红楼梦 英文PPT介绍




Baoyu is a rebel of feudal noble class. His rebellious character is fully expressed in his attitude of indifference to the ways of aristocratic life .He holds in contempt the tiresome men and greatly sympathizes with women, oppressed and trampled by the feudal system, demonstrating his distinct democratic thoughts
A Dream of the Red Mansions

Introduction of the story
A Dream of Red Mansions describes the life and declining fortunes of a large feudal family. At the heart of the novel is a tragic love story between Jia Baoyu, Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai 红楼梦介绍了生活 在大型没落封建家 庭。在小说的核心 是贾宝玉,林黛玉 和薛宝钗的爱情悲 剧故事。
Lin Daiyu
She is also a rebellious figure of the novel. She represents ,to a certain degree ,women’s unfortunate fate in feudal society, their resistance to its oppression and passionate pursuit for true love. But her weakness is in her restrained and fragile character

红楼梦 英文PPT介绍

红楼梦 英文PPT介绍
Multi perspective narrative
The new employees a multi perspective narrative technique with different characters advancing their unique perspectives on events This allows readers to gain a deeper understanding of the characters and their motivations, and enhances the overall complexity and wealth of the story
explored in Dream of the Red Chamber
Influence of works
Literary Value
Considered a masterpiece in Chinese literature, it has influenced countless writers and works since its publication
complexity of both the Jia and Lin families
Wang Xifeng
Character Overview
Wang Xifeng is a supporting character in Dream of the Red Chamber and is considered one of the most important female characters in Chinese literature She is a strong willed and cunning woman who plays a pivotal role in the story



可叹停机德,堪怜咏絮才。 玉带林中挂,金簪雪里埋。
• Baochai marrys Baoyu, but doesn’t get happiness. She is considered to be a model of women. • The poem described the result of Daiyu and Baochai!
桃李春风结子完, 到头谁似一盆兰。 如冰水好空相妒, 枉与他人作笑谈。
• When she gave birth to her son, her husband died. She pin her faith on her son, and it’s fortunate that her son is good at study and revive(复 兴) Jia Fu. She has the best result in the midst of the twelve girls.
Have someone read the Story of the Stone ?
Presentation Title
Subheading goes here
• The story of the Stone, called one of the four classical novels, was written by Cao Xueqin in Qing dynasty. It describes the rise and fall of four big families, and uses the love between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu as the plotline(主线). • It is commonly believed that the novel’s first eighty chapter was written by Cao, but the rest was written by Gao E. However, the original author have given the general result of the novel in the form of poems at the fifth chapter. • Nowadays, I would introduce the twelve girls in Jinling(金 陵十二钗) to you!


She sinks at last in the mire.
桃李春风结子完,到头谁似一 盆兰。 如冰水好空相妒,枉与他人作 笑谈。
What time spring wanes, then fades the bloom of peach as well as plum! Who ever can like a pot of the olea be winsome! With ice thy purity will vie, vain their envy will be! In vain a laughingstock people will try to make of thee.
A thousand li the east wind blows
But her home in her dream is far away.
She sees through the transience of spring,
Dark Buddhist robes replace her garments fine; Pity this child of a wealthy noble house,
• Lin Daiyu • She is also a rebellious (反 抗的 )figure of the novel. She represents ,to a certain degree ,women’s unfortunate fate in feudal society, their resistance(抵 抗 ) to its oppression and passionate(热情的 ) pursuit for true love. But her weakness is in her restrained (受限制的 ) and fragile(虚弱的 ) character.


尽可能地还原了原著的特征,都增加了 bright一词显示出王熙凤眼神里流露出来的 聪明能干,传达人物的内在神韵。
• 《红楼梦》中用大量形容人物脸面 形状和肤质的词语且极赞美之情, 如“腮凝新荔,鼻腻鹅脂”“香 腮”“粉面含春”“面若银 盘”“面如春花”,面如桃 瓣”“面如秋月”。
为中国人和西方人一样以面包为主 食,而实际上东方人是以大米为主
食。这就抹煞了东西方在饮食文化 上的差异。
《红楼梦》英译本中外貌类形容词 的翻译对比
• 1、形容头发的词语的翻译:
• 头发在中国传统的审美观里是衡量 女子貌美 的淡青的色泽。《红楼 梦》用到形容头发的词语有: 云堆 翠髻、靛青的头、黑鬒鬒、漆黑、 油光、乌油似的头发。下面以 “乌油头发”为例作汉英对比分析。
• 译(2)I don‘t see what I am supposed to do without any capital. Even the cleverest housewife can’t make bread without flour.(Hawkes戴维 霍克斯)
• 在例句中,虽然rice与bread仅一字 之差,并不影响读者对原文意义的 理解,但霍氏的译文会让读者误以
• 另外,在《红楼梦》六十八回里形容王熙 凤的眼睛“目横丹凤,神凝三角”,杨译 为“her almond eyes were as bright as those of a phoenix”,霍译为“trigon phoenixeyes,slant,hard and bright”。两位译者尽
• (1)3黛玉纳罕道:“ 这些人个个皆敛声屏气, 恭肃严 整如此, 这来者系谁, 这样放诞无礼?”(曹雪芹 2007 :33) 霍译:`Everyone else around here seems to go a-

我最喜爱的书《红楼梦》英文简介 PPT

我最喜爱的书《红楼梦》英文简介 PPT

The most famous method the author used in this book is the homophonic allusion(谐音). We can see this performance everywhere.
For example, the 贾宝玉 voiced like 假宝玉,the 林黛玉 voiced like 怜待玉,the name of the four miss in mansion house of Jia called元 迎探惜,is voiced like原应叹息and so on.
The gift weak makes her a negative person and always thinks things with a native attitude. But we should admit that , lindaiyu is a beautiful girl ,and full of knowledge . The poetry She loves jiabaoyu and their love are Platon love(柏拉图式的恋爱). She is a fool in love(情痴)。She is bored for love ,lived for love and died for love. As the book said in the first ,she is bored to pay a debt of gratitude。
There are many beautiful poets in this book. Such as Five beautiful songs(五美吟), qiuchuangfengyuxi(秋窗 风雨夕) and so on. there are also many delicious food in the book, like Fried quail, Pheasant soup, Ham and bamboo shoots soup and Crab dumplings and so on.



Xue is a typical of the traditional ladyship:levelheaded, composure
The love between Jia and Lin is based on spirit and understanding.
Both Jiao and Lin hate the evil society, they love individual freedom and have democratic ideas, which are not corresponding to the era.
the Grand View Garden
The most classic edition
Made in 1987
2010, A new edition :horrible!
Bad costume Bad actors and actresses Terrible music Misshapen clothes Not catching hold of the spirit of this novel

My favorite edition, also made in 2010.It is called ‘the story of Daiyu’
It mainly talks about the love story between Jia and Lin
House of Reunion


Cao Xueqin

Cao Xueqin (? ~1764) was one of the most famous novelists and poets in the history of Chinese literature. Born in an influential Manchurian bureaucratic family, he had high cultural accomplishments and outstanding competence for art. he is said to be the greatest masterpiece of Chinese fiction.



Willows and elms, fresh and verdant, Care not if peach and plum blossom drift away; Next year, though once again you may peck the buds, From the beam of an empty room your nest will fall. Each year for three hundred and sixty days, The cutting wind and biting frost contend. How long can beauty flower fresh and fair? In a single day wind can whirl it to its end. 柳丝榆荚自芳菲,不管桃飘与李飞。 桃李明年能再发,明年闺中知有谁? 三月香巢初垒成,梁间燕子太无情。 明年花发虽可啄,却不道人去梁空巢也倾。 一年三百六十日,风刀霜剑严相逼。 明媚香妍能几时,一朝飘泊难寻觅。
Flower Funeral Song As blossoms fade and fly across the sky, Who pities the faded red, the scent that has been? Softly the gossamer floats over spring pavilions, Gently the willow fluff wafts to the embroidered screen. A girl in her chamber mourns the passing of spring, No relief from anxiety her poor heart knows, Hoe in hand she steps through her portal, Loath to tread on the blossom as she comes and goes. 花谢花飞飞满天,红消香断有谁怜? 游丝软系飘春榭,落絮轻沾扑绣帘。 闺中女儿惜春暮,愁绪满怀无释处。 手把花锄出绣闱,忍踏落花来复去。


❖ the triangular love ❖ the decay of a noble family
❖ Cao Xueqin
❖ Cao Xueqin (? ~1764) was one of the most famous novelists and poets in the history of Chinese literature. Born in an influential Manchurian bureaucratic family, he had high cultural accomplishments and outstanding competence for art. he is said to be the greatest masterpiece of Chinese fibeing tricked
Baoyu leaves the world of the "red dust" and becomes a monk
Different types of treasures Traditional delicious foods
poesy Architectures
❖ Switching between their life, the divine world and dreams, Baoyu becomes deranged after the disappearance of a stone (the origin of the title) which he had in his mouth when he was born
he is tricked to marrying Baochai, he thought the bride was Lin

红楼梦正册金陵十二钗判词英译 ppt课件

红楼梦正册金陵十二钗判词英译  ppt课件

戴维·霍克思(David Hawkes ): 英国汉学家,他的重大成就是翻译 一百二十回的《红楼梦》全译本, 他名之为《石头记》,这是英语世 纪第一个《红楼梦》全译本,也是 西方汉学史和翻译界一件大事。霍 克思为中国文学走向世界做出了重 大贡献。他也专研楚辞、杜诗等著 作。
大卫·霍克斯译的《枉凝眉》 Hope Betrayed One was a flower from paradise, One a pure jade without spot or stain. If each for the other one was not intended, Then why in this life did they meet again? And yet if fate had meant them for each other, Why was their earthly meeting all in vain? In vain were all her sighs and tears, In vain were all his anxious fears: All,insubstantial,doomed to pass, As moonlight mirrored in the water Or flowers reflected in a glass. How many tears from those poor eyes could flow, Which every season rained upon her woe?
林黛玉是林如海与贾敏的独女。因父母先后去世, 外祖母怜其孤独,接来荣国府抚养。虽然她是寄 人篱下的孤儿,但她生性孤傲,天真率直,和宝 玉同为封建的叛逆者。



第 三
要 人

贾宝玉:荣国府衔玉而诞的公子,前世真身为赤霞宫神瑛侍 者,现世贾政与王夫人之次子。
他作为荣国府的嫡派子孙,出身不凡,聪明灵秀,阖府捧为掌上明珠,对他寄 予厚望,他却走上了叛逆之路,痛恨八股文,批判程朱理学,给那些读书做官 的人起名“国贼禄蠹”。他不喜欢“正经书”,却偏爱《牡丹亭》《西厢记》 之类的“杂书”。他终日与家里的女孩们厮混,爱她们美丽纯洁,伤悼她们的 薄命悲剧。
他蔑视权贵,远离官场,过着贫困如洗的艰难日子。曹雪芹 素性放达,爱好广泛,对金石、诗书、绘画、园林、中医、 织补、工艺、饮食等均有所研究。他以坚韧不拔的毅力,历 经多年艰辛,终于创作出极具思想性、艺术性的伟大作品— —《红楼梦》。曹雪芹移居北京西郊后,生活更加穷苦, “满径蓬蒿”,“举家食粥酒常赊”。 乾隆二十七年(1762年),幼子夭亡,他陷于过度的忧伤 和悲痛,卧床不起。乾隆二十八年(1763年)除夕(2月12 日),因贫病无医而逝。关于曹雪芹逝世的年份,另有乾隆 二十九年除夕(1764年2月1日)、甲申(1764年)初春之 说。
"两弯似蹙非蹙笼烟眉,一双似喜非喜含情目,态生两靥之愁,娇袭一身之病。泪光点点, 娇喘微微。闲静似娇花照水,行动如弱柳扶风。心较比干多一窍,病如西子胜三分。”
这句写林黛玉。这个只是虚的表面描写,用词自是如王维诗化般的语言,并不能很深刻 的揭示出林黛玉的性格。

者 简
第 二
曹雪芹(约1715年5月28日—约1763年2月12日) ,名霑, 字梦阮,号雪芹,又号芹溪、芹圃,中国古典名著《红楼 梦》的作者,祖籍存在争议(辽宁辽阳、河北丰润或辽宁 铁岭 ),出生于江宁(今南京),曹雪芹出身清代内务府 正白旗包衣世家,他是江宁织造曹寅之孙 ,曹顒之子 (一说曹頫之子) 。 康熙五十四年(1715年)正月,时任江宁织造的曹顒在北 京述职期间病逝。康熙大帝恩旨,以曹顒堂弟曹頫过继给 曹寅,接任江宁织造。是年三月初七,曹頫奏折:“奴才 之嫂马氏,因现怀妊孕已及七月。”此遗腹子即曹雪芹 , 于四月二十六日(公历1715年5月28日) 生于南京江宁织 造府 。


❖ at least ten years
❖ description of the rise and fall of an influential noble family
❖ he created a great number of typical characters
❖ He sang ebullient(热情洋溢的 ) praises of both
❖ Listening dramas(戏剧 )
❖ Flying kites
❖ Switching between their life, the divine(天赐 的) world and dreams, Baoyu becomes deranged(狂乱的 ) after the disappearance
❖ In each poem, it hints(暗示) the fate of each fem
欲洁何曾洁,云空未必空. 可怜金玉质,终陷淖泥中. Chastity is her wish, seclusion her desire; Alas, though fine as gold or jad e, she sinks at last in the mire.t comes to this book ,what will you think about?
❖ the encyclopedia of Feudal society (封建社会的百科全书)
❖ One of the four masterpieces of novels in China
❖ the triangular love(三角恋) ❖ the decay (腐朽 )of a noble(贵族 ) family

《红楼梦》的英文简介 ppt课件

《红楼梦》的英文简介 ppt课件
• 如果老师最后没有总结一节课的重点的难点,你 是否会认为老师的教学方法需要改进?
• 你所经历的课堂,是讲座式还是讨论式? • 教师的教鞭
• “不怕太阳晒,也不怕那风雨狂,只怕先生骂我 笨,没有学问无颜见爹娘 ……”
• “太阳当空照,花儿对我笑,小鸟说早早早……”
CAO XUEQIN (1715-1763) was born
Lin Daiyu
The characters in “a dream of Red Mansions” ,I like Lin Daiyu the most .she is a proud and arrogant girl, especially the《Bury flower words》 (葬花词), weakness with unyielding stubborn. Certainly, she has some shortcomings, willful, and bit narrow-minded, but no one is perfect.The most impressive is the《 Chant white Begonia 》 (《咏白海棠》) in “the stolen three white pear pistil, borrow clubs a wisp of soul.”(偷来梨蕊三 分白,借得梅花一缕魂。)" Steal"," borrow" two words are great.
Xue Baochai
• Xue Baochai is a feudal society of women‘s requirements of the typical representative(封建社会对女子要求的典 型代表人物). Her appearance bring the love of baodai to be a triangular relationship. In this relationship, who are all right,and vicitims(牺牲品).



Lin Daiyu
The characters in “a dream of Red Mansions” ,I like Lin Daiyu the most .she is a proud and arrogant girl, especially the《Bury flower words》 (葬花词), weakness with unyielding stubborn. Certainly, she has some shortcomings, willful, and bit narrow-minded, but no one is perfect.The most impressive is the《 Chant white Begonia 》(《咏 白海棠》) in “the stolen three white pear pistil, borrow clubs a wisp of soul.”(偷来梨蕊三分白, 借得梅花一缕魂。)" Steal"," borrow" two words are great.
Wang Xifeng
• Wang Xifeng, is a superwoman(女强人), just over twenty control of the Rongguo house. she knows how to win the favor of the edlers, and good at dealing with the interpersonal relationship. Her description of the simplest is the“hearded laughter before she opening red lips”(丹唇未启笑先闻).


Slang Terms
The Red Chamber Dream also includes some slang terms that were popular in Anhui China These terms can add a sense of authentication to the language and make it more fun to read and speak
Ideas and Slang in Dream of t
01 02 03
The Red Chamber Dream includes many collaborations that add color and authentication to the language These expressions can be used to enrich English conversation and make it more natural and lively
Introduction to Dream of the R
The background of Dream of the
The author of Dream of the Red Chamber is Cao Xueqin, a writer in the Qing Dynasty
The main events include the love story between Baoyu and Daiyu, as well as the family's decision and fall
Finally, Baoyu benefits a Monk and Daiyu dies of Illness
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Xue Baochai She is one of the principal characters in the classic Chinese novel Dream of the Red mansions. She is extremely beautiful and socially graceful, but is noted for her inner coldness .She is portrayed as a conventional woman of feudal society, and she is also a tragic figure.
• Exquisite and realistic plot • Rich literary and artistic quality • Mature and vivid language • Rich and colorful humanity characteristics • Complex and cruel social background • Beautiful and moving love sos
红楼梦有两个最有名的英文全译 本,分别是英国牛津大学教授大 卫.霍克斯(David Hawkes)译 本(The Story of the Stone)和 中国翻译家杨宪益和夫人戴乃迭 的合译本(A Dream of Red Mansions)。
The writing background of the A dream of red mansions
Jinling twelve Chai
• 1、Lin Daiyu • 3、Jia Yuanchun Chun • 5、Shixiangyun • 7、Jia Yingchun • 9、Wang Xifeng • 11、Li Wan 2、XueBaochai 4、Jia Tan
6、Miaoyu 8、Jia Xichun 10、Jia Qiao 12、Qingkeqin
CAO XUEQIN (1715?-63) was born into a family which for three generations held the office of Commissioner of Imperial Textiles in NanJing, a family so wealthy that they were able to entertain the Emperor four times. But calamity overtook them and their property was confiscated. Cao XueQin was living in poverty near Peking when he wrote his famous novel “The Story of the Stone”
• 周汝昌:《红楼梦》是我们中华民族的一部古往今来、绝无仅有的 “文化小说”。从所有中国明清两代重要小说来看,没有哪一部能像 《红楼梦》具有如此惊人广博而深厚的文化内涵的了。 • 鲁迅:其要点在敢于如实描写,并不讳饰,和从前的小说叙好人完全 是好,坏人完全是坏的,大不相同。所以其中所叙的人物,都是真的 人物。总之,自有《红楼梦》出来以后,传统的思想和写法都打破 了”。 • 张爱玲:有人说过“三大恨事”是“一恨鲥鱼多刺,二恨海棠无香”, 第三件不记得了,也许因为我下意识的觉得应当是“三恨红楼梦未 完”。 • 宗璞:《红楼梦》是一部挖掘不尽的书,随着时代的变迁,读者的更 换,会产生新的内容,新的活力。它本身是无价之宝,又起着聚宝盆 的作用,把种种的睿思,色色深情都聚在周围,发出耀目的光辉。”
The background should be during Emperor kangxi yongzheng in Qing dynasty.Cao's ancestors were popular Kangxi,therefore he grew up in prosperous wealth.However in the early yongzheng,his family was badly hit due to the feudal ruling class internal struggle.And then he has led a poor life.This turing made him learn more about the essence of the feudal social system.Since then he concentrated on writing.
Lin Daiyu
She is also a rebellious figure of the novel. She represents ,to a certain degree ,women’s unfortunate fate in feudal society, their resistance to its oppression and passionate pursuit for true love. But her weakness is in her restrained and fragile character
when it comes to this book,what will you think about?
• The encyclopedia of Feudal society(封建 社会的百科全书) • one of the four masterpieces(杰作) of novels in China • the triangular(三角的) love • the decay(衰退) of a noble(贵族的) family
• The Story of the Stone can be referred to as an encyclopedia of Feudal society and i think it also can be described as an encyclopedia of life.It reflects the era at that time.The novel use aristocratic society's life situation.It vividly describes the end of 18th century China feudal society's entire life.It is a mirror of the history of life and the microcosm. China's ancient feudal society has irreversibly collapse.(崩溃瓦解)
• Some people said cao xueqin's work of A Dream of Red Mansions is just about art, and it can not be involved in politics. I don't see it that way. • The darkness of officialdom(官僚主义) • The decadent feudal aristocracy(腐朽的封建 贵族) • The ruthless imperial examination system(无 情的科举制度) • The ancient marriage system of inequality
A Dream of Red Mansions describes the life and declining fortunes of a large feudal family. At the heart of the novel is a tragic love story between Jia Baoyu, Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai
红楼梦介绍了生活 在大型没落封建家 庭。在小说的核心 是贾宝玉,林黛玉 和薛宝钗的爱情悲 剧故事。
Baoyu is a rebel of feudal noble class. His rebellious character is fully expressed in his attitude of indifference to the ways of aristocratic life .He holds in contempt the tiresome men and greatly sympathizes with women, oppressed and trampled by the feudal system, demonstrating his distinct democratic thoughts
A Dream of the red mansions
Different transalation of "红楼梦“ The introduction of the author and the dynasty
Major characters and the main plot