





eg. We all passed the exam besides Tom. 除了汤姆外,我们也都及格了(汤姆也及格了)Besides his wife,his daughter also went to see him.

I go to school every day except [but] Sunday.

He answered all the questions except the last one.


eg. No one passed the exam besides [except,but] Jim.


eg. You can't succeed in the exam but/except that you will work still harder.


2.join,take part in参加


eg. join the Party入党join the League入团join the club.

另外,join sb.是“参加到某人的行列”之意

eg. He joined us for dinner.他与我们共进晚餐。

(2)take part in

eg. Are you going to take part in the discussion?

Did they take part in that meeting last Monday?

【固定搭配】be + adj. + 介词

be angry with sb.对(某人)发脾气eg: Mother got angry with me only because I had broken a cup.at sth. 因某事生气eg: He was angry at what I said.

be interested i n 对……感兴趣eg: She is interested in music.

be excited about 对……感到兴奋eg: Most foreigners are excited about seeing the pandas

be surprised at 对……感到惊讶eg: All of us were surprised at that news.

of 由……组成;由……构成eg: The desk is made of wood.

be made from由……组成;由……构成eg: This kind of paper is made from wood.

in 在……生产或制造eg: That dress is made in China.










Thomas Edison was a great American 1_____________. When he was a child, he was always 2____________ questions and trying out new ideas. No matter 3____________ hard it was, he never gave up.

Young Tom was in school for only three months. His teacher didn’t understand why he had 4________ many strange questions. Most of them were not about his lessons. The teacher didn’t want to teach Tom any 5_________. He asked Tom’s mother to take the boy home. Tom’s mother taught him to read and write, and she found him 6__________ a very good pupil. He learnt very fast and became very 7__________ in science.

One day, he saw a little boy 8___________ on the railway tracks at a station. A train was coming near quickly, and the boy was too frightened to move. Edison rushed out and carried the boy to 9___________. The boy’s father was so 10___________ that he taught Edison to send messages by telegraph.


Mr. Brown had an umbrella shop in a small town. People sometimes 1____________him broken umbrellas, and then he took them to a big shop in London. They were 2____________there.

One day Mr. Brown went to London by train. He 3 ____________to take an umbrella with him that day. Sitting in front of him was a man with an umbrella standing 4 ____________the seat. When the train arrived in London, Mr. Brown 5____________up the umbrella as he often did during his journey by train. Just as he was getting off, he was 6____________by the man. He said angrily, “That’s 7____________!” Mr. Brown’ s face turned red and he gave it back to the man at once.

When Mr Brown got to the big shop, the shopkeeper had got his six umbrellas ready. After a good look at 8 ____________of them, he said, “You’ve mended them very well.”

In the afternoon he got into the train again. The 9____________man was in the same seat. He looked at Mr Brown and his six umbrellas, “You’ve had a 10 ____________day,” he said.


Light travels at a speed (速度) which is about a million times 1 ____________than that of sound. 2___________one second, light travels about 300,000 kilometers, but sound travels only 340 meters. You can get some idea of this difference by 3 ______________the start of a running match. If you stand far away from the starter(发令员), you can see smoke 4 ____________from his gun 5____________ the sound reaches your ears.

The fast speed of light produces some strange facts. The nearest star is 6 ____________far away that light which you can see from it tonight started to travel to you four years 7____________at a speed of nearly two million kilometers every minute. The light from some of tonight’s started on 8 ____________journey towards you even before you were born.

So, if we want to be honest, we 9 ____________say, “The stars are shining brightly tonight.” We have to say, “The stars look nice. They were 10___________four years ago but their light has just reached our earth. ”


the cups on the table were 2___________. Each of them took a cup and started 3 ______________their own tea, looking at the 4 ____________ cups.

The teacher said; "Do you notice your 5____________? You are all looking at each other's tea cups and

6 ____________of you even envy (羡慕) the 7____________cups of others."Then he went on: "I put the different cups here on purpose! Life is like 8 ___________tea. You all have the same thing in your cups— tea. And yet you can't 9 ____________ enjoy it in your envy of another's cup. You forget 10___________your own life when you envy someone else's life. So now, taste your own tea! Does it matter from which cup it comes from?"


mother takes good care of you as much as possible. In your waking hours she always holds you in her 2___________. When you are ill, she stops her work right now to look after you day and night and forgets about 3 ______________. When you are 4 ____________up day by day, she feels very happy. When you are old enough to go to school, mother still looks after you all the time. On cold winter days, she always tells you to put on 5____________clothes. She always stands in the wind 6 ____________for you back from school. When you hurry to leave home for school with little breakfast, she always feels 7____________about you at home. She usually knows about your study and 8 ___________much money on your school things. When you do well at school, the brightest smile will be 9 ____________on her face.

Mother is always ready to give everything she 10___________to her children, not to receive. What true love that is in the world! We will remember Mother Love for ever.

典型例题1.inventor 2. asking 3.how 4.so 5. more 6.to be 7.interested 8.playing 9. safety 10.thankful

(一)1.brought 2.mended 3. forgot 4. beside 5.picked 6. stopped 7. mine 8.each 9. same 10. lucky

(二)1.faster 2.In 3. watching 4. come 5. before 6. so 7. ago 8. its 9. cannot 10. shining

(三)l.surprised 2.different 3.drinking 4.others’ 5.behavior

6.some 7.finer 8.this 9.really l0.to enjoy

(四)71-80 When , arms , hersef , growing , more , waiting , worried , spends , seen , has


初三英语选词填空试题答案及解析 1.(提示:选项中有一个是多余的) 【1】I don’t know how to _________ my reading speed . 【答案】increase 【解析】句意:我不知道怎样提高我的阅读速度。increase 是一个动词,意思是提高。句中使用 的结构是how to do sth.,怎样去做某事,故这里应该填动词原形。 【2】 During the Water Festival people go on the street to ________ water _______ each other . 【答案】throw, at 【解析】句意:在泼水节的时候,人们走上大街,互相泼水。throw 愿意是扔,它有一个短语是throw…at…,朝…扔…。在这个句子里可以意译成泼水。空前有不定式的符号to,故这里用动词 原形。 【3】Mooncakes ___________ people’s wishes to the family they love and miss . 【答案】carry 【解析】句意:月饼携带了人们对自己爱的人和思念的人的祝福。carry是一个动词,意思是携带。这句话的主语是mooncakes,是复数的形式,所以这里用动词的原形。 【4】They live next to a supermarket . It’s very _________________ . 【答案】convenient 【解析】句意:他们住在超市附近,很方便。convenient 是一个形容词,意思是方便的,便利的。根据句意可知,他们就住在超市附近,所以很便利。 【5】At the party he ___________ as Father Christmas . 【答案】dressed up 【解析】句意:在聚会上,他装扮成了圣诞老人。dress up是一个固定的短语,意思是装扮,打扮。根据句意可知,这里说的是过去的事情,故用过去式形式。 【考点】单词填空。 【答案】unlucky 【解析】分析句意:在西方有许多人认为十三是一个非常不幸运的数字。分析:结合西方的习惯,运用不幸运unlucky.故填:unlucky


选词填空 一、考点、热点回顾 【词汇辨析】 1.besides,except,but(except,but一般不用于句首,但besides可用于句首) except意为“除…外(不再有)”;besides意为“除…外(还有)”: eg. We all passed the exam besides Tom. 除了汤姆外,我们也都及格了(汤姆也及格了)Besides his wife,his daughter also went to see him. I go to school every day except [but] Sunday. He answered all the questions except the last one. except,but,besides可以互换。 eg. No one passed the exam besides [except,but] Jim. (3)but和except都可以跟 eg. You can't succeed in the exam but/except that you will work still harder. 你若不比以前学习更用功些,是不可能考上的。 2.join,take part in参加 (1)join“参加并成为其中一名成员” eg. join the Party入党join the League入团join the club. 另外,join sb.是“参加到某人的行列”之意 eg. He joined us for dinner.他与我们共进晚餐。 (2)take part in eg. Are you going to take part in the discussion? Did they take part in that meeting last Monday? 【固定搭配】be + adj. + 介词 be angry with sb.对(某人)发脾气eg: Mother got angry with me only because I had broken a cup.at sth. 因某事生气eg: He was angry at what I said. be interested i n 对……感兴趣eg: She is interested in music. be excited about 对……感到兴奋eg: Most foreigners are excited about seeing the pandas be surprised at 对……感到惊讶eg: All of us were surprised at that news. of 由……组成;由……构成eg: The desk is made of wood. be made from由……组成;由……构成eg: This kind of paper is made from wood. in 在……生产或制造eg: That dress is made in China. 【选词填空】做题技巧如下: 1.统览全局,把握大意。要填的单词肯定是在一定的语言环境中才能确定。只有了解了短文的大意,把握了全局才能主导方向,从而有助于正确理解空缺词所在的句子,缩小词的选择范围。 2.根据语法,判定词性。一般的空缺都可以通过其所在的句式结构和句法成分来判断其词性。 进一步缩小词的选择范围,从而正确地选词。 3.利用语境,确定词形。当确定了一个单词的词性后可通过上下文来帮助判断其形式。如动词的人称数、时态、语态、不定式、动词的-ing形式;名词的数和所有格;代词的各种形式及单复数; 形容词、副词的比较级以及基数词、序数词的转换形式等。 4.复读全文,验正答案。填完单词后,不可孤立地逐个检查词,而必须将所有填入的词代入文章中,复读全文,仔细检查所填词是否符合文章的情景内容,读起来是否流畅,是否合乎句法,单词


中考初中英语选词填空解题技巧及练习题(附答案) 中考英语选词填空解题技巧 “选词填空”要求学生利用所给的12个词汇(一般有名词、代词、动词、形容词、副词、数词、冠词、介词和连词等)补全一篇有10个空缺的短文。要攻克这一难关,学生除了要进行大量的课外阅读,积累丰富的语言知识外,还需掌握一定的解题技巧。 1. 例如:名词-n.,动词-v.,形容词-a.,副词-ad. 等等。同时对词义作初步的理解。 2. 根据需要去备选词汇中寻找匹配的答案。 3. match-matches, friend- friend's/friends'sun-sunny, use- useful/useless/used, danger-dangerous; (动词不定式- to do, 现在分词-doing, 过去分词-done, 固定搭配-enjoy doing sth./used to do sth./have sth. done…); interesting-more /the most interesting, happy-happily,happy -happiness; ★对于数词,要注意基数词和序数词的变化以及分数和虚实数的用法,例如:three-third, 2/3-two thirds, one thousand/thousands of ; ★对于冠词,只需要在 a或an之间判别,如a girl /an old man; ★对于介词和连词时,就更简单,只要符合上下文逻辑或固定短语搭配,填入即可。 为了方便记忆,试着记住下面的顺口溜: 空前空后要注意,“名词”单复数要牢记,还有 's 不能弃,“动词”注意要变形,“形副”注意要用三种级,要填“数词”请留意,千万别忘“基” 和“序”,填入“代词”需慎重,五格变化要谨记。 4. 完成填词后,应通读全文,复核校对。 总结:做题技巧


七年级英语上册选词填空专题(含答案) 一、七年级英语上册选词填空专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.从方框中选择恰当的短语补全句子。 (2)I think ________ is good for our health. (3)I only want to eat ________ for lunch today. (4)Can you ________ me ________ my Maths homework? (5)Lily often says "Good night" to her parents before she ________. (6)She wants to ________ the cinema in five minutes. 【答案】(1)get up (2)doing morning exercises (3)a piece of bread (4)help;with (5)goes to bed (6)arrive at 【解析】【分析】goes to bed去睡觉arrive at到达doing morning exercises晨练help... with...在……方面帮助…… get up起床 a piece of bread一块面包 (1)句意:起床后,你应该洗脸,吃早餐。洗脸前应是起床,用get up,描述客观事实,用一般现在时,主语是you,动词用原形,故填get up。 (2)句意:我认为晨练有利于我们的健康。根据常识可知,晨练有助健康,用doing morning exercises,宾语从句缺少主语,用动名词短语作主语,故填doing morning exercises。 (3)句意:今天午餐我只想吃一块面包。根据eat,结合选项,可知用a piece of bread。一块面包,故填a piece of bread。 (4)句意:你能帮助我做数学作业吗?句子缺少动词,根据my Maths homework?可知,想要他人帮忙,用help sb with,在……方面帮助某人,can后接动词原形,故填help,with。 (5)句意:她想5分钟后到达电影院。根据the cinema,此处应表达到处电影院,用arrive at,want to do sth,想做某事,故填arrive at。 【点评】考查选词填空。本题考查单词在语境中的运用需要根据单词在语境中的词性进行必要的变形,同时熟记固定搭配和基本句型。 2.选词填空 (2)I believe we ________ live on the moon one day. (3)Andy is a ________ boy. We all like him.


七年级英语下册选词填空知识点总结及经典习题(含答案) 一、七年级英语下册选词填空专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.从方框中选择恰当的短语填空 (2)Where did you decide to go________? (3)Please________the light before you leave. (4)My son, please ________thieves when you are out by yourself. (5)When I come back home, the first thing is to________the television. (6)What do you________the dishes here? 【答案】(1)a packet of (2)at last (3)turn off (4)be careful with (5)switch on (6)think of 【解析】【分析】turn off 关闭;switch on 打开;be careful with 小心……,当心……;a packet of 一袋子……;at last 最终,最后;think of 想起,想到 (1)句意:我婶子给了我一袋糖。根据sweets,糖,可知要表达的是一袋水果,故答案是a pocket of。 (2)句意:你最后决定去哪里?根据句子结构可知,句子缺少的是状语,能够作状语的只有at last,故答案是at last。 (3)句意:你离开之前请关上灯。根据before you leave,可知是要关上电灯,要节约能源。故答案是turn off。 (4)句意:孩子,当你一个人在外的时候,请当心小偷。根据when you are out by yourself,可知是要提防小偷,故答案是be careful with。 (5)句意:当我回到家的时候,第一件事就是打开电视。根据television和已知选项可知是要打开电视,故答案是switch on。 (6)句意:你认为这里的饭菜咋样?what do you think of…,用来征求一个人的意见和看法,属于固定句式。故答案是think of。 【点评】根据语境和所提供选项确定句子的意思,最后做出正确的选择。 2.选择方框内的短语并用其适当的形式填空。 (2)In order to make energy and paper, people ________ too many trees. (3)Tom didn't sleep well last night. ________, he felt sleepy in class. (4)The news ________ the country and all of us knew it.


英语七年级英语上册选词填空20(附带答案解析)经典 一、七年级英语上册选词填空专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.选词填空,补全对话 Dad: I am sorry. I have ________things to do. Joan: I want to go to fly a kite. I do hope you can play with me for one hour or two hours. Dad: I ________ to go with you, but I must work and do some shopping for grandparents. Joan: Oh, I see.________ this Sunday? Can you fly kites with me then? Dad: ________ . That's a good idea. Joan: Great! 【答案】free time;a lot of;would like;What about;Of course 【解析】【分析】文章大意:Joan和爸爸在谈论周六去放风筝,但是爸爸没空他们约到周日去。 选项中文:a lot of许多, free time空闲时间, would like想要, of course当然, what about......怎么样 (1)句意:本周六你有空闲时间吗?根据答语判断,问句是询问周六有没有时间,have free time有空闲时间,故答案为free time。 (2)句意:我很抱歉,我有许多事情要做。根据“I am sorry.”判断,没有空闲时间,需要做的事情很多,故答案为 a lot of。 (3)句意:我想和你一起去。would like to do sth.想做某事,结合句意可知,故答案为would like。 (4)句意:本周日怎么样?What about提出建议,……怎么样?……好吗?因为周六没有时间,故询问周日怎么样,故答案为What about (5)句意:当然可以,这个主意真不错。根据“That's a good idea.”可知,接受了对方的请求,故答案为Of course。 【点评】考查选词填空,解答此类题型的方法一般就是根据句子上下文推断出词义,结合所给单词判断出所缺单词,然后根据该单词在句子中的句子成分,所起作用,进行适当词形变化。 2.阅读对话,从方框中选择合适的词语,并用其正确形式填空。 ______? John: Because the next day is Saturday, and we don't ________. “Fu” comes! Andy: Oh, I see. So they don't need to________ early the next morning. John: Yes. And they can ________ after watching their favourite TV shows in the evening. Andy: You're right. Do you think Friday is really “Fulai Day”? John: Of course. I can ________ on Friday evening. What about you? Andy: I like “Fulai Day”, too.


七年级所给词的适当形式填空考点解析(Word版附答案) 一、七年级英语所给词的适当形式填空 1.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空 —Yes. I'm not busy. (2)Hey, Jack! You look so ________ in this black hat. (3)It's ________ and I don't need to go to school. (4)________ comes before Thursday. (5)________ is the third day of a week. 【答案】(1)free (2)cool (3)Sunday (4)Wednesday (5)Tuesday 【解析】【分析】cool酷的,freely自由地,Sunday星期天,Wednesday星期三,Tuesday,星期四 (1)句意:——弗兰克,你今天是空闲的吗?——是的,我不忙。根据下文Yes. I'm not busy,是的,我不忙,可知上文是问他今天空闲吗,freely,自由地,副词,其形容词是free,自由的,空闲的,故填free。 (2)句意:嘿,杰克!戴着这个黑帽子你看起来如此酷。look,看起来,系动词,后面加形容词,cool,酷的,形容词,故填cool。 (3)句意:今天是星期天并且我不需要去上学。根据I don't need to go to school,我不需要去上学,可知是Sunday,星期天,故填Sunday。 (4)句意:星期三在星期四之前。根据before Thursday,在星期四之前,可知是Wednesday,星期三,故填Wednesday。 (5)句意:星期二是一周的第三天。根据the third day of a week,一周的第三天,在英语中星期天是一周的第一天,因此第三天是星期二,Tuesday,星期二,故填Tuesday。 【点评】考查选词填空,注意理解句子的意思,选择合适的单词,并且用适当的形式。2.用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。 (2)It is really important for us to keep________. (3)There are two________in our town. We like to read there. (4)The little girl can't ride the bike. Can you help________? (5)It's so hot today. Can you go________with me?


英语七年级英语上册选词填空20(附带答案解析) 一、七年级英语上册选词填空专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.选词填空 (2)I believe we ________ live on the moon one day. (3)Andy is a ________ boy. We all like him. (4)Lily and Nick are twins. ________ mother is a doctor. (5)—Excuse me, where is the reading room? —It's on the ________ floor of Building A. 【答案】(1)swimming (2)can (3)helpful (4)Their (5)first 【解析】【分析】⑴句意:明天星期天,我们去游泳吧。Go swimming 去游泳。故填swimming。 ⑵句意:我相信有一天我们可以去月球居住。故填can。 ⑶句意:Andy是个有帮助的人,我们大家都喜欢他。故填helpful。 ⑷句意:Lily和Nick是双胞胎,他们的妈妈是名医生。故填their。 ⑸句意:打扰一下,阅览室在哪?在一楼。故填first。 2.用方框中所给词或短语的适当形式填空。 (2)It's a nice day today. Let's ________. (3)I need to buy ________ eggs for my mother. (4)Mr. Smith is very rich (富裕的). He has ________ money. (5)After reading, my brother often ________ his book ________ the desk. 【答案】(1)Look out (2)go on a picnic (3)a big basket of (4)lots of (5)put;on 【解析】【分析】lots of 许多, go on a picnic 去野餐, put… on把……放在……上面, a big basket of一大篮子……,look out当心。 .(1)句意:注意,狗向你跑过来了,根据 The dog is running towards(朝;向) you! 可知,你一定要当心,故答案是Look out。


七年级英语下册选词填空解题技巧及练习测试题经典 一、七年级英语下册选词填空专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空 (2)The Sun________from the east. (3)There is a newspaper stand________home. (4)The workers work________to finish that tower. (5)She was so excited that she didn't sleep________. 【答案】(1)clean up (2)comes up (3)on my way (4)from dawn to dusk (5)all night 【解析】【分析】 on my way在我去某地的路上; from dawn to dusk从黎明到黄昏; all night一整夜; come up上升; clean up打扫 (1)句意:这个房间是如此脏。让咱们打扫一下吧。根据The room is so dirty可知是要打扫房间,let's后面跟动词原形,故填clean up。 (2)句意:太阳从东方升起。根据from the east可知是太阳升起,上升come up;太阳东升西落这是客观事实,用一般现在时,主语是the sun第三人称单数,所以谓语动词用单三形式,故填comes up。 (3)句意:在我回家的路上有一个报摊。根据home可知是在我回家的路上,在我去某地的路上on my way,故填on my way。 (4)句意:这些工人们从黎明到黄昏地工作来完成这座塔。此句缺时间状语, from dawn to dusk从黎明到黄昏,在句中做时间状语,故填 from dawn to dusk 。 (5)句意:她如此激动以致于她一整夜没睡。根据sleep可判断是一整夜,故填all night。 【点评】考查选词填空,考查单词在一定语境中运用,根据句意选出合适的单词,确保句意通顺,注意词形在一定语境中的变化。 2.用方框中所给的短语完成句子 (2)These boys would like to be ________ when they grow up. (3)Is there ________ with our car? (4)My mother often ________ me ________ help her clean the sitting room. (5)Can you find anyone to ________ you ________ your homework?


必备英语七年级所给词的适当形式填空技巧全解及练习题(含答案) 一、七年级英语所给词的适当形式填空 1.用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 (2)There are two ________ in our school and many students read books in them. (3)There aren't ________ books in the bag. (4)How many ________ are there in your school? (5)The red cup is ________ nice! 【答案】(1)furniture (2)libraries (3)any (4)offices (5)really 【解析】【分析】library图书馆;office办公室;real真的;furniture家具;some一些(1)句意:我非常喜欢蓝色的家具。空缺处需要名词做宾语,根据限制词blue可知选择“家具”故答案是furniture。 (2)句意:我们学校有两个图书馆,许多学生在里面读书。根据many students read books in them.可知有两个图书馆,应使用library的复数,故答案是libraries。 (3)句意:书包里没有任何书。本句为there be的否定句,应使用any,因此将some 改为any,故答案是any。 (4)句意:你们学校有多少办公室。how many后个可数名词的复数形式,只剩下一个名词office,故答案是offices。 (5)句意:这只红色的茶杯真的不错。空缺处的词需要副词修饰形容词,因此将real改为really,故答案是really。 【点评】本题考查单词在语境中的运用,需要根据单词在语境中的词性进行必要的变形,同时熟记固定打配合基本句型。 2.选择方框内的单词完成下列句子,使句子通顺、正确。每词限用一次。 (2)The socks are five yuan for two________. (3)I don't think the answer is________. (4)Some hooks in the bookstore are at a great________. (5)There are seven days in a________. 【答案】(1)C (2)D (3)B


七年级英语下册选词填空专题(含答案) 一、七年级英语下册选词填空专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.从方框中选择恰当的单词或短语填空。 (2)After school, Sue felt hungry. But she ate just________food. (3)Little Tom ate________eggs today and he didn't feel well. (4)There is not ________milk for my baby. You'd better buy some. (5)There are________swimmers in the pool. It's a little cold today. 【答案】(1)too much (2)a little (3)too many (4)enough (5)not many 【解析】【分析】too much太多,修饰可数名词复数;a little一点,修饰是不可数名词;enough足够的;too many太多,修饰可数名词复数;not many不太多,修饰可数名词复数(1)句意:这饭菜是非常咸的,因为他放了太多盐。salt是不可数名词,句意是太多盐,所以用too much,故填too much。 (2)句意:放学后,Sue感觉饿,但是她刚刚吃了一点食物。根据句意可知是吃了一点食物,但是还是饿,food是不可数名词,所以用a little修饰,故填a little。 (3)句意:小Tom今天吃了太多鸡蛋,他感觉不舒服。根据句意可知吃太多鸡蛋,所以感觉不舒服,eggs是可数名词复数,所以用too many,故填too many。 (4)句意:对于我的孩子来说没有足够的牛奶,你最好买一些。根据第二句可知最好买一些牛奶,所以牛奶不够,故填enough。 (5)句意:游泳池里没有太多游泳者。今天有点冷。根据第二句可知天冷,所以没有太多游泳者,swimmers是可数名词复数,所以用many,没有太多用not many,故填not many。 【点评】考查选词填空,考查词汇在句中的运用能力。注意理解句意,首先读一遍,然后再逐一作答。注意句型、搭配、短语及语境。 2.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 (2)We sat on the ________ listening to the sound of waves. (3)I was too ________ to move. (4)They ________ him into the car. (5)She ________ on my foot and said "sorry" to me. 【答案】(1)dolphin

【英语】 七年级英语下册选词填空点解析(Word版附答案)

【英语】七年级英语下册选词填空点解析(Word版附答案) 一、七年级英语下册选词填空专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空 (2)We should fix the________ taps to save water. (3)Have a shower instead of________ a bath. (4)Most of the water in the world is not________. (5)Please ________the bottle with water. 【答案】(1)find (2)dripping (3)taking (4)drinkable (5)fill 【解析】【分析】 fill填,装满 take带走 drink喝 drip滴下,滴出 find发现,找到(1)句意:我们很难找到问题的答案。根据 It's difficult for us 和 the answer to the question.可知应该是很难找到题目的答案,因此用find,找到,故填find。 (2)句意:我应该修理滴水的水龙头节约用水。根据 to save water,可知修理滴水的水龙头来节约水,因此用drip,滴水,形容词drip和拓片是主动关系,用处用现在分词作定语,drip的现在分词是dripping,滴水的,故填dripping。 (3)句意:淋浴而不是洗澡,take a bath洗澡,固定搭配,instead of而不是,of介词,后接动名词,take的动名词是taking,故填taking。 (4)句意:世界上大多数水使不能饮用的。drink喝,be动词后接形容词,作表语,drink 的形容词是drinkable,饮用的,故填drinkable。 (5)句意:请将瓶子装满水。fill…with,装满……,固定搭配,这是一个祈使句,动词用原形,故填fill。 【点评】本题考查词汇在语境中的运用能力,需要根据单词在语境中的词性进行必要的变形,同时熟记固定搭配和基本句型。 2.选词填空 (2)It is shining brightly,the sunshine comes________the windows. (3)He jumped________the wall and ran away. (4)The rain stopped quickly, the sky was ________ again. (5)Look! The classroom is so________. Who cleaned it? 【答案】(1)cross


用所给词的适当形式填空(初中英语) 一、单复数(偶尔会考,但是错的概率还蛮高的,因为看起来简单,其实更容易忘记。) 1、名词单复数 I like bananas (banana) very much. That is an apple (apple). 2、be动词单复数(这里要注意过去时,不要忘记看后面的时态) There is (be) a pair of shoes under the bed. Here is (be) some water for you. I am (be) very glad to see you. Tom and I are (be) in the same class. Where were (be) you just now? I was (be) in the playground. 3、代词单复数 These(this) are rulers. Liu Tao is doing his(their) homework. 二、名词所有格(这种题型的更容易错,我的学生就经常错在这个题型上,不是不会做,而是要忘记。) This is Helen’s (Helen) scarf. Happy Children’s(children) Day. 三、人称代词和物主代词 1.人称代词—主格(在句中作主语,陈述句中一般在开头,一般疑问句中一般是第二个单词……) We(our) milked cows on the farm yesterday. Does she(her) have a new bike? Which pen do you(your) like? On Christmas Day I(my) got many presents. 2.人称代词—宾格(在句中作宾语,一般用在动词或介词后) Let me(mine) have a look. David is behind her(she). 3.物主代词—形容词性(用在名词前) What is your(you) job? Miss Li is their(them) English teacher. 4.物主代词—名词性(相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词”) The teapot is his(he). Yours(your) is over there. 四、基数词和序数词 1.基数词表示数量There are five(fifth) birds in the tree. 2.序数词表示顺序March is the third(three) month in a year. 常见序数词first second third (不要拼错了,学作文时也可以用) 五、动词—时态(时态也是一个非常重要的一点,一定要在考试时注意。) 1.一般现在时 A.主语为第三人称单数,动词要加“-s”或“-es” He lives(live) in a small town. Yang Ling often goes(go) to school by bike. 在否定句或疑问句中,已有did,动词就用原形。 She doesn’t go(go) to school on Saturday and Sunday. Does Ben like(like) animals? B.其它情况,动词用原形 I usually have(have) lunch at half past eleven. They read(reads) English everyday. 2.现在进行时----“be+现在分词” Look, I am drawing (draw) a monkey. Listen, the students are singing(sing) an English song. 3.一般过去时 A.规则变化:动词词尾加“-ed” She picked(pick) a lot of pears and tasted(taste) them last weekend. B.不规则变化 The mobile phone was(is) on the table just now. We had(have) a good time on New Year’s Day. C.在否定句和疑问句中,已有did,动词就用原形。 Did you visit(visit) the zoo on Monday? They didn’t watch(watch) TV yesterday evening.

人教版英语专项训练 七年级所给词的适当形式填空技巧全解及练习题(含答案)

人教版英语专项训练必备英语七年级所给词的适当形式填空技巧全解及练习 题(含答案) 一、七年级英语所给词的适当形式填空 1.选词填空,补全对话 Dad: I am sorry. I have ________things to do. Joan: I want to go to fly a kite. I do hope you can play with me for one hour or two hours. Dad: I ________ to go with you, but I must work and do some shopping for grandparents. Joan: Oh, I see.________ this Sunday? Can you fly kites with me then? Dad: ________ . That's a good idea. Joan: Great! 【答案】free time;a lot of;would like;What about;Of course 【解析】【分析】文章大意:Joan和爸爸在谈论周六去放风筝,但是爸爸没空他们约到周日去。 选项中文:a lot of许多, free time空闲时间, would like想要, of course当然, what about......怎么样 (1)句意:本周六你有空闲时间吗?根据答语判断,问句是询问周六有没有时间,have free time有空闲时间,故答案为free time。 (2)句意:我很抱歉,我有许多事情要做。根据“I am sorry.”判断,没有空闲时间,需要做的事情很多,故答案为 a lot of。 (3)句意:我想和你一起去。would like to do sth.想做某事,结合句意可知,故答案为would like。 (4)句意:本周日怎么样?What about提出建议,……怎么样?……好吗?因为周六没有时间,故询问周日怎么样,故答案为What about (5)句意:当然可以,这个主意真不错。根据“That's a good idea.”可知,接受了对方的请求,故答案为Of course。 【点评】考查选词填空,解答此类题型的方法一般就是根据句子上下文推断出词义,结合所给单词判断出所缺单词,然后根据该单词在句子中的句子成分,所起作用,进行适当词形变化。 2.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 (2)That is________father. (3)Here are some________of my family. (4)Look! They are his________. (5)Bob and Eric are her good________. 【答案】(1)are


初中英语选词填空讲解及答案 选词填空 一、考点、热点回顾 【词汇辨析】 1.besides,except,but(except,but一般不用于句首,但besides可用于句首) (1)肯定句中,except意为“除…外(不再有”;)besides意为“除…外(还有:)” eg. We all passed the exam besides Tom. 除了汤姆外,我们也都及格了(汤姆也及格了) Besides his wife,his daughter also went to see him. I go to school every day except [but] Sunday. He answered all the questions except the last one. (2) 否定句中,except,but,besides可以互换。 eg. No one passed the exam besides [except,but] Jim( (3)but和except都可以跟 that 从句做宾语。 eg. You can't succeed in the exam but/except that you will work still harder( 你若不比以前学习更用功些,是不可能考上的。 2. join,take part in参加 (1)join后面跟一个组织,政党,社团,团体等,“参加并成为其中一名成员” eg. join the Party 入党 join the League入团 join the club.

另外,join sb. 是“参加到某人的行列之意” eg. He joined us for dinner. 他与我们共进晚餐。 (2)take part in (动词短语)指参加(某种活动) eg. Are you going to take part in the discussion? Did they take part in that meeting last Monday? 【固定搭配】be + adj. + 介词 be angry with sb.对(某人)发脾气eg: Mother got angry with me only because I had broken a cup( at sth. 因某事生气 eg: He was angry at what I said( be interested in 对……感兴趣 eg: She is interested in music. be excited about 对……感到兴奋eg: Most foreigners are excited aboutseeing the panda s be surprised at 对……感到惊讶 eg: All of us were surprised at that news. of 由……组成;由……构成 eg: The desk is made of wood. be made from由……组成;由……构成 eg: This kind of paper is made from wood. in 在……生产或制造 eg: That dress is made in China. 【选词填空】做题技巧如下: 1(统览全局,把握大意。要填的单词肯定是在一定的语言环境中才能确定。只有了解了短文的 大意,把握了全局才能主导方向,从而有助于正确理解空缺词所在的句子,缩小词的选择范围。
