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1. Whi ch A TC u ni t d o y ou w or k in?你在那个空管部门工作?

I work in Tower Control unit belonging to Xi'an Xian Yang international airport.

2. What’ your position now and what’s the main responsibility of your position?


I am an instructor and I take charge of all the flights’ leaving and arriving.

3.Have you ever received some training related to air traffic control

recently? Could you say something about that?


Yes, I have. I received the radar simulation training during my try-on period. That was the first time I got into some practical emergent situations. And, I do think I learned a lot in that training.

Let’s talk about abnormal situations

4. What kind of abnormal situations have you ever experienced in the past? 过去,什么类型的不正常情况是你经历过的?

Well, almost everyone described in the text book: Radar failure, communication failure, TCAS and instrument failure, engine failure,windshield problem caused by bird strike , pressurization failure and decompression.

5. According to your understanding, what are the main principles when dealing with abnormal situations?


I think we must keep calm when talk with pilot through the transmitter, make sure the nature of emergency and pilot intention, maintain safety separation, and give pilot sufficient time and maximum support to work

on their problem.

6. What personality should an air traffic controller have when dealing with abnormal or emergency situations?


An air traffic controller must be clear minded and calm, for the controller is the very person who instruct the aircraft out of emergency.

7. Do you have standard procedures for abnormal or emergency situations in your control unit? Could you please give an example? 在你的管制部门,有标准程序应对不正常或紧急事件吗?你能给举个例子吗?

Yes, we have. When radar failure occurs, we advise aircraft radar failure and resume procedure control; Then, we establish procedure separation, report to radar maintenance man and leader; advise other control units radar failure and make the aircraft wait in their area according to radar failure procedure.

8.Have you ever had trouble in communicating with foreign pilots when

dealing with abnormal situations? If yes, how did you overcome the trouble to ensure flight safety?


Yes, I have. Sometimes it’s hard to understand the pilots because of their fast talking speed and unusual expression. Last time I met this situation, we repeated our sentences very slowly for many times until we could understand each other. To solve it, we must practice our spoken English and listening. Furthermore, both the pilots and we must use standard communication (to avoid any possible misunderstanding).

9.Assume the flight crew report that one passenger onboard had a heart

attack, how do you handle the situation when you are on duty?

