一事物(即借彼代此),而这一事物与另一事物紧密关联。
The pen is mightier than the sword.Pen substitutes the people who use pen and sword substitutes the people who use the sword. Gray hairs should be respected.(Gray hairs substitutes the old people)借代的表现形式是,不直接说出所指对象的名称,而是借与该人或该物密切相关的事物的名称代替。
He is too fond of the bottles.I have never read James Joyce.借代具有以下几个特点:1. 甲事物与乙事物不相类似;2. 甲事物与乙事物有不可分离的关系;3. 乙事物的名称来代替甲事物。
运用范围:可用特征代人事;处所代人事,以作品代作者;以容器代内容;以地名代机构、组织;以商标名代物品,以具体代抽象或以抽象代具体;用专有名词代普通名词或普通名词代专用名词等以容器代内容After her husband left her, Wendy took to the bottle.温迪丈夫抛弃后开始酗酒The film star has a large wardrobe.这位影星有许多衣服。
用人体器官/部位代作用The lack of cohesion of the company accounted for the brain drain.公司缺乏凝聚力是导致人才外流的原因。
If there is any bad blood in the fellow, he will be sure to show it.如果这人心理阴暗,他一定会表现出来。
用资料、工具代替事物的名称He chose a gun instead of a cap(帽子)and gown(礼服).他选择了当兵,而没有继续求学深造。
The Japanese soldiers put all to fire and sword.日军穷凶极恶,到处杀人放火。
用典型实物代替职业或从事该职业的人When we speak, we must address the chair.当我们发言时,我们必须向主席致意。
His elder sister went on the stage; the younger one had taken the veil.他姐姐当了演员,而他的妹妹却做了修女。
The crown should not yield to the cross.皇权不应屈服于教会。
以产地、发明者或作者代替产品或作品Only billionaires are able to collect Picasso.只有那些百万富翁才有能力收集毕加索的作品。
Recently he has been steeped浸泡in O. Henry.最近几天他沉迷于欧亨利的短篇小说中。
具体代抽象I have nothing to offer but blood, toil苦活, tears and sweat.sacrifice, sympathy ,and hard work抽象代具体In the present, it was sickness and poverty together that she came to visit.在目前这种情况下,她一并前来探望的是病人和穷人。
Synecdoche 感情意蕴的提喻Synecdoche: the naming of a part to mean the whole or the naming of a whole to mean the part.提喻是借代的一个分支,或者说,是借代侧重于某些方面的一种表现。
They counted fifty sails in the harbor. (sails-------ships)提喻的表现形式及其艺术魅力在语言表述过程中,同样的一件事物,若变换一种表现形式,可使语言新鲜别致,生动形象,引起读者的丰富联想,突出事物的特征,达到一种别出心裁,引人入胜的言语艺术效果。
1.用局部代替整体( the part for the whole)如用sail 代表ship, 用hands 代表helpers, 用roofs代表house.This newspaper --- and probably the whole country--- will wait its time and see how the new faces perform before judging them.这家报纸----大概全国也一样----要等待一段时间,以便看这些新面孔如何行事业,然后再对他们做出判断。
faces(面孔)代替those who have recently come into power(那些新近上台的人)2. 用整体代替局部(the whole for the part)The surgeon cut me open and took out the appendix and stitched 缝me up again.外科医生把我的腹部切开,取出阑尾,最后又把腹部缝好。
以我me代替我的腹部my abdomen3. 用类代替种(genus for the species)如:用vessel 代表ship, 用weapon 代表sword, 用creature代表man, 用arms代表rifles步枪,用vehicle代表bicycleThe dock 码头can accommodate the largest vessel. (这船坞能容纳最大的船。
)The poor creature had no home, family, or friends.这可怜的人,既没有房子,也没亲人或朋友。
4. 用种代替类:如用bread代表food, 用cutthroat代表a‘ssassin暗杀者Had he chosen painting instead of politics, he would have been a great master with the brush. (brush ---painting)The young man is very clever; he may be another Edison. (Edison---all inventors as clever as Edison)5. 用具体代替抽象She has come to realize that life is not a bed of roses. ( a bed of rose代替luxurious life and satisfied situation)她终于认识到了人生并非总是称心如意。
The gentleman in me made me stand up to go away, but the journalist in me made me stand still. gentleman --- gentleman behavior, journalist--- objectivity and impartiality公正6. 用抽象代替具体All the wit and learning were assembled there. (the wit and learning ---the wise and learned scholars)The moon was above, cold and beautiful, the music reminded Soapy of those days when his life contained such things as mothers and roses and clean thoughts and collars.Mothers---maternal love, roses---love, clean thoughts--- noble ideas, clean collars--- decent materials life7. 以原材料代其制品(the name of material for the thing made)The marble大理石speaks before the silent lookers-on. (marble --- gravestone)墓碑向那些默然的来访者诉说着。
He is an enemy worth your steel钢; there is no cowardice in him. (steel--- sword)他是一个值得你与之搏斗的劲敌,他绝不是懦夫。
The farms were short of hands during the harvest season. 以部分代整体England won the football games. 以整体代部分He had to earn his daily bread by doing odd jobs.以种代替类The poor creature could no longer endure her sufferings.以类代替种The prisoner was bound in irons for ten years. 以原材料代其制品He is the Newton of the century.以种代类此例用Newton代替people as clever as Newton.•Metonymy: the substitution of the name of one thing for that of another with which it is closely associated.换喻或借代•Synecdoche: When a part is substituted for the whole or the whole is substituted for a part.提喻•借代是一种互不隶属的关系,没有局部与整体的关系,而提喻是一个隶属关系。