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Study on A Dream of Red Mansions

Course Code: 61028000

Course Name: Study on A Dream of Red Mansions

Credit: 2 Credits Course Semester: The Tenth Semester

Teaching Object: Chinese Language and Literature Majors

Required Course in Advance: The History of Ancient Chinese Novels

Teaching Staff: Zhan Lizhong, Lecturer,Doctor

Course Introduction:

This course aims at close reading and discussion on A Dream of Red Mansions, and this enables students to realize the high achievement of thought and art of this book as the highest achievement of Chinese classical novels. This course briefly introduces the interpretative history of A Dream of Red Mansion, research frontiers on A Dream of Red Mansion, introspection of research situation of A Dream of Red Mansion. On this basement, this course will be focused on teaching and discussing multiple implications of A Dream of Red Mansion and artistic world which was displayed in A Dream of Red Mansion.

Practice Teaching Link:

Students are required to discuss in class.

Course Assessment:

Final Marks=Usual Marks*30%+ Final Examination Marks*70%

Usual marks depend on the attendance, the quality of homework and thesis.

The final mark is the final examination mark.

Designated Teaching Material:

[1] 曹雪芹.《红楼梦》.济南:山东文艺出版社,1993年.

[2] 张宝坤编著.《名家解读〈红楼梦〉》.济南:山东人民出版社,1998年.


[1] 俞平伯.《红楼梦研究》.上海:复旦大学出版社,2004年.

[2] 周策纵.《红楼梦案:周策纵论红楼梦》.北京:文化艺术出版社,2005年.

[3] 李劼.《论红楼梦:历史文化的全息图像》.西宁:青海人民出版社,1998年.

[4] 周汝昌.《红楼梦与中国文化》.北京:华艺出版社,1998年.

[5] 刘梦溪.《红楼梦新论》.北京:中国社会科学出版社,1982年.

[6] 周汝昌.《红楼艺术》.北京:人民文学出版社,1995年.
