软件工程 详细设计说明书
软件工程详细设计说明书1. 引言本文档旨在对软件工程项目的详细设计进行说明。
2. 需求概述在本部分,我们对软件工程项目的需求进行简要概述,包括项目的目标和功能需求。
2.1 项目目标本项目的目标是开发一个高效、稳定、可扩展的软件系统,满足用户的需求和期望,提供优质的用户体验。
2.2 功能需求本软件工程项目需要实现以下主要功能:•用户注册和登录功能•数据库管理功能•数据分析功能•用户权限管理功能•数据可视化功能3. 架构设计在本部分,我们将详细描述软件系统的整体架构设计,包括系统的模块划分、模块之间的关系和接口设计等。
3.1 模块划分基于功能需求,我们将软件系统划分为以下几个模块:1.用户模块:负责处理用户注册、登录和权限管理相关的功能。
3.2 模块关系和接口设计在本部分,我们将描述各个模块之间的关系和接口设计。
3.2.1 用户模块接口设计用户模块需要与数据库模块和权限管理模块进行交互,包括用户注册、登录和权限验证等功能。
下面是用户模块的接口设计:1.register(username, password): 用户注册函数,接收用户名和密码作为参数,返回注册成功或失败的状态。
科信学院课程设计说明书(2012/2013学年第二学期)课程名称:软件综合算法设计题目:数制转换问题专业班级:学生姓名:学号:指导教师:设计周数:2周设计成绩:2013年7 月2 日目录一、实验目的............................................. - 2 -二、实验要求及目标....................................... - 2 -三、算法思想............................................. - 3 -1、用数组实现该问题: (3)2、用栈实现该问题: (3)四、模块划分............................................. - 3 -1、用数组实现该问题: (3)2、用栈实现该问题: (4)五、数据结构............................................. - 4 -1、用数组实现该问题 (4)2、用栈实现该问题 (4)六、程序源代码及结果..................................... - 5 -(一)数组 (5)1、源代码 (5)2、运行结果 (8)(二)栈 (10)1、源代码 (10)2.运行结果 (15)七、心得体会............................................ - 17 -【参考文献】............................................ - 19 -软件综合算法设计报告实验名称:数值转换问题指导老师:杨荣爱组员1:黄静南学号:110212203组员2:赵兴凡学号:110212216完成时间:2013年7月2日一、实验目的了解并掌握软件算法设计的方法与步骤,具备初步的独立分析问题、解决问题的能力。
华北科技学院数值分析课程设计说明书班级: 计算B101 姓名: 邢华 (201009014104)设计题目:牛顿插值、高斯消去法设计时间: 2013.1.12 至 2013.1.16 指导教师: 李慧评语:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________评阅成绩:____评阅教师:_____华北科技学院课程设计说明书目录设计总说明 (1)前言 (2)第1章总体设计方案 (3)1.1 软件结构设计 (3)第2章算法分析及设计 (4)2.1牛顿插值法 (4)2.2高斯消去法 (4)第3章软件详细设计 (5)3.1主界面设计 (5)3.2功能设计 (6)3.2.1牛顿插值法的实现 (6)3.2.2高斯消去法的实现 (7)第4章软件测试 (8)4.1牛顿插值法的测试 (8)4.2高斯消去法的测试 (9)第5章总结 (10)参考文献 (10)附录 (11)设计总说明随着计算机的更新换代也对计算方法提出了新的标准和要求,所以在这里研究矩阵特征值的计算方法,根据实际问题建立数学模型,由其给出数值计算方法,然后根据计算方法编制出算法程序在计算机上算出结果。
软件详细设计说明书例关键信息项:1、软件名称:____________________________2、软件版本:____________________________3、开发团队:____________________________4、设计目标:____________________________5、功能模块:____________________________6、运行环境:____________________________7、数据结构:____________________________8、算法设计:____________________________9、界面设计:____________________________10、性能要求:____________________________ 1、引言11 背景介绍软件的开发背景和动机。
12 范围明确软件详细设计的范围和边界。
13 定义、缩写词和术语对文中使用的特定术语、缩写词进行定义和解释。
2、软件总体结构21 软件架构概述描述软件的整体架构模式和设计理念。
22 模块划分详细列出软件的各个功能模块及其之间的关系。
3、模块详细设计31 模块 1 名称311 功能描述详细说明该模块的具体功能。
312 输入输出明确模块的输入数据格式和输出数据格式。
313 处理逻辑阐述模块内部的处理流程和算法。
314 数据结构定义模块所使用的数据结构。
32 模块 2 名称4、用户界面设计41 界面布局描述软件界面的整体布局和元素分布。
42 界面元素设计对各个界面元素的样式、交互方式进行设计。
43 界面流程展示用户在不同界面之间的切换和操作流程。
5、数据库设计51 数据库选型说明选择的数据库类型和原因。
52 数据表设计列出各个数据表的结构和字段定义。
53 数据关系描述数据表之间的关联和约束关系。
6、算法设计61 关键算法描述详细介绍软件中使用的关键算法及其原理。
5.1.2相关模块5.1.3类图5.1.4类别管理类5.1.4.1方法5.方法—药品信息的添加:public String add()功能对药品的类别信息进行添加,类别编码是类别对象的一个标示,当添加一个类别信息时,需要判断此类别是否已经在数据库中,如果存在,则提示已存在该类别。参数无5.算法无5.方法—类别信息的模糊查询:public String queryallcategory()功能为了方便用户查询已有类别,类别信息管理模块提供了类别模糊查询。
1. 表现层:负责与用户进行交互,接收用户的输入和显示系统的输出。
2. 业务层:负责处理用户的请求和业务逻辑。
3. 数据层:负责处理数据的读写操作。
1. 用户管理模块:负责用户的注册、登录、个人资料修改等功能。
2. 商品管理模块:负责商品的发布、编辑、删除等功能。
3. 订单管理模块:负责订单的生成、查询、取消等功能。
4. 支付管理模块:负责订单支付的处理。
5. 物流管理模块:负责订单的发货和物流跟踪。
四、数据结构与算法设计1. 用户信息表:包括用户ID、用户名、密码、邮箱等字段。
2. 商品信息表:包括商品ID、商品名称、价格、库存等字段。
3. 订单信息表:包括订单ID、用户ID、商品ID、订单状态、支付状态等字段。
4. 支付记录表:包括订单ID、支付方式、支付时间等字段。
算法分析与设计 第二版 英文版 (潘彦 著) 清华大学出版社 课后答案--solu9
This file contains the exercises,hints,and solutions for Chapter 9of the book ”Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms,”2nd edition,byA.Levitin.The problems that might be challenging for at least some students are marked by ;those that might be difficult for a majority of students are marked by .Exercises 9.11.Give an instance of the change-making problem for which the greedy al-gorithm does not yield an optimal solution.2.Write a pseudocode of the greedy algorithm for the change-making prob-lem,with an amount n and coin denominations d 1>d 2>...>d m as its input.What is the time efficiency class of your algorithm?3.Consider the problem of scheduling n jobs of known durations t 1,...,t n for execution by a single processor.The jobs can be executed in any order,one job at a time.You want to find a schedule that minimizes the total time spent by all the jobs in the system.(The time spent by one job in the system is the sum of the time spent by this job in waiting plus the time spent on its execution.)Design a greedy algorithm for this problem. Does the greedy algo-rithm always yield an optimal solution?4.Design a greedy algorithm for the assignment problem (see Section 3.4).Does your greedy algorithm always yield an optimal solution?5.Bridge crossing revisited Consider the generalization of the bridge cross-ing puzzle (Problem 2in Exercises 1.2)in which we have n >1people whose bridge crossing times are t 1,t 2,...,t n .All the other conditions of the problem remain the same:at most two people at the time can cross the bridge (and they move with the speed of the slower of the two)and they must carry with them the only flashlight the group has.Design a greedy algorithm for this problem and find how long it willtake to cross the bridge by using this algorithm.Does your algorithm yields a minimum crossing time for every instance of the problem?If it does–prove it,if it does not–find an instance with the smallest number of people for which this happens.6.Bachet-Fibonacci weighing problem Find an optimal set of n weights {w 1,w 2,...,w n }so that it would be possible to weigh on a balance scale any integer load in the largest possible range from 1to W ,provided a. weights can be put only on the free cup of the scale.b. weights can be put on both cups of the scale.1课后答案网 w w w .k h d a w .c o m7.a.Apply Prim’s algorithm to the following graph.Include in the priority queue all the vertices not already in the tree.b.Apply Prim’s algorithm to the following graph.Include in the priority queue only the fringe vertices (the vertices not in the current tree which are adjacent to at least one tree vertex).8.The notion of a minimum spanning tree is applicable to a connected weighted graph.Do we have to check a graph’s connectivity before ap-plying Prim’s algorithm or can the algorithm do it by itself?9.a.How can we use Prim’s algorithm to find a spanning tree of a connected graph with no weights on its edges?b.Is it a good algorithm for this problem?10. Prove that any weighted connected graph with distinct weights hasexactly one minimum spanning tree.11.Outline an efficient algorithm for changing an element’s value in a min-heap.What is the time efficiency of your algorithm?2课后答案网 w h d a w .c o mHints to Exercises 9.11.As coin denominations for your counterexample,you may use,among a multitude of other possibilities,the ones mentioned in the text:d 1=7,d 2=5,d 3=1.2.You may use integer divisions in your algorithm.3.Considering the case of two jobs might help.Of course,after forming a hypothesis,you will have to either prove the algorithm’s optimality for an arbitrary input or find a specific counterexample showing that it is not the case.4.You can apply the greedy approach either to the entire cost matrix or to each of its rows (or columns).5.Simply apply the greedy approach to the situation at hand.You may assume that t 1≤t 2≤...≤t n .6.For both versions of the problem,it is not difficult to get to a hypothesis about the solution’s form after considering the cases of n =1,2,and 3.It is proving the solutions’optimality that is at the heart of this problem.7.a.Trace the algorithm for the graph given.An example can be found in the text of the section.b.After the next fringe vertex is added to the tree,add all the unseen vertices adjacent to it to the priority queue of fringe vertices.8.Applying Prim’s algorithm to a weighted graph that is not connected should help in answering this question.9.a.Since Prim’s algorithm needs weights on a graph’s edges,some weights have to be assigned.b.Do you know other algorithms that can solve this problem?10.Strictly speaking,the wording of the question asks you to prove two things:the fact that at least one minimum spanning tree exists for any weighted connected graph and the fact that a minimum spanning tree is unique if all the weights are distinct numbers.The proof of the former stems from the obvious observation about finiteness of the number of spanning trees for a weighted connected graph.The proof of the latter can be obtained by repeating the correctness proof of Prim’s algorithm with a minor adjustment at the end.11.Consider two cases:the key’s value was decreased (this is the case needed for Prim’s algorithm)and the key’s value was increased.3课后答案网 w w w .k h d a w .c o mSolutions to Exercises 9.11.Here is one of many such instances:For the coin denominations d 1=7,d 2=5,d 3=1and the amount n =10,the greedy algorithm yields one coin of denomination 7and three coins of denomination 1.The actual optimal solution is two coins of denomination 5.2.Algorithm Change (n,D [1..m ])//Implements the greedy algorithm for the change-making problem //Input:A nonnegative integer amount n and//a decreasing array of coin denominations D//Output:Array C [1..m ]of the number of coins of each denomination //in the change or the ”no solution”messagefor i ←1to m doC [i ]← n/D [i ]n ←n mod D [i ]if n =0return Celse return ”no solution”The algorithm’s time efficiency is in Θ(m ).(We assume that integer di-visions take a constant time no matter how big dividends are.)Note also that if we stop the algorithm as soon as the remaining amount becomes 0,the time efficiency will be in O (m ).3.a.Sort the jobs in nondecreasing order of their execution times and exe-cute them in that order.b.Yes,this greedy algorithm always yields an optimal solution.Indeed,for any ordering (i.e.,permutation)of the jobs i 1,i 2,...,i n ,the total time in the system is given by the formula t i 1+(t i 1+t i 2)+...+(t i 1+t i 2+...+t i n )=nt i 1+(n −1)t i 2+...+t i n .Thus,we have a sum of numbers n,n −1,...,1multiplied by “weights”t 1,t 2,...t n assigned to the numbers in some order.To minimize such a sum,we have to assign smaller t ’s to larger numbers.In other words,the jobs should be executed in nondecreasing order of their execution times.Here is a more formal proof of this fact.We will show that if jobs are ex-ecuted in some order i 1,i 2,...,i n ,in which t i k >t i k +1for some k,then the total time in the system for such an ordering can be decreased.(Hence,no such ordering can be an optimal solution.)Let us consider the other job ordering,which is obtained by swapping the jobs k and k +1.Obvi-ously,the time in the systems will remain the same for all but these two 4课后答案网 w w w .k h d a w .c o mjobs.Therefore,the difference between the total time in the system for the new ordering and the one before the swap will be[(k −1j =1t i j +t i k +1)+(k −1j =1t i j +t i k +1+t i k )]−[(k −1j =1t i j +t i k )+(k −1j =1t i j +t i k +t i k +1)]=t i k +1−t i k <0.4.a.The all-matrix version:Repeat the following operation n times.Select the smallest element in the unmarked rows and columns of the cost matrix and then mark its row and column.The row-by-row version:Starting with the first row and ending with the last row of the cost matrix,select the smallest element in that row which is not in a previously marked column.After such an element is selected,mark its column to prevent selecting another element from the same col-umn.b.Neither of the versions always yields an optimal solution.Here isa simple counterexample:C = 122100 5.Repeat the following step n −2times:Send to the other side the pair of two fastest remaining persons and then return the flashlight with the fastest person.Finally,send the remaining two people together.Assuming that t 1≤t 2≤...≤t n ,the total crossing time will be equal to (t 2+t 1)+(t 3+t 1)+...+(t n −1+t 1)+t n =ni =2t i +(n −2)t 1=n i =1t i +(n −3)t 1.Note:For an algorithm that always yields a minimal crossing time,seeGünter Rote,“Crossing the Bridge at Night,”EATCS Bulletin,vol.78(October 2002),241—246.The solution to the instance of Problem 2in Exercises 1.2shows that the greedy algorithm doesn’t always yield the minimal crossing time for n >3.No smaller counterexample can be given as a simple exhaustive check for n =3demonstrates.(The obvious solution for n =2is the one generated by the greedy algorithm as well.)5课后答案网 w w w .kh d a w .c o m6.a.Let’s apply the greedy approach to the first few instances of the problem in question.For n =1,we have to use w 1=1to balance weight 1.For n =2,we simply add w 2=2to balance the first previously unattainable weight of 2.The weights {1,2}can balance every integral weights up to their sum 3.For n =3,in the spirit of greedy thinking,we take the next previously unattainable weight:w 3=4.The three weights {1,2,4}allow to weigh any integral load l between 1and their sum 7,with l ’s binary expansion indicating the weights needed for load l :Generalizing these observations,we should hypothesize that for any posi-tive integer n the set of consecutive powers of 2{w i =2i −1,i =1,2,...n }makes it possible to balance every integral load in the largest possible range,which is up to and including n i =12i −1=2n −1.The fact that every integral weight l in the range 1≤l ≤2n −1can be balanced with this set of weights follows immediately from the binary expansion of l,which yields the weights needed for weighing l.(Note that we can obtain the weights needed for a given load l by applying to it the greedy algorithm for the change-making problem with denominations d i =2i −1,i =1,2,...n.)In order to prove that no set of n weights can cover a larger range of consecutive integral loads,it will suffice to note that there are just 2n −1nonempty selections of n weights and,hence,no more than 2n −1sums they yield.Therefore,the largest range of consecutive integral loads they can cover cannot exceed 2n −1.[Alternatively,to prove that no set of n weights can cover a larger range of consecutive integral loads,we can prove by induction on i that if any mul-tiset of n weights {w i ,i =1,...,n }–which we can assume without loss of generality to be sorted in nondecreasing order–can balance every integral load starting with 1,then w i ≤2i −1for i =1,2,...,n.The basis checks out immediately:w 1must be 1,which is equal to 21−1.For the general case,assume that w k ≤2k −1for every 1≤k <i.The largest weight the first i −1weights can balance is i −1k =1w k ≤ i −1k =12k −1=2i −1−1.If w i were larger than 2i ,then this load could have been balanced neither with the first i −1weights (which are too light even taken together)nor with the weights w i ≤...≤w n (which are heavier than 2i even individ-ually).Hence,w i ≤2i −1,which completes the proof by induction.This immediately implies that no n weights can balance every integral load up to the upper limit larger than n i =1w i ≤ n i =12i −1=2n −1,the limit attainable with the consecutive powers of 2weights.]b.If weights can be put on both cups of the scale,then a larger range can 6课后答案网 w w w .k h d a w .be reached with n weights for n >1.(For n =1,the single weight still needs to be 1,of course.)The weights {1,3}enable weighing of every integral load up to 4;the weights {1,3,9}enable weighing of every inte-gral load up to 13,and,in general,the weights {w i =3i −1,i =1,2,...,n }enable weighing of every integral load up to and including their sum of n i =13i −1=(3n −1)/2.A load’s expansion in the ternary system indicates the weights needed.If the ternary expansion contains only 0’s and 1’s,the load requires putting the weights corresponding to the 1’s on the opposite cup of the balance.If the ternary expansion of load l,l ≤(3n −1)/2,contains one or more 2’s,we can replace each 2by (3-1)to represent it in the form l =n i =1βi 3i −1,where βi ∈{0,1,−1},n = log 3(l +1) .In fact,every positive integer can be uniquely represented in this form,obtained from its ternary expansion as described above.For example,5=123=1·31+2·30=1·31+(3−1)·30=2·31−1·30=(3−1)·31−1·30=1·32−1·31−1·30.(Note that if we start with the rightmost 2,after a simplification,the new rightmost 2,if any,will be at some position to the left of the starting one.This proves that after a finite number of such replacements,we will be able to eliminate all the 2’s.)Using the representation l = n i =1βi 3i −1,we can weigh load l by placing all the weights w i =3i −1for negative βi ’s along with the load on one cup of the scale and all the weights w i =3i −1for positive βi ’s on the opposite cup.Now we’ll prove that no set of n weights can cover a larger range of con-secutive integral loads than (3n −1)/2.Each of the n weights can be either put on the left cup of the scale,or put on the right cup,or not to be used at all.Hence,there are 3n −1possible arrangements of the weights on the scale,with each of them having its mirror image (where all the weights are switched to the opposite pan of the scale).Eliminating this symmetry,leaves us withjust (3n −1)/2arrangements,which can weight at most (3n −1)/2different integral loads.Therefore,the largest range of consecutive integral loads they can cover cannot exceed (3n −1)/2.7.a.Apply Prim’s algorithm to the following graph:7课后答案网 w w w.k h d a w .c o mthe edges ae,eb,ec,and cd.b.Apply Prim’s algorithm to the following graph:the edges ab,be,ed,dc,ef,ei,ij,cg,gh,il,gk.8.There is no need to check the graph’s connectivity because Prim’s algo-rithm can do it itself.If the algorithm reaches all the graph’s vertices (via edges of finite lengths),the graph is connected,otherwise,it is not.9.a.The simplest and most logical solution is to assign all the edge weights to 1.8课a w .c o mb.Applying a depth-first search (or breadth-first search)traversal to get a depth-first search tree (or a breadth-first search tree),is conceptually simpler and for sparse graphs represented by their adjacency lists faster.10.The number of spanning trees for any weighted connected graph is a pos-itive finite number.(At least one spanning tree exists,e.g.,the one obtained by a depth-first search traversal of the graph.And the number of spanning trees must be finite because any such tree comprises a subset of edges of the finite set of edges of the given graph.)Hence,one can always find a spanning tree with the smallest total weight among the finite number of the candidates.Let’s prove now that the minimum spanning tree is unique if all the weights are distinct.We’ll do this by contradiction,i.e.,by assuming that there exists a graph G =(V,E )with all distinct weights but with more than one minimum spanning tree.Let e 1,...,e |V |−1be the list of edges com-posing the minimum spanning tree T P obtained by Prim’s algorithm with some specific vertex as the algorithm’s starting point and let T be an-other minimum spanning tree.Let e i =(v,u )be the first edge in the list e 1,...,e |V |−1of the edges of T P which is not in T (if T P =T ,such edge must exist)and let (v,u )be an edge of T connecting v with a vertex not in the subtree T i −1formed by {e 1,...,e i −1}(if i =1,T i −1consists of vertex v only).Similarly to the proof of Prim’s algorithms correctness,let us replace (v,u )by e i =(v,u )in T .It will create another spanning tree,whose weight is smaller than the weight of T because the weight of e i =(v,u )is smaller than the weight of (v,u ).(Since e i was chosen by Prim’s algorithm,its weight is the smallest among all the weights on the edges connecting the tree vertices of the subtree T i −1and the vertices adjacent to it.And since all the weights are distinct,the weight of (v,u )must be strictly greater than the weight of e i =(v,u ).)This contradicts the assumption that T was a minimum spanning tree.11.If a key’s value in a min-heap was decreased,it may need to be pushedup (via swaps)along the chain of its ancestors until it is smaller than or equal to its parent or reaches the root.If a key’s value in a min-heap was increased,it may need to be pushed down by swaps with the smaller of its current children until it is smaller than or equal to its children or reaches a leaf.Since the height of a min-heap with n nodes is equal to log 2n (by the same reason the height of a max-heap is given by this formula–see Section 6.4),the operation’s efficiency is in O (log n ).(Note:The old value of the key in question need not be known,of paring the new value with that of the parent and,if the min-heap condition holds,with the smaller of the two children,will suffice.)9课后答案网 w w w.k h d a w .c o mExercises 9.21.Apply Kruskal’s algorithm to find a minimum spanning tree of the follow-ing graphs.a.b.2.Indicate whether the following statements are true or false:a.If e is a minimum-weight edge in a connected weighted graph,it must be among edges of at least one minimum spanning tree of the graph.b.If e is a minimum-weight edge in a connected weighted graph,it must be among edges of each minimum spanning tree of the graph.c.If edge weights of a connected weighted graph are all distinct,the graph must have exactly one minimum spanning tree.d.If edge weights of a connected weighted graph are not all distinct,the graph must have more than one minimum spanning tree.3.What changes,if any,need to be made in algorithm Kruskal to make it find a minimum spanning forest for an arbitrary graph?(A minimum spanning forest is a forest whose trees are minimum spanning trees of the graph’s connected components.)10课后答案网h d a w .c o m4.Will either Kruskal’s or Prim’s algorithm work correctly on graphs that have negative edge weights?5.Design an algorithm for finding a maximum spanning tree –a spanning tree with the largest possible edge weight–of a weighted connected graph.6.Rewrite the pseudocode of Kruskal’s algorithm in terms of the operations of the disjoint subsets’ADT.7. Prove the correctness of Kruskal’s algorithm.8.Prove that the time efficiency of find (x )is in O (log n )for the union-by-size version of quick union.9.Find at least two Web sites with animations of Kruskal’s and Prim’s al-gorithms.Discuss their merits and demerits..10.Design and conduct an experiment to empirically compare the efficienciesof Prim’s and Kruskal’s algorithms on random graphs of different sizes and densities.11. Steiner tree Four villages are located at the vertices of a unit squarein the Euclidean plane.You are asked to connect them by the shortest network of roads so that there is a path between every pair of the villages along those roads.Find such a network.11课后答案网ww w.kh d aw .c omHints to Exercises 9.21.Trace the algorithm for the given graphs the same way it is done for another input in the section.2.Two of the four assertions are true,the other two are false.3.Applying Kruskal’s algorithm to a disconnected graph should help to an-swer the question.4.The answer is the same for both algorithms.If you believe that the algorithms work correctly on graphs with negative weights,prove this assertion;it you believe this is not to be the case,give a counterexample for each algorithm.5.Is the general trick of transforming maximization problems to their mini-mization counterparts (see Section6.6)applicable here?6.Substitute the three operations of the disjoint subsets’ADT–makeset (x ),find (x ),and union (x,y )–in the appropriate places of the pseudocode given in the section.7.Follow the plan used in Section 9.1to prove the correctness of Prim’s algorithm.8.The argument is very similar to the one made in the section for the union-by-size version of quick find.9.You may want to take advantage of the list of desirable characteristics in algorithm visualizations,which is given in Section 2.7.10.n/a11.The question is not trivial because introducing extra points (called Steinerpoints )may make the total length of the network smaller than that of a minimum spanning tree of the square.Solving first the problem for three equidistant points might give you an indication how a solution to the problem in question could look like.12课后答案网ww w.kh d aw .c omSolutions to Exercises9.21.a.后课13b.⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒14课c⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒课2.a.True.(Otherwise,Kruskal’s algorithm would be invalid.)b.False.As a simple counterexample,consider a complete graph withthree vertices and the same weight on its three edgesc.True(Problem10in Exercises9.1).15d.False (see,for example,the graph of Problem 1a).3.Since the number of edges in a minimum spanning forest of a graph with |V |vertices and |C |connected components is equal to |V |−|C |(this for-mula is a simple generalization of |E |=|V |−1for connected graphs),Kruskal (G )will never get to |V |−1tree edges unless the graph is con-nected.A simple remedy is to replace the loop while ecounter <|V |−1with while k <|E |to make the algorithm stop after exhausting the sorted list of its edges.4.Both algorithms work correctly for graphs with negative edge weights.One way of showing this is to add to all the weights of a graph with negative weights some large positive number.This makes all the new weights positive,and one can “translate”the algorithms’actions on the new graph to the corresponding actions on the old one.Alternatively,you can check that the proofs justifying the algorithms’correctness do not depend on the edge weights being nonnegative.5.Replace each weight w (u,v )by −w (u,v )and apply any minimum spanning tree algorithm that works on graphs with arbitrary weights (e.g.,Prim’s or Kruskal’s algorithm)to the graph with the new weights.6.Algorithm Kruskal (G )//Kruskal’s algorithm with explicit disjoint-subsets operations //Input:A weighted connected graph G = V,E//Output:E T ,the set of edges composing a minimum spanning tree of G sort E in nondecreasing order of the edge weights w (e i 1)≤...≤w (e i |E |)for each vertex v ∈V make (v )E T ←∅;ecounter ←0//initialize the set of tree edges and its size k ←0//the number of processed edges while ecounter <|V |−1k ←k +1if find (u )=find (v )//u,v are the endpoints of edge e i kE T ←E T ∪{e i k };ecounter ←ecounter +1union (u,v )return E T 7.Let us prove by induction that each of the forests F i ,i =0,...,|V |−1,of Kruskal’s algorithm is a part (i.e.,a subgraph)of some minimum span-ning tree.(This immediately implies,of course,that the last forest in the sequence,F |V |−1,is a minimum spanning tree itself.Indeed,it contains all vertices of the graph,and it is connected because it is both acyclic and has |V |−1edges.)The basis of the induction is trivial,since F 0is16课后答案网ww w.kh d aw .c ommade up of |V |single-vertex trees and therefore must be a subgraph of any spanning tree of the graph.For the inductive step,let us assume that F i −1is a subgraph of some minimum spanning tree T .We need to prove that F i ,generated from F i −1by Kruskal’s algorithm,is also a part of a minimum spanning tree.We prove this by contradiction by assuming that no minimum spanning tree of the graph can contain F i .Let e i =(v,u )be the minimum weight edge added by Kruskal’s algorithm to forest F i −1to obtain forest F i .(Note that vertices v and u must belong to different trees of F i −1–otherwise,edge (v,u )would’ve created a cycle.)By our assumption,e i cannot belong to T .Therefore,if we add e i to T ,a cycle must be formed (see the figure below).In addition to edge e i =(v,u ),this cycle must contain another edge (v ,u )connecting a vertex v in the same tree of F i −1as v to a vertex u not in that tree.(It is possible that v coincides with v or u coincides with u but not both.)If we now delete the edge (v ,u )from this cycle,we will obtain another spanning tree of the entire graph whose weight is less than or equal to the weight of T since the weight of e i is less than or equal to the weight of (v ,u ).Hence,this spanning tree is a minimum spanning tree,which contradicts the assumption that no minimum spanning tree contains F i .This com-pletes the correctness proof of Kruskal’s algorithm.8.In the union-by-size version of quick-union ,each vertex starts at depth 0of its own tree.The depth of a vertex increases by 1when the tree it is in is attached to a tree with at least as many nodes during a union operation.Since the total number of nodes in the new tree containing the node is at least twice as much as in the old one,the number of such increases cannot exceed log 2n.Therefore the height of any tree (which is the largest depth of the tree’s nodes)generated by a legitimate sequence of unions will not exceed log 2n.Hence,the efficiency of find (x )is in O (log n )because find (x )traverses the pointer chain from the x ’s node to the tree’s root.9.n/a10.n/a17课后答案.kh d aw .c om11.The minimum Steiner tree that solves the problem is shown below.(Theother solution can be obtained by rotating the figure 90◦.)A popular discussion of Steiner trees can be found in “Last Recreations:Hydras,Eggs,and Other Mathematical Mystifications”by Martin Gard-ner.In general,no polynomial time algorithm is known for finding a minimum Steiner tree;moreover,the problem is known to be NP -hard (see Section 11.3).For the state-of-the-art information,see,e.g.,The Steiner Tree Page at /steiner/.18课后答案网ww w.kc omExercises 9.31.Explain what adjustments if any need to be made in Dijkstra’s algorithm and/or in an underlying graph to solve the following problems.a.Solve the single-source shortest-paths problem for directed weighted graphs.b.Find a shortest path between two given vertices of a weighted graph or digraph.(This variation is called the single-pair shortest-path prob-lem .)c.Find the shortest paths to a given vertex from each other vertex of a weighted graph or digraph.(This variation is called the single-destination shortest-paths problem .)d.Solve the single-source shortest-path problem in a graph with nonneg-ative numbers assigned to its vertices (and the length of a path defined as the sum of the vertex numbers on the path).2.Solve the following instances of the single-source shortest-paths problem with vertex a as the source:a.b.3.Give a counterexample that shows that Dijkstra’s algorithm may not work for a weighted connected graph with negative weights.19课案w w.kh d aw .c om4.Let T be a tree constructed by Dijkstra’s algorithm in the process of solving the single-source shortest-path problem for a weighted connected graph G .a.True or false:T is a spanning tree of G ?b.True or false:T is a minimum spanning tree of G ?5.Write a pseudocode of a simpler version of Dijkstra’s algorithm that finds only the distances (i.e.,the lengths of shortest paths but not shortest paths themselves)from a given vertex to all other vertices of a graph represented by its weight matrix.6. Prove the correctness of Dijkstra’s algorithm for graphs with positive weights.7.Design a linear-time algorithm for solving the single-source shortest-paths problem for dags (directed acyclic graphs)represented by their adjacency lists.8.Design an efficient algorithm for finding the length of a longest path in a dag.(This problem is important because it determines a lower bound on the total time needed for completing a project composed of precedence-constrained tasks.)9.Shortest-path modeling Assume you have a model of a weighted con-nected graph made of balls (representing the vertices)connected by strings of appropriate lengths (representing the edges).a.Describe how you can solve the single-pair shortest-path problem with this model .b.Describe how you can solve the single-source shortest-paths problem with this model .10.Revisit Problem 6in Exercises 1.3about determining the best route fora subway passenger to take from one designated station to another in a well-developed subway system like those in Washington,DC and London,UK.Write a program for this task.20课后答案网ww w.kh d aw .c om。
一、软件详细设计说明书的内容软件详细设计说明书通常包括以下内容:1. 功能模块设计:详细描述每个功能模块的实现思路和实现步骤。
2. 数据结构设计:包括数据结构的定义、数据存储方式、数据的读取和写入等。
3. 算法设计:描述程序的核心算法,包括数据处理、逻辑判断、优化方案等。
4. 用户界面(UI)设计:UI设计应该符合用户习惯和美学标准,需要详细记录每个界面及其元素的设计方案和实现方法。
5. 安全设计:描述软件的安全机制,包括身份认证、权限控制、数据加密等。
6. 性能设计:通过调优、并发处理等手段优化软件性能,使其更加高效。
二、软件详细设计说明书的重要性1. 明确开发目标:软件详细设计说明书对软件的各个方面进行详细说明和规划,使开发人员明确开发目标和方向。
2. 保证软件质量:通过详细的设计说明,软件开发人员可以避免在开发过程中出现一些隐含的问题,并对软件进行充分测试,最终保证软件的质量。
3. 方便维护:一份好的软件详细设计说明书,不仅可以指导软件开发人员写出高质量、易于维护的代码,也可以降低日后的维护成本。
4. 提高开发效率:软件详细设计说明书可以避免过多的反复编码和调试问题,从而提高开发效率。
5. 降低开发成本:通过软件详细设计说明书的规划和设计,可以减少过多的要求变更,降低开发成本和人力成本。
二、概要设计说明书2.1 定义概要设计说明书是在需求分析的基础上,对系统进行整体设计的文档。
2.2 结构概要设计说明书的结构一般包括以下几个部分:1)引言:介绍概要设计的目的和背景。
2.3 编写要求编写概要设计说明书时应注意以下要求:1)准确性:设计方案要与需求一致,确保能够满足用户的需求。
三、需求说明书3.1 定义需求说明书是在需求分析阶段对用户需求进行规范化和详细描述的文档。
3.2 结构需求说明书的结构一般包括以下几个部分:1)引言:介绍需求说明书的目的和背景,概述系统的功能和特点。
毕业设计(论文)课题名称基于MATLAB的图像压缩感知算法的实现目录目录 (I)第1章绪论 (1)1.1 研究背景和意义 (1)1.2 数据压缩技术 (2)1.2.1 传统数据压缩技术 (2)1.2.2 压缩感知理论(Compressed/Compressive Sensing/Sampling, CS) (3)1.3 无线传感器网络 (6)1.3.1 无线传感器网络概述 (6)1.3.2 无线传感器网络数据压缩的必要性 (7)1.4 本文主要工作和内容安排 (8)第2章压缩感知理论 (9)2.1压缩感知的前提条件—稀疏性和不相干性 (10)2.2 三个关键技术 (13)2.3信号的稀疏表示 (13)2.4 观测矩阵设计 (15)2.5 稀疏信号的重构 (17)2.6 重构算法 (18)2.7 压缩感知优势及不足 (20)2.8 压缩感知在传感网中的观测方式 (21)第3章压缩感知理论应用概述 (22)3.1 压缩成像 (22)3.2 模拟信息转换 (23)3.3 生物传感 (23)3.4 本章小结 (24)第4章 CS在无线传感网中的应用 (24)4.1 研究背景 (25)4.1.1 基于感知数据相关性的压缩 (25)4.1.2传统压缩重构方法 (25)4.1.3 图像压缩重构质量的评价 (26)4.2 压缩感知理论算法对一维信号的实现 (28)4.2.1 CS用于WSN的优势 (28)4.2.2 观测重构模型 (28)4.2.2 正交匹配追踪算法(OMP) (29)4.2.3 算法的实现及结果分析 (30)4.3 压缩感知理论算法对二维图像重构的实现 (34)4.3.1 基于小波变换的分块压缩感知理论 (34)4.3.2 实现步骤 (35)4.3.3 重构结果及分析 (38)4.4 本章小结 (42)第5章总结与展望 (42)5.1 工作总结 (42)5.2 后续展望 (43)参考文献 (43)致谢 (45)附录 (46)摘要数据压缩技术是提高无线数据传输速度的有效措施之一。
以下是一个详细设计说明书的常规结构和内容:1. 引言:包含项目概述、产品背景、项目目标和阅读说明等内容。
2. 系统架构:描述软件系统的整体架构,包括系统组件、模块划分和模块之间的关系等。
3. 数据库设计:说明系统的数据库结构和设计,包括数据库表结构、字段定义和关联关系等。
4. 模块设计:对系统中的各个功能模块进行详细设计,包括模块的功能描述、输入输出接口、流程图等。
5. 界面设计:描述系统的用户界面设计,包括界面布局、交互设计和UI元素等。
6. 算法设计:说明系统中使用的算法和计算过程,包括算法描述、输入输出和复杂度分析等。
7. 系统接口:描述系统与其他系统或外部服务的接口设计,包括接口定义、数据传输格式和通信协议等。
8. 安全设计:说明系统的安全设计和措施,包括数据加密、用户认证和权限管理等。
9. 性能设计:说明系统的性能设计和优化措施,包括系统并发处理、数据库优化和缓存机制等。
10. 错误处理:说明系统的错误处理机制和异常情况的处理方式,包括错误码定义和异常处理流程等。
11. 测试策略:描述系统的测试策略和方法,包括单元测试、集成测试和系统测试等。
12. 部署方案:说明系统的部署方式和环境要求,包括硬件配置、操作系统和中间件等。
13. 运维手册:编写系统的运维手册,包括系统安装、配置和维护等内容。
14. 引用文献:列出参考文献和相关资料的引用。
项目需求分析说明书》模板(完整)文档编号:版本号:项目名称:{项目名称}用户机构名称:{用户机构名称}编制日期:年月审核人:生效日期:批准人:目录1 引言。
2 需求概述本项目旨在开发一个{项目名称},以满足客户的需求。
3 功能需求3.1 {主要功能1}该功能需要实现{功能描述}。
3.2 {主要功能2}该功能需要实现{功能描述}。
4 非功能需求4.1 性能需求系统需要能够在{最大负载量}的情况下,保持{响应时间}的效率。
4.2 可用性需求系统需要保证{可用性},即在{故障时间}内,系统能够正常运行。
5 约束和假设条件5.1 约束条件本项目的开发需要遵循{约束条件}。
5.2 假设条件本项目的开发假设{假设条件}成立。
6 风险分析6.1 技术风险本项目的开发需要使用{技术},存在{技术风险}。
6.2 时间风险本项目的开发需要在{时间}内完成,存在{时间风险}。
7 开发计划本项目的开发计划如下:7.1 需求分析阶段时间:{时间},任务:{任务}。
7.2 设计阶段时间:{时间},任务:{任务}。
7.3 开发阶段时间:{时间},任务:{任务}。
7.4 测试阶段时间:{时间},任务:{任务}。
8 总结本文档明确了项目的需求,为项目的开发提供了指导。
详细设计说明书,范例篇一:[例子]详细设计说明书详细设计说明书1引言1. 1编写目的根据《需求规格说明书》、《概要设计说明书》,在仔细考虑讨论之后,我们对《图书管理系统》软件的功能划分、数据结构、软件总体结构的实现有了进一步的想法。
该软件采用功能强大的数据库软件开发工具进行开发,具有很好的可移植性,可在应用范围较广的DOS、WINDOWS系列等操作系统上使用1.3定义文档中采用的专门术语的定义及缩略词简要如下:LMS:Library Management System,图书管理系统1.4参考资料[1]费贤举关于图书管理系统的批文 [2]郑人杰,殷人昆,陶永雷。
《Visual Basic 程序设计教程》北京:中国电力出版社,XX。
2程序系统的结构3程序(标识符)设计说明3.1主模块 ? 功能建立与数据库连接获取系统设置运行主对话框根据输入调用子模块退出系统时断开与数据库的连接? 输入项目用户鼠标点击输入? 程序逻辑见右图? 存储分配内部数据:数据库连接m_pConnection _ConnectionPtr 数据库连接指针 m_IsConnected BOOL 数据库连接指示系统设置 m_MaxLBNum int 可借图书数上限m_MaxLBDay int 借书天数上限子对话框m_BookOutDlg CBookOutDlg 借书对话框 m_BookInDlg CBookInDlg 还书对话框 m_BookQuiryDlg CBookQuiryDlg 图书查询对话框 m_SysDlgCSysDlg系统操作对话框 ? 测试要点数据库连接情况:正常情况,数据库文件缺少,外部系统异常。
<项目名称> 详细设计说明书目录1前言 (1)1.1目的 (1)1.2适用范围 (1)1.3读者对象 (1)2模块汇总 (1)3模块详细设计 (1)3.1接口与属性设计 (1)3.1.1外部接口n实现设计 (1)3.2数据结构与算法设计 (2)4功能模块实现设计 (2)4.1公用模块实现设计 (2)4.2专用模块实现设计 (3)4.3存储过程实现设计 (4)4.4触发器实现设计 (4)5其他实现设计 (5)6程序文件清单 (5)7附录 (5)7.1引用文档/参考资料 (5)7.2术语表 (5)1前言【逐项描述每个软件模块的详细设计内容。
下面是一个详细设计说明书应包含的内容:1. 引言:介绍该文档的编写目的、范围、读者对象等。
2. 系统概述:对整个软件系统进行一个概要介绍,包括系统的功能、特性和目标用户等。
3. 功能需求:详细描述系统的功能需求,包括各个功能模块的功能和输入输出要求等。
4. 非功能需求:描述系统的非功能需求,包括性能需求、可靠性需求、安全需求、可维护性需求等。
5. 系统体系结构设计:详细描述系统的体系结构设计,包括模块划分、模块间的关系和通信方式等。
可以使用UML 图表来展示系统的架构。
6. 数据库设计:如果系统需要使用数据库来存储和管理数据,需要对数据库进行详细设计,包括数据表的结构、字段定义、关系设计等。
7. 接口设计:描述系统与外部系统或组件的接口设计,包括输入输出接口、数据格式、通信协议等。
8. 算法和数据结构设计:对系统中使用到的重要算法和数据结构进行详细描述,包括算法的实现流程、输入输出要求和复杂度分析等。
9. 用户界面设计:详细描述系统的用户界面设计,包括界面布局、交互方式、界面元素等。
10. 测试策略和方案:描述系统的测试策略和测试方案,包括测试的范围、测试用例设计、测试环境和工具等。
11. 部署计划:描述系统的部署计划,包括硬件环境要求、软件依赖和部署流程等。
12. 运维和支持:描述系统的运维和支持计划,包括系统的维护方式、故障处理和用户支持等。
13. 参考文献:列出本文档所参考的各种文献和资源。
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算法实验周********************************—所做任务说明及题目相关知识说明文档编号:NUC-2013-A07-01版本: 1.0作者:张家杰崔风川打印日期:2013.12.27拷贝份数:1©2013中北大学计算机与控制工程学院1、所做任务:商店购物问题某商店中每种商品都有一个价格。
例如,一朵花的价格是2 ICU(ICU 是信息学竞赛的货币的单位);一个花瓶的价格是5 ICU。
例如:3朵花的价格不是6而是5 ICU ;2个花瓶加1朵花是10 ICU不是12 ICU。
********************************—数据结构设计说明文档编号:NUC-2013-A07-02版本: 1.0作者:张家杰崔风川打印日期:2013.12.27拷贝份数:1©2013中北大学计算机与控制工程学院1、为所购商品信息建立一个类GoodsInfo,该类包含id(商品编号)、count(商品数量)、price(商品单价)三个属性。
3、为了从input.txt文件中读取数据,新建InputFile类,该类包含cateOfGoods (购物筐中商品的种类)、map_Goods(购物筐中商品的信息)两个属性,其中map_Goods是HashMap类型。
********************************—程序模块及流程设计文档编号:NUC-2013-A07-03版本: 1.0作者:张家杰崔风川打印日期:2013.12.27拷贝份数:1©2013中北大学计算机与控制工程学院(1)程序模块数据结构定义模块:定义了购物筐中的商品信息和优惠方案中的优惠信息。
(2)流程设计蛮力法:动态规划:********************************—源程序清单及说明文档编号:NUC-2013-A07-04版本: 1.0作者:张家杰崔风川打印日期:2013.12.27拷贝份数:1©2013中北大学计算机与控制工程学院(1)蛮力法public static void main(String[] args){static int[] id_Goods;//商品的编号static int[] count_Goods;//商品的数量static int[] per_Price;//商品的单价static int[][] discount;//对应每种优惠方案static int[] value;//每种优惠方案的价值.................int min = func(count_Goods, discount, 0);//调用递归函数System.out.println("最低价:" + min);}public static int func(int num[], int discount[][], int min) { int minPrice[] = new int[discount.length];for (int i = 0; i < minPrice.length; i++) {minPrice[i] = min;}for (int i = 0; i < discount.length; i++) {//循环测试优惠方案boolean flag = true;int f[] = new int[num.length];for (int j = 0; j < num.length; j++) {f[j] = num[j];}for (int j = 0; j < num.length; j++) {if (num[j] - discount[i][j] < 0) {flag = false;//若该方案不可用,则设标志位为假break;}}if (flag) {for (int j = 0; j < num.length; j++) {f[j] -= discount[i][j];//方案可用,则商品数量减去该优惠方案中对应的商品}minPrice[i] += value[i];//方案可用,则最少花费加上该优惠的价值int minCost = func(f, discount, minPrice[i]);//递归minPrice[i] = minCost;//将返回值保存在数组中} else {for (int j = 0; j < num.length; j++) {minPrice[i] += num[j] * per_Price[j];//该方案不可用,则最少花费为各商品数量与原价乘积的和}}}min = minPrice[0];for (int i = 1; i < discount.length; i++) {//利用选择排序计算出最少花费if (min > minPrice[i]) {min = minPrice[i];}}return min;}(2)动态规划方法public static void main(String[] args){static int[] id_Goods;//商品的编号static int[] count_Goods;//商品的数量static int[] price_Goods;//商品的单价static int[][] discount;//对应每种优惠方案,其中每一行的第一列为该种优惠的价值static int[][][][][] arr; 定义一个五维数组for (int i1 = 0; i1 <= count_Goods[1]; i1++) {for (int i2 = 0; i2 <= count_Goods[2]; i2++) {for (int i3 = 0; i3 <= count_Goods[3]; i3++) {for (int i4 = 0; i4 <= count_Goods[4]; i4++) {for (int i5 = 0; i5 <= count_Goods[5]; i5++) {arr[i1][i2][i3][i4][i5] = price_Goods[1] * i1 + price_Goods[2] * i2+ price_Goods[3] * i3 + price_Goods[4] * i4 + price_Goods[5] * i5;//设置初始值为商品数量与原价乘积的和for (int i = 0; i < discount.length; i++) {if(i1 - discount[i][1] >= 0 && i2 - discount[i][2] >= 0&& i3 - discount[i][3] >= 0&& i4 - discount[i][4] >= 0&& i5 - discount[i][5] >= 0) {arr[i1][i2][i3][i4][i5] = Math.min(arr[i1][i2][i3][i4][i5],discount[i][0]+ arr[i1-discount[i][1]][i2-discount[i][2]][i3-discount[i][3]][i4-discount[i][4]][i5-discount[i][5]]);//若该种方案可用,则此时的最少花费为用该种方案和不用该种方案的较小值} else {}}System.out.print(arr[i1][i2][i3][i4][i5] + ",");}}}}}System.out.println();Int result = arr[count_Goods[1]][count_Goods[2]][count_Goods[3]][count_Goods[4]][c ount_Goods[5]];System.out.println("最少花费为:" + result);//输出结果new OutputFile(result);//将结果输出到output.txt文件中}********************************—算法效率分析说明文档编号:NUC-2013-A07-05版本: 1.0作者:张家杰崔风川打印日期:2013.12.27拷贝份数:1蛮力法的时间复杂度为O(n5)动态规划的时间复杂度为O(n2)©2013中北大学计算机与控制工程学院********************************—总结文档编号:NUC-2013-A07-06版本: 1.0作者:张家杰崔风川打印日期:2013.12.27拷贝份数:1总结:通过这次算法课程设计,我们认识到了自己最大的不足——算法的编程实现,把一个算法分析出来之后,编程实现的过程中遇到了各种各样的问题与障碍,但是在一一解决这些问题后,我们的算法分析能力和编程水平也有了较大幅度的提高。