机械工程专业英语Unit 4

Fig 4.2 Forging Grain Flow
A forged metal can result in the following:
1. Increase length, decrease cross-section, called drawing out the metal.
2. Decrease length, increase cross-section, called upsetting the metal.
greater strength and more uniform structure to large components. 3. On account of the high pressure and squeezing action, it operates with less noise and vibration than a drop-forge. 4. manual operation is impossible and it is essential that all the manipulation of the ingot is done mechanically.
虽然这种液压锻机比落锤锻造要昂贵得多,但它除了能给予大零件 较高的强度和更均匀的组织外还有其他优点。由于较高的压力和挤压作 用,它比落锤锻造噪声及振动都小得多。人工操作是不可能的,钢坯的 所有操作都必须是机械化的。
Fig 4.1 forging progression
锻造 进程
Forging Grain Flow
❖ Advantage:can produce components of greater complexity and accuracy, with a better surface finish, than the more traditional methods not using closed dies. 优点:闭式模锻能生产高度复杂和精确的零件,而且表面光洁度要 比不用闭式锻模的更传统方法好。

《机械工程专业英语》课程教学大纲一、课程的基本情况课程中文名称: 机械工程专业英语课程英文名称: ENGLISH IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING课程代码:0304030课程类别:必修课程学分:2分课程学时:18授课对象:机电(电专)学生前导课程:机械设计、机械原理、大学英语二、教学目的机械工程专业英语是机械工程及自动化专业的一门指选专业课程。
三、教学基本要求第1课力学基本概念Lesson 1 Basic Concepts in Mechanics重点:力学的基本词汇和力学知识第3课力和力矩Lesson 3 Forces and Moments重点:力学的基本词汇和基本知识第5课轴和联轴器Lesson 5 Shafts and Couplings重点:轴的基本词汇和基本知识第13课机构Lesson 13 Mechanism重点:机构的基本词汇和基本知识第17课机械设计基础Lesson 17 Fundamentals of Mechanical Design重点:机械设计的基本词汇和基本知识第45课计算机与制造业Lesson 45 The computer and Manufacturing重点:计算机与制造业的基本词汇和基本知识翻译技巧:词类转换第49课数字控制Lesson 49 Numerical Control重点:数字控制的基本词汇和基本知识翻译技巧:成分转换第53课工业机器人Lesson53 Industrial Robots重点:工业机器人的基本词汇和基本知识翻译技巧:掌握相应专业词汇第55课机器人系统的组成部分Lesson 55 Components of a Robot System重点:机器人系统的基本词汇和基本知识翻译技巧成分转换第57课工程师在机械制造业中的作用Lesson 57 The Roles of Engineers in Manufacturing重点:机械制造的基本词汇和基本知识翻译技巧状语从句的译法第59课信息时代的机械工程Lesson 59 Mechanical Engineering in the Information Age重点:机械工程的基本词汇和基本知识翻译技巧成分分译第61课如何撰写科学论文Lesson 61 How to Write a Scientific Paper重点:科学论文写作的基本词汇和基本知识翻译技巧长句分析四、课程内容与学时分配五、教材与参考书教材:《机械工程专业英语》,施平编,哈工大出版社,2007参考书:《机械工程英语》,陈道礼、刘旺、夏绪辉编,武汉科技大学机械自动化学院六、教学方式和考核方式1、教学方式:以课堂讲授为主,辅以课后作业。

2)形容词或“形容词+介词”转换为 动词
We are also familiar with other transformations of energy.
The force is perpendicular to the surface. 此力垂直于表面。
翻译的基本方法 – 转换词性 Skills of Translation –transform part of speech
转换词性是根据翻译的需要将英语某一词性的词译为汉语 另一词性的方法。
例:The workers have succeeded in making high quality semiconductor devices of all types.
1. 转换为名词
Has the house been wired for electricity? 这房子的电线装好了吗?(动词wired 译为“装
线”“给…装电线”) Vacuum rectifiers are characterized by the following. 真空整流器具有如下的特性。 Properties of non-metals vary widely. 非金属材料的各种性能有很大的差异。(不宜译为
3) 副词转换为名词
Sodium and copper have one electron in the outer shells and are chemically similar.
钠和铜在外壳上具有一个电子,因而其化学性 质相似。(不说“化学地相似”而是将 chemically 译为“化学性质”)
2. 转换为动词

…………………………第3D课建筑机器人………………………………第40课微机为基础的机器人模拟………………第41课机器人学的定义和机器入系统…………第42课微型计算机基础(1)……………………第43课微型计算机基础(x)……………………第44课可编程控制器……………………………第45课CAD/CAM计算机辅助设计与制造…第46课计算机数控和直接数控,CNC和DNC第47课加工过程的数控—………………………第48课柔性制造系统……………—……………第仍课交互式编程系统…………………………第50课在振动分析方面的计算机技术…………策51课压力传感器………………………………第52课反馈元件…………………—……………第53课现代按制理论概述………………………第54课管理上采取了新的措施—来自福持汽第六章英文科技文献和专利文献的查阅…………6.1 常见科技文献及其查阅………………………6.2 专利文献概述…………………………………第七章英文科拉论文写作…………………………7.1 标题与摘要写法………………………………7.2 正文(body)的组织与写法…………………7.3 致谢、附录及参考文献………………—……参考文献………………………………………………第1章材料和热加工机械学的基本概念功是力乘以该力作用在物体上佼物体移动的距离。

《机械工程专业英语》词汇Chapter One Mechanics Components 第一章机械构件 Lesson One 第一课齿轮 Words and Expressions1.spur gear 直齿轮2.thermal expansion 热膨胀3.lubrication润滑4.backlash倾向间隙5.the pitch circles节圆6.space width间隙宽度7.instrument gear仪表齿轮8.the split gear拼合齿轮9.helical gear斜齿轮10.pitch-line velocities节线速度11.an axial thrust轴向推力12.blank 坯件13.double-helical gears 人字齿轮14.non-intersecting不相交的15.worm gears蜗轮蜗杆16.bevel gears伞齿轮17.crossed-axis交叉轴18.nut 螺母19.screw丝杠螺钉rge rations 大速比21.parallel-shaft gears平行轴齿轮22.single-thread worms单线蜗杆23.lead angles导角24.multiple-thread worms多线蜗杆25.hypoid gear偏轴伞齿轮26.rolling Cones滚锥27.involutes渐开线,Lesson Two Rolling Guides and Bearings 第二课滚动导轨和轴承Words and Expressions1.rolling guides (rolling guideways) 滚动导轨2.plain guides普通导轨3.a roller chain滚柱链4.cape保持架5.guide surfaces导轨面6.stiffness 刚性7.load-carrying capacity 载荷能力8.rolling-contact bearings滚动轴承9.ball bearing球轴承10.an inner race 内座圈11.an outer race外座圈12.separator 隔离环13.curvature曲率14.notch 凹槽15.thrust load 推力负载16.a radial ball bearing经向球轴承17.sections断面18.an axial-thrust bearing轴向推力轴承19.washer 垫圈20.roller bearing 滚子轴承21.tapered 锥形的22.spherical球面的23.retaining shoulder 定位肩24.needle bearing滚针轴承25.tapered roller bearings锥形滚子轴承26.spherical roller bearings 球面滚子轴承27.concave凹面的28.convex凸面的Lesson Three Clutches第三课离合器Word and Expressions1.coaxial (coaxial) 同轴的,共轴的2.a rotatable shaft (driven shaft) 从动轴3.a rotating shaft (driving shaft) 主动轴4.friction clutches磨擦离合器5.ring-shaped环形的6.spring弹簧7.a conical spool锥形短管轴8.coefficient of friction磨擦系数9.facing衬片10.dry clutches干式离合器11.wet clutches 湿式离合器12.a multiple-plate disc clutch多片式圆盘离合器13.spline花键14.pivot枢轴15.magnetic clutches电磁离合器16.an annular gap环状间隙17.powder iron铁粉18.graphite石墨19.direct-current control coil直流控制线圈20.slippage滑动Lesson Four Ball screw and nuts 第四课滚珠丝杠螺母副Words and Expressions1.precision ball screw assembly 精密滚珠丝杠副2.auto-drafting machines自动制图机3.valves阀门4.metallurgical machinery冶金机械5.satellite tracers卫星跟踪仪6.steering gears转向机构7.stick-slip 爬行循环8.rolling guideways滚动导轨9.recirculating-ball screw滚珠丝杠10. feed mechanisms 进给机构11. wear 磨损12. damping property 阻尼性13. tangential 切向的14. circumferential 圆周的15. thread pitch螺距16. a ball-return track回珠滚道17. a return tube回珠管18. shock-free无冲击19. stiffness刚性20. freedom from免除21. pre-load预载Chapter Two Constructure and Technology of Machine Tools第二章机床结构及工艺Lesson One Size, Bed and Tailstock of Engine lathe第一课普通车床的尺寸、床身及尾架Words and Expressionsthe (turning lathe, engine lathe, tuning machine) 车床2.the live center point 活顶尖3.swing 回转直径4.bed 床身5.ways导轨6.Carriage 床鞍7.Cross-feed slide 横进给刀架8.Headstock主轴箱9.tailstock. 尾架10. rack 齿条11. pinion gear小齿轮12. handwheel 手轮13. hardened steel 淬火钢14. flame-hardened ways 火焰淬火导轨15. the distance between centers项尖距16. taper shank锥形车削17. tailstock spindle 尾架锥柄18. taper shank 套筒19. three-jaw chuck三爪卡盘20. roller bearing滚子轴承21. lubrication润滑22. workpiece工件Lesson Two Headstock of Engine Lathe第二课普通车床的主轴箱Words and Expressions1.spindle 主轴2.taper sleeve锥套3.live center轴心活顶针4.the threaded spindle nose螺纹主轴头5.the cam lock spindle nose凸轮锁紧主轴头6.the long taper key drive spindle nose长锥键传动主轴头7.flange法兰盘8.Chuck卡盘9.Cam lock stud、凸轮锁紧短轴10. Collar 轴环11. faceplate套圈12. keyway花盘,键槽13. back gear背轮14. bull gear 大齿轮15. sliding pit滑动槽16. groove、槽17. step pulley塔轮18. drive pulley主动轮19. driven pulley被动轮20. gear box齿轮变速箱Lesson Three Carriage, Feeding and Threading Mechanism of Engine Lathe第三课普通车床的床鞍、进给和车螺纹机构 Words and Expressions1.Saddle鞍座2.Apron 滑板箱3.Cross slides 横向滑板,横刀架pound rest 复合刀架(转盘)5.tool post小刀架6.tool holder 刀夹7.Clutch 离合器8.Facing 车端面9.Cutoff 切断机动进给10. power feed 动力进给11. split nut (half-nut) 开合螺母12. dovetail way 燕尾导轨13. micrometer collar 千分尺套圈摇柄14. rocker 摇臂15. threading 车螺纹16. gear box 齿轮箱,传动箱17. ring collar 刻度环18. an index chart 指示图19. lead screw丝杠20. feed rod 光杠21. Cross-feed横进给22. Longitudinal feed 纵向进给23. acme threads 梯形螺纹24. right-hand thread右旋螺纹25. left-hand thread 左旋螺纹Lesson Four Word-holding attachments for the lathe and Rough turning第四课车床工件夹紧附件和粗车Words and Expressions1.attachment 附件2.four-jaw independent chuck 四爪单动卡盘3.Collar chuck 套爪卡片4.follower rest 跟刀架5.reducing sleeve 中心架the dog 异径套筒7.bent-tail dog 车床卡爪8.Rough turning 曲尾卡爪9.Rough turning粗车white lead白铅粉Center height中心高end副后角relief后角Clearance angle留隙角 back rake 纵向前角tangent切线caliper卡尺trial cut试切overload过载、Lesson Five Milling Shaper, Planer and Grinding Machines第五课铣床、刨床和磨床Words and Expressionsling machines 铣床ling cutter 铣刀刀杆3.arbor 心轴4.spacer 垫圈、垫片5.bushing套6.yoke 支座7.starting lever 起动手柄8.Knee升降台9.elevating screw 升降丝杆10. index head分度头11. foot stock 分度头支座12. Universal Milling Machine 万能铣床13. Shaper牛头刨床14. plane 龙门刨床15. ram 滑轨16. vise 台钳17. fixture 夹具18. notched wheel or ratchet 棘轮19. pawl 棘爪20. cross rail 横梁21. grinding machine 磨床22. grinding wheel 砂轮23. finish 光洁度24. Cutter grinder 工具磨床25.surface grinder 平面磨床26.centreless grinder 无心磨床27.internal grinder 内圆磨床28.external grinder 外圆磨床29.Wheel head磨头Lesson Six Machine Tool Tests, Accuracy checking and Maintenance 第六课机床试验,精度检验及保养Words and Expressions1.acceptance tests 验收试验2.certificate data 检验证数据3.geometrical accuracy几何精度4.surface roughness 表面粗糙度5.vibration-proof 防振6.straightness 平直度7.flatness 平面度8.upright立柱9.base plate 底板10. deviation 偏差11. parallelism 平行度12. squareness垂直度13. servicing 维修14. inspection检查15. repairs 检修16. maintenance 保养17. rapidly wearing components 易损件18. post-inspections repairs 后检查修理19. periodic repairs定期检修20. routine servicing 日常维修21. general overhaul 大修22. restoration修复Chapter Three Modern Manufacturing Engineering &Development第三章现代制造技术及其发展Lesson One The development of NC 第一课数字控制的发展 Words and Expressions1.vacuum tube 真空管2.electrical relay 继电器3.interface 接口4.integrated circuit(IC) 集成电路5.hardware 硬件6.Read Only Memory(ROM) 只读存储器7.Machining Center 加工中心8.Turning Center车削中心9.electrical discharge machining电火花加工10.drafting制图11.printed circuit(PC) 印刷电路12.robot机械手,机器人13.Subroutine子程序14.tape reading纸带读数15.alarm 报警16.diagnostic message诊断信息17.Constant surface speed control 恒线速控制18.polar coordinate 极座标19.interpolation插补20.microprocessor微处理机21.servo drive伺机服驱动22.pre-amplifier前置放大器23.point-to-point点位24.contouring轮廓控制25.bubble memory磁泡存储器26.macro宏指令27.canned cycle固定循环Lesson Two Open-loop and closed-loop servo drives第二课开环和闭环伺服驱动Words and Expressionsrmation command section 信息命令段2.punched tape code穿孔带码3.magnetic tape code 磁带码4. input data 输入数据5.open-loop开环6.closed-loop 闭环7.automatic washing machine自动洗衣机8.power supply level电源电平9.feedback 反馈10. resolution清晰度11. deterioration恶化,变坏12. discrepancy差误13. subtract logic减法逻辑14. command position counter 指令位置计数器15. drive signal amplifier 伺服信号放大器16. transducer 传感器17. synchro 同步机18. shaft digitizer轴数字读出器19. analog模拟量digital数字式self-correcting自动修正light interruption光中断photo cell光电管electric pulse电脉冲increment增量encoder编码器binary二进制Gray code格雷码Segmentation扇区Lesson Three Hydraulic motors and servo motors第三课液压马达和伺服电机Words and Expressions1.hydraulic motor 液压马达2.oil sump 油箱,油槽3.oil pressure pump 油压力泵4.hydraulic cylinder 液压缸5.valve 阀6.oil flow 油流7.hydrostatic drives 水力驱动,静压驱动8.variable-delivery pump9.piston 活塞10. reciprocating movement 往复运动11. supply line 供应线12. return line 回程线13. the filling cycle14. servomotors 伺服电机15. input command signals 输入命令符号16. step-by-step motors 步进电机17. Phase-shifted18. Amplifier 放大器19. Contact 触点,接头20. Electromagnet 电磁铁。
精品课件-机械工程英语-Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Inspection Technology Listening
Chapter 4 Inspection Technology
Task 1 Su Yang is discussing an inspection scheme with Zhao Lin, the Quality Inspection Manager. Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to each question.
Task 1 Listen to the recording and read the dialogues aloud.
9 before
we can set up a sequence of 10 .
Gu Jie: Contact me anytime you have a problem.
Chapter 4 Inspection Technology Speaking
Chapter 4 Inspection Technology
Chapter 4 Inspection Technology
Dialogue 3 Gu Jie: Hello? Get me Su Yang on the phone, please. Su Yang: This is Su Yang. Is that Mr. Gu? Gu Jie: Yes. This is Gu Jie. Su Yang, have you been informed of the meeting to be held this afternoon? Su Yang: Yes. It is about the problem I have found during the First Piece Inspection. Gu Jie: I’m calling to ask you about it. What problem have you found? Su Yang: It’s the tailstock of the newly designed lathe. It is not tight. Gu Jie: Have you recorded down all the measurements and observations about it on the First Piece
机械工程专业英语Unit 4

❖ One of the basic operations of hammer forging is the elongation of a piece of metal by stretching with hammer blows, causing it to become thinner and longer. 锤锻中常用开式模锻。在锤锻中零件通过锤击辅之以相对简单的 工具成型。其中包括开式锻模。锤锻的基本操作之一就是通过锤击使 金属伸长,促成其变细变长。
❖ Advantage:can produce components Байду номын сангаасf greater complexity and accuracy, with a better surface finish, than the more traditional methods not using closed dies. 优点:闭式模锻能生产高度复杂和精确的零件,而且表面光洁度要 比不用闭式锻模的更传统方法好。
它们均利用下落重量来产生金属成型所需的压力。锻造大零件则要 用到蒸汽、压缩空气、液压或电力驱动的锻压机。大型的自动化锻机用 于工程零件的批量生产。
open-die forging &closed-die forging 开式锻模和闭式锻模
1. open-die forging 开式锻模
❖ open-die forging, usually in the form of hammer forging.
Unit 4 Forging Processes

A shaft must have adequate torsional strength(抗 扭 强 度 ) to transmit torque and not be over stressed. It must also be torsionally stiff(刚度) enough so that one mounted component does not deviate excessively from its original angular position relative to a second component mounted on the same shaft. Generally speaking,the angle of twist(扭转角) should not exceed one degree in a shaft length equal to 20 diameters.
There are several types of shaft couplings , theirs characteristics depend on the purpose for which they are used . If an exceptionally long shaft is required in a manufacturing plant or a propeller shaft on a ship,it is made in sections that are coupled together with rigid couplings.

《机械工程专业外语》课程教学大纲课程名称:机械工程专业外语课程代码:MEAU1040英文名称:English in Mechanical Engineering课程性质:专业选修课程学分/学时:2学分/36学时开课学期:第6学期适用专业:机械工程、机械电子先修课程:大学英语、机械设计、机械原理、材料力学、理论力学后续课程:无开课单位:机电工程学院课程负责人:张峰峰大纲执笔人:张峰峰大纲审核人:倪俊芳一、课程性质和教学目标(在人才培养中的地位与性质及主要内容,指明学生需掌握知识与能力及其应达到的水平)课程性质:机械工程英语是一种用英语阐述机械工程专业中的理论、技术、试验和现象的英语体系。

counter shaft gear
counter shaft
transmission imput shaft
torque factor(coefficient of moment)
overloading ratio
torque ratio
capacity factorr
governor valve
selectro valve
shift valve
signal valve
relay valve
power shfit
freewheel shfit
manual shfit
automaitc shfit
inhibited shift
first gear
second gear
overdirve gear
economic gear
reverse gear
near constant velocity universal joint
self-supporting universal joint

机电工程专业英语(第二版)CatalogChapter One Chapter TwoChapter Three Chapter FourChapter Five Chapter SixChapter Seven Chapter EightChapter One Fundamentals of Mechanical EngineeringLesson 1 Properties of MaterialsLesson 2 Classification of SteelsLesson 3 Heat TreatmentLesson 4 Types of GearLesson 5 Rolling-Typedensity [ 5densiti ]n.密度, 比重specific heat 比热coefficient [ kEui5fiFEnt ]n.系数conductivity [ 7kCndQk5tiviti ]n.传导性, 传导率Lesson 1-1melt [ melt ]v.使融化, 使熔化, 使软化ductility [ dQk5tiliti ]n.展延性, 柔软性toughness [ 5tQfnis ] n.韧性, 坚韧abrasion [ E5breiVEn ]n.磨损girder [ 5^E:dE ] n.桁架, 大,纵,横梁armor [ 5B:mE ]n.装甲bumper [ 5bQmpE ] n.缓冲器,减震器stamp [ stAmp ]n.邮票, 印, 图章 v. 压印, 冲压penetration [ peni5treiFEn ] n.穿过, 渗透, 突破fender [ 5fendE ]n.防卫物, 挡泥板mill [ mil ] n.磨粉机, 磨床,工厂vt.碾磨Lesson 1-11.be distinguished fromThe true is to be distinguished from the false 真假必须辨明。

Mechanical Engineering English
• Mr. King: Do you have a habit of doing exercise? • Lily: Sure, we have a regulation of morning exercises,
which guarantees us a healthy body. You can meet students undertaking different kinds of exercises if you take a walk in the morning on campus. Mr. King: Would you like to comment on your instructor? Lily: He is a man of profession and responsibility. Whenever you ask him for help, he will always be there without any hesitation.
Mechanical Engineering English
The first schools in the United States to offer an engineering education were the United States Military Academy in 1817, an institution now known as Norwich University in 1819, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1825. Education in mechanical engineering has historically been based on a strong foundation in mathematics and science; this is followed by courses emphasizing the application of this knowledge and studies in the social sciences and humanities to give the engineer a broader education.

Lesson 1 力学的基本概念1、词汇:statics [stætiks] 静力学;dynamics动力学;constraint约束;magnetic [mæɡ'netik]有磁性的;external [eks'tə:nl] 外面的, 外部的;meshing啮合;follower从动件;magnitude ['mæɡnitju:d] 大小;intensity强度,应力;non-coincident [kəu'insidənt]不重合;parallel ['pærəlel]平行;intuitive 直观的;substance物质;proportional [prə'pɔ:ʃənəl]比例的;resist抵抗,对抗;celestial [si'lestjəl]天空的;product乘积;particle质点;elastic [i'læstik]弹性;deformed变形的;strain拉力;uniform全都相同的;velocity[vi'lɔsiti]速度;scalar['skeilə]标量;vector['vektə]矢量;displacement代替;momentum [məu'mentəm]动量;2、词组make up of由……组成;if not要不,不然;even through即使,纵然;Lesson 2 力和力的作用效果1、词汇:machine 机器;mechanism机构;movable活动的;given 规定的,给定的,已知的;perform执行;application 施用;produce引起,导致;stress压力;applied施加的;individual单独的;muscular ['mʌskjulə]]力臂;gravity[ɡrævti]重力;stretch伸展,拉紧,延伸;tensile[tensail]拉力;tension张力,拉力;squeeze挤;compressive 有压力的,压缩的;torsional扭转的;torque转矩;twist扭,转动;molecule [m likju:l]分子的;slide滑动; 滑行;slip滑,溜;one another 互相;shear剪切;independently独立地,自立地;beam梁;compress压;revolve (使)旋转;exert [iɡ'zə:t]用力,尽力,运用,发挥,施加;principle原则, 原理,准则,规范;spin使…旋转;screw螺丝钉;thread螺纹;2、词组a number of 许多;deal with 涉及,处理;result from由什么引起;prevent from阻止,防止;tends to 朝某个方向;in combination结合;fly apart飞散;3、译文:任何机器或机构的研究表明每一种机构都是由许多可动的零件组成。

A device that supports, guides, and reduces the friction of
motion between fixed and moving machine parts. 轴承:在机器的固定和运动部件之间起支撑、引导和减 少运动摩擦的装置。
Lesson 1 Basic Concept in Mechanics
Terminology 术语,专有名词
Text tour
Gear 齿轮, 传动装置
1.A toothed machine part, that meshes with another toothed part to transmit motion or to change speed or direction. 齿轮:有齿的机器零件,与另一个有齿零件相啮合,从而传 递运动或者改变运动的方向或速度。
唐一平主编:《先进制造技术》北京:机械工业出 版社,2004;
王慧莉,贾卫国编《国际学术交流英语》大连:大 连理工大学出版社,2005
Lesson 1 Basic Concept in Mechanics Lesson 2 Forces and Their Effects Lesson 3 Overview of Engineering Mechanics Lesson 4 Shafts and Couplings Lesson 5 Shafts and Associated Parts Lesson 6 Belts, Clutches, Brakes, and Chains Lesson 7 Fasteners and Springs Lesson 14 Physical Properties of Materials Lesson 29 Tolerances and Surface Roughness Lesson 35 Coordinate Measuring Machine Lesson 36 Lathes

4.学习专业英语翻译技巧与方法的主要内容: (1.介绍和掌握单词与词组的¡°对应关系¡±
•The tube is second to none.
•Monel metal is resistant to both fresh and salt
不能被估计过高。 正确译法:计算机在制造业应用上的重要性 怎么估计也不会过高。
机械工程专业英语概述 English in Mechanical Engineering
3.专业英语与基础英语的不同: 首先,专业英语在词义上具有不同于基础
英语的特点和含义。掌握专业词汇是学好专业 英语的基础,专业词汇的含义和上下文有关, 因此查阅专业书籍的 Index 并参照课文确定词 意是学习和掌握专业词汇的有效方法。
1. 什么是翻译: 翻译就是将一种语言文字的意义用另一
种语言文字表达出来。 机械工程英语翻译就是将机械工程学科
的英语原著由原作语言(source language)用译 文语言(target language)忠实、准确、严谨、通 顺、完整地再现出来,使人们能够借助汉语译 文准确无误地了解英语机械工程著作所阐述 的工程技术内容和科学理论。
机械工程专业英语概述 English in Mechanical Engineering
(3.学习改变原文的词类和句子成分的规律, 使译文通顺。
•Scientific evidence must be gathered in such a
way, that other scientists can be sure of its accuracy.
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4机械工程专业英语第四课翻译的基本方法–增词与减词Skills of Translation –adding and reducing words三、增词与减词(一)增词译法:在对英文进行翻译时,若按字面翻译,句子的结构不完善,或句子的含义不明确,或词汇的概念不清晰时,需要增加某些词语,以便更完善、清楚地表达英语句子的内容。
例:Efficiency costs money, safety adds complexity, performanceincreases weight.直译:效率花费金钱,安全增加复杂性,性能增加重量。
1. 增加表示时态的概念的词英语中表达时态的词往往是没有词义的,翻译时必须用一些中文词将其表达出来:Balloons were (and are) usually filled with hydrogen.气球过去(和现在)一般都用氢气来充气。
翻译的基本方法–增词与减词Skills of Translation –adding and reducing wordsWe can learn what we did not know.我们能够学会我们原来不懂的东西。
(过去时)The generator set will start working tomorrow.这台发电机组将于明天开始运行。
(将来时)An object is said to possess kinetic energy if it if moving.如果一个物体在运动,就可以说它有了动能。
(进行时)We have learned how to fit the computer.我们已经学会了怎样安装电脑。
(完成时)Reamers are used to finish drilled holes.绞刀用来将已经钻好了的孔进行精加工。
(过去分词表示“完成”的状态)翻译的基本方法–增词与减词Skills of Translation –adding and reducing words2. 补充原文省略的词英语中常根据语法或语言习惯省略某些词语,如重复出现时,省去形容词修饰的名词,用do代替实义动词,在省略句中,省去连词、主语、谓语动词或其它成分等:In figure 5, P is the resistance, S the distance and C the effort.在图5中,P是阻力,S是距离,C是作用力。
All bodies consist of molecules and these of atoms.所有物体均由分子组成,而分子由原子组成。
(补译出these 后面省略的molecules consist) The changes in matter around us are of two types, physical andchemical.我们周围的物质变化有两种,物理变化与化学变化。
When pure, water is a colorless liquid.水纯时,水是无色的液体。
Skills of Translation –adding and reducing words3. 补充表示数的概念的词语一般来说,表示单数的不定冠词a和名词的复数形式是不必译出的。
Hydrogen atom consists of an electron and a proton.氢原子由一个电子和一个质子构成。
(此处的数词a 表示具体的实际数量)The bottom part of the hanging wire is placed between the poles of a small horseshoe magnet.悬挂着的导线下端放在一个小型马蹄形磁铁的两个磁极之间。
We can stop this trouble if we use a special rod.如果我们用某种特制的杆,就能解决这个问题。
Some typical fabrication methods are shown in Fig.11-36.若干种典型的组装方法如图11-36 所示。
翻译的基本方法–增词与减词Skills of Translation –adding and reducing words在应当表示名词的复数概念时,要根据上下文判断其复数是“二”还是“几个”。
Metals can be classified as pure metals and alloys.金属可分为纯金属与合金两类。
Since its formation the earth has been undergoing changes.地球自形成以来,一直经历着各种变化。
Chromium improves the properties of steel.铬可改进钢的各种性能。
The air is made up of mixture of gases.空气是由多种气体混合而成的气体。
We saw bubbles rising from under the water.我们看到一个个水泡从水下升起。
The frequency, wave length and speed of sound are closely related.频率、波长与声速三者密切相关。
翻译的基本方法–增词与减词Skills of Translation –adding and reducing words4. 补充句子成分:英译汉时,有时所有的词汇都相应地译出后,汉语句子的结构显得不完整。
It has long been known that electricity is a form of energy.我们早就知道电是能的一种形式。
(补充主语)An exact solution demands much calculation.一个精确的解答要求进行很多次计算。
(补充谓语)When the wire stops moving, the current stops.当导线停止移动时,则电流就停止流动。
(补充宾语)Fuses are cheap, other equipment is much more expensive.保险丝很便宜,但其它保险设备却昂贵得多。
(补充定语)Why do satellites stay in orbit? Why don’t they shoot off intoouter space?为什么卫星会留在轨道上运行?它们为什么不会飞出轨道而进入外层空间呢?(补充状语)Skills of Translation –adding and reducing words5. 补充解释性词语:当按照英语句子逐词翻译不能清楚、明确表达原句概念时,可补充解释性词语进行解释说明。
The following discussion assumes the teeth to be perfectly formed, perfectly smooth, and absolutely rigid.下面的讨论中假定轮齿加工没有误差,轮齿表面完全光滑,轮齿为绝对刚体。
You can also purify water by boiling it and condensing the steam which you have collected.你也可把水煮沸,将收集到的蒸汽凝结,用这样的方法来提取纯水。
The angle β shown in the figure is the angle between plane PQ and a horizontal plane.图中所示的β角为PQ 平面和水平面之间的夹角翻译的基本方法–增词与减词Skills of Translation –adding and reducing words6. 补充语气连贯性词语:The reliability of semiconductor devices is very important, especially in space applications.半导体器件的可靠性至关重要, 特别是在空间技术应用中尤其如此。
Take the case of the hydrogen atom. It has only one electron in the shell. How many electrons more are needed to complete this shell? The answer is one.以氢原子为例,它的壳层中仅有一个电子,还需要加几个电子来补满这个壳层呢?回答是:还需要一个。
翻译的基本方法–增词与减词Skills of Translation –adding and reducing words(二)减词译法有时在英语句子必不可少的词,在汉语中有时是可有可无,甚至是多余的。
Now that we are all here, we begin to make our experiment at once.直译:既然我们都到齐了,我们立刻开始我们的实验。
If the wire has small cross section, the electric current which flows through it per second will be small in quantity.直译:如果导线的截面积小,每秒钟通过导线的电流在数量方面将是小的。
翻译的基本方法–增词与减词Skills of Translation –adding and reducing words1. 省译从修辞角度看不必重复的词Steel contains a smaller proportion of carbon than cast iron contains.钢的含碳率比铸铁小。
(第二个contains 系重复词)Matter is constantly changing and is constantly moving.物质在不断地变化和运动着。
2. 省译逻辑上不必要的说明语The present process of making steel from iron in only about 100 years old.目前的炼钢法只有约100年的历史。